268760 � WHITE - CITV CLERK � ��+ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA�T L Council ����?j��� GANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. C ncil Resolut�n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS; 1 . On February 22, 1977, the Port Authority of th� City of Saint Paul , adopted Resolution No. 1154, giving preliminary approval to the ;issuance of additional revenue bonds in the initial principal amount not to exceed $401�,000 to finance the additional construction at the Great Lakes Coal and Dock Company's terminal facility in the Port Authority's Barge Terminal No. 1 . 2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint P�ul , shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council give its requisite consent pursuant to said law::to facilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , subject to final approval of the details of said issue by the Port Autho�ity of the City of Saint Paul . 4. It is estimated that the initial principal amoNnt of said bonds will not be more than $400,000 and that the net interest cost appli�able to said issue will not exceed 8%, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint,Paul , that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hlreby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority � Resolution No. 1154 in the initial principal amount of �ot to esceed $400,000 at a net interest cost of not to exceed 8%, the exact detail8 of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of additional bonds, are to be determi�ed by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds by the Port Authority, =found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor t Hunt O . Levine __ Against BY R�ee�a� Sylvester Tedesco 7 '�9�1 � � Form Appro�d by y t rney Adopted by C ounci� Date � " , � Certified ass�$�by Cou�cil Secre�,ery� ' B3' B . '� ��- / y � M� 2�� �977 Approved by Mayor for Su is ipn to Council Appro e by iVlayor: Da e � By BY Puaust�EO l�AR 2 6 i977 ` t�M Ol: .9/8 f 76 E PLANA ����� _ . X TION OF ADMINISTRATIVE O ERS; RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCE Date: Februsry 25, 197T : TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR= �ugene A. Kraut, St. Raul Port Authority RE: :GREAT L�IKES COAL COI�ANY LEASE �NIENDMENT, _ AND CQMALE'FION BQND ISSUE . . . . ACTIO�i RE¢UESTED s - In a�cordance wi th Laws. af Mf nnesota 'i 476, Chapter 234, t i s request�d ttrn� ti�e Ci ty Council. by ;Resolution, a dra�f�t capy of which is attach � k�ereta, approve th� issua�c.� of �+400,000 in r�venue bonds. The prbceeds of t�e rev bond i�swe will be used f�or . � -: add9tional cor�struction at the Great tal�es Caa1 ahd Do Con�an�'s termin�t't ���i"�ity � 1n the� Port Au�h�t^fity's Barge Terminal Pt�. l . , ,. � � � .. . � � F - . .� . . � � �. . � � .; . : . . '. . ._ .,. . .. .. . . . �URPOSE AND RATIONALE� FC}R THI�S ACTION: 7he. City Council previowsly appraved by Resolution No. 57989 on October 14, 1976, tfie i`ssuanc� o� �3,3?5,A00 in revenue bonds to cv�stru a .lc� .su'tfur western +�al `"� �ransfer facfl fity at �he Part Authori ty's Barge Termi�► Mo,, 1. Ti�at b�nd '�ssue�.h�s _ , :. . De�� sold a�nd tk�e �o�struCtlon fis und�rway. In the l�pme�t c�f:t#� fac�fli��;y and c#ae : to sane alt�eratfi�►s in. plans a�d the reloCat9on: af G - .La►k�s�oa�l .�►rat [k��� �ian�r`�s ' Mfdway offfice facil�ty, the`total. construction n�eds e incre�sed fir�un $Z.�O�,� ' to �3.02{l,OaQ. The net proceeds grom a. b�nd iss:ue af Ot3�{itMk ��e �►praxitl�te)y �320,�, r�i ch wi'1 t .be used i r� accordance`wi th �h� c ti��ti fu�id bwdg�� re�ri ew pro��cted on the attactred s.taff inemorandum. The twa r��.p� ` . for '�#ncre�sed �asts are �lie compliance with fl.vad eontrol reguiation a� ` r� acat��..�� ttr� aff:is�, � ,� . : facility to this s#te.: The pro�ect has received a11 ��ary �er�n�ts r�quir+�d �rom E,Q�C. amd the P.C.A. : AT� CHMENTS• - �opy of Port Authraf.ty Res�olutian No: 11'54 _ ' Copy of Draft Counc9l Resolution CopY of Port Autt�rity Merr�randum to Baard of Com�iss�" rs da►�ed ��b. i�6, 1977 , ����� ;� ,:. j, , ��:� PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1130 MINNESOTA BUILDING, 4TH AND CEDAR, SAINT PAUL, MINN. 55101, PHONE (612) 224-5686 February 25, 1977 The Honorable George Latimer Mayor, City of St. Paul City Hall and Court House St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Latimer: We submit herewith for your review, recommendation and referral details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of $400,000 for additional construction at the Great Lakes Coal and Dock Company terminal facility in the Port Authority's Barge Terminal No. 1 . The initial bond issue in the amount of $3,375,000.00 was approved by the City Council Resolution No. 267989 on October 14, 1976. The increase of $400,000.00 for additional construction was approved by the Port Authority Commission by Resolution No. 1154 on February 22, 1977, a copy of which is enclosed. We also enclose sufficient copies for distribution to the City Attorney's office and members of the City Council . � � Yours truly, , � !c � ' , �_. �r �, \ �-� � �- ( r �_.� ` � . �, �.r._� �- �,/ Eugene . Kraut 1"' Assistan Executive Vice President EAK:jmo Encl . ROBERT F. SPRAFKA EUGENE A. KRAUT, C.I.D. DONALD G. DUNSMEE, C.I.D. CLIFFORD E. RAMSTED ROSCOE C. BROWN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR, INOUSTRIAL DEVEIOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER CHIEF ACCOUNTANT COMMISSIONERS JOMN L. SEGL PATRICK J. ROEDLER LOUIS H. MEYERS G. RICMARD SLADE G[ORGE W. WINTER ROSALIE L. BUTLER ARTMl1R N. GOODMAN PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER LEGISLATIVE ADVISOR RAY W. FARICY, STATE REPRESENTATIVE '-��z C.I.D. Certijied Industrial Develoloer � i�'�0 R 7' . � � AUTHORITY �±��'��� OF THE CITY OF ST. P/1UL Memo�ondum TO: BOARD OF COP�MISSIONERS DA'fE Feb. 16, 1977 (Meeting 2-22-77) FROMs E. A. Kr SUBJECT: Great Lakes Coal Company Lease Amendment - And Completion Bond Issue Subsequent to the issuance of the revenue bonds to construct the Great Lakes Terminal facility at Barge Terminal No. 1 , additional developments indicate that additional funds are necessary to complete the project and to provide for certain added facilities not originally planned for this location. A cost analysis of the items requiring additional funds is attached for your review. Certain additional requirements have been occasioned by construction and conformance with the proposed FTood Plain Ordinance. The company has sold its office building in the Midway area and is plan- ning to relocate the facility along with the truck repair shop and a new truck scale at the Barge Terminal No. 1 location. These costs are incorporated in the request for additional funds. In addition, the un- loading pit will be upgraded, a truck dump system will be provided and a ground storage diverter incorporated in the facility. The changes and additions being contemplated do not alte.r the capacity of the system as approved by the Environmental Quality Council and all changes contemplated here have been approved. Accordingly, it is proposed to issue $400,000.00 in additional revenue bonds to be amortized simultaneously with the initial issue and it is anticipated that the approximate rental increase on the monthly rent will be $3,858.47. Allocation of the bond proceeds is projected as follows: Construction $ 318,600.00 Debt Service Reserve (Estimate) 56,400.00 Bond Issue Expense (Estimate) 15,000.00 Underwriting 10,000.00 TOTAL � $ 400,000.00 _ � , _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Great Lakes Coal Company Lease Amendment February 16, 1977 Page Two The recently executed lease agreement would be amended to provide for an . additional rent item sufficient to amortize these additional bonds and will , in addition to the Great Lakes guarantee,. have the guarantee of the Valiey Camp Coa] Co. Staff recommends approval of Resolution No.1154 and the issuance of the bonds subject to approval of the Council of the City of Saint Paul . EAK:mks SAINT PAUL RATL-TO-BARGE FACTLITY CONSTRUCTION FUND BUDGET Initial Revised Budget Budqet 10-12-76 2-15-77 Note �ott Company Transier Facility $1, 344,000 Upgrade Unloading Pit Add Truck Hopper Widen Tunnel Upgrade Loading Tower Revised Contract $1, 544, 800 (1) Divert Storm Sewer 8, 600 (2) Divert City Water Line 1,000 (2) Dock Rail Installation 284, 500 284, 500 Yard Switch Engine (Used) 70,000 70,000 Yard Rail Car Puller 60,000 60,000 Repair Shop & Employees ' Facilities 50,000 100 ,000 (3) Add General Office 85,000 (3) Truck Scale Replacement � , 45,000 (4) Communication System � 8,000 (5) Contingency 90 , 500 - Total Contracts 1,899,000 2, 206, 900 State Sales Tax - Avg. 3/ 57,000 66,000 Great Lakes - Legal & Engineering 25,000 27,400 Total On Site Costs $1, 981,000 $2,300 ,300 C&NW Track Rehabilitation 719,000 719,700 Total Construction Fund $2, 700,000 $3 ,020,000 � 2-15-77 A.D.T. , EXPLANATION FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUIRED Note (1) The Nott Company was awarded the primary construction contract on October 6, 1976, based on anticipated minimum construction requirements. Since that date we have author- ized their up-grading of the unloading pit to withstand hydraulic pressures greater than first estimated. In addition we have added a truck hopper for the receiving of petroleum carbon coke to be blended with all rail Wzstern coal, which becomes a "trade-off" of our past practices in loading petroleum coke from dock storage to barges by motorized cranes. This addition will substan- tially reduce the fugitive dust which developed at the terminal. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has been advised of this change and have given their approval to the programmed modification to the new facility. In addition we have authorized the widening of the can- crete tunnel from the unloading pit to qround level to improve inspection and operating performance, as well as up-grading the structure of the barge loading tower at the dock frant. These additions will result in a substantially more efficient operation for which we have agreed to an additional cost of $200 , 800. (2) Shortly after the start of excavation for the terminal facility, we encountered uncharted storm sewer and water lines that were necessary to be diver'ted from the con- struction line of the project which necessitated an additional cost of $9,500. (3) In our initial budget we had programmed the rehabilita- �tion of offices and dock employees ' wash room and lunch facilities in the old Merchandise Warehouse Building at the north end of the property at an estimated cost of $50 ,000. However, we found upon inspection of the pilings supporting this building that the deterioration of the supporting piling was such that it was economically unfeasible to proceed with our original program. As a result, we find it necessary to construct a new building north of the old Merchandise Warehouse to include the required repair shop and employees' facilitie�s at a ., , . . , EXPLANATION FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUIRED Page 2 (3) minimum cost of $100,000. To this we have projected the Contd. � addition of another section to the building of approxi- mately 3 ,000 square feet for a general office building inasmuch as our current office lease at 2102 University Avenue will not be renewed. We therefore propose to build a complex to include all employee, shop and garage requirements at an aggregate cost of $185,000. This much higher cost has been due in part to meeting the limita- tions recently imposed by the City of Saint Paul in the enactment of flood plain building construction regulations.� (4) It was initially programmed to remove the present truck scaTe at the southeast end of the property to a new location, but upan inspection �ound that this scale had deteriorated beyond the point of repair and could in rio way meet a certification of acceptance by the State Weights and Measures Department. It therefore becomes necessary that we construct a new modern scale at a cost of $45,000. (5) It has now been determined that to improve the efficiency of the total operation a dock wide communication system is essential at a cost of $8,000 . , . , • �'��?"��� RE50LUTION N0. 1154 SUPPLEMENTAL BOND RESOLUTION $400,000 INDUSTRTAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES �' PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ADOPTED: February 22, 1977 i TABLE OF CONTENTS I P age ARTICLE ONE - DEFINITIONS, LEGAL AUTHO�tIZATION AND FINDINGS 1 Section 1-1. Definitions 1 Section 1-2. Exhibits -� 4 Section 1-3. Legal Authorizatio 4 Section 1-4. Findings � 5 Section 1-5. Authorization and atification of Additional Imprpvements 7 Section 1-6. Additional Finding� 7 ARTICLE TWO - THE BONDS ' 8 Section 2-l. Basic Resolution N . 876 8 Section 2-2. Authorized Amount nd Form of Bonds 8 Section 2-3. Bond Terms 14 Section 2-4. Execution 15 Section 2-5. Delivery of Bonds 15 Section 2-6 . Ownership of Bonds 16 Section 2-7. Delivery of Tempor ry Bond 16 Section 2-8. Qualification unde� Section 2-2 of Basic Resolutio No. 876 16 ARTICLE THREE - ADDITIONAL GENERAL COV�NANTS AND FUNDS 18 Section 3-l. Maintenance and Re air 18 Section 3-2 . Recording and Fili$�g 18 Section 3-3. Series F Construct�on Fund 18 Section 3-4 . Common Revenue Bon�3 Fund 18 Section 3-5. Reserves 19 Section 3-6 . Series F Property nsurance and Award Fund 19 Section 3-7 . Purchase of Bonds 19 Section 3-8. Audit 20 ARTICLE FOUR - POSSESSION, USE AND REL�ASE OF PROPERTY 21 Section 4-1. Possession an Use 21 Section 4-2. Conveyance for Acc ss or Other Easement ' 21 Section 4-3. Release of Encumbe ed Equipment 21 Section 4-4. Intentionally Omitted 22 i -i- I I . P age ARTICLE FIVE - SUPPLEMENTAL AND AMENDI�TORY RESOLUTIONS 23 Section 5-1. Supplemental and Amendator� Resolutions Not Requiring Consent of Bondholders 23 Section 5-2. Supplemental and Amendatory Resolutions Requiring Consent of Bondholders 23 ARTICLE STX - AMENDMENTS TO LEASE 25 Section 6-1. Amendments Without Bondholder Consent 25 Section 6-2 . Amendments Requir ng Bondholder Consent 26 ARTTCLE SEVEN - MISCELLANEOUS 27 Section 7-1. Consent of Bondholders 27 Section 7-2. Notice of Amendments 27 Section 7-3. Severability 28 Section 7-4 . Limitation of Liability 28 Section 7-5. Authentication of Transcr pt 28 Section 7-6 . Registration of Bond Resolut oi n 28 Section 7-7. Approval of Tenant 29 Section 7-8. Authorization to Execute Amend- ment to Lease and Incidental Documents 29 Section 7-9 . Purchase of Bonds 29 Section 7-10 . City Council Approval 29 SIGNATURES 30 EXHIBITS -ii- ������'� SUPPLEMENT BOND RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul that Basic Resolution No. 876 is supplemented as follows : ARTICLE ONE DEFTNITTONS, LEGAL AUTHORIZATION AND FINDINGS 1-1. Definitions . Any terms defined in the Lease and any amendements thereto and Basic Resolution No. 876 shall have the same meanings when used herein as assigned them in the Lease or Basic Resolution No. 876 unless the context or use thereof indicates another or a different meaning or intent. In addition the terms hereinafter set forth unless the context or use thereof shall require otherwise, shall have the following meanings : (1) Act: Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 458, 474 , 475 and all amendments and supplements thereto; (2) Additional Improvements: that portion of the Project Tmprovements not contemplated in the Lease prior to the adoption of the Amendment to Lease and to be financed bv the Series J Bonds; � (3) Amendment to Lease: an agreement dated as of April 1, 1977 by and between the AUTHORITY and the Tenant whereby the original Lease, dated November l, 1976, is amended, a form of which Amendment to Lease is on file in the o�fice of the AUTHORITY; (4) AUTHORTTY: the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, and any successor public corporation; (5) Basic Resolution No. 876 : Resolution No. 876 of the AUTHORITY adopted February 14 , 1974 , and all amendments thereto, pursuant to which a Common Revenue Bond Fund has been estab- lished and basic authority has been provided for the issuance of certain Revenue Bonds , including the Bonds authorized by the Bond Resolution, and for the payment thereof solely from revenues pledged to the Common Revenue Bond Fund; (6) Bond Closing: the date on which there is delivery of and payment for the Bonds; : (7) Bond Counsel: the firm of Briggs and Morgan, Profes- sional Association, of St. Paul, Minnesota, or any other attorney designated by the AUTHORITY, duly admitted to practice law before the highest court of any State and nationally recognized in the field of municipal finance, and any op3.nion of Bond Counsel shall be a written opinion of such Counsel; (8) Bond Fund: the Conunon Revenue Bond Fund; (9) Bond Resolution: this resolution of the AUTHORITY adopted February 22, 1977, as a supplement to Basic Resolution No. 876 , pursuant to which the Bonds are authorized to be issued; and all references in this instrument to designated "Articles ," "Sections" and other subdivisions are to the designated Arti- cles, Sections and subdivisons of this instrument as originally executed, and the words "herein, " "hereof" and "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this resolution as a whole and not to any particular Article, Section or subdivision; (10) Bondholder: any Holder of a Bond; (11) Bonds: the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul Tndustrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series J, to be issued by the AUTHORITY' pursuant to this Bond Resolution; (12) Common Revenue Bond Fund: the fund established under Basic Resolution No. 876 and sometimes referred to herein as the Bond Fund from which the principal of and interest on the Bonds and certain other Revenue Bonds are payable; (13) Cost: any o� the cost items enumerated in Section 2.02 of the Project Covenants , sometimes collectively referred to herein as Cost of the Project; (14) Holder: the bearer of any Bond, who may be presumed by the AUTHORITY and the Paying Agent to be the owner thereof as provided in Section 2�6; (15) Lease: the Lease dated November l, 1976, as amended by the Amendment to Lease, whereby the AUTHORITY leases the Project to the Tenant and provides for the installation and construction of the Project, a form of which Lease is on file in the office of the AUTHORITY; (16) Paying Agent: the bank designated pursuant to this Bond Resolution as the agent of the AUTHORITY to receive and disburse the principal of and interest on the Bonds , and any duly designated successor Paying Agent; � -2- (17) Project; (A) the land and any other �asements and rights described in Exhibit A of the Lease, and any other easements , railroad access and other interests which run with or accrue to the property described in Exhibit A of the Lease and which are necessary for the operation of the Project; (B) the building or buildings , improvements and equipment to be acquired, constructed and installed thereon and therein under any Construction Contract; (C) any equipment of a capital nature purchased in whole or in part from the proceeds of the Series s Bonds or the Series F Bonds or otherwise and described in Exhibit B of the Lease; (D) all other buildings, structures, improvements , access roads and utilities and other facilities which may be constructed for the Project and paid for in whole or in part from proceeds of the Series J Bonds or the Series F Bonds and all machinery and other equipment of a capital nature purchased in whole or in part from proceeds of the Series J Bonds or the Series F Bonds; and (E) all additions to, replacements of and substitu- tions for any of the foregoing which may be made as permitted or required by the Lease, except that (F) any of the foregoing which are re�eased or taken by Condemnation as authorized or conternplated by the Lease, or which are installed as equipment by the Tenant at its own expense as provided in Section 2. 