268802 � , � �� ' � �� 2nd `� / �3 � '' - 1 s t � _.------ L� �� Adopted �1 � � 3rd � Yeas Nays BUTLER ������� HOZZA � HUNT . LEVINE ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) � , . ._ �� ��� , . ��1���� Title of class: CLERK I ' DESCRIPTION OF WORK General 5tatement of Duties: Performs routine and repetitive entry level clerical work of limited complexity and variety; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate technical supervision of a higher level clerical employee and/or receives immediate administrative supervision from a unit, division, or department head, Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Answers telephone, routes calls and takes messages, receives visitors, deter- mines nature of business, supplies information or directs to proper person where some knowledge of the operation is necessary, Sorts, alphabetizes,codes, and files correspondence, forms, records, reports, cards, memoranda, documents, and other materials in an established order. Searches files�and lo�books for specific data. Operates office equipment including copy machines, adding machine, calculator and mimeograph machine. Makes simple arithmetic computations by hand or adding machine; posts simple entries in books of account or other records. Performs on r�ccasion routine typing of materials including lists, envelopes and form letters where speed and accuracy are not a major factor, Receives, sorts, and distributes incoming and outgoing mail, and performs other messenger duties as required, Issues permits and collects fees. KNOWLEDGES, 5KILL5 AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Some knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organization. Some ability to deal with the public in a tactful and ef ficient manner, Some ability to make simple arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Working ability to follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS None. . - 2 - � . f Co a.�J `Title. of class: ����� � CLERK II , DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs intermediate clerical work of mod- erate complexity and variety; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of a higher level clerk and/or receives administrative supervision from a unit, division or department head. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all po:aitions in this class. Maintains and codes labor, material and cost records of various accounts and prepares reports as required. Compiles and maintains complex or involved files, records, schedules and statistics. Audits and reconciles reports, invoices and other statistical data from various sources. Answers telephones, routes calls, takes messages; receives visitors, deter- mines the nature of business, supplies information or directs to proper person where a working knowledge of the operation is necessary. Processes routine complaints and inquiries by explanation of office procedure, record review for accuracy, correction of records or referral to higher auth or ity. Operates office equipment including copy machines, adding machine, calculator, and mimeograph machine. Maintains perpetual inventories, conducts periodic physical inventories and requisitions supplies. Performs on occasion routine typing of materials including lists, envelopes and form letters where speed and accuracy are not major factors. Prepares and checks payroll time sheets, employee hours worked, overtime and related forms and records. Compiles and maintains simple accounting, financial and cost records where no technical bookkeeping knowledge is required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of modern office practices and procedures, Working knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organization. 5ome ability to operate modern office equipment. Working ab ility to follow oral or written instructions. Working abi lity to make simple arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy, Working ability to perform clerical functions without more than normal close supervision. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public. ' MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' clerical experience. - 3 - .- - _ . ___ __ _ _._ __ _ . ��Q��C� � ''I'itle �of ��as S: 268802 C LER K III DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled clerical work of a complex nature requiring the exercise of independent judgment; and performs re- lated duties as required. 5upervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a clerical supervisor or unit, division or department head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within a unit, division or department immediate or close technical or administrative supervision directly over lower level clerical workers. . TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the independent function of a phase of clerical operation incl uding supervision of assigned clerical staff, preparation of correspondence and decision making in accordance with well established policies, rules and laws. Assigns, organizes, supervises and reviews the work of subordinate clerical workers. Reviews correspondence, reports, documents, memoranda, and files for com- pleteness and accuracy. Receives individuals and answers telephones, searches files and supplies infor- mation, determines nature of business, answers questions, or directs indi- viduals to others where a thorough knowledge of the operation is required. Processes routine complaints and inquiries by explanation of office procedure, record review for accuracy, correction of records or referral to higher author ity. Organizes, compiles and maintains records or files of a complex and respon- sible nature. Issues licenses or permits and collects fees that require a knowledge of depart- mental rules or policies. Prepares, audits and maintains payroll records and other time-related records. Compiles, computes and codes data for reports requiring judgment as to content. Compiles and maintains complete personnel records. Assembles diverse reports relating to unit division or departmental operations; requisitions supplies and approves bills for payment. Operates modern office equipment including calculators, adding machines, copy and check-writing machines. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Considerable knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organi- zation. Working ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. � Considerable ability to follow complex oral and written instructions. Considerable ability to perform clerical functions without more than normal close supervision. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS F'our years' clerical experience. - 4 - ,- - -- _ ���� . • , ' ������ Title of class: CLERK-STENOGRAPHER I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General 5tatement of Duties: Performs routine and repetitive entry-level clerical and stenographic work of limited complexity and variety; and performs related dutie s as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate technical supervision of a higher level clerical employee and/or receives immediate administra- tive supervision from a unit, division, or department head. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Takes shorthand notes and transcribes dictation of draft and final correspon- dence, memoranda, reports, specifications, minutes of ineetings and other related material of a routine nature; transcribes dictating machine recordings. Types letters, forms, reports, schedules, lists, cards, labels, envelopes and other routine materials according to detailed instructions or well established guidelines. Sorts, alphabetizes, codes and files correspondence, forms, reports, records, cards, memoranda, documents, and other materials in an established order. Answers telephone, routes calls and takes messages; receives visitors, deter- mines nature of business and supplies information or directs to proper person where some knowledge of the operation is necessary. Makes simple arithmetic computations by hand or adding machine; posts by hand simple entries into books of account or other records. Operates office equipment including copying, adding and mimeograph machines, calculator and dictaphone. Receives, sorts, and distributes mail and performs other messenge r duties as required. Issues and collects fees. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Some knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organization. Working knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Working skill in typing with speed and accuracy. Working skill in taking shorthand with speed and accuracy. Some ability to deal with the public in a tactful and efficient manner, Some ability to operate modern office equipment. Some ability to make simple arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Working ability to follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS None. - 5- _ __ __ _. -- __--- ----_ _---_ _._._ ___. • - ����, ` CLERK-STENOGR.APHER II ������ (Continued) Working ability to follotv oral or written instructions. Working ability to perform clerical functions without more than normal close supervision. Working ability to make simple arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Working knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' clerical experience. _ 7 _ . _ _, _ r_.,�_. .. . __ _.. _ . __ _ . _. __ .: __ _- _ _ ,_ ICQ�20 � Title,�of class: ������ CLERK-STENOGRAPHER II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs intermediate clerical and stenographic work of moderate complexity and variety; performs related duties as re- quired. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of a higher- level clerk and/or receives administrative supervision from a unit, division or department head. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Takes shorthand notes and transcribes oral dictation for draft and final corres- pondence, memoranda, reports, specifications, minutes of ineetings and other related material of a difficult nature; transcribes dictating machine recordings. Types letters, narrative and statistical reports, schedules, lists, forms, cards, labels, envelopes and other material according to general guidelines. Prepares and types vouchers, requisitions, purchase orders and related materials. Prepares, types and mails routine correspondence following well-established guidelines and procedures. Answers telephones, routes calls, takes messages; receives visitors, determines the nature of business; supplies information or directs to �roper person where a working knowledge of the operation is necessary. Processes routine complaints and inquiries by explanation of office procedure, record review for accuracy, correction of records or referral to higher authority. Compiles and maintains complete personnel records. Prepares and types routine reports, vouchers, requisitions, purchase orders and related materials. Prepares, types and mails routine corresponsence following established guide- lines and procedures. Compiles and maintains complex or involved files, records, schedules and statistics. Prepares and checks payroll time sheets, employee hours worked, overtime and related forms and records. Operates office equipment including copy, adding and mimeograph machines, calculator and dictaphone. Receives, sorts and distributes incoming and outgoing mail. Compiles and maintains simple accounting, financial and cost records where no technical bookkeeping knowledge is required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of modern office practices and procedures, Working knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organization. Working skill in typing with speed and accuracy. Working skill in taking shorthand with speed and accuracy. Some ability to operate modern office equipment. Working ability to deal with the public in a tactful and efficient manner, (C ontinued) - 6 - �... �.,�. ., .-,_ _. , _.__._ _ _ _ ,.,,_ ...____ _ _. . 