268712 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COI1flC11 �����LGc � PINK - FiNANCE G I � F SA I NT PAU L 1 . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � F11E NO. �� ' � ' • • ci��Zesolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has established the Downtown Development District and approved the Development Program for this District; and WHEREAS, The approved Development Program includes within it the construction of skyway extensions over Wabasha Street between Exchange and Tenth Streets and also across St. Peter Street between Exchange and Tenth Streets; and WHEREAS, The Council is advised that the public parking ramp being constructed on Block 7A is at the point of completion whereby the City may now begin the design and construction of the two sky- way extensions, the design and construction costs to be paid from the proceeds of the Downtown Development District Bonds heretofore issued by the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, It is proposed that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul shall retain the services of Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. , architectural firm, for the purpose of designing the above described skyway extension; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the proposed Architectural Services Agreement between the City, Housing Authority and Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. for the design of the skyway extensions, and the architectural costs in a total amount not to exceed $43,500. 00 shall be paid out of the proceeds of the Downtown Development District Bonds heretofore issued by the City of Saint Paul. APPROVE TO UNDING: 3—3-7 �'�'� Directo , Departmen Finance and ,� , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � H� In Favor Hunt Levine �_ Against BY * " Roedler Sylvester Tedesco O ��� Form Approved by C y Att ney Adopted by Co il: Date � � Certif - s by ouncil Secjeta y BY By MAR 1 4 Appr ve y iNayor. Date App v d by Mayor for Su is 'on to Councii By BY PUB�is�EO MAR 19 1977 1 Itl+, i-3VC LG1Jl i 11ii4 aJls ,�.�.1� �..'U�afti t [4u�� I7711i1iyJVlU vv.v,. ds.,�r...���varc,: i'a✓+4-! a-...iv vd-..v �68"��.� NOUSI;�JG AN�I REDEVE1.OPi�11EiVT AUTHO�ITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINi�ESOT� Febr.uary 22, 1977 r�tr. Jerome J. Se�;at Assistant City Attorn�y Roon o47 City Ha11/Court Ilousa Saint Paul, Minnesota 551Q2 Dear h1r. SegaZ: �nclosed are three (3) copies of the Architectural Services Aoreement for two bridges connectin; to Block 7, downtown Saint t�aul. (Science I�useum/Medical Office/Galleria/Housing development). You will note that signatures of HRA Board members and the architects are on the agreement. We request that the agre�ment n�w be processeci as expeditiously as posszble through city agencies to obtain the remaining signatures. It is critical that the archztect soon be;in construction docu�►ents for the Wabasha Street Uridge so that the bridge construction schedule can be coordinated with the requirements of Che Science Museum and its construction schedule. Sincerely, / � ��� � Rober t F. �ia 11 Downtown Pro�ra� Manager CC: Jack �?a�schler Enc' . � � 4".'ilii� Ma��Vilson, Dcna!d P. De� Fiacco, PJlary Ann S,�deith, Rosalie L. E3ucler, Kennath J. Lynch, David N. Hozza, Ren fYSaddox Chdi/pecSOl1 � � � _ ' ��g��� C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY February 25, 1977 HARRIET LANSING �ECEIVEi� FEB 2� �97? Mayor George Latimer �Y�►S � � 347 City Hall BUILDING Dear Mayor Latimer: Robert Hall of the Housing Authority has requested that the City approve the use of $43,500 Downtown Development District bonds for the architectural design of a proposed skyway extension over Wabasha Street between Exchange and Tenth and St. Peter 5treet between Exchange and Tenth. The form of the agreement has been approved as to legal form and a draft resolution is attached whereby the City Council would approve the expenditure of Downtown Develop- ment District bond proceeds for this purpose. The resolution should be approved as to funding by the Finance Department. If this proposed expenditure is approved by the Mayor the resolution should then be sub- mitted to the Council. Following the adoption of this resolution by the City Council, our office will have the agreement executed by the Mayor and Director of the Finance Department. If you hav any questions, please feel free to call me. Ver truly y rs JERO J SEG Assi tant City Attorney . JJS:cg enc. cc: Robert F. Hall, HRA City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 � , 3,J !l �. k7 1 1i !� �._ /ir�'iiJY1z(l i�_' 1:::�. ir�'1:) �1.1�L.�YlF�1t�'_^•.)_ ::::�:Lrl•_'.�i t:.'nF.':}•`,LIVi � ���� ?'FiI� �'�^n.