268794 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICll ����9� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �PA U L CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Cou c ' Resolution � Presented By LIC�NSE COA�IITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days date� and hours indicated on the application, be and the same is hereby granted. Columbian «omen's Club 408 riain Bingo-51 Pds. Appn. 14813 Renew St. Paul Unico 904 Rice St. Bingo-1 Pd. 14832 ftenew St. Paul Turners 408 Main Add'1 Bingo Fees 14763 Renew Catholic Parents Club 408 A1ain Add'1 Bir�o Fees 14778 Renew Columbian Womens Club 408 Main Add'1 Bingo Fees 14779 Renew St. Casimirs Ushers Club 934 E. Geranium Add'1 Bingo Fees 14780 Renew North End Youth flockey Assn. 1079 Rice Add'1 Bingo Fees 14794 Renew St. Paul Turners Aux. �08 Main Add'1 B3ngo I'ees 14806 Renew � Jewish War Veterans Post 162 �148 1�1ain Add'1 �ingo Fees 14809 Renew Je�+rish �tfar Vetarans, Dept. of �1N. 1060 Univ. �dd'1 �ingo Fees 1481? Rene�v St. Paul Chapter DAV lOGO Univ. Add'1 �ingo Fees 14823 Renew Christie De Parcq Post 4O6 1060 Univ. Add'1 P,ingo Fees 14826 Rene�v Rice St. Athletic Club 900 Rice St. 11dd'1 �ingo Fees 14830 Renew World ltfar II Post Nc�. G845 V. I+. ��'. lOGO Univ. Add'1 Pin�o Fees 14831 Rene�� St. Josephs �ocietq for the Little Sisters of the Poor 459 Wabasha �'�dd'1 Bin��z Fees 14833 Rene�v r�orth End Community Organ. 1079 Rice St. �1dd'1 I3ingo Fees 14&}3 Renew St. Paul Chapter Unico 900 Rice St. <�dd'1 Fin�;o Fees 148�6 Rene�r Christie De Parcq. �ux. 1060 Univ. Add'1 ningo I'ees 148�7 Rene�tir Ravoux General Assembly �108 rtain Add'1 I3ingo Fees 14848 Rene�v l�Torld lVar II Post G845 Ladies aux. 106G Univ. Add'1 Bin�o F+ees 14849 Renew Star & Shield Post 449 459 t�abasha �1dd'1 33in�o I'ees 14850 P•enew Catholic Athletic Assn. 408 I�iain l�dd'1 I3ingo Fees 14875 Renew Smith Dodd �usinessmens Assoc. 59 E. Congress Add'1 Lingo Fees 1�8?6 Rene�� St. Peter Claver Society 459 «abasha tldd'1 �;ingo Fees 14888 Rene�r St. Peter Claver Social Clut� 459 {9abasha Add'1 �ingo Fees 1�889 Renew �uadalupe Youth Conncil 459 4labasha Add'1 I3ingo Fees 14890 Reneiv I�oly Childhood hien's Club 57 �V. 7th St. Add'1 Bingo Fees 14892 Renew Holy Chilcihood Plomen's Club 57 5J. 7th St. Add'1 Bingo Fees 14893 Rene�t� Nels tilold Chapter �5 1��.O.P.fI. 106Q Univ. Add'1 �3ingo Fees 1�1905 I�enew COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine J __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco �� 2;Z �:�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte Council: ate rtified Pass o cil etary • By By, Appro by Mayor: t uAR 9;3 �97T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAR 2 6 1971