268691 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII �VVV9y2 PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR . . Flle NO. , ouncil Resolution ., Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve applications made by the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for the abatement and cancellation of taxes and special assessments as against property acquired and owned by the Housing Authority and which is exempt from taxes and special assessments pursuant to Minnesota State . Law, the property being more fully described in Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation Application Nos. 91407, 91799, 91851, 91853, 91854 and 91892, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Department of Property Taxation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: '.'Buf{8� � Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine _ Against BY Rcedler Te-&��e�ster � $ �� Form Approved b Cit ttor y Adop y Council• Date — ertified Pa by ' Secre�ary $Y Appr d.by iVlayor: Da _ 11AR �Q 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r By BY PvBL!SyED MAR 19 1977 ,�. < � , ' DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .��'���� LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director February 10, 197� Wil�iam E. Carlson Proper[y Valuetion ROGER VIK Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix Gity C1erk Roam 386 Court House Attn: Albert B.. Olson Gouncil Recarder Re; Apglications far abatem.ent for Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Aear Mrs. Mixt Enclosed are capies of the folZawing abatementst 91407 91851 91854 91799 91853 91892 There are assessiaents levied against these parcels tha.t are to be cancelled hy reaolution of the Gity Council# as fQllcswst 1974 Asaessment: District Str. Maint. ��32 Tree Maint, ��33 Sewer �k2095 10 $ 22.00 I975 Assessment; 8 $ 6.84 I976 Assessment: 5 741.90 302,92 7 20.16 8 113.12 $ 9.38 10 192.I6 Please take whatever action is necessary. Yours very truly� Lou McKenna� Director Degartment of Progerty Taxatian By � ,��-A-��..- � Deputy GHKs ay Enc. �55 REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 91'�}.O7 AssessmentDistrict: St• PaU'1' Jan. 13� 19 77 Legal Description: PROPER7Y IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water B. MicheY�s Rearrangement Of' Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed . Blk. 7 Froperty Coded As : 08 50800 I�91 07 026 019 -- AddressofProperty: L}J.�.O L&f'OriC�. Avenue Combined for 1976 by Div. 51368 Applicant: ROU 61''t T. S iman f or: - Housing & Redevelopment Authority Mailing Address: 55 �;. Fi f th S t. St. Paul, Minn., 55ioi Applicapt's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: APrj1j.Ca't1011 f'OP EXG'TtijJ't10ri School A VEAR USEO ��P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District C RESID Cotle one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class % Value Owned 625 U 5 B A 1100 5390 6 90 H 2 1622 � �±.� Assessot s Recommendation: School A EAR USED �/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District C RESID Code one Use Own Use Lantl Bldg/Other Total Class % Value Owned 625 U 75 Onl F C 1100 0 6 90 'X 0 2 6 ReportofInvestigationr APP11C�ri� acquired pror�rt� �;!]_9/?5 throu�;h condemnation proceedings and owned t���:' ; ;� ► /`?� < .�, „a „r�,�pt classifica- , .� _ . . ' t i c�?� b y s w�;c;t.,e. ,.�,,,.--� � � f;, � � Ex. �P A r. �P Steno bl � �G��' �''�� ��`C.�- PP Authorized Signature . FORM DPT 1641 �?�=''- i REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No91799 wssessmentDistrict: St. Paul Jan. 2�.� 19 ?7 LegalDescription: S-t. Anthony Park PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water � Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed - P`roperty Coded As : 10 67500 100 74 019 030 --- Address of Property: VaC&rit �.&riC� A�pticant:GERHARDT KOHN� f or Housing & Redevelopment Authority • Mailing Address: ],2fj (;OUT'� xOUS @ Applicant's Mazket Value: Land$ Imp. $ "Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: Application for Exeption ( Correct Er. ror School U UNITS p�P Taxadle Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A YEAR USED Code o Ow�ed C RE510 one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class /o Value 625 U 7�I- F B 00 CI Assessor's Recommendation: SChool U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent �istrict 'q EAR USEO Code , Ownec! C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class h Value 25 U F C EX 0 1 60 xepottofi��esc�gac;on: R�ferenced parcel was not made exempt when abatement No. 8571.