268738 WHITE - CITV CLERK E?��' !-iQ, Council !.� . �i `V PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Minn. Stat. � 69 . 77 (3) , hereby ratifies that certain amendment to the by-laws of the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association approved by the membership on November 24, 1976, amending Article VII, Section 3, of said by-laws to provide for a change in disability benefits, a copy of said amended section being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof by reference. . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays HEel�Et�� Hozza In Favor Hunt Q Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved y Ci y A ney Adopted by ci : Date i Cer ed P s by Council Secjetary BY � ' �9�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro Mayor. Date � T By BY _pUBLISHED MAR Z 6 1�7� ������ "Exhibit A" Article VII, Sick Relief and Disability Pensions, Section 3, now reads: Should the member be disabled and incapacitated for service in the normal duties assigned by the Fire Dept. a pension shall be paid which shall be 38.1 units per month payable monthly. Change this to read: Should the member be disabled and incapacitated for service in the normal duties assigned by the Fire Dept. , a pension shall be paid which shall be 39.9 units per month payable monthly. Explanation: At the present time, members going off on lst class disability pension, i.e. , being unable to perform Fire Dept. duties by reason of doctor's orders or medical reasons received $33.00 per month less than full service pension. . . . . . . � � ��� )�A��.. . �. l � "Exhibit A° Article VII, Sick Relief and Disability Pensions, Section 3� now reads: Should the me�mber be disabled and i.ncapacitated for service in the normal duties assigned b� the Fire Dept. a pensio�n shall be paid which shall be 38.1 units per , month payable a►onthlg. Change this to zead: : �\ Should the �e�er be disabled and incapac�.tated �o� service in the normai duties assigned by the Fire Dept. , , a pension shall be paid which shall be 34.9 units ger month payable �nthly. Explanation: At the present time, members gaing of€ on lst cl.ass disability pension, i.e., being unable to perform Fire Dept_ duties by reason of doctor's orders or medical reasons reeeivea $33.Od per �nth less than full service gension. - ,��� ,� , �,� "Exhibit A" Article VII, Sick Relief and Aisability Pensions, Section 3, now reads: Should the member be disabled and incapacitated far servic� in the normal duties assigned by the Fire I7ept. a pension sha].1 be paid which shall be 38.1 units per month payable monthly. Change thi.s to read: Shouid the me�ber be disabled and incapacitated for, service in the normal duties assigned by the Fire Dept.,. a pension shall be paid which shall be 39.9 units ger month payable inonthly. Explanation: At the present ti.me, members going aff on lst class disability pension, i.e. , being unable to perform Fire Dapt. duties by reason of doctor's orders or medieal reasons received $33.00 per month less than full service pension. . . . . � ����p. F.(i1 . V "Exhibit A" Article VII, Sick Relief and Disability Pensions, Section 3, now reads: Should the member be disabled and incapacitated for service in the no�mal, duties assiqa�d by the Fire Dep-�. . a pensian shall be paid which shall be 38.1 uizits per month payable monthly. : Change this to read: � \ Shonld the mesrbe�r �ae disabled and incapacitated for sernice in the normal duties assic�rted by the Fi�ee Dept. ,. . a gensia� shall be ,paa.d whiciz `shal.l be 39.9 units p�r month payable monthly. Explanation: At the present time, me�nbers goinq off on l.st class disability pension, i.e. , being unable to perform Fire Dept. duties by reason of doctor's orders or medical reasons received 533.00 per month less than full service pension. R' '►'S',y r`� ���'���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ACCOUNTING + MEMORANDUM � MAR � 19?7 T0: Robert Sylvester � COUNCiL PRESIDENT FR: Robert Trudeau ^ RO�ERT SYLVESTER � RE: Attached resolution amending the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association by-laws. DATE: March 7, 1977. In addition to the above I am submitting to you a letter from Kenneth W. Lindberg, Hewitt Associates, showing the effect of the by-law amendment to be $15,267 for 1977. I recommend approval. cc: Thomas Gelbmann , Andrew Margl Gary Norstrem Attach: Resolution Hewitt letter RWT/je 109 City Hall, Saint Pau I Minnesota 55102 � 1 ; � i Hewi�fi Associates February 21, 1977 Mr . Thomas A. Gelbmann St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association Fire Station No. 22 225 Front Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 Dear Tom: The preliminary results of the January 1, 1977 actuarial val- � uation for the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association are as follows : Accrued Liability $53 ,600, 950 Assets 8,133, 998 Unfunded Accrued Liability $45,466, 952 Normal Cost $ 1,671, 365 Li�.Ci DVL V�„+. Vi D�.�a�� L'iV��/..7.,1..V .._ � Contribution Equal to Normal Cost Plus Interest on the Unfunded Accrued Liability if Made on: January 1, 1977 $ 3,836,458 . December 31, 1977 4 ,028,281 The additional December 31, 1977 contribution needed to in- crease the disability benefit from 38 .1 units to 39. 9 units is as follows : 1108 First National Bank Building,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55402 6t2l339-7501 General Office: Deerfield,Illinois 60015 Atlanta • CAicago • Dayton • Los Angeles • Milwaukee • New York • San Franclse:o • Stamtord • Toronto Hewitt Associates ��"�"�� Mr. Thomas A. Gelbmann -2� February 21, 1977 Increase in Annual Contribution Active Members $ 9, 916 Retired Members 5,351 Total $15,267 If you have any questions about these estimated costs, please let us know. Sincerely, HEWITT SSOCIATES , �� Kenneth W. Lindberg KWL:ml cc: �Ir. Andrew Margl �/Mr. Rab�rt Trudeau