01-52OR1GlNAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Pxesented Referred To Council Ftle # O � — $ 'a1. Green Sheet # 63998_ Comurittee Date 1 An Admiiiistrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates Of Compensation for the class of Social Worker. ia BE TT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Social Worker be changed from Grade 10 to grade 14 as set forth in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID 3, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Huxnan Resources Office By: ��.�L�T'rsr. Form App ved by City Attorney sy: �-�r'��`� ��2I1 Approved by Mayor fo�r S� to Council BY� ��Y�P..� l� BY � ^ C�"� v � / Approved by Mayor: Date ��7 �� 1 By: Adopted by Council: Date a c� p\ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary t o�-s�- DEPART'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IIVITTATED ��EN SHEET No.• 63998 Human Resources Dec 18, 2000 ' CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � INiTT/�I✓DA7'E A7ITIwUn/+TE John Shockley 266-6482 Mazk Robertson 26Cr6471 �SIGn DEPARTT�ENI Dnd�� 5 cTTr Cout Michael Fole 266-6484 �JM�ER Z C1T'Y ATTORNEY b CTTY CLERK - Y FOR 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIl2. TECH & MGT. SERVICES ROUTING D� MtiST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ��gg 4 Mp,ypR (OR ASST.) CNII. SERVICE As Soon As Possible co�nssioN TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} AC1'iON REQiIESTED: Approve The attached resolution changing the rate of pay for the class entifled "Social Worker". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) - PERSONAI. SERVIC& CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TfIE FOLLOWING � ; QUESTIONS: r Pi,ANNING COMMIS$ION _CNIL SERYICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztrnent? - CIB COMMTTTEb _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever bezn a city employee? l DISTRICT COURT Yes No - SLiPPO HICH COUNCII.OBJECTNE? 3. Does Utis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city � employee? Yes No � , Explain all yes a�swers on separate sheet and attach to greeq �"•- // l �� .:�k' • INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSTIE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Tlle I'eSp011Slbllltle5 3SS1�IleC1 t0 �le S1I1 �'� incumbent class of Social Worker have changed since the position was last studied. The position now;has program management respansibilitias and is much more exposed to significant personal danger. � � �382r�9�' �`°��' � ADVANTAGES IFAPYROVEA: ApIJIOpTiclte COTY11leT1S3110ri Wlll Ue eSt1UI1SIleCI fOT'tlllS CI&SS. 3�� _' `e Y�,; ms�nvnn*��ES vF nrrxovEn: There are no lrnown disadyantages except an increase in salary costs, however;�� h oosts have�been budgeted. ��;, � , ,t.;i�y� nisavvnNxncES � xoT nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established for this class. � TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �5 ,639.69 COST(REVENI7EBUDGETED: YeS Fmvvmc souxcE: Ramsey County Levy acrivi � �� 580709 �������� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � 9 ' L��� � JAN 0 2 2�� a �AYOR 'soFF�cE ClTY ATTC7��E�' G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\wittgen\�n3. WPD a�•sa Proposed Salary for the Change to the Title of Social Worker Pav Rate Compared to Proposed Pay Rate Title and Grade Bi-Weekly Salarv Social Worker (Proposed) PEA Grade 14 $ 1,944.49 Social Worker (Present) PEA Grade 10 Bi-Weekly Costs (Step Six Comparison) $ 1,728.41 216.08 Annual Additional Cost (Step Six Comparison) - Annual Salarv $ 50,751.19 $ 45,111.50 $ 5,639.69 G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\vnttgen\pay3 wpd D�-5� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMA7ARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONSCONTACTED Social Worker Kay Wittengenstein Michael F. Foley October 30, 2000 Kay Wittgenstein (Incuxnbent) Diane Holmgren (Supervisor) APPROVED BY HIJMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ON November 6, 2000 Back�round The class specification was reviewed several years ago but this was a routine review and update rather than a major study. The incumbent believes that the position deserves a further study and completed a job profile form. The profile is submitted with the approval of Public Health management. Study Components Interview with the incumbent Interview with the supervisar Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Description The position is a professional social worker and specializes in dealing with the homeless. As a result of dealing with this population it also is involved heavily in dealing with people who are using illegal drugs or dealing in illegal drugs. In addition, the posirion oversees the efforts of severai people who are funded by non-profit agencies but who are housed in Public Health and who work on closely related programs under the supervision of this position. Comparison to Class Specifications The duties and responsibilities that are currently assigned to this class were compared to the o�• 5} duties and responsibilities in the existing class specifications and to other titles in Public Health (notably the nursing posirions) and to positions such as Police Officer, Environmental Health positions, and Aniuial Control. The duties and responsibilities actually assigned to the position were not adequately described in the existing class specification. Specifically, the position in question is now exposed to significant personal danger from drug addicts and dealers and it has acquired significant program management responsibility as well as responsibility for overseeing the work of a staff. Comnarison to Other Positions None of the existing posirions in Public Health had a similar mix of responsibilities. The review of duries indicated that a new class spec was warranted and that an adjushnent in compensation should be considered. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 14 in the PEA Bargaining unit. It is currently assigned to PEA grade 10. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the class, "Social Worker" be revised as specified in the attached draft and be compensated at the rate described above. Proposed Title of Class: General Statement of Duties: SOCTAL WORKER :_,,� ., �� ���� �y ��: Code: 658 BL3: Ob Effective: ��� S � Perforxns professional social work and manages or monitors special social work programs and associated agency staff; and performs other related duries as assigned or required. Supervision Received: Works under general supervision of a Public Health snanager or supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: Leads and supervises assigned staff. TYPICAL DUT]ES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duries performed by all positions in this class. Coordinates several major programs that provide assistance to homeless, persons at risk for homelessness, dysfunctional families, and at-risk youth. Serves on a number of of inter-organizational committees that coordinate services among a variety of public and non-profit agencies. Manages staff assigned to the unit from other agencies. Conducts emergency crisis intervention; conducts initial intake and assessment, and provides counseling, referral, and foilow-up with participants. Perfroms social worker case management including home visits, develoging case plans (personal developmenUrecovery plans) with clients, and implements and administers these case plans. Personally visits clients in homes, homeless shelters, etc. on a regular basis. Ensures that program execurion meets federal and other legal requirements. Acts as a resource or liaison with the community, community organizations, and sociai service agencies. Assists and oversees assigned workers and may personally assist with the drug raids conducted by the Police FORCE unit. Documents and reports illegal and/or criminal acrivities such as cknld abuse, drug use, drug dealing, etc. Acts as a resource or liaison with the community, community organizations, and social service agencies. Acts as advocate for project participants. Prepares reports, „m applicarions, and educational or public information materials. Compiles and maintain records, statistics, and reports. (SOCIAL WORKERI Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: SOCIAT. WORKER ����� Develops policies and procedures for the unit. KNOWLEDGE SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable lmowledge of the theories and principles of social work. Code: 658 ��� 5 a BU: 06 Effective: Considerable imowledge of specific program content, issues, and terniinologies to provide effective educarion and counseling services. Considerable lmowledge of inedical and/or social service assistance available. Worldng sldlls in the use of standard PC softwaze packages and other office equipment as required. Considerable ability to interact effectively with people of different educarional, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Considerable abiliry to administer programs and supervise assigned employees and guide them through difficult and dangerous situarions. Considerable ability to deal effecrively with situafions that create significant personal danger. Working ability to interpret and apply federal and state guidelines to programs to ensure compliance. Working ability to coordinate scazce resources from a variery of agencies. Working ability to communicate effecrively both orally and in writing. Working ability to compile and maintain records, files, and statisrical information. MINIMITM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in social work, Sociology, Psychology, or a related social science field and two years of experience in the social service and two years of experience as a social worker; must have one year experience as a team or project leader or supervisar. Must haue a valid MN Class C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license with no suspensions or revocations within the two year period prior to the date of the examination (parking-related offenses excluded). Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies such as Hmong, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, Spanish or another fareign language. (SOCIAL WORKER) Page 2 of 2 Title of Class: � �%/� � � �-�G �b � tl !�'.uZ.i� � SOCIAL WORKER General Statement of Duries: Code: 658 BU: 06 Effecrive: 03/24/1995 �,� S T Performs professional social work for special programs or projects: and performs other related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under general supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: May Iead the work of assigned sta£f. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides emergency crisis intervention; conducts initial intake and assessment and provides counseling, referral, and follow-up with participants. Assists in planning and organizing crime prevention projects and activities for the commnnity. Provides counseling, educational and/or recreational acriviries; conducts educational classes for participants. Makes home visits and follow-up contacts with participants. Acts as a resource or liaison with the communiry, coxnmunity organizations, and social service agencies. Acts as advocate for project participants. Prepares reports, grant applicarions, and educational or public informafion materials. Compiles and maintain records, statisrics, and reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKII,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCTES Considerable knowledge of the theories and principles of social work. Considerable knowledge of specific program content, issues, and ternunologies to provide effective education and counseling services. Considerable knowledge of inedical and/or social service assistance available. Working skills in the use of equipment as required. (SOCIAL WORKER) Page 1 of 2 ����w�� -�.� r°������ O��s� Title of Class: � �`' ° ' � '` �"'� ��� � �� � Code: 658 SoCIAL wORKER BU: 06 Effective: 03/24/1995 Considerable ability to interact effecrively with people of different educational, culhual and socio- economic backgrounds. Considerable ability to provide teaching or counseling on an individual or goup basis. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to compile and maintain records, files, and statisrical informarion. ivIINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in social work, Sociotogy, Psychology, or a reIated social science field and two years of experience in the social service field or as a social worker. Must have a valid MN Class C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license with na suspensioqs or revocations within the two year period prior to the dafe of the examination (pazkingxelated offenses excluded). Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies such as Hmong, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, Spanish or another foreign language. (SOCIAL WORKER) Aage 2 of 2 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Dirutor 01- S� �'I1� 0�' ''�`�r PA�' 400CiryHallAnrzex Telephone: 6S1-Z666500 Norm Colem¢n, Mayor 25 WestFourth Sueet TOD/TTY. 6SI-266-6501 SaintPaul,Minnesota Si102-I631 Joblinz 651-266-6502 Facsimi7e: 1" Opfion: 651-292-6414 Z"'Oprion: 65I-292-64I5 3i Optiors: 657-292-7656 TO: Diane Holmgren, Health Administration Mauager Department of Public Health FROM: DATE: I' 7 Michael F. Foley �i!/��� Office of Htunan Resources November 8, 2000 Twenty Day Notice - Social Worker We are proposing a revision to the class entitled Social Worker. This includes a revision of the duties and a change to the min;mum quaiifications. I have attached a copy of fhe proposed class specificatzons and a copy of the class specificatzons for the current class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that fime frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will be processing a resolution that will propose placing the revised class at grade 14 in PEA. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this title and class specificaYion. Nasne G:LShwedlTeam21CLASSIwingers120cmgt.wpd � �� , Date j l� e� 0�� y Nv � � r�t �.s �-`� a�t P�a✓��u��� �.'�� �o�a. 1 CzI fec� i'''I l�'fo(���eK a����t z ��,���I �iz ��l��ho � � � ZQaU OR1GlNAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Pxesented Referred To Council Ftle # O � — $ 'a1. Green Sheet # 63998_ Comurittee Date 1 An Admiiiistrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates Of Compensation for the class of Social Worker. ia BE TT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Social Worker be changed from Grade 10 to grade 14 as set forth in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID 3, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Huxnan Resources Office By: ��.�L�T'rsr. Form App ved by City Attorney sy: �-�r'��`� ��2I1 Approved by Mayor fo�r S� to Council BY� ��Y�P..� l� BY � ^ C�"� v � / Approved by Mayor: Date ��7 �� 1 By: Adopted by Council: Date a c� p\ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary t o�-s�- DEPART'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IIVITTATED ��EN SHEET No.• 63998 Human Resources Dec 18, 2000 ' CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � INiTT/�I✓DA7'E A7ITIwUn/+TE John Shockley 266-6482 Mazk Robertson 26Cr6471 �SIGn DEPARTT�ENI Dnd�� 5 cTTr Cout Michael Fole 266-6484 �JM�ER Z C1T'Y ATTORNEY b CTTY CLERK - Y FOR 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIl2. TECH & MGT. SERVICES ROUTING D� MtiST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ��gg 4 Mp,ypR (OR ASST.) CNII. SERVICE As Soon As Possible co�nssioN TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} AC1'iON REQiIESTED: Approve The attached resolution changing the rate of pay for the class entifled "Social Worker". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) - PERSONAI. SERVIC& CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TfIE FOLLOWING � ; QUESTIONS: r Pi,ANNING COMMIS$ION _CNIL SERYICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztrnent? - CIB COMMTTTEb _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever bezn a city employee? l DISTRICT COURT Yes No - SLiPPO HICH COUNCII.OBJECTNE? 