#.0 was processed and this is to correct tnat error. Ex. (ij�{ Appr. (T� Steno bl � Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �-"� f " Pa�e 2 of 2 REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 9ZH51 AssessmentDistrict: St• Paul' Jan. �.� 19 77 LegalDescription: �nlap Place Addition PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water � Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed Property Coded As: 1) 05 2l�.200 O10 OZ 066 003 NO " 21 � 1 0 03 0 002 Address of Property: 1200 S't. Cla i r Ave. (1� 3� 120 0 3 Vacartt �and 2t�,rv s t�.) �3p p3 Appi,�a�c: Gerha rd t Kohn f or: 5�� 7�.0 03 H. R. A. Mailing Address: 13$ COU.Y'i. HOLtS @ Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: 1976 Application for Exemption School A YEAR USED �/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District C RESID Cotle one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class °k Value Owned ;�.{.) 625 U 76 C 6 00 NH p 2560 99 6 00 6 00 ;5} 62 U 6 C J NH 0 0 99 8600 8600 Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED A EAR USED Percent District C RESID Code ane Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class °k Value �`^��etl �.} 625 76 F C 6 00 6�.00 EX 0 2 b0 9 6 00 5) 62 U 6 F C 8 8600 EX 86 ReportofInvestigation: ACC1UlS1t10ri information was received too late to update records to exempt class . This will properly classify property. GHK GHK teno b�' ���� ��J Ex. Appr. S / Authorized Signature PORM DPT 1641 �°-"'-' . << � Page 1 of 2 REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 91851- AssessmentDistrict: St. paLi�' Jan. 24.� 197? Legal Description: P�aC� �l.j,nla Addition PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water� { Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed Property Coded As : 1} p5 21�.200 010 02 066 003 NO � 1200 St. Clair Ave. ( 1) 2� Address of Property: Vacant land (2) thru (5) 3) 120-03 5) 130-03 ApPl;�ant; Gerhardt Kohn for 1l.t.0-03 HRA MailingAddress: 1,38 COUY't HOUSe Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ 'I'otal$ Insurance$ Assessedasfollows: 19•76 APpl].CA'tlOTl f'OI' EX@TtijJ�lOri School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District 'q VEAR USED Cotle o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bld9/Other Total Class /o Va�ue z) 625 U 76 A s 1�7200 29800 1' eoo cz 6 2io � 99 223000 29800 2r2800 i �) 625 U 76 C J 3100 3100 T�I-i 0 12 0 99 6100 6100 3� 625 II 76 C J o o NH 0 1 00 - 6100 6100 Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�p Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent Dfstrict p` EAR USED Code C RE51D one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class °k Value Wned 1) 62 U 6 F C 17_ 200 2�800 , E 0 8800 9 22 000 2 80 2 2 2) 62 v 76 F c loo ioo Fx o 2 99 6100 61 3) b2 U 6 F C 0 99 6100 6100 Repottofinvestigation: ACCjUl81t1071 information was received too late to update records to _ exempt classe This will properly classify groperty. � � ��7" Ex. G� Appr. G� Steno bl %'� r Authorized Signature FORM DFT 1'641 �'-"= , _ . �. Pa�e 1 of 2 REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 91853 , Jan. 2 , 77 Assessment District: St PaUl' 19 LegalDescription: AUC�ltOY'� S �U�JCilV1S10T1 NO• � PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water . Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed Propert� coded as : 1} 07 03700 180 00 0 0 Ol NO Address of Property: 2C�3 S e lby Ave. Appl���t: Gerhardt Kohn for: H. R. A. MailingAddress: 1,38 COU,rt HOUS6 Applicant's Mazket Value: Land$ Imp.$ Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: 1 6 A lic«tion for E e School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District p` YEAR USED Cotle C RESID one Use Own Use Lantl Bltlg/Other Total Class °k Value ��✓netl 1) 625 U 76 D B 2200 5700 790o cI 3 3397 � ; ; Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED percent District A EAR USED Code o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class /o Value 1) 62 U 76 F C 2200 700 900 , EX 0 160 ReportofInvestigation: ACQU1S1tlOT1 information was received too late to update records . This will properly classify property. Ex. Appr. Steno � -� /9C� ' G� Cr� b� Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �"-'- . ` Page 2 of 2 REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY ,4batement r1a 91-853 Assrssment District: S t. paUl. Jan. 25 s 19 77 Legal Description: RObel'�S OI1 & Van Ettens Add• PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water ` Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed _ P�roperty Coded As: 2} 08 65000 0l�.0 04. 