09 of the Lease, sha11 not constitute a part of the Project; (18) Project Equipment: all tangible personal property and fixtures forming a part of �� the Project as defined in item (17) of this Section, whether initially, by way of substitution or otherwise and whether or not when added to the Project such equipment becomes a part of the real estate; (19) Project Improvements: that part of the Project to be financed from the proceeds of the Series J Bonds and the Series F Bonds; (20) Purchaser: the Underwriter; (21) Reserve Fund: sometimes referred to as the Reserve, being the Fund so designated in Basic Resolution No. 876 and forming a part of the Bond Fund which Reserve is to be used for the payment of principal and interest on the Bonds and all other Revenue Bonds payable from the Bond Fund under the circumstances described in Basic Resolution No. 876; -3- { (22) Revenue Bonds: all revenue bonds , including the Bonds , payable from the Bond Fund on a parity of lien; (23) Series F Bonds: the AUTHORITY' s Industrial Develop- ment Revenue Bonds , Series F, dated November 1, 1976 authorized by Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1132; (24) Series J Bonds: the Bonds herein authorized; (25) Series F Construction Fund: the fund created by Sec- tion 3-3 of Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1132 to which the proceeds of the Series F Bonds and Series J Bonds, except for any accrued interest, capitalized interest and capitalized reserve are appropriated; � (26) Series F Property Insurance and Award Fund: the fund created by Section 3-6 of Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1132 to which proceeds of insurance and any Condemnation award and certain other funds are to be credited; (27) Su lemental Bond Resolution No. 1132: the resolution of the AUTHORITY adopted October 19, 1 76 , as a supplement to Basic Resolution No. 876 , pursuant to which the Series F Bonds were authorized to be issued; (28) Tenant: Great Lakes Coal and Dock Company, a Wisconsin corporation, s successors and assigns, and any surviving, resulting or transferee corporation or other business entity which may assume its obligations under 4.05 of the Lease; (29) Underwriter: Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, its successors and assigns; (30) Underwriting Agreement: an agreement, dated February 22 , 1977, by and between the Underwriter, the AUTHORITY and the Tenant, providing in a preliminary way for the issuance of the Bonds, a copy of which is on file in the offices of the AUTHORITY. 1-2. Exhibits . The following Exhibit is attached to and by reference made a part of this Bond Resolution: (1) Exhibit A: form of Temporary Bond. 1-3. Legal Authorization. The AUTHORITY is a body corporate and politic organized and existing under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 458, as amended, and is a redevelopment agency within the meaning of Pdinnesota Statutes, Chapter 474 , as amended, and is authorized under said laws to initiate the Project herein -4- referred to, and to issue and sell bonds for that purpose in the manner and upon the terms and conditions set forth in the said , Chapters 474 and 458, Basic Resolution No. 876 and this Bond Resolution. 1-4. Findings. The AUTHORITY has heretofore deter- mined, and does hereby determine, as follows : (1) the AUTHORITY has heretofore acquired and developed land and is authorized by the Act to improve and lease same for the public purposes expressed in the Act; (2) the AUTHORITY has made the necessary arrangements with Tenant, for the establishment at Barge Terminal No. 1 of a Project consisting of certain property to be used in connection with the operation of a revenue-producing enterprise contemplated by Minnesota Statutes , Section 474 . 02 , Subdivision 1, all as more fully described in Section 1-1 (17) , which property will be of the character and accomplish the purposes provided by the Act, and the AUTHORITY' has by Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1132 and by this Bond Resolution authorized the execution of the Lease and the Amendment to Lease respectively and has speci,�ied the terms and conditions of the construction and installation of the Project Tmprovements and of the leasing of the Project to the Tenant; (3) in authorizing the Project including the Additional Improvements the AUTHORITY ' s purpose is, and in its judgment the effect thereof will be, to promote the public welfare by: increasing the port' s volume of commerce and provid�.ng adequate dock and terminal facilities , open to all upon reasonable and equal terms in the handling, storage, care and shipment of freight to, from and through the port; the attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry so as to prevent, so far as possible, blighted and marginal lands and areas of chronic unemployment and the emergence of such lands and areas ; the development of industry to use the available resources of the community in order to retain the benefit of the community ' s existing investment in educational and public service facilities and to halt the movement of talented, educated personnel of mature age to other areas , thus preserving the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental services and facilities; the provision of accessible employment oppor- tunities for residents in the area; and the expansion of an adequate tax base of Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul to finance the increase in the amount and cost of governmental services, including educational services for the School District of the City; -5- (4) the amount estimated to be necessary to ��nance the Cost of the Project, including the costs and est�mated costs permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 474 .05 , wi11 require the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $400 ,000 as hereinafter provided, in addition to the Series F Bonds heretofore authorized; (5) it is desirable, feasible and consistent with the objects and purposes of the Act and Basic Resolution No. 876 to issue the Bonds for the purpose of constructing, improving and installing the Project; (6) the Bonds are Additional Bonds within the meaning o� Section 2-2 of Basic Resolution No. 876 and are payable from revenues derived from various revenue producing facilities of the AUTHORITY on a parity of lien with a11 other Revenue Bonds which have heretofore and may hereafter be issued by the AUTHOR- ITY and made payable from the Common Revenue Bond Fund; (7) the Bonds and the interest coupons appertaining thereto do not constitute an indebtedness of the AUTHORITY or the City of Saint Paul within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation and do not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the AUTHORITY or the City nor a charge against their general credit or taxing powers and ne�ther the full Paith and credit nor the tax�ng powers o� the AUTHORITY or the City is pledged for the payment of the Bonds or interest thereon; and the Additional Charges payable under the Lease and any sums credited to the Series F Property Tnsurance and Award Fund as provided in this Bond Resolution do not constitute Net Revenues within the meaning of Section 1-1 (22� of Basic Resolu� tion No. 876; (8) the installation and construction of the Project Im, provements, the issuance and sale of the Bonds , the execution and delivery of the Lease, including the Amendment to Lease, and the performance of all covenants and agreements of the AUTHORTTY contained in the Lease, Basic Resolution No. 876 , Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1132 and the Bond Resolution and of all other acts and things required under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Lease and the Bonds valid and binding obligations of the AUTHORITY in accordance with �heir terms , are authorized by the Act, Basic Resolution No. 876 , Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1132 and this Bond Resolution; (9) the Bonds are industrial development bonds within the meaning of Section 103 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code and are to be issued within the exemption provided under subparagraph (D) of Section 103 (b) (4) of the Code with respect to docks and wharfs and related facilities; provided that nothinq herein shall -6- prevent the AUTHORITY from hereafter qualifying the Bonds under a different exemption if, and to the extent, such exemption is permitted by law and consistent with the objects and purposes of the Project; (10) the cost of acquisition and development of the Pro- ject site heretofore undertaken and financed by the AUTHORITY does not and shall not constitute any part of the Cost of the Project; (11) the Project is not property of the character contem- plated in Minnesota Statutes , Section 462. 356 , Subdivision 2 and has no relationship to any comprehensive municipal plan within the meaning of said Subdivision; and (12) the Underwriter has offered to purchase said Bonds in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Underwriting Agreement and this Bond Resolution. 1-5. Authorization and Ratification of Additional Improvements. The AUTHORITY has heretofore authorized and does hereby authorize the Tenant, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474 . 03 (6) , and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Project Covenants , to provide for the construction, acquisition and installation of the buildings , improvements and equipment to be included in the Project under the Plans and Specifications for the Additional Improvements by such means as shall be available to the Tenant and in the manner determined by the Tenant, and without advertisement for bids as may be required for the construction and acquisition of any other municipal facilities, and hereby ratifies, affirms and approves all actions heretofore taken by the Tenant consistent with and in anticipation of such autho�ity and in compliance with such Plans and Specifications . 1-6. Additional Findings. Based on the representations made to the AUTHORTTY by the Tenant and investigations of the AUTHORITY' s staff, and as a basis for its findings in Section 1-4 (9) , the AUTHORITY reaffirms the findings it made in Section 1-6 of Supplemental Bona Resolutzon No. 1132 , subject to the expansion of the Project as described therein to include the Additional Tmprovements , and the AUTHORITY hereby finds and deter- � mines that said Additional Improvements are designed primarily to facilitate the transhipment of goods by barge and are func- tionally related and subordinate to a wharf or dock within th.e meaning of Section 103 (b) (4) (D) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations issued thereunder. -7- � ��,���� ARTICLE TWO THE BONDS 2-1. Basic Resolution No. 876. The Bonds shall be issued, secured, executed an authenticated under the provisions of Basic Resolution No. 876, and all applicable terms , covenants and conditions contained in Basic Resolution No. 876 are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Bond Resolution the same as if said terms , covenants and conditions were set out herein in their entirety to the extent that they are not incon- sistent with those contained herein. 