268713 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 /����� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAIN.T PALTL �k• � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. C uncil Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve-General 09060-536-000 Transfer or contribution to Budget Fund $500.00 To: General Governznent Accounts Miscellaneous 09125-255-000 Municipal Memberships $500.00 To provide funds for the increase in cost of inembership in the National League of Cities from $3,000 last year to $3,500 this year. Approved: Approved: Z—z-,l 7 7 ` Direct r, Department of Finance nd B dget Dire tor Management Services COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: H�a In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco � ' � 19� Form Approved y ity Attor y Adopted by uncil: Date Certif Pass y Co cil Secretary BY � MAR 1 4 19 Appr v d by Mayor for 'ssion to Co ncil App d by Mayor. a -� B BY YuB��sHE� MAR 19 1977 , _. , . , _ . , � : ' �M QZ: 2.2/�.995 Rev. : 9%8/7� ' �_ � �EXPLANA�IOI�T OF ADM�?I3TRFiTIVE �7RDERS, ' . ' RESOLUTIONS, AND ORD�ZI�J��t �S . ����� ��Dd�e: Febru�ry �4, 1977 , : � �: � � , . . � F�� y E Q ��.�y�a �To: r�Ya�a G�RC� ���R � ����`�'s �i . : . � , � : 1�'�t: RicY�ard .�. ;Schro�iAez: Bud'get Director. .-.�,_�;;:_ CounCil� Resoiution transferra.nc� f�tnds . ; , -• . - - . ; : . . ; , : - ; _ , . _ _ � ,, .'AC'T''I{�N REQUh�'�`�:33: '� . rt'. �W. ■ .rr�n�s..r�. . ,� � . , . � � � . . . - Sis�i����r� an''the .atta�hed_ resolut,�on and transtri�t�a�. to City Clerk. ` •<i � � � j � � �� � � � �. � : . . : j . .. . . . . . � .. � . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . � � . .': .� . . . ... {- �.°�pu�+�s� �n ��zor� FoR m���a�-: . : �h+�, 1977 budget grovides an apFrop�'�.at`t�.on of $,3, ` A for �he annua�. m��rship� ,fee in ,the Nationa7: Le�gue of Cit�,�s. This, fee �s been incre�sed_ to $3_,5A0,, . and �he at�:aehed resoluti.on will t�atister,.the :add}�tional 5500 fro� th� �'° ` cont�.�genc'� reserve .to meet the inc�'�ased cbst. ' �� � � _ .: , . _ , , , �A'�''�ACHMEY�i'PS s ' Council'Re�olution. , r , � , , . . � � . �. ;,,���'�� � j . � _ _ . , � , . ; , , �.: :