027 027 NO � 3) Address of Property: 2.35 E�.�lUriC�. AVe. (2 y �.) O60 05 027-026 - 238 Thomas �ve. ( 3) � Applicanf: �79 Edmund AV6. (1.�.� Gerhard t Kohn for Mailing Address: H• R. A. 138 Court House Applicant's Market Value: Land$ lmp. $ 'I'otal$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: 19?6 Application fcr Exemption School U UNITS p P Taxable Exempt MARKET VAl.UES ASSESSED Percent District A YEAR USEO CoCe o Ownetl C REStD one Use Own Use Land Bltl9/Other Total Class /o Value 2y 62 7b A 2goi� 24563 27467 NH 40 10987 99 02 2792z 312?!� 3) 625 U 6 D A 2�OL. 1 K2p 17 2l.L i�Tx 0 69 0 99 3000 18600 2].600 I !�) 625 U. 6 D A 290 2 l0 30008 NH 0 1200 °t�;'° 99 3302 0810 112 � Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VAl_UES ASSESSED Percent District A EAR USED Code o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Totat Class k Value ?_) 625 U 76 F C 290 2Ll. 6 27�+67 , � 40 10987 99 3302 27922 122L. 3) 625 tr 76 F C 2904 �452o i74�. Ex 40 6970 99 000 18600 21600 1.�.} 62 II 6 F 290 2 10 30008 EX 0 1200 99 3302 0810 112 Reportoflnvestigation: ACQUl81'tlOri information was received too late to update recorda. This will properly classify property. Ex.G� Appr. G� Steno bl' f�')` - Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �?�'-''� . . . Pa�e 1 of 2 REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No.97'85�' AssessmentDistrict: St. Paul Jan. 25� 19?7 �.egalDescription: 1� Robertson & Van Ettens Add• PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water ' 2� Re 1I1 D• x• HUTl't5 A_dd t O Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block 5hed . St. Anthony Park • Property Coded As: 1 08 65000 091 05 027 026 N0 2 lo 00 0 0 03 019 039 Address of Property: 26S Thomas �.Ve• �1� , 2387 Ellis Ave. (2� Appl;�ant: Gerha rd t Kohn f or: - H. R. A_. Mailing Address: �.38 COUY''t HOUS 6 Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance$ Assessedasfollows: 7_9'7(� Appl.ication for Exemption School U UNITS p�p Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District p` VEAR USED Code o Owned C RE510 one Use Own Use Land Bidg/Other Total Class /o Value 1) 625 U 76 D A 1.573 6897 8 7o H 2 8 000 E t�o 2033 99 178� 78 0 9b29 2) bz5 U 76 � � I lot�oo 22?00 3270o cI 43 14o6i Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VA�UES ASSESSED Percent District A EAR USED Code o Ownetl C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bttlg/Other Tota� Class k Value t) 625 U 76 F c 15?3 6897 8L�7o Ex i�.0 3388 99 178g 78 0 962a ') 62 U 76 F C 1 8 8 0 962� EX 0 8 2 Reportoflnvestigation: ACQU183.t1Ori information W&S received 't00 late t0 update records • This will properly classify proper�y. E G� ,4 r. G� Steno bl . /f�vp`' x. pp Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �"= . . � Pa�e 2 of 2 REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No.91854' Assessment District: St• PaU�. Jan. 25� 1977 Legal Description: Smi'�hS Subdi_vis ion Of' PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water - BZk3 • 2� 6� 7� �C V Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed ' , Property Coded As : ( 3? 08 69000 370 02 026 006 NO ��� Address of Property: 1}.73 VAT1 Buren �3� Vacanf" land (y) APpi��anc: Gerhardt Kohn for: _ H. R. A. MailingAddress: 1,38 Court House Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: 1G�'7(� Appl i c a t i on f or Exemp t i on School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent Dfstrict A YEAR USED Cotle o Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltl9/Other Total Class /o Value � 3) 625 76 B A 35�9 895 1 6 H 2 116 9 3989 101?9 1 168 .4) 625 76 s A o o xs 2 1 �;s ! 0 1q 9 8 .�'��� Assessor's Recommendation: School A EAR USED 0/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO Percent District C RESID Code o�e Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class °k Value Ownetl 3) 625 U 76 F C 3509 8954 12�.63 Ex 0 986 99 3a89 lai 9 1 �68 4� 25 U 76 F c o o Ex 99 8 ReportofInvestigation: ACQUISI't10T1 information was received too late to update records. This will properly classify property. Ex. Ci� Appr. (}j� steno bl Authorized Signature FORM OPT 1641 �''-''-' � .�.�s--� REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY AbatementNo. 