2-2. Authorized Amount and Form .of Bonds . The Bonds issued pursuant to this Bond Resolution shall be in substantially the form set forth herein, with such appropriate variations, omissions and insertions as are permitted or required by this Bond Resolution, and in accordance with the further provisions of this Article, and the applicable provisions of Basic Resolution No. 876 , and the total principal amount of Bonds that may be outstanding hereunder is expressly limited to $400,000 unless Additional Bonds are authorized as provided in Sections 2-2 and 2-3 of Basic Resolution No. 876 or duplicate Bonds are issued under Section 2-5 of Basic Resolution No. 876. Said Bonds and the coupons appurtenant thereto shall be in substantially the following form: . _8_ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RArtiSEY PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL No. $5,000 � INDUSTRTAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND, SERIES J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Port Author- ity of the City of Saint Paul (herein called "Port Authority" ) , Ramsey County, Minnesota, a body corporate and politic, for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer, but only out of its Common Revenue Bond Fund, the principal sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of May, 19 , or, if this Bond is prepay- able as stated below, on a prior date on which it shall have been duly called for redemption, and to pay interest on said principal sum solely from said fund at the rate of six percer.t ( 6.00 $) per annum from the date here- of until the principal sum i� s paid or until this Bond is duly discharged, interest being payable on November l, 1977 , and semiannually thereafter on May 1 and November 1 of each year, interest to maturity being represented by and payable in ac- cordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons appurtenant hereto. Both principal and interest are payable at the Northwestern National Bank of St. Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota or at the office of a successor Paying Agent duly designated by the Port Authority, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of payment is legal tender for public and private debts . This Bond is one of an issue in the aggregate princi- � pal amount of $400 ,000 , all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, interest rate, maturity and redemption privilege, issued in accordance with Basic Resolution No. 876 , as amended, and Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1154 , duly adopted by the Port Authority, setting forth the terms and conditions upon which -9- such Bonds are issued and describing the security therefor. The Bonds of this series , together with a prior series of Revenue Bonds, are issued by the Port Authority for the purpose of financing the construction and acquisition of buildings , im- provements and equipment to be constructed or used on or in connection with realty and other equipment owned by the Port Authority (hereinafter collectively called Project) within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474 .02, Subdivision 1, including the payment of expenses incidental thereto, and the leasing of the Project under the provisions of a Lease, dated November 1, 1976, as amended by the Amendment to Lease, dated April 1, 1977, thereby assisting activities in the public in- terest and for the public welfare of the Port District and the City of Saint Paul. Bonds maturing in the years 1983 to 1987,_ both in- clusive, are subject to redemption and prior payment at the call of the Port Authority in inverse order of their serial numbers on May 1, 1982 and on any interest payment date there- after at par and accrued interest plus a premium of $100.00 per Bond called. In addition, all outstanding Bonds of this issue, in whole but not in part, are subject to redemption and prior payment at the option of the Port Authority in inverse order of their serial numbers at par and accrued interest on any interest payment date in the event of (1) damage to or destruction or condemnation of the Project or any part thereof to the extent provided in clauses (B) and (C) of Section 5 . 06 (1) of the Lease or in the event of changes in the Constitution or laws of the United States or the State of Minnesota as provided in clause (D) of Section 5. 06 (1) of the Lease, and (2) termination of the Lease by the tenant as provided in Section 5.06 of the Lease. Prior to the date on which any Bond or Bonds are redeemed in advance of maturity, the Port Authority will cause notice of the call thereof for redemption identifying the Bonds to be redeemed to be published in a financial newspaper or periodical in a Minnesota city of the first class or its metropolitan area. Prior to any such redemption date such notice will be mailed to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, but published notice alone shall be effective without mailing. Al1 Bonds so called for redemption will cease to bear interest on the specified redemption date, provided funds for their redemption , have been duly deposited. This Bond and the series of which it forms a part, and the interest coupons appertaining thereto, are issued pursuant to and in full compliance with the Constitution and -10- laws of the State of Minnesota, particularly Chapters 458, 474 and 475, Minnesota Statutes , and pursuant to resolutions adopted and appr�ved by the Port Authority, which re�solutions authorize the issuance, execution and delivery o€ these Bonds as special obligations payable solely from revenues derived from various revenue producing facilities from time to time owned and leased or used by the Port Authority, as hereinafter more fully set forth. The Bonds of this � issue, together with certain other Revenue Bonds of the Port Authority, axe payable from a Common Revenue Bond Fund primarily funded by periodic payments (here- inafter called Available Net Revenues) which the Port Authority is entitled to receive on account of certain revenue producing facilities leased, operated or otherwise financed by the Port Authority, which payments , if collected in full, will be suffi- cient to pay the principal of and interest on all such Bonds when due, and to maintain a Reserve therefor; in addition, the Port Authority has pledged and appropriated to the Common Revenue Bond Fund other Available Net Revenues of the Port Authority, con- sisting primarily of rentals the Port Authority is entitled to receive under leases of other revenue producing facilities . The Bonds of this issue, together with such other Revenue Bonds . payable from the Common Revenue Bond Fund, are further secured by an Additional Reserve Fund funded in part from Accumulated Net Revenues and to be built up and maintained out of earnings on sums in the Common Revenue Bond Fund in the manner and to the extent provided in said Basic Resolution No. 876 , as amended. Reference is made to said Resolution and to the Supplemental Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of these Bonds for a complete statement of the terms and conditions upon which the Bonds have been issued and of the provisions made for their security, for the issuance of Additional Bonds payable on a parity therewith, or subordinate thereto, and for the rights , duties and obli- gations of the Port Authority and the Holders of the Bonds from time to time. The Bonds and interest coupons appertaining thereto do not constitute an indebtedness of the Port Autharity or the City of St. Paul within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation and do not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Port Authority or the City or, to the extent permitted by law, the officers , agents and employees of the Port Authority and the City, nor a charge against the general credit and taxing powers of the Port Authority and the City; and neither the full faith and credit nor the t�ing powers of the Port Authority or the City is pledged to the payment of the Bonds or interest thereon. _11-. ��,���� IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED that the Port Authority has duly created said Cdmmon Revenue Bond Fund and has pledged and appropriated thereto Available Net Revenues derived by the Port Authority from various revenue producing facilities leased, operated or otherwise financed by the Port Authority; that it will promptly give all notices and do all other acts and things required under the terms of all appli- cable leases and agreements relating to it' s facilities for the performance of its obligations and for the enforcement of all obligations of all other parties thereto and for the collection of all rentals , payments , rates and charges when due to the extent and in the manner provided in Basic Resolution No. 876 , as amended, and the Suppleznental Bond Resolution authorizing this issue; that this Bond is secured by a pledge of and lien upon said Available Net Revenues; that the Bonds of this issue to- gether with other Revenue Bonds heretofore and hereafter issued on a parity therewith and made payable from the Common Revenue Bond Fund are entitled to the same parity of lien on said Avail- able Net Revenues , all as more fully provided in said resolu- tions; that no Additional Bonds or other obligations will be issued and made payable from such Available Net Revenues on a parity therewith or subordinate thereto except as specifically provided in the said resolutions; that all acts , conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed in order to make this Bond a valid and binding special obligation of the Port Authority according to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as so required; and that the issuance of this Bond does not cause the special or general indebtedness of the Port Authority or the City of St. Paul to exceed any consti- tutional or statutory li,mitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has caused this Bond to be executed in its behalf by the facsimile