01-516�w '� f , .
City of St. Paul ``� ` ` "' ` `–, —
By �
Assessment No. 9898
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and ea:penses or
2 J0ISUMA(9898) Laid-over property from April 4 City Council Pub 'c
Hearing as listed: 916 Minnehaha Ave E iJ01SUM)
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above
improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and
having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined
to be payable in One (1) equal installment.
Yeas Nays
�s��" —Blakey
_ ✓BOStrom
,�� _ Reiter
S In Favor
a I�hse�t'
Adopted by the Council: Date � o C��
Certified Passes by Council Secretary
T.M.S Real Estate
xaracr aEasow s aHOroe
Ro$anna Flink 266-8859
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Setting date of laid—over property from April 4th City Council Public Hearing as listed:
916 Minnehaha Ave E (JOISUM)
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Has this person/firm everworked undu a contlact For this departmeM?
Has Mis peisonrfirm aver.been a city employee7
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1 property owner will be notified of the change in time for hearings.
Date: July 17, 20Q1
Time: 10:00 am.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathman
Legislafive Hearing Officer
1. Laid Over Summary Abatements:
JOl SNOWl Snow andlor ice removal at 1002 Carroll Avenue;
J0102C1 Demolition at 1093 Seventh Street West and 520 Bay Street;
J0102BB Boardings-up at 664 Edmund Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue;
J0103AA Property clean up at 729 Edmund Avenue.
664 Edmund Avenue (J0102BB)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
729 F.,dmund Avenue (J0102BB)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
729 Edmund Avenue (J0103AA)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street West 520 Bay Street (J0102Ci)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1002 Carroll Avenue (JOISNOWI)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
� 2. File JOl SUMA - Laid over summary abatement for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Summary Abatements:
J0104A Property clean-up during April and May 2001;
J0103C Demolition of buildings during April and May 2001;
J0103B Boarding-up of vacant buiidings during March and Apri12001;
J0104V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during 7anuary 2001.
916 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0104�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $500 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $545.
Page 2
349 Cook Avenue East (J0104A)
L.egislative Hearing Oflicer recommends approval of the assessment � �_ Slb
1612 Alameda Street (J0103B)
I.egislative Aearing Qfficer recommends appmvai of the assessment.
905 Iroqn�is Av� (70IQ3$)
Legislative Heating Offices recommends approval ofthe assessmen�
650 Aurora Avenue (Jtl104A)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of We assessmen#.
597 Blair Avenue (J0104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recowmends deleting the assessment
2410 Chelton Avenue (J021D4A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
157 Front Street (70104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
i6b0 3�avtou Aveaue (JOiO4A)
Legislative Heacing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
122 L�ton Place (J0104V)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
I 155 Mf nnehaha Avenue East {Jfll i)4A)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
515 Nevada Avenue East (J0104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $250 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $295.
154 Robie Street West (30I(!4A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recvmaie�ds �val vf the assessment.
327 Winifred 5treet EasY (J0104A)
Legisla#ive Hearing CJ��a recroznmeads approuai of thc assessment.
1744 CarrolI Avenue (70104A)
I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
Page 3
1075 Portland Avenue (J0104A)
T.egislative Hearing Oflicer recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative a� rS`b
4. Resolution ordering the ow� to remove or npair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enfomzment is ordered to remove the
(Laid over &om 6-5-01 }
Legislative Aearing Officer recommends laying over to the AugusY 21, 2001, Legislative
Hearing to allow time for closing of sale to NEAR (North End Area Revitalization, Inc.).
5• Itesolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 790 Selby Avenue. If
the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ozdered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the owner be given six months to complete the
rehabilitation of the property on condition that the owner apply for a code compliance
inspection by noon of Juiy 25, 2001.
; •�:
Date: June 19, 2001
Time: IO:QO a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 Plest Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry Strathman
Legislative Hearing Officer
1. Summary Abatements:
J0102C Demolition of vacant buildings for January and February 2001,
J0103A Property clean-up during the later part of Febrnary and all of March
J0102B Boarding up of vacant buildings during January and February 2001;
J0103V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during
November and December 2000; and
JOISNOW SnowJice removal and sanding of walks during winter season of 2000
and 2Q01.
1016 Carroll Avenue (701SNOV1�
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends deleting the assessment.
650 Aurora Avenue (JOISNOW)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvai of the assessment.
1016 Beech Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
910 Conwav 5treet (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1186 Duluth Street (JOl SNO�
Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1014 Euclid Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
723 Fourth Street East (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
604 Ho11�Avenue (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $395 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $440.
166 Lar�enteur Avenue West (JOl SNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1675 Rice Street (JOISNOW)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
62 Hatch Avenue (J0103�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
677 Hyacinth Avenue East (70103�
Legislative Hearing Officer zecommends reducing the assessment to $495 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $540.
1055 Reaney Avenue (J0103V)
Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
516 Rice Street (J0103A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
285 Sidnev Street East (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
783 SiYth Street East (JOl SNO�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street Wesd520 Bay Street (J0102C)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the 3uly 17, 2001, Legislative
729 Edmund Avenue (701�3A)
Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
422 Jessamine Avenue East (J0103A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the asssessment.
422 Jessamine Avenue East (J0102B)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1286 Keston Street (J0102B)
Legislative Heating Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
907 Payne Avenue (J0102B)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
o � -s►V
Page 3
1183 Arkwright Street (JO1SN0�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $75 plus the $45
service £ee for a total assessment of $120.
932 Galtier Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $100 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $145.
614 Western Avenue North (J0103�
I,egislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1317 Askwright Sh�eet (J0102C)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the Ju1y 24, 2001, Legisiative
$68 Prior Avenue North (JO1Q3V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1000 Carroll Avenue (JOl SNO�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
� 2. File JOISUMA - Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue
(Laid over from 5-15-01)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the July 17, 2001, Legisiative
3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properly at 643 Watson
Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is
ordered to remove the building.
Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends the owner be a anted six months to complete the
rehabilitation of the property.
To Legislative Hearin� �fficer - 3-20-01 RE-i-17-Q1 �� O1— S�4
Public Hearin� Date - 4-4-01
tact Perzon and Pho � ber:
Roxanna Flink'' L� 266-8859
be on Council Agenda by: 3-7-01 t0 S2f 112tC
lic hearing for 4-4-01
be in Council Research OPiice
noan on Friday
1/11/01 Green Sheet 1Vumber: 104819
Setting date of public hearing and approve assmts for Demo of vac bldgs during 1Vov & Dec
2000, Boarding-up for June thru Oct 2000, Grass cutting during Aug, Sept, & part of Oct 2000,
Aband vehicles towed from private property at 611 �Vhitall also, to�ved during June thru Sept
2000 and Summ Abate during Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, and/or Aec 2000. Fi1e #'s JOIOIC, 9884;
JOIBDUP, 9885; JOIOIG, 9886; JOlO1V, 9887; JOISUM, 9889
PLAV�IYG COJI>llSSIOV A STAFF 1. Nas the person/Orm ever worked under a contract for this departmen[? YES NO
CfYIL SER�ICE CO?f}f 155I0�
rt5 whidh Councii Oblecli�e
H eighborhoods
A PubiitNmlth
A �'acant Blde
�Vard 2
Has tfiis persoNfirm ever been a City employ�ee".
Does this personfCrm possess a slill not narmally poszessed by any
turrent City emptoyee^.
Ezplain ail YES answers on a separate shect and attach.
1'ES \O
Tf.YG Pft06[.EJI, ISSUE, OPPORTU\1Tl' (1V'ho, VL'hat, Nhen, K'hrre, K'h}'7):
Progerty otivners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint
Paul when their property is not kept up.
Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Demolitions, Boarding-up, Grass cutting,
Abandoned vehicles and summary abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and �r•eeds,
hauling ativay ail garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as
refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In vvinter this includes the removal of
snotiv and ice from sidervalk and cross �valks.
If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund �vould be required to pay the
assessment. Assessments are pay�abie over 1 year and collected rvith the propert�� taxes if not
'l l Neighborhoods vvould be left to deteriorate and proQerty values would decline. Nobody �vould
� take care of their propert}�, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and
trash �sould accumul�te e�•erti•tir•here Aise�se �nd pests could become a problem.
OTAL A>101i\T OFTR.a\S.aCT10V: �� (Q ,488.37 COSTBEY'E\UE 6UDCETED (CIRCLE O\Ej YES �'
2G2 ....,...v.t.• ...�..�r� .��411 ha nnti�PA nf thn rn�hlir henrina nn[j rhnra
+ f City of St. Paul
Real Estate Division
Degt. of Tachaology & Maaagement Serv.
Assessment No.9898
Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for
2 JOISUMA i9898) Laid-over property from April 4' City Council Public
Hearing as listed: 916 Minnehaha Ave E(JOlSUM)
To the Council of the City of St. Paul
MAY 15 T "
MAY 23, 2001
The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the
following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in
connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total construction costs
Engineering and Inspection
Valuation and Assessment Services
Admn. Charge - Code Enforcememt
Re-Check Charge - Code Enforcement
Abatement Service Charge
Charge To
Net Assessment
Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed
and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $66,635.35
upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said
improvement, and in the case o£ each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that
hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment
Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and
which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated ��/a '�/ �r..,?.,�-- ;����
�i l -
�, yaluation and Assessment Engineer
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Date: May 15, 2001
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathman
Legislarive Hearing Officer
1. Laid Over Summary Abatements:
SSWREPAIRl Sanitary sewer service repair at 1787 Ames Avenue.
J0102W Towing of abandoned velucle from private properiy at 915 A�ate
J0102AA Propeny clean-up at 927 Hudson Road.
JOl O1BB Boarding-up of a property at 609 Smith Avenue South.
1787 Ames Avenue
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
915 Agate Street
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
927 Hudson Road
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends granting the owner two years to pay the
609 Smith Avenue South
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends reducing the assessment by $50, which brings
the assessment to $250.00 plus the $45.00 administrative fees for a total assessment of
�. File JOl SUMA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
(Laid over from 3-20-01)
Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the June 19, 2001, Legislative
Hearing. •
3. File J015UMAA: Laid over sumu�ary abatement appeal for 980 Euclid Street.
(Laid over from 4-17-01)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
4. + Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1236 Seventh Street
East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to
remove the building.
(City Council changed the lay over date from 6-19-01 to 5-15-01.)
Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends approval.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 923 Marion Street. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
(Rescheduied from 5-1-01 because the meeting was canceled)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends granting the owner six months to complete
rehabilitation of the properry on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 6,
�� 5� �
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
Room 330, City Hall
Gerry Sirathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Logan Moore, Code Enforcement
Gerry Strathman called the meeting to arder at 10:02 a.m.
Laid Over Summary Abatements:
SSR'REPAIRl Sanitary sewer service repair at 1'787 Ames Avenue.
J�102W Towing of abandoned vehicle from private property at 915 Aeate
J0102AA Pmperty clean-up at 927 Hudson Road.
JOlO1BB Boarding-np of a property at 609 Smith Avenue South.
1787 Ames Avenue
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
915 Agate Street
Steve Magner reported that he would like the assessment deleted because the owner repurchased
and picked up his vehicle.
Gerry Slrathman recommends deleting the assessment per recommendarion of staff.
927 Hudson Road
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment and granting the owner two years to
(Note: 31te owner appeazed after the meeting commenced to request that he be given 2 years to
pay. Mr. Strathman accepted this request and added it to his recommendation.)
609 Smith Avenue South
Shirley Williams, owner, 5423 Williams Avenue, White Beaz Township, appeazed and stated on
12-30-00, her great grandson set fire to a mattress at 611 Smith Avenue South. The Fire
Depu put out the fire and knocked a hole in the window of the small bedroom. The Fire
Department called someone in to boazd the window. It took one boazd, maybe six nails, and
maybe 20 minutes.
U \-� � (
Steve Magner reported the charge for an emergency boatding is based on a contractual rate. The
City stipulates the specifications. From there, it is open for bids, and the City goes with the
lowest bidder. There aze two prices: one for daytime scheduled boardings and the other
boazding is for emergencies where the company has to be on site within two hows of receiving
the call from the o�cial City departmen� The emergency rates aze $200 to respond to the scene
and $50 ger opening. Mr.l4fagner suggests the owner tum over the assessment costs to her
in�„*ance company as part of the loss. Generaliy, the in�»,•a„ce companies cover this cost
because the insured is suppose to limit any more liability or loss that can happen from leaving the
building open.
Gerry Strathman stated they should break down the cost for the owner, Mr, Magner responded
the charge is $200 for the coniractor to show up, there was one board, and one secure. The
inspector did not indicate where the secure location was, but Mr. Magner can assume the
contractor secured the struchue when he left. A lot of the time, the Fire Department requires the
contractor to put a hasg and a padlock on the property. It is unknown if they did that in this case.
Ms. Williams responded the house has never been vacated and it is open for the other side to
come in. It is a side by side duplex.
Gerry Stratlunan recammends reducing the assessment by $50, which brings the assessment to
$255.00 plus the $45.00 administrative fees for a total assessment of $295.00. It is not cleaz
from the xecord what the charge of the secure is for.
� File JO1Si3MA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
` (Laid over from 3-20-01)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the June 19, 2001, Legisiative Hearing. (The owner
appeared for the May 1, 2001, Legislarive Hearing because he was not notified that it had been
canceled. He requested that his appea] be heard at the June 19, 2001, Legislative Hearing.)
File JOI5UMAA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 980 Euclid Street.
(Laid over from 4-17-fl1)
Steve Magner stated John Betz (Code Enforcement) went to the property and found that all the
cleanup occurted on the property that was cited.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the bttilding at 1236 Seventh Street
Eas� If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to
remave the building.
(Heard on 4-17-01. Also, the City Council changed the lay over date to 5-15-01.)
Gerry Strathxnan stated the owners indicated they wanted to sell the building and needed some
time to do that. Mr. Strathman agreed to continue this matter to June 19, and his
recommendafion went to the City Council. The Ciry Council did not accept the recommendation,
and sent it back to Mr. Strathman for a hearing today. Now, he needs to make another finding to
send to the City Council.
Marlyn and Robert Weber, owners, 4859 Gershwin Avenue North, Oakdale, agpeazed. Mrs.
Weber stated two Realtors have been approached. They have had two market analyses; ane
analysis read ti�at the property has potentiai. There were two people interested in buying the
property. She is asking for additional time to sell the property.
Mr. StraUunan stated he will have to recommend approval of the order to remove or repair. That
recommendation will go to the City CouncIl on June 6, 2001. He suggested the owners attend
this City Council meeting, and make their appeal directly to them.
Mr. Magner suggested the owners apply for a team inspection from the Fire Department so they
couid get a list vf the repair items to be completed to bring the building into comgliance. Mr.
Magner aiso suggested that the owners post a$2,000 performance bond to obtain six months to
rehabilitate the structure.
Mrs. Weber stated one person interested in the pmperty has been present at some meetings and
knows the backgtound ef this property. The other buyer has been told they need to post a bond.
Mrs. Weber stated they have had one month and that is not enough time to get started with
anything. Mr. 5trathman responded the City Council may be getting pressure from the
neighborhood to do something about this building. That may be why they aze unwilling to allow
additional time.
Mrs. Weber asked is there another City Council meeting after 7une 6 because they have a
commitmem on that �ay. Mr. Stra#hman responded this has to be at a public hearing, and it will
have Yo be June 6. He suggested the owners speak to Councilmember Lanhy to request
addirional time.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the resolution.
ResoluHon ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 923 Marion Street. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolntion, Code Enforcement is ordered tu remove the
(Reschednled from S-i-Oi because the meetiag was caaceled)
Stevs Magner reported the building was condemned in February 2000. Eight summary
abatement notices have been issued to secure the building agains[ trespass, tall grass, remove
refuse, remove snow. On 2-24-01, an inspection of the building was conducted and a list of
deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken.
An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on 2-23-01 with a compliance date of 3-26-01.
As of this date, this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the
legisladve code. Vacant building fees have been paid. Real Estate taxes are unpaid in the
amaunt of $1,683.13. Estimated market value is $32,200. On 4-30-01, a code compliance
inspection was compieted. Estimated cost to repair, $35,000; estimated cost to demolish, $6,500
to $?,500.
Stephen Kennedy, owner, appeared and stated he tallced tn his mortgage company to get a short
sell with them. He had a buyer, but they were still negotiating. Mr. Kennedp is trying to get
another loan so he can do the repairs.
Mr. Strathman asked does he plan to rehabilitate the building. Mr. Kennedy responded yes.
Gerry Strathman recommends granting the owner six months to complete rehabilitation of the
property on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 6, 2001.
The meeting was adjourned at 102? a.m.
�\- S\ (�
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
Room 33Q Courthouse
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Doris Lesny, Real Bstate; Steve Magner,
Code Enforcement
Summary Abatements:
J0102C Demolifion of vacant buildings for January and February 2001;
J0103A Property clean-up during the later part of February and all of March 2001;
J0102B Boarding up of vacant buildings during January and February 2001;
J0103V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during November and
December 20D0; and
JOISNOW Snow/ice removal and sanding of wa3ks during winter season of 2000 and
1016 Carroll Avenue (701SN04�
Steven Rhodes, owner, appeared.
John Betz reported that this should be deleted. It was par[ of a large abatement process.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
650 Aurora Avenue (J01 SNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Sirathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1016 Beech Street (JOl SNOW}
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing.
(Note: At the hearing, NIr. Strathman approved the assessment for 1016 Beech Street however,
the owner called after the meeting to request that the ma#er be laid over to July 24 instead. Mr.
Strathman approved the request.)
910 Conwav Street (J0103V)
Pau1 Bruggeman, owner, 6873 Idea1 Avenue North, Mahtomedi, appeazed and stated this is one
of his tenant's vehicle. He does not understand why he is expected to pay. He was notified. The
C�\ � (�
Page 2
vehicle was parked in the backyazd, and the tenant moved it to the driveway. If the registered
owner of the vehicle is known, why does the guilt go to the property owner.
Mr. Strathman stated the law goveming maintenance of properiy reads that the owner of the
property is responsible for keeping it free from trash, rubbish, abandoned vehicles, and other iypes
of nuisances. The owner can have the velucle towed. Steve Magner added that the owner can
call the police department and ask for a manager's tow. Then, the owner can call a tow company.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1186 Duluth Street (JO1SN0�
(A videotape was shown.}
Francis Doyle, owner, appeazed and stated he lives at the end of the block. There are three blocks
that come into his block. He is at the very bottom of three blocks of water rumung down a
sidewalk He lives next to a gas station, and that sidewalk is not shoveled. All the tanker txucks
drive right over the top of the end of his sidewalk. They drive over the snow, knock it down, and
all the water comes down and dams up in front of Mr. Doyle's property. The City needs to put
up a barrier to keep traffic off of the city walk.
(Mr. Doyle showed a photograph.)
Mr. Strathman asked has he talked to the City sidewalk engineers. Mr. Doyle responded he
talked to Tom Friel (Code Enforcement) who said they would make a note of it.
Mr. Strathsnan stated normally these sidewalk issues aze the result of neglect and are easy to deal
with. It looks like there is drainage problem in this case. Until that drainage problem is repaired,
the owner wili need to do something so that people can walk on that sidewaik. He suggested a
bucket of sand or salt. Mr. Doyle responded sometimes it is several inches of water. It looks like
what the City did was spread salt or sand on it to make it passable.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. He encouraged Mr. Doyle to keep the
sidewalk passable by getting after the City engineers to redesign it or sanding it himself.
1014 Euclid Street (JOISNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
723 Fourth Street East (J0103V)
The following appeazed: Dianna Randall Voss and Ken Randall, owners. Ms. Voss stated this is
about a notice she received regazding four cars in her driveway. They allowed the neighbor next
Page 3
door to park two cars there during snow removal. They got a notice from Charles Votel (Code
Enforcement). He came out, met with her, and said everything was taken caze of. He also said
that he turned in a report for towing into the police department and there was no way for him to
stop it. He said to put signs in the window that the vehicles did not need to be towed; however,
two montUs later, both cazs were towed. They could not afford to get one of the velucles out of
the Impound Lot. Both cazs were nice and taken care of. They paid $130 far hers and another
$75 to have it towed back home. She called the police and was told to make a report because
they were illegally towed.
John Betz reported the inspector involved with this is no longer with the City. Mr. Betz has
nothing in the file that indicates what she is saying is not correct.
Gerry Stratlunan recommends deleting the assessment. Ms. Voss can file a claim with the City.
604 Hollv Avenue (J0103V)
The following appeared: Patrick Terrell, 604 Holly, and Garry Syverson. 275 Maryland Avanue
West. Mr. Syverson stated this involves a towed vehicle. He did not receive a notice. He checks
the parking lot. It was Mr. Terrell's vehicle that was there.
Mr. Blunt stated he sold the car to his mother. He talked to Mr. Syverson's partner who gave
him permission to have the car sit there until it was moved. One day at wark, his brother called
Mr. Blunt and said a police officer was towing his car. This police officer did not want to talk to
Mr. B1unt and told him to ca11 the police department far further information.
