269716 WHITE -�CITV CLERK ������ PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council - � CANARV - DEPAR7MENT BLUE - MAYOR FIlE NO. RETURN COPY TO V TION BUitEAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the City of St. Pau1, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purcY�a.se of tha.t certain property described as follaws: Lots 8, 9,10, ll, and�12, Block 3, Clarke's 2nd Addition; WI�REt1S� the property herein described is necessary for the Edgemont Storm Sewer Ponding Acquisition as approved by Final Order, Council File No. 268733, approved March 15, 1977, and the price at which the propet'ty may be purchased is in the amount of $6,200.00, bei.ng a fair and reasonable price for the subject property accordin� to the appraisal obtained by the City Valuation Engineer; and WHERF�AS, the City Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said property at the price stated above; naw, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Pa.ul does hereby authorize the purchase of the above described land; and be it FURTI�R RESOLVID, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to John and Marion Stone, record fee c�rners, the sum of $6,200.00. The conditions of said sale are as set forth in the Memorandum on Sale of Real Estate, da.ted Ju�y 28, i977; said memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said sum to be pa.id f`rom PIR Fund Code 60000-711-000 (L-7905) to be rei.mbursed from Water Pollution Abatement Funds and 1975 Public Improvement Aid Funds. The payment is to be made upon the City being furnished evidence of good marketable title in the aforesaid vendors, and the total pa.yment to be made upon tender by said parties of appropriate deeds conveying title to said property to the City of St. Paul. Ap oved as to ding: �� o inance ervices COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Finance & I� gement Services Hozza [n Favor � q�� Hunt �� Levine � __ Against BY Direeto Roedler �� Tedesco � Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date — Cer ied Pas e Council Secrexary BY Ap o by Mayor: 6 — S�L���2 �977 Approved M` r for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED SEP 1 7 19�1 �.. . _ ,. � ::: .. R-, � , � . . � . . .r. . � � �t � WHITE - CITV CLERK � . � ..� �� ,� � . �.� RINK . ^ F�NAN« . . � ��ITY �OF SAI�NT� PAIT�L � C°�il . . ������� , " . .C#NARV.- 6EP.ARTMEN7 � � � � y+ � ;7 BLUE -MAY�OR � . .., .. . .�. . . . � . . . . .. .;-,1'l1E NO..�. �C�nc�l Reso�u�io� _ � f ;f, � Presented By ,.� , . ,_•� � Re�'erred To � Committee: Date , �,, Qut of.Committee By ; Date . � . �M� ��� �� � � j �aw �����M�i�M��� . : � , � � � �� ���� �� � �� ; �� ����� � � � � ���� ����� ��� � ; �������1�� � ��� �� ; ��� �i' � � � _ , ������ ���� ����� ���� - : � � ����������������� ; 1��� � �� � , ��'lI�I��M�11���t#I���. �?��r�11�l�iM� � ���������� ��� ; � �� +��M�M�+��' � .; ���� ' �+����������� �� ' M� ��, � �������"�� �� ; ��,�r ��� � � �� { . �� a��������'�t�� : _. � �� ��r�r�Mri��1M�w�w�� � . _ � ��I�r� � ��rr��iir�� � ���������r�r�i� ��w�i s ._t�� � �� ; " F ��t t� ���� �� _ '� . � t ����� � � �` _ �a+�.a +r i. ��� ,� `_ �� } � � � _ . � � , •Y.1.° �P':..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i� . . . . . . . . . . �-� � COUNC[LMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by I�partment of: � Butler '��: �� Hozza � [n Favor Levine � Against gy .r� ;���,«•�s� ..,.���---�"'�..""'M'""��► ,�,��., Roedler � Tect��e o� SEP 6 1977 ` ' ' Form Approved:by City Attorney ; Adopted by Council: Date ;:; Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY +�� ' '� By Approved by 11��y'c for Submission to Council '� Approved by Mayor: Date .