�y:'.L�'NT, made and ^r._er�d i�-cto Ciii_s dav o.` --------_ ____, 1�)'17, '�'S' atzcl t,ets:eeiz Ii!5i,r�1�,i�, C>;f;.�t� tiiv'� ��B?�AiL'.�'iSO�i, lTi� ., c"�. CC)Yi�(1C�i: ,.?R OT'�;�:1_::�-'� uilCl 2.`:i:a�1.�� uad:�r t�:e la-a: oi: .he Stat_ o� tii*�neso,*_a., r'he;-�_i_-��;'�er r;�f�rred to ir, I':�r._ I a:, �I�� "�trcl� �+_ect" a�rl iZ p�;?"i. 11 SS Zi1? rr�,Ot?rT�'.C:LOT_rt� �itlt� �'lii;i.Li:�� ,�i?:t7 ,:t.r'',i):�:�T,7`�i,m;,:L t`_T)�1 t'i0:iw 1� C� '�IiL" C1T" Or SA-:�";T i.'�1;�'I., iIli'-'r'ES.r,Ta, (i�e;.ei:��ter reEerr.ed to �s ti�e 'iI:t.:�" in Par� Z anc': tze "Loc�I Pu?;Zic A�ency" in Par.t II) ��nd t;ITY 0^ S`_I�i? Pt'1UL, :II�'ri^cS�zA, ('r.ere- i.i;after ,-Fferred to as the "City"} . �e'1'.:T I sv`ii�.F..�S::�?�: C;cI�?.i.l1S, the ii':A sincz 1969 has car;:i�d on rene•,sal under the �,T�p azci iat�r t:��e �o-�nco:�n D°veYfl��ne�z� District Progra;� for cer�ain pr.aject �r�as in tf::> 1�-.,,.to�r;� Ar.ea; and �v�ri:�t`.:.�5� SIT1C° t�'12 initiatio:� of t�12S2 pro;raris ='RE' �tl�.x �"ic'iS llCiCi'_'?'��,�;F';1 C�'��:t!..l u.^.�:1�J1t7.�?S 112CASS$Z'� i0Y t212 p�?;l:'ti!�f, �t?7C� E.'iCr CL'.�=1C1i1 O� S�C�jTI•/2V E':'.t.7:�1?;;20i1 �.ti L�:r:rz:a-.ir, Sai.nt Pasl; a:�d T�^_IC:T.'„�.!1S, thL City and �he ??2�1 are ia the proces� o� extendi.n� tl,� C�.�zta7. C;e:��re S'_:y�aa� Systs.n, t?�rou�a cert�in e:s:stin� Uiiildin�s ia Do��lz�c�;ir S�i�.n'.: P�u?; a�d i.i"_`ii,��',�t:i� t�lE..' (:1_t�� �lil.S �Il;' 8lit}lOY.ti-�' i.7 c�1CCc�t� i::0ll2y iT'J:'.t t�12 P.7�•i::�:i�"i? ;;-_,.;�i��;:��.�r.= Li�tric� I3o:.d ��u,:�� ,=or e\zciii.t��ct t /E � �:<.,- �c , 'n t ra�l _ n,�ia:,:.rin� _ v e;; :az�_� , .=i... ,'.l;�r.:iii:0i•': T'�'.t'�ICiC[^.�11�: v1S�'i1Ct:� S:lU j';:C':i:�.ti� ��?:' Tl�::�i pOS�:'..S:ii_S r11�? il'�CC.i_icLX�` eii�=_'.1'ln-�',��.� P\?E.'i'L:.� _ iPri i;;'_>,%'.R:?�'_� r0 <:��,��,l.�t Zl7 �2:2i� COC�'C��i1�ItE SIFCf? SL�i��E�j 1♦.C� �]1[1R�IItT� 3T1C� .�`t�.'���.'.\S til:: �[:�!1_ cnC� i::lc: (�:L�' }l�Vi'. %i Cp[1��1�I1E_li?'' :;°i'.i( 1.iil� � i •.t � � ./ �� u 2CCil. �`E.'i� ii"%2_. --,,t` _.:�' ,_...__'l_ '> �;t•�V'�'3.� OTl n'C�:.�..L'�<',7 C0:2C�JJ�.:i�_ O[1,'��.o�� ;S.^.� f�S� >_ � • t t:'- - �-_i[._ 47 l_}:C t�_� .Et..C1._. P..l,^ �.. . -•. '- .� ..07 r�115 ,1'1T'�� f'O !-_^ f',:>i_^�C� '�' �' .. ... _?'..i . _'C �., ^ ..,, "rt)::�`. 1, t, � � T7 11CiJ.'IrV'�:1: :�'.n�:l�_":,"?�. �'Yt;�i. �� ; :.it1'� � . . � � . i._ ..__ . . . . T�,.���.l�l... � +.��:.., �..!�C:}?1.�_C i� .>R'.. � i:(i , ���.. _7 't�+_ :. �.1.�'.. . i��' :i-I.. . (._..'t211L_,... . . 'c'� hrt•. ._ ._ "?!:� �"�..,�$���.:C�_.,. . . � � . �� ;)i � � � . . , NOtJ, `L�i�R'r'.I'ORE, IN CQ;iSID'•;i?AlIO:`: Or TFiF A;30V; P?tr.?IISES, TItE PARTZES DU �TrttEI3Y A�J7'JAI,LY �'�G�:�' AS FGLLO?3S : ������ 1. �i:O�ECT DT.RcCTrO�i, COORI�7N.'��''LOid, t.�ETI?1GS, P::ESr:1'TATIO�i�, R.EVrr��rs. Tiie CiLy ti�reby dnsignates the i,P..� as th^ a�ency respansible i or a..d;ainistration Of �iC111t:c^.CrLiI'�t�. .�.^_TV1C°_S i1R<�2-:' ��ll.;i Li`x'c?E=Ii1°_11t 3T1� COO"rCjli1c3t10:1 O� t�l° E'_.`{D�ti1Gl.Ot1 of the Capital Ceiitre sky-�.Jay sys�e:� ar�d the H,�tA hzreby a;;r.ees to �z'c�vide s�1ch aci•�:ini;�tr�ti.on and coordination, Tti� �n,,A �•rill arra�?o� t�he necessary me�tin�s with othzr govern�et��al a��nc:i_�s, bui�din; c;m�rs, �-�i� sky��ay tas':: force and otIi��rs for �i�rcosa� oi coc��d��_nation, prese:��ations and r�vie-as. The Architect shall designate a projnct archit��ct who will repart to the �LTZ:i a�d attW�d r,:eatings, raaice presen�atiorts an� submit drawinos for revia�r as requireu�. �iR6l shall. repo-r n:c+nthly tc� the City concerning i�he status o� the arctzi�ec�ural services and sha11 also suunit final report; to the City. 2. Q'v't�I?�:l3TT TiV p� I��OR���TTQ��, The H;'.�1 shall ma'Ke available to the Archz'.:ect stirveys of floor and street el�va�ions as reqiYired For tne pro�er e�ecui.tan oi the Architect's s�rvices. 3. SCOPE Oc SI;R�'ICES. The Arcritect shall p2rform all. th� necessar5 St'�V1CL'S PiOV1G��C2 LI1C3°I' tC]i.S ��T@2F1?�1L 2Ll COil:l°C�1QI1 �•7it�1 c?TIC� �e5j?°CtLLt� ��lP. f:�l�_oTr:ir� Project Area: D�t'�:I,OP�I��i�'T DISTP.X.CT ?;',Y:'�:1�I -,�.., -r? e. -��-�� T L ^j r.���,;,s^;r ;� � b0';,., G.::, 't .� PA D�,i ,�i�..r.�l DIST..iCT 1?`.;� :�':1;?�.� C�V� ��'Y'f01f1� 3i�;1 Cc:":"Y'�% C?LL:.'� ?P � .•1L7_�f�?C�Q?'� cil'.'! »YO)??' I:!.3;?i�?1'� c3�i ��2�i'_T:'::lrl'_':i h�' t:L1C' :Ti.E� tRW l'OI.�CC•71:1?: L,. r:':�:'_St).'1<3Tl (:pRCO'.iTS.a Firj_���;:_'S : U':tG':�' c 7TE't.'1.OLiS CURi:23C�� til� L�YCillit'.C� �?'?:� G4:�i::10�^_Cj COi?`.n�:i:F` COR3`'i'tU.Ct10i2 C�OCU1�1c�IIt5 iOT �i12 COTl`�iIt1C�10?1 C;� 7:�;'_�t'L'J_�fT? COIiCOi11S'� t)r]_'aE;�i 1Rt:zi?.