John Betz reported he talked to Kenneth Hertz who indicated he purchased the property after this
action took place. Ramsey Couniy records indicate Frank Castovich (phonetic) as the owner. Mr.
Syverson responded that was the previous contract for deed holder. This properry was a
refinance. He paid off the comract for deed to Frank Castovich.
Mr. Betz stated Code Enforcement notified the following people: Frank Castovich, Security Life
Insurance Company, Denise Humphrey, and Patrick Terrell.
Mr. Strathmau asked where Mr. Terrell was notified. Mr. Betz responded 4201 Sheridan Avenue
North. Mr. Tenell responded he stays at 604 Holly.
Mr. Betz stated they went beyond sending it to just the owner of the property; they also sent it to
the owners of the vehicle.
Mr. Syverson stated his phone number and name ate on the certificate of occupancy in the
Mr. Strathman asked when did he buy the property and why his name does not show up as
owuiug the property. Mr. Syverson responded he has owned the properiy for ten yeazs. He
�\ ��b
.,: ,
purchased it on a contract for deed and it was kept in the contract for deed holders name. The
records now show Mr. Syverson as the owner.
Mr. Strathman asked why the vehicle was towed if the owner of the properiy and the owner of
the vehicle had no problem with it being there. N1r. Betz responded the plates had expired or it
had broken wsndows. Mr. Tenell responded kids in the neighbor broke the window. It did not
have tabs. The vehicle was operable.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $395 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $440. There is some culpability here in terms of the ownership zecords not being
kept current; however, the owner would have dealt with it if he had been norified. Also, the
charge seems a bit high.
166 Larpenteur Aveaue West (JO1 SNOVVj
1675 Rice Street (JOl SNO�
(A videotape was shown.)
David Krech, owner, 1387 E. Hope Avenue, Maplewood, appeared and stated he contracts with
someone to plow. Because of the pile of snow on the corner and the run off, the sidewalk in front
of his properry is where everything gets accumulated. They plow the lot and the City plows it
again. The proximity of the sidewalk is so close to the corner, it is very difficult to keep the
corner clear. He will take the issue up with his plow people. He did not know what the
assessment was about untii he saw the videotape.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
62 Hatch Avenue (70103V)
Joanne Farr, owner, appeared and stated she received rivo notices prior to November about tabs
on her truck. 5he called on both notices and both notices were thrown out. In the middle of
November, she sold the truck, but it was never picked up. The new owner purchased tabs but
never put them on the vehicle. Her complaint is that this is not her velucle, and she tried
numerous times to get the new owner to move it.
Mr. Strathman stated he does not understand why the City would not assess her for the cost. Ms.
Farr responded she never received the third notice.
Gerry Strathman asked when it was towed. John Betz responded a notice was sent to correct the
violations on 11-17-00. A final notice was sent on I 1-30-00. The vehicle was actually towed on
(Mr. Betz had a photograph of the vehicle, but it was difficult to see what color the tabs were on
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The vehicle did not have current tabs,
the owner was notified, and the Ciry towed the vehicle. Given those facts, the owner is
responsible for the vehicle and the cost because it was on her property
677 Hvacinth Avenue East (J0103�
Mazcella Harhnan, part owner, appeazed and stated this is her fazni]y house. A velucle was
towed, and she is suppose to pay $870 that she does not have. She made an effort to remove the
vehicle. She could not get tabs because the vehicle is not in her name. The vehicle belongs to her
brother's girlfriend. Neither of them are in town. Her brother will not help her pay it.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $445 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $540. Ms. Hartman requested additional tune to pay. Doris Lesny explained she
has 30 days to pay it. After that, interest is accrued.
1055 Reaney Avenue (J0103V)
Brenda Bobick, owner, and Leroy Bobick, appeared. Mr. Bobick stated there was a car on the
lot that was moved into the driveway. The car was operable. She is not sure when the caz was
towed. They did not receive a notice.
John Betz reported the orders were issued to Stanley and Sally Aacula (phonetic). Ms. Brodick
expiained that Stanley is dead, and Sally is the previous contract holder. Ms. Bobick purchased
the property on contract for deed, and she registered the properiy immediately. Everything on
this property gets sent to 1086 Galtier. Mr. Bobick added that they have a tow truck, and they
could haue towed it themselves if they knew about the matter.
Mr. Betz stated they do not have a Galrier address. He has information that Brenda Bobick is the
homesteader, and the inspector sent the notice to "occupanY' at 1055 Reaney. Code Enforcement
should have sent it to Brenda Bobick at 1055 Reaney.
Mr. Strathman stated there is a note here that the inspector spoke with the owner on 2-9-01. Ms.
Bobick responded she wouid not have been on the property at that time.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The letter sent to occupant technically did
not go to the Bobicks. The occupants did not pass it on. He does not understand why the
Ramsey County records still show the owner of two years prior. Mr. Magner responded if she
bought it on contract, it was refinanced, she paid off the contract holder and became the fee
holder in September, Ramsey County would not have it recorded for a period of time.
516 Rice Street (J0103A)
(A videotape was shown.}
O \ S� (�
.,_ ,
Jeffrey DeLisle appeared and stated that was $100 worth of trash on the open market. Gerry
Strathman responded the City does not deal in the open matket.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner was notified, and the City
did the work.
285 Sidney Street East (J0103V)
(No one appeared to represent the properry.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
783 Sixth Street East (JOl SNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street West1520 Bav Street (J0102C)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the 7uty 17, 2001, Legislafive Hearing at the owner's
729 Edmund Avenue (J0103A)
(A videotape was shown.)
Ger Yang, owner, appeazed and stated someone dumped items in the rear of the properry. He did
not have time to pick it up. He cleans up everything. It is a vacant building.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner has to maintain the
outside. Once the items aze there, it is the owner's responsibility to remove them. He was
(Note: there are two assessments for 422 7essamine Avenue East. J0103A is for a cleanup and
J0102B is for the boarding up of the property.)
422 Jessaznine Avenue East (J0103A}
422 Jessa.mine Avenue East (J0102B)
Anthony Deflorin, 422 E. Jessamine Avenue East, appeazed and stated he owns the property, but
his son lives here.
(A videotape was shown.)
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Mr. Deflorin stated he did not know about the clean up. There were two trailers with clean
ahmiinum. The Ciry took the alumi.num and left the trailers. They bad to sell it, and he wonders
why it was not deducted from the bill.
Gerry Strathuian asked where the metals go. Steve Magner responded he believes they separate
the metais and haul it somewhere, but Mr. Magner is not sure if Pazks and Recrearion gets
reimbursed for those materials. He believes they ate just in the business of getting rid of the
items. The metal may go to a scrapyard.
Mr. Deflorin stated he has another assessment for boarding the house. Mr. Magner stated the
police executed a search warrant at the property for nazcotics and gambling equipment. Due to
the nature of the call, they requested the properiy be immediately secured. They contacted the
boazding contractor, who secured the front and rear doors by nailing them shut.
(Mr. Deflorin showed photographs of the house.)
Mr. Strathman stated it was $300. Mr. Magner responded it is a$200 trip charge because it was
an emergency and $50 for each secure. They can clip the door, but the door was farcibly entered
so there was no reason to do anything but nail the door shut.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the cleanup (J0103A). It was a huge cleanup and it
needed to be done. If the owner feels he should be repaid for the value of the aluminum, he
should file a claun.
Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment for the doors (J0102B). The doors were
damaged as a result of police action, and the home owner should not be responsible for the
1286 Keston Street (J0102B)
Kenneth Carsaw, owner, appeared and stated he was cleaning snow off of his roof. As he was
clearing the last step, he fell on his face, heard his nose crack, and a lot of blood came out of his
nose. Because he heard a crack, he thought he should go to the hospital and he called a taxicab.
After 45 minutes, a cab did not show up and his neighbor took him to the hospital. In the
meantune, a cab came and waited. The next door neighbor asked the cab driver who he was
waiting for, and the driver said someone from 1286 Keston Street. The neighbor went up to the
front door, saw the blood, and called the police. The police broke into the house to check on him.
Mr. Corsaw asked why they did not call the emergency rooms first before they broke into lus
house. Mr. Strathman responded they obviously felt they needed to get into the building to make
sure he was safe.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The police were doing their job, but he
does not think that the owner is responsible for this.
�\- S� �
907 Pavne Avenue (70102B}
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1183 Arkwright Street (JQ 1 SNO�
The following appeazed: Donald Drouin, owner, and Roxanne Heinrich, 3932 Auburn Drive,
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Drouin stated the work was not necessary or the whole block should have been charged. The
beginning of the video was Superamerica's property. He resents being tazgeted by Code
Enforcement repeatedly whett the rest of the neighborhood is not getting that kind of scrutiny. If
there is a code to enforce, it should not be done selectively. Mr Drouin calls Public Works every
year because there is no boulevazd on that block. When the City widened Arkwright, the
boulevard was eliminated. So when the City plows the street, the snow bank ends up on the
sidewalk. Mr. Drouin works nights. He comes home, shovels the walk, and salts it. By the next
day, iY s packed down if it snows ovemight. Last year, Mr. Drouin reached the Number 2 man in
Public Works who said he would mark the books that the plow drivers use so they would not
push the snow so far onto the sidewalk. That took care of that difficulty. With the freeze-thaw
cycle last winter, the snow was hard.
Gerry Strattunan stated his orders reads that they were issued on 2-5-01, rechecked 2-12-01, and
the snow was removed on 2-20-01. Mr. Strathman requested to see the video again.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Mr. Strathmau stated it is not a perfect shoveling job, but it does not look worse than other
sidewalks in the City. He assumes Code Enforcement is responding to a complaint. He asked is
the snow on the left (on the videotape) pushed up from the street. Mr. Drouin responded once
there is big snowstorm and the street is plowed, they end up with a snowbank on the sidewalk.
He also asked Pubiic Works about the rules for clearing sidewaiks He was told they should be
three feet wide and flat. This sidewalk is so busy that once he gets to it the next day, it is packed
down hard. The neighbors property is the same or worse.
Mr. Strathman stated there is a property on the videotape cleazed down to the concrete. Mr.
Drouin responded the properiy on the corner does not haue a cleaz sidewalk.
When he got these orders in February, asked Mr. Strathman, what did he do in response to them
Mr. Drouin responded he remembered thinking that he didn't know what they were talking about.
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Mr. Stratluuau stated the sidewalk does not look that awful to him. Mr. Magner responded the
sidewalk has to be passable. When the inspectoz goes out there, they haue to err on the side of
caution because the sidewalk has to be used by people in wheeichairs.
Mr. Drouin complained about selecfive enforcement. Mr. Stratlunan responded someone
probably complained about the sidewalk needing to be cleared. NIr. Drouin was issued an order,
waited an week, and the City concluded it was still not adequate. Then, the cleanup was done a
week after that. It does not appeaz that mucb was done to fix that situafion in the meantime.
Unless a City employee takes a photograph every week, responded Mr. Drouin, that is not fair.
He did not get a normal notice from the City Clerk's office, so he is assuiniug it was not a
complaint. He feals the inspector came out on his own. "The City was there no more than ten
(Mr. Drouin showed photogxaphs.)
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $75 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $120. Technically, the sidewalk is not in compliance and he is responsible for it.
He does not consider it a flagrant violation.
932 Galtier Street (JOl SNOV�
(A videotape was not available on this.)
Vallen Her, owner, appeared and stated he did not know if the snow shoveled was priar to the
closing date, which was 3-20-01. It was a vacant building. Gerry Strathman responded it does
not matter. Now that he is the owner, he is responsible for the assessment. The person that sold it
was suppose to disclose any pending assessments. The amount is excessive.
Mr. Strathxnan asked what was done. Steve Mab er responded the list reads "snow one hour."
This is what they charge to just show up on the site. It is the minimum charge. This property was
owned by someone who owned 25 properties in the neighborhood, and all the properties were
Gerxy Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $100 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $145. This is in view of the absence of a record (no videotape).
614 Western Avenue North (J0103�
John Betz recommended that this assessment be deleted.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
�\- S� �
1317 Arkwri t Street (J0102C)
Page 10
Gerry Sirathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing per the
owner's request.
868 Prior Avenue North (30103�
(A letter was reviewed from Dale Roberts, dated 6-18-Oi, Metal Treaters, Inc., 859 North Prior
John Betz stated the letters indicates MTI purchased the property. Code Enforcement sent a
notice to remove the car, but it occurred before the owner purchased it. It was impounded by the
police November 2000.
According to the letter, stated Gerry Strathman, the vehicie does not belong to them, and they
purchased the property in December.
Getry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
l OQ� Carroll Avenue (JOl SNO�
(No one appeazed to represent the property; however, the owner was told he could appear at the
130 meeting.)
(A videotape was shown.)
John Betz reported that this is the same block as 1016 Carroll, which was deleted earlier (see
Page 1). This is a row of eight townhouses that were assessed.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Mr. Betz stated it should be deleted.
Gerry Strattunan recomtnended deleting the assessment.
`'.� L� File JOISUMA - Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenne East.
� (Laid over from 5-15-01)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman laying over to the July 17, 2001, Legislative Heazing at the owner's request.
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Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properly at 643 Watson Avenue. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
Steve Magner reported this property was condemned July 2000, and has been vacant since 8-16-
00. There have been seven summary abatement notices issued to secure the building, secute
hazardous e�tterior stauway, cut grass, remove garbage, remove unlicensed trailers. On 4-14-01,
an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance
condition was developed, and photographs were taken. As of today, this properiy remains in a
condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. V acant building fees
have been paid. Real estate tases aze unpaid in the amount of $13,736.43. Estixnated market
value is $50,000; estimated cost to repair, $80,000 to $100,000; estimated cost to demolish,
$9,000 to $10,000. On 5-24-01, a code inspecfion was done and a bond was posted.
The following appeared: James Adams, husband of half owner Cindy Adams; Barb Kratzke, half
owner; Kelly Kratzke, Barb's daughter; and Bob Kratzke.
Gerry Strathman asked are they willing to rehabilitate this property. Keily Kratzke responded
rehabilitate andfor sell. There is a sign in front of it now. This property has not been ignored.
There are abatement orders here from 1995. This was her grandmother's house, who died in
1995. There were people that lived there that almost destroyed the properiy, and it was difficult
to get them out. Sarb Kratzke stated she finally got the people evicted. As a point of
information, the police do not care if it is private properiy, and she had a hard time getling
vehicles on her properiy removed.
Barb Kratzke and Kelly Kratzke wondered why they had a letter delivered on Saturday by a hand
courier 16 days after the day it was written. Steve Magner responded 'at was personal service.
There was obviously numerous attempts. If they are not home durfng the day, the attempt was
made on the weekend.
The Kratzkes also stated they have a bill for boarding up of property. Mr. Strathman responded
that is not before him yet.
Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be granted six months to complete the rehabilitation of
the properry.
The meering was adjoumed at 12:22 p.m.
�\-� � Co
Tuesday, July l7, 2001
Gerry Stratlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer
Room 330 Courthouse
The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Ro�nna Flink, Real Estate; Fong Lor, LIEP
(License, Inspections, Environmental Protection); Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; John _
Saumweber, Real Estate
Laid Over Summary Abatements:
JOISNOWI Snow andlor ice removal at 1002 Carroll Avenue:
J0102C1 Demolition at 1093 Seventh Sh-�t West and 520 Bay Street;
J0102BB Boardings-up at 664 Edmand Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue; and
J0103AA Property clean ap at 729 Edmund Avenue.
664 Edmund Avenue (J0102BB)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner. Gerry Strathman told Mr. Lor to explain to the owners of
664 Edmund Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue that his duties aze to translate and not act as an
Yee Lor, owner, 305 Aurora Avenue, appeazed.
Mr. Strathman stated this is a chazge for emergency boarding by the Fire Department. It was
ordered on 1-5-01, 530 a.m. The charge is for $795. He asked why the owner feels he should
not pay it.
Mr. Lor asked is it his responsibility to pay the fee or should lus insurance company pay the fee.
Mr. Strathman nesponded this is paid by the insurance company as part of the eapense related to
the fire customariIy. He should present the bill to the insuraz►ce company.
(Mr. Lor showed paperwork to Mr. Strathman.)
Mr. Strathman looked at the paperwork and stated the coverage should pay for the cost of the
boazding up, although he is not an expert on these things. Mr. Magner stated the insurance
coxnpany generally requires an insurer to m;nim;�P �y �er damage to the properry. The
insurance company usually wants the property boarded as soon as possble. If the owner has
problems getting the company #o pay it, he should go to a state elcaminer.
Mr. Lor stated he cannot live at the property anymore, and he asked is it his responsibility to
clean up azound the house, the lawn, etc. Mr. Strathman responded yes.
Mr. Strathman asked when a bill would be received in this matter. Roxanna Flink explained the
owner should receive a bill within a few weeks.
C�� � � b
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
(NOTE: there aze two assessments for 729 Edmund Avenue: J0103AA and J0102BB. 70103AA
was discussed at the Legislative Hearing on June 19, and the Hearing Officer approved the
assessment at the time. At the Legislative Hearing Officer's request, the City Councii laid over
30103AA and J0102BB to today's hearing for an interpreter to be present.)
'729 Fdmund Avenue (70102BB)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner. Mr. Lor had previously eaplained to the owner that his duties
are to translate and not act as an advocate.)
Ger Yang, owner, appeazed.
Mr. Strathman stated this is a charge for $345 for an emergency boazding by the Police
Department. He asked why the owner should not pay this assessment. Mr. Yang responded the
house was already boarded when he purchased it.
Mr. Strathman explained that when a house is purchased, a buyer also buys all the
responsibilities associated with the house; however, the seller is obligated to tell the buyer about
pending assessments. If the owner was not told, then Mr. Yang should go to the seller and seek
accommodatirnas. Mr. Yang responded the seller came to the City to get an order to evict the
tenants. Mr. Yang was not told about any pending assessment.
Because he is the current owner, stated Mr. Strathman, the City will look to him to pay these
Mr. Yang asked can the City ask the seller about the pending assessment. Mr. Strathman
responded this is a private transaction between the seller and the purchaser. The City cannot be
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
729 F.dmtmd Avenue (J0103AA)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner.)
(See above regarding another assessment.)
Ger Yang sfated the garbage inside and outside was cleaned up. No one lives at the properry. He
called the City to notify them about neighbors throwing fiuniture on the properiy, and he has not
gotten any response.
Steve Magnez reported this was already heazd at the last legislarive heating on June 19. A
videotape was shown at ihat time, and the assessment was approved. The owner claims there
Page 3
were things dumped on the properry, but it is still the owner's responsibility. Once the owner is
made aware of it, he is required to remove it. If it is not removed, the City will send people to
remove it.
Mr. Yang stated at the time of the assessment, he was not the owner. Mr. Magner responded the
�„*+�*nary abatement was issued on 2-13-01. He asked when the properry was purchased. Mr.
Yang responded he became the owner on 2-5-01.
Mr. Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The chazge goes to the property owner
regardless of whether he owned it at the time of the assESSment
1093 Seventh Street West. 520 Bav Street (70102C1)
Robyn Marshall, owner, address of 804 Stewart, appeared and stated she does not believe the
contcactor did what they weze suppose to do for the asbestos removal. They didn't do anything
for the Second Floor and they said they would do something in both of the bathrooms.
Steve Magner reported the building was ordered to be removed by resolution. The cost to the
demolition went to the low bidder which was Holst Excavating. They were required to obtain a
licensed abatement to identify and remove any asbestos out of the property. They abated the
asbestos and then raised the structure. Mr. Magner does not verify removal of asbestos; it is
manitored by the State Depaitment of Health and the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control
Agencyj There is a ten day wai'tmg period after the building is raised and spot inspections are
done. The City is not required to follow up on that. It has to be a licensed abatement contractor
to remove the asbestos.
Mr. Strathman asked about the charges. Mr. Magner responded the original demolition bid is
$12,200, not including the asbestos. And then another $4,800 for the abatement of the asbestos.
Ms. Marshali stated they oaily did a third of the flooa on the Third Level and nothing on the
Second Level. They did not do ha3f of what they weze suppose to do. She does not feel she
should be charged for the full amount.
Mr. Strathman stated he has no idea how this matter can be resoived. The company contracted to
remove asbestos, did it under whatever supervision the State exercises over asbestos removal,
and the City received a bill. Ms. Marshall responded she has photographs showing the business
did not do anything. They ripped up the tile on the Third Floor and that's what they did for
Mr. Magner stated the bw7diag has been remaveci. If there was a concern at the time when she
was out there, she should �ave contacted the City or the State. He asked what was left on site.
