01-530Council File # p� � S3� '�`°"`'�? ��'''1 . �.�l:i::��'\lr Presented Referred To R�Sf3L[!"FI.ON C1TY OF �`���,�'�3tj��NNESOTA Green Sheet # ��L� 3�7 Co�ittee Date 1 An Admiiristrative Resolution to change the Mivimum Qualifications of the titles/classes "Sewer Supervisor IT" and "Sewer Supervisor IIP'. 0 5 0 WHEREAS there has been a challenge to a change in the class specification for Sewer Supervisor III and Sewer Supervisor II by the Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Association, and WHEREAS Civil Service Rule 32 requires that when such challenges occur, the changes must be approved by resolution of the Council, now therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, that the mirrimum qualificarions for the class entitled Sewer Supervisor II shall be changed from: 10 "Must have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class I1 S-C certificate issues by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must 12 haue a valid Class C driver's license, or equivalent out of state driver's license, with no 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 To: suspensions or revocarions within the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)," "Must have three years experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S- B Wastewater Treatrnent Facility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations witlun the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for pazking-related offenses excluded)," and BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the minunum qualifications for the class entitled 23 Sewer Supervisor III shall be changed from: 24 "Must have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisar I or equivalent; must possess a Class 25 S-B certificate issues by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must 26 � have a valid Class C driver's license, or equivalent out of state driver's license, with no Ot� 53p 27 suspensions or revocations withiu the two year period prior to the date of appointment 28 (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)." 29 To: 30 "Must have three yeazs experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S- 31 A Wastewater Treatment Racility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control 32 Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota class D driver's license, or 33 equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two year 34 period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)," and 35 36 37 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval by the Council and the Civil Service Commission under the conditions set forth in Civil Service Rule 32. o c�' � �! D-c�.. m z..,- : -� 4, r , �a �r � � �°.�._ � �v zr• --° c'� c_ O !T?r C!1 Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hams � Lanhy ✓ Reiter � Adopted by Commcil: Date �,,� _ `� �_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �._ a- . 1-�, \ � ��_—��W � Approved by Mayor: Date �"�( ! By: Requested by Deparhnent o£ Office of Human Resouzces By: X `�IC1tv� �.��7�.t9�h � Form Ap roved by City Att ey B �k ( m� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ot-53D DEPARTMENf/OFFICF✓COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 106806 Human Resources May 9, 2001 ' CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: szTT.v✓nA2E � szTleLnAlzs John Shockley 266�482 b�GN Michael Foley 266-6h84 �1MBER 1 DEPARTMENT D g I � 5 CITY COUNCII, FOR C1TY ATTORNEY����I��tIpG C1TY CLIItK ML33T BE ON EOISI3CII. AGENDA BY (DATE) RODTING ��L�� �V DIIt TECH ffi MGT. SERVICES DIIt pgp� 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII-SERVICECOMMISSION As Soon As Possibie TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES (CL1Y ALL LOCAITONS FOR SIGNATCJRE) aCr[oN xEQUES'rEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing new mini�num qnalifications for the tides and classes of Sewer Supervisor II and Sewer Supervisor III in accordance with Civil Service Rule 32. RECOMMENDAITONS= Approve (A) oz Reject (R) � PERSONAL SERVICE CON'TRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 1. Has ihis person!£ssm ever wor&ed �mder a conh�act for this department? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has dtis pecson/fvm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICf COtJAT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII. QBIECTCVE? 3. Does this person/Fimi possess a sldll aot no�mally possessed by any c�¢rem city emplayee? Yes No Ezplain alt yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to grcen sheet nvrrzn�rnvcrxos�,M>�ssuE (Who ,wner,wneo > wne«,wnr):The Department of Pubiic Works requested the Human Resources Office to make a change to the minimum qual�cations for the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor II and Sewer Supervisor III. The Manua1 and Maintenance Supervisors who represent these classes object to the proposed changes These changes must be made since the change to the Sewer Supervisor III is a license that is required by the State and the change to the Sewer Supervisor II is a logical result. It is management's opinion that State law requires the City to hire someone with a Class A license as soon as possible. nnveiv�rncES � ArrxovEn: The City will be in compliance with State law. nisnnvnrrrncES � nrrxovEn: There are no known disadvantages. n�snnveiv�rncES � rrox nrrxovEn: The City Sewer function will not be in compliance with State law and the City may be fined or otherwise negatively affected by the State. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACl'ION: $ O COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED: NIA r�nvnare so�cE: N/A ncrivcTV rruMSEx: N/A FINANQAL INFORMAI'ION: (ERPI.AIN) N/A -.� E C[.— � V 8� � Gounci �tes�arch Genter MpY 1 g 2001 MAY 0 8 20Q1 �,r, �ITI� ATTORNEY G:�Shazed�Team2\CLASS�seweas�5.wpd _,._ __. ......:..•+�»°' � Sec32 Civil Service Kules back to Table of Contents(fndes City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 32. Class Spec�eatians 1 uT . .... . O l. _S'�p Class specifications shall not be a part of the Civil Service Rules but shall be ivaintained by the Human Resources Director as an administrative tool. The Human Resources Director may make changes in the class specifications as the Director sees fit. However, if a change in a class specification is challenged or protested by any individual or group, the change must be approved by resolufion of Yhe City Council. Such rules or amendments which are approved by the Council shall be submitted within five days of their passage to the Civil Service Commission for their approval or rejection. Within ten business days the Civil Service Commission sha11 either approve and sign the measure oz shall retizm it to the Council with a communication in writing stating their disapproval and the reason there£or. If the Commission neither signs nor vetoes the measure within ten business days, it sha11 be deemed approved Any such measure which is vetoed by the Civil Service Commission may be reconsidered by the Council and shali become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council within 30 days of the veto. Any such measure which has been reconsidered by the Council and repassed shall be deemed approved. bsek to YOD http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/huxnres/csrules/sec32.him 04/09/2001 Title of Class: ri `� a � �= � `� a* F �' `c ' �'` ! ` � .m? �3 y � `r. -' ¢ u � t � � � � sm2 �`�o- '�d .�C �'� SEWER SUPERVIS�R II Code: 809 $li: 10 Effecrive: OSlOZJ1989 Genexal Staiemeni of Atnies: Assi�s coordinaces, and dispatohes ihe work of field crews; mainl�ins records and supervises mamtenance of eauipment; and periorms related duties as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general suoervision of a higher level sewer supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Directly supervises lower level sewer supervisors and, tl�rough them, field crews. TYPIC_AL DUTIES PERFOItMED The Iisted examples may not inciude all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns and dispatches individuals within the Sewer Maintenance L7ivision to czews on a daily basis. Organizes daily work by priority and assigns specific crews to spec�c }obs in order to maximize efficiency and productivity. Supervises lower leveI sewer supervisors and indirectly supervises field crews. Evaivates periormance of lower level sewer supervisors. Maintains records of daily work operations. Prepazes and submits reports as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABILPI'IES, AND COMPET'ENCTES Considerable lmowledge of State and Federal sewer collection system reguiations and guideIines. Working knowledge of alI procedures related to daily operation of the Sewer Mainienance Division. Working l�owiedge of all equipment used in the Sewer Maintenance Division. Considerable ability to coordinate, delegate, and supervise the work of field crews. Working abiliry to establish collaborative relationslups with co-workers and the public. Working ability to prepare and presenf writEen and oral raports and recommendatious. Working ability to keep accurate records. O 1— S'30 (SEWER SUPERVISOR II) p� 1 of 2 ��� � ��� � �� Code: 809 Title oi Clzss: SEWERSUPERVLSORII BU: 10 Effective: 05/OZ/i989 MyNIML7M QZJALIFICATIOI3S �\-53 Must haae tYuea yeazs of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-C certincate issued bc the Minnesota Pollution Conffol Agency prior to agpointment; and musL possess a valid Minnesota Class C driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensiovs or revocations wirbin tha tu'o-Y�r P�od prior to the da.te of apoointment (suspensinns zor parldng-relaied offenses excluded). (SEWER SUPERVISOR I� Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPT'IOl�t OF WORK General Statement oi Duties: '':;>`.