269764 WHITE - CITV CLERK . . � ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council . CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File� � NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To , Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Plat of "Riverview lndustrial Park No. 3" as recommended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. �� COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler �� Publ ic Works � In Favor , Hunt ° � ,�-� ,��,;'d� � i � �-r __ Against By Danie J. Dun ord, irector TJE MPM Sylvester /�'l� Tedesco � SEP � 3 � Form Approved by C' Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s d b Cou ci( S tary BY By Approved b or: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By — BY QUBLISHEO SEP 2 4 1977 t�M 03:: �2�1975 Rev. c 9/8f76 �XPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORAIN��NCES � . : (.��7 /�� Date: August 25� 1977 T0: MAYOR GEORSE LATIMER � . F�; Elaaiel J. �Danfo�^d, Director of Publ ic ibrks g�; T� propos�d platting of "IRiverviaw Ind�rstrial Park 1b. 3" � . , ACTI�Pd ?'�QJESTED: , Approvai for subaiission to.C�uncil . - : - �URQOSE fiND R�iTIONALE _FOR .TAIS ACTION: ' � Gounci 1 approvsl is� necessaryt prior to the�f i l ing of the propossd p1a#. AEx`�,CFi�iEr1TS: 1 . Resoiwtlan � �� � 2, Proposed plat of "River�riev+ ind�strisi Rsrk !b. 3" TJEIl�M'M/J� � , ; ; v v 1 1 � • CHARLES 0, GEORGI COMPANY CIVIL EN6INEERING & LAND SURVEYING '�y by Have hereunto set our honds and seoi this ��`�'day of _ LZu� - �977. � I by - - - - Signed� Port Au ority of t�he C�ity o�aint Paul, a Minnesota Corporation. 11 once � ' ; 3 feet �-_� ._ � - - - - - �-�-- ��-� - - - - - - - ����- - - - - - - - - - . . _ _. aS Nome���- - Title et � n �lobama �-' - - - � - -�-- - �: - 1�?�'• . - - - - - � - - - Name —G=G�r� T�t le �f t he ,labomo Signed: � angle d) os �n le - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 9 Jock N. Geller Lillion D. Geller �3.59' _ I �gent �nce :ft, o >oklynd, ( i for ley, I the hoi f �nd oted, �rth• ( �-half t lnessee � ad jo i n- �sterly �klynd, )feet woy; � >t line utherly pa rt :h lies rallel .S State of Minnesota � n of County of Romsey �s.s. � f line 7he foregoing instrument wos ocknowledged before me this .lG_�' .doy of L��� - - .1977 � :nt bY_���'�uJ 4J,c-��-`'- - - - its .�_ . _ . _ . . - - � - - - - - ond by �'n�_ _��� - - �is ���=`�- - - - - - he of Port Authorit of the Cit of Saint Paul, � Y Y Minnesota, a Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of th�ec�G� �eY co�porotion. ' lynd, for �1�.�� � ����,(�QJ - - - �- -- f Notory Public, Romsey County, Minnesoto ;y My Commission expires �q yft- , :FF.".�t�i+.R�CO�.s�)�+�r,'"td ��G'd.v�>-.# .�— ted, � . � ��: '; �'� �: a. ;�;:�•'%":;. ��A�'.l"i n� . n..� i�. ��6„�La. �. �1 v� . �°:,i',. .ct,i S��i �{r�Tr�:tY��'�.�Lr�..i�+^'kK�'�'�di�� 4 �iT� Fa 1Q� p���{F�C� � � � � .,J � �rl{:r�lr'y� 4.S'et'�-7i!'.G � � . � . � ' ' �'� � . C�e�-.��_.,�'7il�iP.�Aii�+: t.���r II �1 � . . � . . . � — ..��o:,.p,.�,,,�,:,7,p-.n_+•,t�.rr.a�vr�'..JO"dhWL�+.i^I�":+l�M�<+s�: id State of Minnesoto � s.s. �'A" County of Ramsey �et, The foregoing instrument was ocknowledged before me this _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eof �977 by Jock N. Geller ond Lillian D. Geller, husband ond wife. �se �d he Notary Public, Romsey County, Minnesoto My Commission expires _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40y ).3 . _ - _ COPY � . CHARLES 0. GEORGI COM URVEYING CIVIL ENG1NEERING & LANO S . 