Ms. Marshall responded they oniy did a third of the floor on the First Level, but the rile ran
through the entire First Floor. They said it was asbestos contained tile. They said they included
both bathrooms on the Second Floor. Mr. Magner responded sometimes it is not the tile, but the
underlayment, the backing under the tile, or the linoleum. The contractor is responsible to make
O� �\�
Page 4
sure removed items do not have asbestos bearing matezials. If the properry was demolished with
the asbestos tiles taken to the landfill, the contractor can be held legally responsible for i� One
load of unrecorded asbestos brought into a landfill has minimum $10,000 fines. The con�actor
is required by State law to have the asbestos abated before demolition.
Mr. Magner stated he has no way to prove anything. A photograph of a tile does not prove that
was the tile in question. Mr. Stcathman responded it is a serious allegation; cbarging for work
that a person did not do is a fraudulent activity. There has to be some conclusive evidence to
show that the contractor engaged in this and he would guess the contractor would be reluctant to
admit i� Ms. Marshall suggested asking them for a list of what was done for the chazge. She has
a videotape and photographs.
Mr. Strathman stated he and Mr. Magner are reluctant to approach the contractor and accuse him
of fraud. It is uniikely the City will do that unless there is evidence.
Gezry Strathman recommends approval of the resolution.
1002 Carroll Avenue (JOiSNOWI)
Lee DValker, owner, appeared and stated he received the abatement and cleaned it up right after
he received it. He put down salt as well.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Walker stated he got the notice on a Friday and cleaned it up on Saturday. John Betz
responded the notice was mailed on 3-6-01, the reinspecrion was 3-9-01, and the work was done
on 3-15-01.
(The videotape was shovm again�}
Mr. Walker stated Yhe units are so close together that maybe the wrong address was cited. He
kept his sidewalk clean all winter.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. He will take the owner's word that the
sidewalk was kept ciean.
(NOTE: There are two assessments for 916 MinnehahaAvenue East: JOISUMA and J0104V.
J01 SL7MA has �eea 2aid over frwn 6-1�-f}I.}
File dO1SIJMA - Laid over snmmary abatement for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East
Gerry Strathman stated this is an assessment for removing tires, refuse, metals, etc.
Andrew Pham, owner, appeared and stated he received notice and he did the work. He told the
clean up crew that the work was already in progress, but they told him they were there on an
C� l �l(a
Page 5
order for it to be done now. They had to call the police because he was asking them quesrions,
such as did they have the proper paperwork. He is here to say that he has all the motivations to
get it done and he has been getting it done.
Gerry Strathman stated there are a couple of issues here and in some sense they both have been
answered: 1) By Code EnforcemenYs records and by the owner's aclmowledgment, a notice was
sent. 2) There is a videotape and the owner acknowledged tbat the crew cazne out and did the
work. There is no basis for not approving the assessment.
Mr. Pham stated he had some legal issues. By chazging the abatements and pushing the schedule
ahead is not getting the properry finished any sooner. He is a student and a future business
owner. His recources aze limited. He keeps Harold Robinson (Code Enforcement) informed of
his progress. Mr. Pham says the City was a little too enthusiastic about getting it done so eazly.
Everything was ready to be taken away and the City came too soon.
Mr. Strathman stated his paperwork reads that orders were issued on 10-12-00, and the work was
to be completed by �0-16-00. The work was not done unti110-25-00. It seems the City crew
was late instead of eazly. Mr. Fong responded there were more things he was doing at the time.
Everything was by the fence area ready to be moved.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. It seems the City gave the owner
proper notice.
Summary Abatements:
JOiO4A Pragerty ciean-up during April and May 2001;
J0103C Demolition of bnildings during April and May 2001;
J0103B Boarding-np of vacaat buildings during March and April 2001;
J0104V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during January 2001.
916 Minnehaiia Avenue East (J0104V)
(See above regarding another assessment)
Andrew Pham asked why it cost $1,469.60 to tow the vehicle. Mr. Strathman responded it does
seem like a lot. Roxanne Flink responded it was one vehicle.
Mr. Pham stated the vehicle was legally pazked. The City jumped to conclusions and illegally
entered the property. �e City tore up bazrieys to get to a vehicle that was in its place. That is
wrong and illegaL
Gerry Strathman stated he will reduce the assessment to $500 plus the $45 service fee. Mr. Pham
asked how he cazne to that amount. Mr. Strathman responded he has consulted with the
lieutenant and commander in charge and they believe if a vehicle is disposed within 30 days,
which is a reasonable amount of time, the cost would be about $500. For some reason, it seems
this vehicle must have been on the Impound Lot longer than normal.
�� ��C�
Page 6
Mr. Pham stated that is because he had taken legal action on this. This was a 1958 Buick
Berkeley B90. It was a rare and collectible vehicle. It was not abandoned. It was properly
stored. Mr. S�athman responded he cannot help him because that issue will have to be dealt
with in court.
Mr. Pham stated he is in legat proceedings with that. A tow costs $125. He was in the process of
getting that velricle out. He and Commander Morehead have some unremained issues here and
that is why he made it difficult for Mr. Pham to acquire the vehicle. Mr. Pham did not have the
option to get it ou�
Steve Magner stated there is a letter to Andrew Fong dated 3-4-01 from Mike Morehead. The
letter says the City removed the vehicle from the pmperiy. The letter stipulated what needed to
be done to acquire the vehicle.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $500 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $545.
349 Cook Avenue East (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Sirathman recommended approvat.
1612 Alameda Street (J0103B)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry 5tsathman recommended approvat.
905 Iroctuois Avenue (JOl03B)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
650 Aurora Avemie (30144A)
(No one appeared to repre.�ent #he property.)
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
597 Blair Avenue (70104A)
Dave Harvieus, owner, appeazed and stated the fust notice he received was on June 30. He
contacted Code Enforcement and he was told notices were sent to the previous owner. Mr.
�� ���
Harvieux purchased the building April 2000 on a contract for deed. The proper documents were
recorded with the Ramsey County in May 2001 because he t�ad not received a taa� statement from
Ramsey County. He contacted them and was told the documents had never been recorded. He
followed up with Ramsey County, they called him back, and said they made a mistake. Also,
when he did cail, he inquired about what needed to be done. He was told there was an
upholstered cbair, carpet, and a bag of refuse on a deck. He removed these items from the deck
himself. Perhaps there is aaother chair, carpet, and bag of refuse.
John Betz reported he used Ramsey County tax records to find out where to send the notices.
Mr. Strathman asked who told him in Ramsey County the records were in error. Mr. Harvieux
responded Debbie in the Recorder's Office. He could get document numbers. He got the notice
for today's meeting because they updated their records.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Strathman stated it was cleaz from the videotape there was trash on the deck, but it was not
clear it was the same trash that was listed. The person on the videotape mentioned a tire and
trash. Those items are not cited on his paperwork. Mr. Harvieus responded it was hard to see
what they took.
Mr. Betz stated there were two issues here: one was trash on the back deck, and the other was the
carpet and chair somewhere in the yazd azea by the garage. That was not part of the videotape, so
his presumption would be it was not there when the crew got there. The crew cleaned up bags of
trash, wluch would indicate they were there.
Gerry Stratlunan recommends deleting the assessment. There are serious problems as to whether
he was notified and whether the cleanup done was the sazne cleanup in the ordex.
1910 Chelton Avenue {J�l{f4A}
(No one appeazed to represem the property.)
Gerry StraUunan recommends approval of the assessment
157 Front Street {J0104A)
Pa Hang, owner, appeazed and stated she and � brother awn tlris property_ Some personal
items were taken that were stored pamperPy_
Mr. Strathman asked was she notified. Ms. Hang responded yes, but she already lived in the
house. She cannot do heavy jobs because her hand hurts. She tried to pay people to do the
cleanup, but she cannot affoxd much.
C� � Sl �
Mr. Strathman stated if she feels the City took things they should not have taken, she can file a
claim against the City.
Mr. Hang stated the charge of $899.00 was not worth it for the cleanup. She would like to see
the videotape.
(A videotape was shown.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment It looks like a major cleanup. The
assessmeut is not excessive given the amount of work that had to be done.
1660 Davton Avenue (30104A)
Connie Williams, owner,1290 $elmont Lane East, Maplewood, appeazed and stated she did not
own the property when the cleanup was done. At the time of the cleanup, other people were in
the process of moving in. Her ownerskrip ended 3-1-01. The new owner is Benjamin Bordman
John Betz reported the notice was sent to the listed owner. Yesterday, it was still listed as
Williams. John Saumweber responded Rea1 Estate got the notice rehuned in the mail.
Roxanna Flink reported Real Estate got a notice from Pazks and Recreation that they did the
work on 4-6-01. It was not pending when Ms. VJilliams sold it to the new people. The new
owner was notified of the hearing today, and the new owner will get the bill.
Ms. Williams stated thai it was her junk. The new owner said he never got notice until it was
bulldozed. She never received a notice either. She had a broken hand, and was unable to clean
it. She picked up what she could when it was out of the ice.
Mr. Betz stated Ramsey County tax records show she was the owner, and a notice was sent to her
at her address. It was returnad undeliverable. 11ie new owner has never registered the contract.
Until now, t�ey never had a name for the new owner. It is someone's responsibility to register
the contract and change the ownerslup. Ms. Williams responded she has called her new address
into the City a number of times.
Roxanna Flink stated whoever handled the closing should be contacted about why the ownership
was not changed. Her office knew of the new owner because of the return mail. It is the properry
owner's responsibility to make saue the records are correct. In Minnesota, a person is not
required to file a deed.
Gerry Strathman recommettds deleting the assessment He does not doubt the work was done,
but he is concerned about notification requirements.
122 Lvton Place (JQ104V}
Page 9
Greg Flesvig, owner, appeared and stated notices were sent to the previous owner. The only
notice he received was the one to come here today. He was told that his tenants received the
John Betz reported Ramsey County Taxation Records indicated two other people were the
owners. Notice was sent to them and the occupants of 122 Lyton Place. He did a printout of the
ownership on Friday and it comes up with Flesvig at 122 Lyton Place.
Gerry Shathman recommends deleting the assessment.
1165 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the properry.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
515 Nevada Avenue East (J0104A)
Barb Bartok, owner, appeazed and staied a stacked pile of wood by the shed was removed. She
had major surgery in March, and depended on other people to help her.
Mr. Betz reported the final notice was mailed 2-23-Oi.
Ms. Bartok stated the yard was dug up when the City took the items. She asked why the cut
wood was taken. Mr. Strathman responded because it was not properly stored he presumes.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Strathman stated it does not look like much of a cleanup.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Ms. Bartok asked about the gouges in her yard. Mr. 3trathman stated she shouid file a claim
against the City for damages.
Gerry Sh�athman recommends reducing the assessment to $250 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $295. The owner was notified, but the assessment is too iugh.
164 Robie Street West (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
o� ���
327 Winifred Street Fast (70104A)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment
Page 1Q
Resolation orderiag the owner to remove or repair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
(Laid over from b-S-Oi)
Lori Pagel stated they have accepted an agreement with NEAR (North End Area Revitalizadon,
Inc.). They will putchase the property and rehabilitate it. Ms. Pagel is working with the title
insurance company to clear the title. NEAR has signed a letter of intent. They have had an
azchitect go through the property. The purchase agreement has not been signed.
Gerry Strathman asked when the ciosing will be. Ms. Pagel responded they have not set a date.
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the August 21, 2001, Legislative Hearing to a11ow
time for closing of sale to NEAR (North End Area Revitalization, Inc.). He requested Ms. Pagel
notify 1um when the closing has happened. Then, he will deal with NEAR about the property
from that point forward. NEAR will be notified at that point to post a bond.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 790 Selbv Avenue. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolurion, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
Manoucher Rostamkhani, owner, and Kristine Kujala, Rawsey County Tax Forfeited Lands,
appeared. Ms. Kujala stated 2hat Nir. Rostauikhani is the contract purchaser on this properiy that
he purchased at auction. Tius property has a long history of nothing being done on it.
Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since 6-26-84. The current owner is
Manoucher Ro�amkhan;, who pwchased the properiy from Ramsey County at auction. There
have been 18 surumary abatement notices issued to clean the property, secure it, cut tall grass,
remove snow, restore hazard fencing. On 4-26-01, an inspection of the buiiding was conducted,
a list of deficiencies which constitufe a nuisaFx:e condition was developed, and photographs were
taken. As of ttns date, the property remains in a condiiion which comprises a nuisance as defined
by the legislative code. The vacant building fees have been paid. Real estate taxes are paid. The
estimated mazket value is $45,000, estimated cost to repair, $75,000; estirnated cost to demolish,
$10,000 to $11,000. The building is gutted: there is no heating, electrical, or plumbing operable.
1vlr. Rostamkhani purchased a bond five days ago. The dwelling has to be rehabilitated as a
single family or a duplex. The previous owner oniy lost the dwelling and one of the pazcels. The
other parcel has the garage and some decks, wlrich still belong to the previous owner.
Mr. Rostamkhani stated he plans to finish flus building.
Page i l
Mr. Strathman stated the only thing missing is the code compliance inspection in order to know
what has to be done to bring it up to code. Mr. Ro�aTr+kha,,; responded he did not know about it.
Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be given sis months to complete the rehabilitation of
the property on condition that a code compliance inspection is applied for by noon of 7uly 25,
1744 Carroll Avenue (JOlOAA)
John Betz reported fie spoke to the owner Wday. Mr. Betc reviewed the file, photographs, and
the videotape. Mr. Betz requests that t3ris be deleteci. There were a lot of circumstazices here.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
1075 Portiand Avenue (70104A)
John Betz requested tUis be laid over to the nea�t meeting.
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing.
The meeting was adjoumed at 12:02 p.m.
330 Toronto Street (J0104A)
After #he meeting, Roxanna Flink said that this should be deleted because of notification issues.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting this assessment
�w '� f , .
City of St. Paul ``� ` ` "' ` `–, —
By �
Assessment No. 9898
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and ea:penses or
2 J0ISUMA(9898) Laid-over property from April 4 City Council Pub 'c
Hearing as listed: 916 Minnehaha Ave E iJ01SUM)
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above
improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and
having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined
to be payable in One (1) equal installment.
Yeas Nays
�s��" —Blakey
_ ✓BOStrom
,�� _ Reiter
S In Favor
a I�hse�t'
Adopted by the Council: Date � o C��
Certified Passes by Council Secretary
T.M.S Real Estate
xaracr aEasow s aHOroe
Ro$anna Flink 266-8859
��:' T . ;
RE 4/10/O1
�0 111131
oaNe,.�.mr�cra� �_�ancaru.
� QiYAAMIEY � tli`lCSAK �
❑ ww¢xtaErt�nceso.� � w.rnntsom,cerc
�..,, � Council R
Setting date of laid—over property from April 4th City Council Public Hearing as listed:
916 Minnehaha Ave E (JOISUM)
•. � • -u"t
Has this person/firm everworked undu a contlact For this departmeM?
Has Mis peisonrfirm aver.been a city employee7
vcs rio
Doe6 this per�lm possese a sldU not normallypos5esseE by arry cuReM c+ty employee?
�s th"rs persoNfirm a targe[e0 vendoR
; f ��
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L`pl74���; , ._
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1 property owner will be notified of the change in time for hearings.
Date: July 17, 20Q1
Time: 10:00 am.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathman
Legislafive Hearing Officer
1. Laid Over Summary Abatements:
JOl SNOWl Snow andlor ice removal at 1002 Carroll Avenue;
J0102C1 Demolition at 1093 Seventh Street West and 520 Bay Street;
J0102BB Boardings-up at 664 Edmund Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue;
J0103AA Property clean up at 729 Edmund Avenue.
664 Edmund Avenue (J0102BB)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
729 F.,dmund Avenue (J0102BB)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
729 Edmund Avenue (J0103AA)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street West 520 Bay Street (J0102Ci)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1002 Carroll Avenue (JOISNOWI)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
� 2. File JOl SUMA - Laid over summary abatement for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Summary Abatements:
J0104A Property clean-up during April and May 2001;
J0103C Demolition of buildings during April and May 2001;
J0103B Boarding-up of vacant buiidings during March and Apri12001;
J0104V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during 7anuary 2001.
916 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0104�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $500 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $545.
Page 2
349 Cook Avenue East (J0104A)
L.egislative Hearing Oflicer recommends approval of the assessment � �_ Slb
1612 Alameda Street (J0103B)
I.egislative Aearing Qfficer recommends appmvai of the assessment.
905 Iroqn�is Av� (70IQ3$)
Legislative Heating Offices recommends approval ofthe assessmen�
650 Aurora Avenue (Jtl104A)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of We assessmen#.
597 Blair Avenue (J0104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recowmends deleting the assessment
2410 Chelton Avenue (J021D4A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
157 Front Street (70104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
i6b0 3�avtou Aveaue (JOiO4A)
Legislative Heacing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
122 L�ton Place (J0104V)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
I 155 Mf nnehaha Avenue East {Jfll i)4A)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
515 Nevada Avenue East (J0104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $250 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $295.
154 Robie Street West (30I(!4A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recvmaie�ds �val vf the assessment.
327 Winifred 5treet EasY (J0104A)
Legisla#ive Hearing CJ��a recroznmeads approuai of thc assessment.
1744 CarrolI Avenue (70104A)
I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
Page 3
1075 Portland Avenue (J0104A)
T.egislative Hearing Oflicer recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative a� rS`b
4. Resolution ordering the ow� to remove or npair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enfomzment is ordered to remove the
(Laid over &om 6-5-01 }
Legislative Aearing Officer recommends laying over to the AugusY 21, 2001, Legislative
Hearing to allow time for closing of sale to NEAR (North End Area Revitalization, Inc.).
5• Itesolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 790 Selby Avenue. If
the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ozdered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the owner be given six months to complete the
rehabilitation of the property on condition that the owner apply for a code compliance
inspection by noon of Juiy 25, 2001.
; •�:
Date: June 19, 2001
Time: IO:QO a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 Plest Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry Strathman
Legislative Hearing Officer
1. Summary Abatements:
J0102C Demolition of vacant buildings for January and February 2001,
J0103A Property clean-up during the later part of Febrnary and all of March
J0102B Boarding up of vacant buildings during January and February 2001;
J0103V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during
November and December 2000; and
JOISNOW SnowJice removal and sanding of walks during winter season of 2000
and 2Q01.
1016 Carroll Avenue (701SNOV1�
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends deleting the assessment.
650 Aurora Avenue (JOISNOW)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvai of the assessment.
1016 Beech Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
910 Conwav 5treet (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1186 Duluth Street (JOl SNO�
Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1014 Euclid Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
723 Fourth Street East (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
604 Ho11�Avenue (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $395 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $440.
166 Lar�enteur Avenue West (JOl SNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1675 Rice Street (JOISNOW)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
62 Hatch Avenue (J0103�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
677 Hyacinth Avenue East (70103�
Legislative Hearing Officer zecommends reducing the assessment to $495 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $540.
1055 Reaney Avenue (J0103V)
Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
516 Rice Street (J0103A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
285 Sidnev Street East (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
783 SiYth Street East (JOl SNO�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street Wesd520 Bay Street (J0102C)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the 3uly 17, 2001, Legislative
729 Edmund Avenue (701�3A)
Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
422 Jessamine Avenue East (J0103A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the asssessment.
422 Jessamine Avenue East (J0102B)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1286 Keston Street (J0102B)
Legislative Heating Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
907 Payne Avenue (J0102B)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
o � -s►V
Page 3
1183 Arkwright Street (JO1SN0�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $75 plus the $45
service £ee for a total assessment of $120.
932 Galtier Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $100 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $145.
614 Western Avenue North (J0103�
I,egislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1317 Askwright Sh�eet (J0102C)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the Ju1y 24, 2001, Legisiative
$68 Prior Avenue North (JO1Q3V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1000 Carroll Avenue (JOl SNO�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
� 2. File JOISUMA - Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue
(Laid over from 5-15-01)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the July 17, 2001, Legisiative
3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properly at 643 Watson
Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is
ordered to remove the building.
Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends the owner be a anted six months to complete the
rehabilitation of the property.
To Legislative Hearin� �fficer - 3-20-01 RE-i-17-Q1 �� O1— S�4
Public Hearin� Date - 4-4-01
tact Perzon and Pho � ber:
Roxanna Flink'' L� 266-8859
be on Council Agenda by: 3-7-01 t0 S2f 112tC
lic hearing for 4-4-01
be in Council Research OPiice
noan on Friday
1/11/01 Green Sheet 1Vumber: 104819
Setting date of public hearing and approve assmts for Demo of vac bldgs during 1Vov & Dec
2000, Boarding-up for June thru Oct 2000, Grass cutting during Aug, Sept, & part of Oct 2000,
Aband vehicles towed from private property at 611 �Vhitall also, to�ved during June thru Sept
2000 and Summ Abate during Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, and/or Aec 2000. Fi1e #'s JOIOIC, 9884;
JOIBDUP, 9885; JOIOIG, 9886; JOlO1V, 9887; JOISUM, 9889
PLAV�IYG COJI>llSSIOV A STAFF 1. Nas the person/Orm ever worked under a contract for this departmen[? YES NO
CfYIL SER�ICE CO?f}f 155I0�
rt5 whidh Councii Oblecli�e
H eighborhoods
A PubiitNmlth
A �'acant Blde
�Vard 2
Has tfiis persoNfirm ever been a City employ�ee".
