268730 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ���� PINK � -,FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAiT L �ANARV�- DEPARTMENT . � B4U£ � - MAVOR File NO• ;- � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council , pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, did hold a public hearing on March 15, 1977, in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the level of services of Street Maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against benefitted property; now, therefore, be it t�ESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Street Maintenance Services to be performed within the City o� Saint Paul shatl be in the r�anner as set forth and described in the attached repert of the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said report and shall , in accordance with said Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, k�ep an accurate record of all costs attributabte to the program and report such information to the Department of Finance and Management Services. � i /� t COU[VCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: , �_ Public Works - Operations Divi.Sion Hozza � In Favor � Hunt Levine Q _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester � Tedesco M� r , � �9� Form Approved b�Cit�Atto ey Adopted by C cil: � Date � � � Cert� �ed Pas y�cil S�cretary BY ' � � t � 3, � �� Ap o by Mayor: e � � 7 �9�� Approv by Mayor�Por Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED I��AP Z 6 1g�7 _ WNITE - CITY ClEF1K • COUflCIl ��y����, �� � PtNK -�F'INANCE G I TY OF � SA I NT PAU L •� C ANAR1i - DENARTMENT �-Ctl'� - MAYOR - ' " F�le �O• ' Council Resolution Presented By ��€���-�P��— Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date R£SOlVED. Thst in �ccordanco with thapter 2t of the Admtnistrattve �.. ,.w.... Code. ths Counctl of the Ctty oP St. Paul does hereby fi� l5th day af � _. .,.�-. , . _ _._._._._ Ka rch, 1977� i t3:{fQ o'cl ock in tho �ara i ng, as the da�e a� ah!cb the Cocuu 11 wili hold � p�bltc hearing fn the tity Cce�cit Cha�abers. SaTnt Paui. Minnesota, to constde�r th� tevei +af at�e�t �atntena�ce Lo be p�rfo�d in tt� tity of SatnL PaL1 1� 1977 aad tha oosts to be char9ed �gai�st ths ber�efttted property� and the City tlerk ts hereby directed to publlsh nottce of thls hcart� in the Legal Ledger t�ric�, the last pubiication being no tess Lhan or�e �ek prtor to the date of Lhe public hearing. COUIVCILI4EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays --�ntkr Publtc 1�orks - ilperatinr�s Dtvii�nn Hozza � In Favor �n� Levine __ Against BY "'R�oe�er Sylvester Tedesco , ��8 't 2 ��7T Form Approved by Clty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By . B�� _' . Approved b�� :Na��or: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B� -- BY — `����--'`-� ��� �-�,.,: ,�: • ", ��'���i � ' � ' �i��j; �i '�,� � `� _'� '`4 . �eA q'', 2 t;. �T� �!;�,, � (�-i�� �'. � .. ��� i ' ! X(. i�* �-� 4 r;� �: { �'n-. �'r ;,,' 1 \,�- tpt . ��..�•��': �"�", t ,'.� Y . i... �j 3� �4�.. �.��=j �` ' ;µ�!� d"1 V�� Y�f" . � � ' (}* �� :T � . . � , , � ���`��0 �6g�6�� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL February 11 , 1977 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD DIRECTOR Honorable George Latimer , Mayor of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall BUILDING Oear Mayor Latimer: Re: 1977 Street Maintenance Program Attached are appropriate Resolutions establishing the date of the City Council public hearing and the approval of the 1977 Street Maintenance Program. Attached also is a detailed description of the proposed program. The proposed 1977 budget is $3,675,000 an increase of $160,000 over the 1976 budget. The increase is financed almost completely through additional Municipal and County State Aid Funds which have increased because of a greater Minnesota state gasoline tax. The proposed front foot assessment rates for all types of property and all street classifi- cations are identical to tg76. A slight increase in revenue from assessments is anticipated because of a slight increase in assessable feeX, We feel the proposed increase of just over 4% will provide the same program and be equal to the inflation caused by increased salaries and higher cost of material and equipment. The actual program is almost exactty the same as 1976. The major change is that there will be no street oiling in 1977. The $260,000 appropriated for oiling in 1976 will be s+�ritched to a sealcoating program on the older paved residential streets. The reduced street cleaning schedule initiated in 1976 would be continued. We would appreciate the prompt processing of the attached documents to enable the City Clerk to publish the advance hearing notices in the newspaper and be ready for the proposed Council public hearing on March 15, 1977. Sincerely, . � � ��� � Daniel J. D nford Director of Public W rks ' ,,s RGP:ddr �.� � Attachments • , �., . , �� � �`. c�- r 1 \ I I J� � 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102