�t�C� i.0 C:�l:.'x�' t::L':' �lE'.C�E'S�ri3.1 CO:I::O.1�5d S'y���C�l OV;'Y SZ:iCh.t Zl�;i:':S—Oi._,.Id�. �r.l.; bridc�e' C�/:•:.il.f T.l LO",' t l(? 1)O?v11t V� .. ii.:i),=f:i �\�'.�li:l•7?1 �LT�?�� l:i t0 Sc":.'Lr�' -�`� il �33Y.� �)�pv���.�•t�s? LO]' c ll Sli�J^.'C!i[r?Cl'': Ilrlfl''CS} E::iC(_'I7t �Ii _..-_ *�,..._:i� t , 'c� . CitC...,,.. �.:..�.;cc;� ii:9�� .'_.�:��.^.��. 1`.i�.J�'- 1"�i�.'`7�.iLO�I. .~'��'_� i.t�_ i•i 1_Cr�;^:> _^.:�?~�'� � . � �f_ �f, be2ota, the Architect is to provide co;,iplete construc*i.on doctiTent services, includin� supervisory assistance and coorcIi.r.ation wit'r� architects and other repr2ser,tatives of �,ui1:in� o�ei-s i.ntn �vhose hui:.c:ing s!ieh hrid�as *.1i.il connect. Under the pravisions of tt�is Contract, the Architect . is ta providc th� above referenced services ro-r the follo-rin� pedestrian bridges : (I) Spanain� f�Jabasha Stre�:t oet�•;ezn r,xchan�e and Tentii Strc:et s . . (2) Spaznitig St. ��t�:. Street b�t�;een E::chaz�e and Tentti JtCE.'2�5, ii, r;atu_e of Services to be Provicied. For all services to b� provid�d t�nd�w Section 3 a_bove, the Architect snall provid? t•ior?cin� rrawi.�`s a,id Specifi.cations, and Su�ervisory As,ista;tcc:. For orid��� ll) above (over t�abashal, tn� construction docur�ents shall includ� the brid�a and r.-�quired sLructural and utili�y �ozi� nectio�is to aauttino buildings and enclosure oi structural support at �he existing Science Museum Building, For bridoe (2) above (over St. Peter} the coas�ruction documents shall include tre bridgey r.:echanical/electrical/plumbing equipment servza; t�.e brid;e and required structural and u�ility connections. to ab�:tting building�. (1) ��;orkin� i7ra�azngs atzd Sp�cifications: (a) Genera� : U�o^ rec�ipt from the I.?�ti� of written agproval of the Preliminary Dra���zngs and Speciiications {do�e under separate contract) for each bridge, thz Arcnite��. st�all prepare and �leliver to the �tRA ca�iplete �•�orkizl;; Dra�oir.�s and Spec.ificati.o�s fo: the abc>ve bridges. I,[ter a reviec� b�� i.h? HR<�., aff.ected pxoperty o�;c?er.s, Sta�? and tne Cit}•, tnc ��rc':ii.tect ;hal]. rlo�ify tne docu:��nts �s n�cessary. The [Jorl:in� Dra�ri��s and Specific.�tio,ts st�all b� ici th: fitl? d�tail needed �or open co;�p�tiLive bidcii��;, and fo� coztractural and cc:s- struc'_i_on p�;zposc�s a,ic�, e�:ce�* as othpr;���se speci�i�.:i or directeu, shall provi.de for a co�:ipl.ete a,id fi�i.sl:�e� t)Y1GZ� 2I'i!� Xl��.?f�.Cj GipL'1: C:"�!^il COi15LCLiCi:1(lil i.C'i c^,CC�3�C��2'.'.::.° �.Yzt'r� �ucii dn�u�;•n�ts i��s b:��tz �o�nplete��, '.i�te �,'0-1:�.:1,, J)T"�li7Lt1�i alilCl :il;_'C1i1C�it�'lUt"IS :i�23�.� 17'..' Cnt1S3.`�L�';lt `:Jl.i:ll 3 OI 1�} � . ��� ` �� px'evious :3rid�e T)rawin�s a�d Specifications er,ceptin.g c�eta code requirenent:; and such channes, approved by .�, , , . . t,. a �, , • ,�� � ; T_� liici Yi12 1'„' .:.t.. ti!��, �_�_ ..�- y i. J` _..�t `��t c.'V1i,.7�.:. 1_i? .�r . of subseque:�� detail?d stt�dies or as nay be necessary to keep taithin Ctie a.pproved esti�;ate cost. (o) St��ci_f_icat�ons ; Complete s�ecificat:ions, fully co- ord�nacF�c� T���th �t��a dr2*.,rin�s s_t�ing forth clearly the sco�2 0[ work a1d the xe�t:irer..e;�ts �or m�terials a.�d «�rk;:�aash ip. (c) D�a:�rin�;s : i:1.� t��orking Drawinos shall be taell dr<-��ted; they r.tay �e in pencil on ��od qualit; tracin� psp�r, bu� sliall be capa�le of producing clear, si�ar� contact prints or nA�ati�es suitable for makin� re�:oductions as re- quir�d by the h'�ZA. (d) Revie�as : Durin� the nr�paration of the [Jorkin� D�at,rings �:nd S�ecificatians the !'�rcnitect ,:�ay renuest a review or revie.as o� those documents by Building (h•mers, �he If�!1, the City or Sta:e or tt�a� i1'� rlay choose to rtake st.ch re- view or revie-as. {?� �SrITii3t°; T,•ilt�"l til? :'Oi1�2_:1�, vi2.LJ7.IIvS SL:C� StJ�C1.ilCcZt:lOT2.i �il� Archit�ct shall furnis?i the H�t1 an esti�ate of tttP cos` ot the brid�es in ttie form prescrib�d by �he ��.�\. (f) Reprod�.c�i.on of Final Docu�:�ats: Tne Architect shall furnish ttli? T'iOiiGl.Rb ��8[Ili1� tracin�s 1T1C� t�iF? J�?Cl�.�. Co;�3ition� and iechnical Speci£icatio;�s as t:gped or.i,�;.ir.sls on bon� pa��-r to the FiiL�. The ri�?�� shal.l prepar� tt�A Ui.d �O�'C;tS �li1C� 4;e:it'."3� �'_ _l��l.l'1'?1:y 3Llu Sl::lll_ T��T'0-1��t ��_ � CjOCU!?i-°_rit� '�COT' i�11':C�L.^<z9, P±l:?OSZS. ��� �LI�°TV:_::OrV S'�Y:'�!_c'.�3 C�13I'ILl? i,C�'1SrY'_tCt10�1. �Lll� .�.'CC�lI.��C.0 G: �115 TE'�';£5'�P�c:i:7.J� sha11 �7�I:iOi11 tR° fO�.l�:�1.T1�� St�l"V1_i:�_':. . :`:%�.�:? t'llOiO:l':�i1 Fa�T-i.C?.�t7_C O!1—�l.t? OIJS�.i'V�r.lO'1� Oi ti:�v' C0�:�3tii1C�"'�_O:l Oi t�"IF? brli�in•� ��•11r1lOiIt 171 �?�::�' :•7��7 �:I�T'=?`.tLE'�lil�? tllE' CO:1`i�:rE:C~lU:� con_'z-actors ' ��ror-lc) an�:i repo�rt in *,�ritii;; to the HR.?? all� � r C�C'.i'�C3.�PCi2S OJS'�YVP_CI ].il ��1�? GiO;�'.: Of t�t!. CO:��tTL1C�l0[? CC?il— L� p r �l; tractors; s�_tch ins�ecrions to b� made by the �'�rct:i.tect or his r.egresent�tive as adreed ��,ith the H�ZA but not le.s t.ian once eacxi *.aeel: :itiri:�g rt�� on-si*_e ucti•ae periods o.c co��structi<,n. A3vise o:� snecia7. proUlems and on chant,�s necessitated by z.nfareseen co��d it?ons encoL�ntered in the course o.� con- st=ruction. Pr;pare an.d couarersi�;n co�str�iction chan�e order_s on the fo:m a�d ir� accordacce wi.t� proced�_ires f+irnisilec; hy t�ie ��FZA. '�evie�a �nd sign con��ractors naym�at esti,;�ates fo� the valu� of �•rork perforr.:ed. Assis�. in final. i,lsa�ction a�d s?g�t ceri.if.icates of com�letion. (a) Cens�ilLazts. The Archii�ec� ma}� retain cor�sultar.ts 2s may be required. Co:�sulta��s and th�ir progosnd £ees ar� subj�ct to anpcoval by Che F[t�, Consultants a.re r.o:: to be cor_sidered a subcon:ractor as d��in2d in Part IT_. 4. Time of Perfornance. The s`rvices of the Archztect are to be avail- a31a upon the execution of this Agree�znt and s'riall bz provided i.n such secue:�ce as to assure an. expe;litious coT,�le�ion ir_ li�ht oE tt�e p:�rpos2 ot- th?s '�reenettt ar.d as required to mzet a �,•stually a�re2d tipo� sch:dtsle b^_t=rr�e;x F�'LR; and abutting building 0*.�ners. 5. ^oc�!�?nsation. T'r►e �L� agr2zs to pay �he Architect as ca:��ansation fo� his sarvices be�t�n b�fore Janulry l, 1978 as fo2�ozrs: Brzd�e (1) ahave (over tia;�asha_) 4 3,��►°I, o� constr.t�ctior_ cost of tii�a brid7e, or $I6,50�J.0:� or_ t��� Architect 's }iourly rate - whichev�r is Zess. ?;ri.d,;e {21 abov� (o��•e;: St. ?�ter; ,S.S% o; tlie ca:�st.�*_-tt^t�ioa cost oG ti,e brid`�; or. $27,t10�,00 or th= Architect's hotirly rate - F;Iiich�ver is 1�>�;,. iile hoari}• rat� f.�r boLli bridges stlall b� 2.32. ti;r,as :;�oes pa�d by th� ��.rchitect to trri.nc.ipals oi the firr�, and teciznzcai emalo}•ees for tim� s;���ll~ ori the p-�oject ��:'�zch Groc;ld b�� $35.00 p�r ho:�r For princinaJ_s a_:d u7 to a m?�:iet�im oi ;25.�� p.^r hour for t�Ctli�1C1�. EiRr�lO�'�es, Co:;;uleaa� servi�es S�!c��.l �")c F?�)_(i c1t. ��CCiI-17 C(�St ��ll:; 5�� �'!lC' �:�._'� ���Y^2:i !-O �)�tV �il? ��7'C�"ll.r�(`i: C�'�1 r� raor_thl� blsis i.;� accordance t�r;_t�� tl.� prov:i.s.ions se�r_ .f.ur.t:.}.� in Sect?.<>:i b o` t��i.s r�.�;rcer�:�ti�. ; of 14 � 6, P>cco�intinzRecords. For all s�rvic`s eaumerated and p�rforM�d by its pri�cihals, e�;�ployers and consuitan�s, the Architec* shall submit to th� HF���, ; • , . - , . _ ,_ � . ':R r -`+. .�'�.3.�,�:cC1 � '..:.?ra 1�� "..1�L11 _?:�tli :.t.'_.. � .Rl.:, ..:17__;? 1Cj°_'."i... � �il�� . .,. _. r)'.':�.. � . . - .. . . ._ . . . .. � . . . ^ ...t. forrced �nd whic'n shall certify tha` all ite-ns �re true and correct and expe:id.�d ur.d�r tF2e provisio�s ot tl?i_, Ar;ee;rer.t. Upon s<tisfacCo:y co^��ittion of th� �.^rvices enstr.�rat�d fier.eirt, ancl ti�:�-� 2:iic 1-ii?:,'s anproval o[ tne A�chitect`s t"zme .record� and acc��unts, the H'2A will tr«i�s�i� t'ne Archit�ct's bills for s�rvice to �he Ci.~y ior paymer.t oy th� Cit:y, ir.o:7 tH� Do*anto��m D�velop�=,�nt Lis�rict 3ond F;�nd, 7. � _�er�s and Con�itions. i'�i�s A�rez�r.ent i.s suj�j�ct to and incorpora,.�s f�he �rovisio�s attacne� hereto as �art II - Tc.�rr�s aad Co:�di�zons. , 8. Prev.3ili.n�; Sala�ies. Not Zess than the r.especti.��e salaries prevazLi.izg i.n tne locaZity shall 'o� paid to persons in tne resrective occupations therein e���.o;zd in the per£ormance of ��ork under. this A�reem?ni.. 9. CeLtifications. The Archirect sha11 furnisti to the H:�1 wi.tl� each stater,.e::t subMi�te� for services re;�dered ce:tifications as to compliance �rith S�ction 8 0� this Part when applic.,b�e, and a similar certificatiore oi his cortsultants ,,�ith respect to e��lo}T-e� en�a�ed in caork tmder this A�reen�r,r. 10. ;;�,spo�sibility of Archi_tect, :ihe ^rc`:itec.t sh=�11 ap�1y to ti�e YC't�7iYcli:lOi1 O� t�(l2 T��.c3T'.S 2T1C{ S�2C1L1Cc3L10I15 L'.'1° x'G�SU^3��LC 1Ttu �Y'OT�?Z St�i11::;� j'.!�'�.'.°R�_� .^.LiC1 C�ixB '•i�li.Ci1 8YC CL1StCl.^,1<_Y`�� 3ilC� i10i.?�17. t0 DtOi°SS10:?c1�. '.?rcCrLCC� �;Ll� sh�:�I Le Iiab).� to t'�e �r��; f.�� da:aa��s or iosses r�sultin� from failu:ie tc� �_.7iy tii�� a;�o•ae reaso.�abl:� a�id p�o�,�E:r. s?:i11.;, j�.id�t-ent an�� c�re. ].1. P,�.iT�.^�.-iH��-1.�7^CI1��:�;�� i'he '�*_-cizit�:ct d�signates i�:r, Br,�c:� �`,br.aha�n,o:t �.; pr�nci�,a�-in-cha-:-�>e of. L�iv s�rvice r.�,tti.red h�r�i�, 6 :�� 1,� . ��8��� �2. Annrovzt of Otii�r �'!�ar.ci.��;,. A. A�rov.�ls Prior to C:��lStrllCT:1TUI1 �.,on*ract A*.aard. I[lG' E�YC,IltE.'Cr 5�1�11�_ $UlJT:11t til^ �'j;Jx':`Clil� Dra�•r;n�C-,S aR<� SpeciFications as soon as p:-epar.ect to a11 agenci��s of. the local ar.d Sta�e Government ha�,=i.n�; juzi_s�i.cr.x.o:� ocer - E.'3Ci1 �3T1Ci`��? ��,.�(3 �1�3V1T•1�� t[lE.' i1��ili CO 2"P.Q�a1�C' SUC�l SIl}J" iTllSSlOit t0 t�1�T1 �Or cl�)7TOV�1 C�� 3R� �E'3t:J?"C'S c1i1C; �O �f?P_ OCJFI2CS Oi 3I�L1t�lTla 7Jl'.] lUl.��;S f0� �lTl��. Y�V)_^:t �ii1.�i c rC:nV3�. of bri�l�,e i�tilities ar.3 brid�;e co�n��ction:� r.o bui.lrings. B. Ordinances. i'tte Architec� sllatl d�asi�n the Frojzct to conforn to a1Z 3pplica_b1e State and lacaZ la�as, co�ies, ordi�an�as, and r4�ulations, as nodi`ied by any �:aivers which may b? oUtain�d fro� ttle appra�riate i!irisdictians. C. Ca��ansation, The �rchitect taill receive tto add�tional co�gensation or reimbi�rseue�t for ar.y chan�;es *�ad2 in the [�lorking Drawin;s and Sp�cifications pursua:�t to the re- quirements af this Section. 13. Pos>esszo:� of Documents. AI1 Working Drawin�s, tracin�s, ar.d s��°cifications to be prepared and furnzshed by the Architect shall h�cor+.e ttie p-ro;�erty o` �.he HRA upon their approval in t,r�itin� by tI�e H�,A, or i�po�? tne pr�or terr.tination of the Architect's services her�under. Tt�e Architect ;,hal� C�i^c.l1V°Y LO the ��iZt'� H1� such ;•Tor�c�.ng DZ'?'.•Il.itF;s, tracinos, structura.l com;�utati_o�es� and sp�cifi.cati.on:, a�13 s1;a71 have no c1ni:.*, for f�irtl:er etnploymer.t or ac�dz.ti�r�.al co�zz��r.satian as a result of e�.�rcise by ttie HtL� of its full rig:its of o:a�Arship o,'' t-,,,se docu,n�nt� and ma~erials. 14. part II, SPctio� 2, shsl? be d^lete�? i� its enti�-ety ancl the follo.:in�; 1�;���:��;;e substitu�eci t�erefo� : 2. 'ier,minatian f�r Cor.venience o` tne 3i't�, Th� H�:.:^. r.•ay terr,tinat� t[l:iS 1,n;�t�E i:?E!i:� :it1 f t:1_C(:2 Jl' �1 il0'i 1C� lit W�lY.1R� �IO:'1 C}7�_' �(`�:� _O the Contractor speciiyin� thc e£fective clate of tei�r�i:�2�ian. Tf tti^ A�r.ee���r.t is ter.�inated �y tti� }?F::� as provzc'ec� t��r.e:_n, tlii:s r����:ic� �i teL-rni.riati_o:1 o�i_lt b<> �;iven at Ieast i?.ve d,�s��; h?fore t.tiP effect:�ve dar_e o.f termi�at?on. In SliCI1 event, �ll. �l_Cll:i'I:`C� OY' llilfit{2l_Silc".<j t�r)Cli�l�'::t'S J Cr�?i:1� St_L:f��.':'S . clil:� 2'!?t)J�'`� P1:'_'p�T'r C1 by t}lC C.nii�.T"<3CtUr t!nder t�11S ���i�t?[R?t1�� Slt?Z1 � c1� .tl:f' � C�f' �.�r option of ttie HR�, bsceme its property and the Contractor shall be entitled to r��ceive just and equitable compeilsation £or any trork c�^►,�leted on such docu-.enrso If this Aoree��,ertt i.s r•:�r.-n�nated due ro tf,? fa;t�_t of t':z� Contracto:r, Sncti_on 1 t -_'? , �.� ...�: �'�,'> �:c� _ - , ':t .;?.:�i.i�ct 5;�2i� ':k�'�7-I• � 15. Ir:dep�r.dent Co�r_ractor. �or t112 pttrpos�s of this Agree;n�nt, the Arc�it�ct st.all b° dee�::ed to b�, an i;�depe;�d��zt contractor, and nat an e�r,�loyee of the Ci.ty or of the HRAo any ar.d �11 e��7_e}-ees of tiie ��rc`�itect or oth�r parsaas, c,,h5.le en�a�ed in the performance oi any �•IOrk or services r�quired by tha AT-chitect under �:zis r�gYeenez,C, shall not be cotisidered em?loyees of th•; Ci.ty or a�: the N�'.�'�, and any and a1Z clai�s tnat r�ay or ni�ht arise undAr the Z�;orl:- m�n`s Co:;tpeasati�n Ac� oF rfinn�s��a o�1 }�ehal.` oE said e*��loyees or ot��e� p�rsons o�hile sv engaJed, and any and all elaz�!s riade by anJ r.hird par�y as a consec�uancz of any acC or emission on the part of .the Architect`s employees, or other par�ozs w?�ile so en�aoed on any of the ororl: or. servi::es to be rendsred, shall in no ��zy be the obligation or responsibzlity of the Czty or of the �iP.A. `ihe �'�rc�ztect sha31 pay, as they becor�e due, all just claims for work, tools, machinery, stcills, r,taterials, insurance premiums, eruip;r.ent and su�plies furnishe�l, r.endered or perforred in the execution of this Agreement, 16. Co:�tin�;ent Fee. The �rchitect �aarrants ti:at he has not emnloyed or r�= ta�:���i ar.y �ompany or person, other tha� a bona fide em�I�yee w:,rkin� �olely �o� the Architect, to solicit or secure this Agreer.:e�t, and that he has noc p3id or �;reed to pay any co*�nany or p�rs�r., other than a bona fide em�Io�ee ;aorl��i.n� ;0�.2�.}' ��: tfl° �YC.�ilti:Cr� STl� f�e� CO;L'�l1SSIOri� ��'iCr_'11C8��� broker��� it.L'� �?.�i or oti,er co�szder�Ci�:e, co.2ting��nt t�pon or resultin� fro:n the a��ard or ma`.-:i�iL o` �i!i.s .�7re^:�e,�t. Fv;- brnacil or vinlst.z.o� of tili.s r.�ar-ran~y*, ttl� C;ity or r�.�. l:t',:� s':all ti�t,>e the r.iryht to ar.nLl �his contrGc� *,iit'hou� li?bili�y�, or ia i:.� Cj?.:�.^.YC'�lOi1 t0 G�2C�•,1Ct fIO:TI �:il�_' C7'li:T2.Ct: �?C1C2 OT' COi1.�ZC�E"•_":ii..'�Otl� OL' Oti2+_'x..'l:ii: Y'C�V'�?�� t�?C..' fl'.].�. =.1Ti:0'.IL1r Oi S!I•^�� f°_.^.� Ct1:'.;;fl1SS7_OT2, �7t�.TC�P.i 3��c�� b�Oi�E!T2;° Tc'•?� �,it�. OY CU'1~1'1�2�1t ��'t?, z7 a.Il�tl?'�1r1C1?. ��1:�;? llZ'C�"lli°C`l: ::.�1�2.�. � Cii!i'1Yi�� i.F!� t211it Oi t::11:: t'��Y'"�E'il�.✓'�1i.� C?2'I'y' <z:1C1 ::1�1Z?"lt:.�?l�l �itl a�YC.�?l:�i?C�t i �[t(i�t7_' ii?�'1L:�'. _"L'�: ��iO���SSlOi7.l.� �.1���1IJ.i..L 3 c3� 1.'E it�.curattce poliey in ttie a*�oun� oP at I�as� $500,000, wnich p��licy st-xa11 bA. s�u j:�ct to �.��proval as tu cover�i�e and �arrns �.�y ttie t�i2A or ti�e Cit�r aLtornay. Arehitect shall deli.vPr a co�,� of this insurance policy to th� HrLa 2rior to coT�ence- ti'.E.i!� O� 3ri?j [dbY'�C O?" SE32'V].C@S LTlC�EC tI21S �1bTrE°t'?@Il�. Iri ac�c�!t10T2 �O t�l° S�1;1:�3i(t coverage for errors and omissio,�s, a certifzcate shall be iL'Y'L11S�l�d which caiil prc�azd� that tne N.:'t.:4 shall receivz r_hirty (30) days` writt�n notice oi cancel-- lation thzreof or no�ice of any r.laterial changes in sai� policy. IN idlT':t�'SS i3��ER�O?, tha parties have cat�sed this t�ore�ment Lo b� e:;ecu4ed t-.1�. �i�.y a;�d year first above urritten. 1_;��roved as to Form\ � CIi'Y OF S�IiiT "ALZ, :ITLV.'��.SOTt� �1\ �t���� ✓ � . . . � . . . \\` \' �; ; ``� . . �V � . � -�� Assistant City At4orney � " \ ,t�fayo: ' , j � �__`------., ,. \ Ir. tae Pres2nce of:� Director, Degartm�r.t o£ Fz7aar.e . � and ?,anagemen� Servi.ces HOUSrtiG As3D ?t�'�:VEL�^���i� �1L�':�tO;:ITi GP T't�r^. CIlY 0�' SAZt�T ,�c'.1\t1L, �(Ii;N��nTs� Tn th� Presence of: /� �l `�;� $y �.�-�.,,--�� . _ �'�-.._...,'_`_"'� -- ,,� � ,'� +. '� L �'�� � � � t f^ �_ _ By � _:� _, V°���. , � ,.Y'; �. ,� � ?r, t':.,e I'resence of: `��/ '�� � t�'�1.'":T,� l�Ti�i�ii A�\� �Fi���,:TiT.�n.,� �/-,t��"L-r�.�C.i' '�---�i"�-''�..�� _ /f�j � �Y�.�2�./��� �''��C�� ,,, -m. �- �._�_�* 1.� �.�'+':�'�.�-- 1..�' � � � �%' ���°t"��"� ' _____-__�._. - 9 0� 14 .. �� �� . � `�����.� � , �, � - l'. S. DEPI.;�!':-�ti�;T Oc fiCi.;�T;�G A,;� U��:�i� UEVEI.GrME:NT Huo-����a P.�:N:�:WAL A.S5TSTr1^+CE AD,1It�iISTRATIO?d ' (z-��) �o�TRac-r �_�,� �qo�=�ss�otia�. o� �r�c;�,��c��. s��y���s � � r a�t li — T�rms ond �onditiens 1. T��iWa�ifln o� Con�r�ct �or C�.�;az. I�, t�iou� �n;; cavs�, �,�� Ca:���vcior s�a.I.I. Pail -to �.i?.�'ill in �j..:..�ly. Pnd pro�ar n�a; ;nia oblig_�io�3 u:c:�.Y t:�J,� Con��ac�, or i� tha Coi2t�actor eh.a11 viola�e �y o� the covauan�a, s�y,:;?a•.��,t;�, ox• s�3pulazio�s oP thi� Co�t:sct, t�4 Loca2 Pu'�?ic A��nc� shaJ.l t��reur.,o� 2:�v� ��� x�i�ht to te*_-�insL� t�ia Corztrsct by �iv3�g �i�t���� nc�ica to tna Cc::�,:�c�or oY such t�:�l�at�.on snc3 sp�ciiying ta? �Q��ctiv� date -thzr�o�', �t lea3�i �lvw d.�s be:�oae tY�z ��'�ecti�� clat� o� suct� t�r�insti��. 7.0 auc3i e•v�n�, �.il .�i�i�?a�u� o, u��3.nisaAd doc�.i�nts, c:�ta, $�udies, �d ra,o�s� pra��,.�d b;,� �.� Cc:c:;°acLor t.�d�r thi� Coat��t 6ha11., �:�t the optic� o� �t�z �,o��? Puaiic �;ar�cy, �ae�c�z �-t� proxrty and ti�z Co�tr.rctoe s�11 be entitled to r�eca�.ve �just :zzd �q,ui�.ao1.-� cc��en�ation �tor a�y satis:�actoxy Wr�r�s co��.e+,,�d on �uc� do�c�e:ata. . . P�a��itha�t�di.n3 t�� abov�, t�P- Con�rsctor ��5�.13. ua� b� r�lief�d o� 3.�.^bi7._��;� . �o th� 7,cca2 Pu31ic �,:r�cy �or d��a sus'tsi:a�d by the Loca1 Pub�ic A��nc� by vi�u� os arsy b��sch o� th� Co�t�.�c�t by -t�ae Co��r:�.:,tor, a:z3 t�z Loc�. x�.:b1:ic �.���c;� �ay ui���aid aay p�y��ta to the Ccn-tr:.�.c�or ��z- thz ��a_�a�t o� a?�:o�� - Ln�til auch ti...-� aa t'ti� exa.�t a�o�t o� d�:�a�za dua t�� I.ocai. �:blic �,��cy �ro� the Cont��ct�r ia de�e�i��&. 2. "'�3-�3�atia� ��r Coz�ti?a:.ance o� Loca3 Pubiic r�-sr±cy. �� ��,QC�,,. R:'�7_i� A��ncy zu�y ���ina-c� tAis Con��ac4 e.�.y ��� b;� a notic� ;_� writia� Yr:�.w �tc° Loc�. h:ol�.c /��ncy ta ths Contrsctar. I� th� Conti ziet is tLz�i�at�d b;� -t�:� Loca1. Public �ge�cy � providzd har�i.n, tha Cont:ac�or t�-!Il b� �a:3 �.n u;.:.�r..� ��.ch �a?�3 t�2 a� ratio �o ���� total. ca��>zs�4io.� �s t�� ��:-�r3c.�s �c:t-.:��.ly ��oa°-..�d b��r Lo ��e to��. ��;-vSces o� �h� Cont,�c�o� co r�r�a �y ��:ia Cc��.�ac�, l.e�z p�y��t� o� CfirrJ°'�3e►'�i0� rS'�+��0t;3�.f 'L".��: P�o, vic?ra, �o�,���r, t�t i� ,1e�� t�:.:� aiayy pzr c��� o:� ��A �;�rvac?g co�r�red by �s.i� Co�tr°c; hu=r� �een �r�:cf.'o:��.�-c� un�� -r.h? e�iec�ir� tla�� a? su:.� te�i�ta�ioa, t�a Co�tr�.�Eoy s?��?1 bW z�,i�;��urae� (in �.adiii�n to �`�L ubo�� pay-�:t} �o:r ��at p03'�`c.'ioxz ox'' �^� z.ct�.��?. ou�-o:-?•�c�.�� cx��n��� (n��c o�^z?-:;ise rei�b�arszd t��3F:r t�is Co��r��'�� iz:c:;�r�d by t�: �.'Q_":r::.';.>t:"GJ_^ Clli�ja�d �a?? (,'O_':-�Y'E.'CC Ut'_2'i4� bri2�CiZ 2..�i C�1T'i.C:�l� cZ"`L"G:�S.btii.��.��'. 'L"O if`? u�c.:.:r��!��e� ���rLion ci ��� Ee�-vic�:s covexed �f ��+a Ce��r�ct. �; �t�i� C��:;-�r�.ct i3 t.�A�:ir_atGd c1aA to thz �.ault o� t�� Co����scto.:, S�c�iocl � ,.�:40•? rw'uc?v4 �o te7�i.�aLi.�a �,:aa31 �,��11. � ,.= , 3. C'�r�.�a:y��. sz� S�a�. Puallc ���n�f �J, i'rc:� ti:�? �a t?.;:(, �»n�=��; t.i:��-��j.