Does this personfCrm possess a slill not narmally poszessed by any
turrent City emptoyee^.
Ezplain ail YES answers on a separate shect and attach.
1'ES \O
Tf.YG Pft06[.EJI, ISSUE, OPPORTU\1Tl' (1V'ho, VL'hat, Nhen, K'hrre, K'h}'7):
Progerty otivners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint
Paul when their property is not kept up.
Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Demolitions, Boarding-up, Grass cutting,
Abandoned vehicles and summary abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and �r•eeds,
hauling ativay ail garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as
refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In vvinter this includes the removal of
snotiv and ice from sidervalk and cross �valks.
If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund �vould be required to pay the
assessment. Assessments are pay�abie over 1 year and collected rvith the propert�� taxes if not
'l l Neighborhoods vvould be left to deteriorate and proQerty values would decline. Nobody �vould
� take care of their propert}�, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and
trash �sould accumul�te e�•erti•tir•here Aise�se �nd pests could become a problem.
OTAL A>101i\T OFTR.a\S.aCT10V: �� (Q ,488.37 COSTBEY'E\UE 6UDCETED (CIRCLE O\Ej YES �'
2G2 ....,...v.t.• ...�..�r� .��411 ha nnti�PA nf thn rn�hlir henrina nn[j rhnra
+ f City of St. Paul
Real Estate Division
Degt. of Tachaology & Maaagement Serv.
Assessment No.9898
Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for
2 JOISUMA i9898) Laid-over property from April 4' City Council Public
Hearing as listed: 916 Minnehaha Ave E(JOlSUM)
To the Council of the City of St. Paul
MAY 15 T "
MAY 23, 2001
The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the
following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in
connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total construction costs
Engineering and Inspection
Valuation and Assessment Services
Admn. Charge - Code Enforcememt
Re-Check Charge - Code Enforcement
Abatement Service Charge
Charge To
Net Assessment
Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed
and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $66,635.35
upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said
improvement, and in the case o£ each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that
hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment
Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and
which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
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Date: May 15, 2001
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathman
Legislarive Hearing Officer
1. Laid Over Summary Abatements:
SSWREPAIRl Sanitary sewer service repair at 1787 Ames Avenue.
J0102W Towing of abandoned velucle from private properiy at 915 A�ate
J0102AA Propeny clean-up at 927 Hudson Road.
JOl O1BB Boarding-up of a property at 609 Smith Avenue South.
1787 Ames Avenue
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
915 Agate Street
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
927 Hudson Road
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends granting the owner two years to pay the
609 Smith Avenue South
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends reducing the assessment by $50, which brings
the assessment to $250.00 plus the $45.00 administrative fees for a total assessment of
�. File JOl SUMA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
(Laid over from 3-20-01)
Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the June 19, 2001, Legislative
Hearing. •
3. File J015UMAA: Laid over sumu�ary abatement appeal for 980 Euclid Street.
(Laid over from 4-17-01)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
4. + Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1236 Seventh Street
East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to
remove the building.
(City Council changed the lay over date from 6-19-01 to 5-15-01.)
Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends approval.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 923 Marion Street. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
(Rescheduied from 5-1-01 because the meeting was canceled)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends granting the owner six months to complete
rehabilitation of the properry on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 6,
�� 5� �
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
Room 330, City Hall
Gerry Sirathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Logan Moore, Code Enforcement
Gerry Strathman called the meeting to arder at 10:02 a.m.
Laid Over Summary Abatements:
SSR'REPAIRl Sanitary sewer service repair at 1'787 Ames Avenue.
J�102W Towing of abandoned vehicle from private property at 915 Aeate
J0102AA Pmperty clean-up at 927 Hudson Road.
JOlO1BB Boarding-np of a property at 609 Smith Avenue South.
1787 Ames Avenue
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
915 Agate Street
Steve Magner reported that he would like the assessment deleted because the owner repurchased
and picked up his vehicle.
Gerry Slrathman recommends deleting the assessment per recommendarion of staff.
927 Hudson Road
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment and granting the owner two years to
(Note: 31te owner appeazed after the meeting commenced to request that he be given 2 years to
pay. Mr. Strathman accepted this request and added it to his recommendation.)
609 Smith Avenue South
Shirley Williams, owner, 5423 Williams Avenue, White Beaz Township, appeazed and stated on
12-30-00, her great grandson set fire to a mattress at 611 Smith Avenue South. The Fire
Depu put out the fire and knocked a hole in the window of the small bedroom. The Fire
Department called someone in to boazd the window. It took one boazd, maybe six nails, and
maybe 20 minutes.
U \-� � (
Steve Magner reported the charge for an emergency boatding is based on a contractual rate. The
City stipulates the specifications. From there, it is open for bids, and the City goes with the
lowest bidder. There aze two prices: one for daytime scheduled boardings and the other
boazding is for emergencies where the company has to be on site within two hows of receiving
the call from the o�cial City departmen� The emergency rates aze $200 to respond to the scene
and $50 ger opening. Mr.l4fagner suggests the owner tum over the assessment costs to her
in�„*ance company as part of the loss. Generaliy, the in�»,•a„ce companies cover this cost
because the insured is suppose to limit any more liability or loss that can happen from leaving the
building open.
Gerry Strathman stated they should break down the cost for the owner, Mr, Magner responded
the charge is $200 for the coniractor to show up, there was one board, and one secure. The
inspector did not indicate where the secure location was, but Mr. Magner can assume the
contractor secured the struchue when he left. A lot of the time, the Fire Department requires the
contractor to put a hasg and a padlock on the property. It is unknown if they did that in this case.
Ms. Williams responded the house has never been vacated and it is open for the other side to
come in. It is a side by side duplex.
Gerry Stratlunan recammends reducing the assessment by $50, which brings the assessment to
$255.00 plus the $45.00 administrative fees for a total assessment of $295.00. It is not cleaz
from the xecord what the charge of the secure is for.
� File JO1Si3MA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
` (Laid over from 3-20-01)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the June 19, 2001, Legisiative Hearing. (The owner
appeared for the May 1, 2001, Legislarive Hearing because he was not notified that it had been
canceled. He requested that his appea] be heard at the June 19, 2001, Legislative Hearing.)
File JOI5UMAA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 980 Euclid Street.
(Laid over from 4-17-fl1)
Steve Magner stated John Betz (Code Enforcement) went to the property and found that all the
cleanup occurted on the property that was cited.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the bttilding at 1236 Seventh Street
Eas� If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to
remave the building.
(Heard on 4-17-01. Also, the City Council changed the lay over date to 5-15-01.)
Gerry Strathxnan stated the owners indicated they wanted to sell the building and needed some
time to do that. Mr. Strathman agreed to continue this matter to June 19, and his
recommendafion went to the City Council. The Ciry Council did not accept the recommendation,
and sent it back to Mr. Strathman for a hearing today. Now, he needs to make another finding to
send to the City Council.
Marlyn and Robert Weber, owners, 4859 Gershwin Avenue North, Oakdale, agpeazed. Mrs.
Weber stated two Realtors have been approached. They have had two market analyses; ane
analysis read ti�at the property has potentiai. There were two people interested in buying the
property. She is asking for additional time to sell the property.
Mr. StraUunan stated he will have to recommend approval of the order to remove or repair. That
recommendation will go to the City CouncIl on June 6, 2001. He suggested the owners attend
this City Council meeting, and make their appeal directly to them.
Mr. Magner suggested the owners apply for a team inspection from the Fire Department so they
couid get a list vf the repair items to be completed to bring the building into comgliance. Mr.
Magner aiso suggested that the owners post a$2,000 performance bond to obtain six months to
rehabilitate the structure.
Mrs. Weber stated one person interested in the pmperty has been present at some meetings and
knows the backgtound ef this property. The other buyer has been told they need to post a bond.
Mrs. Weber stated they have had one month and that is not enough time to get started with
anything. Mr. 5trathman responded the City Council may be getting pressure from the
neighborhood to do something about this building. That may be why they aze unwilling to allow
additional time.
Mrs. Weber asked is there another City Council meeting after 7une 6 because they have a
commitmem on that �ay. Mr. Stra#hman responded this has to be at a public hearing, and it will
have Yo be June 6. He suggested the owners speak to Councilmember Lanhy to request
addirional time.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the resolution.
ResoluHon ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 923 Marion Street. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolntion, Code Enforcement is ordered tu remove the
(Reschednled from S-i-Oi because the meetiag was caaceled)
Stevs Magner reported the building was condemned in February 2000. Eight summary
abatement notices have been issued to secure the building agains[ trespass, tall grass, remove
refuse, remove snow. On 2-24-01, an inspection of the building was conducted and a list of
deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken.
An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on 2-23-01 with a compliance date of 3-26-01.
As of this date, this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the
legisladve code. Vacant building fees have been paid. Real Estate taxes are unpaid in the
amaunt of $1,683.13. Estimated market value is $32,200. On 4-30-01, a code compliance
inspection was compieted. Estimated cost to repair, $35,000; estimated cost to demolish, $6,500
to $?,500.
Stephen Kennedy, owner, appeared and stated he tallced tn his mortgage company to get a short
sell with them. He had a buyer, but they were still negotiating. Mr. Kennedp is trying to get
another loan so he can do the repairs.
Mr. Strathman asked does he plan to rehabilitate the building. Mr. Kennedy responded yes.
Gerry Strathman recommends granting the owner six months to complete rehabilitation of the
property on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 6, 2001.
The meeting was adjourned at 102? a.m.
�\- S\ (�
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
Room 33Q Courthouse
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Doris Lesny, Real Bstate; Steve Magner,
Code Enforcement
Summary Abatements:
J0102C Demolifion of vacant buildings for January and February 2001;
J0103A Property clean-up during the later part of February and all of March 2001;
J0102B Boarding up of vacant buildings during January and February 2001;
J0103V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during November and
December 20D0; and
JOISNOW Snow/ice removal and sanding of wa3ks during winter season of 2000 and
1016 Carroll Avenue (701SN04�
Steven Rhodes, owner, appeared.
John Betz reported that this should be deleted. It was par[ of a large abatement process.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
650 Aurora Avenue (J01 SNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Sirathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1016 Beech Street (JOl SNOW}
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing.
(Note: At the hearing, NIr. Strathman approved the assessment for 1016 Beech Street however,
the owner called after the meeting to request that the ma#er be laid over to July 24 instead. Mr.
Strathman approved the request.)
910 Conwav Street (J0103V)
Pau1 Bruggeman, owner, 6873 Idea1 Avenue North, Mahtomedi, appeazed and stated this is one
of his tenant's vehicle. He does not understand why he is expected to pay. He was notified. The
C�\ � (�
Page 2
vehicle was parked in the backyazd, and the tenant moved it to the driveway. If the registered
owner of the vehicle is known, why does the guilt go to the property owner.
Mr. Strathman stated the law goveming maintenance of properiy reads that the owner of the
property is responsible for keeping it free from trash, rubbish, abandoned vehicles, and other iypes
of nuisances. The owner can have the velucle towed. Steve Magner added that the owner can
call the police department and ask for a manager's tow. Then, the owner can call a tow company.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1186 Duluth Street (JO1SN0�
(A videotape was shown.}
Francis Doyle, owner, appeazed and stated he lives at the end of the block. There are three blocks
that come into his block. He is at the very bottom of three blocks of water rumung down a
sidewalk He lives next to a gas station, and that sidewalk is not shoveled. All the tanker txucks
drive right over the top of the end of his sidewalk. They drive over the snow, knock it down, and
all the water comes down and dams up in front of Mr. Doyle's property. The City needs to put
up a barrier to keep traffic off of the city walk.
(Mr. Doyle showed a photograph.)
Mr. Strathman asked has he talked to the City sidewalk engineers. Mr. Doyle responded he
talked to Tom Friel (Code Enforcement) who said they would make a note of it.
Mr. Strathsnan stated normally these sidewalk issues aze the result of neglect and are easy to deal
with. It looks like there is drainage problem in this case. Until that drainage problem is repaired,
the owner wili need to do something so that people can walk on that sidewaik. He suggested a
bucket of sand or salt. Mr. Doyle responded sometimes it is several inches of water. It looks like
what the City did was spread salt or sand on it to make it passable.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. He encouraged Mr. Doyle to keep the
sidewalk passable by getting after the City engineers to redesign it or sanding it himself.
1014 Euclid Street (JOISNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
723 Fourth Street East (J0103V)
The following appeazed: Dianna Randall Voss and Ken Randall, owners. Ms. Voss stated this is
about a notice she received regazding four cars in her driveway. They allowed the neighbor next
Page 3
door to park two cars there during snow removal. They got a notice from Charles Votel (Code
Enforcement). He came out, met with her, and said everything was taken caze of. He also said
that he turned in a report for towing into the police department and there was no way for him to
stop it. He said to put signs in the window that the vehicles did not need to be towed; however,
two montUs later, both cazs were towed. They could not afford to get one of the velucles out of
the Impound Lot. Both cazs were nice and taken care of. They paid $130 far hers and another
$75 to have it towed back home. She called the police and was told to make a report because
they were illegally towed.
John Betz reported the inspector involved with this is no longer with the City. Mr. Betz has
nothing in the file that indicates what she is saying is not correct.
Gerry Stratlunan recommends deleting the assessment. Ms. Voss can file a claim with the City.
604 Hollv Avenue (J0103V)
The following appeared: Patrick Terrell, 604 Holly, and Garry Syverson. 275 Maryland Avanue
West. Mr. Syverson stated this involves a towed vehicle. He did not receive a notice. He checks
the parking lot. It was Mr. Terrell's vehicle that was there.
Mr. Blunt stated he sold the car to his mother. He talked to Mr. Syverson's partner who gave
him permission to have the car sit there until it was moved. One day at wark, his brother called
Mr. Blunt and said a police officer was towing his car. This police officer did not want to talk to
Mr. B1unt and told him to ca11 the police department far further information.
John Betz reported he talked to Kenneth Hertz who indicated he purchased the property after this
action took place. Ramsey Couniy records indicate Frank Castovich (phonetic) as the owner. Mr.
Syverson responded that was the previous contract for deed holder. This properry was a
refinance. He paid off the comract for deed to Frank Castovich.
Mr. Betz stated Code Enforcement notified the following people: Frank Castovich, Security Life
Insurance Company, Denise Humphrey, and Patrick Terrell.
Mr. Strathmau asked where Mr. Terrell was notified. Mr. Betz responded 4201 Sheridan Avenue
North. Mr. Tenell responded he stays at 604 Holly.
Mr. Betz stated they went beyond sending it to just the owner of the property; they also sent it to
the owners of the vehicle.
Mr. Syverson stated his phone number and name ate on the certificate of occupancy in the
Mr. Strathman asked when did he buy the property and why his name does not show up as
owuiug the property. Mr. Syverson responded he has owned the properiy for ten yeazs. He
�\ ��b
.,: ,
purchased it on a contract for deed and it was kept in the contract for deed holders name. The
records now show Mr. Syverson as the owner.
Mr. Strathman asked why the vehicle was towed if the owner of the properiy and the owner of
the vehicle had no problem with it being there. N1r. Betz responded the plates had expired or it
had broken wsndows. Mr. Tenell responded kids in the neighbor broke the window. It did not
have tabs. The vehicle was operable.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $395 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $440. There is some culpability here in terms of the ownership zecords not being
kept current; however, the owner would have dealt with it if he had been norified. Also, the
charge seems a bit high.
166 Larpenteur Aveaue West (JO1 SNOVVj
1675 Rice Street (JOl SNO�
(A videotape was shown.)
David Krech, owner, 1387 E. Hope Avenue, Maplewood, appeared and stated he contracts with
someone to plow. Because of the pile of snow on the corner and the run off, the sidewalk in front
of his properry is where everything gets accumulated. They plow the lot and the City plows it
again. The proximity of the sidewalk is so close to the corner, it is very difficult to keep the
corner clear. He will take the issue up with his plow people. He did not know what the
assessment was about untii he saw the videotape.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
62 Hatch Avenue (70103V)
Joanne Farr, owner, appeared and stated she received rivo notices prior to November about tabs
on her truck. 5he called on both notices and both notices were thrown out. In the middle of
November, she sold the truck, but it was never picked up. The new owner purchased tabs but
never put them on the vehicle. Her complaint is that this is not her velucle, and she tried
numerous times to get the new owner to move it.
Mr. Strathman stated he does not understand why the City would not assess her for the cost. Ms.
Farr responded she never received the third notice.
Gerry Strathman asked when it was towed. John Betz responded a notice was sent to correct the
violations on 11-17-00. A final notice was sent on I 1-30-00. The vehicle was actually towed on
(Mr. Betz had a photograph of the vehicle, but it was difficult to see what color the tabs were on
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The vehicle did not have current tabs,
the owner was notified, and the Ciry towed the vehicle. Given those facts, the owner is
responsible for the vehicle and the cost because it was on her property
677 Hvacinth Avenue East (J0103�
Mazcella Harhnan, part owner, appeazed and stated this is her fazni]y house. A velucle was
towed, and she is suppose to pay $870 that she does not have. She made an effort to remove the
vehicle. She could not get tabs because the vehicle is not in her name. The vehicle belongs to her
brother's girlfriend. Neither of them are in town. Her brother will not help her pay it.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $445 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $540. Ms. Hartman requested additional tune to pay. Doris Lesny explained she
has 30 days to pay it. After that, interest is accrued.
1055 Reaney Avenue (J0103V)
Brenda Bobick, owner, and Leroy Bobick, appeared. Mr. Bobick stated there was a car on the
lot that was moved into the driveway. The car was operable. She is not sure when the caz was
towed. They did not receive a notice.
John Betz reported the orders were issued to Stanley and Sally Aacula (phonetic). Ms. Brodick
expiained that Stanley is dead, and Sally is the previous contract holder. Ms. Bobick purchased
the property on contract for deed, and she registered the properiy immediately. Everything on
this property gets sent to 1086 Galtier. Mr. Bobick added that they have a tow truck, and they
could haue towed it themselves if they knew about the matter.
Mr. Betz stated they do not have a Galrier address. He has information that Brenda Bobick is the
homesteader, and the inspector sent the notice to "occupanY' at 1055 Reaney. Code Enforcement
should have sent it to Brenda Bobick at 1055 Reaney.
Mr. Strathman stated there is a note here that the inspector spoke with the owner on 2-9-01. Ms.
Bobick responded she wouid not have been on the property at that time.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The letter sent to occupant technically did
not go to the Bobicks. The occupants did not pass it on. He does not understand why the
Ramsey County records still show the owner of two years prior. Mr. Magner responded if she
bought it on contract, it was refinanced, she paid off the contract holder and became the fee
holder in September, Ramsey County would not have it recorded for a period of time.
516 Rice Street (J0103A)
(A videotape was shown.}
O \ S� (�
.,_ ,
Jeffrey DeLisle appeared and stated that was $100 worth of trash on the open market. Gerry
Strathman responded the City does not deal in the open matket.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner was notified, and the City
did the work.
285 Sidney Street East (J0103V)
(No one appeared to represent the properry.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
783 Sixth Street East (JOl SNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street West1520 Bav Street (J0102C)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the 7uty 17, 2001, Legislafive Hearing at the owner's
729 Edmund Avenue (J0103A)
(A videotape was shown.)
Ger Yang, owner, appeazed and stated someone dumped items in the rear of the properry. He did
not have time to pick it up. He cleans up everything. It is a vacant building.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner has to maintain the
outside. Once the items aze there, it is the owner's responsibility to remove them. He was
(Note: there are two assessments for 422 7essamine Avenue East. J0103A is for a cleanup and
J0102B is for the boarding up of the property.)
422 Jessaznine Avenue East (J0103A}
422 Jessa.mine Avenue East (J0102B)
Anthony Deflorin, 422 E. Jessamine Avenue East, appeazed and stated he owns the property, but
his son lives here.
(A videotape was shown.)
C�\ �SI �
Page 7
Mr. Deflorin stated he did not know about the clean up. There were two trailers with clean
ahmiinum. The Ciry took the alumi.num and left the trailers. They bad to sell it, and he wonders
why it was not deducted from the bill.
Gerry Strathuian asked where the metals go. Steve Magner responded he believes they separate
the metais and haul it somewhere, but Mr. Magner is not sure if Pazks and Recrearion gets
reimbursed for those materials. He believes they ate just in the business of getting rid of the
items. The metal may go to a scrapyard.
Mr. Deflorin stated he has another assessment for boarding the house. Mr. Magner stated the
police executed a search warrant at the property for nazcotics and gambling equipment. Due to
the nature of the call, they requested the properiy be immediately secured. They contacted the
boazding contractor, who secured the front and rear doors by nailing them shut.
