268726 WH17E - CITY CLERK COUIICII ^'�\% R .`+.'�V PINK - FINANCE TT CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA ll L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The Board of Water Commissioners by its Resolution No. 2636 adopted February 23� 1977� approved and authorized the conveyance of a sanitary sewer easement ov.er property owned and used by the Water Board to the City of Centerville� and the said Board has requested that the City Council concur in this conveyance; now� therefore� be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the proposed conveyance of sanitary sewer easement to the City of Centerville and the proper City officers be and the same are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Deed of Easement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � B Hozza _„� In Favor SAINT PAUL Levine � Rcedler � Against BY � Syl�r lmer A. Huset� G neral Manager r.�' ut Hunt � � Q 19n Form Approved by ity torne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas y Council Secretary BY � Appr ve y Mayor: Date IIAR 1 d �9� App ed by Mayor for b i ioli to Council By BY Qu� ►sHEO MAR �. 9 1977 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. 2636 _ — OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ���7� RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMMI55 ONER SY1veQter _ DATE February 23� 1977 RESOLVED WHEREAS� The Citq of Centerville has contracted to construct a sanitary sewer to serve the City� and a portion of this sawer will be constructed on Board of Water Coamissioners property� and WHEREAS, The Citq of Centerville requests that the Board grant permanent conatruction ease- ments and temnorary construction easements on Board property for the proposed sewer� and WHEREAS� The Board staff has prepared the attached Agre�ent to protect Board rig,hts and interests in said property and whicte grants certain temporary and permanent easements to the City of Centerville� and WHEREAS� The Board staff does reconen�nd that the Board of Water Ca�nissioners approve and execute said Agre�aent� NOW� THffitEFORS BE IT RESOLVED� Z1iat the said Agreement is hereby approved and that the proper officera of the Board be suthorized and hereby directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Board� and BS IT FURTHER RESOLVID� That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul be requested to concur in such execution of the Agregment. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Sands Sylveater — Fgb�� �3 19 z 77 Vice President Thompson In favor—�_ Opposed 0 SECY. �'-''3 � Ol� 0 3.: i�f 3.9°7`S� R�v. :. }�'8-/76 . EX��A�IATIC?N. 0�` ADMINISTR2�2IVE' QADERS, RESC7LUTI0 r AND. 4RDINANCES� . . . ri�.�.�.rw��i��i�w�i � . . .. ������yr . � . . DSt�: March 1� 1977 , � . ` Tp.: MAYOR GEQRGE LATIMER FR: BLMER A. HUSET� GENERAL MANAGER� ST. PAUL WATER UTILITY r/ RE: COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR EAS�IENT CONVEYANCE . * �1CTI4N RE4UESTED: Action approves the conveyance o£ sanitary sewer easement to the City of Centerville. PUR,POSE" AND RATIONALL' FOR TFiIS ACTIONs The easement is for a new sanitary sewer to be constructed by th� City of Centerville across Board.of Water Commissioners right-of-way within the Citq of Centerville. ATTAC�MENTS:: • 1.} Board Resolution No. 2636 2.) Proposed Council Resolution , �� W �!� �