1977, et our hands and seol t his ���'daY of - ��''`�'"�' . . . � be described; thence Southerly by Have hereunto s �`'` ned� Port Au orily of t�e ,'tY of oint Paul, a Minnesoto Corporat�on. 1 3 9,2 7 f e e t; thence Northerly by S;9 / �'�` ` ' - - - - - - - - . �feet to the point of curve; ,!. '/;' � J� _ �� ?8:94') to t h e r i g h t f o r o distonce _ `- - - L ��� T i t l e 2 - -�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - � o s e x t e n d e d paro l le l wi t h o n d 7 8 f e e t Na� . - - herl line of Alabama Sireet os . - --_- � . _ - - - - , $OU1 y �y _ _ �_n-�G�� Title andotte Street _ . _ _�- ]fi pa�t Of V�Cafed Wy Name �tersection of the Southerly line of Alabama i point being 69391 feet Eosnerof Alab mo Signed: 'asterly olong soid Southerly I _ � _ _ _ bed;`thenceSoutherly by a deflection �n9�e __ - - _ Lillian D. Geller ineof Nogosoki Rood (Airport� Road) os _�o�k N. �e1�e� �od '(Qirport Road) by o deflection angle _ - - >ang_1e=, 10°03' . to the right,.R=1603.59 _ osterly ono�curve, iniersection angle = �e Northe�ly at right angles.fothe tnngent . outlierly line of Alabomo�Street; thence flection ongleof 122 01 30��to the left, a Dunwell-ond Spencer:s Addition to 8rooklynd, : office of the Registec of Deed in and for luding thot port of the ad�oining cltey, Southwesterly line of said Block ond the nd'thot part of the 5outheosterly one-holfi ross soid alley of the Southwesterly ond terly one-holf of:Kentucky Street, vacated, e extension ocross said street of the' Nor.th- That pa�t of the.Norlheasterly one-holf . 28, lying between the centerlines of Tennessee ne-holf of Tennessee St�eet,vocated,adjoin- ension across soid street of the No�th�sterly n Dunwell ond Spencers Addit�on ta8rooklynd, ieriy of o line drown Para��el to ond 'SOfeei �d PoCific Roilroad ComPa�Ys �ight-of-woy; �� to ond 649.75 feet West from the East line �f o`l:i ne draw n paral le I t o and 50 feei Southerly �ai`frood Compony's riqht-of-woy; That part y ceason of the vocntion thereof and �wh�ch lies , t of Minnesoto � �Iy line ofsaid Loi I ond a line drawn para�lel Sta e �S,s.. Rock lsland nnd Pacific Railrood Compony's County of Romsey soid lots by reoson of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .lG_-._ .day of - _ 1 �ted, which occrued to � terl line - _ _ . _ . . . and by ��:"-- �� , - � wW�—�, _ its .l�_ - -� - � on � s across said street of fhe Southwes Y by_���s�! Minnesota, a Minnesota Corporation, Wesf`from fhe East line of soid Govemment of Port Authority of the City of Saint Pau�, , �ichaccrued to said Lot l byreoson of the . �o�poration. � �-,� n '- �' � t of the centerline of said alley �•_ f�'�"" o5s so�d stree - - - � -- - - ,in�"Dunwe�� and Spencer's Addition bBrooklYnd, - - �Notory Public, Romsey o' � __ _ _ . My^C�om���,�FXP��S�- n the office of the Register of Deeds�in ond for , . 7 l4A.rnT�'� "�•�� _ ,. . .. .. �.- . . � Y � .,. - . . . . . , . . . : olley, . ; �� a�`: �azaKV��+�u F:� tfie So�ltheastecly hnlf�of.tbe ad�o.�ning � ,�;�,� r�r��,rt,�,� �, � � 4tn Street, vacated, , .. ... :�°: .� ���:;�„y���F, Kentu�cky S?reet;,:formerly� : i..�,��.�..��-.�.'��;�.�-�� �id street of the Soufhwesterty I�ne',ofsaid Lot 6, � irts of Lots 7 and 6, 81n�k 28, #ogether with • . : �ated, and�that part of the Sautheosterly holf of � Stote of Minnesota S,s. ' eosterl of the extension ocross soid y Count of Ramsey � efore me this _ _ _ day of _ 1ying Nortn Y Y �;,all which lies Southerly�and Westerly of L��e_ A• The foregoing instrument wos acknowledged b �rth�vesterly holf ofadjoining Tennessee'Street, 1977 by Jack N. Geller and Lillian D. Geller; husband ond wife. to ond 649.75 feet West from the Eost line of _ .s Southerly and Westerly of Line ''A" � Those Notory Public, Ramsey C �sterly hnlf oFthe odjoining olley, vacoted, and (�Iy Commission expires _ � ly F St�eet, vocoted, lyin9 Northwesterly of the �,.,. Nesierly of Line. "A; oll in Ounwell ond �nd �orollel to the centerline of the right•of-way CITY OF SAINT PAUL RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Know All Persons 8y These Presents thot: Port Authority of the City of Saint Poul, o Minnesoto corporation and Jack N. Geller ond Lillion D. Geller, husband ond wife �� owners of �the following described property situated in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Min ;:� i4; Lots I, 2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9,IO,If and 12, Block 7, Town of Brooklynd, together with that porti olley and