3. Does Utis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city � employee? Yes No � , Explain all yes a�swers on separate sheet and attach to greeq �"•- // l �� .:�k' • INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSTIE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Tlle I'eSp011Slbllltle5 3SS1�IleC1 t0 �le S1I1 �'� incumbent class of Social Worker have changed since the position was last studied. The position now;has program management respansibilitias and is much more exposed to significant personal danger. � � �382r�9�' �`°��' � ADVANTAGES IFAPYROVEA: ApIJIOpTiclte COTY11leT1S3110ri Wlll Ue eSt1UI1SIleCI fOT'tlllS CI&SS. 3�� _' `e Y�,; ms�nvnn*��ES vF nrrxovEn: There are no lrnown disadyantages except an increase in salary costs, however;�� h oosts have�been budgeted. ��;, � , ,t.;i�y� nisavvnNxncES � xoT nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established for this class. � TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �5 ,639.69 COST(REVENI7EBUDGETED: YeS Fmvvmc souxcE: Ramsey County Levy acrivi � �� 580709 �������� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � 9 ' L��� � JAN 0 2 2�� a �AYOR 'soFF�cE ClTY ATTC7��E�' G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\wittgen\�n3. WPD a�•sa Proposed Salary for the Change to the Title of Social Worker Pav Rate Compared to Proposed Pay Rate Title and Grade Bi-Weekly Salarv Social Worker (Proposed) PEA Grade 14 $ 1,944.49 Social Worker (Present) PEA Grade 10 Bi-Weekly Costs (Step Six Comparison) $ 1,728.41 216.08 Annual Additional Cost (Step Six Comparison) - Annual Salarv $ 50,751.19 $ 45,111.50 $ 5,639.69 G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\vnttgen\pay3 wpd D�-5� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMA7ARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONSCONTACTED Social Worker Kay Wittengenstein Michael F. Foley October 30, 2000 Kay Wittgenstein (Incuxnbent) Diane Holmgren (Supervisor) APPROVED BY HIJMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ON November 6, 2000 Back�round The class specification was reviewed several years ago but this was a routine review and update rather than a major study. The incumbent believes that the position deserves a further study and completed a job profile form. The profile is submitted with the approval of Public Health management. Study Components Interview with the incumbent Interview with the supervisar Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Description The position is a professional social worker and specializes in dealing with the homeless. As a result of dealing with this population it also is involved heavily in dealing with people who are using illegal drugs or dealing in illegal drugs. In addition, the posirion oversees the efforts of severai people who are funded by non-profit agencies but who are housed in Public Health and who work on closely related programs under the supervision of this position. Comparison to Class Specifications The duties and responsibilities that are currently assigned to this class were compared to the o�• 5} duties and responsibilities in the existing class specifications and to other titles in Public Health (notably the nursing posirions) and to positions such as Police Officer, Environmental Health positions, and Aniuial Control. The duties and responsibilities actually assigned to the position were not adequately described in the existing class specification. Specifically, the position in question is now exposed to significant personal danger from drug addicts and dealers and it has acquired significant program management responsibility as well as responsibility for overseeing the work of a staff. Comnarison to Other Positions None of the existing posirions in Public Health had a similar mix of responsibilities. The review of duries indicated that a new class spec was warranted and that an adjushnent in compensation should be considered. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 14 in the PEA Bargaining unit. It is currently assigned to PEA grade 10. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the class, "Social Worker" be revised as specified in the attached draft and be compensated at the rate described above. Proposed Title of Class: General Statement of Duties: SOCTAL WORKER :_,,� ., �� ���� �y ��: Code: 658 BL3: Ob Effective: ��� S � Perforxns professional social work and manages or monitors special social work programs and associated agency staff; and performs other related duries as assigned or required. Supervision Received: Works under general supervision of a Public Health snanager or supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: Leads and supervises assigned staff. TYPICAL DUT]ES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duries performed by all positions in this class. Coordinates several major programs that provide assistance to homeless, persons at risk for homelessness, dysfunctional families, and at-risk youth. Serves on a number of of inter-organizational committees that coordinate services among a variety of public and non-profit agencies. Manages staff assigned to the unit from other