268725 WHITE — CITV CLERK COUIICII (� � PINK — FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L x CANARV — DEPARTMENT File NO• ��` ,� � . BLUE — MAVOR � —�lIZTT�' n"�_ RETURN COPY TO VA =o� B� o ci� Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that the praper City officials are hereby autharized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of St. Pa.ul,, an application to the Sta.te of Minnesota for the conveyance of certain tax fox�eited lands for use by the City of St. Paul for Park and Playground purposes; a description of the tax forfeited l.a.nd is as follaws: West 30 feet of follcywing: Comanencing at a point on the Ea.st Line of the Sauthwest One�ua.rter (SW4) of the Northea.st One-Q,uarter (1�,�—�)� 270.84 feet Prom the Northeast corner thereof; thence West at right angles 283.70 feet; thence North 392.68 feet to the ce�rter of Stillwater Averna.e (Nc�r Ames Avernze); thence Westerly along sa.id center line to Orchard Street (nohr Germa.in Street) as platted i.n Hillside Pa.rk Add.ition; thence South to C.St. P. M. & 0. Ry. right-of way; thence Easterly along said right-of wa.y to East Line of aforesaid SoutYn�rest One�$uarter (SW4) of the Northeast One-Quarter (NEu) section; thence North to beginning� (sub3ect to seFrex easement), in �..-Section Twerrty-Seven (27), Ta�wnship Twenty-Nine (29), -'� Range Twenty-Two (22). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �e�rrler � Fina.nce gement Services Hozza � [n Favor Hunt �/ irector Levine �CJ _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester 'Fed�e�ed � � fl �n Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by C i Date Certif Yas by C cil Secretary BY 1 � �n Appr e y A�layor: Date Appr ed by Mayor for S mi si�on to Council By BY PuBUS3�E� MAR 1. 9 1977 :SD FOlt 7a.c - 6887Z-300-5�74-0(1. 717—mir APPLICATION DY GOYERNI•fENTAL SUBDIVISION FUR CONHEYANCE OF TAX-FORFEITED LANDS Under Minnesota Statutes, Sec4ion 282.01, Subdivision I. In the 1lntter of the .apPlication ��j���.� of_ City of Saint Paul " a Government:tl Subdivlsfon, for a Conveyan�;e of Certain Lands. Comes now The City of St. Paul a tnunicipal corporation Iti�me of suDdivision A�I(I R11Bp05: � i. Tnac applicant is a (g� municinal cor�orati_on, in Ramsey County, State of Minnesota 2. That (b) Attached hereto is a resol�it;on of th _ ('itar (!rnm�il nf thP r.;+� of St. P3L11_ for a.cdi�i ai .i on of .h 1 .nd h rPi naftPr APSrrih A_ 3. That there is sit�iaLed in Lhe County of Ramsey ,cercai� Lax-forfeited lan�f describe�i ns follows: (c) SEF ATTltC:L4IENT 4. That sald lands are (d) Necessar and desirable for Park and Play rnund oses. Sackett Pla ound Expa.nsion) 5. That applicant desires to obtain said land for the following purposes anc� reasons: (e) ' To be used for Park and PZav�round purposes. • (Sackett Plav�round Expansion) Kfierefore applicant prays that said lands be conveyed to it for the use stated herein. � City of Saint Pa.ul sy ics Ma.yor and Its City Clerk and Its Director, Dept. Fir�znce & Mgt. Ser. SfATE OF AfINNESOTA ) ' ) sa COUNTY OF � Ramsey � George Latimer, Rose Mix and Roger A. Mattson each being first dult• swor�iseE�or"o�5P1'IIBriC@ for himself, that they are respectively the MavOT &YId City Clerk an� & M�t. Services of the Citv of St. Paul . � thnt. they have rend Uie foregoing application and know the contents thereof; and that the mntters stated Lherefn are teue. ' Subscrlbed and swo�n to before me this day of , 19_ Notary R�blic, County, Mlnn. A(y Commission Expires � (al $tate facts relacive to legal organizatioo. Ibl State facts showin� au:�orization of acquisition of land h�reinalter described, by resolution af goveroing body or by coters, as the case may require, attaching copies o: resolucions, if aay. lel SAow oamr of Go��eromental aubdivisioa in w�ich land is sitnated. ' Idi DescriDe oature ot laads, use of surr^unCiug propertp and other similar facts. Ie► Give statement as to the specific use to Ge ;nade of sucA laads. - ����9 : �f,�,"�,1 � ) ; �� v�„� ;, �a �� �� � �� � F � -�j/�t/� , iry. �`�.,:5 �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' i DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ; Y DANIEL ). DUNFORQ DIRECTOR � February 2, 1977 • � � � � , � ; i � Mr. Roy E. Br�dah 1, J r. Asst. Valuations Engineer Valuations Bureau Room 286 'City Ha11 BUILDttdG Re: Tax forfefted tand: Part of NE� of Sec. 27-2Q-22 adJacent-Germain St. south of Ames Ave. �. Dear Mr. 5redahi : This Department has comoleted a review of the referenced parcel concerning our present or future interests. k�e would have no obJectton to the retease of this parcel provided . that any transaction must acknowledqe the sewer easement . located across said parcel and as desc�ibed in Document No. 1750616. � Very truty yours, �`%!'