�' ; � ��f �r�3 � h? SEWER SUPERVISOR II Code: 809 BU: 10 Effective: O \ -S'3� Assi�s, coordinates, and dispatches the work of field crews; maintains records and supervises maintenance of equigment; and perfomis related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works �mder the general supervision of a higher level sewer supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: Directly supervises lower level sewer supervisors and, through them, field crews. TYPICAL DI3TIES PERFORMED The listed examples mag not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns and dispatches individuals within the Sewer Maintenance Division io crews on a daily basis. Organizes daily work by priority and assigns specific crews to specific jobs in order to ma�mize efficiency and productivity. Supervises lower level sewer supervisars and indirectly supervises field crews. Evaluates performance of lower level sewer supervisors. Maintains records of daily work operations. Prepares and submits reports as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable lmowledge of State and Federal sewer collection system regulations and guidelines. Worldng lrnowledge of all procedures related to daily operation of the Sewer Maintenance Division. Woridng lmowledge of all equipment used in the Sewer Mainteaance Division. Considerable ability to coordinate, delegate and supervise the work of field crews. W oridng ability to establish oollaborative relationships with co-woLkers and the public. W orldng ability to prepare and present written and oral reports and recommendations. Worldng ability m keep accurate records. (SEWER SUPERVISOR Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: ;vIDViMUM QtiALIFTCATIONS �„-�-, ::� �� as �'� -u ew � �� �t� '� - SEVTER SUPERVISOR II Code: 809 BU: 10 Effective: o►-s3d ivlust have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-B Wastewater Treatment FaciIity Operator Certificate issued by the ltinnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointrnent; and must possess a valid Miunesota Class D driver's licens�, or equivalent out-of- state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions forparking-related offenses excluded). (SEWER SUPERVISOR�Il Page 2 of 2 ,tt�`" t.u,�' �'.�,_,'�•.Y. i:.._ ='4 i"' �� f. � f�a Yt�� �, _ i: � '.ar.t'sri as":S;c'asr�uz'S *'�"r TIiLE OF CLASS: SEWER SIIPERVISOR ZII DESC2iPTI0N OF WORK CODE: 32613 a � �53 $U_ 10 EFFECTIVE: OS/24/89 General Statenent af Duties: Assists with tine pianning and oversignt of tne Sewer Maintenance Division; coardinates operatior_ o� tne Sewer Division with otner City aairtenance divisions, utilities, and State agencies; and per£o*_ms related duties as reauired. SuDervision Received: Works under tne genez'al supervision of an engineer in cnarge of tne Sewer Mainten2nce Division. Sunervision Exercised; Supervisas Iower level sewer supervisors and clerical sta�f within the Sewer Mainterance Division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 tha duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in preparing tha annual budget £or the Sewer Maintensnce Division. Psepares a.'�'id maintains per�ormance zeports xel�ated to the Sewer Maintenance Division operations. Supervises and evaluates work of Zower level sewer supervisors. Overseas tne daily operation of the sewer maintenanca building. prepares reports and memoranda�in response ta zequests from City divisions, utilities, and State agencies, Participates in personnel decisions by zecommending hiring, probationary, and othez pezsonnal decisions. Oversees en£orcement of division policies. Assists with the preparation of specifications £or equipment required by the Sewer 23aintenance Divisioa. Ueri£ies purahase orders and other expenditures, Aires t=mnorary laboring workers. Conducts thorough investigations, analyzes in=ormation, and develops programs to resolve complaints irom tne public. Responds to complaints from the public. (continuzd on raverse sidz) SEWER SUYEFVISOR IZI Page 2 SEWER SUPERVISOR IZI O� � S3D �:j3�� Z�j�Sy�.�._���' 3 ;F�.+ �'� a� : �� .�? �` Q ��: :� :. � 4"� 5 q e1` a tv:i C@ 4 �+K: S� ' �.$'Y+� KIvOkTI.=DGE, SKZLLS AND fi3ZI-ZTIES Thorough knowledge of depastmental rules and =egula�ions related to tha qperation of r.'ne Sewer Maintenance Division. Thorough knowle3ge of State and Federal sewer �ollection system _*egulatior.s and guideiines. Considerabla lrna*�:ledge o? all procedures related to the operation of �ne Sev;e= Maintienance Divisior.. Considerable knowledge o£ the management process and the methods and technioues o£ supervising persannel. Considerable ability to prepare and present written and oral reports and recommendations. � . Gonsiderable ability to deal tactfully and e£fectiv�ly with tna public to resoive comp3aints. Conside=abZe abiZity ta make and effectively communicate policy d=_cisions. Woricing ability to develog and modify long range work plans. MZNIMLTM QUALI�'ICATZQNS Must have thsee years of axperience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-B certificate issued by tae Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prioz to apnointment; and must have a vaiid Minnesota Class C driver's Ziaense, or equivalent out-o£-state driver's license, wit2t no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-ralated offenses escluded). SEWER SZJRERVISOR III Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTION OF WOI2K General Statemant of Duties: SEWER SUPERVISOR III ���a 3 �°'swm ���'�"�'�i Code: 623 BLT: 10 Effective: Assisis with the planning and oversight of the Sewer Maintenance Division; coordinates operation of the Sewer Division with other City maintenance divisions, utiliries, and State agencies; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of an engineer in charge of the Sewer Maintenance 17ivision. Su ervision Exercised: Supervises lower level sewer supervisors and clerical staff within the Sewer Maintenance Division. TYPICAL DUTI�S PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. �1-5�0 Assists in preparing the annual budget for the Sewer Maintenance Division. Prepares and maintains perFormance reports related to the Sewer Maintenance Division operations. Supervises and evaluates work of lower leveI sewer supervisors. Oversees the daily operation of the sewer maintenance building. Prepares reports and memoranda in response to requests from City divisions, urilities, and State agenoies. Participates in personnel decisions by recommending hiring, probationary, and other personnel decisions. Oversees enforcement of division policies. Assists with the preparation of specifications for equipment required by the Sewer Maintenancebivision. Verifies purchase orders and other expenditures. Hires temporary laboring workers. Conducts thomugh investigations, analyzes information, and develops programs to resolve complaints from the public. Responds to complaints from the publio. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABII,TTIES, f�ND CONII'ETENCIES (SEWER SUPERVISOK IIll Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: SEWER SUPERVISOR III Code: 623 BU: SO �, ;�. Effective: ��� �� � Thorough lmowledge of deparhnental rules and regulations related to the operaAOn oi the Sewer Maintenance 1?ivision. Thorough laiowledae of State and Federal sewer collection system regulations and guidelines. Considerable lmowledge of all procedures related to the operation of the Sewer Maintenance Division. Considerable lmowledge of the management process and the methods and techniques of supervisang personnel_ Considerable ability to prepaze and gresent written and oral reports and recommendafions. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public to resolve complaints. Considerable ability to make and effectively communicate policy decisions. Worldng ability to develop and modify long range work�plans. MIlVIMITM QUALIFICATIONS Must have Yhree years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-A Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of- state driver's lic�nse, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). o�_S3o (SEWER SLTPERVISOR IIn Page 2 of 2 ol�S� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Maynr JflllUdiy 11, 2��1 OfFICE OF HUMAN AESOURCES .Iohn Hmniltorz, Dirutor 400 City HaZ1 Anne� 25 Wut Fourt7� Streei Saint Pmd, Minnesora Si102-I631 Telephone: 7DD/TTY. Jab&ne: Facsimile: 612-26b6500 612-266-6i07 612-2666502 612-?92-7656 Daniel Palumbo, President Saint Paul Management and Maintenance Supervisors Association P.O. Box 17275 St. Paul. MN 55117 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Change to Sewer Supervisor III We are proposing to change the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor III to amend the minimum qualifications. T have attached a copy of the original ciass specificafion and proposed revision for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume aa eement and will proceed with the process. Thank you. / � C��G ; � � el F. Foley C/ I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating tlus title and class specification. I.,T� Date a�-S� SA[Ni PAUL � AlIAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 11, 2001 Telephone: b12-2666500 ZDDlI7Y.� 672-1666507 Jobtine: 672-2666502 FacrSrsile.� 671-292-7656 OFFiCE OF HUMAN RFSOURCFS ✓ohn Hmnilmn, Direcio� 400 Ciry Ha11 Anrsec 25 West Fourth Streei SaintPaul,Minnesotc 55102-1631 Daniel Palumbo, President St. Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Associarion P.O. Box 17275 St. Paul, MN 55117 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Change to Sewer Supervisor II We are proposing to change the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor II to amend the mini qualifications. I have attached a copy of the original ciass specification and proposed revision for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. 'Those who are presentiy in the Sewer 5upervisor II class will be "grandfathered" into the class. They must, however, meet xuiniuium qualifications for any promotional opportunities. Thank you. `%%lJ 'r 1YIic ae1 Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this ritle and class specification. Nazne Date OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Direcfor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norrrs Colem¢n, M¢yor 400 Ciry Hall Annez 2i West Four'th Sbeet SaintP¢u1, Minnesota SSIO2-163I Telepnone= ZDD/1TY. Jobline. Facsimile: March 16, 2001 Daniel Palumbo, President Manualand Maintenance Supervisors Association P.O. Box 17275 Saint Paul, MN �5117 RE: Sewer Supervisor Series Minimum Qualifications Dear Mr. Palumbo, H-R management, Labor Relations, and Public Works management provide the following response to your letter of January 29, 2001 regazding proposed changes to the minimum qualifications for the Sewer Supervisor II and III. dI-53a 65I-266-6500 65I-266-6501 651-266-6502 657-291-7656 Labor Relarions and the City Attorney agree that all City employees are already properly protected from liability in the normal course of their work without any further action. This is standazd procedure. However, if you still have concems I suggest that you ask that an appropriate statement be put into the M&M contract during negotiations. Several other bargaining units do have such language and these are available on the Labor Relations page of the Saint Paul website which is: http//www.stpaul.gov/depts/laborrelations. Public Works management will not object to any statement that parallels the provisions of other existing contracts. We aze open to reviewing compensation. If you have concerns you may wish to do another job profile where you should specifically list the matters that you consider to be new. If you contact Mr. John Shockley of Human Resources at (651) 266-6482 you may be able to obtain a copy of the job profile that VIr. Kallusky (the previous Sewer Supervisor II1� did two or three years ago. Thrs may facilitate the completion of your xevision. This does deal with the concems that you expressed in yo� letter. Meantime, we must proceed with implexnenting the changes to the minimum qualifications as soon as possible because we are required by State law to have someone witfi a"Class A" license. As a result I will be preparing a resolution for the City Cotmcil which will request implementation of the minimum qualifications that Public Works proposed. Th you, � ,.//t � i � G F � / Mi ael F. Foley o l- 53� City of Saint Pau! City Councii Research 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: T0: FROM SUBJECT: August 24, 2001 Linda Crosby Human Resources 400 City Hall Annex Nancy Anderson � � City Council Resolution No. 01-530. I am forwarding to you the original resolution, Council Fife No. 01-530, adopted by the City Council on August 22, 2001, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor.) Please return the original resolution to me when it has been signed by the Civil Service Commission. If you have any questions, contact me at 266-8564. Thanks. �/��fo� � �� � -�'� �-`.�. � �-� �j ����� ���- .� �� � NA Attachment: 1 Originaf Resolution g��CEtV� �EP 2 5 20�1 , s 5 �! �I.ERK � l�5 � �s�. �,•..rv� � G� '� ,. c:...� 5�.�...,._..� �« �� �t�� ��� _� -�C'9 � '-;` �o �n ;� ` n^ � .... �h,to� Council File # p� � S3� '�`°"`'�? ��'''1 . �.�l:i::��'\lr Presented Referred To R�Sf3L[!"FI.ON C1TY OF �`���,�'�3tj��NNESOTA Green Sheet # ��L� 3�7 Co�ittee Date 1 An Admiiristrative Resolution to change the Mivimum Qualifications of the titles/classes "Sewer Supervisor IT" and "Sewer Supervisor IIP'. 0 5 0 WHEREAS there has been a challenge to a change in the class specification for Sewer Supervisor III and Sewer Supervisor II by the Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Association, and WHEREAS Civil Service Rule 32 requires that when such challenges occur, the changes must be approved by resolution of the Council, now therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, that the mirrimum qualificarions for the class entitled Sewer Supervisor II shall be changed from: 10 "Must have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class I1 S-C certificate issues by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must 12 haue a valid Class C driver's license, or equivalent out of state driver's license, with no 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 To: suspensions or revocarions within the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)," "Must have three years experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S- B Wastewater Treatrnent Facility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations witlun the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for pazking-related offenses excluded)," and BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the minunum qualifications for the class entitled 23 Sewer Supervisor III shall be changed from: 24 "Must have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisar I or equivalent; must possess a Class 25 S-B certificate issues by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must 26 � have a valid Class C driver's license, or equivalent out of state driver's license, with no Ot� 53p 27 suspensions or revocations withiu the two year period prior to the date of appointment 28 (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)." 29 To: 30 "Must have three yeazs experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S- 31 A Wastewater Treatment Racility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control 32 Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota class D driver's license, or 33 equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two year 34 period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)," and 35 36 37 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval by the Council and the Civil Service Commission under the conditions set forth in Civil Service Rule 32. o c�' � �! D-c�.. m z..,- : -� 4, r , �a �r � � �°.�._ � �v zr• --° c'� c_ O !T?r C!1 Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hams � Lanhy ✓ Reiter � Adopted by Commcil: Date �,,� _ `� �_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �._ a- . 1-�, \ � ��_—��W � Approved by Mayor: Date �"�( ! By: Requested by Deparhnent o£ Office of Human Resouzces By: X `�IC1tv� �.��7�.t9�h � Form Ap roved by City Att ey B �k ( m� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ot-53D DEPARTMENf/OFFICF✓COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 106806 Human Resources May 9, 2001 ' CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: szTT.v✓nA2E � szTleLnAlzs John Shockley 266�482 b�GN Michael Foley 266-6h84 �1MBER 1 DEPARTMENT D g I � 5 CITY COUNCII, FOR C1TY ATTORNEY����I��tIpG C1TY CLIItK ML33T BE ON EOISI3CII. AGENDA BY (DATE) RODTING ��L�� �V DIIt TECH ffi MGT. SERVICES DIIt pgp� 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII-SERVICECOMMISSION As Soon As Possibie TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES (CL1Y ALL LOCAITONS FOR SIGNATCJRE) aCr[oN xEQUES'rEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing new mini�num qnalifications for the tides and classes of Sewer Supervisor II and Sewer Supervisor III in accordance with Civil Service Rule 32. RECOMMENDAITONS= Approve (A) oz Reject (R) � PERSONAL SERVICE CON'TRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 1. Has ihis person!£ssm ever wor&ed �mder a conh�act for this department? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has dtis pecson/fvm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICf COtJAT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII. QBIECTCVE? 3. Does this person/Fimi possess a sldll aot no�mally possessed by any c�¢rem city emplayee? Yes No Ezplain alt yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to grcen sheet nvrrzn�rnvcrxos�,M>�ssuE (Who ,wner,wneo > wne«,wnr):The Department of Pubiic Works requested the Human Resources Office to make a change to the minimum qual�cations for the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor II and Sewer Supervisor III. The Manua1 and Maintenance Supervisors who represent these classes object to the proposed changes These changes must be made since the change to the Sewer Supervisor III is a license that is required by the State and the change to the Sewer Supervisor II is a logical result. It is management's opinion that State law requires the City to hire someone with a Class A license as soon as possible. nnveiv�rncES � ArrxovEn: The City will be in compliance with State law. nisnnvnrrrncES � nrrxovEn: There are no known disadvantages. n�snnveiv�rncES � rrox nrrxovEn: The City Sewer function will not be in compliance with State law and the City may be fined or otherwise negatively affected by the State. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACl'ION: $ O COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED: NIA r�nvnare so�cE: N/A ncrivcTV rruMSEx: N/A FINANQAL INFORMAI'ION: (ERPI.AIN) N/A -.� E C[.— � V 8� � Gounci �tes�arch Genter MpY 1 g 2001 MAY 0 8 20Q1 �,r, �ITI� ATTORNEY G:�Shazed�Team2\CLASS�seweas�5.wpd _,._ __. ......:..•+�»°' � Sec32 Civil Service Kules back to Table of Contents(fndes City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 32. Class Spec�eatians 1 uT . .... . O l. _S'�p Class specifications shall not be a part of the Civil Service Rules but shall be ivaintained by the Human Resources Director as an administrative tool. The Human Resources Director may make changes in the class specifications as the Director sees fit. However, if a change in a class specification is challenged or protested by any individual or group, the change must be approved by resolufion of Yhe City Council. Such rules or amendments which are approved by the Council shall be submitted within five days of their passage to the Civil Service Commission for their approval or rejection. Within ten business days the Civil Service Commission sha11 either approve and sign the measure oz shall retizm it to the Council with a communication in writing stating their disapproval and the reason there£or. If the Commission neither signs nor vetoes the measure within ten business days, it sha11 be deemed approved Any such measure which is vetoed by the Civil Service Commission may be reconsidered by the Council and shali become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council within 30 days of the veto. Any such measure which has been reconsidered by the Council and repassed shall be deemed approved. bsek to YOD http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/huxnres/csrules/sec32.him 04/09/2001 Title of Class: ri `� a � �= � `� a* F �' `c ' �'` ! ` � .m? �3 y � `r. -' ¢ u � t � � � � sm2 �`�o- '�d .�C �'� SEWER SUPERVIS�R II Code: 809 $li: 10 Effecrive: OSlOZJ1989 Genexal Staiemeni of Atnies: Assi�s coordinaces, and dispatohes ihe work of field crews; mainl�ins records and supervises mamtenance of eauipment; and periorms related duties as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general suoervision of a higher level sewer supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Directly supervises lower level sewer supervisors and, tl�rough them, field crews. TYPIC_AL DUTIES PERFOItMED The Iisted examples may not inciude all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns and dispatches individuals within the Sewer Maintenance L7ivision to czews on a daily basis. Organizes daily work by priority and assigns specific crews to spec�c }obs in order to maximize efficiency and productivity. Supervises lower leveI sewer supervisors and indirectly supervises field crews. Evaivates periormance of lower level sewer supervisors. Maintains records of daily work operations. Prepazes and submits reports as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABILPI'IES, AND COMPET'ENCTES Considerable lmowledge of State and Federal sewer collection system reguiations and guideIines. Working knowledge of alI procedures related to daily operation of the Sewer Mainienance Division. Working l�owiedge of all equipment used in the Sewer Maintenance Division. Considerable ability to coordinate, delegate, and supervise the work of field crews. Working abiliry to establish collaborative relationslups with co-workers and the public. Working ability to prepare and presenf writEen and oral raports and recommendatious. Working ability to keep accurate records. O 1— S'30 (SEWER SUPERVISOR II) p� 1 of 2 ��� � ��� � �� Code: 809 Title oi Clzss: SEWERSUPERVLSORII BU: 10 Effective: 05/OZ/i989 MyNIML7M QZJALIFICATIOI3S �\-53 Must haae tYuea yeazs of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-C certincate issued bc the Minnesota Pollution Conffol Agency prior to agpointment; and musL possess a valid Minnesota Class C driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensiovs or revocations wirbin tha tu'o-Y�r P�od prior to the da.te of apoointment (suspensinns zor parldng-relaied offenses excluded). (SEWER SUPERVISOR I� Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPT'IOl�t OF WORK General Statement oi Duties: '':;>`.�' ; � ��f �r�3 � h? SEWER SUPERVISOR II Code: 809 BU: 10 Effective: O \ -S'3� Assi�s, coordinates, and dispatches the work of field crews; maintains records and supervises maintenance of equigment; and perfomis related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works �mder the general supervision of a higher level sewer supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: Directly supervises lower level sewer supervisors and, through them, field crews. TYPICAL DI3TIES PERFORMED The listed examples mag not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns and dispatches individuals within the Sewer Maintenance Division io crews on a daily basis. Organizes daily work by priority and assigns specific crews to specific jobs in order to ma�mize efficiency and productivity. Supervises lower level sewer supervisars and indirectly supervises field crews. Evaluates performance of lower level sewer supervisors. Maintains records of daily work operations. Prepares and submits reports as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable lmowledge of State and Federal sewer collection system regulations and guidelines. Worldng lrnowledge of all procedures related to daily operation of the Sewer Maintenance Division. Woridng lmowledge of all equipment used in the Sewer Mainteaance Division. Considerable ability to coordinate, delegate and supervise the work of field crews. W oridng ability to establish oollaborative relationships with co-woLkers and the public. W orldng ability to prepare and present written and oral reports and recommendations. Worldng ability m keep accurate records. (SEWER SUPERVISOR Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: ;vIDViMUM QtiALIFTCATIONS �„-�-, ::� �� as �'� -u ew � �� �t� '� - SEVTER SUPERVISOR II Code: 809 BU: 10 Effective: o►-s3d ivlust have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-B Wastewater Treatment FaciIity Operator Certificate issued by the ltinnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointrnent; and must possess a valid Miunesota Class D driver's licens�, or equivalent out-of- state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions forparking-related offenses excluded). (SEWER SUPERVISOR�Il Page 2 of 2 ,tt�`" t.u,�' �'.