268716 WHITE - CITV CLERK �(�)C.�['�(}•��/ PINK - FINANCE COV�ICII /•l�f��1�� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ^"v-v »� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1973 and 1976 Capital Imp�ovement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer $58,210.95 in 1976 CIB Monies: 90076-001 - 1976 Unallocated Reserve $ 58,210.95 93076-029 - Watergate Site Acquisition $ 58,210.95 Transfer $30,322.50 in 1973 CIB Monies: 93073-014 - Mississippi River Dr. Bike Trails 30,322.50 93073-023 - Watergate Site Acquisition 30,322.50 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Chan e Amended Financing WATERGATE SITE ACQUISITION State of Minn. Grant (LeMR) $ 500,000 -0- $ 500,000 Metro Council Open Space Bonds 500,000 -0- 500,000 1973 CIB -0- + 30,322.50 30,322.50 1976 CIB - -0- + 58,210.95 58,210.95 "� $1,000,000 $ 88,533.45 $1,088,533.45 Approved as`to funding: - , Approved: ' � - ; r_`� T 7 Dept. Finance & gement Services C ty Budget Direc or-- i�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: $�r � Community Services Hozza In Favor Thomas J. Kelley, Director �� Hunt Robert P. Piram, Supt. of Parks & Rec. Levine � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester �edeseo Form Approved by City Attor y Adopted by Coun � . Date ►��R ���' Certified asse yy'Council Secretary BY � gy, Appro e Mayor: Date • 4 Appr d by Mayor f b�ission to Council . gy BY Qusus�EO MAP �1 9 1977 . ��,;:.,;;... VxZ� �C �� �1,���.� ��.��i �F����F1 �,� ���. -�Y/ ��; ♦�.: OFk'ICE aF '1'Fl�� CLTY COUICIY�, � . --� :.\1;. -1+/fl •. �_: l :-{ - .i•+ •ji.F, i: .", � /, •� � . . . . . � '`�` . .���.t`' fi� � - . 1\\ / �� _�,� Do t e . February 28, 7977 G � ��� �`l ,�� � � C�. � � � � � E� _ _ ? O : ��in'r Pauf C��� Councit �' � -. : _ - �� ' F P. O�,� = CO.�i'l fi f!?1`C� O f� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL - ROSALIE BUTLER , c�airm_an, makes ihe fottav��ing . reporf on C.F. [] Ordinance . XX Reso(u�ion . �] Ofher - � � � 1-E • Resolution transferring monies needed to post the required 75� of the court-determined value � of the Watergate site. � . The Finance Committee today referred the above resolution to the Council with a : � recorr�nendation for approval . �� � - _ E� . � ,? . Y C1TY ��ALi. SE1r'EKTFI F'LOO:: SAItiT Pe\UL, b1t�RESrJTA 55102 .�. , QM Q1: '�3.�f1975�' Rev. : 9/S;f7� � EXPLALQA2IOI�` OF ADI�€INTSTRATIVE , RDEItS, , RE�C7LUTIONS ANB 4RDIN�N < ������ ' ` " r I}�'�E: k'ehzuarg 24 r. 1�77 _ ' ;:�Q:. 1�AY4Et GE41�GE LATIMER . �`R: '. Greqory N. `Blee�, .Of£ice of ��e Mayc��--Hudget 3eatioEn T" � ' � Wa�ergate 9ite Acqi�1sition.Proje�t ' i . r: �i;; + �� ' � � � „ � _ _ . � . �, , , , , . � ��+��I� �i:�`�'TLM,/: ! " � Am$r�,d� the:,:��T� :-a�nc� 197$ Cap�:tail TmQxflv�m�+�� Buc�ge.ts b� t�ans�errit�g a to�al;of 588,533.45 . tb �CZie.W��zgat� S�t'e A�Cqu�'e�t�.t�ri P,roj�c�.� The requ��tec� t.��:n���r' of` 530,322.50�:�rom.: : 1�ie�i�ssi.�,�i� R��rer �ike �'r�i,�s .;(�rhich`wa�.pos�Poned':Pe�i�'i�:g. �oardanation t�i.th s���t : pGavi.ng) �d� $�$��3,�D=95 �raan.the I97� C�B:Unalloc�a�ed..�s�rve (balance frc3m Cros��-.�tatri�'e. Cexiter "B���.t�tic�. �i.$]eet��ih�,c�, �aas canC�l�:ed for the �Pb1�.cte +Jaitl 2�nt?eac pro��ct) �►ii1 �be< • ;ir�. addit�.o� tb ,t� �t;000;,4�t} ::i.rr% gra�it .fno�ieS bufl�e�eil:.�'_� thi� aic�,uis�.tic�n.: , � j � ..' -, , � , ;. _ ._. r._ .� .- � - . � .* �• � v, t , .�..: . � .