268736 WHITE — CITV CLERK � (� � � �*� c• PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council -L �k CANARY — DEPARTMENT /�Q��� BLUE — MAVOR File NO. Fe P cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the appointment of Ella Thayer to the position of Secretary to the mayor is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Ho�� In Favor Hunt Levine � _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco � Adopted by Co i : Date ��� 1 � 19 Form App ved b Cit ttorney Certifi�d'� by Co ncil Secretary $Y � g•; v y`----' �. Appro y Mayor: Dat � M� � 7 �9�- Appro ed by Mayor for Submiss' to C BY gy r pUBLISHED MAR Z 6 19� i ������ R E S U M E Ms. Ella J. Thayer Office Address : Office of the Mayor 824 Grand Avenue - #4 347 City Eall Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55105 Saint Paul, Minnesota 612 226-6359 551�2 612 298-4323 Height: 5' 2° Date of Birth: 12/30/43 Weight: 105 lbs. Marital Status: Single Hair: Blonde Eyes : Blue Health: Excellent Education Graduate of North Saint Paul High School, 1961. University of Minnesota, Extension Division: Two sequence courses in Introductory Composition American Government and Politics Introduction to Literature Efficient Reading Fundamentals of Real Estate Practice Business and Society Work Experience July, 1961 to March, 1967: Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company 345 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Held the following positions: 1. Clerk Typist, Group Sales Department 2. File Clerk 3. Loan Verifier, Policy Loan Department 4. Audit Clerk, Report Audit Division 5. Secrctary to the Director of Professional Sales March, 1967 to Dec. , 1973: Saint Paul Housing & Redevelopment Authority Northwestern National Bank Building 55 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 During my tenure with the HRA, I held the position of Secretary to the Rene�aal Director (see attacYied job description) . ' Ella Thayer ��- `� Page 2. M. ��9..'� . A . The Renewal Director was directly responsible for all aspects of urban renewal related to planning, design, real estate, rehabilitation and project administration. Dec. , 1973 to July, 1974: Relocated to A�pen, Colorado where I held secretarial positions on a temporary basis as follows: 1. Aspen Construction Company. 2. Young Services (clerical temporary place- ment agency) . 3. Tineberline Book and Poster. July, 1974 to Aug. , 1975: Saint Paul Housing and Redev�lopment Authority Northwestern National Bank Building 55 East Fifth Street Saint Paul�, Minnesota 55101 From July, 1974 to November, 1974, I assisted in setting up and organizing an office to conduct a land sales campaign on Saint Paul 's West Side. I assisted in contacting local developers for participation in the project and in organizing their displays. I inter- viewed, provided detailed information to, and accepted applications from prospective buyers, as well as performing all clerical functions. From December, 1974 ta August, 1975 I per- formed secretarial duties, under the direction of Willard K. Dodge, then Director of Community Services, for the City-Wide Citizen Participation Office. My responsibilities included assisting the � citizens of Saint Paul by scheduling and . notifying approximately 400 people of ineetings, taking notes and disseminating the information to those 400 people, documenting pertinent information for the records, advertising in all local newspapers, and obtaining data as requested. The objective of the program was to establish a structure acceptable to City Council which would allow maximum citizen input in local government, specifically as related to the Community Development Program (a Federally funded program) . This effort resulted in the establishment of l? neighborhood. districts and a formal process for recognition of district neighbarhood councils which are becoming close].y involved in all glanning and development activities in their sections of the City. � Ella Thayer c� �Q pa ,(��7�°?