signatures of its President and Secretary, attested by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the North- western National Bank of Saint Paul designated in the Supple- mental Bond Resolution as authenticating agent, and sealed with a facsimile of its corporate seal, and has caused the interest coupons appurtenant hereto to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers , and has caused this Bond to be dated as of April l, 1977. (SEAL) Secretary President NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL as Authenticating Agent Attest: (Authorized Signature) -12- , (Form of Coupon) On the first day of November (May) , 19 , unless the Bond described below is called for earlier redemption, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the Northweste�n National Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota, or the office of a successor Paying Agent duly designated by the Port Authority, but solely from its Common Revenue Bond Fund, the sum shown hereon for interest then due on its Industrial Development Revenue Bond, Series J, dated April l, 1977. (Facsimile Signature) (Facsimile Signature) Secretary President -13- 2-3. Bond Terms . The terms and conditions of the Bond sale sha11 be as follows: (1) The Bonds issued in the aggregate principal amount of $400 ,000 shall be dated April 1, 1977, shall be in the denomination of $5,000 each and numbered in order of serial numbers and shall mature on May 1 in the years and amounts set forth below, with Bonds maturing in such years and amounts bearing interest from date of issue until paid or discharged as herein provided at the annual rate set forth opposite such years and amounts , respectively : Year Amount Rate 1978 $30 ,000 6 . 00$ 1979 30 ,000 6 .00$ 1980. 35 ,000 6. 00$ 1981 35,000 6 . 00$ 1982 40 ,000 6 . 00� 1983 40 ,000 6 . 00� 1984 45 ,000 6 . 00g 1985 45 ,000 6 . 00� 1986 50 ,000 6 . 00� 1987 50 ,000 6. 00� (2) The interest on the Bonds to maturity shall be evi- denced by attached interest coupons . The interest on each Bond shall be payable on November 1, 1977 and semiannually thereafter on each May 1 and November 1 until the Bond is fully paid or discharged. The principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable at the Northwestern National Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota or at the office of any successor Paying Agent duly appointed by the AUTHORITY. (3) In the event of (a) damage to or destruction of the Project or condemnation of the Project or any part thereof to the extent provided in clauses (B) or (C) in Section 5. 06 (1) of the Lease or in the event of any changes in the Constitution or laws of the United States or the State of Minnesota as pro- vided by clause (D) in Section 5. 06 (1) of �the Lease and (b) the termination by the Tenant of the Lease upon the occurrence of those events as provided in Section 5. 06 of the Lease, the Bonds may be redeemed by the AUTHORITY, in whole and not in part on the then next succeeding interest payment date, or if proper notice of call cannot be given before such date, on the next succeeding interest payment date, at 100� of the principal amount to be redeemed plus accrued interest to the redemption date. -14- (4) All Bonds maturing in the years 1983 to 1987, both inclusive are subject to redemption and prior payment in whole or in part at the option of the AUTHORITY in inverse order of their serial numbers on May 1, 1982 , and on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, plus a premium of $100.00 per Bond called. (5) Except as provided in this Section 2-3 (3) and (4) , the Bonds shall not be subject to redemption prior to their stated maturity date. 2-4. Execution. Each Bond and the interest coupons pertaining thereto shall be executed on behalf of the AUTHORITY by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of the President and the Secretary of the AUTHORITY, or in the event of the disability or resignation or other absence of either such officer, by the facsimile signature of that officer who under the Bylaws of the AUTHORITY may act in behalf of such absent or disabled officer; provided that each Bond shall be attested by the manual signature of a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Paying Agent, hereby designated as authenticating agent, and may be sealed with the seal of the AUTHORITY; provided that the seal of the AUTHORITY may be a printed facsimile and provided further that the seal may be omitted. In case any officer whose signature shall appear on the Bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before delivery of the Bonds, such signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes , the same as if he had remained in office until delivery. 2-5. Delivery of Bonds . Before delivery of the Bonds there shall be f�led with the Secretary of the AUTHORITY the following items : (1) (A) an or'lginal o� the Amendment to Lease; (B) an original of the short form of lease, as amended, with evidence that it has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles , or both, whichever is applicable, of Ramsey County, Minnesota; (2) financing statements and any amendments thereto en- dorsed as having been filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota and the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles, or both, whichever is applicable, o� Ramsey County, Minnesota, showing the interest of the AUTHORITY in the Project Equipment; � -15- (4) All Bonds maturing in the years 1983 to 1987 , both inclusive are subject to redemption and prior payment in whole or in part at the option of the AUTHORITY in inverse order of their serial numbers on May 1, 1982, and on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, plus a premium of $100. 00 per Bond called. _ (5) Except as provided in this Section 2-3 (3) and (4) , the Bonds shall not be subject to redemption prior to their stated maturity date. 2-4. Execution. Each Bond and the interest coupons pertaining thereto shall be executed on behalf of the AUTHORITY by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of the President and the Secretary of the AUTHORITY, or in the event of the disability or resignation or other absence of either such officer, by the facsimile signature of that officer who under the Bylaws of the AUTHORITY may act in behalf of such absent or disabled officer; provided that each Bond shall be attested by the manual signature of a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Paying Agent, hereby designated as authenticating agent, and may be sealed with �he seal of the AUTHORITY; provided that the seal of the AUTHORITY may be a printed facsimile and provided further that the seal may be omitted. In case any officer whose signature shall appear on the Bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before delivery of the Bonds , such signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes , the same as if he had remained in office until delivery. 2-5. Delivery of Bonds . Before delivery of the Bonds there shall be filed with the Secretary of �he AUTHORITY the following items : (1) (A) an original of the Amendment to Lease; (B) an original of the short form of lease, as amended with evidence that it has been recorded or rerecorded in the office of the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles , or both, whichever is applicable, of Ramsey County, P�innesota; (2) financing statements and any amendments thereto en- dorsed as having been filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota and the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles , or both, whichever is applicable, of Ramsey County, Minnesota, showing the interest of the AUTHORITY in the Project Equipment; -15- (3) an opinion of Independent Counsel in scope and sub- stance satisfactory to Bond Counsel that the AUTHORITY has good and marketable title to the Project Premises, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except Permitted Encumbrances; (4) the manually-signed opinion of Bond Counsel approv- ing the legality of the Bonds ; (5) a survey and certificate conforming to the provisions of Section 1. 01 (2) of the Project Covenants; (6) an opinion of counsel for the Tenant in a form approved by Bond Counsel; and (7) such other documents as Bond Counsel reasonably deter- mines are necessary as a precondition to the issuance of its opinion as provided in clause (4) above; provided, however, that Bond Counsel may waive the requirement that one or more of the foregoing items be filed with the AUTHOR- ITY on or prior to Bond Closing (except the item required in clause (4) above) upon the AUTHORITY and Bond Counsel receiving adequate assurances that such item or items will be filed with the Secretary as soon as practicable following delivery of the Bonds . 2-6 . Ownership of Bonds . The AUTHORITY and the Pay- ing Agent may deem and treat the Holder of any Bond, whether or not such Bond shall be overdue, and the Holder of any coupon, whether or not such coupon shall be overdue, as the absolute owner of such Bond or coupon for the purpose of receiving pay- ment thereof and for all other purposes whatsoever, and the . AUTHORITY and the Paying Agent shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. 2-7. Delivery of Tempora Bond. In order to facilitate timely delivery of the Bon s, �he Underwriter may elect with respect to the Bonds to receive in lieu of the serial coupon Bonds , as set forth in Section 2-2, a single Bond in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, which Bond shall upon request of the Underwriter and the printing of the appropriate serial coupon Bonds be exchanged therefor and cancelled, all at the expense of the Underwriter. 2-8. Qualification under Section 2-2 of Basic Resolu- tion No. 876. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the Bonds shall upon their issuance provide for additional Available Net Revenues , which if collected in full and when due -16- . s� � � • r�� ��`� will be sufficient to pay when due the pxincipal and interest on the Bonds and shall result in the deposit at the Bond Closing in the Bond Fund from funds to which no lien has theretofore attached under Basic Resolution No. 876 of a sum equal to the maximum amount of principal and interest due on the Bonds in any future calendar year, and that all other conditions re- quired to be met under Section 2-2 of Basic Resolution No. 876 shall be met by Bond Closing. � -17- ARTICLE THREE ADDITIONAL GENERAL COVENANTS AND FUNDS 3-1. Maintenance and Repair. The AUTHORITY cove- nants that it will at all times cause the Tenant to maintain, preserve and keep in good condition, repair and working order the Project. 