268693 WHITE - CITY CLERK �A^A^A PINK - FINANCE - L'LJL�\'•l' CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICII . OvVIJv BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By , ��,'��/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the final position of the City of Saint Paul, to be submitted to the arbitration panel, in the ma.tter of the White Collar Supervisory Unit, represented by Professional Employees Association Unit No. 2, as ,submitted by the Ma.yor th�ough the attached letter, is hereby approved, and the Ma.yor is hereby instructed to proceed to arbitration on this matter. , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ` H�a In Favor Hunt � Levine _ Against BY Roedler '�y�es�er Tedes M� 8 �977 Form pproved by ity Adopt y Council: Date c rtified Passed ouncil S y , BY By, Appro d by Nlayor: Da _ MA� � O �9�7 Appr d by Mayor fo u ssion to Council gy By Pu���sHE� MAR 1 9 1977 � " 2�8�93 �.� �j �i I 1'1' O 1? 5�1 I \7: 1�:1 I? I, ., -..,-�,�..�t'_ '' ��»gs cra c�n O1'I'1Ci1i OF 1'III: �I.11'<)lt � .,-y ss arn�: — � �� � ��`� °'��������r����'� CiF,OF�GE Z.�TI�IEF2 �i 4�o� February 18, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the Saint Paul City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Councii Members: The administration of the City of Saint Paul has attempted to negotiate a settlement with the Professional Employees Association Unit No. II (PEA II) for the 1977 cantract year. Negotiations with this white-collar supervisory group consisted of six meetin.gs prior to a request for mediation before the State Bureau of Mediation Services. After two mediation meetings, impasse was reached on October l9, 1976. The matter was then presented to the director of the Bureau with the request for arbitration, and the director certified the matter for this p,�ocedure. The City of Saint Paul had five additional meetings with PEA� II even after impasse was certified. Again these meetings did not result in a settl.ement. Pursuant to Section 25 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, I herewith submit to the Council, for its approval, the City's final position in this arbitration matter. The positions proposed to be submitted to the arbitrators by the City in regard to PEA II are as follows: 1. Mileage - While PEA II has requested an increase in the mileage allowance to $0.15 a mile and option to use a City-owned vehicle, the City proposes that the mileage language in the 1976 contract, providing for $0. 06� a miie, and $2. 50 per day, stand as is. The City believes that this is an adaquate compensation and reflects the cost of an employee using his/her own vehicle on City business. 2. Insurance - The City has language in the 1976 agreement with this unit providing for contributions by both the City and individual employee for hospital and medical insurance and related dependents' coverage. The current contract sets forth specific dolZar amaunts � ��y- ._�.� . � 1 City Council Members -2- k'eb�uary. �.8, 1977 2�86�3 as to the City`s contributions, and the unit now wishes the City to pay 100 per cent of the dependents' hospital and medical insurance instead of the joint contribution presently in force. The City believes that, as an employer providing � this insurance, it should receive a credit deductible from the overall increase in wages and other fringe benefits to properly reflect this cost item. The unit is unwilling to lower its salary and other demands so the City could grant a concession in this area. 3. Wages - The salary range for this unit is from $14,825 to $39, 280. The City proposed a sliding scale of 4g to lo, with the higher percentage being appliGable to the lower salaries. The sliding scale concept of increases in compensation for this unit has previously been agproved by the Council and, when coupled with the cost of other fringe benefits provided to these employees by the City, represents what the City believes to be adequate compensation. A difficult area for the' City is determining a fair and just proposal for the higher-paid job titles in this group. A 2o to 1% increase at the very top of the scale, when coupled with the cost of fringe benefits, is believed to be fair. A definitive statement of this unit's demands for wages as will be presented to the arbitration panel is approximately 16� for a two-year period. 4. Duration of Contract - The City proposes a oxie-year agreement for the arbitration panel to consider; however, it has been amenable to discussion of a two-year pact. I believe, upon a thoughtful review of all of the proceedings and the merits of PEA II ' s case, that the final position of the City is a fair and reasonable offer in comparison with other groups and with due note being made to the broad salary range of- this group. Further, I have previously stated the City's point of view with regard to the ever-increasing insurance costs in labor negotiations by recent letters to you concerning the City' s position in otl�er arbitration matters. I reiterate this position again as it applies to PEA II. I have been advised that an arbitration hearing will be held sometime after April 11, 1977. I respectfully submit this summary of the City' s position with the request that "you approve it so that we may proceed to a hearing on the matter. Respectfull.y yours, GEQR LATIMER Mayor � GL/lm