268761 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COl1i1C11 � ���� .. PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUERV - MAYORTMENT File NO. �� ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS; 1 . On February 22, 1977, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , adopted Resolution No. 1155, giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal amount of approximately $3,100,000 to finance the construction of the Amtrak facility on Transfer Road in Midwa�y Industrial Park. 2. La�s of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides tha� any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 3. The Port Authority of the City of Sannt Paul , has requested that the City Council give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , subject to final approval of the details of said issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul . 4. It is estimated that the initial principal amount of said bonds will be approx- imately $3,100,000 and that the net interest cost applicable to said issue will not exceed 8%, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Pa�ul , tl�at ��n a:ccordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to �he issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution No. 1155 in the initial principal amount of approximately $3,100,000 at a net interest cost of not to exceed 8%, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of additional bonds, are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds by the Port Authority, fvund by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Lev� �_ Against BY Sylvester Tedesco � ' 7 �n# Form Approved Ci Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P _se �ouncil S cretary � BY By. � � � � Ap ved by Mayor f Su issio to Council Appro y Mayor: ; Da �. ,: By BY PUBUSHED MAR Z 6 1977 � . N � d� al= Z2/3975 R�v. : 9j8/76 EXPLANAT� OF ADMINISTRATIVE 0 ER$, j RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ������: Date: February 25, 1977 TO: MAYOR EORGE. LATIMER I : FR: Eugene : Paul Port Authority I � ..;: ,: __�.. ', gE; AMTRAK-GREYH4UND FACILITY, . , � , � ACTION REQUESTED: ; In accordance with laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, i is request,e� that the City Council by Resclution, a draft copy of which is attached hereta, pprove the is�suance of approxi- mately $3,100,QQ0 in revenue bonds. Due tQ the cost allo ation of rolt�ing stock, purchased by Amtrnk, ta the varlous faciliti�s financed with revenu bonds and by! reason af the fact that Greyhound will occupy more than 1Q� of this facility . a djfferent ',ffinancing method is befing used tk�an anything we have submltted heretofore. T is proposal � qant�nplates the issuance of $1 ,000,000 tn tax exetnpt revenue bands under he �1 ,000,OOOI exemption provision, : and $2,100,QQ4 in taxab�e revenue .bonds. This permits t corrstructior� of this facillty w�th revenue bonds whereas tt wauld not be possible to is ue all tax e�empt bonds because the rollfng stock .expenditures would cause a total cost i excess of tt�e capitat exper�di- ture ljmitation. � . �� PURPOSE AND RATIONALE� FOR 2I�IS ACTION:.. I Fn 1974, the Ctty of St. Paul requested the Port Authorit endeavor to 'locate the Amtrak station in St. Raul . Following a favorable inclination an Amtrak, tt�e Council authariaed , the Por.t Authority to tssue up to $2,0OO,OaO in General ligation Bon�s to facilitate the re'�acatfon. The proposed faciltty will be the only stati n for Amtrak ';in the Twi.n Cities and. tf the ftnal negotiatfons with Greyhound and Amtrak re successfuli, would permft the incorporatfon �tn thfis facitity af not only Greyhound but efferson and Zephyr Lines as well. In light of the energy crfsis which may limit mea of transpor�atton, the possibilft� ' exists that thfs cnuld be a singularly important inter al transportattion complex in the years ahead. Approximately 6Q persons will be operating ut of the new Amtrak facility exclusiv� of Greyhound personnel . The Staff inemorandum the Board ofi Camnissioners provtdes add�tianal `fnformation. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Port Authortty ResolutiQns No. 1005 and 1155 ! Copy of Draft Council. Resolution � Copy of Port i�uthority Memorand�,an to Board of Commission s D�ted Febr�ary+ 22, 1977 � , �� � ` PORT . � AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL �-����� Me�mo�ondum TO: Board of Commissioners pAT� Feb. 22, 1977 FROM: E. A. � SUBJECT: A��K-GREYHOUND FACILITY Amtrak received bids on February 10 for the proposed Midway facility from Kraus-Anderson, Rauenhorst Corporation and Steenberg Construction. A tabu- lation of the bids to be performed under the contract is attached. Additional work involved in trackage connections, trackage upgrading, expenses to date, and legal expenses, are estimated as follows: Contractor - Low Bidder - Kraus-Anderson $2,273,000 Railroad Track Construction - B-N, Milwaukee, Minnesota Transfer Railroad 1 ,080,000 Trackage Materials 175,000 Legal and Bond Issue Expense 32,000 Preliminary Expense to Date 60,000 A1Towance for Additional Construction- Greyhound facilities 100,000 TOTAL $3,g p�;pp� Less - Participation G.O. Bond Construction Fund 1 ,100,000 TOTAL 2,820,000 Capitalized Interest - 9 Months 175,000 Underwriting Fees 93,000 TOTAL �3,088,000 Proposed bond issues subject to contingency cost reduction when contracts are awarded $3,100,000 We are currently in joint negotiations with Amtrak and Greyhound to try and suitably provide sufficient space for the relocation of the St. Paul Greyhound station in this new facility. It appears that a suitable resolu- tion to the joint operations and an enlarged facility will result in Greyhound's relocation. When the Amtrak project was first proposed the Port Authority, with the approval of the City Council , was authorized to provide up to $2,000,000 in General Obligation Bond funds for this project. At this time we have budgeted $1 ,000,000, and it is our recommendation that the budget for this project be amended to provide an additional $100,000 to participate in the expansion of the facility if it is necessary to do so to incorporate the Greyhound operation. This would make this a truly inter-modal transportation facility because Jefferson and Zephyr Lines would also be operating from this station. It is recommended that this appropriation be made from either Accumulated Net Revenues or General Obligation Bond Construction funds presently on hand. ' Board of Commissioners r�����_ Feb. 22, 1977 Page -2- It is proposed that the revenue bonds be sold on March 22 and that the contracts for construction be awarded simultaneously. The construction, as indicated above, does inclu�e certain off-site work v�hich is essential to access to the new station. In workTng with bond counsel on this project over th� last two years it has developed that Briggs & Morgan will not issue an opinion without first obtaining a ietter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service. Because of the time frame caused by the constructian contracts proposed with Kraus-Anderson and the : various raiTroads, it is not practical to defer the construction for the time it would take to obtain a ruling if indeed it were, in the final analysis, favorable. The probtem is I.R.S. 's possible position on the ailocation of rolling stock purchased or ta be purchased in a 6-year period commencing three years prior to the issuing date. Therefore, it is our recommendation that we proceed to issue a $1 ,00�,000 nontaxable revenue bond issue, which is not affected by capital expenditure limitations and $2,100,000 in taxable - revenue bonds. This ccmbined wit� the General Obligation Bond Construction funds wi11 be sufficient to comolete the project for both facilities. 7he bonds would be issued under Resolution No. 876 to the extent legal]y possible with either one issue or anott�er being privately placed and secured by the lease agreement. This method has not been utilized before by the Port Authority and presents certain complex legal problems, none of u�hich appear to 5e at this tim e insurmountable. For the purpose of this specifiic issue it is our recommenda- � tion, along with that of Miller & Schrosder and Amtrak, that the Dorsey, i�arquart, ldindi�orst, West & Halladay firm of bond counsels, who have acted as bond counsel for the Rort Autl�ority on several previous instances, perform that service on this issue. The issuance of these bonds will require the establishment of a Debt Service Reserve Fund of a�proximately $310,000. It is recorr�nended that this amount be appropriated fror�:the Accumulated Net R�venue �und and escrowed un�i1 the bond issue is retired. The interest on this fund would accrue to the benefit of the Port Authority. The project would be