3-2. Recording and Filing. The AUTHORITY covenants that solely from available Additional Charges it will cause the . Lease or a short form thereof and al], supplements thereto, and all related financing statements , to be kept, recorded and filed in such manner and in such places as may be required by law in order to preserve and protect fu11y its security interest in the Project, and will cause rerecording and refiling of each financing statement and each supplement thereto as is necessary to maintain, preserve and protect such security interest. 3-3. Series F Construction Fund. There has heretofore been created under Supplemental Bond Resoluti,on No. 1132 a separate special Construction fund, designated Series F Construction Fund. The pr�ceeds of the Bonds (except the sums requi.red to be de- posited in the Bond Fund and the Resezve therein pursuant to Section 3-4 hereof) shall be deposited in said separate spec;al Series F Construction Fund tor this issue and �or the Series F Bonds and shall be disbursed from sai,d Construct�,on Fund by the AUTHORITY in accordance wi.th the provi.s�.ons o� this Sec- tion and Sections 2. 03 and 2. 04 of the Project Covenants . Any sums transferred from the Series F Construction Fund to tYie special sub-account in the Reserve in the Bond Fund (including interest thereon) in accordance with Section 2.04 (2) of the Project Covenants and Section 3-5 of this Bond Resolution may be used exclusively either to pay the last installments of principal and interest due on the Bonds or to help prepay or otherwise discharge all outstanding Bonds or for any other purpose author- ized under Basic Resolution No. 876 . 3-4. Common Revenue Bond Fund. In addition to the sums otherwise pledged and appropriate to the Bond Fund under Basic Resolution No. 876 and all other supplemental resolutions , the AUTHORITY shall deposit in the Bond Fund forthwith upon receipt of the proceeds of the Bonds (i) the interest accrued on the Bonds from their nominal date to the date of delivery of the Bonds to the Purchaser (ii) Bond proceeds in an amount equal to the maximum principal and interest to become due on the Bonds in any future calendar year, to be credited to the -18- Reserve established in the Bond Fund. Thereafter all Available Net Revenues derived by the AUTHORITY from the Project, including (a) Basic Rent and interest at the rate per annum of eight percent (8. 00�) or one half of one percent qreater than the interest rate due on the outstanding Bond then bearing the highest coupon rate, whichever interest rate is higher, on any Basic Rent not paid when due, (b) any interest earned on sums in the Series F Construction Fund and credited against current installments of Basic Rent due under the Lease and (c) all other sums required to be paid into the Bond Fund under this Bond Resolution or the Lease, shall be credited to the Bond Fund as received and are hereby pledged to the Bond Fund to the extent and in the manner provided in Basic Resolution No. 876 . 3-5. Reserves. The Bond proceeds deposited in the Bond Fund to fund the Reserve shall be credited to the Reserve, and the balance of any principal funds in the Series F Construc- tion Fund transferred to the Bond Fund in accordance with Sec- tion 2.04 (2) of the Project Covenants (excluding any interest earnings credited to the Bond Fund as provided in Section 3-4) shall be credited to a separate sub-account in the Reserve for use in accordance with Section 3-3 and Section 1. 02 of the Lease. No earnings on sums in the Bond Fund (including the Reserve except earnings on any surplus construction funds) shall be credi- ted against any installments of Basic Rent or otherwise accrue to the Tenant. Such earnings sha11 instead accrue for the benefit of and may be used for any proper corporate purpose by the AUTHORITY to the extent and in the manner provi,ded in Basic Resolution No. 876 . The Reserve and Additional Reserve estab, lished under Basic Resolution No. 876 and other sums pledged and appropriated thereto as provided in Basic Resolution No. 876 shall secure payment of the Bonds to the extent and in the manner provided in Basic Resolution No. 876 . 3-6 . Series F Property Insurance and Award Fund. There has heretofore been created a special Series F Property Insurance and Award Fund �or the Project pursuant to Section 3-6 of Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1132. The provisions of said Section 3-6 shall continue to be binding upon the AUTHORITY except that the defined terms set _forth in said Section 3-6 shall be as defined in this Resolution. 3-7. Purchase of Bonds . Pursuant to written request from a Representative of the Tenant under Section 5.04 of �he Lease and subject to the terms and conditions of said Section 5 .04 , and upon deposit by the Tenant with the AUTHORITY of a sum, in excess of Basic Rent and other payments then and there- tofore required to be deposited in the Bond Fund, sufficient to purchase one or more Bonds , the AUTHORITY shall endeavor -19- ARTICLE FOUR POSSESSION, USE AL1D RELEASE OF PROPERTY 4-1. Possession and Use. Subject to the terms here- of and to the pledge of rentals and profits under the Lease, until the happening of an Event of Default, the Tenant shall be permitted to possess, use and enjoy the Project (except cash or other personal property deposited or pledged or deter- mined by the terms hereof to be deposited or pledged to the AUTHORITY) and to receive and use the issues and profits of the Project. 4-2. Conveyance for Access or Other Easement. The AUTHORITY is authorized without consent of the holders of any Revenue Bonds payable from the Bond Fund to grant such convey- ance or easement as it deems necessary to give adequate ingress or egress to and from the Project Premises in accordance with Section 5 . 02 of the Lease, and to grant any other easement on the Project Premises as the AUTHORITY deems appropriate so long as such easement does not materially impair the operating unity and structural integrity of the Project. 4-3. Release of Encumbered Equipment. The Tenant is authorized under Section 2. 04 of the Lease to remove Project Equipment from time to time, provided that �he conditions set forth in said Section are met, and in such event title to such Project Equipment shall automatically revert to �he Tenant and the AUTHORITY shall at the request of the Tenant execute such instruments as are necessary to evidence such reversion, except that if any Project Equipment to be removed has a fair market value in excess of $10 ,000 the AUTHORITY sha11 first formally release the same f�om the AUTHORITY' s security interest there- in by execution of such documents as are necessary to e�fect such release and then only upon the following conditions : (1) receipt by the AUTHORITY of a written request signed by a Representative of the Tenant, describing the Project Equipment to be released and any equipment to be substituted therefor, and stating that the substituted Project Equipment is of equal or greater fair market value than that replaced, or if of lesser value setting forth the fair market value of the substituted Project Equipment and �the amount of cash to be paid to the AUTHORITY pursuant to Section 2.04 of the Lease , or if no - Project Equipment is to be substituted, the amount of cash to be paid to the AUTHORITY pursuant to Section 2.04 of the Lease; � -21- � � r�"�����'� (2) receipt by the AUTHORITY of any cash required to be paid to the AUTHORITY under Section 2.04 of the Lease and of the instruments, if any specified in the opinion of Independent Counsel referred to in the following clause (3) ; (3) if other Project Equipment is substituted for the removed Project Equipment, receipt by the AUTHORTTY of an opinion of Independent Counsel specifying the supplemental financin_q statements and other instruments which will be sufficient to subject the property to a security interest in favor of the AUTHORITY, and stating that all recordati,ons and filings of the instruments so specified which are required to perfect such security interest as a direct and valid lien, subject only to Permitted Encumbrances have been effected. 4-4. Intentionally Omitted. � -22- ARTICLE FIVE SUPPLEMENTAL AND AMENDATORY RESOLUTIONS 5-1. Supplemental and Amendatory Resolutions Not Requiring Consent of Bondholders . The AUTHORITY may, from time to time and at any time—w thout the consent of or notice to any of the holders of any Revenue Bonds , and when so required by this Bond Resolution shall adopt a resolution or resolutions supplemental to or amendatory of this Bond Resolution as shall not be inconsistent with the terms and provisions of Basic Resolution No. 876 so as to thereby (1) permit the issuance of Additional Bonds as provided in Sections 2-2 , 2-3 and 2-5 of Basic Resolution No. 876 , (2) cure any ambiguity or formal defect or omission in this Bond Resolution or in any supple- mental resolution, (3) grant for the benefit of the holders of any Revenue Bonds or any Holders of the Bonds herein authorized any additional rights , remedies , powers , authority or security that may lawfully be granted to or conferred upon such holders , (4) substitute or add additional equipment, machinery or land or to release land or property ,in the manner specifically provided herein or to more precisely identify any equipment or machinery forming a part of the Project, (5) modify, eliminate and/or add to the provisions of this Bond Resolution to such extent as shall be necessary to prevent any i.nterest on the Bonds from becoming taxable under the Federal income tax laws or to allow for the Bonds to be qualified under a different exemption under Section 103 (b) of the Tnternal Revenue Code, (6) make any other change deemed by the AUTHORITY necessary �to reconcile the Bond Resolution with the Lease or any amendment thereto or (7) make any other change to the Bond Resolution which in the reasonable judgment of the AUTHORITY is not to the prejudice of any holders of Revenue Bonds . 