thot portion of Tennessee Street, Wyandotte Street, Kentucky Street and Chester S vacoted, which occrued to the respective lots odjocent thereto, except purt of Lots 10, I I ond I Tennessee Street and vacated Chester Street lying within the following described lines; Co the intersection of the Southerly line of Alabomo Street ond the Eosterly right-of-way line of Rood, soid point being 693.91 feet Easterly of the Northwest corne� of Block II, Town of 8 thence Northeasterly along soid Southe�ly line of Alaboma Street 302 feet to the point of be the land to be described; thence Southerly by a deflection angle of 122°07' to the right o 366.12 feet to the Northerly line of Nagosaki Rood (Airport Rood ) os widened; thence E olong the Northerly line of Nagosaki Road (Airport Road) by a deflection angle of 103°4 the left, to the tongent of a curve, intersection ongle= 10°03' to the right, R= 1603.59' o of 281.27 feet to the point of compound curve; thence Easterly on o curve, intersection o 38' 50" to the riqht, R = 1255', o distonce of 79.89 feet; thence Norther�y at right o tangent on a rodiol line of said curve o distonce of 544.48 feet tothe Southerly line of Alo Street; thence Southwesterly olong the Southerly line of Alabama by o deflection ongle 01' 30" to the left, o distonce of 421.02 feet to the point of beginning, occording to the plot thereof on file ond of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in ond for Romsey C Minnesota. Parcel I. �ot 12, Block 8, Town of Brooklynd, together with ihe vocated alle�r ond iion of Tennessee Street ond Minnetonko Street, as vocoted, which occrued to Lot 12 odj to� occording to the plot thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Dee � for Romsey Cour�ty, Minnesota, except thot port deeded to the State of Minnesoto by deed ember 21, 1967 as Document Number 518063. ' Porcel 2. Lots 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9, IOond II, Block 8 , Town of 8rooklynd, together wi1 cated olley ond ihot por�ion of Tennessee Street� Minnetonko Street, Kentucky Street ond Street, as vaCated, which accrued to the respective lots odjocerrt thereto, except port of Lot g and voco�ed Ches�er ond Tennessee Streets ly�ng w�th�n the followiny described lines: c ot the intersection of the Southerly line of Alabomo Street ond the Easterly right-Of-wOy IinE Lafayette Rood, said point being 693.91 feet Eosterly of the Northwest Corner of B�ock II, Ta Brooklynd; thence Northeosterly olong soid Southerly line of Alobomo Street 302 feet to t of begin�ing of the land to be described; thence Soufherly by a deflec#ion angle of 122°0 right a distonce of 366.12 feet to the Northerly line of Nogosoki Road ( Airport Rood) os wide� thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Nagosoki Road ( Airport Road) by a deflection ong 103°47'20" to the left, to the tangent of n curve, intersection angle = 10°03' to the right, R o distonce of 281.27 feet to the point of compound curve; thence Easterly on a curve, tion angle= 3°38'S0" to the right, R=1255', o distance of 79.89 feet; thence Northerly at to the tongent on o rodiat line of soid curve o distonce of 544.48 feet to the Southerly b bama Street; thence Southwesterly olong the Southerly line of Alabama Street by o deflec of 122°01'30" to the left, o distance of 421.02 feet to the point of beginning, occording to t thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Romsey County, except thot port deeded to the State of Minnesota by deed dated November 21, 1967 os Ooi Number 518063. That part of the Southwesterly I/2 of Minnetonko Street, vacated, adjoining Lot 6, 81oc1 Brooklynd, lying Northerly of the Northerly line of Fillmore Ave. and Easterly of the Eost of Lofoyette Rood. Lots 1,2,3,4,7, 8,9, 10,I I ond 12, Block 13, Town of Brooklynd, together with the olley portion of Tennessee Sireet and Minnetonka Street, os vocoted, which occrued to the resp� o�ljacent thereto, except parts of Lots 3,4,7,8, the vocated olley and Tennessee