agencies. Conducts emergency crisis intervention; conducts initial intake and assessment, and provides counseling, referral, and foilow-up with participants. Perfroms social worker case management including home visits, develoging case plans (personal developmenUrecovery plans) with clients, and implements and administers these case plans. Personally visits clients in homes, homeless shelters, etc. on a regular basis. Ensures that program execurion meets federal and other legal requirements. Acts as a resource or liaison with the community, community organizations, and sociai service agencies. Assists and oversees assigned workers and may personally assist with the drug raids conducted by the Police FORCE unit. Documents and reports illegal and/or criminal acrivities such as cknld abuse, drug use, drug dealing, etc. Acts as a resource or liaison with the community, community organizations, and social service agencies. Acts as advocate for project participants. Prepares reports, „m applicarions, and educational or public information materials. Compiles and maintain records, statistics, and reports. (SOCIAL WORKERI Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: SOCIAT. WORKER ����� Develops policies and procedures for the unit. KNOWLEDGE SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable lmowledge of the theories and principles of social work. Code: 658 ��� 5 a BU: 06 Effective: Considerable imowledge of specific program content, issues, and terniinologies to provide effective educarion and counseling services. Considerable lmowledge of inedical and/or social service assistance available. Worldng sldlls in the use of standard PC softwaze packages and other office equipment as required. Considerable ability to interact effectively with people of different educarional, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Considerable abiliry to administer programs and supervise assigned employees and guide them through difficult and dangerous situarions. Considerable ability to deal effecrively with situafions that create significant personal danger. Working ability to interpret and apply federal and state guidelines to programs to ensure compliance. Working ability to coordinate scazce resources from a variery of agencies. Working ability to communicate effecrively both orally and in writing. Working ability to compile and maintain records, files, and statisrical information. MINIMITM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in social work, Sociology, Psychology, or a related social science field and two years of experience in the social service and two years of experience as a social worker; must have one year experience as a team or project leader or supervisar. Must haue a valid MN Class C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license with no suspensions or revocations within the two year period prior to the date of the examination (parking-related offenses excluded). Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies such as Hmong, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, Spanish or another fareign language. (SOCIAL WORKER) Page 2 of 2 Title of Class: � �%/� � � �-�G �b � tl !�'.uZ.i� � SOCIAL WORKER General Statement of Duries: Code: 658 BU: 06 Effecrive: 03/24/1995 �,� S T Performs professional social work for special programs or projects: and performs other related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under general supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: May Iead the work of assigned sta£f. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides emergency crisis intervention; conducts initial intake and assessment and provides counseling, referral, and follow-up with participants. Assists in planning and organizing crime prevention projects and activities for the commnnity. Provides counseling, educational and/or recreational acriviries; conducts educational classes for participants. Makes home visits and follow-up contacts with participants. Acts as a resource or liaison with the communiry, coxnmunity organizations, and social service agencies. Acts as advocate for project participants. Prepares reports, grant applicarions, and educational or public informafion materials. Compiles and maintain records, statisrics, and reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKII,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCTES Considerable knowledge of the theories and principles of social work. Considerable knowledge of specific program content, issues, and ternunologies to provide effective education and counseling services. Considerable knowledge of inedical and/or social service assistance available. Working skills in the use of equipment as required. (SOCIAL WORKER) Page 1 of 2 ����w�� -�.� r°������ O��s� Title of Class: � �`' ° ' � '` �"'� ��� � �� � Code: 658 SoCIAL wORKER BU: 06 Effective: 03/24/1995 Considerable ability to interact effecrively with people of different educational, culhual and socio- economic backgrounds. Considerable ability to provide teaching or counseling on an individual or goup basis. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to compile and maintain records, files, and statisrical informarion. ivIINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in social work, Sociotogy, Psychology, or a reIated social science field and two years of experience in the social service field or as a social worker. Must have a valid MN Class C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license with na suspensioqs or revocations within the two year period prior to the dafe of the examination (pazkingxelated offenses excluded). Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies such as Hmong, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, Spanish or another foreign language. (SOCIAL WORKER) Aage 2 of 2 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Dirutor 01- S� �'I1� 0�' ''�`�r PA�' 400CiryHallAnrzex Telephone: 6S1-Z666500 Norm Colem¢n, Mayor 25 WestFourth Sueet TOD/TTY. 6SI-266-6501 SaintPaul,Minnesota Si102-I631 Joblinz 651-266-6502 Facsimi7e: 1" Opfion: 651-292-6414 Z"'Oprion: 65I-292-64I5 3i Optiors: 657-292-7656 TO: Diane Holmgren, Health Administration Mauager Department of Public Health FROM: DATE: I' 7 Michael F. Foley �i!/��� Office of Htunan Resources November 8, 2000 Twenty Day Notice - Social Worker We are proposing a revision to the class entitled Social Worker. This includes a revision of the duties and a change to the min;mum quaiifications. I have attached a copy of fhe proposed class specificatzons and a copy of the class specificatzons for the current class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that fime frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will be processing a resolution that will propose placing the revised class at grade 14 in PEA. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this title and class specificaYion. Nasne G:LShwedlTeam21CLASSIwingers120cmgt.wpd � �� , Date j l� e� 0�� y Nv � � r�t �.s �-`� a�t P�a✓��u��� �.'�� �o�a. 1 CzI fec� i'''I l�'fo(���eK a����t z ��,���I �iz ��l��ho � � � ZQaU OR1GlNAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Pxesented Referred To Council Ftle # O � — $ 'a1. Green Sheet # 63998_ Comurittee Date 1 An Admiiiistrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates Of Compensation for the class of Social Worker. ia BE TT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Social Worker be changed from Grade 10 to grade 14 as set forth in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID 3, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Huxnan Resources Office By: ��.�L�T'rsr. Form App ved by City Attorney sy: �-�r'��`� ��2I1 Approved by Mayor fo�r S� to Council BY� ��Y�P..� l� BY � ^ C�"� v � / Approved by Mayor: Date ��7 �� 1 By: Adopted by Council: Date a c� p\ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary t o�-s�- DEPART'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IIVITTATED ��EN SHEET No.• 63998 Human Resources Dec 18, 2000 ' CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � INiTT/�I✓DA7'E A7ITIwUn/+TE John Shockley 266-6482 Mazk Robertson 26Cr6471 �SIGn DEPARTT�ENI Dnd�� 5 cTTr Cout Michael Fole 266-6484 �JM�ER Z C1T'Y ATTORNEY b CTTY CLERK - Y FOR 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIl2. TECH & MGT. SERVICES ROUTING D� MtiST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ��gg 4 Mp,ypR (OR ASST.) CNII. SERVICE As Soon As Possible co�nssioN TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} AC1'iON REQiIESTED: Approve The attached resolution changing the rate of pay for the class entifled "Social Worker". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) - PERSONAI. SERVIC& CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TfIE FOLLOWING � ; QUESTIONS: r Pi,ANNING COMMIS$ION _CNIL SERYICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztrnent? - CIB COMMTTTEb _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever bezn a city employee? l DISTRICT COURT Yes No - SLiPPO HICH COUNCII.OBJECTNE? 3. Does Utis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city � employee? Yes No � , Explain all yes a�swers on separate sheet and attach to greeq �"•- // l �� .:�k' • INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSTIE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Tlle I'eSp011Slbllltle5 3SS1�IleC1 t0 �le S1I1 �'� incumbent class of Social Worker have changed since the position was last studied. The position now;has program management respansibilitias and is much more exposed to significant personal danger. � � �382r�9�' �`°��' � ADVANTAGES IFAPYROVEA: ApIJIOpTiclte COTY11leT1S3110ri Wlll Ue eSt1UI1SIleCI fOT'tlllS CI&SS. 3�� _' `e Y�,; ms�nvnn*��ES vF nrrxovEn: There are no lrnown disadyantages except an increase in salary costs, however;�� h oosts have�been budgeted. ��;, � , ,t.;i�y� nisavvnNxncES � xoT nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established for this class. � TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �5 ,639.69 COST(REVENI7EBUDGETED: YeS Fmvvmc souxcE: Ramsey County Levy acrivi � �� 580709 �������� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � 9 ' L��� � JAN 0 2 2�� a �AYOR 'soFF�cE ClTY ATTC7��E�' G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\wittgen\�n3. WPD a�•sa Proposed Salary for the Change to the Title of Social Worker Pav Rate Compared to Proposed Pay Rate Title and Grade Bi-Weekly Salarv Social Worker (Proposed) PEA Grade 14 $ 1,944.49 Social Worker (Present) PEA Grade 10 Bi-Weekly Costs (Step Six Comparison) $ 1,728.41 216.08 Annual Additional Cost (Step Six Comparison) - Annual Salarv $ 