269731 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ��'y��� PINK - FINANCE . GITY OF SAI�NT PAUL . � CANARV - DEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File ' NO. . Council Resolution . Presented By ► Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, 1726 E. lowa Ave. , St. Paul , Minn. 55106, are owners of various properties and have bcen assessed for refuse rem4val at these properties, and WNEREAS, the owner did not request services nor have knowledge of services rendered; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that M�. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson be refunded $324.14 f�om the Solid Waste Coilection Fund. �� COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Butler � Publ it Works Hozza [n Favor Hunt ,: Levine __�__ Against BY Roedler aniel J. u�ford, Director (JF /RA Sylvester Tedesco $FP $ 19� Form Approved by C Atto ey Adopted by uncil: Date Certi d Pass y Council Secre,tary BY / Appr e by IVlayor: te Appqqved by Mayor for ub ission to Co ncil � " By gy � '4N.-`-� PUBLISNED SEP 1 7 1977 � OM O1: 12/1475 � � R�'9��f 7 6 � � � EXPL�-'�NATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS,, ° %; , RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Aagust 25, 1977 � �`..� �.� � � - �^. ; , ;,!� :� !� � TO: �Y�R GEORGE LATIMER . -- _. ' �Off1�� _ FR: Roger Andersan, Public Works - 298-5505 gE; RefuRd of �elinquent Refuse Assesswents. ACTION REQUESTED: To approve the refunds of belinqnent Refuse Assessme�t Cha�ges on�propert�r tsx statements of o�mer� who did not r�quest sucb serrricea. PURPOSE F,ND RATZONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Refuse Collection Sa�vices were �endered to the following addresses at the �equest of rente�s. � The owner. had no know�edge of service and did c+vt reqnest it.,. ble are attewpting to locatt� sad coliect #ro� those responsible. 706 Ar�strong S 17.10 619 1�ih i ta11 84.70 773 Co�tlsnd 40.$0 910 Edgerton 37.04 208 Front 144.50 �'�'►.T� � ___.- � ATTACHMENTS: Resol ut ion JFS/RA/jn� • ._