1��� � �� � . 2���0� Title of class: CLERK-STENOGRAPHER III DESCRIpTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled clerical and stenographic work of a complex nature requiring the exercise of independent judgment; and performs related duties as required. -• ---- Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a clerical supervisor or unit, division or department head. 5upervision Exercised: Exercises�within a unit, division, or department imme- diate or close technical or administrative supervision directly over lower level clerical work as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIE5 PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the independent function of a phase of a clerical operation including supervision of assigned clerical staff, preparation of correspondence and decision making in accordance with well established policies, rules and laws. Assigns, organizes, supervises and reviews the work of subordinate clerical workers. Takes shorthand notes and transcribes dictation; composes and types material dealing with technical subject matter; proof reads correspondence and reports making minor corrections and referring major di�crepancies to supervisor. Types complex, technical, or involved materials that requires independent judgment and the ability to rearrange, expand, segregate or tabulate. Opens, sorts and reads incoming correspondence; composes routine letters as authorized by supervisor; proof reads and signs outgoing correspondence. Receives visitors and answers telephone calls, searches files and supplies information; determines nature of business, answers questions, or directs individuals to others where a thorough knowledge of the operation is required. Processes complaints and inquiries by explanation of office procedure, record review for accuracy, correction of records or referral to higher authority. Organizes, compiles and maintains records or files of a complex and responsible nature. Issues permits and licenses and collects fees that require a knowledge of depart- mental rules or policies. Assembles diverse reports relating to unit, division, or departmental opera- tions; requisitions supplies and approves �iills for payment. KNOWLEDGE5, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation. . Considerable knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organi- zation. Considerable skill in taking shorthand with speed and accuracy. Considerable skill in typing with speed and accuracy. Working ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. (Continued) - 8 - _ _ __ _ ,___ . _._ , , I(Q���'� � � - 26�802 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER III (Continued) Considerable ability to perform clerical functions without more than normal close supervision. Considerable ability to deal with the public in a tactful and efficient manner. Considerable ability to follow complex oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' clerical experience. - 9 - l��� � �=� : � 268�� Title of class: CLERK-TYPIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine and repetive typing and clerical work of limited complexity and variety; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate technical supervision of a higher level clerical employea and/or receives immediate administrative supervision from a unit, division, or department head. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Types letters, forms, reports, schedules, lists, cards, labels, envelopes and other routine materials according to detailed instructions or well established � guid eline s. Transcribes memoranda, letters, reports or other materials from dictaphone recordings. Sorts, alphabetizes, codes and files correspondence, forms, cards, memoranda, documents and other materials in an established order. Makes simple arithmetic computations by hand or adding machine, posts by hand simple entries into books of account or other records. Answers telephone, routes calls, and takes messages; receives visitors, deter- mines nature of business, supplies information or direct s to proper person where some knowledge of the operation is necessary. Issues permits and collects fees. Receives, sorts and distributes incoming and outgoing mail and performs other messenger duties as required. Operates office equipment including copy, adding and mimeograph machines, calculator and dictaphone. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Some knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organization. Some knowledge of grammar, spelling and accuracy. Working skill in typing with speed and accuracy. Some ability to operate modern office equipment. Some ability to deal with the public in a tactful and efficient manner. Some ability to make simple arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Working ability to follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS . None. - 10 - � a.__ ._.. . _. _.._._. __ .. ._. . . ���~i� " - t C����� Title.of class: CLERK-TYPIST II DESCRIpTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs intermediate clerical and typing work of moderate complexity and variety; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of a higher Ievel clerk and/or receives administrative supervision from a unit, division or department head, Supervision Exercised: None . TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED. The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Types letters, n arrative and statistical reports, schedules, lists, forms, cards, labels and envelopes and other material according to general guide- line s. Prepares and types vouchers, requisitions, purchase orders and related materials. Prepares, types and mails routine correspondence following well established guidelines and procedures. Transcribes memoranda, letters, reports and other material from dictaphone recordings. Prepares and checks payroll time sheets, employee hours worked, overtime and related forms and records. Answers telephones, routes calls, takes