��,��r�/J � . . Thomas J. Ega Office.Engineer TJE/RAH/mkb 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 : � '- ��� �; ' �� � i ,� �;�, p ,�'`: � ;, �,4 .✓ �z�� � ~ . ����7�5 � ,�, -,� �n. � `_�Y� / `�-�:�.:�; G � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � DEPARTMENT OF pUBLIC WORKS { DANIEL J. DUNFORD � , Ja�uary 12, 1977 DIRECTOR � . • , � Mr. J. William Donovan � Valuations Engineer Room 286, City Nall i � [ Dear Bi 11 : ; i � Public Works has been asked by the Community Services Department to k provide a topographic map and a boundary survey for Sackett Playground located near the Roosevelt Nomes site. A property description for the � parcel the playground occupies contains several miscellaneous descriptions. It appears to me that this would be the time to clean up said description by platting this parcel , since most of the parcel is unplatted land. z A problem exists on the westerly boundary of said property. The adjoining property on the westerly boundary dedicates a 30 foot strip for Germain Street. Should we dedicate another 30 feet adjoining the piayground or should the original 30 feet be vacated and the playground boundaries be extended to the centerline of the formerly proposed Germain Street. As you know, to plat said property an up-to-date abstract is required : and until we resolve the Germain Street problem, we cannot order that abstract. Please take appropriate action and return your recommendation regarding � Germain Street so that the platting can proceed. ' Yours very truly, i :�-dy�.a���'L��-�-- ' i Donald E. Ernster � Chlef Surveyor ; i DEE:th i r cc: Russ Narju, HRA � John Wirka, Pa rks ; Joe Koenig � • � Attach: Copy of survey � F t ) i 234 City HaII, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �O �� � � � � . `���"��`�fi'�"�'""""""� CITY OF SAINT F�AUL � «�' ��"�� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ., q:.. �... �..... .._.� � CITY PLANNING .�,,�:��a3 ��G GQ+,�h, `�y�-�u°�°�M�*�'�°�� DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR ,.�- � �'�.�<<�° �, May 21 , 1976 � � � `r,��� ���`I�5 �- ,�'` � .> Mr. J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer Department of Finance and Management Services 286 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear Mr. Donovan: During the process of alTocating Corr�nunity Development Revenue Sharing Funds, the City and neighborhood identified a need for an off-street parking lot for the Sackett playground. Heavy traffic caused by the intense use of the playing fields, combined with the curve in Ames Avenue, pose a danger to pedestrian movement, especially to srrall children. The Design Section of the Division of Parks and Recreation finds that is not possible to have both an adequately sized parking lot and playing fields on the existing playground lands but that an adequately sized parking lot could be built adjoining Ames Avenue and the playing fields moved to the south onto vacant, tax forfeit, State owned land which, at one time, was to be right-of-way for Highway 212. Would you initiate proceedings to secure a use deed so that the property may be used for park purposes. A property description and location-map are attached. Securing the use deed this summer will enable needed work to be done this fall and next spring and a11ow use of the new fields during the 1977 season. Sincerely, � . Donald L. Spaid DLS:cbc cc: Robert Kessler John Wirka Attachments 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 �o White — City Clerk V I T�i �� �.7E�.I N T l,t��Ti Pink -- Financa DopL Can»ry— Dept. OFF•'IGE OF T�IE MAY013 . l� nW,�F,,�;: ccpY �o �T�r���,�zorr No: ��` �' �3�� "T 33Lt;'��. .ti ADM1NI51'�ZATI�'� OKDER ..,. � �:.- � : �, a �� .�..._....__ �; . z_a..,...�.