Kolias, Peter � - ��l�Cl �✓ED � JUL 10 20)4 NOTICE OF C�.�A.�M FORM to the City of Sa�nt Paul, Minn�c� C���K Minnesotn Swtr S�urure 4GG.OS.�ra�es rhat' ...rvery person...who claims damnge.r from any murtEcipaLity.,.shat�cause trt be pre.sented to tke gnven¢ing body of the munldp�zdiry wi�hin It30 day.c aftrr the alieged lo.rr or injury is discovered a nnrice.etating the time,rlae�,and c1t'CeAl�slunces thereof,�rec1 rhe amnu�l af cur►�perrsatian or ather relief demaxded." Pleaxe cnmplete this form in�its entirety by eleaNy typing or prfti�tig your aaswer to eech question. if more spaee is nccdcd,attacL additionsil shccts. PI�nutr that yuu w71 not be contacted by telephone to ctarify answers,so provide as rnuch in�o�rmat�on as nccessary to explain your clairu,and the amount of compcnsatlon bcing requ�stcd. You witi receivc a wnitten aclrnowiedgement once your form is recefved. Th�process ran take up to ten wecks as longcr depcnding on thc n�ture of yuur cl�im. This form must be signed,and hoth pages c�mpictcd. IP sotnCthing docs not apply,wrftC`N/A', SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUN�N'�'S TO: CX�'X' C�,ERK, �5 V�ST K��LOGG BLVD,310 CITY HALL, SAINT PATJL, MN 551U2 Firsc Name �G /�/'ti Middle inirial �Last Naa�c�e t l����� Company or Business Name Ar�You an Insurancc Compauy? XES No I('Y�s,Clai�n Nuxnbec? Stree[Address -1 J� ���� �����0'� Cily S� ��/� Sl��e Zi�Cud��� Daytime Phone�j�d7 Cell Phone ' � Evening Telephone(��"�°�� Date of AccidenU�.njury or bate Disc�verF;d „ ,�;Z Z�.��1�Tim� �.,�a arn p;n Please st,zte,in detail,what occurred(happened),twd why you:ire submitCing a elaim. Yl�ase indieA.[e why ar how you feel the Ci�y uf Sain��aui or;ts emplo �s�lved and/ r�sponsible for our d�►ma es. ,��'.c' �� /� J � 7"�:�" r����.�`T,�o� � Please eheck the box(es)that most closely represent tl�e reason fo.r eomplEting thys form� ❑My vehicle was dtunaged in ttn accident ❑ My v�hicle wae damaged during a tow ❑My vehicle was damaged by a potk�ole or condil�on of�he street ❑ My vehicle was dam�tged by a plow �My vehicle was wroagfully towed r�nd/oz ticketed ❑ I was injured on Ci[y property ❑Other type of properly darinage—plea,ae spec'sfy ❑Other type of inj ury—please speei�y in arder to process your claim vou need to include cooies of all aao�icable docum�nts. F�r the elain�s CyEx:s listed belaw,pleuse be sure to include the doeum�ncs ind7eaced or it will delay the handling of your clairn. Documents WILi.NOT b�relumeJ ai,cl hc;cutnc�he proper[y of the Cicy. You ara encouraged[o keep a copy far yourself before submitting your claim form. O�roperiy damage claims[o a vehiele:two estimates for the repttirs lo your vehic�e if the damage exceeds $500.00;or the acmal bills andlor raceipts for the repair4 O Towing claims: legible copies of any tieket issued and a copy of the impaand Iol reeeipt Q Other praperty damage claims: twp repair estimates if the dflrnage exceeds$500.00;ar the actnal bills and/or receipts Por the repairs;detail�d list of damaged items d Trjury elaims� medical bills,receipta Q Photographs ere aIways welcome to doeum�nt and suppoft you�claim but will not be retumed. Page X of 2—Piease comple�e and return both pages of Claitn Forlm� Failure to complete and return bot�pages will resalt in delay in the handling of your claim. All Claims—olease comnlete this section Were there witne5ses to the xncident? � Yes No Unknowc� (cucl�) Provide their oannes,addresses and telephone numbers� Were the police or law enforcement ealied? Ye,4 No Unktiowei {Ci�ele) If yes,what department or agency? Case#or report# Where did the aeeident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection�j n�a.m�,e of park or facilit . clo s�ndmark tc. Please be as decailed possible_ necess attxch a diagram_ /�'�`SO>S �1� � ..