� ge 3 Aug. , 1975 to Nov. , 1976: Office of the Mayor: City Administrator 365 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55T02 As Secretary to the City Administrator, I was responsible for the daily office operation and supervised two clerical employees. The City Administrator reported directly to the Mayor and his staff was responsihle for monitoring activities of the City Planning Office, the Community Development Office, and the Budget Director's Office; as well as overseeing the daily operatian of city government. My primary responsibility was managing an efficient and well organized office. To this end, I revised the filing system, instituted and monitored general office grocedures, conducted independent research, and compiled documentation for various reports and source lists. I gained extensive knowledge of the City's operations through daily contact with all sixteen degartments and offices. i � . ����p�'� ti� � � CO.Y.FI�ENTIAL HOUSING AND REDEVELOPr c�TT AUT:iORITY OF THE. CITY Or SAI`T.PAUL, �;I:i�;ESQie�, EMPLOYEE APPRAISA.i. FOF.�•1 . . � � Probationary Rating � An�ual Appr�isal g , � peciai AppraisaL N�ne of Eaployee � Position Title Class and Sd:.ary f..� � C. � ' l� / �r�- q 1 `(��f�.�J �(."�'.�j�:.I;.`Z !.1 R%/�V �4 s G 1✓j � l. � "� �! ,�LI�C � .,J C.;`./lG':\ •l �..��C„� � - � ..l.''_ d . Organization Months Supervised Rating �2riod � n �. � �i �'s.v ;' ?;,'�;r[ �(F/c�(•J i e tv�M . FroW To �C.. � �i !"".' ''J. 7' � C. V!( � �" ,3 1 • �1 !_? �� �U`�n ' � (�ci 1, , �75 t � > � � c°�„�, � m o cr, a c� c� � 'C3 3d JJ rl L y },� a O. � u C! O cU _A. ? H E� cnw � d � :'�esSU:�.'�'u.:�T Q'r 1�;::i'rOti,�iivC�: ' �';` (Supervisor should insert at least tko �easures of perforaaz�e f�o� the employLe's Jeb Descri��icn and ir.s�r� the� :�ere.j � � i --------� �.-. � � --------__�.______ ,�f�, { ��c� r�Z"/ACt�e.% �• ' 3 �r�+�3t^�� C�� �L:f�K.;`i!',...��t � i.t i. s —_._. — . x : ` . . � J r�` 2. � � a � � J• ,�GCL�RACY r,i� Up.LI�' OF WGRI� - Consider such taings as the �z4P��Ye�`s thoruu�,hne�s, accuracy, neatness and orderliaess of work �E� assf n:nentr�. �r � �. "i` ' `r.. iPI�L�UCTTVE:IESS - The quality or state of co�pleting or accomplishing 'wor�. i� D. i��G'.1L:E�7GE OF WORK - Knowle3ge gained through experience, general education s ecialized traiain , and s ecial sources of information. � E. �.B?L�T'� t0 �,r��:{ C^?r.;g ,*,'�.:^CISIQ��� - A`aility to get a1�zg with ar!ci foilow s�:pervisor's instr+�ctions, to Eccept cor_structfve criticisr, ar.ci to a3iu�t to c':an�3n condi�ions. �� r DEP�N'DABILITY - Ccnsider �he ability to do required assign��elts �aith a �iniwu� oi supervision and the ability to assure conpletion � and conformance with instr�ictions, dezdlines, rocedures 2a�;�clicies. � G. ��SE�;TFETS:i - Co^sidtr the era�loyee's r2cord on t5� ability to be � 7ress:�t when sxpected for work, neetings, or any scheduled 3ppointnents. ' CARDI:v�,�S -. Conside: the employee's record on the abiiity to be on =i�;� for work, appoin�.;,ents, �eetings and also th� �isuse o:. cofs:ee � 7rea�s and lu„ch bre�4s be•�ond the allotted time. H. ':�ILITY TO WORIC WITH OTHERS - Abilitq t� work and cooperate with �r �eIZQw_e�plo;r�es and pecple of various econamic ar.d social back rounds. �� , _ � �� > i � � ca �� , _ ������ b � y � a�i � � Gl O+ C ae u p � . z ►-�+ � m w d 6 I, ' � , , _'�.:3LIC T:�CT r�D �ZrLO'�i�CY -�Ability to �eet and deal skillfull.y wi�h _he ublic. x J. 