50,751.19 $ 45,111.50 $ 5,639.69 G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\vnttgen\pay3 wpd D�-5� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMA7ARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONSCONTACTED Social Worker Kay Wittengenstein Michael F. Foley October 30, 2000 Kay Wittgenstein (Incuxnbent) Diane Holmgren (Supervisor) APPROVED BY HIJMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ON November 6, 2000 Back�round The class specification was reviewed several years ago but this was a routine review and update rather than a major study. The incumbent believes that the position deserves a further study and completed a job profile form. The profile is submitted with the approval of Public Health management. Study Components Interview with the incumbent Interview with the supervisar Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Description The position is a professional social worker and specializes in dealing with the homeless. As a result of dealing with this population it also is involved heavily in dealing with people who are using illegal drugs or dealing in illegal drugs. In addition, the posirion oversees the efforts of severai people who are funded by non-profit agencies but who are housed in Public Health and who work on closely related programs under the supervision of this position. Comparison to Class Specifications The duties and responsibilities that are currently assigned to this class were compared to the o�• 5} duties and responsibilities in the existing class specifications and to other titles in Public Health (notably the nursing posirions) and to positions such as Police Officer, Environmental Health positions, and Aniuial Control. The duties and responsibilities actually assigned to the position were not adequately described in the existing class specification. Specifically, the position in question is now exposed to significant personal danger from drug addicts and dealers and it has acquired significant program management responsibility as well as responsibility for overseeing the work of a staff. Comnarison to Other Positions None of the existing posirions in Public Health had a similar mix of responsibilities. The review of duries indicated that a new class spec was warranted and that an adjushnent in compensation should be considered. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 14 in the PEA Bargaining unit. It is currently assigned to PEA grade 10. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the class, "Social Worker" be revised as specified in the attached draft and be compensated at the rate described above. Proposed Title of Class: General Statement of Duties: SOCTAL WORKER :_,,� ., �� ���� �y ��: Code: 658 BL3: Ob Effective: ��� S � Perforxns professional social work and manages or monitors special social work programs and associated agency staff; and performs other related duries as assigned or required. Supervision Received: Works under general supervision of a Public Health snanager or supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: Leads and supervises assigned staff. TYPICAL DUT]ES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duries performed by all positions in this class. Coordinates several major programs that provide assistance to homeless, persons at risk for homelessness, dysfunctional families, and at-risk youth. Serves on a number of of inter-organizational committees that coordinate services among a variety of public and non-profit agencies. Manages staff assigned to the unit from other agencies. Conducts emergency crisis intervention; conducts initial intake and assessment, and provides counseling, referral, and foilow-up with participants. Perfroms social worker case management including home visits, develoging case plans (personal developmenUrecovery plans) with clients, and implements and administers these case plans. Personally visits clients in homes, homeless shelters, etc. on a regular basis. Ensures that program execurion meets federal and other legal requirements. Acts as a resource or liaison with the community, community organizations, and sociai service agencies. Assists and oversees assigned workers and may personally assist with the drug raids conducted by the Police FORCE unit. Documents and reports illegal and/or criminal acrivities such as cknld abuse, drug use, drug dealing, etc. Acts as a resource or liaison with the community, community organizations, and social service agencies. Acts as advocate for project participants. Prepares reports, „m applicarions, and educational or public information materials. Compiles and maintain records, statistics, and reports. (SOCIAL WORKERI Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: SOCIAT. WORKER ����� Develops policies and procedures for the unit. KNOWLEDGE SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable lmowledge of the theories and principles of social work. Code: 658 ��� 5 a BU: 06 Effective: Considerable imowledge of specific program content, issues, and terniinologies to provide effective educarion and counseling services. Considerable lmowledge of inedical and/or social service assistance available. Worldng sldlls in the use of standard PC softwaze packages and other office equipment as required. Considerable ability to interact effectively with people