< ,�; � t By By _—,�� � � e �' y ! I �,- � `a .. . � . . . . . . . ,. . . . ., . . i J. 4�.t�..� . ... .. .,.., � � Department of Finance and Mana.gement Servi.ces • '•'�� • Divi.sian of Assessmen�s and tTaluatio:�s ' � . '�.�,; �� `. . Room 2$6 �ity Ha21 , I . t�"fiQRANIXJM 0�`i SALE OF REAL ESTATE 2����� �., 1't.irpose of sal� of Real Estate to City: Storm Water Ponding Land Acquisition 2-:. Location of Real Estate: Clark St., between Larpentevr Ave. to �t00 ft. south o�' Laroenteur. Arkwx-.Lght 3t., between Larpenteur Ave. to k00 f`t. sauth of T�arpenteur. 3. Legal Description: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 3, Clarke's 2nd Addit3on �t. P�ame and Address of Seller: John and Maxion Stone 7.659 Clark St. . � . St. Paul, Minnesota 557-Ob 5. R�commended. purchase price: $6,200.00 ' 6. Seller to ft�rnish Abstract of Title and�or Owizers D�plicate Certificate of Title for said pro�erty,�,City yri.11 update said Abstract 8.nd�or ob�ain Registered Pro�perty Certif`icate. " 7. Seller to give��possession to City 8.t closing. ' 8. Ta.xes: Seller to pay taxes due and payable in 1q77. City will pa.y taxes due and payable in 1978. 9. Se.l.].er to pa.y a.tl assessments levied against said property. � � 1�. 2f�i�ceLZaneaus: N�A PTOTE: Condi�ions listed above are not bindi.n� until approved by City Co�zncil. S r: . City: � Si�rre Z 1/ Signed: „ � i Ass . V uation Engin er Da.te• � �; Z � ��1�7 Date: �,LL,� � �, «, ��' # "Y � h,y '. :�� 'ii:, �}�.yn& s e.^:�- ........ . ._- . . . . .� _� . E �� LA R PEIV!TEU�'. _ . . ^����.d- ,��, . �.�.:..� , _ � _ " ��:�.-�-�y�.�, _ _�4.,_, �-p� ,'R}, � , 'yv_d ''�� �_ ° -,'_ '�' � ./lSS� ' z.�.� t� '+ �:- �' s.:i'�i � p � 'f O �f� / s z� /�,S Sv.egB � _sa_-------- � _ �� ^-'3 �' / '�'r �, I � � � 2� o ° � � � /2'.j ��~ ^�1t5� ,C c� , � _...... a . V� !s_ -z ..,., � / '� � ' � _ U] r ` I , 2 !� _ • _ . � �. z � �3 -- r -_ l,�,. . ,� �t5 .,� '� - ,� - . 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'�° ' a°.►i . / 5 '� � � \ ' ' ci '-- � i _.._ � + � �3�'� �. o � _' ' ' 1 � a' i "� .r A ;� 6 �, � / ' � � s ,�\ ;� , o "'� �, � � l _ ' / O.?/.73 - ' - __- - - --- � � . . �� ` '\ � 7 � � jp� �f<�l.:r'i � . ?ii�".�l •a` ,{ , N � j?�A'' \r C � �G, �a_ P �� , .;� 1� � , �.�,,, �Zi� � � � �6:; ,; , .�0� � a J�� O `� ' � � � \ . . V � —f 1 � � 1 , R :.� ► � _ �,^�/ � .r .- � � ��+ )� � C�M OI.: j2f�,g.'�5 . � � Rev. s 9/8,/76 #� E�,PLANAx�ON OF ZSTRATIVE C?RT�E , �tE L ION , .ANI� O NA1�i � � . . ��i�� ._i� i�ui��w�+r�i��rY�--����i�r � �[,�'� . �� �` �� �� � • � • � � � � . . � �;: . � . .. � . ' . . Date. July 29, �977 � - � _ � . . ;�A�s Y�w1� ,'� � 1.s`����A�+-�'� .. . . . .. T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � � FR: J. Wm. Donovan, Yaluation & Assessmen Br�gin�eer (Ext. 53l'�) Dept. ir�ance 8� M�m�t. �ict� �: $dgemoat Sto�m S�er Pond Acquisition � , Vacaut ]�and located north of th� irrtersectiou o�' Wheelock��Parkway and Soo Zi.�e Railrc�d a,nd east of Ark�vright. ' 's . � ; i ACTION REQ'ttESTED: � .� . ;� Acquisition of p�aperty to be used for ponding pvrpc>8e�. ; X Ca�►dition of sale as shawn ari attached Memorandum oa �al�}�oP Real Estate. � , ;� , � � ;� , � ; � � � ,,�� . ,� PURPOSE AND R&TIQNALE FQR THIS ACTIQN: ' . Pro�ect authorized by Fi�l Order 268733, approved l�rch � � 197'T• Acquiaition 'eost is ia the aniaunt of $6,204, to be fiaanc� by PIR Fund �e 60000-?l1-4�0 (L-7�?05) to be re3mbursed Praa�n Water Pollut Abateme�nt Fu� � and 1975 Publi� I�rav+e�er�t Aid I��utd. , . ,. , � ;, � �i . . � A�TACBMENTS: . l. Cauneil Resolution for appraval ° 2. Me�orandum an Sale of Heal Estate ' 3• �''p � t{ tf '# `F . . ' �X . . . . � _