(Mr. Deflorin showed photographs of the house.)
Mr. Strathman stated it was $300. Mr. Magner responded it is a$200 trip charge because it was
an emergency and $50 for each secure. They can clip the door, but the door was farcibly entered
so there was no reason to do anything but nail the door shut.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the cleanup (J0103A). It was a huge cleanup and it
needed to be done. If the owner feels he should be repaid for the value of the aluminum, he
should file a claun.
Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment for the doors (J0102B). The doors were
damaged as a result of police action, and the home owner should not be responsible for the
1286 Keston Street (J0102B)
Kenneth Carsaw, owner, appeared and stated he was cleaning snow off of his roof. As he was
clearing the last step, he fell on his face, heard his nose crack, and a lot of blood came out of his
nose. Because he heard a crack, he thought he should go to the hospital and he called a taxicab.
After 45 minutes, a cab did not show up and his neighbor took him to the hospital. In the
meantune, a cab came and waited. The next door neighbor asked the cab driver who he was
waiting for, and the driver said someone from 1286 Keston Street. The neighbor went up to the
front door, saw the blood, and called the police. The police broke into the house to check on him.
Mr. Corsaw asked why they did not call the emergency rooms first before they broke into lus
house. Mr. Strathman responded they obviously felt they needed to get into the building to make
sure he was safe.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The police were doing their job, but he
does not think that the owner is responsible for this.
�\- S� �
907 Pavne Avenue (70102B}
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1183 Arkwright Street (JQ 1 SNO�
The following appeazed: Donald Drouin, owner, and Roxanne Heinrich, 3932 Auburn Drive,
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Drouin stated the work was not necessary or the whole block should have been charged. The
beginning of the video was Superamerica's property. He resents being tazgeted by Code
Enforcement repeatedly whett the rest of the neighborhood is not getting that kind of scrutiny. If
there is a code to enforce, it should not be done selectively. Mr Drouin calls Public Works every
year because there is no boulevazd on that block. When the City widened Arkwright, the
boulevard was eliminated. So when the City plows the street, the snow bank ends up on the
sidewalk. Mr. Drouin works nights. He comes home, shovels the walk, and salts it. By the next
day, iY s packed down if it snows ovemight. Last year, Mr. Drouin reached the Number 2 man in
Public Works who said he would mark the books that the plow drivers use so they would not
push the snow so far onto the sidewalk. That took care of that difficulty. With the freeze-thaw
cycle last winter, the snow was hard.
Gerry Strattunan stated his orders reads that they were issued on 2-5-01, rechecked 2-12-01, and
the snow was removed on 2-20-01. Mr. Strathman requested to see the video again.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Mr. Strathmau stated it is not a perfect shoveling job, but it does not look worse than other
sidewalks in the City. He assumes Code Enforcement is responding to a complaint. He asked is
the snow on the left (on the videotape) pushed up from the street. Mr. Drouin responded once
there is big snowstorm and the street is plowed, they end up with a snowbank on the sidewalk.
He also asked Pubiic Works about the rules for clearing sidewaiks He was told they should be
three feet wide and flat. This sidewalk is so busy that once he gets to it the next day, it is packed
down hard. The neighbors property is the same or worse.
Mr. Strathman stated there is a property on the videotape cleazed down to the concrete. Mr.
Drouin responded the properiy on the corner does not haue a cleaz sidewalk.
When he got these orders in February, asked Mr. Strathman, what did he do in response to them
Mr. Drouin responded he remembered thinking that he didn't know what they were talking about.
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Mr. Stratluuau stated the sidewalk does not look that awful to him. Mr. Magner responded the
sidewalk has to be passable. When the inspectoz goes out there, they haue to err on the side of
caution because the sidewalk has to be used by people in wheeichairs.
Mr. Drouin complained about selecfive enforcement. Mr. Stratlunan responded someone
probably complained about the sidewalk needing to be cleared. NIr. Drouin was issued an order,
waited an week, and the City concluded it was still not adequate. Then, the cleanup was done a
week after that. It does not appeaz that mucb was done to fix that situafion in the meantime.
Unless a City employee takes a photograph every week, responded Mr. Drouin, that is not fair.
He did not get a normal notice from the City Clerk's office, so he is assuiniug it was not a
complaint. He feals the inspector came out on his own. "The City was there no more than ten
(Mr. Drouin showed photogxaphs.)
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $75 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $120. Technically, the sidewalk is not in compliance and he is responsible for it.
He does not consider it a flagrant violation.
932 Galtier Street (JOl SNOV�
(A videotape was not available on this.)
Vallen Her, owner, appeared and stated he did not know if the snow shoveled was priar to the
closing date, which was 3-20-01. It was a vacant building. Gerry Strathman responded it does
not matter. Now that he is the owner, he is responsible for the assessment. The person that sold it
was suppose to disclose any pending assessments. The amount is excessive.
Mr. Strathxnan asked what was done. Steve Mab er responded the list reads "snow one hour."
This is what they charge to just show up on the site. It is the minimum charge. This property was
owned by someone who owned 25 properties in the neighborhood, and all the properties were
Gerxy Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $100 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $145. This is in view of the absence of a record (no videotape).
614 Western Avenue North (J0103�
John Betz recommended that this assessment be deleted.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
�\- S� �
1317 Arkwri t Street (J0102C)
Page 10
Gerry Sirathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing per the
owner's request.
868 Prior Avenue North (30103�
(A letter was reviewed from Dale Roberts, dated 6-18-Oi, Metal Treaters, Inc., 859 North Prior
John Betz stated the letters indicates MTI purchased the property. Code Enforcement sent a
notice to remove the car, but it occurred before the owner purchased it. It was impounded by the
police November 2000.
According to the letter, stated Gerry Strathman, the vehicie does not belong to them, and they
purchased the property in December.
Getry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
l OQ� Carroll Avenue (JOl SNO�
(No one appeazed to represent the property; however, the owner was told he could appear at the
130 meeting.)
(A videotape was shown.)
John Betz reported that this is the same block as 1016 Carroll, which was deleted earlier (see
Page 1). This is a row of eight townhouses that were assessed.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Mr. Betz stated it should be deleted.
Gerry Strattunan recomtnended deleting the assessment.
`'.� L� File JOISUMA - Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenne East.
� (Laid over from 5-15-01)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman laying over to the July 17, 2001, Legislative Heazing at the owner's request.
�L ���
Page 11
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properly at 643 Watson Avenue. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
Steve Magner reported this property was condemned July 2000, and has been vacant since 8-16-
00. There have been seven summary abatement notices issued to secure the building, secute
hazardous e�tterior stauway, cut grass, remove garbage, remove unlicensed trailers. On 4-14-01,
an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance
condition was developed, and photographs were taken. As of today, this properiy remains in a
condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. V acant building fees
have been paid. Real estate tases aze unpaid in the amount of $13,736.43. Estixnated market
value is $50,000; estimated cost to repair, $80,000 to $100,000; estimated cost to demolish,
$9,000 to $10,000. On 5-24-01, a code inspecfion was done and a bond was posted.
The following appeared: James Adams, husband of half owner Cindy Adams; Barb Kratzke, half
owner; Kelly Kratzke, Barb's daughter; and Bob Kratzke.
Gerry Strathman asked are they willing to rehabilitate this property. Keily Kratzke responded
rehabilitate andfor sell. There is a sign in front of it now. This property has not been ignored.
There are abatement orders here from 1995. This was her grandmother's house, who died in
1995. There were people that lived there that almost destroyed the properiy, and it was difficult
to get them out. Sarb Kratzke stated she finally got the people evicted. As a point of
information, the police do not care if it is private properiy, and she had a hard time getling
vehicles on her properiy removed.
Barb Kratzke and Kelly Kratzke wondered why they had a letter delivered on Saturday by a hand
courier 16 days after the day it was written. Steve Magner responded 'at was personal service.
There was obviously numerous attempts. If they are not home durfng the day, the attempt was
made on the weekend.
The Kratzkes also stated they have a bill for boarding up of property. Mr. Strathman responded
that is not before him yet.
Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be granted six months to complete the rehabilitation of
the properry.
The meering was adjoumed at 12:22 p.m.
�\-� � Co
Tuesday, July l7, 2001
Gerry Stratlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer
Room 330 Courthouse
The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Ro�nna Flink, Real Estate; Fong Lor, LIEP
(License, Inspections, Environmental Protection); Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; John _
Saumweber, Real Estate
Laid Over Summary Abatements:
JOISNOWI Snow andlor ice removal at 1002 Carroll Avenue:
J0102C1 Demolition at 1093 Seventh Sh-�t West and 520 Bay Street;
J0102BB Boardings-up at 664 Edmand Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue; and
J0103AA Property clean ap at 729 Edmund Avenue.
664 Edmund Avenue (J0102BB)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner. Gerry Strathman told Mr. Lor to explain to the owners of
664 Edmund Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue that his duties aze to translate and not act as an
Yee Lor, owner, 305 Aurora Avenue, appeazed.
Mr. Strathman stated this is a chazge for emergency boarding by the Fire Department. It was
ordered on 1-5-01, 530 a.m. The charge is for $795. He asked why the owner feels he should
not pay it.
Mr. Lor asked is it his responsibility to pay the fee or should lus insurance company pay the fee.
Mr. Strathman nesponded this is paid by the insurance company as part of the eapense related to
the fire customariIy. He should present the bill to the insuraz►ce company.
(Mr. Lor showed paperwork to Mr. Strathman.)
Mr. Strathman looked at the paperwork and stated the coverage should pay for the cost of the
boazding up, although he is not an expert on these things. Mr. Magner stated the insurance
coxnpany generally requires an insurer to m;nim;�P �y �er damage to the properry. The
insurance company usually wants the property boarded as soon as possble. If the owner has
problems getting the company #o pay it, he should go to a state elcaminer.
Mr. Lor stated he cannot live at the property anymore, and he asked is it his responsibility to
clean up azound the house, the lawn, etc. Mr. Strathman responded yes.
Mr. Strathman asked when a bill would be received in this matter. Roxanna Flink explained the
owner should receive a bill within a few weeks.
C�� � � b
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
(NOTE: there aze two assessments for 729 Edmund Avenue: J0103AA and J0102BB. 70103AA
was discussed at the Legislative Hearing on June 19, and the Hearing Officer approved the
assessment at the time. At the Legislative Hearing Officer's request, the City Councii laid over
30103AA and J0102BB to today's hearing for an interpreter to be present.)
'729 Fdmund Avenue (70102BB)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner. Mr. Lor had previously eaplained to the owner that his duties
are to translate and not act as an advocate.)
Ger Yang, owner, appeazed.
Mr. Strathman stated this is a charge for $345 for an emergency boazding by the Police
Department. He asked why the owner should not pay this assessment. Mr. Yang responded the
house was already boarded when he purchased it.
Mr. Strathman explained that when a house is purchased, a buyer also buys all the
responsibilities associated with the house; however, the seller is obligated to tell the buyer about
pending assessments. If the owner was not told, then Mr. Yang should go to the seller and seek
accommodatirnas. Mr. Yang responded the seller came to the City to get an order to evict the
tenants. Mr. Yang was not told about any pending assessment.
Because he is the current owner, stated Mr. Strathman, the City will look to him to pay these
Mr. Yang asked can the City ask the seller about the pending assessment. Mr. Strathman
responded this is a private transaction between the seller and the purchaser. The City cannot be
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
729 F.dmtmd Avenue (J0103AA)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner.)
(See above regarding another assessment.)
Ger Yang sfated the garbage inside and outside was cleaned up. No one lives at the properry. He
called the City to notify them about neighbors throwing fiuniture on the properiy, and he has not
gotten any response.
Steve Magnez reported this was already heazd at the last legislarive heating on June 19. A
videotape was shown at ihat time, and the assessment was approved. The owner claims there
Page 3
were things dumped on the properry, but it is still the owner's responsibility. Once the owner is
made aware of it, he is required to remove it. If it is not removed, the City will send people to
remove it.
Mr. Yang stated at the time of the assessment, he was not the owner. Mr. Magner responded the
�„*+�*nary abatement was issued on 2-13-01. He asked when the properry was purchased. Mr.
Yang responded he became the owner on 2-5-01.
Mr. Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The chazge goes to the property owner
regardless of whether he owned it at the time of the assESSment
1093 Seventh Street West. 520 Bav Street (70102C1)
Robyn Marshall, owner, address of 804 Stewart, appeared and stated she does not believe the
contcactor did what they weze suppose to do for the asbestos removal. They didn't do anything
for the Second Floor and they said they would do something in both of the bathrooms.
Steve Magner reported the building was ordered to be removed by resolution. The cost to the
demolition went to the low bidder which was Holst Excavating. They were required to obtain a
licensed abatement to identify and remove any asbestos out of the property. They abated the
asbestos and then raised the structure. Mr. Magner does not verify removal of asbestos; it is
manitored by the State Depaitment of Health and the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control
Agencyj There is a ten day wai'tmg period after the building is raised and spot inspections are
done. The City is not required to follow up on that. It has to be a licensed abatement contractor
to remove the asbestos.
Mr. Strathman asked about the charges. Mr. Magner responded the original demolition bid is
$12,200, not including the asbestos. And then another $4,800 for the abatement of the asbestos.
Ms. Marshali stated they oaily did a third of the flooa on the Third Level and nothing on the
Second Level. They did not do ha3f of what they weze suppose to do. She does not feel she
should be charged for the full amount.
Mr. Strathman stated he has no idea how this matter can be resoived. The company contracted to
remove asbestos, did it under whatever supervision the State exercises over asbestos removal,
and the City received a bill. Ms. Marshall responded she has photographs showing the business
did not do anything. They ripped up the tile on the Third Floor and that's what they did for
Mr. Magner stated the bw7diag has been remaveci. If there was a concern at the time when she
was out there, she should �ave contacted the City or the State. He asked what was left on site.
Ms. Marshall responded they oniy did a third of the floor on the First Level, but the rile ran
through the entire First Floor. They said it was asbestos contained tile. They said they included
both bathrooms on the Second Floor. Mr. Magner responded sometimes it is not the tile, but the
underlayment, the backing under the tile, or the linoleum. The contractor is responsible to make
O� �\�
Page 4
sure removed items do not have asbestos bearing matezials. If the properry was demolished with
the asbestos tiles taken to the landfill, the contractor can be held legally responsible for i� One
load of unrecorded asbestos brought into a landfill has minimum $10,000 fines. The con�actor
is required by State law to have the asbestos abated before demolition.
Mr. Magner stated he has no way to prove anything. A photograph of a tile does not prove that
was the tile in question. Mr. Stcathman responded it is a serious allegation; cbarging for work
that a person did not do is a fraudulent activity. There has to be some conclusive evidence to
show that the contractor engaged in this and he would guess the contractor would be reluctant to
admit i� Ms. Marshall suggested asking them for a list of what was done for the chazge. She has
a videotape and photographs.
Mr. Strathman stated he and Mr. Magner are reluctant to approach the contractor and accuse him
of fraud. It is uniikely the City will do that unless there is evidence.
Gezry Strathman recommends approval of the resolution.
1002 Carroll Avenue (JOiSNOWI)
Lee DValker, owner, appeared and stated he received the abatement and cleaned it up right after
he received it. He put down salt as well.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Walker stated he got the notice on a Friday and cleaned it up on Saturday. John Betz
responded the notice was mailed on 3-6-01, the reinspecrion was 3-9-01, and the work was done
on 3-15-01.
(The videotape was shovm again�}
Mr. Walker stated Yhe units are so close together that maybe the wrong address was cited. He
kept his sidewalk clean all winter.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. He will take the owner's word that the
sidewalk was kept ciean.
(NOTE: There are two assessments for 916 MinnehahaAvenue East: JOISUMA and J0104V.
J01 SL7MA has �eea 2aid over frwn 6-1�-f}I.}
File dO1SIJMA - Laid over snmmary abatement for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East
Gerry Strathman stated this is an assessment for removing tires, refuse, metals, etc.
Andrew Pham, owner, appeared and stated he received notice and he did the work. He told the
clean up crew that the work was already in progress, but they told him they were there on an
C� l �l(a
Page 5
order for it to be done now. They had to call the police because he was asking them quesrions,
such as did they have the proper paperwork. He is here to say that he has all the motivations to
get it done and he has been getting it done.
Gerry Strathman stated there are a couple of issues here and in some sense they both have been
answered: 1) By Code EnforcemenYs records and by the owner's aclmowledgment, a notice was
sent. 2) There is a videotape and the owner acknowledged tbat the crew cazne out and did the
work. There is no basis for not approving the assessment.
Mr. Pham stated he had some legal issues. By chazging the abatements and pushing the schedule
ahead is not getting the properry finished any sooner. He is a student and a future business
owner. His recources aze limited. He keeps Harold Robinson (Code Enforcement) informed of
his progress. Mr. Pham says the City was a little too enthusiastic about getting it done so eazly.
Everything was ready to be taken away and the City came too soon.
Mr. Strathman stated his paperwork reads that orders were issued on 10-12-00, and the work was
to be completed by �0-16-00. The work was not done unti110-25-00. It seems the City crew
was late instead of eazly. Mr. Fong responded there were more things he was doing at the time.
Everything was by the fence area ready to be moved.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. It seems the City gave the owner
proper notice.
Summary Abatements:
JOiO4A Pragerty ciean-up during April and May 2001;
J0103C Demolition of bnildings during April and May 2001;
J0103B Boarding-np of vacaat buildings during March and April 2001;
J0104V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during January 2001.
916 Minnehaiia Avenue East (J0104V)
(See above regarding another assessment)
Andrew Pham asked why it cost $1,469.60 to tow the vehicle. Mr. Strathman responded it does
seem like a lot. Roxanne Flink responded it was one vehicle.
Mr. Pham stated the vehicle was legally pazked. The City jumped to conclusions and illegally
entered the property. �e City tore up bazrieys to get to a vehicle that was in its place. That is
wrong and illegaL
Gerry Strathman stated he will reduce the assessment to $500 plus the $45 service fee. Mr. Pham
asked how he cazne to that amount. Mr. Strathman responded he has consulted with the
lieutenant and commander in charge and they believe if a vehicle is disposed within 30 days,
which is a reasonable amount of time, the cost would be about $500. For some reason, it seems
this vehicle must have been on the Impound Lot longer than normal.
�� ��C�
Page 6
Mr. Pham stated that is because he had taken legal action on this. This was a 1958 Buick
Berkeley B90. It was a rare and collectible vehicle. It was not abandoned. It was properly
stored. Mr. S�athman responded he cannot help him because that issue will have to be dealt
with in court.
Mr. Pham stated he is in legat proceedings with that. A tow costs $125. He was in the process of
getting that velricle out. He and Commander Morehead have some unremained issues here and
that is why he made it difficult for Mr. Pham to acquire the vehicle. Mr. Pham did not have the
option to get it ou�
Steve Magner stated there is a letter to Andrew Fong dated 3-4-01 from Mike Morehead. The
letter says the City removed the vehicle from the pmperiy. The letter stipulated what needed to
be done to acquire the vehicle.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $500 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $545.
349 Cook Avenue East (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Sirathman recommended approvat.
1612 Alameda Street (J0103B)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry 5tsathman recommended approvat.
905 Iroctuois Avenue (JOl03B)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
650 Aurora Avemie (30144A)
(No one appeared to repre.�ent #he property.)
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
597 Blair Avenue (70104A)
Dave Harvieus, owner, appeazed and stated the fust notice he received was on June 30. He
contacted Code Enforcement and he was told notices were sent to the previous owner. Mr.
�� ���
Harvieux purchased the building April 2000 on a contract for deed. The proper documents were
recorded with the Ramsey County in May 2001 because he t�ad not received a taa� statement from
Ramsey County. He contacted them and was told the documents had never been recorded. He
followed up with Ramsey County, they called him back, and said they made a mistake. Also,
when he did cail, he inquired about what needed to be done. He was told there was an
upholstered cbair, carpet, and a bag of refuse on a deck. He removed these items from the deck
himself. Perhaps there is aaother chair, carpet, and bag of refuse.
John Betz reported he used Ramsey County tax records to find out where to send the notices.
Mr. Strathman asked who told him in Ramsey County the records were in error. Mr. Harvieux
responded Debbie in the Recorder's Office. He could get document numbers. He got the notice
for today's meeting because they updated their records.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Strathman stated it was cleaz from the videotape there was trash on the deck, but it was not
clear it was the same trash that was listed. The person on the videotape mentioned a tire and
trash. Those items are not cited on his paperwork. Mr. Harvieus responded it was hard to see
what they took.
Mr. Betz stated there were two issues here: one was trash on the back deck, and the other was the
carpet and chair somewhere in the yazd azea by the garage. That was not part of the videotape, so
his presumption would be it was not there when the crew got there. The crew cleaned up bags of
trash, wluch would indicate they were there.
Gerry Stratlunan recommends deleting the assessment. There are serious problems as to whether
he was notified and whether the cleanup done was the sazne cleanup in the ordex.