°� -l�l L�C� C��.-��� ��.i T.�': �?�11.�'s3 Q� 1i�".'. �:��4x[1,.�L�r l�� U� �J:1'1��.�,�C� ��•.'�'�.:iZ�.f��r . ._ �.�'7i.I"�'.:1 C�. ��L'S� js:.C.��.:�ii3;� t,^..�'� tT:�.Z'�c3? Oi C��'C.ic!7.$2 � '1.�.'� �'.'.:?Ot?�''v Oi 't'.�.°�. �iG_',':�i��^=Cti".O.','tu C^v:.':�.��ii;3':{Q',l� F�i?iC:1 e"�..T'P, i:Slli,L':�..Zy f!�;�?C� 127011 e��J P..�i� �i;:���E°i1 �:1'ti Z.D�?.�. j�;:I.;,ii: a., r •• _,r._� - T..�z.' �.' .'.� '' r..,Z C� c. .... O� a�.{:LO�j 8':^..��?1 b�` �Z.'COX';JU��'�..-v2t� .j.tl :?'x�.'�`.T.-�� �],::1�?:.�!C.a��;i:;3w3 ..:! :;�lj.s . C J�i G:�-C"�`.. � 11 ��r; � 1_;. ; ; _ `-�\ \ . ' � ' � . \ . H�,�;)•6 i;5 12-5� �. Perao�nel. a. The Cont:sc�ar repr�a`n:.s t�a.� he has, or �rill secure at his o•;n expense, all personnel r�quired in pQ.��orrsin? the sex-vic�s under this Contract. S�ach nLz-ao�n�l shell not be e�:oyeea of or hnve �uiy contr�ctu�? relatior3hip Ni-th th� Lcc�1 Fublic A�,�acy. b• Al.l th� s�r�ric�s req;zir�d h�z'etat2deC will be p�riorW?d by the Contractor or unc��r bia sup°rv��ion and �..11 per:�c�nnel enge.�ed iu th� wor� �sha12 b� �ully qu�ll�ied and s��1.1 b° e.u�horized or p?,rraitt'ed und?r StFte ^.�d loc�l �a:r to per�or-� auch s-�rvices. c• No p�Tao;z uno ia s:°rving szntence in a �?�za1 or correctional inati�ution shsJ.l be emp�o,��d o� wor:c under this Contract. 5• A.��ti-Kicd�ac� R�.�1ea. SP1ar1e� o� arc?:itects, dra:�ts,aen, techni�al. , e�gineers, �d technicia:ia p�rPo*�S.n� Kork under this ContrarL sh�1.l be paid t:nncozditionall;� and not Zeaa o�te� than once e z�ontn uithout deduction or reb�te o. a.ny �ceoun;. except ouly such payroll d�ductions as are �andatflry by la�+ a.r p°�raitte3 by the applicable re�.:lat3or�a issued by ti�a Secret�r,,r o� Labo� pura�sau� to th� "Anti-�Cic�back Act" o� Jun� 13, 193!� .(�8 st3t. ��+8; 62 Stat. 7�t0; b3 stat. 30�; ti�t2� 16 U.S.C,, section 874; a.nd titlz 1E0 U.S.C., sectio� 276c). Tha Contr�.c�o.r s',ae1.l co�Iy srit�i rill applic�ble "Anti-Kic�cbaclz" regulations a;nd shrzl� ins°� a�p,opriate provisions in all subco�tr�e�s corerir.g crora undQr this Contract to .insure cor��pliaue� by subcontrac�ors wit� suca r�aulations, �.nd shs].l be responsible �or the sub:aission ox. a��id$vits requi�ed o� subcontractors thexe- und-�- z�cept as th� S�cretary o� Labor may sp�ci�icr�.11y provid� �oz va.�-iatior.s o° �r exzaptions �ro�e the requirzraents th�r�of. � 6. 6�ith'�oldin.� o� Sa2�ries. I�, in the p�r�oxT+n+ance o� this Contract, th�r� is any u.�zroa;l�nt o� salasias by th� Ca:�tractcr or by �.ny subcon�rac�or the��- un.d�-, the Loc,e�1. Pub2:.c �;ency sh�l uithhold .:ro� th� Contractor ou� o� p�y-�zn;,s du� t� hira �xt .souut su�i�icie�t to pay to e:�plcy�es underp;i3 the dii��re�cQ be����n tha sril�t-iea reqsired hereb� to be psid �xd th� salar.�zs ectuc�ly paid such e��loy��a �Por ti:e total numbar o.� houra crorked. lne �ouuts zrith��ld s�ia7.l be d'aburapct b� the Loca]. Public ��ncy �o�- and o� accou�t o' the C�ntractor or ezibcontr�sc�or�t� th� rz�pe�t i��� e�ploye�s to •�ho� t��y are c;u�. 7. Clt3.i� �nd Dis�utea P�rL�,ining to S�.la:ry Rat2s, Clsira� and dianut�s p�z-'�s;ai�g to s�..lrxr-y xa�es or to c?:S`Sj iicat�.ons o:� a:c�3t�ci,s, drr�f VS:LZIZ� tec�,ric,1 engin_e�r�, a:-�d technfci�a �2r�oxrain� uor:; t�d�r �.his Co�tr�ct s�alZ b� p,��tly re�orted in writirg b;� t�� Contrsc to, to the L�esJ. Publie A�::�cy Pox• t�� lati,ez's decision �:hich sha11 b� �inaZ �i�h resp�c� t��rz��o. . �I. �ua3. E,wr1o.J�u',X.''1�L Q�por��:;iLy. lT�:rin3 �n� p_°r�o:,�ce o� �hia Gon�ra.ct, . . th-� Cor_�t.��,,r�� agr�za �s Po�?o�rs: . rx. in� Contr�.cto� wi11 not diserir��:n,<,t� a-;ainst An f �.IAb�V• ee or �;- �1 � ,� pplicaiit for er.��OLO�yrl(1'vil� b�c�us� o� r�ce, cotoi-, relir�on, sex, or natior�31. or:i�;i:�. - �.�e Cont.r�zctor ��Ll. �ta:�e aL i irrr.�:tive ac tio*� to ensu.r� th�.t applicanta are e�pl.ofed, �n:l t�at er.r��oy°�s �tie treate3 �urL�g e_�1.o;z�'t, x1��ou� r���rn t0 tY;e::iT' T'�tC�;� CC)IQT'� X'E:1_:t�'�OTl� ;;'X_� 02" riai.:0:'1:!1 Ol"l�;lri. ..�'itlC�l t1C�`.lOJ1 ah�tl j_:�clu�!°, hut no� b-� li�ite�3 to, t�e :o'1oai.�b: e.ploy�:ent, i'p�z'�.'�.n�, d���tioa, or �r��..na�?zr; rr.c-vit�zzzt or 2'°rTt:�'G�c�t �.'ve:tis:�r�; 1F�yoY� or t41:�'s��tion; rate3 02' pay or oL�Qr �a�^L:s oY co:���sa�ia;s; ��3 12_ of 14 ... �-`�� .. \ ..\ . � �\ �., _ NUD-3216 i2-b9) snlecttori �or tra:.nin3, iu�ludirg �.pp':enti.ceship_ T'ae Contractor ����.�s to post iu co�3picuous p2a�e3, av�iiable to e:aplo;/ees end Gppl�.c�rits Por e�ployWent, notic�:� to 4e provid�d by th� Loca.l Public r���:cy rt�t�ir.3 Yorth tne p�ovisions o� thi� nondiscrir�inatio� cl�use. b. ih? Contractor u1�?, in a11 �o�ici�at;ion; o� �u?ve:tia°Went, �o:� erap�Of2�S pya�ed by or o:� behali of 'the Cantractor, stat� tt�at all qu�sli�i�d a�plict��ts �i�l recci,re consider�t�.on for, e�ployce:en.t Kithaat re;a:d t0 r�ce, C;vlO'_'� T'��j.