9�'892 AssessmentDistrict: 'St. Paul Jan• 25� 19 77 LegalDescription: IIriPlBtted LaT1dS � 1�' PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water ' W1Y1810W3 Addition �2} Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed , Property Coded As : l) 05 01000 010 03 06b 022 -- , Vacant Land (1) 2) 031 Address of F'roperty: 35�- GOOC�YlU6 S t. �2� App�i�anc: Ge rha rd t Kohn f o r: ' H. R. A. Mailing Address: 126 COUY't Hous e Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: 1C�7(� APP11C&t]_Ori f'OY' EXe27lpt10ri School A YEAR USED �/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent Distriet C RESID COde one Use Own Use Land Bidg/Other Total C�ass % Value Owned 1) 625 U 76 C J 12137 12]. NH 8 � 99 212800 212800 2) 625 U 76 B J 1600 1 00 1 00 NH 0 6 6 4,r Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS D�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A EAR USED Code o Ownetl C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class k Value L) 625 U 6 F C 12 2 � 0 8 99 2i2800 21,2800 ?) 62 U 76 F C 1600 1 15900 EX 0 6 60 ReportofInvestigation: ACCJ,U181t1011 information was received too late to update records. This .will properly classify property. Ex. G� Appr. G� Steno bl - Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �-"= � � « � 3 � � � O ;,� 'oo � m `� � �f N c�'D� c c ° b � �' �� $ � � �m� � o� �� � a 3 � � � � � o� a�'� 'E o � �l � � � � C � ° o ��� oa o ?�,m � G �,, 1�J� cp. o � O O m 7"'� '.0 .y..!D 7 P� X � � � � .�i fpD � � c ��, ° .-y o �e `D y � c+ � =y �o °' m ^ � E d rr 4� '-ti .°� 'L °,� ,oE � mXa�.� �• r. O y �' N ro 0 0. �� �m " ° �0 3 �j A � � > � z p f/� � �1 tng °� o " d � � 1 � Cn 'V � p w c a �� 8 � y � E I 0 r~ri � � � .�/ z 3 a ^�m ,°c^a `� � `D c�� 7 0 'j A `� fR . ,�.' `. e+ . x a °^,� a r�n °t �'o m ' � � " a o 8 g � �o r � �I /1 w 3 �'m � a w c� y y � .�' M � � / � \ ]� � �: �,,; = a p �•, � o '..� T h a � .. a w'��,� o' 7 � .} � � �:��;t � \ � �°?3 �0 �� 3 � • Z � m \. � o o �o •°= �N °.x: Ir . ,�,. G oo �, Yo �oo � ►-� •,�,:•- m �, ' " °° .. .,� {�4.°:� z �.� 000E �� c � ■. a ` C � ' am ic �om�� o.o� � a z \ m y.. � 8 � m � ., w �m �J�E.7,'i-.�..N 0� y � V . H X � 7 c�'o m r�n w a� �:'•1 ;� co ' `�, � f�, ' a m �n : � ..K � ocr • � : m - �s 7 � o � . d'� �'� w�e � `. . s� . c ►� y' C �'b �' „ ti v; C o s �o 'U m co �3� a, ox-��D o o d o °»mo�'a�woro m $ a w o. ° °. a .y „ oKo c a � � �� °' C M a ` :: '<° � " ,�o o K �� ' � -�i a =� � `� o N � � °' o, c� 3 � ° °'�, a�p w °'� � � � � � � tn � o�T�o � a �� � ..•�� � r." ° g n � y —I d " � °p 7 � ° �ep � top'�° � °.: °o ? 7� D '' �`J�'.�w ro ^ � " �w ° 0 7 c`J '�'' "'� T � G �'� � a � � H ��,a a."a ,?� N " m O mo'�3 y o wmyK �� N �e w o m �H p,� �' °: �' � � TI y s •e a� co o � y� 7 0'N � � C w o�. `° ] �y P � . n � G N C r `�' () m � � � �O ro p, (D p� TI Z O n.� 7 �, O � O P.,y ,� �7 e. � p. � � RI � ^ o �.o° `° � � °'E'0 9 m a a' � �, co m N �� "'� E . �' y �, � "' ax :'" �. �. E m O N �' 7 n m E vi N � o' � �•o.� �r a � °'p,� o � ��: "o' T � Z D � y E• a :: .+o a tiry � � �o a C M ' m �'��� � ' � 000n �� a� • � � y . ,m N �p � o p w .. g'o y d 7 'O �O ,� n w � �� � K7 iD ,� '� � d � � � � 7 n � � � 7 �� � � �C b m :?. ^� I C � � O (1 � � G � � �+N � �.� � � I '�O � n ., � � � t�o . /�D N C.0. � 7 'G A � � n �y �m m O C C � O q'xm ]aaa �e �o E'' a •ioatpny R�uno� .S3ndaQ � �g —6T ' Teas Tet�r;;o pve pveq 6iu ssav3rM zog�pny 61uno�.iaswe� ;sasa3uI�o vo��npa� sjTr a3eg xe1, �S3leuad;o uop�npag M�AI Ai0I3.�f1Q�2i 'IdAIIJRIO alqe ed •ssassy atpai� sanlen �e�o,I, Tei�ads pea�sawoH ssa-I xey Telava� xe,I, ;qaQ passassy :pazuo�ne aq iaaw -pun3ai teao�3�odwd letn p?ed aaaq anay saxe; aya ;t pue 'smoTio,� se s? uopepuauiwo�al pres ,�o ;jnsai ac� .C�pla� �Cqaiay I � . � $ le paxg pue o1 paonpaz aq.Slxdosd pies;o anTen passasse aq1 lEy,L � ' :ao[;eo[�dde ptes uodn•anouo�dqazaq I uia:aqm•uor�epuawwooaz 8ucmono;aq1 ape�u•panionui s�unouie ay1 pus pauxaouo�svosxad xaqlo pus s.xa.(edxe1 aq1;o saLUau aq1 8utmoys 'p.xo�az ���qnd e se s2uTpaa�ozd s1t;o sa�nu[w ay1 uodn paxalua pu¢ paldope ,t�np uo�yo[u uodn vo[1�8 �ei��;;o dq 'pxeog .ilnno� pces ' 6T' Piaq .ilnp 2utgaam e 7� '1e91 •(31A�tao zaqaxn3 I anzl axe syuamal¢1s pva suot1aPane pces 1eqy anaijaq .ctuan pus paaurnuoa aza am uotle�xiaraxa p�es woiJ�eq�pur. ;Tas,iw ,(q pue .S1vno� pres ;o p:eog ,tlano� aq� �cq apecu vaaq seq UOTZE�T[CICIE iIIi;1TM aq1 ur q�.co; 1as slaacua1els pas suo}3eeaRe aq3 oyui uoc1eurwexa In;axao e�eqi .f;t1za� .tqazay op •�c1uno� pameu vtyy�m aya ;o xo1rpnd �iluno� 'pau2cszapun aq1 •I aoliand �1Nno� aNd aadoe �INno� �a x �� . N011t/dN3WW0�3a �O 31tf�l�lla3� � � . ` ' � "� .r . ��'��i��� J�� 61�77 ' � Form DPT 229 �� ���`��t�.p,�� . �r�f@M�+�l4+ fw�uwr� - APPLICA�'ION FOR RELIEF—General Form �' (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: � STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey ss. City, Village or Town on behalf of Gerhardt Kohn, Deputy County Auditor .��mg.����.�. tlep+r�s�sam3-�+a�lkat-he-re�i�es-at Housin� and Redevelogment Authority nf St. Paul, Minn. , and that The Housin� and Redeveloprnent Authority (a gublic b�d� r�r=»; r�r� �tiA to the followin� described pronerties �ri�r t� ��t, 16, 1976 and accord- ing to the provision of Minn. Statues S. 272.68: "Propertiss acquired by governmental subdivision prior to Oct. 16�. 1976 are immune from 1976 assessed taxes payable in 1977. Because the acquisition information was received too late to update the tax records (and they should have heen) th�ropart;r�ras incc���e�ctl� classed as taxable rather than exempt. Properties are as coded: 07-03700-180-00 08-65000-ot�o-oi� 08-65000-090-04 08-65000-060-05 �hcrefore applicant prays that All real estate taxes and assessments � lenied or accrued aRainst the aforesaid properties �avable ;n the �ear 1977 be full,y abated and the proQert� classed as exemnt_ . ��/'` � Annlirant r r �- - As Deputy County Audi.torv a , :� . � � � y .�- , • ° � � � •'�O O ��o o� y ,�� '�7 W (D O O o � ro � �� ° ".E am " � � � � � 3 �, �. � �. � °� ,�" `� �Eo � � � � � D a °' O n °'W ry OC O �d,,,"� � V �'S '� m � C � � o, � � W � c "' 0 O C ' � � '' �w � O � `3� � O f^1 � [7 � � fD � V ^ Cy ,rrod� ^ 9Ev rr 7y � .°` 'L � -I o `°� ,o F 3 N X a^•� r• px � `� y Z N N a �,� o,� ° '� � n CJ G z (A �n � a a� ��v° d N � °» � �, v, � V� p P O W � m rn C�7 �� a` mm ,��oo a.�� N cr�� 7 �• ��-t A � m ' °�„` � � „� A~� � � y M 7 f�D i � • � � W �o �-ma �od3 �;�;< .. � t � r3 � co� ,, � �' MA � � O � �. � � co �..^ O,m 0 � T ,� D � �~' �� � � � � � � � � � °°�B '°'O �m � nn , �n '� m � Oax Z ; w 7 7 N 9^ �N � � �� C ' 0 o y � o �o � T u, ., o� � oo � � � '� - .. Z �y � � � F � � � ■� a C ao � � 77 c�p ��e � p, � '` ` m N� iom � � 3C� ^ rr� °. z \ M �"� rr�'sE. 7�-.�..N'w fD p1 - �'m' �' SC�'o c�emo°o a� N � . 7 m O� �^ N �� n 7 O',"3',�'.. lA (n �o o � � y x x m� :-� ^ r N °'� � T �' b ro " � � ; y� � ��[ ro N�.� . tA O i�c"'G� � 7 C .�i •-•.y p fp p'�o � � O C � O N � N f/i f�D C fD . G :' . . . . fKao N N � 9 O O � � � ~ � �. 'r Q � oo � �a a fD � � pP':° ?.� ° w °'� � � �' �o � � tn �o a� � ..,5� o -�r o ? �a o'o�e�a� a --. . . _. . _ � o a' � D -1 � rr� my w a yY�eK Gf �:o ' " � . � -DI � .�D..� OM 7� � d • y y � 5 ,w,� •�i �`��' '["J O. � 17'I -r � N 7„'j fD (D �' 7'Gy R•� to C' � rD O ^ � V1 fp � � � � � � � N w y w z �I rJ�p " y o w �NK a'C,� " � � 'i N � � v'y � '� '° a w (�., fD � � p° � n 'G C �s 'n O � O o ��w io °, m co °' � � � m o o T Z � ��o °» �o S' � � oc.�; � �� "" ° a �,r � m � `' o �.o �+ fD � � a E:0 9 �c °',� � ^. �o m tn y M N N•CJ,' E o Y y Pi � '^ C x .`-: '� . E C 0 .�'. w � v, �:m Q y RI ° N � °'E "a' � � �°'a o °"a; � � � C D o `� �a�' .o ' o ° o ° c� °� �� � ~ gb ' 'm C7 �y g � °.° b `° � , �y � �m � ,�, 3 G�� `° '" �° � -, o „ I � y I � � � p � � n � � � � u�, � ] 7 w n � A �' n � C �O.!D fD O ,� m G � n Pti ���o O G G � O �D (D N O.O. 7 .. ii 5�0 5 a a� �t �o p' p •lo�tpnd �i3uno� �S;ndaQ ' . �S -6T ' IEas iet�i33o pue puey 6w ssau3sM aolcpny.t1uno�.Sasweg ° _ -- 3sa�aluI�o uop�npag SIIi aieg xey �C;leuad 3o uon�npag - M�AI AIOI3.�(1Q32I 'Ib bII�RiO alqe�Ced •ssassy ;tpa�� sanjeA le�oy Iei�adg pea3sauioH ssa-j xe,I, IeJaua� xay 1qaQ passassy � :pazuoq7ne aq 3uaw -pun,�aa jeuopaodo.:d;eql pred uaaq aneq saxel ay� ;t pue 'smojjo,� se si uopepuawwo�a� pies ;0 3lnsal ac{3 �;psa� �tqa�a4 I . , $ Ze paxr; pue oa paonpaz aq �clxdozd ples;o anten passassa aq3 1eqy � :uoi�eo�idde pies uodn'anouo�.iqa.�ac{I uiazaqm•uoryepuaiucuooa.x BaTmo�io;aq1 apeui'pan�onuc s1unowe aq� pus paaiaouoo svosaad iaylo pus . sxa,Cedxe1 aql;o satusu aq1 8vtmoys 'pxooa� ocjqnd e se sSUtpaa�oxd s1�;o salnutw ay1 uodn paxa1ua pue pa1dope .c�np uoiloui uodn uocl�e � Istoc;;o dq 'pieog .c1uno� PiBS ' 6T' PTaq ,cinp 2ur�aaw e ae '9Ey1 ��I1xaa zaqun3 I anxa axe s1uauia1e1s pue suoi>e3aiis piss �eq1 anacjaq .i�Cxan pus pa�uinuo� aza am uotlauiwaxa pres moz;Zeq�pus ;tas.iui .(q pas .c3uno� ptes ;o pzeog ,iluno� aq� 6q apaw uaaq seq uor�e�cldde IIIL11TM aq1 ui y1zo; Zas sluacuala�s pus suot1eSana aq; o1ut uorgauTCUexa in;aze�e 12t(1 �;?3jao 6qazaq op '.iauno� pawau uty�cM ay1 ;o xo1rpnd .i1uno� •paa8jszapun aq1 �I + aoliand �1Nno� aNe aaeoa �1Nno� �a � N011t/dN3WW0�3a �O 31`d�l�lla3� , , ..� � • � • 1 �,��r�'��� JA4� 61977 - Form DPT 229 �� .t����M �m Vv� APPLICA�'ION F�I� RELIEF—General Form � • OC$ (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) . ' To the County Boazd and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: � STATE OF MINIVESOTA, � County of Ramsey ss. , City, Village or Town on behalf of Gerhardt Kohn, Deputy Count.y Auditor b�mg-�IIty-� degoaes-arx�-s�s�l��e-�esides..�t _�uQ�'��Anr3 RedetTelonment ALitharitTa�€ St. Psul, Minn. , and that The Housing and RP.[�AvP.,l��B�t Authori t�(�tiblic body) acpuired t; t� e to the following described properties nric,r to Q�t� 16, 1976 and according to the Droviginna nf' Mir1n.. Statues S. 272_68: "Properties acquired by �overnmentAl at�izz�s.ir�n vrior to October 1_6_ 1976 are immune from �47h assessed taxes ��abiP ;� lc�,�, Because the acquisition information was received too �ate to update the taac records (and they should have been} the �roperty wa9 ir,�orrectlT— classed as taxable rather than exemnt. PronArtioQ es �o�eci are• 05-2l�2oo-iio-o3 120-03 130-03 140-03 o5-2t�2oo-0l0-02 ��jcrefore applicant prays that All real es tate taxes and assessments 7 ev;ed or accrued a�ainst the aforesaid nronert; .g na TA lc�—ix� t�r�=T�az 197T be full�r abated and the property classed as e�re,p�.t_., �^�"�''� , � APPlicant As Deputy County Auditor i if' .� i � �ir v ` � y � • i- � � �tl O :-'� oo �em� �o71 W N o o � , ,ti � � �' o° $.� v m^ � oo �! � e�j 3 � n p� C.N N Ol y � �:. '° c; � B. �' � a� � �Poco C] N � ca (� D � � o c.,3°° ° m'm � � PK. �y a o' 0 � 0 M ��� ��D � �� x � � � � � (p , � � � m� �om; ��` � E � rt ° 'L � � �.., n� ,� E 3 N X o,�'� i" ,�4' � m y (/� ^' � m m o � � 3 Q �J � '.s' � �/? z P � w i0 0. v�� �'� o � y7 � ,� � � � p O � c a 9� 3 � NyE I 0 i• tD i-h � � z » � O� N 61 o'. ^�m �,°�"a.�'� '� o-''� � 0 r°s n "'C m �- .1� fA X p A"'�O 5 � y r `� fD � i � • � /� � W \ �o r�W 7 ] 0� 3 y H ry � l I p i�,, O � 3 a� � �� �� F a O . � O ,,� T . � �xr y � r.a�� ,,� a' h � � O � n 7C7 �b . ��` m .i �. H ooC �� � 9 ''� Z �o ^�, �� ] o �om � �-.. � � avr ,� � � �» N y a?o� � � r*.`� m ao oo �.a.�� �,� �� a � � C - �, `` m am �o �cco � � n.o a z m�- c � � ti y� �y G�1 y .'Y ry 7 (�D ��p N N • . � w„ 7 O N �D y OC G. ( � . n ¢O C "'j r. C N �N w� y �� �, ^, .. � � N � 7 7 N 'O �L1 N 7 m H ry � '� �". 'C� � y 'O 'T� �n o x-•efD ° °p � � °»,yom°��� ° o � ° o m < '* a a ° �, d �rD m 9 � � `-. . . � �� w �o O(]� � � . �o � � y C fDA, �'c ° 3 � '� � sc°c °c �` ma � � �, G � m a °, m � ° °.� ?.�� m c'c `� �n tn on �'.. � �' M„ � o � a' � � ..,]-� o �, � � � � �o�e� aw a . ... . -� � o a . D D � �o w � py ° . °= a . 70 �C t��D �o� �• " ,;w ° o�'y N• "i � ��' � Q � a y �, e � a9 �a ° m a � m � � �io T�1 � y p o a w w y n N ^ m O N m �v � � � �.y � � w �; � � z T rr w o " �NK aa� � - y r�D p �-w ❑ � � C,p�, c� � p . � a O � n a� -Ci 0 °�c�o w C � ° a'� � o TI Z o a e �o C � �" n '9 " p � p �w "" A �" Z � � '° n �ro � B ° � a �e '° o ° a -rr � m � " oa.o -^ g `�° a�o Yma� 3 . m m cn �.m ^ c� ^ E y w � ^^ � ��`° � ^ E < O � ��"Ui N T � y' y � � y p;m E Y Ul m � n (p (D � � .a rr o' eao.°' c� x... o a, .rs Z y � K N ' w E ° . fD �"°' o «, a�� . � � � m K �*o p y �p, 'rJ ,� p O �,� () .w n �t ~ N . . 0 o w �- �, g'o G �v 3 � °.° ^ �° � � ryyw � �� " ro `° ;� ub � �D eo � � a� n fD ., � X �7 °° � � ( � � � o � w °Y 'o � � � `e �.p w n ro � � �. ��G F �fl.(D fD O ,C � � A� P'y �.A m O C L � � � tD fD N O.CL � .i'J'm 5 a a a `< <D P' 7 ao;zpny 6luno� 63ndaQ � �g —6i ' Teas Iei�t;;o pue pveq 6cu ssaulr,� xogFpnd.i;ano�.faswe� ;sa�a;ui�o uor��npag sijT aleg xey .Slteuad;o uon�npag M�AI NIOI.L�f1Q�2I 'It/AII`JRIO alqe�(ed •ssassy iTpa:� sanieA leloy tei�ads pealsamoH ssa-I xey is�aua� xey �qaQ passassy ° :pazuo�ne aq;uaui -pun;aa Teuoplodo�d leyl pted vaaq aneq saxe; ayl ;t pve 'smotjo� se st uopepuawwo�ai pies ;o ;Tnsa� a� �C;nla� �Cqaiaq I � $ as paxi; pus o� pa�npax aq .t�zdoxd pres jo enien passasse ay1 �eyy :aoc1e�ijdde pies uodn•xn�uo�,cqaxaq I u�aiaqm•uotlapaatuwo�az 8ucmojio;aq1 apeui•pan�onut s7unocue ayl pus pauzaouoo suosxad xaqlo pus . sxaRedxe1 aq�;o sacusv aq1 8utmoqs •pxo�ai �ijqnd e se s�aipaaoozd s3c�o sa�nvicu ay1 vodn paxalua pus pa1dope �S�np voilotu uodn uoil�e ' �ioi;;o 6q 'pxeog eiluno� P?ES ' 6i' Piay .ijnp 5u�;aauc s 18 '�8�i1 �3FUao iaqixn3 I , anx� aze s�uauxa1e1s pus suot3e9atje ptss �r.y1 anaciaq .Snxan pus paournaoo aze am uot1EUt[uaxa pces cuox;�eq1 pas �IasAu� �(q pue .(1uno� ptES ;o pzeog .cluno� aqg .iq apeux aaaq seq uo��eoridde ifTCj'�SM aq1 uF q1ao; 1as s1uacuaasas pus suoTleaaRe aqa o�ui aocleaiwexa in;aie�¢yeq1 d;r�ia� .iqaiaq op •.iluno� pauzeu utq1tm ayg ;o xo1?pnd .t1uno� 'pau�isxapun aq1 'I t aoliand �1Nno� aNd aadoa �1Nno� �a , . � K NOIl`d4N3WW0�3a �O 31`d�l�lla3� . . . .... . � �����y�� ,�,� g 19�i ��' o,.,...rAa�w��''.�`' � � „Form DPT 229 �� �sP'-" APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form dC�' (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate� otherwise in duplica:e) � • To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINI�ESOTA, County of Ramsey - ss. ' City, Village or Town on behalf of � Gerhardt Kohn Deput� County Auditor bei�ng�lti}y�-�w�orr� �deposes�et�-sa�ys-�ka�t-t�e�esides.at Housin� and Redevelopment Authorit� of St. Paul, Minn. , and that The Housing and Redevelopment Authority (a public bod.y) acquired title to the followin� described �ro}�erties =ri or to �o�t_ �F�_ 1976 and according to the provisions of Minn. Statues S 272.68: "Properties acquired by governmental subdivision prior to Oct. 16. 197b are immLne fr�m l�b 84QB4QA(� tAxes�ttTA.hle i� lQ.n. , Because the acqui$ition information wa4 rP�eiver� t�n �A4:R t� update - � the tax records ( and they ghould have been) the propertT was incorrectlT classed as taxable rather than exem�t Properties are as coded: � 08-65000-091-05 � 08-69000-370-02 � 08-69000-380-02 I io-62500-0�.0-03 1 � �fjcrefore applicant prays that All real estate taxes and assessments levied � or accrued a�sinst the aforesaid properties payable in the vear 1977 � be fully abated and the laroperty classed as exemY t � � � i i � � i f' � Applicant � s eputy County Auditor � � � ! �. � � � � ► � �-.. I . Vt^`� • .�'`Y.+ i• � � y U1 �tl O ���° 7� ° �� � n A � l c�- r�- �' �' o m � o �e m a d 1—� G� o o ° e Lq ro � � �' o E Q'w: w (� � � ? � �. � $. �. °� m y � �F o c�'o � �"� � D j' a� °' o � °'w� wo � � � � � � ti co :°.w � n N �1 c "N'• 0 O � Y a e'^g �, �ro x O rt �v c � �� p� �.�o � � � p, �: p � O � �m �ooim ^� 9E � rr K � � ° 'L � � . y c . . 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Form DPT 229 �� , APPLICAZ'ION FOR RELIEF—General Form � (If reduction requested exceeds $S00 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) To the County Board and CountY Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: - STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey ' ss. In re: Parcel Code No. 10-67500-100-7I� - City, Village or Town St. Paul Gerhardt Kohn, Deputy CountT Auditor �„d,t,�,�,g�«.� deposes and says that he-re�sidege� h� � Q 1 o a c3 at 12b .� �rt House St. Paul KK102 , and that an error occurred in processing (of Abatement ,-�SK7)4� Filed 6/5��.,1�n the name of the Housina Authorz#�y and aq a result, the nare.el hecame taxable for the Tear 1975, when it should have bPen classed as exemnt. �hcrefore applicant prays that the referenced parcel be made exem�t and the delinquent tax of record be removed from the ro11s. Applicant 9ai7scribed-an��uern-to-be€o-re�re-t�ri� ay of � D. 19_ZfZ. � (bl) As Deputy County Auditor � t � � � � � . ' . 0 . � � � � O �,� o o � y� � "=7 N (D p o o . ro �... ., ,� � � 3 � � �' °o �•E m: °= � a � B. �' �� a r,y a� o cNO C7 �J � � C) C a � N ��ooma � • �s a �. O o �"" � `° y � `� � �: a � O C m y p O� �'�� N � � A1 Ci' "�" � O f9 � o �p �r o y� .. � E � �: � '-� m m ~ -. � �1. N o �a � ,.,mwk �o �'3 Cj, O� � � N z N N 7p � �3 0`� o ° m � � n � c�» � "�0 � o Q N w � •o' w m '0 � ' 0. 9» g �c �n f j � i� � � � .�/ Z ' c. ^�� ° � `�� � c 7� 7 0 ^ ;; A ^� IT' r d' "o a^oa9 `y" m �m � a F; x „�,� � � . A w f m �m 7 7 Gl � N V� fD � � O � ..,� � �. �� ; a p �, � � o ,�, �, � y � °» a�'a ,� �' 7 � � O � ..:.>s � L� 3 �1 � °�°�� ao om � r.� oo x m �� �r < t� m � � N � O;O� � � � � m Ntia � o� � Q^ z . o� gBoE �-,'4y � � �. 9 � � �ir! C a o � o ;.,.`�„ ��e � a p, m �D m �9 io � � 3 �� � � °� z (p �-] �'s�'sE. xx.�.•N�d fDU, 3 �'' ' yx �' � � �vf9,wa�Y `"�� y ;c � � rt . , �' � o w g(� � � ..K o �. � a .. r» ;• �n N 7 p . ?y �'7' w� � `� . � �� 7 7� N 'O "L� y troD � m �'3� v. 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NOIlt/aN3WW0�3a �O 31b'�I�Ila3� � . .. . ,� . W.• � " - ►+�,--- � ^ �� �, ��� .=} �� !'�/ .�? C��, �1� • ;. � � L a� �, cn.m AUD 229 � %'n � � ` APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form IifpT' (lf r�duetioe rpuMt�d �:eNd� =,00 eak•.�Gcaeio.is triPlie.c.,a6.r•i.. is �Neaa) T�tl��dwrd�E Abd�e�n�e►Cwnt�bsvl��Cewe�A�itN�f R�r.