Street lyir the following described lines: Commencing at the intersection of the Southerly line of ! Street and the Eosterly right-of-way line of Lofayette Road, said point being 693.91 feet of the Northwest corner of Block II, Town of Brooklynd; thence Northeasterly olong sc erly line of Alaboma Street 302 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be describe thence Southerly by a deflection ongle of 122°07' to the right a distance of 366.12 feet ta Northerly line of Nogasoki Road ( Airport Road) as widened; thence Eosterly along the N� line of Nagosoki Road (Airport Road) by a deflection ongle of 103°47'20" to the left, to gent of o curve, intersection angle = 10°03' to the right, R= 1603.59' o distance of 281.27 the point of compound curve; thence Edsterly on o curve, intersection angle= 3°36'50" to R=1255', a distance of 79.89 feet; thence Northerly ot right angles to the tanqent on � c��rr � . CHARLES 0. GEORGI COMPANY CIVIL ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING scribed; thence Southerly by a deflection ongle of 122°07' to the right o distonce of 366.12 feet to the Northe�ly line of Nogasoki Road (Airport Road) as widened; thence Easterly olong the North- erly line of Nagasaki Rood (Airport Road) by a deflection angle of 103°47'20" to the left, to the tangent of a curve, intersection ongle= 10°03' to the right, R=1603.59' o distance of 281.27 feet to the point of compound curve; thence Eosterly on a curve, intersection angle = 3°38'50" to the right, R=1255', o distance of 79.89 feet; thence Northerly at right angles to the tongent on o rodiol line esoto: of soid curve o distonce of 544.48 feet to the Southerly line of A�oboma Street; thence Southwest- erly along the Southerly line of Alobama Street by o deflection angle of 122°01'30" to the left, o n of the distonce of 421.02 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to o utility eosement on and across reet, os the Westerly 10 feet of said parcel. See Document Number 503505, and; Commencing at the !, vocated interseciion of the Southerly line of Alobomo Street ond the Easterly right-of-woy line of nencing at Lofoyette Rood, said point being 693.91 feet Eosterly of the Northwest corner of Block II, Town of ofoyette Brooklynd; thence Northeosterly along said Southerly line of Alaboma Street 672.49 feet to the �oklynd; beginning of curve; thence olong a tongential curve of 4°07'50" (R=685.94') to the right 49.45 inning of feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence Southerly by a deflection angle listance of of I17°53'40" to the right for o distance of 139.27 feet; thence Northerly by a deflection angle �terly of 178° to the left for a distance of 19.20 feet to the point of curve; thence Northeosterly on a �'20" to tangential curve of 30°57'20" (R=278.94') to the right for o distonce of 150.70 feet to o point listance on the Southerly line of Alaboma Street as extended porollel with ond 78 feet from the centerline gle= 3° of Railrood irocks; thence Westerly olong the Southerly line of Alabumo �treet as extended �les to the 50.41 feet to the point of beginning; according to the recorded plats thereof on file and of omo reco�d in the office of the Register of Deeds in ond for said County. Subject to Restrictions �f 122° and Conditions contained in Document Number 503505, recorded Lots 4,5,6 and 7, Block 14, Town of Brooklynd. together with the alley and that portion of unty, Tennessee Street and Wyondotte St�eet, as vocoted, which accrued to the respective lots odjo- cent thereto, except that port of said Lots and vocoted olley, Wyandotte Street ond Tennessee Ihot por- Street lying within the following described lines: Commencing at the inte�section of the Southerly cent there- line of Alobama Street and the Eosterly riyht-of-woy line of Lafoyette Road, said point being Is in and 693.91 feet Eosterly of the Northwest corner of 81ock I I, Town of Brooklynd; thence Northeasterly '�oted Nov- along soid Southerly line of Alabama