268805 WH17E - CITY CLERK � IC��� PINK � FINANCE TT CO11I1C11 fAIVARY-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAVL � � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � i � dindnce Ordinance N 0. 1���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the � minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in tlze Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE C�',OUNCIL OF`'THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN: r �^Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, �- ' 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by �. striking out the pr�sent specifications for t,he titles listed below and � substituting in lieu thereof new apecifications for these titles as follows: • AGCOUNTANTI � ACCOLTN'�ANT II ACCO��ANT III - ACCOUNTANT IV ACCOUIVTANT V ACCOUNTING TECHNTCIAN I ACCOUNTING TECHIVICIAN II ACCOUNTING TECHNlCIAN ILI CHIEE' ACCOUNTANT . - 1 - COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap rov d by C y t rney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ( By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap ed by Mayar f Su ission to Council By BY . , ����J ` Title of class: ACCOUNTAl�'T I � `���� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties; Performs entry level professional account- ing work involving the maintenance and preparation of detailed and general account books and reports; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative supervision of a higher level accountant. Supervision Exercised: May occasionally exercise within a unit close technical supervision directly over entry level and intermediate clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Keeps general account books, ledgers and journals; prepares trial balances. Prepares and reconciles routine department fund or grant reports and statements. Performs a limited amount of external financial audits. Assists higher level accountants in the maintenance of a complex depart- mental accounting system; assists in preparing complex reports and statements. Performs routine internal auditing work in verifying the accuracy and compliance to procedure of accounting books, reports, records, docu- ments and other financial and fiscal information operations and pro- cedures; prepares routine internal financial audit reports. Assists higher level accountants in the compilation and preparation of budgetary reports and statements; assists in monitoring budgetary control accounts; reviews requisitions for budgetary conformance. Verifies and reconciles income and expense ledgers with general ledger reports. Assists in analyzing costs and expenditures. Maintains and supervises accounts receivable or accounts payable records. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of modern accounting and auditing theories and prac- tices. Some knowledge of governmental appropriation and budget principles and administration. Working skill in operating modern office adding and calculating machines and equipment. Working ability to communicatE both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to perform arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a degree in Business Administration, Public Administration or a related field and twelve credits in accounting courses. (Na substitution for accounting credits. ) � . 1���.� . . , ������ � Title of class: ACGOUI�TTANT II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs intermediate professional account- ing work involving the maintenance and preparation of financial records and reports; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administra- tive supervision of a higher leve2 accountant or a divisirnor department head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within a unit, division or depart- ment close technical supervision directly over clerical and lower level technical accounting staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Maintains general departmental funds of grants accounts; prepares related financial reports and statements. Prepares project cost studies and analyses. Maintains budgetary control accounts; prepares budgetary reports and state- ments. Assists in preparing recommendations for future budgetary requirements and plans. Performs audits in accordance with an established internal audit procedure. Determines that proper accounting procedures and methods are being applied and recommends changes in procedures. Prepares perodic financial statements for a unit or division. KNOW LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of modern accounting and auditing theories and practices. Working knowledge of governmental appropriation and budget principles and administration. Working skill in operating modern office adding and calculating machines. Considerable abiltiy to perform arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable abilility to communi cate both orally and in vvriting. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a degree in Business Administration, Public Administration or a related field and twelve credits in accounting courses and two years' experience as an Accountant I or equivalent; or two years' experience as an Accountant I. (No substitution for accounting credit s. } - �_ . . - 1C��-��� � ' Title of class: ������ ACCOUNTANT III DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible prof essional account- ing and auditing work involving maintenance of complex general depart- mental funds and financial reports; and performs related duties as re- quired. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administra- tive supervision of a higher level accountant or a division or department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit, division or department direct technical and administrative supervision over clerical and lower level professional and technical accounting workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises the maintenance of the encumbrance record and disbursement, receipt and general ledgers. Designs and installs accounting systems and procedures within a depart- ment. Assists in the cornpiling and preparation of an annual financial statement. Performs independently, professional internal auditing work of a complex or advanced nature in examinin�, and verifying the accuracy of a variety of aecounting books, reports, records, doEUr�e�ts, statements and other financial information. Performs complete external audits in accordance with an established pro- cedure; assists in establishing auditing procedures. Prepares in depth cost studies of a department's operations. Compiles, writes and presents complex accounting reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILL5 AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of laws, regulations and administrative decisions per- taining to departmental accounting. Working knowledge of Government accounting, auditing and financial report- ing. Considerable knowledge of governmental appropriation and budget principle s and administration. Expert knowledge of modern accounting and auditing theories and practices. Considerable skill in operating modern office adding and calculating machines and equipment. Working ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with the departmental staff and the general public. Working abi 1 ity to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to perform arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to communicate both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a major or equivalent in accounting and four years' experience in accounting, at least two years of which must have been as an Accountant II or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) --�- . . - , �'6���� Title of class: �CQo�-�.� ACCOUNTANT IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional accounting work involving the planning, organizing and supervising of a departmental accounting function; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of an accounting manager or a department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a department general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate super- visors over lower level professional and technical accounting and cler- ical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises the maintenance of general ledgers, appropriate accounts and special fund accounts. 5upervises, schedules and plans work procedures and coordinates the re- ceiving, disbursing, recording and reporting on funds. Interprets and analyzes accounting and auditing reports and statements; makes budget recommendations to the department head; acts as advisor on financial and budgetary matters to the department head. Supervises the compiling, preparing and presenting of annual financial and operating reports. Designs, updates and installs new accounting systems and financial oper- ations; makes changes in accounting forms being used in department. Works with data processing personnel in implementi.ng new systems. Prepares, supervises and analyzes cost studies, financial surveys, audits and reports. Prepares monthly estimates and statements to indicate trends and to con- trol expenditures. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of laws, regulations and administrative decisions pertaining to departmental accounting. Considerable knowledge of Government accounting, auditing and financial reporting. Expert knowledge of modern accounting and auditing theories and practices. Expert knowledge of governmental appropriation and budget principles and administration. Considerable skill in operating modern office adding and calculating ma- chines and equipment. Considerable ability to perform arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to communicate both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with departmental personnel and general public. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a major or equivalent in accounting and six years' experience in accounting, at least two years of which must have been as an Accountant III or equivalent. (No substitution for education. � -5- � . . - . 2s���� ' Title of class: J���-� / ACCOUNTANT V DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional accounting work involving the planning, organizing and supervising of a large departmental accounting function; acts as a financial advisor to a department head; and performs related dutiss as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of an accounting manager or a department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a department general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate super- visors over lower level professional and technical accounting and cler- ical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises the maintenance of general ledgers, appropriation accounts and special fund accounts. Reviews new departmental projects concerning financial impact and makes recommendations to department head or personnel office. Prepares monthly and special estimates of revenues and their impact on departmental programs; establishes departmental service rates in order to maintain necessary revenue. Plans, organizes, establishes priorities and delegates the work of employees involved in accounting, payroll preparation, inventory control, assess- ment preparation and contract payments. Designs, updates and installs new accounting systems and financial operations, makes changes in accounting forms being used in the department. Supervises the compiling, preparing and presenting of annual financial and operating reports. Supervises and/or prepares and analyzes cost studies, financial surveys, audits and reports. Designs, prepares and installs a central system of accounts and budget administration for a large department. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Expert knowledge of modern accounting and auditing theories and practices. Expert knowledge of governmental appropriation and budget principles and administration. Expert knowledge of laws, regulations and administrative decision pertain- ing to departmental accounting. Expert knowledge of modern management principles and procedures. Expert knowledge of Government accounting, auditing and financial reporting. Exp ert ability to perform arithmetic computation with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to communicate both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with departmental per- sonnel and general public. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. (cantinued) -b- _ . - ICP�� � 268���r MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a major or equivalent in accounting and eight years' experience in accounting, at least four years of which must have been as an Accountant III or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) -7_ ��� , . ��V'C3V� Title of class: ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs entry level bookkeeping or account- ing work maintaining and auditing financial records or keeping books for specific accounts; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administra- tive supervision of an accountant or a highter level accounting technician. Supervision Exercised: None • TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Maintai.ns accounts including cash books, voucher registers and general ledgers; posts entries to various accounts ar_d _rn�kes simple trial balance s. Audits and maintains records of financial transactions including requi- sitions, purchases and invoices. Performs arithmetic computations and accounting extensions. Processes requests for and orders supplies; maintains stock or inventory records. Types on occasion routine material not requiring speed. Maintains petty cash fund; maintains related files and records. Compiles and prepares financial statements, including balance sheets, reconciliation sheets, bank statements and budget reports. Assists in compiling and preparing materials for budget estimates. KNOW LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of accounting practices and theories. Working knowledge of basic modern bookkeeping practices and procedures. Working knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Working ability to operate modern office equipment. W orking ability to make arithmetic computations by hand or by adding machine. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least 15 credit hours in courses acceptable toward the jinior accounting certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the junior accounting certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office); and two years' experience as an Accounting Clerk II or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. - 8 - . 1C���.� . � ����0� Title of class: ACCOUi`TING TECHi�'ICIA;� I7 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs intermediate accounting or book- keeping work maintaining and auditing financial records and books of account; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and adminis- trative supervision of an accountant or a unit, division or department head. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Posts entries and maintains general control or subsidiary books of ac- counts including cash books, appropriation and disbursement ledgers and encumbrance records; makes trial balances as required. Maintains and is responsible for inventory records; prepares or directs the preparation of requisitions for ordering supplies. Audits and reconciles pay vouchers to control accounts. Records and processes cash receipts, billings or disbursements; deposits cash receipts. Maintains financial records; prepares financial statements. Assists in the preparation of budget materials and preliminary budget e stimate s. Composes routine correspondence. Compiles figures for financial reports; assists in the preparation of financial reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of accounting principles and techniques. Working knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of bookkeeping practices and procedures. Working ability to operate modern office equipment. Considerable ability to perform arithmetic computations. Considerable ability to follow written or oral instruction. � i�1INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least 30 credit hours in courses acceptable toward the junior accounting certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the junior accounting certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office); and two years' experience as an Accounting Technician I or equivalent. Each additional year of qual- ifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Additional eaperience as an Accountinr Clerk II is qualifying for the first fiiteen �redit hours. _ ., _ 1C��.3 -r �ti� ��r � i:�ss: ������ ACCOUNTING TECH1'ICIA� III DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled accounting work main- taining and auditing financial records and books of account; and per- forms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the generalxechnical and adminis- trative supervision of an accountant or a unit, division or department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit, division or department close technical supervision directly over clerical work and/or lower level technical accounting work as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Compiles data and prepares accounting reports as directed. Distributes charges to various accounts, computes overhead and prepares cost statements for specific operations. Posts entries and maintains detailed manual ledgers, control books of account and journals. Performs job cost studies breaking down components into various amounts and codes. Prepares independently periodic financial reports including quarterly and annual reports. Performs and is responsible for accounting activities including inventory control for specific funds or accounts. Processes and records cash receipts, billing and disbursements. Composes routine correspondence. Assists in compiling data and preparing budget materials; prepares simple budget estimates. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of accounting principles and techniques. Considerable knowledge of modern office equipment. Thorough knowledge of bookkeeping practices and procedures. Considerable skill in making arithmetic computations. Considerable ability to operate modern oifice equipment. b�"orking ability to develop working relationship with subordinates. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least 50 credit hours in courses acceptable toward the junior accounting certificate as given by the Universit}' oi Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the junior accounting certificate; a list of such substitute courses i� maintained in the Personnel Office); and tv��o years' experience as an _�ccounting Technician II or equivalent. {No substitution for educ�.tion. 1 - 10 - • � J���� , r Title of class: • ^ CHIEF ACCOUNTAI�T �`"���� DESCRIPTION OF WORIi General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible managerial work as head accountant for the City and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the broad policy guidance and direction of the Finance Department head. Supervision Exercised; Exercises within a division general guidance and direction through subordinate supervisors over all professional, tech- nical and clerical workers and exercises broad policy guidance and direction over technical accounting work performed in other divisions. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed exa.mples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and coordinates the development of city-wide accounting policies and procedures. Supervises and coordinates the development and maintenance of a central system of accounts for all City departments and agencies. Supervises the compiling, preparation, and writing of annual financial reports for the City. Supervises and reviews special reports and audits prepared by an account- ing division. Supervises and reviews the disbursement function of the City and the audit- ing of disbursements for Independent School District No. 625. Supervises and reviews the issuing of municipal bonds. Implements the City budget, prepares special revisions, transfer of funds and establishes new funds and operating procedures. Supervises the preparation of the appropriations ledger and related state- ments. Supervises the City payroll operation and responds to policy questions. Develops and supervises an internal auditing systern and interfaces with the outside auditor. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the City Charter, administrative code, laws, ordinances and resolutions that pertain to an accounting division and its operation. Considerable knowledge in the procedure issuing and administering municipal bonds. Expert knowledge of government accounting, auditin� and financial reporting. Considerable ability to establish working relationship with subordinates. Considerable ability to determine priorities, organize and delegate work. Expert ability to understand the relationship of central accountiizg pro- cedures to departmental operations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Coll.ege graduation with a major in accounting or equivalent and ten years' experience in accounting, at least six years of v��hich must have been as an Accountant III or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) -11 - WH17E - CITY CLERK PII�IC - '�- FINANCE J GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council - � ZANA�iV -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MdVOR File NO. � � � O rdindnce o�lnan�e N o. ���'-� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. - 12 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PERSONNEL OFFICE � In Favor Hunt Q Levine Against By Thoma.s D. Gleason, Director Roedler SY'� �� � t�?'Il �p�' � Form pproved y Cit Atto Adopted by Counc„j3-:� ate Certified,��ssed n ' Secretary BY �-_ By` _. Approved b yor: Date ' � 4 �977 Ap oved by Mapor for S i i n to Council gy By P_UBUSHEO APR 2 3 1977 Do not detach this memorandum fro th� ���3� , � � ordinance so that this informatlon Wili d OM 01• 12/1975 available to the City CounclL Rev. ; � 9/8/76 EXPLANATTON OF ADMINISTR.A.TIVE O �DER�, �C����t RE5�LUTIONS AND ORDIlVANCE E� f� �. ' Date: February 10, 19?? �r TO; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: PersonnelOffice RE: Ordinance for submission to the City Council. A.CTTON REQUE5TED: . We recommend your approval and submission of th.�s Ordi.nance to th.e � City Council. , � � +' � �� � � 3 PURPOSE AND RATIQN.�iLE FOR THIS.ACTIONa °" This ordinance amends Ordi.nance No. 7607 (Class pecifications) to replace the present speci.fications with revised speci.ficati.ons drafted y the U.S.Civil Service Commission consvltants. The minimum qualifications have en reviewed and approved by the Minimum Qualifications Commiltee. The followi.ng ar the titles involved: Accounting Technician I Accountant ILI Accounting Techaician II Accountant IV Accounting Technician. III Accountant V Accoun.tant I � A�ccouatant II Chief Accountant � .A.TTACHMENT5: Ordi.nance and copy for the City Clerk. � �,;a �ti � ,,y 0.� Fay. IY � � C�� -=�� . , r , t � � _. � �, � , Civil Service Commisslon $ � � i � � pAUL ������ Director of Personnel Mr.A.R.(Dick)Zangs,Chairman � � � � + Thomas D. Gleason Dr.George O. Berry PERS 1 L �FF�CE Mn. Marylyn Deneen ' , Assistant Director Bernard P.Wright • � • A1 ■ , r9� �s ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 MEMORANDUM T0: Peter Hames . March 4, 1977 FR: Ed'�rd RE: Ordinance Replacing Accounting Specifications The attached ordinance was prompted by a review of the minimum qualifications Por the accounting series by the Minimum Qu8lifications Com�►ittee. Oaly minor revisions were made in the minimum qualifications for Accounting Technicians, but those for Accountants and Chief Accountant have been revised to require qualifications that are necessary for performing the 3ob, yet which provide maximua� opportunity for applicants to compete for these positions. In addition, the specifications are Written in the new fornat. This format specifies _ the supervision received, supervision exercised, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required oF the position. This information is not a part of the present specifications. Although the examples of work performed have been rewritten, there has not beett any change in the basic responsibilities of these positions. The Personnel Department and the Accounting Division have reviewed the specific�ttions and are satisfied with their content�. There will be additional ordinances of this type submitted as the IYlinimum Qualifi- cations Co�mnittee reviews and agrees on the minimum qumlificatians for other job positions. The original draf't, which wa� written in Personnel, will be reviewed in the Personnel Department and the operating department and revisions made when necessary. The federal reca�mendations are not sutomatically accepted verbatim. If there are other concerns or questions, please let me know. cc: Tom Gl�ason Phil Lee ��� ���y n i,pN ? v�A� 4t v z � ° yy����� pyyC�' ��'�AGEM��'� M£M9ER 1 � � � . • ISt --� E I/ � � �—� � �7 2nd L..�� =� �� � 3rd �7 ;`� Adopted L '> Yeas Nays - BUTLER _ HOZZA HUNT ��V�if� LEVINE ROEDLER TEDES CO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER)