268690 WMITE - CITV CLERK I ���(1� CANARY - DEPAR MENT COIIIICII v BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT P UL File NO. � Ordin�cnce Ordinance N�. ��� l� Presented By , ti'�I'� Referred To Committ�ee: Date Out of Committee By � Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13250, entitled: • "An administrative ordinance relati�ng to the Civil 5ervice Commission and the Personnel Office of e City of Saint Paul approving and adopting rules and regulati ns necessary to the administration of the City personnel syst m on a merit basis, " approved August 20, 1914, as a�nended, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAf CTL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, pproved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby furthe amended in Section 6 thereof under the heading "Clerical Group", b striking out the title of Auditing Clerk II from Cxrade 32, and by substi ting i�..lieu thereof the , title of Disbursement Auditing Supervisor in G�ade 38. Section 2. This ordinance shall take ffect and be in force on t1�.e first day of the first payroll period following irty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: Ul Chai man Civil Service Commission COUIVCILMEN Requestedlby Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PE 50NNEL OFFICE Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against By �Thomas D. Gleason, Director Roedler Sylvester Tedesco 2'4 �977 Adopted by Co . Date M� Form p ved b Cit At e 1 Certifi ass , by Co�cil Secretary BY Y ,, . Approve Mayor: Date i Appr ved y Mayor for S is i� to Council gy By PUBLISHED APR 2 1977 � Do not detach this memorandum from the �� a �� ordinance so that this information will be pM 01: 12/1975 � available to the City Council. Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ����� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Februa.ry 10, 197? � TO: MAYOR GE4RGE LATTMER FR; Personnel Office RE: Ordinance for submission to the City Council. � , ACTION REQUESTED: . We recornmend your approval and submission of this Ordi.nance to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS:ACTTON: This ordina.nce will establish the title of Disbursement Auditing Supervisor in Grade 38 of the "Clerical" Occupationa.l Group and abolish the title of Auditing Clerk II in Grade 32 of the "Clerical" Occupational Group (one replacing t1�.e other). The higher grade�is more representati.ve of,the duties and responsibilities of the position and makes it equivalent to th.e grade level of positions i.nvolvi.ng comparable duties and responsibilities. Following is the bi-weekly salary range: Grade 32 A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 499. 5 523. 5 547.0 573. 0 600. 0 628. 5 646. 5 665. 0 674. 5 684. 0 $13, 037 annua.l Grade 38 annual $17, 852 591. 5 620. 0 648. 0 679. 5 7��5. 5 767. 5 789. 5 800. 0 810. 0 ATTACHrvlENTS: annual $21, 141 $15,438 annua.l Ordi.n.ance and copy for the City Clerk. �� �� ���� �. ' � �i lst ��•� 2nd �� �� 3rd �f �� Adopted ��j�y Yeas � Nays BUTLER HOZZA H�T �686� � LEVINE ROEDLER �J . . � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) /