�,_,'�•.Y. i:.._ ='4 i"' �� f. � f�a Yt�� �, _ i: � '.ar.t'sri as":S;c'asr�uz'S *'�"r TIiLE OF CLASS: SEWER SIIPERVISOR ZII DESC2iPTI0N OF WORK CODE: 32613 a � �53 $U_ 10 EFFECTIVE: OS/24/89 General Statenent af Duties: Assists with tine pianning and oversignt of tne Sewer Maintenance Division; coardinates operatior_ o� tne Sewer Division with otner City aairtenance divisions, utilities, and State agencies; and per£o*_ms related duties as reauired. SuDervision Received: Works under tne genez'al supervision of an engineer in cnarge of tne Sewer Mainten2nce Division. Sunervision Exercised; Supervisas Iower level sewer supervisors and clerical sta�f within the Sewer Mainterance Division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 tha duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in preparing tha annual budget £or the Sewer Maintensnce Division. Psepares a.'�'id maintains per�ormance zeports xel�ated to the Sewer Maintenance Division operations. Supervises and evaluates work of Zower level sewer supervisors. Overseas tne daily operation of the sewer maintenanca building. prepares reports and memoranda�in response ta zequests from City divisions, utilities, and State agencies, Participates in personnel decisions by zecommending hiring, probationary, and othez pezsonnal decisions. Oversees en£orcement of division policies. Assists with the preparation of specifications £or equipment required by the Sewer 23aintenance Divisioa. Ueri£ies purahase orders and other expenditures, Aires t=mnorary laboring workers. Conducts thorough investigations, analyzes in=ormation, and develops programs to resolve complaints irom tne public. Responds to complaints from the public. (continuzd on raverse sidz) SEWER SUYEFVISOR IZI Page 2 SEWER SUPERVISOR IZI O� � S3D �:j3�� Z�j�Sy�.�._���' 3 ;F�.+ �'� a� : �� .�? �` Q ��: :� :. � 4"� 5 q e1` a tv:i C@ 4 �+K: S� ' �.$'Y+� KIvOkTI.=DGE, SKZLLS AND fi3ZI-ZTIES Thorough knowledge of depastmental rules and =egula�ions related to tha qperation of r.'ne Sewer Maintenance Division. Thorough knowle3ge of State and Federal sewer �ollection system _*egulatior.s and guideiines. Considerabla lrna*�:ledge o? all procedures related to the operation of �ne Sev;e= Maintienance Divisior.. Considerable knowledge o£ the management process and the methods and technioues o£ supervising persannel. Considerable ability to prepare and present written and oral reports and recommendations. � . Gonsiderable ability to deal tactfully and e£fectiv�ly with tna public to resoive comp3aints. Conside=abZe abiZity ta make and effectively communicate policy d=_cisions. Woricing ability to develog and modify long range work plans. MZNIMLTM QUALI�'ICATZQNS Must have thsee years of axperience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-B certificate issued by tae Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prioz to apnointment; and must have a vaiid Minnesota Class C driver's Ziaense, or equivalent out-o£-state driver's license, wit2t no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-ralated offenses escluded). SEWER SZJRERVISOR III Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTION OF WOI2K General Statemant of Duties: SEWER SUPERVISOR III ���a 3 �°'swm ���'�"�'�i Code: 623 BLT: 10 Effective: Assisis with the planning and oversight of the Sewer Maintenance Division; coordinates operation of the Sewer Division with other City maintenance divisions, utiliries, and State agencies; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of an engineer in charge of the Sewer Maintenance 17ivision. Su ervision Exercised: Supervises lower level sewer supervisors and clerical staff within the Sewer Maintenance Division. TYPICAL DUTI�S PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. �1-5�0 Assists in preparing the annual budget for the Sewer Maintenance Division. Prepares and maintains perFormance reports related to the Sewer Maintenance Division operations. Supervises and evaluates work of lower leveI sewer supervisors. Oversees the daily operation of the sewer maintenance building. Prepares reports and memoranda in response to requests from City divisions, urilities, and State agenoies. Participates in personnel decisions by recommending hiring, probationary, and other personnel decisions. Oversees enforcement of division policies. Assists with the preparation of specifications for equipment required by the Sewer Maintenancebivision. Verifies purchase orders and other expenditures. Hires temporary laboring workers. Conducts thomugh investigations, analyzes information, and develops programs to resolve complaints from the public. Responds to complaints from the publio. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABII,TTIES, f�ND CONII'ETENCIES (SEWER SUPERVISOK IIll Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: SEWER SUPERVISOR III Code: 623 BU: SO �, ;�. Effective: ��� �� � Thorough lmowledge of deparhnental rules and regulations related to the operaAOn oi the Sewer Maintenance 1?ivision. Thorough laiowledae of State and Federal sewer collection system regulations and guidelines. Considerable lmowledge of all procedures related to the operation of the Sewer Maintenance Division. Considerable lmowledge of the management process and the methods and techniques of supervisang personnel_ Considerable ability to prepaze and gresent written and oral reports and recommendafions. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public to resolve complaints. Considerable ability to make and effectively communicate policy decisions. Worldng ability to develop and modify long range work�plans. MIlVIMITM QUALIFICATIONS Must have Yhree years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-A Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of- state driver's lic�nse, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). o�_S3o (SEWER SLTPERVISOR IIn Page 2 of 2 ol�S� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Maynr JflllUdiy 11, 2��1 OfFICE OF HUMAN AESOURCES .Iohn Hmniltorz, Dirutor 400 City HaZ1 Anne� 25 Wut Fourt7� Streei Saint Pmd, Minnesora Si102-I631 Telephone: 7DD/TTY. Jab&ne: Facsimile: 612-26b6500 612-266-6i07 612-2666502 612-?92-7656 Daniel Palumbo, President Saint Paul Management and Maintenance Supervisors Association P.O. Box 17275 St. Paul. MN 55117 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Change to Sewer Supervisor III We are proposing to change the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor III to amend the minimum qualifications. T have attached a copy of the original ciass specificafion and proposed revision for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume aa eement and will proceed with the process. Thank you. / � C��G ; � � el F. Foley C/ I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating tlus title and class specification. I.,T� Date a�-S� SA[Ni PAUL � AlIAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 11, 2001 Telephone: b12-2666500 ZDDlI7Y.� 672-1666507 Jobtine: 672-2666502 FacrSrsile.� 671-292-7656 OFFiCE OF HUMAN RFSOURCFS ✓ohn Hmnilmn, Direcio� 400 Ciry Ha11 Anrsec 25 West Fourth Streei SaintPaul,Minnesotc 55102-1631 Daniel Palumbo, President St. Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Associarion P.O. Box 17275 St. Paul, MN 55117 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Change to Sewer Supervisor II We are proposing to change the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor II to amend the mini qualifications. I have attached a copy of the original ciass specification and proposed revision for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. 'Those who are presentiy in the Sewer 5upervisor II class will be "grandfathered" into the class. They must, however, meet xuiniuium qualifications for any promotional opportunities. Thank you. `%%lJ 'r 1YIic ae1 Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this ritle and class specification. Nazne Date OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Direcfor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norrrs Colem¢n, M¢yor 400 Ciry Hall Annez 2i West Four'th Sbeet SaintP¢u1, Minnesota SSIO2-163I Telepnone= ZDD/1TY. Jobline. Facsimile: March 16, 2001 Daniel Palumbo, President Manualand Maintenance Supervisors Association P.O. Box 17275 Saint Paul, MN �5117 RE: Sewer Supervisor Series Minimum Qualifications Dear Mr. Palumbo, H-R management, Labor Relations, and Public Works management provide the following response to your letter of January 29, 2001 regazding proposed changes to the minimum qualifications for the Sewer Supervisor II and III. dI-53a 65I-266-6500 65I-266-6501 651-266-6502 657-291-7656 Labor Relarions and the City Attorney agree that all City employees are already properly protected from liability in the normal course of their work without any further action. This is standazd procedure. However, if you still have concems I suggest that you ask that an appropriate statement be put into the M&M contract during negotiations. Several other bargaining units do have such language and these are available on the Labor Relations page of the Saint Paul website which is: http//www.stpaul.gov/depts/laborrelations. Public Works management will not object to any statement that parallels the provisions of other existing contracts. We aze open to reviewing compensation. If you have concerns you may wish to do another job profile where you should specifically list the matters that you consider to be new. If you contact Mr. John Shockley of Human Resources at (651) 266-6482 you may be able to obtain a copy of the job profile that VIr. Kallusky (the previous Sewer Supervisor II1� did two or three years ago. Thrs may facilitate the completion of your xevision. This does deal with the concems that you expressed in yo� letter. Meantime, we must proceed with implexnenting the changes to the minimum qualifications as soon as possible because we are required by State law to have someone witfi a"Class A" license. As a result I will be preparing a resolution for the City Cotmcil which will request implementation of the minimum qualifications that Public Works proposed. Th you, � ,.//t � i � G F � / Mi ael F. Foley o l- 53� City of Saint Pau! City Councii Research 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: T0: FROM SUBJECT: August 24, 2001 Linda Crosby Human Resources 400 City Hall Annex Nancy Anderson � � City Council Resolution No. 01-530. I am forwarding to you the original resolution, Council Fife No. 01-530, adopted by the City Council on August 22, 2001, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor.) Please return the original resolution to me when it has been signed by the Civil Service Commission. If you have any questions, contact me at 266-8564. Thanks. �/��fo� � �� � -�'� �-`.�. � �-� �j ����� ���- .� �� � NA Attachment: 1 Originaf Resolution g��CEtV� �EP 2 5 20�1 , s 5 �! �I.ERK � l�5 � �s�. �,•..rv� � G� '� ,. c:...� 5�.�...,._..� �« �� �t�� ��� _� -�C'9 � '-;` �o �n ;� ` n^ � .... �h,to� Council File # p� � S3� '�`°"`'�? ��'''1 . �.�l:i::��'\lr Presented Referred To R�Sf3L[!"FI.ON C1TY OF �`���,�'�3tj��NNESOTA Green Sheet # ��L� 3�7 Co�ittee Date 1 An Admiiristrative Resolution to change the Mivimum Qualifications of the titles/classes "Sewer Supervisor IT" and "Sewer Supervisor IIP'. 0 5 0 WHEREAS there has been a challenge to a change in the class specification for Sewer Supervisor III and Sewer Supervisor II by the Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Association, and WHEREAS Civil Service Rule 32 requires that when such challenges occur, the changes must be approved by resolution of the Council, now therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, that the mirrimum qualificarions for the class entitled Sewer Supervisor II shall be changed from: 10 "Must have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class I1 S-C certificate issues by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must 12 haue a valid Class C driver's license, or equivalent out of state driver's license, with no 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 To: suspensions or revocarions within the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)," "Must have three years experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S- B Wastewater Treatrnent Facility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations witlun the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for pazking-related offenses excluded)," and BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the minunum qualifications for the class entitled 23 Sewer Supervisor III shall be changed from: 24 "Must have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisar I or equivalent; must possess a Class 25 S-B certificate issues by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must 26 � have a valid Class C driver's license, or equivalent out of state driver's license, with no Ot� 53p 27 suspensions or revocations withiu the two year period prior to the date of appointment 28 (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)." 29 To: 30 "Must have three yeazs experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S- 31 A Wastewater Treatment Racility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control 32 Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota class D driver's license, or 33 equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two year 34 period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded)," and 35 36 37 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval by the Council and the Civil Service Commission under the conditions set forth in Civil Service Rule 32. o c�' � �! D-c�.. m z..,- : -� 4, r , �a �r � � �°.�._ � �v zr• --° c'� c_ O !T?r C!1 Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Hams � Lanhy ✓ Reiter � Adopted by Commcil: Date �,,� _ `� �_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �._ a- . 1-�, \ � ��_—��W � Approved by Mayor: Date �"�( ! By: Requested by Deparhnent o£ Office of Human Resouzces By: X `�IC1tv� �.��7�.t9�h � Form Ap roved by City Att ey B �k ( m� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ot-53D DEPARTMENf/OFFICF✓COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 106806 Human Resources May 9, 2001 ' CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: szTT.v✓nA2E � szTleLnAlzs John Shockley 266�482 b�GN Michael Foley 266-6h84 �1MBER 1 DEPARTMENT D g I � 5 CITY COUNCII, FOR C1TY ATTORNEY����I��tIpG C1TY CLIItK ML33T BE ON EOISI3CII. AGENDA BY (DATE) RODTING ��L�� �V DIIt TECH ffi MGT. SERVICES DIIt pgp� 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII-SERVICECOMMISSION As Soon As Possibie TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES (CL1Y ALL LOCAITONS FOR SIGNATCJRE) aCr[oN xEQUES'rEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing new mini�num qnalifications for the tides and classes of Sewer Supervisor II and Sewer Supervisor III in accordance with Civil Service Rule 32. RECOMMENDAITONS= Approve (A) oz Reject (R) � PERSONAL SERVICE CON'TRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 1. Has ihis person!£ssm ever wor&ed �mder a conh�act for this department? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has dtis pecson/fvm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICf COtJAT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII. QBIECTCVE? 3. Does this person/Fimi possess a sldll aot no�mally possessed by any c�¢rem city emplayee? Yes No Ezplain alt yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to grcen sheet nvrrzn�rnvcrxos�,M>�ssuE (Who ,wner,wneo > wne«,wnr):The Department of Pubiic Works requested the Human Resources Office to make a change to the minimum qual�cations for the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor II and Sewer Supervisor III. The Manua1 and Maintenance Supervisors who represent these classes object to the proposed changes These changes must be made since the change to the Sewer Supervisor III is a license that is required by the State and the change to the Sewer Supervisor II is a logical result. It is management's opinion that State law requires the City to hire someone with a Class A license as soon as possible. nnveiv�rncES � ArrxovEn: The City will be in compliance with State law. nisnnvnrrrncES � nrrxovEn: There are no known disadvantages. n�snnveiv�rncES � rrox nrrxovEn: The City Sewer function will not be in compliance with State law and the City may be fined or otherwise negatively affected by the State. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACl'ION: $ O COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED: NIA r�nvnare so�cE: N/A ncrivcTV rruMSEx: N/A FINANQAL INFORMAI'ION: (ERPI.AIN) N/A -.� E C[.— � V 8� � Gounci �tes�arch Genter MpY 1 g 2001 MAY 0 8 20Q1 �,r, �ITI� ATTORNEY G:�Shazed�Team2\CLASS�seweas�5.wpd _,._ __. ......:..•+�»°' � Sec32 Civil Service Kules back to Table of Contents(fndes City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 32. Class Spec�eatians 1 uT . .... . O l. _S'�p Class specifications shall not be a part of the Civil Service Rules but shall be ivaintained by the Human Resources Director as an administrative tool. The Human Resources Director may make changes in the class specifications as the Director sees fit. However, if a change in a class specification is challenged or protested by any individual or group, the change must be approved by resolufion of Yhe City Council. Such rules or amendments which are approved by the Council shall be submitted within five days of their passage to the Civil Service Commission for their approval or rejection. Within ten business days the Civil Service Commission sha11 either approve and sign the measure oz shall retizm it to the Council with a communication in writing stating their disapproval and the reason there£or. If the Commission neither signs nor vetoes the measure within ten business days, it sha11 be deemed approved Any such measure which is vetoed by the Civil Service Commission may be reconsidered by the Council and shali become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council within 30 days of the veto. Any such measure which has been reconsidered by the Council and repassed shall be deemed approved. bsek to YOD http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/huxnres/csrules/sec32.him 04/09/2001 Title of Class: ri `� a � �= � `� a* F �' `c ' �'` ! ` � .m? �3 y � `r. -' ¢ u � t � � � � sm2 �`�o- '�d .�C �'� SEWER SUPERVIS�R II Code: 809 $li: 10 Effecrive: OSlOZJ1989 Genexal Staiemeni of Atnies: Assi�s coordinaces, and dispatohes ihe work of field crews; mainl�ins records and supervises mamtenance of eauipment; and periorms related duties as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general suoervision of a higher level sewer supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Directly supervises lower level sewer supervisors and, tl�rough them, field crews. TYPIC_AL DUTIES PERFOItMED The Iisted examples may not inciude all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns and dispatches individuals within the Sewer Maintenance L7ivision to czews on a daily basis. Organizes daily work by priority and assigns specific crews to spec�c }obs in order to maximize efficiency and productivity. Supervises lower leveI sewer supervisors and indirectly supervises field crews. Evaivates periormance of lower level sewer supervisors. Maintains records of daily work operations. Prepazes and submits reports as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABILPI'IES, AND COMPET'ENCTES Considerable lmowledge of State and Federal sewer collection system reguiations and guideIines. Working knowledge of alI procedures related to daily operation of the Sewer Mainienance Division. Working l�owiedge of all equipment used in the Sewer Maintenance Division. Considerable ability to coordinate, delegate, and supervise the work of field crews. Working abiliry to establish collaborative relationslups with co-workers and the public. Working ability to prepare and presenf writEen and oral raports and recommendatious. Working ability to keep accurate records. O 1— S'30 (SEWER SUPERVISOR II) p� 1 of 2 ��� � ��� � �� Code: 809 Title oi Clzss: SEWERSUPERVLSORII BU: 10 Effective: 05/OZ/i989 MyNIML7M QZJALIFICATIOI3S �\-53 Must haae tYuea yeazs of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-C certincate issued bc the Minnesota Pollution Conffol Agency prior to agpointment; and musL possess a valid Minnesota Class C driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensiovs or revocations wirbin tha tu'o-Y�r P�od prior to the da.te of apoointment (suspensinns zor parldng-relaied offenses excluded). (SEWER SUPERVISOR I� Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPT'IOl�t OF WORK General Statement oi Duties: '':;>`.�' ; � ��f �r�3 � h? SEWER SUPERVISOR II Code: 809 BU: 10 Effective: O \ -S'3� Assi�s, coordinates, and dispatches the work of field crews; maintains records and supervises maintenance of equigment; and perfomis related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works �mder the general supervision of a higher level sewer supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: Directly supervises lower level sewer supervisors and, through them, field crews. TYPICAL DI3TIES PERFORMED The listed examples mag not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns and dispatches individuals within the Sewer Maintenance Division io crews on a daily basis. Organizes daily work by priority and assigns specific crews to specific jobs in order to ma�mize efficiency and productivity. Supervises lower level sewer supervisars and indirectly supervises field crews. Evaluates performance of lower level sewer supervisors. Maintains records of daily work operations. Prepares and submits reports as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable lmowledge of State and Federal sewer collection system regulations and guidelines. Worldng lrnowledge of all procedures related to daily operation of the Sewer Maintenance Division. Woridng lmowledge of all equipment used in the Sewer Mainteaance Division. Considerable ability to coordinate, delegate and supervise the work of field crews. W oridng ability to establish oollaborative relationships with co-woLkers and the public. W orldng ability to prepare and present written and oral reports and recommendations. Worldng ability m keep accurate records. (SEWER SUPERVISOR Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: ;vIDViMUM QtiALIFTCATIONS �„-�-, ::� �� as �'� -u ew � �� �t� '� - SEVTER SUPERVISOR II Code: 809 BU: 10 Effective: o►-s3d ivlust have three years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-B Wastewater Treatment FaciIity Operator Certificate issued by the ltinnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointrnent; and must possess a valid Miunesota Class D driver's licens�, or equivalent out-of- state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions forparking-related offenses excluded). (SEWER SUPERVISOR�Il Page 2 of 2 ,tt�`" t.u,�' �'.�,_,'�•.Y. i:.._ ='4 i"' �� f. � f�a Yt�� �, _ i: � '.ar.t'sri as":S;c'asr�uz'S *'�"r TIiLE OF CLASS: SEWER SIIPERVISOR ZII DESC2iPTI0N OF WORK CODE: 32613 a � �53 $U_ 10 EFFECTIVE: OS/24/89 General Statenent af Duties: Assists with tine pianning and oversignt of tne Sewer Maintenance Division; coardinates operatior_ o� tne Sewer Division with otner City aairtenance divisions, utilities, and State agencies; and per£o*_ms related duties as reauired. SuDervision Received: Works under tne genez'al supervision of an engineer in cnarge of tne Sewer Mainten2nce Division. Sunervision Exercised; Supervisas Iower level sewer supervisors and clerical sta�f within the Sewer Mainterance Division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 tha duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in preparing tha annual budget £or the Sewer Maintensnce Division. Psepares a.'�'id maintains per�ormance zeports xel�ated to the Sewer Maintenance Division operations. Supervises and evaluates work of Zower level sewer supervisors. Overseas tne daily operation of the sewer maintenanca building. prepares reports and memoranda�in response ta zequests from City divisions, utilities, and State agencies, Participates in personnel decisions by zecommending hiring, probationary, and othez pezsonnal decisions. Oversees en£orcement of division policies. Assists with the preparation of specifications £or equipment required by the Sewer 23aintenance Divisioa. Ueri£ies purahase orders and other expenditures, Aires t=mnorary laboring workers. Conducts thorough investigations, analyzes in=ormation, and develops programs to resolve complaints irom tne public. Responds to complaints from the public. (continuzd on raverse sidz) SEWER SUYEFVISOR IZI Page 2 SEWER SUPERVISOR IZI O� � S3D �:j3�� Z�j�Sy�.�._���' 3 ;F�.+ �'� a� : �� .�? �` Q ��: :� :. � 4"� 5 q e1` a tv:i C@ 4 �+K: S� ' �.$'Y+� KIvOkTI.