268727 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII PINK - FINANCE G I T OF SA I NT PALT L t � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. ������� -= �� C �il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� That pursuant to Section 231.05 of tha Salnt Paul Legisiativs Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approvsd Decemb�r 1, 1970) pertaining to rogulatio�s for the ad,justing of sawer se�vic: cha�ge:, and upon the recomnendation of the Departm�nt of Public Works and approval of the Bosrd of Watar Commissioners, the Councit of the City of Saint Psul does ha roby cartify that b�cause of partiai dive�sion of their totsl water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary Sawsr System, the below listed firms hav� justifiable reason for appiication of an adjustment to their sewe� servtce charges as leviad: (in accordanct witfi Resolution, Council File No. 268340, approvad January 6, 1977 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That a full or partisl refund of paid sawer ssrvice chsrges, based upon these adJustments, shali be refu�ded from the "Sawa� Service F�d" and shall be tn the following sm�unts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Otympia Brewing Co. JAcN 1977 S 60,944.58 722 Pay�e Avenue 55165 Hoernar Waldorf Corp. - JAN 1977 S 2.799.93 2550 Wabash Ava�ua 55114 Jacob Sch�idt Brewing Co. JAN 1977 S 2,35a.81 882 W. Seventh Street 55102 Gold Medal Beverage Co. JAN 1977 S 524•18 P.o. Box 3466 55165 American Bakeries Co. JUL-OEC 1976 $ 441.20 P.O. Box 3Z31 55165 Burlington Northern, inc. DEC 1976 - �� 1977 $ 372.50 176 E. Fifth Street Room 132 55101 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt - Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by ity ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 1Vlayor: Date Appr v d by Mayor for bm' s�on to Council gy By WHI`TE - CITV CLERK COUIICll ����� I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLVE -MAVOR �� ��' File N 0. , . �-"� Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - Page Two - NAME ADDRESS TIMiE PERIOD AMOUNT St. Paul Dispstch b Pionee� Press JAN 1977 � 189•63 63 E. Fourth St�aet SS101 la�d 0'lakes, Inc. JAN 1977 S 89•01 415 Grove Streat 55101 Mr. Terrenca lynch 1976 S 52.96 305 Toronto st�eet 55102 Fi nt National Bank of St. Paul FEB 1977 $ 37•41 w-1752 ist Nat'1 . Bank Bldg. 55101 Central Warehouse Co. JIW 1977 5 35•0�+ P.o. Box 3456 55101 Gross-Giv�an Manufacturing Co. FEB 1977 S 32•31 76 Piato Bivd. 55107 COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �tler- � Publ i c Works Hozza [n Favor Hunt � oedler Against BY � Dantel J unford a�rers Sylvester (�� � T�tsto p'' MAR � 0 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun ' . Date Certifie asse by��ouncil Secretary, BY B Appr e y Mayor: Date � � 4 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAR 19 1977 ar� �a.: �.��x9�� � � Rev. �. 9l�/:75 � � �� EXPL�NATION CF ArP�iI�;T�T�ZATIVE ORDERS, � � " RESQLUTIONS, AND C�R�Sidr�.�ICES . � � � ���;� � Date: February 23. .1977 � i i T0: MAYnR GEQRGE LATIMER ' ; El�: DANIEL J. Dl�lFORD, OIRECTOR OF PUBIiC WORKS � � FtE; Refunds of SEWER SERVICE CNARGES j . . • . . . . . . . . � � ACTIQN REQtiEST.�;D: Refund Sea�ver Servic� Chargas from Sewer Service fw�d PURPOSE AND. RATIONI�ILE FOR THI� ACTION: investigation has datarmined that certain volwnes of �vater which ware �ssessed a s�+rer ssrviu charg� did not, in fsct, enter tha s�ita�r s�rar system and that psym�t o� the chargss on thass v�ulumes should F�s refu�ded. ATTAGt�MENTS: 1. Councii Resolution �- 2. Board of Water Coa�misstoners' Resotutio� Rscomn�nding Rsfunds. � �� �� ' ' ' LITY OF ST. PAUL No._ ���� - OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �c r� � RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM '�L���`2�, PRESENTED BY S� ��► �3, 197T COMMISSIONER - DATE �BOLVEa, That �Eha &�ard of Ws�r Qoao�i�sio�ert htreby' atppsrovAs �h� rec�ommse�datioa o� Bic�srd I�,� Wl�eeler, �rieta�lt �iree�Lor aad City • �+ngin�er, D�par�t ai� Public 1�cucic�, in his lstf,s�c ot �'ebrua�ry► 2�s �97�' : to �u Boa� t�at �h3.1 or p�artisl rat1�►dr oi.�ai.d S� ��l.os t3�rr�sa b� gs�#�d a�r lis�ed ia t2xs le�t�r; ea►i.d r�!'�mdr t�► b� �I.e tro� �h�e ":��r�laa� Servi.o� �tmd". : Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays $�nd4 Syl��st� _ F�braar� 2� 19s 7Z 91c� Pr�sidait '�hcepsou In favor 3 Opposed � SECY. ��'�-'� .