�.� ��SC__ �, z l' .�.•��1� �� Please indicate the amount you are seeking�i3compensation or what you would]ike the City to do to resolve this claim to your satisfaction.__ ,�5,,�¢, �j� Vehicle C�aimis—nlease co���ete thas sect�on� C9'check box i;�this ectian does not a»nlv Your Vehicle� Year Make Mode! License Plate Number State Color Registered Owner Dr�iver oC Ychicle Area Damaged Cicy Vehicle: Year Malce Model . License Plate Number 3tate Color Driver of Vehicle(Ciry Employee's Name) ____ ._—..__....... Area Dumaged I�tiurv Claims—u�ease comvlete thls secti n check box if this section does nat avnlv How were yau inj�red? Whtu prul(s)of your body wer�injured7 Have you sough[medical rreatment? Yes Nv Planning to Seck Ttedlment(circle) When did you xeceive treaunen[? (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): Address Z'elephone Did you miss work�a r�sul[of your injury? Yes Nu When did you miss work7 _ (provide date(s)) Name of your Emplayer: Address Tel�phone �eck here if you sre attaching lnt�o�re pag�to khis ctaim farm. Nuniber of additional gages�� . By sigRing this form,you are statirag that all infarmatBon you have provided is true and cnrrect to the best of your knowledge. ilnsigreed forms will nvt be processed. ,�ubrn►'tting a false claim cacre result in prosecution. Aate forn�was completed -.�GL Y 7, �� I� Print the Name of the Person who Completed th orm: �� � �� � Signature of Person Making the Claim: ' Revised February 2011 l� Two vehicles of mine were wrongly tagged and towed during a snow emergency on December 26, 2013. I live at 934 Hampden Ave (see the Google map for my location) which is a night plow route on the east side of the street only—my vehicles were parked on the west side which is a day plow route. The St Paul map of night plow routes clearly indicates that my block is a night plow route on the east side of the street AND there is a sign right across the street from where the vehicles were towed from. I recently appeared in court and the citation was dismissed as well. 1 am requesting that the City return my towing fees ($219.50 x 2 =$439.Q0) and lost compensation for my lost work time of 3 hours (3 hours at$38.46/hour= $115.38) to appear in court (total amount: $439 +$115.38 = $554.38) . The following documents are attached: 1) Google map showing my home's location. 2J City of Saint Paul Snow Emergency Map with highlighted area showing Hampden Ave. 3) Blow up of the City of Saint Paul Snow Emergency Map showing Hampden Ave being a night plow route on the east side of the street only, location of my house, and the location of where the vehicles were parked. 4J Photo of the night plow route this side of street located across from where the vehicles were towed. 5) Register of Actions showing that the citation was dismissed. 6J Copy of the payment receipt for the release of the Nissan that was wrongly towed. 7) Copy of the payment receipt for the release of the GMC Truck that was wrongly towed. 8J Order to Report showing the date of my court trial. 9) Copy of a pay stub showing my hourly wage. The Notice of Claim Form indicates that there is a time limit of 180 days from the date of loss/injury—my court date was set by the referee for the county. The court date of June 30, 2014 is beyond my control and is the reason that this form is being sent your office after this 180 day period. L/�� ,�.,,.. o � Fh,, _- � .