�Cw�ts. �na to t►�Coo�irba�r ef 7rs�lie��1 t►�SI�N d MI�Nwt� � STATE OF M[NNE301`A� County of Ramaey . ss. Assessment District Saint Paul . Robert T. Simon � beiDQ duly sworn deposesandsaysthathe��i8��`�t� �G �hief of 1.and 1�farkeYin� nf th� Rnncin� �n� " Redevelopment Authority of the Citv of Saint Pa�_�1. �tinnesota �sDd that said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, auly organized and existing under Chapter 4£7, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on rtarch 24, Z975, the Authority acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: The tuorth 1/2 of Lot 49, Block 7, E. Aiichel's Rearranf,er.�en.t ot block 7 and the south half of blocic 2 of Smith's Subdivision of blocks 2, 6, 7 & 8 of Stinson's Division o.E the northwe�t yuarter ��\ -- � " � � .: .,_`�.- �,._2�,.� �� of aec. 36, ts�. 29, R.23 �'i,s- - t���7i - ---_ _��,5�_3���s�.�e7: for redevelopment as part of the Thomr�s/Dale-Capitol Community Development Program District 7; that the Authority acquired title to said property on March 24, 1975, by a petition in Condemnation filed coith the Clerk of ])istrict Court on said date; that between March 24, 1975 and April 8, 197b, the Authority has held said propert�in �he public use, exempt fron all taxes and assessments, pursuant to t•linnesota Statutes, Section 272.68, Subdivisions (1) and (2). �h�7tfoCe aAPlieant prayg that�l� rP�1 estarP raXeG and aG�;PSSments assessed levied ` and accrced against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1976 be fully abated. OUSING ANli '.:��?)�V:LOPPi!:TTT At1THORITY . . _ • OF THE ITY OF SA .N � ` ' Applicant Robert T. Simon, C ief of Land Tfarlcetin�; Subscribed and aworn to before me thia� 19th _day oi Jul A. D. 19L�Z. • N Aa�'.AAAai�'.M�A�'�A���\A 5}�A 1..�A'w?.r j/�,A.�AM�AlI � ' � , ,.,r �.a.� ��,rvES,sR. _ /���--�% � ,�t�� � t'�� - Notar•, " !!r• .I�-.�,n�;ir.Cnunty Mn. // , � i;:•`��; . ; MY CphA;�:SEON EXPIRES �t %r.�—�.- � _-2-�-f�-Cc-r. � ��`•�"~ April 13, 1978 � � �c1/V�^i►1��f'�1�'�"W`�'�`��+��'�'�'r�9 G r"Vti'VY'{�SP'7�tl v J . � . ' 1 C/ � . �.� � ' � �.. 1 • ' a , e . oe � o ' � 3. = 9� hl '� ^ w 7 n �. M N Q O N •\Jl .`«L'i .'�d ''• ! l7 ''d ' n n y b' ° M o • :Vl �O O A A o e� p; c , o " n o. !. • 1 M n :� d � � � Ared ^ � � o'r � �`�, �' ° �,n � � 6� :I�-'• � .� � c � ,� ,� � � �. � � � x �' �p 4 cg ^ C � � rQ n,, � B• O � O � � � Oi/�f � 'r' � H � � � N O 6 �!1 � � � r. � 7 � Vl ~� ���{. •ry_ � �1 �• n' . p I � • e w� a. tY � y� 3 n A "'`S� :(D I-�'� V• � � � 3' N �n < �Q � � o " � � o� � % .� :N o� � p � o. . . . I � � y � ...'QB � � e++� « 7 0 i�t :C �7 A � 0 �►: . � C 8 Er �' ii a 9 � � � D :N iF�-' �''>> �(� ; `'�'\ � i"� � �,�� w w ' :c+ •O O� A :'`� ��' ' I� � ° rn o � � ' 4� fi *� O � a � " � }: � o p = :� ••� Q .... �. _ ' ° '" ° ~ " ° ° � 9 � � � � � `� —i � . . • ( � � �. �� � ' g ' � � �. M. � a �+ ,��„ :o Z ?�. � . � 8' � Op � q a' r �' a �= ��~ ��+ "'� `� =+� . � .~., � V ~ � � � � M� O.� Z'O � � . o•, : n � . N � " � . i � � G � rri 7 o iO ��'J MA � w � � . i � � M y o �. 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S H � `� a �n��9. � �� X � � � ° N'n cr �i o an.o n� � n v : � . �� ' � r o�`d, n' o o a ^Z e e et; �I �n � � ■ �. . 9w ' � ° � y'� n�i. �. ^ p D C: ~C : o o �e v � ' � ���: v �a d� O: � • `�ro Z � i n " o' � ` .'�: � o .te'n • 9 40 » �, v � • ..~�.�. i-� � Q �.''" i C b q g . . ^� � y o.n � �O o ^•. �ti �o :" � r . �6 °o :� �i Fr,e° ° ' °.yOa `.� $ r . . � aaa . . . . . _ . . . � ���� aa,a.� . . . ae . 'aqtpn`I �;unop .i;ndaQ ' �8 ('IY3S) •lo�t�ny �C�uno� ' �'��=��H.�, dNN�t 1�— !4i Isa� Is�aryo pus pusq Ru: osau�(AA �vios. ....... ........................ .� ,�,o�� .3„I �.a�a....................................� uor��npas jo�unomr ws.Z............................. ......s :anjs� panafss p�ve jo 3uaa sad au�aq � --t aa{en �weaase �o uo��anpa: jo z�cnowy :tti►oII�T f8�Q iil�+►uocaepuowwo��� p�Ya jo uoc;dope aq3 Io 71��= oqi 3ti47 �3!ii��9�Q I . �� paxy pue o� paanpa.z aq �i�ado�d pruQ jo an�an pa�saasa aq� ;ayy ' :aoc;gat�dds ptsa uodn 'anaaoa dqaiaq i utaiay,b 'uor;apuowur�aat ' 8tne►o11o; ay; opaut 'pan�onu� �unocus a43 paa pawaaaoa suossad =aq;o pus Qia,SedYe; aql jo �auiea aq� eau►oys 'psoaos at�qad s r* aBulpaaaoad r;� To snnutut a� uodn paia;ua pus pa;dops d�np aot;ow uodn uoc3as �*ca�yo �tq 'paeog �C;�no�=o ;uaw�iqY Io p.xeog p�aa '— 6[ ' �eq ;ttnp Suf;aow a Se '';a43 �1l7=aa ia4�nT I an.i; aJS tavaw�qe pue QaoJ;ssa��s pist ;aq3 oAi�l�q IC�T1�A pus paoulnuo� ase a�a uo��au�waxa p}es wo1T �eq� Pas j�a�,Sui .(q pus �t�uno� P!� T� p,nog�t;unop io�uow�r9Y T�P=��g o43�q op*cu aaaq seq uoile���dde ul41� s4l ui R��3 ;� �7uawne3• pus ruo�;f8a��s a� �aj ao};s�w�za �njueo s ;Yq; .Sli3soa .tqasaq op '�i3ano� pawsa a�4;im oq�To ao�rpn�r�C�uno�•pau.84�iapun�q;'I � • ;� xo,�anv �uno� axd axvos aaxno� aa xora�ax�rar�o��x axv �v�La��,a� � . � � .