=DGE, SKZLLS AND fi3ZI-ZTIES Thorough knowledge of depastmental rules and =egula�ions related to tha qperation of r.'ne Sewer Maintenance Division. Thorough knowle3ge of State and Federal sewer �ollection system _*egulatior.s and guideiines. Considerabla lrna*�:ledge o? all procedures related to the operation of �ne Sev;e= Maintienance Divisior.. Considerable knowledge o£ the management process and the methods and technioues o£ supervising persannel. Considerable ability to prepare and present written and oral reports and recommendations. � . Gonsiderable ability to deal tactfully and e£fectiv�ly with tna public to resoive comp3aints. Conside=abZe abiZity ta make and effectively communicate policy d=_cisions. Woricing ability to develog and modify long range work plans. MZNIMLTM QUALI�'ICATZQNS Must have thsee years of axperience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-B certificate issued by tae Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prioz to apnointment; and must have a vaiid Minnesota Class C driver's Ziaense, or equivalent out-o£-state driver's license, wit2t no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-ralated offenses escluded). SEWER SZJRERVISOR III Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTION OF WOI2K General Statemant of Duties: SEWER SUPERVISOR III ���a 3 �°'swm ���'�"�'�i Code: 623 BLT: 10 Effective: Assisis with the planning and oversight of the Sewer Maintenance Division; coordinates operation of the Sewer Division with other City maintenance divisions, utiliries, and State agencies; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of an engineer in charge of the Sewer Maintenance 17ivision. Su ervision Exercised: Supervises lower level sewer supervisors and clerical staff within the Sewer Maintenance Division. TYPICAL DUTI�S PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. �1-5�0 Assists in preparing the annual budget for the Sewer Maintenance Division. Prepares and maintains perFormance reports related to the Sewer Maintenance Division operations. Supervises and evaluates work of lower leveI sewer supervisors. Oversees the daily operation of the sewer maintenance building. Prepares reports and memoranda in response to requests from City divisions, urilities, and State agenoies. Participates in personnel decisions by recommending hiring, probationary, and other personnel decisions. Oversees enforcement of division policies. Assists with the preparation of specifications for equipment required by the Sewer Maintenancebivision. Verifies purchase orders and other expenditures. Hires temporary laboring workers. Conducts thomugh investigations, analyzes information, and develops programs to resolve complaints from the public. Responds to complaints from the publio. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABII,TTIES, f�ND CONII'ETENCIES (SEWER SUPERVISOK IIll Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: SEWER SUPERVISOR III Code: 623 BU: SO �, ;�. Effective: ��� �� � Thorough lmowledge of deparhnental rules and regulations related to the operaAOn oi the Sewer Maintenance 1?ivision. Thorough laiowledae of State and Federal sewer collection system regulations and guidelines. Considerable lmowledge of all procedures related to the operation of the Sewer Maintenance Division. Considerable lmowledge of the management process and the methods and techniques of supervisang personnel_ Considerable ability to prepaze and gresent written and oral reports and recommendafions. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public to resolve complaints. Considerable ability to make and effectively communicate policy decisions. Worldng ability to develop and modify long range work�plans. MIlVIMITM QUALIFICATIONS Must have Yhree years of experience as a Sewer Supervisor I or equivalent; must possess a Class S-A Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator Certificate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointment; and must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of- state driver's lic�nse, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). o�_S3o (SEWER SLTPERVISOR IIn Page 2 of 2 ol�S� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Maynr JflllUdiy 11, 2��1 OfFICE OF HUMAN AESOURCES .Iohn Hmniltorz, Dirutor 400 City HaZ1 Anne� 25 Wut Fourt7� Streei Saint Pmd, Minnesora Si102-I631 Telephone: 7DD/TTY. Jab&ne: Facsimile: 612-26b6500 612-266-6i07 612-2666502 612-?92-7656 Daniel Palumbo, President Saint Paul Management and Maintenance Supervisors Association P.O. Box 17275 St. Paul. MN 55117 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Change to Sewer Supervisor III We are proposing to change the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor III to amend the minimum qualifications. T have attached a copy of the original ciass specificafion and proposed revision for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume aa eement and will proceed with the process. Thank you. / � C��G ; � � el F. Foley C/ I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating tlus title and class specification. I.,T� Date a�-S� SA[Ni PAUL � AlIAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor January 11, 2001 Telephone: b12-2666500 ZDDlI7Y.� 672-1666507 Jobtine: 672-2666502 FacrSrsile.� 671-292-7656 OFFiCE OF HUMAN RFSOURCFS ✓ohn Hmnilmn, Direcio� 400 Ciry Ha11 Anrsec 25 West Fourth Streei SaintPaul,Minnesotc 55102-1631 Daniel Palumbo, President St. Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Associarion P.O. Box 17275 St. Paul, MN 55117 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Proposed Change to Sewer Supervisor II We are proposing to change the class specifications for Sewer Supervisor II to amend the mini qualifications. I have attached a copy of the original ciass specification and proposed revision for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. 'Those who are presentiy in the Sewer 5upervisor II class will be "grandfathered" into the class. They must, however, meet xuiniuium qualifications for any promotional opportunities. Thank you. `%%lJ 'r 1YIic ae1 Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this ritle and class specification. Nazne Date OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Direcfor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norrrs Colem¢n, M¢yor 400 Ciry Hall Annez 2i West Four'th Sbeet SaintP¢u1, Minnesota SSIO2-163I Telepnone= ZDD/1TY. Jobline. Facsimile: March 16, 2001 Daniel Palumbo, President Manualand Maintenance Supervisors Association P.O. Box 17275 Saint Paul, MN �5117 RE: Sewer Supervisor Series Minimum Qualifications Dear Mr. Palumbo, H-R management, Labor Relations, and Public Works management provide the following response to your letter of January 29, 2001 regazding proposed changes to the minimum qualifications for the Sewer Supervisor II and III. dI-53a 65I-266-6500 65I-266-6501 651-266-6502 657-291-7656 Labor Relarions and the City Attorney agree that all City employees are already properly protected from liability in the normal course of their work without any further action. This is standazd procedure. However, if you still have concems I suggest that you ask that an appropriate statement be put into the M&M contract during negotiations. Several other bargaining units do have such language and these are available on the Labor Relations page of the Saint Paul website which is: http//www.stpaul.gov/depts/laborrelations. Public Works management will not object to any statement that parallels the provisions of other existing contracts. We aze open to reviewing compensation. If you have concerns you may wish to do another job profile where you should specifically list the matters that you consider to be new. If you contact Mr. John Shockley of Human Resources at (651) 266-6482 you may be able to obtain a copy of the job profile that VIr. Kallusky (the previous Sewer Supervisor II1� did two or three years ago. Thrs may facilitate the completion of your xevision. This does deal with the concems that you expressed in yo� letter. Meantime, we must proceed with implexnenting the changes to the minimum qualifications as soon as possible because we are required by State law to have someone witfi a"Class A" license. As a result I will be preparing a resolution for the City Cotmcil which will request implementation of the minimum qualifications that Public Works proposed. Th you, � ,.//t � i � G F � / Mi ael F. Foley o l- 53� City of Saint Pau! City Councii Research 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: T0: FROM SUBJECT: August 24, 2001 Linda Crosby Human Resources 400 City Hall Annex Nancy Anderson � � City Council Resolution No. 01-530. I am forwarding to you the original resolution, Council Fife No. 01-530, adopted by the City Council on August 22, 2001, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor.) Please return the original resolution to me when it has been signed by the Civil Service Commission. If you have any questions, contact me at 266-8564. Thanks. �/��fo� � �� � -�'� �-`.�. � �-� �j ����� ���- .� �� � NA Attachment: 1 Originaf Resolution g��CEtV� �EP 2 5 20�1 , s 5 �! �I.ERK � l�5 � �s�. �,•..rv� � G� '� ,. c:...� 5�.�...,._..� �« �� �t�� ��� _� -�C'9 � '-;` �o �n ;� ` n^ � .... �h,to