�.::.� �...,, . r': t Date: ;� � ;'�� � �� �; � -�; •�-;., — r * .. ����.,,r�t . .�'e...�. .. , ..... . r.,. � �A � AI�MINISTRATIVE ORDER, ����� - � T� De�t��nt aY k'xnance and 2�ian��e�nt 5�x�cric�s is h�reby di�ecte� t� init��.ts c�n bea€�I.fa c� �he CT�;{ o� Sa�nt 2'�ul an applicatio� to tt� 5��.�� c�F Atiz?n�s�ta, �c�x tY� conu�y�.r�ce c�f ta� ��r�'�i'�ed �n�3s �ti�i:hY�ll.d �`r�a sale �ar �e as 1''ark and PI�y�r;r,arid pur�os��. Th�xe is n� cost i� �ecvriz�g the sub ject u�e estaf.e d��d. APPROVED AS T,O FORM � ��� � �` � ,__.-.-- - ; ,;,' �-.-' 1 -.; � ; � � ;' .��l,���� .� ..���_ Assist,ant_ 1Sy�Att�rney Department Head ,� - ,<. --rl 41_ �. � , Fitaa�nce �nd D�ar�e�nent Servic.�s .. .._...,� ; ,-' - . 1 �f i .-� ; � ��' , , , � `'� .r' �. ' ' /f ;-fx ,�i% %,�' D�ltO `...._.r-'"� -{ .t' k .. �;.r-.__.-- �,%` Administrative Assistant to Mayor . �' � . v3ewed: �_ Y ADDITION: �.S�eilaneous� 5ection 27 LOT: 29 BLK: 22 WARD: 2 - for 1ega1 description see aver , , � . , , . ' � - - - - a2- � o .-- I LOCATION: . - IISE: WithY:eld for Street, Park Dept.' p3�yground, Housing -. ��, Auth. & St2te Hiway ,�i/ctrl-T'� .;,.f, �,�, —/ Street Allev Assessor's Graded Platted NOTICE N0: _ ��5�_ F & T Value_ Paved Graded Curb Paved FORFEITED: 2/26/37 y�d: l� , S'walk Sewer PLAT N0: 34,37-D-13 Bldg: Water Torrer.s Gas Abstract ZQPiI1�G: "C" Res. �%r '� 3 Y.?/ G Elec. Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. � ����,,,, 3 S REN,ARKS: t t 5��:-f,��,-� �i,,a.�� y- 2 G-� . _ _ - - . _ . � ,_�Y. a,,.. � `?";,,=- r, t ! 1;! ; Q �� •: ✓fSSAMIME. � i � _ . I , Q: «LANe � i . ; 0 I'�:' � � : � .; ' � �•i � i• � � t � . I; 4 �' TM �; �.. ' i ► �` �, • ";, � � ' -- ----------- ---------- - --------- - .. .. �. �}r.._._-- - - •-- - - -- - -� � '� . s�.�r�:-:.i:"�r.vit�i :e:� , � �: � ' \ ��� •� r' /� •.�A • . j *' �; � � s t' • � ;_�,� • .y J£.� , . � � Si• e�/ /^! S b i ' r�- �� . �t •,ry . •; •� � ...+I f °O ff�E/� � I".)^ � � .`\ .• ` � - � � •�� , /� � � � ! �� � �M/ �, � �s. ` � . , . ��I-��Jw�� � t� �. � j • �5��.�� • • 7 Vj � • �9�' . � • .. �, 2� . • t Y t � 2 � � � i . ?� . . � p � ' _ t ' v "/ • •l� � ` q , „ + �_ �_� ...�_=���-�"`. ,.-� ' .,,��----}. - - � ;-- =w:T--�". � _r-'::,i:��ry�.,-- - i � � - -.—_ _. r—,,._-,.� --- --.--.•-..« _ f , .... T � .i.�� . _ � � � TAX FORFEITED T�At�ID PROPOSED TO BE ACQUIRED OSSF. • . ._. _� Q TAX FORFEITED LAND PREVIOUSLY ACQUIRED ' ` ^T^ f'� = aoa' . ___..___ .__.---_. ..._.---... _.. .._... _._... . f y , � � � � � . ; ; � t West 30 feet of following: Commencing at a point on the East Line of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW,i—,) of the Northeast One-Quarter (NE4), 270.8�- feet * fram the rlortheast corner thereof; thence West at _ ` right angles 283.70 feet; thence rrorth 392.68 feet to the center of Stillwa.ter Avenue (Divw Ames Avenue); thence Westerly along said center Iine to Orchard Street (noW Germain Street) as platted in Hillside �rk Addition; thence South to C. St. P. M. & 0. Ry. right-of-way; thence Easterly along said right-of-way ' to East Line of aforesaid Southwest One-Quarter (SWu) oY the Northeas-t One-Quarter (NE,i—,) section; thence N�rth to beginning, (subject to se�wer easement}, in Section Twenty-Ssven (27), Township Tu�e�ty-Nine (29), Range Twe�y-Two (22). or� oa.: �z/1��� . Rev. : 9/s�7s — EXPLANATI�N OF ADMINTSTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINAI�TCES . _ ���,�,:� �ate: February 22, 197? �p; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER. 9 ��; J. Wm. Donavaa, V�lv�tion Engiaeer, Ext. 5317, Dept. Finance & l��ement Services g�; Tax f'orfeited land withheld Pra� sale as indicated oa the attached plan. �:,• ACTSON RE4UESTED: . Authorize� praper City officials to exeeute aa application to the State of Mit�aesota for th� conveyance of the sub3ect laud to the City ot' St. Pa�ul per a�tached Adai�#- s�ra.t3v� Order, No. D-3384. PURPOSE AND RATI�3NALE FOR THIS ACTIQN: ' The cor�veyance of this land would camplement the previous acquiait�on�r Sackett Plaqgrouad as indicated on the attach�errt. , , ATTACHMENTS: ' � � 1) Council Resolution � 2) Copy of Application . 3) Letter frcm Publia Works, Honxsing 8� Redevelopffient Autharity and City Planning. 4) Administrativ�e Ord�r D-33�+ 5) Ar.ea I�Sa.p