leased to Amtrak with a sublease to Greyhound on a 20- y�ar lease agreement. It is proposed to lease the facility for any extended periods for $1 .00 per year after the bonds are amortized from rental income. The property would be taxable for real estate purposes and would revert to the Port Authority if it were nat used as an Amtrak, Greyi�ound or other transportation facility. Staff recomr�ends approval of the additional appropriation of $100,000 from funds on hand and also. recomm�nds approval of Resolution No. 1155. EAK:jmo Attach. � BID TABULATYON - AMTRAK STATION 2-�$-» , . • � Kraus- Rauenhorst Sheehy Anderson: Construction Construction � • Mobilize $ 66,000 $ 55,000 $ 13,OOQ 2• Clear & Grubb 1 ,700 4,000 11 ,000 3. Demolition 1 ,500 5,000 1 ,000 4. Site Grade 9,000 20,500 2,200 . 5. Embankment 16,500 75,000 15,000 6. Excavate & Backfill 20,000 27,300 18,000 7. Drainage System 69,000 51 ,400 70,Q00 8, Sewer Lateral 2,500 3,900 7,000 9, Potable Water 150,900 87,500 100,000 10. Compressed Air 29,800 15,000 14,000 11 . Bituminous Surface 51 ,200 54,700 119,047 12. Concrete Curbs 10,700 9,700 13,000 13. Chain Link Fence 4,750 8,300 6,643 14. Landscaping 15,600 9,500 16,948 15. Conc. Platform 317,200 242,444 279,000 16. Platform Canopies 80,800 246,100 280,036 17. Storage Building 20,000 28,500 26,138 18. Trackwork L. S. 101 ,657 94,400 206,468 19. Station Bldg. 45.69 /sq.ft. 45.79/sq.ft. 51 .21/s.f. 993,733 996,000 1 ,186,464 20. Electrical Sitework 283,200 254,200 150,386 21 . Design Fees 7,200 65,000 119,52Q 22. Miscellaneous Work L.S. CPM 7,000 Signs, Sac Charges Permits 35,000 -- 23. Total Bid 2,273,000 2,374,444 2,654,850 24. Perform. Bond 13,060 14,000 18,650 25• Bid Price 2,273,000 2,388,444 2,673,500 Bids Received 2-10-77 � _ RESOLUTION NO. �_,�� February 22 , 1977 RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE AMTRAK PROJECT; n�� r : . ��� INCREASING THE BUDGETED ALLOCATION OF FUNDS �- t„� THEREFOR AND ACCEPTING A PROPOSAL WITH RE- SPECT TO THE PURCHASE OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED TO FINANCE THE PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul as follows: l. By a Prelimi,nary Agreement, dated as of August 19, 1975, the Port Authority and the National Railroad Pas- senger Corporation (Amtrak) expressed their mutual intent with respect to the acquisition and development of a Project consisting generally of a railroad passenger station, tracks and related facilities within the City of St. Paul, to be leased by the Port Authority to Amtrak. 2 . The total cost of the Project and related ex- penditures necessary to be made in order to make the Project feasible is presently estimated to be approximately $4 , 000, 000. For payment of certain costs related to the Project the Port Authority previously budgeted $1, 000, 000. By memorandum dated February 18, 1977 the Staff has recommended that this budget item be increased by $100, 000 in order to permit the Project to be enlarged to serve as a bus terminal for major commuting and inter-city bus lines, as well as Amtrak. The recommenda- tion of the Staff has been reviewed and is hereby approved, and the budget increased correspondingly, with the appropria- tion therefor to be made from either Accumulated Net Revenues or General Obligation Bond Construction Funds presently on hand. 3. Negotiations with representatives of Amtrak and operators of bus lines are progressing, and it is now appro- priate to consider the issuance of Revenue Bonds of the Port Authority. For this purpose it now appears it will be neces- sary that the Port Authority issue its Revenue Bonds in the aggregate principal sum of $3, 100, 000. Such Revenue Bonds shall be issued in two series, one in the principal sum of $2 , 100, 000, to pay the cost of acquisition and construction of the railroad station and related facilities, and one in the principal sum of $1, 000, 000 to pay the cost of of_f-site improvements. A proposal for the purchase of such Revenue .. - ���?