'RI��i'TY TO SL'?E�i,'TSE OTH�P,S - Ccns:.c_r the supervisor's ability to � ��lega[e, organize, a*�d diract th� �::ork �f oth��r�. ThP �1,;t i r� t� � �Lr�� �btain the cooperation and res�ec� oz those woricin g unde r h in. (i f # �o licable � K. . 3L'PERVI50RS ATs:, i0 nE RAT�,D AS TO T'r';.IR t�rORTS r1.tiD P.�SULTS WI'TH RE- rv �� _.�� T�J FiiL:IL�.i.:G T'c: OBJ`:;��'I'J.�S Gr :�i� AFrIR`��?TItTE rC�IO:: P�„�_'V. ' Z. - - . .. ¢ . � � -`ITIATIVE - T�icing a:.tion witazout specific instructians, wi!s�ng,ess� � and ability to act ir_de�er.d�r..:.I.y ��nd effectively in the_absence of � x -:�struction. ,r :._ - ':;D�R'tiT - Th� selection of the best soerce of act�or:: k �. � _3ZLITY TO ?L."r3 �:::J O�Ga,7IZi i�QD�C - Consiuer thE ability to ' �chedule, plan, and arraage work in the order of irn�crtance and � �� :eing able to avoid over�a� a.d unnecessary activities, and to -or{ with -the needs of the da art��_it. J. . __ :Q`�:*fE:vTS: ' � • � � ���"' `�L � V \; t � t 'i a f`•. 1 �j E':, � . . . _ .r.: ., . �n ,.:.� � v !'• i �1 t i C:'� �'t _ . �:�"T/:v t�5 S �:��C���� ` -- -.. _ :CO��;E..� Er:D OF SIX-MONTH PROT.3."�TiO.iP.P.Y P�RIOD yES Iv0 EXTENSI0�1 3TING SLT��fARY - N�EDS IMpROVE:tifENT SATISFACT�RY ``/' S IG"��i,c2r. �,�T�, ---, - � 1 I RATE7 SY: �� /1�? +' � � 3�S E}i�'LUY�� tSYPR�:IS�Ij, j�1S B".�.'.Eti DISCtiSStD WITH'i:E ' r f ��� f� � '4� Rr,VI:_.�r.IcD BY. , _ _ c ,.. i;`a.,. :�LOYEL ._SIG�A'T;JRE:_ _ f ' -;- � i' _-, ; � _ __.___AFPr.Ot'�� F�Y• DATE: :� _ - ;,- - \- . �I2/75 _ _ ------ -- -- ___. ___,_.�. Execurive Director �,,%�l:l 19/73 � - . � _ '._ ., � , �, . r�sxTxc,�: �r,:•:7��G ������ Ih'TL:�::�,L r:.T�.���= ' �____—>�`r.'C M r"7`^;�y � ` " . — � S�;�It):< <� :�,- -,>-•-�-+-:; . � �' � �'�. . .. W... -�..�..r...�.... ...+.�„ ...���_..�.� . . l,i:;�lil,L St:�-`ii:`f: $9,].GO - $11,�65 LOG.'�Tl�:.t Central Offi.ce - Co:�cu:�ity Servi.ces ,:�partr�ent Gr*.L'::: � • . ' : ' � TSASIC I'l':'.C°r?:C�,r� � � • Pezfor�s �eis^ra� cle:-;.ca1 sc;:crvi�ory fur.�tic�ns ovcr se=ected de:�art�:�n�al cTerk= _ steno�,����"sll:'_iS pY ClG��::�t�'�iSt:•. `�'u�_C uILC2 t3'uT.SC1 iCE'.. f�i'�_'tj:i.riCi A�tE3� an3 �c'i�:E.' CiiC�c''.L10:� . from a dict�tion b�?L. F'erfox•��� oi:ltcr ste�o�r�.p:�ic, tya�^;; 4nd filinb ciut�e�. }�++(�TT� ) /� �ti• . � . . � . •/'7 '� !���': � L:,•Jl.i•�l�J�u: f,'V:� L�. 1'v ..1.ilai.J. . . . . . ������� . . . . . lakes and tr2n�cribes shortY�an:l r.ot:es and tr�nscripti.a:i �f 3�.ctagh�ne machi.ne. . ' AbOVC'�:2VL'Ic^.`C! SECx.^.�CLL��.G:�. Sr:l�.�.;� i;?1'11?itiL?tP. SilOTt�i�i1C1 SFCG:a Oi •Pi� �•?OY'CZS FC.'I; ili�.11U�A� r.iini�rlurv► ,typ3_r:� speecl of 60 t•:o•r.rj:: }scr. ,ninute ��:Ctt-iout err.�c��. ' M�turit}� in d�a�.i.r_? ���itl�� st�if persan.r.�l 4nd o:ot�lens a�<3 in ha:2�li.i�6 superviso-:y fliTlCt.lGil:a OVCI' dc2 artr^ent4�. C�.�]'I:°SrGT�O�,L"47'•.1C'_"tS iiY1Ct C1L'~Z"Z:}'Pj.StS. Coingetence i.r. ��.^,J.i.ri� �•iith call.�rs rnd ofxice vi.sitors; ahility to r:al.e routii�� c�ecisio-:. relaLirC C� sc►�era� oii:�.ce funciior�s. � � �:��rCvS�.VC'. .^-.0 l i:~ata�-Y er *.?2rI1 i!'!u ?D7.i j.t�' t0 or�an�2e acr.:� Ci?_7'eC�: a bti>(►Of_:t vi1 iC:L �•�r�.+:ai.i.:.. : ��i�h a I:1t11iiliL'�:I Q1 supes��i.s:;.o.z. � • DI)x'X�S A'r3D ;??Si',�?�;S7�iL�T7�F�: � : 1. Serves ras secreta�y far the Dcp�.rtm�nt o�: Co�.-s:,unit, �ervices. ?.: Supervi:,es ar,d trains cl�r2:-t�pi.si-. . • 3. Takes 4nd tr�nscr.�bes s�,art;iane notcs �ncl t�kes dic?t��t�u� fra:� a ciierati�z; L•�2t. .�4. rer.for�l�s- a�i:eX �TCr.era� �f:�110;i'�..)�?l.C� tyj�illn, 811C� �1�:_T10 lit1t1C5 cS assi.�ned, :.11•.^.�.'.�iit:': but not l�ic�ted to fil:e follo-�:ii�o: � a. Tyni.n� r:�lc asse:::�lin� o` rePorts. b. 'ly�-a.i��; oi s<,:ati::�ic�:l :�:� t�:`�ul�r _ ' in�o,-�::�ti.o:�► ;-c.•c.:�:�ri.�:; ,;T•�.._ accer:cy. c. Gcnc:ral iile r.:�iti�e:l�nce,. S. 11C1�� C:? OCC�ilC�P.� t:0 v1CCi: i:T.IC��A� •:iC��CC`?3 C�:ZI.CTS� lii:��CS 11)�)Ol�lii:?CI:t:S� l::�tllt�'i:'!}1 Vc71�.UU:i C'Cii�::t1?�CZI�'L't�. ��011 C1 O1' hlOCC'.::ltl ZL i:i:I1L1a11.S u:Ci RS c^.11 a'iZd lil L�1C C�C?VE'iU�ti::.'.il�' of cleric��l oE:cr.;ti�.•-; prc�:�d�:�-�:s. G. P�r,':o�:i.�s otl�c:;- duti_e� as II4:i7.^,iled by Chc llirc:cCor oLL Co.�aiunity Servicc:s. � _ . ,-�.%� ' � F�� . � � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . � . � . . . . . . j. ,�P�SI'tIO:; Ui'J:?:II:G: SEttIOi�-SLE:�n,^�1'.:Yi13�:i� III _ _ �s����� ' PA�E 2 . . . � � I�Sr.G5i1T'��i�.I�:T Oi' ^''��C):'�•:,�.;:C;. . � 1 T! ZE�J P/t�tTL u/'n��.�r c�"F'c�.� 1. Function�n� of- the clerical procedures of the 6r.ut��� e�fict-e=-=-�3e-Q��+�m.�.y � • „ n.. . ,. � . �.,cz�=sse,�--u..�:Tc:�z-"-c-.:v�.rti, � . . . . - � � � � . . • - • . 2. Qualxty �z:zd q�:�r.tity oi �:ork procluced by tho�e undet Che senioz-�tenoorapher�s . � direcC su,�ervision. � 3. ' llbilit�• to t�ke sizorthand at a conversational spe�d af at. Ieast £0 words per minutc. . • <<. I`�t,ility to tyge error free nat less than 6�J •.:*�rds ger niYi��te. S. Ability to oror,nize an1 i::a�.ntain files. : � . : 6, �ccur.acy, ca:::�letenes�, neatness �i1d prom�tness of z:�k. • 7. Pleasat�t, thou�h firri, in the �iandli;�� of callers. . 8. 6�biliCy to iO110Z7 grioriries f:nd, ta�en nece:ssary, ss�inn o�m �pzicrities to han�le t�orl:l.oad. � Tiie I:ousi_n� aiicl ;�;'_e�c�lop::�c:tt Au�,:hor�_t;r Fc�r.so,:ncl �olzcy ::iYd �,f-firr�uLi.�•e .".ct�on P?�:� �j1YA�•:Lli� tl'taY fl 1 1, mi� I `�i n�i •i ;.�I.i....o::�.e. :':..;.]. �.�.`. ' ..�t {. t . . • s _ .:1J.^. 4C:..^,'..'.:�;.s��vil a.C�I uu�J�G i..Li�i: �' . . — .. '; �. .. 1 1 . ) •1 LlteJ•. rcE�rn• Lo r.ace, creec3, eoic�r, sc:xLor i:�tioi?al ori�in. • , Interested perscns may cor.tsct the Person.nel Office, Uy 2•�'�, before Decer,.ber 2S, Z973. AYPRO�I�D: .:�r� r. �1..���`L,� / 2--m�;_f . . �3' - ' ,.. •� , � � Director of �Ac:�iuistration lla�te � �t`� . ' ?'r ..�� .� � �-� ��_ 73 . . � _�,C..�.�,1�. � �� . ' Fr� ��ecutive Director - Date � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITYOF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIP�NESOTA 12/3/73 POSITION OPENING �nte"rda�Y��elease SENIOR SECRETARY Annual Salary; $9,580 - $12,955 Location: Central Office - Renewal Director - Grade: 6 Desirable Qualifications: • ' Understanding of agency functions and role of various departments and divisions; ability to communicate effectively with agency personnel and the general public through both telephone and personal coatact; high level competance in secretarial skills including typing, shorthand, filing, etc. � � Duties and Respoasibilities: � 1. Determines duties, rnethods and priorities, and provides direction to department clerical and stenographic help. 2. Routes and direets incoming mail and other written communication, and mon�tors timeliness of response to such comruunication by other department personnel. 