269756 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 /�����
BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ��j vv
uncil Resolution
Presented By � `
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Resolved, that pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes,
Section 475,71, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the �
Mayor, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services and the
City Clerk toissue registered baf�ds of the City of Saint Paul to Catharine G.
Rosen, Saint Paul, Minnesota, said registered bonds described on the list
attached to this resolution to be issued at the office of the Department of
Finance and Management Services and to be done under the direction and supervision
of the Finance Committee; provided, however, that such registered bonds so issued
shall not incur any new liability on the City or extend the time of maturity of the
coupon bonds which have been authorized or issued, and in place of which they are
ordered issued, but shall only bind the cityib the same manner and to the same
extent as bound by said coupon bonds or as provided in and by Chapter 475,
Minnesota Statutes; the manner of cancellation of such registered bonds and the
form of registered bond to be as prescribed by the Finance Committe.e� The
Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to pay current inter-
est on such registered bonds by check.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler � Finance & Mgmt ervices
�e�., In Favor
R�r __�_ Against BY
3/ �� Director
Tedesco S�P
' 3 1977 Form Approv by City Attor
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified a s d Coun .il etar BY
SEP t 5 1 Approv by ayor for ssion to Council
Approved by ' ayor. Date
�UBLISHED SEP � 4 19�7
Bonds to be registered in name of Catharine G. Rosen:
Registered Bond Exchanged for Issued in lieu of the following
No. Reg. Bond No. described coupon bearer bonds: Bond Amount
SS 3353 School Improvement Bonds, Series 4, 10,000.0�
2.40%, dated March 1, 1956 due March 1,
1979, numbered 1431-1440.
56 3399 General Improvement Bonds, Series 1, 2.25%, 5,000.00
dated April 1, 1954, due April 1, 1981,
numbered 75389-75393.
57 3440 General Improvement Bonds, Series 2, 2.109'0, 20,000.00
dated May 1, 1955, due 1Kay 1, 1981, numbered
84188-84194, 842I5-84227.
58 3354 Water Works Bonds, Series 1955A, 2.10%, 10,000.00
dated May 1, 1955, due May 1, 1981,
numbered 79304-79313.
59 3392 and Capitol Approach Improvement Bonds, 15,000.00
3393 Series 3, 2.20%, dated January 1, 1954, due �
January 1, 1982, numbered 72329-72338 and
72339-72343 respectively.
60 3432 General Improvement Bonds, Series 1', 2.25%, 10,000.OQ
dated April 1, 1954, due April 1, 1982,
numbered 75433-75442.
61 3434 School Improvement Bonds, Series 1, 2,25�, 1U,000.00
dated April 1, 1954, due April 1, 1982,
numbered 77779-77788. �
62 3433 General Improvement Bonds, Series 1, 2.25%, 20,OOQ.00
dated April 1, 1954, due April 1, 1983,
numbered 75574, 75594-75612.
63 3373 General Improvement Bonds, Series 1, 2.2590, ' 10,000.00
dated April 1, 1954, due April 1, I984, �
numbered 75724-75733.
64 3356 and General Improvement Bonds, Series 2, 2.10%, 25,000.00
3360 dated May 1, 1955, due May l, 1984, numbered '
84759-84768 and 84789-84803 respectively.
65 3355 Water Works Bonds, Series I955A, 2.10%, dated I0,000.00
May 1, 1955, due May 1, 1984, numbered 79494-
66 3435 General Improvement Bonds, Series 3, 2.25%; 5,000.00
dated November 1, 1955, due November 1, 1984, �
numbered 85786-85790.
67 3357 General Improvement Bonds, Series 4, 2.50%, 10,000.00
dated 3une 1, 1956, due June 1, 1985,
numbered 7771-7780.
68 3358 General Improvement Bonds, Series 3, 2.25%, 15,Q00.00
dated November 1, 1955, due November 1, 1985,
numbered 85806-85820.
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