5-2. Supplemental and Amendatory Resolutions Re- quiring Consent of Bondholders . Exclusive of supplemental and amendatory resolutions covered by Section 5-1 hereof and subject to the terms and provisions contained in this Section, and not otherwise, the AUTHORITY upon receipt of an instrument evidencing . the consent to the below-mentioned supplemental or amendatory resolution by the Holders of not less than fifty-one percent (51�) of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds outstanding, secured in accordance with the provisions of Sections 7-1 and 7-2, shall adopt such other resolution or resolutions supple- mental or amendatory thereto as shall be deemed necessary and desirable for the purpose of modifying, altering, amending, adding to or rescinding, in any particular, any of the terms or provisions contained in this Bond Resolution or in any -23- ,, , supplemental or amendatory resolution; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall permit or be construed as per- mitting, (1) any amendment which is inconsistent with the terms and conditions of Basic Resolution No. 876 , (2) an extension of the maturity of the principal of or the interest on any Bond or coupon not held by a consenting Holder, or (3) a re- duction in the principal amount of any Bond or the rate of interest due on any coupon not held by a consenting Holder, or (4) a privilege or priority of any Bond or Bonds over any other Bond or Bonds , except as otherwise provided herein, or (5) a reduction in the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds required for consent to such supplemental or amendatory resolu- tion or (6) the subordination or release of the AUTHORITY ' s title to and security interest in the Project, except as other- wise provided herein or in the Lease or any amendment thereto made without Bondholder consent under Section 6-1, without the consent of the Holders of one hundred percent (100�) of the principal amount of the Bonds (or, i.n the case of an amendment described in clause (1) , all Revenue Bonds payable from the Bond Fund) then outstanding ("100� Bondholder Consent") secured in accordance with Section 7-1. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, a supplemental or amendatory resolutian under this Article Five which adversely affects the rights of the Tenant under the � Lease shall not become effective unless and until the Tenant shall have consented in writing to the adoption and delivery of such resolution, except supplemental resolutions delivered in connection with any Revenue Bonds issued to complete the Project in accordance with the Plans and Specifications . In this regard, the AUTHORITY shall cause notice of the proposed adoption of any such supplemental or amendatory resolution, together with a copy of the proposed amendatory resolution, to be mailed by certified or registered mail to the Tenant at least twenty (20) days prior to the proposed date of adoption of any such amendatory resolution. The Tenant sha11 be deemed to have consented to the adoption of any such resolution if the AUTHOR- ITY does not receive a letter signed by a Representative of the Tenant of protest or objection thereto on or before 4 : 30 o' clock P.M. , Central Standard or Central Daylight time, whichever is then in effect, of the fifteenth day after the mailing of said notice and a copy of the proposed resolution to the Tenant un- less such fifteenth day falls on Sunday or legal holiday in which event the letter of objection must be received on the next succeeding business day. -24- ARTICLE SIX P,PIENDMENTS �TO LEASE 6-1. Amendments Without Bondholder Consent. The AUTHORITY and the Tenant may without the consent of or notice to any of the holders of Revenue Bonds eonsent to any amend- ment, change or modification of the Lease to effect any change therein which in the reasonable judgment of the AUTHORITY does not jeopardize the exemption of interest on any Revenue Bonds from federal or state income taxation and is consistent with the terms and conditions of Basic Resolution No. 876 and this Bond Resolution, including but not limited to changes for the following purposes: (1) to facilitate (a) the conveyance for access or utility services and the release of the affected land or the granting of any other easement or the subordination of the rights of the Tenant and the AUTHORITY under the Lease to such easement as provided in Section 4-2, (b) the release of Project Equipment or unimproved land as provided in Sections 4-3 and 4-4, or (c) the issuance of Additional Bonds without the consent of any holders of Revenue Bonds as provided by Sections 2-2, 2-3 and 2-5 of Basic Resolution No. 876; (2) which may be required by the provisions of the Lease or this Bond Resolution; (3) for the purpose of curing any ambigui.ty or formal defect or omission; (4) in connection with any property or equipment acquired and which constitutes a part of the Project, including the Pro- ject Equipment described in Exhibit B to the Lease, so as to more precisely identify the same or substitute or add additional Project Equipment supplied pursuant to the Lease; (5) to qualify the Bonds under an exemption different from the exemption of Section 103 (b) (4) (D) ot the Tnternal . Revenue Code under which the Bonds were qualified as of the date of the Lease; (6) to reconcile the Lease with any supplement or amend- ment to the Bond Resolution; or {7) to effect any other change therein which in the rea- sonable judgment of the AUTHORITY is not to the pre�udice of any holders of the Revenue Bonds . -25- 6-2. Amendments Requirin Bondholder Consent. Nei- ther the AUTHORITY nor the Tenant sha 1 consent to any amend- ment, change or modification of the Lease which in the reason- able judgment of the AUTHORTTY' jeopardizes the tax exempt status of the interest on the Bonds or is inconsistent with the terms and conditions of Basic Resolution No. 876 , without publication of notice and the written approval or consent of the holders of outstanding Revenue Bonds adversely affected thereby procured as provided in Sections 7-1 and 7-2. If at any time the Tenant shall request the consent of the AUTHORITY to any such proposed amendment, change or modification of the Lease, the AUTHORITY shall, upon being satisfactorily indemnified with respect to expenses, cause notice of such proposed amendment, change or modification to be published in the same manner as provided in Section 7-2. � -26- . ARTICLE SEVEN MISCELLANEOUS 7-1. Consent of Bondholders. Any consent, request, direction, approval, ob�ection or other instrument required by this Bond Resolution to be signed and executed by any holders of Revenue Bonds may be in any number of concurrent writings of similar tenor and must be signed and in writing. Proof of the execution of any such consent, request, direction, approval, objection or other instrument or of the writing appointing any agent and of the ownership of Revenue Bonds , if made in the following manner, shall be sufficient for any of �he purposes of this Bond Resolution, and shall be conclusive in favor of the AUTHORITY with regard to any action taken by it under such request or other instrument, namely: (1) The fact and date of the execution by any person of any such writing may be proved by the certificate of any officer in any jurisdiction who by law has power to take acknowledge- ments within said jurisdiction that the person signing such writing acknowledged before him the excution thereof, or by an affidavit of any witness to such execution. (2) The fact of the holding by any person of Revenue Bonds and/or coupons and the amounts and numbers of such Revenue Bonds , and the date of the holding of the same, may be proved by a certificate executed by any trust company, bank or banker, wherever situated, stating that at the date thereof the party named therein did exhibit to an officer of such trust company or bank or to such banker, as the property of such party, the Revenue Bonds and/or coupons therein mentioned if such certificate shall be deemed by the AUTHORITY to be satis- factory. The AUTHORITY may, in its discretion, require evidence that such Revenue Bonds have been deposited wi.th a bank, banker or trust company, before taking any action based on such ownership. 7-2. Notice of Amendments. If at any time the AU- THORITY desires to adopt any supplemental or amendatory resolu- tion or amend the Lease as herein provided without consent of all of the holders of outstanding Revenue Bonds, unless consent of and notice to any of the Bondholders is not required, the AUTHORITY shall cause notice of the proposed resolution or amendment to be published at least once in a financial periodical or newspaper of general circulation published in a Minnesota City of the first class or its metropolitan area. Such notice shall briefly set forth the nature of the proposed resolution -27- � , . or amendment and shall state that copies thereof are on file at the principal office of the AUTHORITY for inspection by all holders. The AUTHORITY shall not, however, be subject to any liability to any holder by reason of its failure to publish such notice, and any such failure shall not affect the validity of such resolution or amendment when consented to and approved as herein provided. If the holders of not less than the re- quisite percentage in aggregate principal amount of Revenue Bonds outstanding at the time have consented to and approved the adoption thereof as provided in this Bond Resolution, no holders of any Revenue Bond shall have any right to object to any of the terms and provisions contained therein, or the operation thereof or in any manner question the propriety of the adoption thereof, or to enjoin or restrain the AUTHORITY or the Tenant from adopting or executing the same or from taking any action pursuant to the provisions thereof. 7-3. Severability. If any provision of this Bond Resolution shall be held or deemed to be or sha11, in fact, be inoperative or unenforceable as applied in any particular case in any jurisdiction or jurisdictions or in al1 jurisdictions or in all cases because it conflicts with any provisions of any constitution or statute or rule or public policy, or for any other reason, such circumstances shall not have the effect of rendering the provision in question inoperative or unen- forceable in any other case or circumstance, or of rendering any other provision or provisions herein contained invalid, inoperative or unenforceable to any extent whatsoever and shall not affect the remaining portions of this Bond Resolution or any part thereof. 