3. Initiates correspondence for activities consistent with established departmental procedural policy. . , 4. Takes dictation and types reposts, letters, memos, etc. 5. Maintains files. 6. Acts as receptionist and screens calls. 7. Maintains HUD manuals, handbooks and other publications. Measurement of Performance: � 1. Sufficiently knowledgeable in all phases of agenc}* and department operation to � ,� coordinate caork flow with the least am�unt of interruption and best use of time. 2. Ability to correctly determine importance and priorifiy of various matters to be brought to supervisors atL-ention. 3. Aceuracy, compleCeness, neatness aad promptness of work. 4. Timeliness in initi.atiug and monitoring correspondence, reports and documents consisY.ent with proUlems involved. 5. Abi.lit}� to organize� and maintain iiles. The llousing and Rede�rel.opmeu� Authority Personnel Po].icy and Aftirm3tive Action Plan p�-ovides that �11 qualif-ied applicants tai_1l. ieceive consi.deraLion for etnp�.oyment witl�out regard t:a race, creed, color, sex or national origin. � • • InteresLed persons may �ont��ct Donald Cosgrove or Allan I3locic by merna at tlie Centra� Office before �uesday, Deceinber 11, 1973. ' • 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 O1. Edward N,Helfeld,executive director. ph�ne298 52 18 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESQTA To Whom It May Concern: . January 4, 1974 P.e: Ella Thayer I have been associated w�.th Miss Ella Thayer for almost seven years. During that time Miss Thaqer has performed with efficiency, enthusiasm, creati_vity and good humor far beyond what might be expected from a comperent secretary. My collea�ues and I have been so impressed with Miss Thayer that we have over the past several years encouraged her to apply for administrative openings wi.thin the agency. Her departure will oe both. a professional and personal Ioss to those working with . her. Sincerely, l.�c+-a.,[51 � � - Edward N. Helfeld � Executive Director Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, William Konopatzki, Ruby Nunt, Donald P. Del Fiacco, Kenneth J. Lynch, Willie Mae Wilson �:",� .. Cheiiman � � CITY QF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' VINCENT M. COUGHLiN � PLANNING COORDINATOR December 13, 1973 ����� A � y R TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: '. I have been requested to provide an evaluation of the competency and professiona ! capabil"ities of Miss Ella Thayer. . For a six year period, between 1967 and 1972, P1iss Thayer acted in the capacity of my Executive Secretary during my 1-enure as Renewal Director for the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority. In order to appreciate the dimensions o-f the program which I a-dministered, it would perhaps be beneficial to provide you with a brief description of the Authority's activities. When I left the Authority 1-o assume my present position, the Renewal Department h�d a staff. of approxima-rely 150 persons. Th�s included attorneys, city planners, architects, realtors and engineers. Over- the past several years, the City of St. Paul has become nationally prominent as having one of the most progressive, imaginative and productive renewal programs in the country. Along with this high national ranking has come a commens��rate increase in the federal funding of our programs to the point where St. Paul now receives annuaily, and on a competitive basis with much larger, cities throughout the country, one of the largest annual federa I cap i ta I granl-s. ' For example, since 1969, St. Paul has received in excess of $50 million in Neighborhood Development Program capital grants--far in excess of such cities as Clevefand, Milwaukee, Cincinnati , Minneapolis and Detroit. During this period in which St. Paul 's program has dramatically expanded, Miss Thayer played an integral and vital part. Working in tandem wi1�h our professional staff, Miss Thayer has helped to pioneer many of the new programs whicf� have resulted in benefits and assistance to countless thousands of St. Paul 's residents. As a result of Miss Thayer's demonstrated competency and dedication, she has, over the past several years, been tended numerous offers to assume professional positions within the Housing and Redevelopment Authority which normally require � a B.A. degree as a minimum. In summary, Miss Thayer has consistently demonstrated a high degreP of proficiency, reliability and dedication. I would not hesitate to recommend her as a person of outstanding competence. • Yours very truly 7.��^ � �� ' . . �„�� �--a'�`--z 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Vincent M. Coughlin vM�:da (612) 298-4151 ,b5 tast Fitth 5ir��t, Sair�t i'aui, [V'iir�nesoia 551 O1. Ed�r���r� f��.Nel�elts,executive Gir�c�or.phot�e 29� ��. 18 , �,�'7a`?� �..�.: � HOUSING AN� REDEVE�OPiViEiJT AUThORITY ur �i-ir �I i r UC JNlfiIT i��,UL, i��ir'ue�i��v i N .6 d: To F.'hoin It May Cancern: , January 4, 1974 Re: Miss Ella Thayer . Since becoming P•enewal Director in December, 1972, it has been my pl�asure to work di_rectly with t�liss �lla Thayer, who has been Senior Secretary in the Renewal Depart- � ment for the past seven years. During this past year when I was her direct supervisor, I was gratified to Iearn that tYie favorable impressions of her capahilities which I had forr�ed during the previous six years were well faunded, Miss Thaqer is technically highly oualified (typing, shorthand, file retrieval, editi_ng, etc.) . However, she has brought much n:ore than technical skills to her job in the form of a genuine interest and knowledge of what is going on in the agency, an3 a sincere desire to help her colleagues and supervisor �o do i.i�eir �ous more effectiv�ly. She has syster�atized of�ice Procedures, �zganized material for my review in a thorough manner so as to conserve my time, anticipated my needs for materials and correctly established priorities, monitored the progress of other staff in completing assignments, screened and independently hanclled telephone calls, and in other similar ways has helped materially in the overall functioning of a 100+ employee department. � Al1 of her accomplishmeats have been achieved in a manner which has earned her the respect and genuine affection of other agency employees. She has successfully coupled dedi.cation, intelligence and hard warlc with a bright, lilcable dispositioa. Withaut reservation I can recomniend her for secretarial/administrative assistant er�ploymer�t, and would certainly rehire her should the opportunity arise in the future. Sincerely yours, ('����j'L���cL-c' �'Z'R�--- G� Donald W. Cosgrove Renewal Director Onrille E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, William Konopatzki, Ruby Nunt, Donald P. Dsl Fiacco, Kenneth J. Lynch, Willie Mae Wilson �^_�' Chaim,vrt _ � � __,