�, � -� . .. � . . . . . . . � . . . . . f. .. �. . , � . .. .� . . . � ._ � .{, . .. � . . � . .. . . . .- .'.'• ; .r , . � .' �. ,,.�- . . > ,.�� .. ., r . .: ..� . .. .. �.:'..��1 ..�... .. ,.�' �. � . • . �;..� , ;Ft��.?SE P,�D RA��CI�IALE �flR TH�S AC�IdN: �-- � ,,.._.._.,...� .......... � . ; : . . ..-�.-�. . : 'R�he ,res,�uest,.eci� �rano��er is �need�d. ;to•�ost� t�e ,�eqt�ii��cl Z5�• af t�e court-detes�►i�ie�' valu� � ,,�f �a �UTa�erg�te s�teE 7aerjdi�q�;�th� au�com� of: th� :Ci��+'$:iappeal of.�Me aw,�rr'i and to . '�r� mi.r�imum-.site �a�o�k tcs, res�Rre -the; area to a' na�urai ope�� space�,setting. . .. .. t . . �.M . . . � �he. r� , . + � � quest ha"s be+�n` aPFroved. b� the $u�g�t Direetor; .tfi� Director of.Finan�e,a�d l�ia.naqement S�r`�iceie, and thE Ca.ty Atto�ney. - The C,I� Cos�i'ttee r�cOinm�xided approval at �their Febrla,,ary> 5, '`1977,. meeting. � . �✓ , � �0 _ - , . . , , i _ . e ���: � � COUI�CTL R'ESO�UTION;- one, page: # ', C�unity Serviees` P�bruary 7,1, 1977, request -� fi:ve- pa�s � . , � ;3 , � � �, � - ' �., � , 1: , ' f - ,;y , , . .. , .- , a . • � , � ' ` ' �g'��6 �:;: , , ,�� � ���; 2 ; ;,; .., � f',.,� , ,' , y y � �c-, _ , � t) . � � : � ;� "� '�r�!�;�j��� ` C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL. , , �� �, ' ` �- ��'�,�,�1��:� ��' `�- .� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . �c,cc�r,�rR�cro� ,.. : �; �' ��� THOMAS ). KELLEY February 11 , 1977 �` �rn � �''�, Q�REROR Richard Schroeder Otto Hummer, Chairman Budget Director � Capital Improvement Bonding City of Saint Paul Corranittee 367 City Hall Gentlemen: I am re uest-in that the CIB C �g �533�4� q g omm�ttee recommend transferr�ng , to the Watergate Acquisition Account as established 12/23/75 by Council Resolution #266550, a copy of which is a�tached. T am proposing that $58,210.�5 be transferred from the L'nallocated -Reserve. This amount was transferred from the Crosby Lake Account #93076-009 by Council Resolution #268316. T am requesting that the remaining $ , , be transferred from the Mississippi River Bike Trails Account 93073-01 . � 3o�3.L2 sa The Ci�y of Saint Paul is in the process of acquiring the Watergate property. We have gone through formal eondemnation proceedings with C.G. Rein, owner of the Watergate property, and have received notice of a cour� award. Both the C�ty and C.G. Rein have appea�led the award made 6y the court commissioners. State laws require that the property owner is entitled to 75% of the stip- ulated court award. The City of Saint Paul has received grants from the Legis1ative Corr�tission on Minnesota Resources and the Metropolitan Council totaling $1 million dollars. The monies requested -�re necessary to eomplete the acquisition of the property and to provide funds to do land improve- ments to the site to correct the excavations that were prepared by the C.G. Rein Co. to prepare for the apartment complex. Erosion control work wi1i also be done. T hope that this transfer will be looked on favorably so that we can proceed with the acquisition of this �mportant link in the riverfront park system. Sincere1 , > �`� ����������� ..� ����?�---L � � �. . /dA' �}. �..�,r��:��. /� . � � V - i 1��r�r.^�.7:�� �. �,}i.. i � . . T ,. Thomas J. el l�ey ��;���.