messages; receives visitors, deter- mines the nature of business, supplies information or directs to proper per- son where a working knowledge of the operation is necessary. Processes routine complaints and inquiries by explanation of office procedure, record review for accuracy, correction of records or referral to higher authority. Compiles and maintains complex or involved files, records, schedules and stati sti c s. Compiles and maintains simple accounting, financial and cost records where no technical bookkeeping knowledge is required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Some knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organization. Working knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Working skill in typing with speed and accuracy. Some ability to perform clerical functions without more than normal close supervision. Some ability to make simple arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Working ability to deal with the public in a tactful and efficient manner, . Working ability to operate modern office equipment. Working ability to follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' clerical experience. - 11 - � � � ��� � 'Title.'of class: • �� . CLERK-TYPIST III 2688�2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled clerical and typing work of a complex nature requiring the exercise of independent judgment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a clerical supervisor or a unit, division or department head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within a unit, division or department immediate or close technical or administrative supervision directly over lower level clerical workers. . TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the independent function of a phase of an operation including super- vision of assigned clerical staff, preparation of correspondence and deci- sion making in accordance with well established policies, rules or laws. Types complex, technical or involved materials that require independent judg- ment and the ability to rearrange, expand, segregate or tabulate. Copies legal documents or fills out legal forms without supervision. Opens, sorts and reads incoming correspondence; answers routine and non- routine letters as authorized by supervisor; proof reads and signs outgoing letters which do not require attention of supervisor. Receives individuals and answers telephones, searches files and supplies in- formation; determines nature of business, answers questions, or directs individuals to others where a thorough knowledge of the operation is required. Processes routine complaints and inquiries by explanation of office procedure, record review for accuracy, correction of records or referral to higher authority. Distributes costs, expenses or materials to proper accounting codes; compiles and distributes reports reflecting labor costs, material expenses or inven- tory information from separate sources. Issues licenses and permits and collects monies. Compiles and maintains complete personnel records. Assigns, organizes, supervises and reviews the work of subordinate clerical workers. Prepares, audits and maintains payroll records and other time relat ed records. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of modern office procedures, practices and policies. Considerable knowledge of the policies, procedures and services of the organi- zation. Considerable knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Considerable skill in typing with speed and accuracy. Working ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. . Considerable ability to deal with the public in a tactful and efficient manner. Considerable ability to follow complex oral and written instructions. Considerable ability to perform clerical functions without more than normal close supervision. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' clerical experience. - 12 - WH17E - CITV CLERK � � PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BI.UEi -�AYOR � F11E NO. / �' �� /^ �l Ordindnce Ordinance 1��. . �VJ��/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. a . - 13 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PERSQNNEL OF ICE .b#ezza�— In Favor ,,�C�Y_� Hunt � e�t�C7'I�l✓! `✓ , •C; Levine Against By '�'h o m a s D ..�`�G 1 e a s o n, D i r . Roedler Sylvester � 'A�� � �' �� Form App oved b City Att� Adopted by Council' Date Certified-�Pass� by il Secretary BY �� Y Approve Mayor: D t APR 1 4 1977 Approved by MaXor for Submission to Council By By � puB�isHfo APR 2 3 1977 _ �� , - Do not detach this mer�orandum fr��m the 2�8��� � t this information wi� be • ordinance so tha OM O1: 12/I975 available to the City Council. . ' Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIV� ORDERS, I/ ��� RESOLZTTIONS, AND ORDINAI�TCES ��� ; Date: February 22, 19?? ` TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office „ RE; Ordina,nce for submission to the City Council , , .ACTTON RE�UESTED: We recommend your approval and submission ai� this Ordir�ance to the City Covncil. � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS.ACTION: This ordina.n.ce amends Ordin.a.nce 7607 to replac� present speci.fications wi.th revised specifications written by the U. S. ivil. Service Commission consultants: Minimvxn qualifications have been �eviewed and approved by the Min:imum Quali.fications Commi.ttee. This is e second grrnxping of federal specifications to be submitted for imple nta.tion. The minimum ' qualifications have been changed to eliminate the; equirement of high school gradua.tion. The title s included in this ordinance!;are - Clerk I Clerk-Ster�ographer I Clerk-Typist I Clerk II Clerk-Stenographer II �� Clerk-Typist II Clerk III Clerk-Stenographer 7II ::� Clerk-Typist III ATTACHMENTS; � Ordi.nance and copy for the City Clerk. � � � ` , �� lst —��/C�� 2nd ��l `` I � ) � r � .�� 3rd _ 7��> Adopted / � _��_ Yeas Nays . BUTLER HOZZA �?����� . HUNT LEVINE ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)