1910 Chelton Avenue {J�l{f4A}
(No one appeazed to represem the property.)
Gerry StraUunan recommends approval of the assessment
157 Front Street {J0104A)
Pa Hang, owner, appeazed and stated she and � brother awn tlris property_ Some personal
items were taken that were stored pamperPy_
Mr. Strathman asked was she notified. Ms. Hang responded yes, but she already lived in the
house. She cannot do heavy jobs because her hand hurts. She tried to pay people to do the
cleanup, but she cannot affoxd much.
C� � Sl �
Mr. Strathman stated if she feels the City took things they should not have taken, she can file a
claim against the City.
Mr. Hang stated the charge of $899.00 was not worth it for the cleanup. She would like to see
the videotape.
(A videotape was shown.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment It looks like a major cleanup. The
assessmeut is not excessive given the amount of work that had to be done.
1660 Davton Avenue (30104A)
Connie Williams, owner,1290 $elmont Lane East, Maplewood, appeazed and stated she did not
own the property when the cleanup was done. At the time of the cleanup, other people were in
the process of moving in. Her ownerskrip ended 3-1-01. The new owner is Benjamin Bordman
John Betz reported the notice was sent to the listed owner. Yesterday, it was still listed as
Williams. John Saumweber responded Rea1 Estate got the notice rehuned in the mail.
Roxanna Flink reported Real Estate got a notice from Pazks and Recreation that they did the
work on 4-6-01. It was not pending when Ms. VJilliams sold it to the new people. The new
owner was notified of the hearing today, and the new owner will get the bill.
Ms. Williams stated thai it was her junk. The new owner said he never got notice until it was
bulldozed. She never received a notice either. She had a broken hand, and was unable to clean
it. She picked up what she could when it was out of the ice.
Mr. Betz stated Ramsey County tax records show she was the owner, and a notice was sent to her
at her address. It was returnad undeliverable. 11ie new owner has never registered the contract.
Until now, t�ey never had a name for the new owner. It is someone's responsibility to register
the contract and change the ownerslup. Ms. Williams responded she has called her new address
into the City a number of times.
Roxanna Flink stated whoever handled the closing should be contacted about why the ownership
was not changed. Her office knew of the new owner because of the return mail. It is the properry
owner's responsibility to make saue the records are correct. In Minnesota, a person is not
required to file a deed.
Gerry Strathman recommettds deleting the assessment He does not doubt the work was done,
but he is concerned about notification requirements.
122 Lvton Place (JQ104V}
Page 9
Greg Flesvig, owner, appeared and stated notices were sent to the previous owner. The only
notice he received was the one to come here today. He was told that his tenants received the
John Betz reported Ramsey County Taxation Records indicated two other people were the
owners. Notice was sent to them and the occupants of 122 Lyton Place. He did a printout of the
ownership on Friday and it comes up with Flesvig at 122 Lyton Place.
Gerry Shathman recommends deleting the assessment.
1165 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the properry.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
515 Nevada Avenue East (J0104A)
Barb Bartok, owner, appeazed and staied a stacked pile of wood by the shed was removed. She
had major surgery in March, and depended on other people to help her.
Mr. Betz reported the final notice was mailed 2-23-Oi.
Ms. Bartok stated the yard was dug up when the City took the items. She asked why the cut
wood was taken. Mr. Strathman responded because it was not properly stored he presumes.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Strathman stated it does not look like much of a cleanup.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Ms. Bartok asked about the gouges in her yard. Mr. 3trathman stated she shouid file a claim
against the City for damages.
Gerry Sh�athman recommends reducing the assessment to $250 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $295. The owner was notified, but the assessment is too iugh.
164 Robie Street West (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
o� ���
327 Winifred Street Fast (70104A)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment
Page 1Q
Resolation orderiag the owner to remove or repair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
(Laid over from b-S-Oi)
Lori Pagel stated they have accepted an agreement with NEAR (North End Area Revitalizadon,
Inc.). They will putchase the property and rehabilitate it. Ms. Pagel is working with the title
insurance company to clear the title. NEAR has signed a letter of intent. They have had an
azchitect go through the property. The purchase agreement has not been signed.
Gerry Strathman asked when the ciosing will be. Ms. Pagel responded they have not set a date.
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the August 21, 2001, Legislative Hearing to a11ow
time for closing of sale to NEAR (North End Area Revitalization, Inc.). He requested Ms. Pagel
notify 1um when the closing has happened. Then, he will deal with NEAR about the property
from that point forward. NEAR will be notified at that point to post a bond.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 790 Selbv Avenue. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolurion, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
Manoucher Rostamkhani, owner, and Kristine Kujala, Rawsey County Tax Forfeited Lands,
appeared. Ms. Kujala stated 2hat Nir. Rostauikhani is the contract purchaser on this properiy that
he purchased at auction. Tius property has a long history of nothing being done on it.
Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since 6-26-84. The current owner is
Manoucher Ro�amkhan;, who pwchased the properiy from Ramsey County at auction. There
have been 18 surumary abatement notices issued to clean the property, secure it, cut tall grass,
remove snow, restore hazard fencing. On 4-26-01, an inspection of the buiiding was conducted,
a list of deficiencies which constitufe a nuisaFx:e condition was developed, and photographs were
taken. As of ttns date, the property remains in a condiiion which comprises a nuisance as defined
by the legislative code. The vacant building fees have been paid. Real estate taxes are paid. The
estimated mazket value is $45,000, estimated cost to repair, $75,000; estirnated cost to demolish,
$10,000 to $11,000. The building is gutted: there is no heating, electrical, or plumbing operable.
1vlr. Rostamkhani purchased a bond five days ago. The dwelling has to be rehabilitated as a
single family or a duplex. The previous owner oniy lost the dwelling and one of the pazcels. The
other parcel has the garage and some decks, wlrich still belong to the previous owner.
Mr. Rostamkhani stated he plans to finish flus building.
Page i l
Mr. Strathman stated the only thing missing is the code compliance inspection in order to know
what has to be done to bring it up to code. Mr. Ro�aTr+kha,,; responded he did not know about it.
Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be given sis months to complete the rehabilitation of
the property on condition that a code compliance inspection is applied for by noon of 7uly 25,
1744 Carroll Avenue (JOlOAA)
John Betz reported fie spoke to the owner Wday. Mr. Betc reviewed the file, photographs, and
the videotape. Mr. Betz requests that t3ris be deleteci. There were a lot of circumstazices here.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
1075 Portiand Avenue (70104A)
John Betz requested tUis be laid over to the nea�t meeting.
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing.
The meeting was adjoumed at 12:02 p.m.
330 Toronto Street (J0104A)
After #he meeting, Roxanna Flink said that this should be deleted because of notification issues.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting this assessment
�w '� f , .
City of St. Paul ``� ` ` "' ` `–, —
By �
Assessment No. 9898
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and ea:penses or
2 J0ISUMA(9898) Laid-over property from April 4 City Council Pub 'c
Hearing as listed: 916 Minnehaha Ave E iJ01SUM)
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above
improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and
having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined
to be payable in One (1) equal installment.
Yeas Nays
�s��" —Blakey
_ ✓BOStrom
,�� _ Reiter
S In Favor
a I�hse�t'
Adopted by the Council: Date � o C��
Certified Passes by Council Secretary
T.M.S Real Estate
xaracr aEasow s aHOroe
Ro$anna Flink 266-8859
��:' T . ;
RE 4/10/O1
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�..,, � Council R
Setting date of laid—over property from April 4th City Council Public Hearing as listed:
916 Minnehaha Ave E (JOISUM)
•. � • -u"t
Has this person/firm everworked undu a contlact For this departmeM?
Has Mis peisonrfirm aver.been a city employee7
vcs rio
Doe6 this per�lm possese a sldU not normallypos5esseE by arry cuReM c+ty employee?
�s th"rs persoNfirm a targe[e0 vendoR
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1 property owner will be notified of the change in time for hearings.
Date: July 17, 20Q1
Time: 10:00 am.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathman
Legislafive Hearing Officer
1. Laid Over Summary Abatements:
JOl SNOWl Snow andlor ice removal at 1002 Carroll Avenue;
J0102C1 Demolition at 1093 Seventh Street West and 520 Bay Street;
J0102BB Boardings-up at 664 Edmund Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue;
J0103AA Property clean up at 729 Edmund Avenue.
664 Edmund Avenue (J0102BB)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
729 F.,dmund Avenue (J0102BB)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
729 Edmund Avenue (J0103AA)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street West 520 Bay Street (J0102Ci)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1002 Carroll Avenue (JOISNOWI)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
� 2. File JOl SUMA - Laid over summary abatement for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Summary Abatements:
J0104A Property clean-up during April and May 2001;
J0103C Demolition of buildings during April and May 2001;
J0103B Boarding-up of vacant buiidings during March and Apri12001;
J0104V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during 7anuary 2001.
916 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0104�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $500 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $545.
Page 2
349 Cook Avenue East (J0104A)
L.egislative Hearing Oflicer recommends approval of the assessment � �_ Slb
1612 Alameda Street (J0103B)
I.egislative Aearing Qfficer recommends appmvai of the assessment.
905 Iroqn�is Av� (70IQ3$)
Legislative Heating Offices recommends approval ofthe assessmen�
650 Aurora Avenue (Jtl104A)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of We assessmen#.
597 Blair Avenue (J0104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recowmends deleting the assessment
2410 Chelton Avenue (J021D4A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
157 Front Street (70104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
i6b0 3�avtou Aveaue (JOiO4A)
Legislative Heacing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
122 L�ton Place (J0104V)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
I 155 Mf nnehaha Avenue East {Jfll i)4A)
Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
515 Nevada Avenue East (J0104A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $250 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $295.
154 Robie Street West (30I(!4A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recvmaie�ds �val vf the assessment.
327 Winifred 5treet EasY (J0104A)
Legisla#ive Hearing CJ��a recroznmeads approuai of thc assessment.
1744 CarrolI Avenue (70104A)
I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
Page 3
1075 Portland Avenue (J0104A)
T.egislative Hearing Oflicer recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative a� rS`b
4. Resolution ordering the ow� to remove or npair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enfomzment is ordered to remove the
(Laid over &om 6-5-01 }
Legislative Aearing Officer recommends laying over to the AugusY 21, 2001, Legislative
Hearing to allow time for closing of sale to NEAR (North End Area Revitalization, Inc.).
5• Itesolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 790 Selby Avenue. If
the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ozdered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the owner be given six months to complete the
rehabilitation of the property on condition that the owner apply for a code compliance
inspection by noon of Juiy 25, 2001.
; •�:
Date: June 19, 2001
Time: IO:QO a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 Plest Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry Strathman
Legislative Hearing Officer
1. Summary Abatements:
J0102C Demolition of vacant buildings for January and February 2001,
J0103A Property clean-up during the later part of Febrnary and all of March
J0102B Boarding up of vacant buildings during January and February 2001;
J0103V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during
November and December 2000; and
JOISNOW SnowJice removal and sanding of walks during winter season of 2000
and 2Q01.
1016 Carroll Avenue (701SNOV1�
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends deleting the assessment.
650 Aurora Avenue (JOISNOW)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvai of the assessment.
1016 Beech Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
910 Conwav 5treet (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1186 Duluth Street (JOl SNO�
Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1014 Euclid Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
723 Fourth Street East (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
604 Ho11�Avenue (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $395 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $440.
166 Lar�enteur Avenue West (JOl SNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1675 Rice Street (JOISNOW)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
62 Hatch Avenue (J0103�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
677 Hyacinth Avenue East (70103�
Legislative Hearing Officer zecommends reducing the assessment to $495 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $540.
1055 Reaney Avenue (J0103V)
Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
516 Rice Street (J0103A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
285 Sidnev Street East (J0103V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
783 SiYth Street East (JOl SNO�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street Wesd520 Bay Street (J0102C)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the 3uly 17, 2001, Legislative
729 Edmund Avenue (701�3A)
Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
422 Jessamine Avenue East (J0103A)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the asssessment.
422 Jessamine Avenue East (J0102B)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1286 Keston Street (J0102B)
Legislative Heating Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
907 Payne Avenue (J0102B)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
o � -s►V
Page 3
1183 Arkwright Street (JO1SN0�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $75 plus the $45
service £ee for a total assessment of $120.
932 Galtier Street (JOISNOV�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to $100 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $145.
614 Western Avenue North (J0103�
I,egislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
1317 Askwright Sh�eet (J0102C)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the Ju1y 24, 2001, Legisiative
$68 Prior Avenue North (JO1Q3V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
1000 Carroll Avenue (JOl SNO�
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
� 2. File JOISUMA - Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue
(Laid over from 5-15-01)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the July 17, 2001, Legisiative
3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properly at 643 Watson
Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is
ordered to remove the building.
Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends the owner be a anted six months to complete the
rehabilitation of the property.
To Legislative Hearin� �fficer - 3-20-01 RE-i-17-Q1 �� O1— S�4
Public Hearin� Date - 4-4-01
tact Perzon and Pho � ber:
Roxanna Flink'' L� 266-8859
be on Council Agenda by: 3-7-01 t0 S2f 112tC
lic hearing for 4-4-01
be in Council Research OPiice
noan on Friday
1/11/01 Green Sheet 1Vumber: 104819
Setting date of public hearing and approve assmts for Demo of vac bldgs during 1Vov & Dec
2000, Boarding-up for June thru Oct 2000, Grass cutting during Aug, Sept, & part of Oct 2000,
Aband vehicles towed from private property at 611 �Vhitall also, to�ved during June thru Sept
2000 and Summ Abate during Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, and/or Aec 2000. Fi1e #'s JOIOIC, 9884;
JOIBDUP, 9885; JOIOIG, 9886; JOlO1V, 9887; JOISUM, 9889
PLAV�IYG COJI>llSSIOV A STAFF 1. Nas the person/Orm ever worked under a contract for this departmen[? YES NO
CfYIL SER�ICE CO?f}f 155I0�
rt5 whidh Councii Oblecli�e
H eighborhoods
A PubiitNmlth
A �'acant Blde
�Vard 2
Has tfiis persoNfirm ever been a City employ�ee".
Does this personfCrm possess a slill not narmally poszessed by any
turrent City emptoyee^.
Ezplain ail YES answers on a separate shect and attach.
1'ES \O
Tf.YG Pft06[.EJI, ISSUE, OPPORTU\1Tl' (1V'ho, VL'hat, Nhen, K'hrre, K'h}'7):
Progerty otivners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint
Paul when their property is not kept up.
Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Demolitions, Boarding-up, Grass cutting,
Abandoned vehicles and summary abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and �r•eeds,
hauling ativay ail garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as
refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In vvinter this includes the removal of
snotiv and ice from sidervalk and cross �valks.
If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund �vould be required to pay the
assessment. Assessments are pay�abie over 1 year and collected rvith the propert�� taxes if not
'l l Neighborhoods vvould be left to deteriorate and proQerty values would decline. Nobody �vould
� take care of their propert}�, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and
trash �sould accumul�te e�•erti•tir•here Aise�se �nd pests could become a problem.
OTAL A>101i\T OFTR.a\S.aCT10V: �� (Q ,488.37 COSTBEY'E\UE 6UDCETED (CIRCLE O\Ej YES �'
2G2 ....,...v.t.• ...�..�r� .��411 ha nnti�PA nf thn rn�hlir henrina nn[j rhnra
+ f City of St. Paul
Real Estate Division
Degt. of Tachaology & Maaagement Serv.
Assessment No.9898
Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for
2 JOISUMA i9898) Laid-over property from April 4' City Council Public
Hearing as listed: 916 Minnehaha Ave E(JOlSUM)
To the Council of the City of St. Paul
MAY 15 T "
MAY 23, 2001
The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the
following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in
connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total construction costs
Engineering and Inspection
Valuation and Assessment Services
Admn. Charge - Code Enforcememt
Re-Check Charge - Code Enforcement
Abatement Service Charge
Charge To
Net Assessment
Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed
and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $66,635.35
upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said
improvement, and in the case o£ each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that
hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment
Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and
which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated ��/a '�/ �r..,?.,�-- ;����
�i l -
�, yaluation and Assessment Engineer
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Date: May 15, 2001
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathman
Legislarive Hearing Officer
1. Laid Over Summary Abatements:
SSWREPAIRl Sanitary sewer service repair at 1787 Ames Avenue.
J0102W Towing of abandoned velucle from private properiy at 915 A�ate
J0102AA Propeny clean-up at 927 Hudson Road.
JOl O1BB Boarding-up of a property at 609 Smith Avenue South.
1787 Ames Avenue
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
915 Agate Street
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
927 Hudson Road
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends granting the owner two years to pay the
609 Smith Avenue South
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends reducing the assessment by $50, which brings
the assessment to $250.00 plus the $45.00 administrative fees for a total assessment of
�. File JOl SUMA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
(Laid over from 3-20-01)
Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the June 19, 2001, Legislative
Hearing. •
3. File J015UMAA: Laid over sumu�ary abatement appeal for 980 Euclid Street.
(Laid over from 4-17-01)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
4. + Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1236 Seventh Street
East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to
remove the building.
(City Council changed the lay over date from 6-19-01 to 5-15-01.)
Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends approval.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 923 Marion Street. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
(Rescheduied from 5-1-01 because the meeting was canceled)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends granting the owner six months to complete
rehabilitation of the properry on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 6,
�� 5� �
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
Room 330, City Hall
Gerry Sirathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Logan Moore, Code Enforcement
Gerry Strathman called the meeting to arder at 10:02 a.m.
Laid Over Summary Abatements:
SSR'REPAIRl Sanitary sewer service repair at 1'787 Ames Avenue.
J�102W Towing of abandoned vehicle from private property at 915 Aeate
J0102AA Pmperty clean-up at 927 Hudson Road.
JOlO1BB Boarding-np of a property at 609 Smith Avenue South.
1787 Ames Avenue
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
915 Agate Street
Steve Magner reported that he would like the assessment deleted because the owner repurchased
and picked up his vehicle.
Gerry Slrathman recommends deleting the assessment per recommendarion of staff.
927 Hudson Road
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment and granting the owner two years to
(Note: 31te owner appeazed after the meeting commenced to request that he be given 2 years to
pay. Mr. Strathman accepted this request and added it to his recommendation.)
609 Smith Avenue South
Shirley Williams, owner, 5423 Williams Avenue, White Beaz Township, appeazed and stated on
12-30-00, her great grandson set fire to a mattress at 611 Smith Avenue South. The Fire
Depu put out the fire and knocked a hole in the window of the small bedroom. The Fire
Department called someone in to boazd the window. It took one boazd, maybe six nails, and
maybe 20 minutes.
U \-� � (
Steve Magner reported the charge for an emergency boatding is based on a contractual rate. The
City stipulates the specifications. From there, it is open for bids, and the City goes with the
lowest bidder. There aze two prices: one for daytime scheduled boardings and the other
boazding is for emergencies where the company has to be on site within two hows of receiving
the call from the o�cial City departmen� The emergency rates aze $200 to respond to the scene
and $50 ger opening. Mr.l4fagner suggests the owner tum over the assessment costs to her
in�„*ance company as part of the loss. Generaliy, the in�»,•a„ce companies cover this cost
because the insured is suppose to limit any more liability or loss that can happen from leaving the
building open.
Gerry Strathman stated they should break down the cost for the owner, Mr, Magner responded
the charge is $200 for the coniractor to show up, there was one board, and one secure. The
inspector did not indicate where the secure location was, but Mr. Magner can assume the
contractor secured the struchue when he left. A lot of the time, the Fire Department requires the
contractor to put a hasg and a padlock on the property. It is unknown if they did that in this case.
Ms. Williams responded the house has never been vacated and it is open for the other side to
come in. It is a side by side duplex.
Gerry Stratlunan recammends reducing the assessment by $50, which brings the assessment to
$255.00 plus the $45.00 administrative fees for a total assessment of $295.00. It is not cleaz
from the xecord what the charge of the secure is for.
� File JO1Si3MA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East.
` (Laid over from 3-20-01)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the June 19, 2001, Legisiative Hearing. (The owner
appeared for the May 1, 2001, Legislarive Hearing because he was not notified that it had been
canceled. He requested that his appea] be heard at the June 19, 2001, Legislative Hearing.)
File JOI5UMAA: Laid over summary abatement appeal for 980 Euclid Street.
(Laid over from 4-17-fl1)
Steve Magner stated John Betz (Code Enforcement) went to the property and found that all the
cleanup occurted on the property that was cited.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the bttilding at 1236 Seventh Street
Eas� If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to
remave the building.
(Heard on 4-17-01. Also, the City Council changed the lay over date to 5-15-01.)
Gerry Strathxnan stated the owners indicated they wanted to sell the building and needed some
time to do that. Mr. Strathman agreed to continue this matter to June 19, and his
recommendafion went to the City Council. The Ciry Council did not accept the recommendation,
and sent it back to Mr. Strathman for a hearing today. Now, he needs to make another finding to
send to the City Council.