�t i'��r�c���, ^�� �y _. .. M :cm _. _.. cc: Robert P. Piram 545 City Hall, Saint Paui, ivlinnesota 55102 612-298-4431 �O , . PINK � - FINANCE �'�(r��� - ����� ' . . � LANARY - DEPARTMEN �_�� � I 1 y p N SA I:`"l PA IT L Co �� ci! ��BLUE - MAYOR _ • Fll NO. � , ��l �es��'���o� ---.. _ ��s Presented By _ _ ; �� Referred To Commi ttee: Dat � Out of Committee By Dat - RESOLVED, By the Council ot the City of Saint Paul, upon e re t of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Saint Paul Planning Co ° 'ssi ' nd Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Budget for the I�75 C ' al Improvement Program, as hereto€ore adopted and amended by this ounc' ' is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Appropriate a total of $1,OOD,000 to a new capital improv nt - project, known as the Watergate Site Acquisition, with th ��� financing of .said appropriatian to be from $500,000 alloc ed State (LCMR) monies and from $500,000 allocated Metropoli � Couricil's Open Space monies. i Resultinq in the fa2lowing financing: � � � Gurrent Financing C'hange l ' ded Firtanczng Watergate Site Acquisition � State of Minnesota Grant (LCMR) -0- + $500,00 ' $500,000 ��r `�=`� Metropolitan Council Open -0- -F 500 0 $ • � 500,000 Space Bonds • . -0- +$1,000,00 ,000,000 APProved: : , n ' '� d�..�r,..<- � , � _.���, City Budget Director � COUKCILI4�EIY ' • Yeas � Nays r' , Requested by Department of: �� Christensen Comtnunity Ser 'ces t � Hunt ; � In Favor Roedler � Against gy Robert Pi m �� . � Tedesco President �g� Hozza ��� �� M;� sY?r" Form Approved by City A 'torn Adopted by Council: Date Y � � I `��rtified Passed by Council Secretary gy �s: • By t' � Appro e v hlayor: Date � s ��� Approved by Nlayor �r Submis ion to ci - ^ -----�' / By-`- _ � By i _,c.,, "� -,� r, v .. . � '• ������ �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ± " OFFlCE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY January 4, 1977 HARRIET LANSING Mr. Thomas J. Kelley, Direc�or - . Department of Cor_uln2nity Services � 545 City Ha1Z and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota � Re: Condemnation of Watergate rlarina � � Our File S-76-0703 " Dear Mr. Kelley: --_ . The City of Saint Paul has been� served with a Notice � of Appeal in the above condemnation matter and the � No�ice further. demands that the City make partial payment of the Gonuziissioners ' A�aard of 75% of the ' � • Commissi_oners ' A�aard. The Commissioners ' Award was $I,350,000.00. \ Because the Commissioners' A�vard ��as $400,000.00 higher than the City' s appraised figure, I �aould recommend that the City also file an Appeal and do so forthwith. .� If you concur, please notify this office.. - You should make arrangements to obtain the funds . � � necessary for the partial payment. Please notify me when these funds will be available. Yours e truly, . . � `� � � - . . . , , � ,� S,'�So�aoo = � I,otZ.�S�oo. /� 7 S°70 JERO�iE��J. ;�EG • . . Assist J�City Attorney ' � . � JJS:jr . � cc: Robert Piram J. Wm. Donovan � �, City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 2 98-5121 .. , � � �.._�7:1�I\, �iorF�rl'i�, D�.LY ��'- I,I�DG12E_\', _,TD. � � . ATTORNEYS AT LAW � �I500 tvORTHYJEST�RN FiiVAIVGAL CENTER � � 7900 XERX�S pVEt�IUE SOUTH � JAMES �. IARKIN � � � �P.O'.J-ERT �.r�oFFr-nrv � MtNNEAPOLIS, M�iNN�50TA 5543t � . � �,lsCK F, D4lY TEIEFMONE f6�2i 935-3800 � � D.KENK_TM I.INDGREN � . pF COu�+SEL I qno4cw w. D�.hiEl50ta . . � �. ��'�. JOSEPH G�TiS R09ER7 B.WMIT�LOCK �� � ACLAN =,�GAT�MULIIGAN � . ROBER7 J_HENNESSEY . " . P.pNAL'J R.GL�.TCHER � . . EDK'ARD J.DRISCp4l � - ' � � AATHUR M,ACK � � � JAMES C.c.