��9's4 7J Hamp�en Ave � ,°�i � . [xplore this area .:_.. c>E61.�S. . .,,. .. . . . � . . �� .\� � •`' �e� � �<�a� :� r �, ,�t;;�> : , . :. ,, r '�� �z�; � � �� ��<� t_� '°�=��� � 2 <' � �� � _ . . � . . .. . .. r.1acart�i:r�Cc e� . - FAi;H-nbonc; • i��'� . - . . — ? , � �. � 'F, ' " ... .� �., 'J, . -�.. p°'.�•�, : ` �'� R .. . -',: � �� (3�� CL � � . . � .(`. � t>�.��`" .. .�. . �. �� �� .. � �43d W Hampdcn Ave h �ustom aV,ee!SaPC��slists ����� ul�.�� .. .:i� . . t1di�P� • � 'r � •- � �y .�.�. . .. .. ''3 .. iMf � y.d "�. . " �i � �� � .. r`r���a�b_. .. . : .. r� . . f_ . . . r �, 'KJ G t � '�� �v , � St Gecdias Cfi.uch �Ai � '�� . �a. ��: � i �;_4; r ���, � i�7" ' �R.to,i�n • Gy,1 n"' � S��' '� : 'al. �: tti" . N.. :.. '. .. �i f � ' �..l'�..-;-.�.r ' .`� �`q::> �: _ .�. �� 97a'Jv`e� � Ac.ye4 P`fmrty ?eQ s= . " ,. °..�MarkeUny "'=�. �. . . � ion . . . `'.�� . / ��4 . ... . .QJ4, .. . . tj �. �4aq +k ��. z:; nt «' ::L.� . .�YIF x S;� °n � , � '`�.�_� . 4 . f� �r� . . � . `�,� . cr;;�;.� � ,_5 � �.�, � . .: .. �.�: .. ... . .. , � :�.;,. �.. . . . ; . �. •..���. �.�`;I A�tho�v F'ark Co��.uls .. . Saioa;Tenrc,e�.• � Map data�2074 Google 200 N G� �- fi � b- _ C _ b ._ _6 = O. O - O _ O. _ �O -_ .�C -��- � O - G '_ .C�";o ��- I �� .,... :I��` ,�' .� o r : ,` 'o <�T. .' , . �. '_ �� ' II. �. _ ".�"_ „��+��i� ����"�, . � �` � : . ; � ' ��- , � _.. ., . �... �; � , � � s�,� r ; � 'II" _, � . , ,� a ���,���1..���� =�.�� ti��,; �Y o . , _ -- ,. , ��;� � ,�1 - ��_ �'_. � - ��:���I __ _ ,,.i� �`. �.o.�.� ��_ ��- ' ` � � F� – � �,� — T �r:��r�i ��� , ��: . � - ��i `�lli� -- - - �I '� , o _ �� _�� ,..�.�.-- o '�.� �`'���i��� . r � r�. ' � ' �� ���� �. T l , ,. � II- +� : /�I _. 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" ,����� �M: �� . ?�'`ti_ � ♦��t _ . � _ _ /' � Page 1 of 1 C7 l Skip to Main Content Loqout Mv Account Search Menu New CriminallTraffiGPettv Search Refine Loca6on All MNCIS Sites-Case Search Imaqes Heip Sea�ch Back REGISTER OF ACT[ONS C'�se\o.G2-�'I3-14-35( State of Minnesota vs PETER THOMAS KOLIAS § Case Type: Crim/Traf Non-Mand § Date Fited: OZl11/2014 § Location: Ramsey CriminailTraffiGPetty § Downtown § PARTl'I1FOR�tATION Lead Attorneys Defendant KOLIAS,PETER THOMAS 934 HAMPDEN AVE DOB:04/17/1968 SAINT PAUL,MN 55114 Jurisdiction State of Minnesota NONE CHARGE 1\FOR]fAT10\ Charges:KOLIAS,PETER THOMAS Statute Level Date 1. Snow emergency parking restrictions 161.03 Petty Misdemeanor 12l26I2013 E�'E'�TS&ORDERS OF THE COIRT DISPOSITIO\S 02111I2014 Plea(Judicial Officer:Archer,Pete) 1.Snow emergency parking restrictions Not guilty 06/30/2014 Disposition(Judicial Officer:Bryan,Jeffrey M.,) 1.Snow emergency parking restrictions Dismissed OTHER E�'E\TS AND HEARINGS 02I11/2014 Citation E-Filed 02I11I2014 Officer Notes NIGHT PLOW BEFORE PLOW 02/11/2014 Notice and Order to Appear 02/11/2014 Summoned-Own Recognizance 02111l2014 Interim Condition for KOLIAS,PETER THOMAS -Summoned 02/1112014 Hearing (8:15 AM)(Judicial Officer Archer,Pete) Result:Held 06/30I2014 Hearing (1:00 PM)(Judiciai O�cer Bryan,Jeffrey M.,) deft request Result:Held , .. �� . . . . - -- --�^--r�_�_:� __----nn......Tr�—i ci c-�n��on �i�ni�ni n , Saint Paul Police Impound Lot, 830 Barge Cnannel Road, Vehicle Release Form � �� Make: NISSAN License#: 4AP170 CN: 13272990 Invoice#: 24259 �� Date/Time Released: 12/26/2013 06:02 Tow Charge: $ 123.95 Released to:TOTO Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00 Released by: TABITHA Tax: (7.625%) $ 15.55 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotal: $ 219.50 I will check the vehicle for damage or