Street 302 feet to the point of beginning of the lond to be de- scribed; thenee Southerly by o deflection angle of 122°07' to the right o distance of 366.12 feet h the vo- to the Northerly line of Nogasoki Rood (Airport Road) os widened; thence Eosterly olong the North- Chester erly line of Nogosoki Rood (Airport Rood) by a deflection angle of 103°47'20" to the left, to the ton- s 7 ond gent of o curve, intersection angle= 10°03' to the right, R=1603.59' o distonce of 281.27 feet to the :ommencing point of compound curve; thence Easterly on a curve, intersection angle=3°38'S0" to the right, R= : of 1255', o distonce of 79.89 feet; thence No�therly at riqht angles to the tungent on o radial line of wn of soid curve a distonce of 544.48 feet to the Southerly line of Alabama Street; thence Southwesterly he point olong the SQUtherly line of Alaboma Street by o deflection angle of 122°01'30" to the left� a dis- 7' to the tance of 421.02 feet to the point of beginning; olso except thot port of Lot 7 ond vocoted wyon- ►ed; dotte Street lying within the following described lines: Commencing ot the inte�section of the South- le of erly line of Alabomo Street and the Eosterly righi-of-woy line of Lofoyette Rood, said point being -1603.59' 693.91 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of Block II, Town of Brooklynd; thence Northeasterly intersec- olong said Southe�ly line of Aloboma Street 672.49 feet to the beginning of curve ; thence along �ight ongles o tangential curve of 4°07'S0" (R=685.94') to the ri�t 49.45 feet to the point of beginning of the ne of Alo- lond to be described; thence Southerly by a deflection ongle of 117°53'40" to the right for o dis- ion angle tonce of 139.27 feet; thence Northerly by o deflection ongle of 178° to the left for o distance of ae plot 19.20 feet to the point �of curve; thence Northeasterly on o tangential curve of 30°57'20" (R=278.94') 'Minnesolo, to the right for a distance of 150.70 feet to o point on ihe Southerly line of Alobamo Street os extend- ument ed porallel with and 76 feet from the centerline of Roilroad trocks; thence Westerly along the South- erly line of Alabamo Street as extended 50.41 feet to the point of beginning, occording to the plat ', 12, Town of thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in ond for Ramsey County, ;rly line Minnesoto, ' That part of Lot 6, Block 2, Dunwell ond Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, which lies Northeast- ond that erly of o line run parollel with ond distont 22 feet Southwesterly of the following described line: ;ctive lots From o point on the North line of Section 8, T 28 N, R 22 W, distont 863.72 feet East of the g within North quorter corner the�eof, run Southeasterly at an oc�gle of 69°17'48" with soid North Section �loboma line for 429.96 feet; thence deflect to the right ot on angle of I I°18'30" for 242.77 feet; Eosterly thence deflect to the left ot on ongle of 39°41'15" for 225.49 feet to the point of beginning of id South- the line to be described; thence deflect to the left at an ongle of 140°IS'45" for 132.64 feet; d+ thence deflect to the left on a I°54'15" curve (�= II°IS'30") for 593.87 feet; thence on tun- !the gent to said curve for 580:25 feet; thence deflect to the left on o 0°10' curve (�=0°14'30") jrtherly for 145 feet; thence on tongent to soid curve for 1229.5 feet; thence deflect to the rigfit on o the ton- 6°00' curve (�= 14°15'12") for 237.56 feet; thence deflect to the �eft on o 6°00' curve (�=22°45') feet to for 379.17 feet; thence on tongent to said curve for 26.98 feet; thence deflect to the right on 'the right, 0 2°00' curve (�=7°14') for 361.67 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 645.61 feet; o rodial thence deflect to the right on a 6°00' curve (�=IS°00') for 300 feet; thence on tanqent to .�....,... - . . - - - - _ co . Scaie ir. feet l0 0 75 50 25 0 50 100 200 SCALE I inch= 100 feet JNT PAUL CHARLES 0. 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