Marlyn and Robert Weber, owners, 4859 Gershwin Avenue North, Oakdale, agpeazed. Mrs.
Weber stated two Realtors have been approached. They have had two market analyses; ane
analysis read ti�at the property has potentiai. There were two people interested in buying the
property. She is asking for additional time to sell the property.
Mr. StraUunan stated he will have to recommend approval of the order to remove or repair. That
recommendation will go to the City CouncIl on June 6, 2001. He suggested the owners attend
this City Council meeting, and make their appeal directly to them.
Mr. Magner suggested the owners apply for a team inspection from the Fire Department so they
couid get a list vf the repair items to be completed to bring the building into comgliance. Mr.
Magner aiso suggested that the owners post a$2,000 performance bond to obtain six months to
rehabilitate the structure.
Mrs. Weber stated one person interested in the pmperty has been present at some meetings and
knows the backgtound ef this property. The other buyer has been told they need to post a bond.
Mrs. Weber stated they have had one month and that is not enough time to get started with
anything. Mr. 5trathman responded the City Council may be getting pressure from the
neighborhood to do something about this building. That may be why they aze unwilling to allow
additional time.
Mrs. Weber asked is there another City Council meeting after 7une 6 because they have a
commitmem on that �ay. Mr. Stra#hman responded this has to be at a public hearing, and it will
have Yo be June 6. He suggested the owners speak to Councilmember Lanhy to request
addirional time.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the resolution.
ResoluHon ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 923 Marion Street. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolntion, Code Enforcement is ordered tu remove the
(Reschednled from S-i-Oi because the meetiag was caaceled)
Stevs Magner reported the building was condemned in February 2000. Eight summary
abatement notices have been issued to secure the building agains[ trespass, tall grass, remove
refuse, remove snow. On 2-24-01, an inspection of the building was conducted and a list of
deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken.
An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on 2-23-01 with a compliance date of 3-26-01.
As of this date, this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the
legisladve code. Vacant building fees have been paid. Real Estate taxes are unpaid in the
amaunt of $1,683.13. Estimated market value is $32,200. On 4-30-01, a code compliance
inspection was compieted. Estimated cost to repair, $35,000; estimated cost to demolish, $6,500
to $?,500.
Stephen Kennedy, owner, appeared and stated he tallced tn his mortgage company to get a short
sell with them. He had a buyer, but they were still negotiating. Mr. Kennedp is trying to get
another loan so he can do the repairs.
Mr. Strathman asked does he plan to rehabilitate the building. Mr. Kennedy responded yes.
Gerry Strathman recommends granting the owner six months to complete rehabilitation of the
property on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 6, 2001.
The meeting was adjourned at 102? a.m.
�\- S\ (�
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
Room 33Q Courthouse
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Doris Lesny, Real Bstate; Steve Magner,
Code Enforcement
Summary Abatements:
J0102C Demolifion of vacant buildings for January and February 2001;
J0103A Property clean-up during the later part of February and all of March 2001;
J0102B Boarding up of vacant buildings during January and February 2001;
J0103V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during November and
December 20D0; and
JOISNOW Snow/ice removal and sanding of wa3ks during winter season of 2000 and
1016 Carroll Avenue (701SN04�
Steven Rhodes, owner, appeared.
John Betz reported that this should be deleted. It was par[ of a large abatement process.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
650 Aurora Avenue (J01 SNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Sirathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1016 Beech Street (JOl SNOW}
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing.
(Note: At the hearing, NIr. Strathman approved the assessment for 1016 Beech Street however,
the owner called after the meeting to request that the ma#er be laid over to July 24 instead. Mr.
Strathman approved the request.)
910 Conwav Street (J0103V)
Pau1 Bruggeman, owner, 6873 Idea1 Avenue North, Mahtomedi, appeazed and stated this is one
of his tenant's vehicle. He does not understand why he is expected to pay. He was notified. The
C�\ � (�
Page 2
vehicle was parked in the backyazd, and the tenant moved it to the driveway. If the registered
owner of the vehicle is known, why does the guilt go to the property owner.
Mr. Strathman stated the law goveming maintenance of properiy reads that the owner of the
property is responsible for keeping it free from trash, rubbish, abandoned vehicles, and other iypes
of nuisances. The owner can have the velucle towed. Steve Magner added that the owner can
call the police department and ask for a manager's tow. Then, the owner can call a tow company.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1186 Duluth Street (JO1SN0�
(A videotape was shown.}
Francis Doyle, owner, appeazed and stated he lives at the end of the block. There are three blocks
that come into his block. He is at the very bottom of three blocks of water rumung down a
sidewalk He lives next to a gas station, and that sidewalk is not shoveled. All the tanker txucks
drive right over the top of the end of his sidewalk. They drive over the snow, knock it down, and
all the water comes down and dams up in front of Mr. Doyle's property. The City needs to put
up a barrier to keep traffic off of the city walk.
(Mr. Doyle showed a photograph.)
Mr. Strathman asked has he talked to the City sidewalk engineers. Mr. Doyle responded he
talked to Tom Friel (Code Enforcement) who said they would make a note of it.
Mr. Strathsnan stated normally these sidewalk issues aze the result of neglect and are easy to deal
with. It looks like there is drainage problem in this case. Until that drainage problem is repaired,
the owner wili need to do something so that people can walk on that sidewaik. He suggested a
bucket of sand or salt. Mr. Doyle responded sometimes it is several inches of water. It looks like
what the City did was spread salt or sand on it to make it passable.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. He encouraged Mr. Doyle to keep the
sidewalk passable by getting after the City engineers to redesign it or sanding it himself.
1014 Euclid Street (JOISNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
723 Fourth Street East (J0103V)
The following appeazed: Dianna Randall Voss and Ken Randall, owners. Ms. Voss stated this is
about a notice she received regazding four cars in her driveway. They allowed the neighbor next
Page 3
door to park two cars there during snow removal. They got a notice from Charles Votel (Code
Enforcement). He came out, met with her, and said everything was taken caze of. He also said
that he turned in a report for towing into the police department and there was no way for him to
stop it. He said to put signs in the window that the vehicles did not need to be towed; however,
two montUs later, both cazs were towed. They could not afford to get one of the velucles out of
the Impound Lot. Both cazs were nice and taken care of. They paid $130 far hers and another
$75 to have it towed back home. She called the police and was told to make a report because
they were illegally towed.
John Betz reported the inspector involved with this is no longer with the City. Mr. Betz has
nothing in the file that indicates what she is saying is not correct.
Gerry Stratlunan recommends deleting the assessment. Ms. Voss can file a claim with the City.
604 Hollv Avenue (J0103V)
The following appeared: Patrick Terrell, 604 Holly, and Garry Syverson. 275 Maryland Avanue
West. Mr. Syverson stated this involves a towed vehicle. He did not receive a notice. He checks
the parking lot. It was Mr. Terrell's vehicle that was there.
Mr. Blunt stated he sold the car to his mother. He talked to Mr. Syverson's partner who gave
him permission to have the car sit there until it was moved. One day at wark, his brother called
Mr. Blunt and said a police officer was towing his car. This police officer did not want to talk to
Mr. B1unt and told him to ca11 the police department far further information.
John Betz reported he talked to Kenneth Hertz who indicated he purchased the property after this
action took place. Ramsey Couniy records indicate Frank Castovich (phonetic) as the owner. Mr.
Syverson responded that was the previous contract for deed holder. This properry was a
refinance. He paid off the comract for deed to Frank Castovich.
Mr. Betz stated Code Enforcement notified the following people: Frank Castovich, Security Life
Insurance Company, Denise Humphrey, and Patrick Terrell.
Mr. Strathmau asked where Mr. Terrell was notified. Mr. Betz responded 4201 Sheridan Avenue
North. Mr. Tenell responded he stays at 604 Holly.
Mr. Betz stated they went beyond sending it to just the owner of the property; they also sent it to
the owners of the vehicle.
Mr. Syverson stated his phone number and name ate on the certificate of occupancy in the
Mr. Strathman asked when did he buy the property and why his name does not show up as
owuiug the property. Mr. Syverson responded he has owned the properiy for ten yeazs. He
�\ ��b
.,: ,
purchased it on a contract for deed and it was kept in the contract for deed holders name. The
records now show Mr. Syverson as the owner.
Mr. Strathman asked why the vehicle was towed if the owner of the properiy and the owner of
the vehicle had no problem with it being there. N1r. Betz responded the plates had expired or it
had broken wsndows. Mr. Tenell responded kids in the neighbor broke the window. It did not
have tabs. The vehicle was operable.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $395 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $440. There is some culpability here in terms of the ownership zecords not being
kept current; however, the owner would have dealt with it if he had been norified. Also, the
charge seems a bit high.
166 Larpenteur Aveaue West (JO1 SNOVVj
1675 Rice Street (JOl SNO�
(A videotape was shown.)
David Krech, owner, 1387 E. Hope Avenue, Maplewood, appeared and stated he contracts with
someone to plow. Because of the pile of snow on the corner and the run off, the sidewalk in front
of his properry is where everything gets accumulated. They plow the lot and the City plows it
again. The proximity of the sidewalk is so close to the corner, it is very difficult to keep the
corner clear. He will take the issue up with his plow people. He did not know what the
assessment was about untii he saw the videotape.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
62 Hatch Avenue (70103V)
Joanne Farr, owner, appeared and stated she received rivo notices prior to November about tabs
on her truck. 5he called on both notices and both notices were thrown out. In the middle of
November, she sold the truck, but it was never picked up. The new owner purchased tabs but
never put them on the vehicle. Her complaint is that this is not her velucle, and she tried
numerous times to get the new owner to move it.
Mr. Strathman stated he does not understand why the City would not assess her for the cost. Ms.
Farr responded she never received the third notice.
Gerry Strathman asked when it was towed. John Betz responded a notice was sent to correct the
violations on 11-17-00. A final notice was sent on I 1-30-00. The vehicle was actually towed on
(Mr. Betz had a photograph of the vehicle, but it was difficult to see what color the tabs were on
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The vehicle did not have current tabs,
the owner was notified, and the Ciry towed the vehicle. Given those facts, the owner is
responsible for the vehicle and the cost because it was on her property
677 Hvacinth Avenue East (J0103�
Mazcella Harhnan, part owner, appeazed and stated this is her fazni]y house. A velucle was
towed, and she is suppose to pay $870 that she does not have. She made an effort to remove the
vehicle. She could not get tabs because the vehicle is not in her name. The vehicle belongs to her
brother's girlfriend. Neither of them are in town. Her brother will not help her pay it.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $445 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $540. Ms. Hartman requested additional tune to pay. Doris Lesny explained she
has 30 days to pay it. After that, interest is accrued.
1055 Reaney Avenue (J0103V)
Brenda Bobick, owner, and Leroy Bobick, appeared. Mr. Bobick stated there was a car on the
lot that was moved into the driveway. The car was operable. She is not sure when the caz was
towed. They did not receive a notice.
John Betz reported the orders were issued to Stanley and Sally Aacula (phonetic). Ms. Brodick
expiained that Stanley is dead, and Sally is the previous contract holder. Ms. Bobick purchased
the property on contract for deed, and she registered the properiy immediately. Everything on
this property gets sent to 1086 Galtier. Mr. Bobick added that they have a tow truck, and they
could haue towed it themselves if they knew about the matter.
Mr. Betz stated they do not have a Galrier address. He has information that Brenda Bobick is the
homesteader, and the inspector sent the notice to "occupanY' at 1055 Reaney. Code Enforcement
should have sent it to Brenda Bobick at 1055 Reaney.
Mr. Strathman stated there is a note here that the inspector spoke with the owner on 2-9-01. Ms.
Bobick responded she wouid not have been on the property at that time.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The letter sent to occupant technically did
not go to the Bobicks. The occupants did not pass it on. He does not understand why the
Ramsey County records still show the owner of two years prior. Mr. Magner responded if she
bought it on contract, it was refinanced, she paid off the contract holder and became the fee
holder in September, Ramsey County would not have it recorded for a period of time.
516 Rice Street (J0103A)
(A videotape was shown.}
O \ S� (�
.,_ ,
Jeffrey DeLisle appeared and stated that was $100 worth of trash on the open market. Gerry
Strathman responded the City does not deal in the open matket.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner was notified, and the City
did the work.
285 Sidney Street East (J0103V)
(No one appeared to represent the properry.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
783 Sixth Street East (JOl SNOV�
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1093 Seventh Street West1520 Bav Street (J0102C)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the 7uty 17, 2001, Legislafive Hearing at the owner's
729 Edmund Avenue (J0103A)
(A videotape was shown.)
Ger Yang, owner, appeazed and stated someone dumped items in the rear of the properry. He did
not have time to pick it up. He cleans up everything. It is a vacant building.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner has to maintain the
outside. Once the items aze there, it is the owner's responsibility to remove them. He was
(Note: there are two assessments for 422 7essamine Avenue East. J0103A is for a cleanup and
J0102B is for the boarding up of the property.)
422 Jessaznine Avenue East (J0103A}
422 Jessa.mine Avenue East (J0102B)
Anthony Deflorin, 422 E. Jessamine Avenue East, appeazed and stated he owns the property, but
his son lives here.
(A videotape was shown.)
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Mr. Deflorin stated he did not know about the clean up. There were two trailers with clean
ahmiinum. The Ciry took the alumi.num and left the trailers. They bad to sell it, and he wonders
why it was not deducted from the bill.
Gerry Strathuian asked where the metals go. Steve Magner responded he believes they separate
the metais and haul it somewhere, but Mr. Magner is not sure if Pazks and Recrearion gets
reimbursed for those materials. He believes they ate just in the business of getting rid of the
items. The metal may go to a scrapyard.
Mr. Deflorin stated he has another assessment for boarding the house. Mr. Magner stated the
police executed a search warrant at the property for nazcotics and gambling equipment. Due to
the nature of the call, they requested the properiy be immediately secured. They contacted the
boazding contractor, who secured the front and rear doors by nailing them shut.
(Mr. Deflorin showed photographs of the house.)
Mr. Strathman stated it was $300. Mr. Magner responded it is a$200 trip charge because it was
an emergency and $50 for each secure. They can clip the door, but the door was farcibly entered
so there was no reason to do anything but nail the door shut.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the cleanup (J0103A). It was a huge cleanup and it
needed to be done. If the owner feels he should be repaid for the value of the aluminum, he
should file a claun.
Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment for the doors (J0102B). The doors were
damaged as a result of police action, and the home owner should not be responsible for the
1286 Keston Street (J0102B)
Kenneth Carsaw, owner, appeared and stated he was cleaning snow off of his roof. As he was
clearing the last step, he fell on his face, heard his nose crack, and a lot of blood came out of his
nose. Because he heard a crack, he thought he should go to the hospital and he called a taxicab.
After 45 minutes, a cab did not show up and his neighbor took him to the hospital. In the
meantune, a cab came and waited. The next door neighbor asked the cab driver who he was
waiting for, and the driver said someone from 1286 Keston Street. The neighbor went up to the
front door, saw the blood, and called the police. The police broke into the house to check on him.
Mr. Corsaw asked why they did not call the emergency rooms first before they broke into lus
house. Mr. Strathman responded they obviously felt they needed to get into the building to make
sure he was safe.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The police were doing their job, but he
does not think that the owner is responsible for this.
�\- S� �
907 Pavne Avenue (70102B}
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
1183 Arkwright Street (JQ 1 SNO�
The following appeazed: Donald Drouin, owner, and Roxanne Heinrich, 3932 Auburn Drive,
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Drouin stated the work was not necessary or the whole block should have been charged. The
beginning of the video was Superamerica's property. He resents being tazgeted by Code
Enforcement repeatedly whett the rest of the neighborhood is not getting that kind of scrutiny. If
there is a code to enforce, it should not be done selectively. Mr Drouin calls Public Works every
year because there is no boulevazd on that block. When the City widened Arkwright, the
boulevard was eliminated. So when the City plows the street, the snow bank ends up on the
sidewalk. Mr. Drouin works nights. He comes home, shovels the walk, and salts it. By the next
day, iY s packed down if it snows ovemight. Last year, Mr. Drouin reached the Number 2 man in
Public Works who said he would mark the books that the plow drivers use so they would not
push the snow so far onto the sidewalk. That took care of that difficulty. With the freeze-thaw
cycle last winter, the snow was hard.
Gerry Strattunan stated his orders reads that they were issued on 2-5-01, rechecked 2-12-01, and
the snow was removed on 2-20-01. Mr. Strathman requested to see the video again.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Mr. Strathmau stated it is not a perfect shoveling job, but it does not look worse than other
sidewalks in the City. He assumes Code Enforcement is responding to a complaint. He asked is
the snow on the left (on the videotape) pushed up from the street. Mr. Drouin responded once
there is big snowstorm and the street is plowed, they end up with a snowbank on the sidewalk.
He also asked Pubiic Works about the rules for clearing sidewaiks He was told they should be
three feet wide and flat. This sidewalk is so busy that once he gets to it the next day, it is packed
down hard. The neighbors property is the same or worse.
Mr. Strathman stated there is a property on the videotape cleazed down to the concrete. Mr.
Drouin responded the properiy on the corner does not haue a cleaz sidewalk.
When he got these orders in February, asked Mr. Strathman, what did he do in response to them
Mr. Drouin responded he remembered thinking that he didn't know what they were talking about.
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Mr. Stratluuau stated the sidewalk does not look that awful to him. Mr. Magner responded the
sidewalk has to be passable. When the inspectoz goes out there, they haue to err on the side of
caution because the sidewalk has to be used by people in wheeichairs.
Mr. Drouin complained about selecfive enforcement. Mr. Stratlunan responded someone
probably complained about the sidewalk needing to be cleared. NIr. Drouin was issued an order,
waited an week, and the City concluded it was still not adequate. Then, the cleanup was done a
week after that. It does not appeaz that mucb was done to fix that situafion in the meantime.
Unless a City employee takes a photograph every week, responded Mr. Drouin, that is not fair.
He did not get a normal notice from the City Clerk's office, so he is assuiniug it was not a
complaint. He feals the inspector came out on his own. "The City was there no more than ten
(Mr. Drouin showed photogxaphs.)
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $75 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $120. Technically, the sidewalk is not in compliance and he is responsible for it.
He does not consider it a flagrant violation.
932 Galtier Street (JOl SNOV�
(A videotape was not available on this.)
Vallen Her, owner, appeared and stated he did not know if the snow shoveled was priar to the
closing date, which was 3-20-01. It was a vacant building. Gerry Strathman responded it does
not matter. Now that he is the owner, he is responsible for the assessment. The person that sold it
was suppose to disclose any pending assessments. The amount is excessive.
Mr. Strathxnan asked what was done. Steve Mab er responded the list reads "snow one hour."
This is what they charge to just show up on the site. It is the minimum charge. This property was
owned by someone who owned 25 properties in the neighborhood, and all the properties were
Gerxy Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $100 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $145. This is in view of the absence of a record (no videotape).
614 Western Avenue North (J0103�
John Betz recommended that this assessment be deleted.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
�\- S� �
1317 Arkwri t Street (J0102C)
Page 10
Gerry Sirathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing per the
owner's request.
868 Prior Avenue North (30103�
(A letter was reviewed from Dale Roberts, dated 6-18-Oi, Metal Treaters, Inc., 859 North Prior
John Betz stated the letters indicates MTI purchased the property. Code Enforcement sent a
notice to remove the car, but it occurred before the owner purchased it. It was impounded by the
police November 2000.
According to the letter, stated Gerry Strathman, the vehicie does not belong to them, and they
purchased the property in December.
Getry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
l OQ� Carroll Avenue (JOl SNO�
(No one appeazed to represent the property; however, the owner was told he could appear at the
130 meeting.)
(A videotape was shown.)
John Betz reported that this is the same block as 1016 Carroll, which was deleted earlier (see
Page 1). This is a row of eight townhouses that were assessed.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Mr. Betz stated it should be deleted.
Gerry Strattunan recomtnended deleting the assessment.
`'.� L� File JOISUMA - Laid over summary abatement appeal for 916 Minnehaha Avenne East.
� (Laid over from 5-15-01)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman laying over to the July 17, 2001, Legislative Heazing at the owner's request.
�L ���
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Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properly at 643 Watson Avenue. If
the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
Steve Magner reported this property was condemned July 2000, and has been vacant since 8-16-
00. There have been seven summary abatement notices issued to secure the building, secute
hazardous e�tterior stauway, cut grass, remove garbage, remove unlicensed trailers. On 4-14-01,
an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance
condition was developed, and photographs were taken. As of today, this properiy remains in a
condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. V acant building fees
have been paid. Real estate tases aze unpaid in the amount of $13,736.43. Estixnated market
value is $50,000; estimated cost to repair, $80,000 to $100,000; estimated cost to demolish,
$9,000 to $10,000. On 5-24-01, a code inspecfion was done and a bond was posted.