^.rCKS,N � � . GEn[E N.FUI�ER . � . ' R03=:iT W_JVNGliANS � � , , JQScaH W.ANTr�ONY � • RICHARD N.DAVI£5 • - � � ' � DAVIO C.SELLERGREN � - � � � JOHN D.FUttM=R � � � � � � � � ROBERT £. BQYLE - , . .. '� 'i . • ` � � �' r � �' j Decejaber 30, 197b _ � ;,;.; 3 .��� tilltl� � Mr. Jerome J. Segal Assistant City Attorney LJ!_� a!'_!'C;�;`,,ct City of Saint Paul , �r � : 647 City Hall & Court House : � . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 - Re: In the rlatter of Condemnation By the City of Saint Paul of Ce !tain s and Interests Located in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, r nesot , � � For Park Purposes File No. 412208 Our File No. 6189-03 - . Dear Mr. 5ega1: . Enclosed herewith and served upon you, please find Notice of Appeal filed Appellant in the above captioned matter. � � Pursuant to Minnesota Statu[e 117.1.55 demand is hereby made for par ial p �nt of the ' award of the Commissioners pending a final determination thereof, his d d is for three-fourths of the a��arded damages for Parcel No: 11-02100-020-75 which ' the subject of this Appeal. I request that you immediately contact the undersi ned i the purpose � of arr ging par 'al payment pursuant to the above referenced statu e. . S' cer y, � . - �.��- %� � - �J zs F. Larkin, for �RI�IN, HOF�L�N, D9LY & LINDGREN, Ltd. Pm -'� ' Enclosure , � . - ; . � ' � STATE OF tllh'iJESOTA � DISTRICT CGURT COiJ:dTY OF P.AMSEY SECOIdU 3UDICIAL DISTRICi ------------------------------------------- Z�V Tk� i•S�TTEK OF CO;�li�t•Ii:nTIO� BY TFIE CITY ,� ��%�� OF S�INT PAUL OF CERTAIP� LA�US AC:D P;OTICi. OF APPE�L INZ'ERESTS LOC9TED I�ti THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, �" - Rr�:'•1SEY COUNTY, MI\:�'ESOTA, FOR PAR�: PURPJSES. ' File ;,o. 412205 ------------------------------------------- � T0: G. A. Hatfield, District Court Administrztor of the abov2-nar�2d District Court; the City oi Saint Paul and Jero;�e J. Sega1, its attorney, YOU A�U EACH OF YOU WILL PLEASE TAf:E P+OTICE tnat the Appellant, Wa�ergate ,iarina, Inc.. (presently Rein Recreation, Inc.) , hereby appeals to the above-named District Court fror� the award of One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/IOOtns Dollars l � ($1,350,000.00) filed on the 28th day of Dece�zber, 1976, and from any and all conditions, amendments, suppleraents or alternates to said award, all as nade ta the Appellant herein as danages sustained by said Appellant for the taking by Petition�r of preraises designated in this proceeding as Parcel :Vo. 1I-02100-Q20-75 as more fuily described in Exhibit "A" , attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as thougn fully set forth. ' . ' The Appellant claims that it has suffered damaoes by reason of the taking of said lands and by� reason of damages .incurred in direct and indirect costs arising. ou[ of the preparation of the described pr�perty for physical develop�aent . The grounds of this Appeal are that said award is enkire2y inadequate in amount . and does not compensate this Appellant for tne da�aages sustained by it by the taking of said lands and that said award is contrary to 2a�a. \ � • . {��{\:_-1 `�1�"_:`�.: t�.=J;��pS�i�� . Ja�2s P. Larkin, for . LARKiT:, HOF�rLAN, DALY 6 LINllGREN, Ltd. _ � Attorneys for Appellant 15�0 Northwestern Financial Center 7900 Xerxes Avenue South � tiinneapolis , t;innesota 55431 . 835-3S00 r_ i