of different educarional, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Considerable abiliry to administer programs and supervise assigned employees and guide them through difficult and dangerous situarions. Considerable ability to deal effecrively with situafions that create significant personal danger. Working ability to interpret and apply federal and state guidelines to programs to ensure compliance. Working ability to coordinate scazce resources from a variery of agencies. Working ability to communicate effecrively both orally and in writing. Working ability to compile and maintain records, files, and statisrical information. MINIMITM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in social work, Sociology, Psychology, or a related social science field and two years of experience in the social service and two years of experience as a social worker; must have one year experience as a team or project leader or supervisar. Must haue a valid MN Class C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license with no suspensions or revocations within the two year period prior to the date of the examination (parking-related offenses excluded). Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies such as Hmong, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, Spanish or another fareign language. (SOCIAL WORKER) Page 2 of 2 Title of Class: � �%/� � � �-�G �b � tl !�'.uZ.i� � SOCIAL WORKER General Statement of Duries: Code: 658 BU: 06 Effecrive: 03/24/1995 �,� S T Performs professional social work for special programs or projects: and performs other related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under general supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: May Iead the work of assigned sta£f. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides emergency crisis intervention; conducts initial intake and assessment and provides counseling, referral, and follow-up with participants. Assists in planning and organizing crime prevention projects and activities for the commnnity. Provides counseling, educational and/or recreational acriviries; conducts educational classes for participants. Makes home visits and follow-up contacts with participants. Acts as a resource or liaison with the communiry, coxnmunity organizations, and social service agencies. Acts as advocate for project participants. Prepares reports, grant applicarions, and educational or public informafion materials. Compiles and maintain records, statisrics, and reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKII,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCTES Considerable knowledge of the theories and principles of social work. Considerable knowledge of specific program content, issues, and ternunologies to provide effective education and counseling services. Considerable knowledge of inedical and/or social service assistance available. Working skills in the use of equipment as required. (SOCIAL WORKER) Page 1 of 2 ����w�� -�.� r°������ O��s� Title of Class: � �`' ° ' � '` �"'� ��� � �� � Code: 658 SoCIAL wORKER BU: 06 Effective: 03/24/1995 Considerable ability to interact effecrively with people of different educational, culhual and socio- economic backgrounds. Considerable ability to provide teaching or counseling on an individual or goup basis. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to compile and maintain records, files, and statisrical informarion. ivIINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in social work, Sociotogy, Psychology, or a reIated social science field and two years of experience in the social service field or as a social worker. Must have a valid MN Class C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license with na suspensioqs or revocations within the two year period prior to the dafe of the examination (pazkingxelated offenses excluded). Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies such as Hmong, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, Spanish or another foreign language. (SOCIAL WORKER) Aage 2 of 2 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Dirutor 01- S� �'I1� 0�' ''�`�r PA�' 400CiryHallAnrzex Telephone: 6S1-Z666500 Norm Colem¢n, Mayor 25 WestFourth Sueet TOD/TTY. 6SI-266-6501 SaintPaul,Minnesota Si102-I631 Joblinz 651-266-6502 Facsimi7e: 1" Opfion: 651-292-6414 Z"'Oprion: 65I-292-64I5 3i Optiors: 657-292-7656 TO: Diane Holmgren, Health Administration Mauager Department of Public Health FROM: DATE: I' 7 Michael F. Foley �i!/��� Office of Htunan Resources November 8, 2000 Twenty Day Notice - Social Worker We are proposing a revision to the class entitled Social Worker. This includes a revision of the duties and a change to the min;mum quaiifications. I have attached a copy of fhe proposed class specificatzons and a copy of the class specificatzons for the current class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that fime frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will be processing a resolution that will propose placing the revised class at grade 14 in PEA. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this title and class specificaYion. Nasne G:LShwedlTeam21CLASSIwingers120cmgt.wpd � �� , Date j l� e� 0�� y Nv � � r�t �.s �-`� a�t P�a✓��u��� �.'�� �o�a. 1 CzI fec� i'''I l�'fo(���eK a����t z ��,���I �iz ��l��ho � � � ZQaU