268698 WHITE - C�TV CLERK �$���� PINK - FINANCE COUnCll r BLUERV -MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. i Council Resolution Presented By -�'��- ��� "�`-� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and authorize the execution by the proper City officers on behalf of the City, of a lease agreement for the premises located at 310 Cedar Street and on the second floor of the Minnesota Building for a term commencing February 1, 1977 and ending January 31, 1978, for a monthly rental of $5, 180.00, subject to being renewed for an additional term of one year at the option of the City, for a monthly rental of $5, 240.00. A copy of the lease agreement shall be ma.intained on file in the office of the Department of Finance and Management Services. Funding Code: 30350 Approved to Funding: Approved: .,... _._.._�_ Directo . ' ance an ent Services B get ir c or �C- � 4Z,t7GL COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays L� Requested by Department of: H�a 7 [n Favor Hunt �• Levine __ Against BY � Roedler �'�" Tedes �A� 8 1�:. rm Approved C' y Att rney Adopte Council: Date C ified Pass y Cou etary' By ` App d by Mayor: Date �� � � '�97T Appro Mayor for Sub i si n to`Council gy BY PE�BL,s�+EO MAR 19 1977 � — �6�6g8 C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Februa.ry 4, 1977 HARRIET LANSING Mr. Richard Thorpe, Director Ma.npower Programs 310 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Thorpe: Attached please find resolution and lease agreement for your office space on the second floor of the Minnesota Building and 310 Cedar Street. After the resolution has been approved by the City Council, the lease agreement should be signed by the Nlayor, City Clerk, and Director of Finance and IMa.nagement Services. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Yours ery truly r , � ; ; � JER �. GAL � Assis nt ity A�'ttorney � JJS:jr Enc. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 . - ` Q�i OZs: �,�/2.S7S . RB�t. : 9/8/76 ' ----- _._ E ATI�N �P' ADMINISTRATI�E ORDE�.LS, s� - � . �G '� .. RE�OLUTI4g1 , AND 4RL?I1�RZ�TC£S , ��¢���� .... ..�...�.�� ��.� i�.-� .. . Date: February 8, 1977 ` _ . � Tp; MAY�R GEORGE LATIMER _ . �- RicF�ard Thorpe, Division Head � . Manpower Programs RE: w ���.; Lease Agreement� for Manpower Programs � - AC7'ION REQIIESTED t . ,_�.�.. . Approval of attached Cauncil Reso�ution awtFrorizing the City � �,F off�i cers to. execute .the 1 ease agl�eement: f�r space at 3I0 Cedar �. - Str�eet and in the Minnesota Build�ng for �s� !�y the St. Paul ;.-� � Garieer Guidance and Training Cent�r and t�e Divfsi�n o� 'Manpot�er � + Pragrams. PaRPOSE AND RAT�ONALE' FOR TSIS ACTTON: ' ., Appraval of Council Resolution and Lease Aqreem�ent would enable Manpower Program Division to occupy 310 Cedar Street and to provide additional space in the Minnesota Building (second floor� for the Career Guidance ar�d TraiRing Center The dates of lease commence February 1, �977 and end January 31, , 1478, for a monthly rental of $5,180.QO, subject to being renewed for an additional term of one year at the option of �he City for ' a monthly rental of $5,240. ATTACF�M�ITS: � r�.��r�r.rrr.�. � . Cnuncil Reso.lution L�ase Agreement . � � �� �_�� � .