7-4. Limitation of Liability, To the extent permitted by law, no provision, covenant nor agreement contained in this Bond Resolution shall give rise or impose upon the City or the AUTHORITY or any of its of�icers, employees or agents any pecun- iary liability. 7-5 . Authentication of Transcript. The officers of the AUTHORITY are directed to furnish to the attorneys approving the legality thereof, certi�ied cop�,es of this Bond Resolution and all documents referred to herein, and affidavits or certi- ficates as to all other matters which are reasonably necessary to evidence the validity and marketability of the Bonds . All such certified copies, certificates and affidavits , including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute recitals of the AUTHORITY as to the correctness of all statements contained therein. 7-6 . Registration of Bond Resolution. The Secretary of the AUTHORITY is authorized and directed to cause a copy of this Bond Resolution to be filed with the County Auditor -28- , ,� of Ramsey County, and to obtain from said County Aud�,tor a certificate that the issue of Bonds hereunder has been duly entered upon his bond register. 7-7. Approval of Tenant. Tenant has exami,ned and given approval of this Bond Resolution and all terms hereof and approves the sale of the Bonds as provided for herein for the price and terms set forth herein. 7-8. Authorization to Execute Amendment to Lease and Incidental Documents . The Amendment to Le�se between the AUTHOR- ITY and the Tenant for the amending of the lease of the Project is hereby approved in substantially the form now on file in the office of the AUTHORITY; and the President and Secretary of the AUTHORITY are authorized to execute the same in the name of and on behalf of the AUTHORITY and such other documents , in- cluding the official statement to be used by the Underwriter in marketing the Bonds , as Bond Counsel or Independent Counsel consider appropriate for Bond Closing. Tn the event of the disability or the resignation or other absence of the President or Secretary of the AUTHORITY, such other officers of the AUTHOR- ITY who may act in their behalf shall without further act or authorization of the AUTNORITY do all things and execute all instruments and documents required to be done or to be executed by such absent or disabled officials . 7-9 . Purchase of Bonds . The proposal of Miller & Schroeder Municipals , Inc. , to purchase $400 ,000 Port Author- ity of the City of Saint Paul Industrial Development Revenue Bonds , Series J, authorized pursuant to this Bond Resolution at a price of $390,000 plus accrued interest on $400 ,000 from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery at the coupon rates above specified is hereby accepted. 7-10. City Council Approval. Notwithstanding any other provisions herein to the contrary, the provisions of this Resolu- tion shall not be effective until the City Council has , pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976 , Chapter 234 , consented to the issu- ance of the Bonds; and, accordingly, the City Council is hereby requested to give such consent to the issuance of the Bonds and any Additional Bonds which the AUTHORITY may from time �o time deem necessary to complete the Project or to refund the Bonds; and for such purpose the Executive Vice President of the AUTHOR- ITY is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the City Council copies of this Resolution and any additional available information the City Council may request. -29- . , . ADOPTED: February 22, 1977 EFFECTIVE DATE: date of approval of City Council oP the City of Saint Paul �� Pres t of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul Attest: . - � ' cretary -30- � � � � EXHIBIT A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL $400, 000 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND, SERIES J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Port Author- ity of the City of Saint Paul (herein called "Port Authority" ) , Ramsey County, Minnesota, a body corporate and politic, for value received hereby promises to pay to Miller & Schroeder Municipals , Inc. , but only out of its Common Revenue Bond Fund, the principal sum of $400 ,000 on the first day of May in the years and installments , with interest thereon from date of issue until paid or duly discharged, as follows : Maturity and Interest Schedule of Series J Industrial Development Revenue Bonds Interest shall be payable on November 1, 1977, and serniannually thereafter on May 1 and November 1 of each year. Both princi- pal and interest are payable at the Northwestern National Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota or at the office of a suc- cessor Paying Agent duly designated by the Port Authority in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. This Bond has been issued in accordance with Basic Resolution No. 876 , as amended, and Supplemental Bond Resolution No. 1154, duly adopted by the Port Authority, setting forth the terms and conditions upon which such Bond is issued and describing the security therefor. The Bond is issued by the Port Authority for the purpose of financing the construction and acquisition of buildings, improvements and equipment to be constructed or used on or in connection with realty and other equipment owned by the Port Authority (hereinafter collectively � . � � • called Project) within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes , Section 474.02, Subdivision 1, including the payment of expenses inci- dental thereto, and the leasing of the Project under the provi- sions of a Lease, dated November l, 1976 , as �mended by the Amerid- ment to Lease, dated April 1, 1977, thereby assisting activities in the public interest and for the public welfare of the Port District and the City of Saint Paul. Installments of principal maturing in the years 1983 to 1987 , both inclusive, are subject to redemption and prior payment at the call of the Port Authority in inverse chrono- logical order on May 1, 1982 and on any interest payment date thereafter at par and acerued interest plus a premium of $100 .00 per installment called. In addition, all outstanding install- ments of this issue, in whole but not in part, are subject to redemption and prior payment at the call of the Port Authority in inverse chronological order at par and accrued interest on any interest payment date in the event of (1) damage to or destruc- tion or condemnation of the Project or any part thereof to the extent provided in clauses (B) and (C) of Section 5. 06 (1) of the Lease or in the event of changes in the Constitution or laws of the United States or the State of Minnesota as provided in clause (D) of Section 5. 06 (1) of the Lease, and (2) termination of the Lease by the tenant as provided in Section 5. 06 of the Lease. Prior to the date on which any installment or installments are redeemed in advance of maturity, the Port Authority will cause notice of the call thereof for redemption identifying the installments to be redeemed to be published in a financial news- paper or periodical in a Minnesota city of the first class or its metropolitan area. Prior to any such redemption date such notice will be mailed to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, but published notice alone shall be effective without mailing. All installments of principal so called for redemption will cease to bear interest on the specified redemp- tion date, provided funds for their redemption have been duly deposited. This Bond is issued pursuant to and in full compli- ance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, particularly Chapters 458, 474 and 475 , Minnesota Statutes , and pursuant to resolutions adopted and approved by the Port Author- � ity, which resolutions authorize the issuance, execution and delivery of this Bond as a special obligation payable solely from revenues derived from various revenue producing facilities from time to time owned and leased or used by the Port Authority, as hereinafter more fully set forth. . c ` . + r ��� ��� 876 , as amended, and the Supplemental Bond Resolution author- izing this issue; that this Bond is secured by a pledge of and lien upon said Available Net Revenues; that this Bond together with other Revenue Bonds heretofore and hereafter issued on a parity therewith and made payable from the Common Revenue Bond Fund are entitled to the same parity of lien on said Available Net Revenues, all as more fully provided in said resolutions; that no Additional Bonds or other obligations will be issued and made payable from such Available Net Revenues on a parity therewith or subordinate thereto except as specifically provided in the said resolutions; that all acts , conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed in order to make this Bond a valid and binding special obligation of the Port Authority according to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as so required; and that the issuance of this Bond does not cause the special or general indebtedness of the Port Authority or the City of St. Paul to exceed any consti- tutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has caused this Bond to be executed in its behalf by the manual signatures of its President, Secretary and Trea- surer, and sealed with its corporate seal, and has caused this Bond to be dated as of April 1, 1977. (SEAL) Secretary President Treasurer f,,k-,x� '�� �;� ����>.`��� ��'" ,.����;� a''rx: '�` �� ,'�'�S'-"` >,.�?Jw ��i� . �. ��'�,�- e''a'� g�}v � '., i` ' .' ��. Ys# �, ^ � � '��� f �'� � � d P. �� ' ' 1�� f 4 it''�� L{` � _ :..�f.v,K � � �y �� �* �. F vi�r:.. ��� � �� ��T'� �✓�j ��i � � :.� ./�, �� ���Y `n'�' }r .Y. .1 '� ::Ar �`� � � �� 1 � � �,�� �� � ,1. w„�R �r�� � ,r � � � ""� -��" � �r �'Y �`� . � '�t { i � t +�- +� � „,,, ,� ��.S :; , - , , - .� - - i s � � 5 .:�� n� , ~� . hy :�. � 4 _ - ' � J4'n�A $ Z '� �� �i� {� - � r - � ��'-.� } � �� ' 'f � . .��� a �J�r . r : _: . �: Yi7 i . 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