any otner probiems that may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department. I acknowledge I wi11 report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 219.50 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. Damage and/or other problem: Police Report made: Yes_No,_IF Yes, CN , If NO, Why? TO PROTECT Y U RIG S REPORT ANY PROBLEMS/DAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT 5/2000 ignature Saint Paul Police impound Lot, 830 Barge Channel Road, Vehicle Release Form L� �� Make: GMC License#: 611 MYH CN: 13272990 Invoice#: 24258 U Date/Time Released: 12/26/2013 06:32 Tow Charge: $ 123.95 Released to: TOSE Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00 Released by: TABITHA Tax: (7.625%) $ 15.55 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotal: $ 219.50 I will check the vehicle for damage or any other problems that may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department. 1 acknowledge I wil( report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 219.50 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. Damage and/or other problem: Police Report ad : Yes_ o_IF Yes, CN , If NO, Why? TO PROTECT RIG REPORT ANY PROBLEMSIDAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT 5/2000 Signature COUNTY OFIRAMSOYA �" ORDER DISTRICT COURT �� SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT TO REPORT CITY OF VIOLATION FILE NO. ST PAUL 620900201440 IDEFENDANT DEFENDANT'S PHONE NO. , Peter Kolias 651-373-0715 YOU, THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT, ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR ON: .1U11. 30, 2014 at 1:00 PM r COURT TRIAL before the presiding judge in room# 130. FAILURE T FOR A SCHEDULED COURT APPEARANCE IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE UNLESS FAILURE TO APPEAR IS DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND YOUR CONTROL. FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR A PETTY MISDEMEANOR COURT TRIAL CONSTITUTES A PLEA OF GUILTY UNLESS YOU APPEAR WITHIN 10 DAYS AND SHOW THE FAILURE TO APPEAR WAS DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND YOUR CONTROL. - FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY RESULT IN A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST � St. Paul Courthouse...................................................15 W. Kellogg Blvd........St. Paul .........55102.....(651) 266-8180 ❑ Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center................425 Grove St.................St. Paul .........55101 .....(651) 266-9696 ❑ Maplewood Branch ....................................................2050 White Bear Ave....Maplewood....55109.....(651)266-1999 DEFENSE ATTORNEY PHONE NO. �ATE February 11, 2014 JUDGE: Handed to the defendant by PAA Comments: DEFT REQUEST R&R SHEET HANDED TO DEFT HAMLINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. �S�-6�6 ZY35 35252 1901 OAKCREST AVENUE W. STE. 10, ROSEVILLE, MN 55113-2617 /� Rec#: 59 ETER T KOLIAS QuaRer.• 4 State: MN Check:35252 Date: 12I27/2013 Period:12l23/2�13 to 12/27/2013 Re Overtime Premium Sick Vacation Holiday Piece 0.00 Rate: 8.460 57.6900 76.9200 Hours: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Diem 0.00 Pay: � 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Misc 0.00 Hours Gross Pay Add-Ons Deductions Net Pay YTD Wages rora�s: � �Il� o.00 �� �� sa�a►y o.00 Calculation Type Check Year Calculation Type Check Year Employee Sociai Secu Ded � 5,161.89 MN State Income Tax Ded � � Empioyee Medicare Ded �� 1,207.25 ER MN SUTA Acc Federal income Tax Ded �' 13,198.74 J�l �