�1011� S°i:� O.r.' :1�l�lOY:f:1 UT'1.�111. - c. T'ne Contracto: �i ll cpusz th° �oreaoin� p:o•risions to be in:,�rt�d ?n �lI subcon�racta �'or �y uor'f cover�d by taia Contract so tha� suc� pro•jisions u111 b� bindirb upon each s�:bco:�tractor, provi�e3 t�:at th�� ior��oir_� provlsions sha11 no� agply to con�racts or su�co��.act3 �'cr �t�<'.:.:d ' co��rcis? suppli�s or r�u �terie.ls. _ 9. Discri.:�inst ioa E�cauae o� Certr i� Labor ?datters. Y';o persen e���o3'e� on t�z �oxk covered by this Co�tract sh�i1 b� disCharged or in �y usy discri���r_at�d r��ainst because h� h�.s fi�ed �ny coWplaint or in�t�tut�3 or cauaed �o b2 iLstitu�ed e�y proceedi.c� or has tes�i�ied or is about to testiPy in �..�y proceedir_g u�d�� or relativa ta th� labor e��..�c3ax'3s apc�licpble h�reu:d?r to his ��p?oy2:. 10. Co�li�nca With Loc��L L��.rs. 'I"ne Cont:actor s�a11 co�ply s:it� a.l.i . �pplicable 1aus, ordina�ces, e.r.d codzs o� the Szate �nd loctl gov�rn.rcer_���, and shall co�:.t no trea�aas oa any public or pri�ra�e propzrty in per�orialn� a�y o� the �ror� e�sbrace� by this CoL�ract. 1�.. 5ubcon�rac4�n�. rronz oP the services covered by t:!i� Contz-act rh31.1 be subcontract�d xithout the prior ux�itte� consen� or the Lo��l Pubiic A�e.1cy. `ihe Contractor shall be �s fully respo:�sible to th? L�csl Publ�.c ���r.cy "e= ��e c�cts and o�lasiQ�a oi hia subcontrector�, and oiP pzrso�a eit,�er dirac�l� or indir�etly e�ployed by the�, as he is for the acts ar�d o�issio:�s UP p�x'c�G};s dire�tly e�ployed by him. The Coatracto: shal.l insert in ez�ch sttbcontra::� � a�pr.opria.�e provisitins requirin� co��li�ce With t�e la�ar stan�ards n_��risicny . o� this ��n-tract. 12. Aasi,�zaebilit;�. �'he Co�trector s`�all not e.ssigo. any interest i� �his Gontract, �nd s'=a11 not tra_:sfer any inte�est in the sa.�? t�h°ta°� by assw;,r:���4 o� nova�iun) uithou� th? prior w�itten �sp�roval oi th4 �,ocal. rublic A.,�e��y: P:c�vide�., ho�.rev�r, that cl�i�as Yor r�^ey du° o�: �o b.�co�e due th� Ca;�tr�c;�cr �'ro� tzi� Loca1. �ublic ��;ency urder this Con�ract �ay bz assi�ued �ca F: b�;�.-��, trust co�p�y, or aLher fin�cial institution, o:- to a xn�stez in �3:�?c;.�:�tcy, uit,aout such approval. Tto�ice o:i e��y such assi�?�� or tr�:es��r s:la.l�. �a� ,'urn�.ahe3 p�oMptly to t`�J Loca1 P�.��i ic A,a��::.y. . 13. In�Pres L o�' �i���'J°i- O' Loc�? Pablic A.x��c�. i,o ra��:'o�r o' t.�� �;o-.��i.�� b;;�y o� the Local P�blzc t.��n��, F:.nc? no o�h�r o��ice�, e,,:pJ_o;;�e, or a3�r,t Ga ��:: Lacal Public A�znc,y x�o ex�rcis�e a�ny furzctio�s or res_r.o��sibili�ti�s in co:u.�::c�ic�-� u:it� th` ct�.rryiu� out of i.y� P:o�j°ct to whtch �th�b Contx4cu p=����;.�:�, ��..11 ��.v� F�:1� p�r�onal inL�re�t, d L:�ct or J.r.direct, in -th�s Coa�ract. � . 1��. I�?:err�s� o� Gtz;-�r Loc:�? pi�b?:SC 0�'i icifils. 1vo �e:n��r os" -tti>_ „o�rC�:��n� r c�i ____ - ----._ � -- �. _`•� + _t ^d o ot�;vx� ��ibtic .:i�;j ±�:e �OC:l�l�.y 1T1 tJ��C`3 t�� i a O�£.0� �i:c'Fi 1:, SlLJ� t':�� c1�_. Ti Oi'i j.C��� O:i SL1C}1 IOCE�Z.�Ld� :%L'O �XE:TCj.S�':3 `J-�f �l�.Z'iC,�l.1G::3 OI' 3'.`'.3L.JL15�'•)t��.:?_c. t j.� t�:lE' Z'c.VJ.t:iJ CZ' 6t�T'J'I?�. Oi tYl-".'. C��f�71�^i Ol'.s,: Gi t'L'ie �I'O,jl.'�.t "t`,O ;I.^,iCLl �y1:��.;k e :?�2'3�C. n ^i c 7 ni� TG� y � .��rG'�.'L �� .:.n�ir:'_r� L`� 4141.::� C�/:Zj.r�.�l.. � �),_�4�:.�:�.:1� �J��:�� a�r'`'. �....If �)�..�..J� L :�..�t�. �71i� 7 13 0` 1!F t . � _ ..� x � . `� � _ �? : f..,��� - ��� � �, Hu;�.az,� r2_��) 15, Interesy o� CertQin Fader�?. Of�i�i^.1s. No �enber of o:r �e7.ega+� to � th� Co�.:e�s oi' t�;, I1a1tQ�.� St�t�s, �zc. n-- o R�si��nu Cv�ission�r, sha?1 bz �'�itt�>d to az�y sLare o:r p�7-t o.' ��i� Contract or to a.�y b��ne�it to �z-i;e hQre;ro:a. 16. I��t.�res* of Co�tr�c�or. The Coatr�ctor covz;au�& t�a-t h� p�aa��tly ��� no i��t�:�eat aa3 �s�.11 not ucguire an;/ interea�, direc� or ir.dirzc�, in ��� above-d�scsib��3 Pro�ec� A.r�a o� �� pa�-c�ls �hera;� or �y oth�r int�r�st •��ich uo•,?�1 con�liG� i_� �y �s�,er or d�g;.-�z uith tre per�o-��ce o� his s�n�ices h�;-c�,s�,�e;-. T�$ Co��,s..�or �ur��er covrnants that in t:�e pzr°o�....�:c� o� �his Co�>;a.t no p�rsen :aviag any such ��ereat shsll be e�loy�d. 17. Fi:di..�s ���id?ntial. All o� �he repo:�s, ir��ora�?o� 1 ' pi c:T7�--a� o.: �se�v?ad 'o• thz Lo�t,- ;,� r � , c?a�a, ��c.� J actor un�_r thi� Contrs.c,. �rz cca�-;d�n�i,3 �aci ��s Contr�cwor �^-ees �ha� �hey aha11 not be �ad� ava.ilable to � 3.nc;iv��u.a;�. c> or,g�ai:a�ion uit�ou� th� prior �rri�±en appro-ral o� t�e i�ocal . Yu'�►3.ic ?�ncy. . �. �, . ' , . r :'2t5?/-. (a,v. 2-.`,9} HUG,,,.st:,, D,c:. - 1�: Of: 14 ` .