`���- Bonds has been submitted by Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. , has been reviewed and is hereby accepted. The officers of the Port Authority are hereby authorized to endorse such proposal to show its acceptance by the Port Authority. Adopted: February 22 , 1977. v��� eside o the Port Authority of t City of Saint Paul Attest: �Jy,,,,,��,,,.,,�- ecretary -2- ,L ��G � � Resolution No. 1005 ����� August 19, 1975 RESOLUTION OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �dHEREAS, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) desires to acquire and eonstruct a railroad passenger sta- tion, tracks and related facilities in the port district of the City of St . Paul; and WHEREAS, Amtrak has requested the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to issue approximately $3,000,000 in Industrial � Revenue Bonds pursuant to Chapter 474 of the Laws of the State of . Minnesota to acquire and construct said facilities; and WHEREAS, Amtrak and the Port Authority propose to enter into a Preliminary Agreement whereby the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul will undertake to secure an underwriting agreement to underwrite said bonds which is acceptable to Amtrak, and to negotiate a Lease which is mutually acceptable to the parties to the proposed PreTiminary Agreement ; and � WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the Port Authority have deter- mined that said project is in the best interests of the Port Authority , and the citizens thereof; and 1 WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the Port Authority have deter- mined that said project is feasible; NOj�I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Authority of the City of Szint Paul as follows : 1. The Preliminary Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved in substantially the form attached hereto. 2. The authorized officers of the Port Authority are here- by directed to execute said Preliminary Agreement. Adopted this 19th day of August, 1975- PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL --- , ,� � ,9 -� . by c -- .; , %� : " :� -•�, � : its President Att�st : " �-�� � • r % • , i , � � ,� ,- c_ � 4 , � I ) . . its Secretary - `� . �,��a F%�� ,. ��_ , ,, PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1130 MINNESOTA BUILDING, 4TH AND CEDAR, SAINT PAUL, MINN. 55101, PHONE (612) 224-5686 February 25, 1977 The Honorable George Latimer Mayor, City of St. Paul City Hall and Court House St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Latimer: We submit herewith for your review, recommendation and referral details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of $3,100,000 for construction of the Amtrak facility on Transfer Road in Midway Industrial Park, all as more fully described in the attached memorandum. Negotiations are currently being conducted with Greyhound and Amtrak to make provision for the inclusion of Greyhound's relocated downtown St. Paul facility in a combined station. We are also attaching a copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 1005, adopted at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners on August 19, 1975, and a copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 1155, adopted on February 22, 1977. We include sufficient copies for distribution to the City Attorney's office and members of the City Council . Yours truly, , �,�' �: �_� � ���, C�_���. �" Ls� Eugen��A. Kraut Assistant Executiv Vice President EAK:jmo Encl . ROBERT F. SPRAFKA El/GENE A. KRAUT, C.I.D. DONA�D G. OUNSHEE� C.I.D. CLIFFORO E. RAMSTED ROSCOE C. BROWN E%ECUTIVE VICE PRESIOENT ASSISTANT F%ECUTIVE VICE PRESIOENT DIRECTON, INOUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER CHIEF ACCOUNTANT COM MISSIONERS JOHN L. SEGL PATRICK J. ROEDLER LOUIS H. MEVERS G. RICMARD SLADE GEORGE W. WINTER ROSALIE L. BUTLER ARTMUR N. GOOOMAN PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER � z LEGISLATIVE ADVISOR RAV W. FARiCY, STATE REPRESENTATIVE C.I.D. Certified Industrial Developer °�� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 City H�II GEORGE LATIMER �� ��',���� To: Mayor/Ella From: Phil Lee � �A Subjsc+:port Au-thority bonds Date: 2-28-77 Route tos � 1 . Mayor for si�nature on 2 resolutions �AR � �77 �-_ _- = - -- - v�l - ----� __ -- 3. Mrs . Butler. _ CI_T_1' ATTOf�NEY Please note that the Port Authority asks us to place this on the Council agenda for March 15,1977� as they have some people scheduled to appear with testimony. Notmfy us if the council cannot comply fi�� with this request. Zr � (T�J��-'t�!: �02 You.�2 Tiu F� - Nn��. �A crTianf ��4u�s r E c�j ', o�v G,e�£�u St���T. /,L��-s�- f���� Ta /�ffA�O fe . S�Nfc�,v 5. �+y pp...w yrc y�h��°` r .w';�.J 'e:,..$,.,s i�$�,,H k, �?�:�� `r 1�77; oFF�cc or ra�;�.::;�.:� �.. �:�����:