The following appeared: James Adams, husband of half owner Cindy Adams; Barb Kratzke, half
owner; Kelly Kratzke, Barb's daughter; and Bob Kratzke.
Gerry Strathman asked are they willing to rehabilitate this property. Keily Kratzke responded
rehabilitate andfor sell. There is a sign in front of it now. This property has not been ignored.
There are abatement orders here from 1995. This was her grandmother's house, who died in
1995. There were people that lived there that almost destroyed the properiy, and it was difficult
to get them out. Sarb Kratzke stated she finally got the people evicted. As a point of
information, the police do not care if it is private properiy, and she had a hard time getling
vehicles on her properiy removed.
Barb Kratzke and Kelly Kratzke wondered why they had a letter delivered on Saturday by a hand
courier 16 days after the day it was written. Steve Magner responded 'at was personal service.
There was obviously numerous attempts. If they are not home durfng the day, the attempt was
made on the weekend.
The Kratzkes also stated they have a bill for boarding up of property. Mr. Strathman responded
that is not before him yet.
Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be granted six months to complete the rehabilitation of
the properry.
The meering was adjoumed at 12:22 p.m.
�\-� � Co
Tuesday, July l7, 2001
Gerry Stratlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer
Room 330 Courthouse
The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Ro�nna Flink, Real Estate; Fong Lor, LIEP
(License, Inspections, Environmental Protection); Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; John _
Saumweber, Real Estate
Laid Over Summary Abatements:
JOISNOWI Snow andlor ice removal at 1002 Carroll Avenue:
J0102C1 Demolition at 1093 Seventh Sh-�t West and 520 Bay Street;
J0102BB Boardings-up at 664 Edmand Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue; and
J0103AA Property clean ap at 729 Edmund Avenue.
664 Edmund Avenue (J0102BB)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner. Gerry Strathman told Mr. Lor to explain to the owners of
664 Edmund Avenue and 729 Edmund Avenue that his duties aze to translate and not act as an
Yee Lor, owner, 305 Aurora Avenue, appeazed.
Mr. Strathman stated this is a chazge for emergency boarding by the Fire Department. It was
ordered on 1-5-01, 530 a.m. The charge is for $795. He asked why the owner feels he should
not pay it.
Mr. Lor asked is it his responsibility to pay the fee or should lus insurance company pay the fee.
Mr. Strathman nesponded this is paid by the insurance company as part of the eapense related to
the fire customariIy. He should present the bill to the insuraz►ce company.
(Mr. Lor showed paperwork to Mr. Strathman.)
Mr. Strathman looked at the paperwork and stated the coverage should pay for the cost of the
boazding up, although he is not an expert on these things. Mr. Magner stated the insurance
coxnpany generally requires an insurer to m;nim;�P �y �er damage to the properry. The
insurance company usually wants the property boarded as soon as possble. If the owner has
problems getting the company #o pay it, he should go to a state elcaminer.
Mr. Lor stated he cannot live at the property anymore, and he asked is it his responsibility to
clean up azound the house, the lawn, etc. Mr. Strathman responded yes.
Mr. Strathman asked when a bill would be received in this matter. Roxanna Flink explained the
owner should receive a bill within a few weeks.
C�� � � b
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
Page 2
(NOTE: there aze two assessments for 729 Edmund Avenue: J0103AA and J0102BB. 70103AA
was discussed at the Legislative Hearing on June 19, and the Hearing Officer approved the
assessment at the time. At the Legislative Hearing Officer's request, the City Councii laid over
30103AA and J0102BB to today's hearing for an interpreter to be present.)
'729 Fdmund Avenue (70102BB)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner. Mr. Lor had previously eaplained to the owner that his duties
are to translate and not act as an advocate.)
Ger Yang, owner, appeazed.
Mr. Strathman stated this is a charge for $345 for an emergency boazding by the Police
Department. He asked why the owner should not pay this assessment. Mr. Yang responded the
house was already boarded when he purchased it.
Mr. Strathman explained that when a house is purchased, a buyer also buys all the
responsibilities associated with the house; however, the seller is obligated to tell the buyer about
pending assessments. If the owner was not told, then Mr. Yang should go to the seller and seek
accommodatirnas. Mr. Yang responded the seller came to the City to get an order to evict the
tenants. Mr. Yang was not told about any pending assessment.
Because he is the current owner, stated Mr. Strathman, the City will look to him to pay these
Mr. Yang asked can the City ask the seller about the pending assessment. Mr. Strathman
responded this is a private transaction between the seller and the purchaser. The City cannot be
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
729 F.dmtmd Avenue (J0103AA)
(Fong Lor translated for the owner.)
(See above regarding another assessment.)
Ger Yang sfated the garbage inside and outside was cleaned up. No one lives at the properry. He
called the City to notify them about neighbors throwing fiuniture on the properiy, and he has not
gotten any response.
Steve Magnez reported this was already heazd at the last legislarive heating on June 19. A
videotape was shown at ihat time, and the assessment was approved. The owner claims there
Page 3
were things dumped on the properry, but it is still the owner's responsibility. Once the owner is
made aware of it, he is required to remove it. If it is not removed, the City will send people to
remove it.
Mr. Yang stated at the time of the assessment, he was not the owner. Mr. Magner responded the
�„*+�*nary abatement was issued on 2-13-01. He asked when the properry was purchased. Mr.
Yang responded he became the owner on 2-5-01.
Mr. Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The chazge goes to the property owner
regardless of whether he owned it at the time of the assESSment
1093 Seventh Street West. 520 Bav Street (70102C1)
Robyn Marshall, owner, address of 804 Stewart, appeared and stated she does not believe the
contcactor did what they weze suppose to do for the asbestos removal. They didn't do anything
for the Second Floor and they said they would do something in both of the bathrooms.
Steve Magner reported the building was ordered to be removed by resolution. The cost to the
demolition went to the low bidder which was Holst Excavating. They were required to obtain a
licensed abatement to identify and remove any asbestos out of the property. They abated the
asbestos and then raised the structure. Mr. Magner does not verify removal of asbestos; it is
manitored by the State Depaitment of Health and the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control
Agencyj There is a ten day wai'tmg period after the building is raised and spot inspections are
done. The City is not required to follow up on that. It has to be a licensed abatement contractor
to remove the asbestos.
Mr. Strathman asked about the charges. Mr. Magner responded the original demolition bid is
$12,200, not including the asbestos. And then another $4,800 for the abatement of the asbestos.
Ms. Marshali stated they oaily did a third of the flooa on the Third Level and nothing on the
Second Level. They did not do ha3f of what they weze suppose to do. She does not feel she
should be charged for the full amount.
Mr. Strathman stated he has no idea how this matter can be resoived. The company contracted to
remove asbestos, did it under whatever supervision the State exercises over asbestos removal,
and the City received a bill. Ms. Marshall responded she has photographs showing the business
did not do anything. They ripped up the tile on the Third Floor and that's what they did for
Mr. Magner stated the bw7diag has been remaveci. If there was a concern at the time when she
was out there, she should �ave contacted the City or the State. He asked what was left on site.
Ms. Marshall responded they oniy did a third of the floor on the First Level, but the rile ran
through the entire First Floor. They said it was asbestos contained tile. They said they included
both bathrooms on the Second Floor. Mr. Magner responded sometimes it is not the tile, but the
underlayment, the backing under the tile, or the linoleum. The contractor is responsible to make
O� �\�
Page 4
sure removed items do not have asbestos bearing matezials. If the properry was demolished with
the asbestos tiles taken to the landfill, the contractor can be held legally responsible for i� One
load of unrecorded asbestos brought into a landfill has minimum $10,000 fines. The con�actor
is required by State law to have the asbestos abated before demolition.
Mr. Magner stated he has no way to prove anything. A photograph of a tile does not prove that
was the tile in question. Mr. Stcathman responded it is a serious allegation; cbarging for work
that a person did not do is a fraudulent activity. There has to be some conclusive evidence to
show that the contractor engaged in this and he would guess the contractor would be reluctant to
admit i� Ms. Marshall suggested asking them for a list of what was done for the chazge. She has
a videotape and photographs.
Mr. Strathman stated he and Mr. Magner are reluctant to approach the contractor and accuse him
of fraud. It is uniikely the City will do that unless there is evidence.
Gezry Strathman recommends approval of the resolution.
1002 Carroll Avenue (JOiSNOWI)
Lee DValker, owner, appeared and stated he received the abatement and cleaned it up right after
he received it. He put down salt as well.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Walker stated he got the notice on a Friday and cleaned it up on Saturday. John Betz
responded the notice was mailed on 3-6-01, the reinspecrion was 3-9-01, and the work was done
on 3-15-01.
(The videotape was shovm again�}
Mr. Walker stated Yhe units are so close together that maybe the wrong address was cited. He
kept his sidewalk clean all winter.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. He will take the owner's word that the
sidewalk was kept ciean.
(NOTE: There are two assessments for 916 MinnehahaAvenue East: JOISUMA and J0104V.
J01 SL7MA has �eea 2aid over frwn 6-1�-f}I.}
File dO1SIJMA - Laid over snmmary abatement for 916 Minnehaha Avenue East
Gerry Strathman stated this is an assessment for removing tires, refuse, metals, etc.
Andrew Pham, owner, appeared and stated he received notice and he did the work. He told the
clean up crew that the work was already in progress, but they told him they were there on an
C� l �l(a
Page 5
order for it to be done now. They had to call the police because he was asking them quesrions,
such as did they have the proper paperwork. He is here to say that he has all the motivations to
get it done and he has been getting it done.
Gerry Strathman stated there are a couple of issues here and in some sense they both have been
answered: 1) By Code EnforcemenYs records and by the owner's aclmowledgment, a notice was
sent. 2) There is a videotape and the owner acknowledged tbat the crew cazne out and did the
work. There is no basis for not approving the assessment.
Mr. Pham stated he had some legal issues. By chazging the abatements and pushing the schedule
ahead is not getting the properry finished any sooner. He is a student and a future business
owner. His recources aze limited. He keeps Harold Robinson (Code Enforcement) informed of
his progress. Mr. Pham says the City was a little too enthusiastic about getting it done so eazly.
Everything was ready to be taken away and the City came too soon.
Mr. Strathman stated his paperwork reads that orders were issued on 10-12-00, and the work was
to be completed by �0-16-00. The work was not done unti110-25-00. It seems the City crew
was late instead of eazly. Mr. Fong responded there were more things he was doing at the time.
Everything was by the fence area ready to be moved.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. It seems the City gave the owner
proper notice.
Summary Abatements:
JOiO4A Pragerty ciean-up during April and May 2001;
J0103C Demolition of bnildings during April and May 2001;
J0103B Boarding-np of vacaat buildings during March and April 2001;
J0104V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property during January 2001.
916 Minnehaiia Avenue East (J0104V)
(See above regarding another assessment)
Andrew Pham asked why it cost $1,469.60 to tow the vehicle. Mr. Strathman responded it does
seem like a lot. Roxanne Flink responded it was one vehicle.
Mr. Pham stated the vehicle was legally pazked. The City jumped to conclusions and illegally
entered the property. �e City tore up bazrieys to get to a vehicle that was in its place. That is
wrong and illegaL
Gerry Strathman stated he will reduce the assessment to $500 plus the $45 service fee. Mr. Pham
asked how he cazne to that amount. Mr. Strathman responded he has consulted with the
lieutenant and commander in charge and they believe if a vehicle is disposed within 30 days,
which is a reasonable amount of time, the cost would be about $500. For some reason, it seems
this vehicle must have been on the Impound Lot longer than normal.
�� ��C�
Page 6
Mr. Pham stated that is because he had taken legal action on this. This was a 1958 Buick
Berkeley B90. It was a rare and collectible vehicle. It was not abandoned. It was properly
stored. Mr. S�athman responded he cannot help him because that issue will have to be dealt
with in court.
Mr. Pham stated he is in legat proceedings with that. A tow costs $125. He was in the process of
getting that velricle out. He and Commander Morehead have some unremained issues here and
that is why he made it difficult for Mr. Pham to acquire the vehicle. Mr. Pham did not have the
option to get it ou�
Steve Magner stated there is a letter to Andrew Fong dated 3-4-01 from Mike Morehead. The
letter says the City removed the vehicle from the pmperiy. The letter stipulated what needed to
be done to acquire the vehicle.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment to $500 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $545.
349 Cook Avenue East (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Sirathman recommended approvat.
1612 Alameda Street (J0103B)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry 5tsathman recommended approvat.
905 Iroctuois Avenue (JOl03B)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
650 Aurora Avemie (30144A)
(No one appeared to repre.�ent #he property.)
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
597 Blair Avenue (70104A)
Dave Harvieus, owner, appeazed and stated the fust notice he received was on June 30. He
contacted Code Enforcement and he was told notices were sent to the previous owner. Mr.
�� ���
Harvieux purchased the building April 2000 on a contract for deed. The proper documents were
recorded with the Ramsey County in May 2001 because he t�ad not received a taa� statement from
Ramsey County. He contacted them and was told the documents had never been recorded. He
followed up with Ramsey County, they called him back, and said they made a mistake. Also,
when he did cail, he inquired about what needed to be done. He was told there was an
upholstered cbair, carpet, and a bag of refuse on a deck. He removed these items from the deck
himself. Perhaps there is aaother chair, carpet, and bag of refuse.
John Betz reported he used Ramsey County tax records to find out where to send the notices.
Mr. Strathman asked who told him in Ramsey County the records were in error. Mr. Harvieux
responded Debbie in the Recorder's Office. He could get document numbers. He got the notice
for today's meeting because they updated their records.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Strathman stated it was cleaz from the videotape there was trash on the deck, but it was not
clear it was the same trash that was listed. The person on the videotape mentioned a tire and
trash. Those items are not cited on his paperwork. Mr. Harvieus responded it was hard to see
what they took.
Mr. Betz stated there were two issues here: one was trash on the back deck, and the other was the
carpet and chair somewhere in the yazd azea by the garage. That was not part of the videotape, so
his presumption would be it was not there when the crew got there. The crew cleaned up bags of
trash, wluch would indicate they were there.
Gerry Stratlunan recommends deleting the assessment. There are serious problems as to whether
he was notified and whether the cleanup done was the sazne cleanup in the ordex.
1910 Chelton Avenue {J�l{f4A}
(No one appeazed to represem the property.)
Gerry StraUunan recommends approval of the assessment
157 Front Street {J0104A)
Pa Hang, owner, appeazed and stated she and � brother awn tlris property_ Some personal
items were taken that were stored pamperPy_
Mr. Strathman asked was she notified. Ms. Hang responded yes, but she already lived in the
house. She cannot do heavy jobs because her hand hurts. She tried to pay people to do the
cleanup, but she cannot affoxd much.
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Mr. Strathman stated if she feels the City took things they should not have taken, she can file a
claim against the City.
Mr. Hang stated the charge of $899.00 was not worth it for the cleanup. She would like to see
the videotape.
(A videotape was shown.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment It looks like a major cleanup. The
assessmeut is not excessive given the amount of work that had to be done.
1660 Davton Avenue (30104A)
Connie Williams, owner,1290 $elmont Lane East, Maplewood, appeazed and stated she did not
own the property when the cleanup was done. At the time of the cleanup, other people were in
the process of moving in. Her ownerskrip ended 3-1-01. The new owner is Benjamin Bordman
John Betz reported the notice was sent to the listed owner. Yesterday, it was still listed as
Williams. John Saumweber responded Rea1 Estate got the notice rehuned in the mail.
Roxanna Flink reported Real Estate got a notice from Pazks and Recreation that they did the
work on 4-6-01. It was not pending when Ms. VJilliams sold it to the new people. The new
owner was notified of the hearing today, and the new owner will get the bill.
Ms. Williams stated thai it was her junk. The new owner said he never got notice until it was
bulldozed. She never received a notice either. She had a broken hand, and was unable to clean
it. She picked up what she could when it was out of the ice.
Mr. Betz stated Ramsey County tax records show she was the owner, and a notice was sent to her
at her address. It was returnad undeliverable. 11ie new owner has never registered the contract.
Until now, t�ey never had a name for the new owner. It is someone's responsibility to register
the contract and change the ownerslup. Ms. Williams responded she has called her new address
into the City a number of times.
Roxanna Flink stated whoever handled the closing should be contacted about why the ownership
was not changed. Her office knew of the new owner because of the return mail. It is the properry
owner's responsibility to make saue the records are correct. In Minnesota, a person is not
required to file a deed.
Gerry Strathman recommettds deleting the assessment He does not doubt the work was done,
but he is concerned about notification requirements.
122 Lvton Place (JQ104V}
Page 9
Greg Flesvig, owner, appeared and stated notices were sent to the previous owner. The only
notice he received was the one to come here today. He was told that his tenants received the
John Betz reported Ramsey County Taxation Records indicated two other people were the
owners. Notice was sent to them and the occupants of 122 Lyton Place. He did a printout of the
ownership on Friday and it comes up with Flesvig at 122 Lyton Place.
Gerry Shathman recommends deleting the assessment.
1165 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the properry.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
515 Nevada Avenue East (J0104A)
Barb Bartok, owner, appeazed and staied a stacked pile of wood by the shed was removed. She
had major surgery in March, and depended on other people to help her.
Mr. Betz reported the final notice was mailed 2-23-Oi.
Ms. Bartok stated the yard was dug up when the City took the items. She asked why the cut
wood was taken. Mr. Strathman responded because it was not properly stored he presumes.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Strathman stated it does not look like much of a cleanup.
(The videotape was shown again.)
Ms. Bartok asked about the gouges in her yard. Mr. 3trathman stated she shouid file a claim
against the City for damages.
Gerry Sh�athman recommends reducing the assessment to $250 plus the $45 service fee for a total
assessment of $295. The owner was notified, but the assessment is too iugh.
164 Robie Street West (J0104A)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment.
o� ���
327 Winifred Street Fast (70104A)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment
Page 1Q
Resolation orderiag the owner to remove or repair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
(Laid over from b-S-Oi)
Lori Pagel stated they have accepted an agreement with NEAR (North End Area Revitalizadon,
Inc.). They will putchase the property and rehabilitate it. Ms. Pagel is working with the title
insurance company to clear the title. NEAR has signed a letter of intent. They have had an
azchitect go through the property. The purchase agreement has not been signed.
Gerry Strathman asked when the ciosing will be. Ms. Pagel responded they have not set a date.
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the August 21, 2001, Legislative Hearing to a11ow
time for closing of sale to NEAR (North End Area Revitalization, Inc.). He requested Ms. Pagel
notify 1um when the closing has happened. Then, he will deal with NEAR about the property
from that point forward. NEAR will be notified at that point to post a bond.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 790 Selbv Avenue. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolurion, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
Manoucher Rostamkhani, owner, and Kristine Kujala, Rawsey County Tax Forfeited Lands,
appeared. Ms. Kujala stated 2hat Nir. Rostauikhani is the contract purchaser on this properiy that
he purchased at auction. Tius property has a long history of nothing being done on it.
Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since 6-26-84. The current owner is
Manoucher Ro�amkhan;, who pwchased the properiy from Ramsey County at auction. There
have been 18 surumary abatement notices issued to clean the property, secure it, cut tall grass,
remove snow, restore hazard fencing. On 4-26-01, an inspection of the buiiding was conducted,
a list of deficiencies which constitufe a nuisaFx:e condition was developed, and photographs were
taken. As of ttns date, the property remains in a condiiion which comprises a nuisance as defined
by the legislative code. The vacant building fees have been paid. Real estate taxes are paid. The
estimated mazket value is $45,000, estimated cost to repair, $75,000; estirnated cost to demolish,
$10,000 to $11,000. The building is gutted: there is no heating, electrical, or plumbing operable.
1vlr. Rostamkhani purchased a bond five days ago. The dwelling has to be rehabilitated as a
single family or a duplex. The previous owner oniy lost the dwelling and one of the pazcels. The
other parcel has the garage and some decks, wlrich still belong to the previous owner.
Mr. Rostamkhani stated he plans to finish flus building.
Page i l
Mr. Strathman stated the only thing missing is the code compliance inspection in order to know
what has to be done to bring it up to code. Mr. Ro�aTr+kha,,; responded he did not know about it.
Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be given sis months to complete the rehabilitation of
the property on condition that a code compliance inspection is applied for by noon of 7uly 25,
1744 Carroll Avenue (JOlOAA)
John Betz reported fie spoke to the owner Wday. Mr. Betc reviewed the file, photographs, and
the videotape. Mr. Betz requests that t3ris be deleteci. There were a lot of circumstazices here.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment.
1075 Portiand Avenue (70104A)
John Betz requested tUis be laid over to the nea�t meeting.
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the July 24, 2001, Legislative Hearing.
The meeting was adjoumed at 12:02 p.m.
330 Toronto Street (J0104A)
After #he meeting, Roxanna Flink said that this should be deleted because of notification issues.
Gerry Strathman recommends deleting this assessment