268686 ,: � WNI7E — CITV CLERK t ���,'`\�� CAJJ sY —DEPARCTMENT COl1I1C11 !� . B�� ..+�-MAYOR GITY O� SAINT PAITL File NO. � �: . � � 0 rd�n�nce Ordinance N O. ��� �� , � Presented By Referred To Commi ttee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixi.ng the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " � approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR.DAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by insert- ing in tlzeir proper alphabetical order the titles and specifications for ADMINISTRATOR OF COMMUIVITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR OF RENEWAL =�, . _ 1 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by MaXor for Submission to Council By By ' �` • ��� . . � I(p�1�5 Title of class: ADMINI5TRATOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK Generai Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Division of Community Development within the Department of Planning and Economic Development; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and direction of the department head.. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general adminis- trative and technical supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all persannel within the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The ],isted examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides overall management and administration of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Directs the implementation of the Community Development Block Grant Program in compliance with specified federal regulations. Serves as the City's liaison between the City and other units of govern- ment at the metropalitan, state and federal level on x�iatters related to the Commz:nity Development Block Grant Pro�ram. Evaluates the performance of ali agencies, whether city or under contract to the city, involved in Community Development Block Grant Program activitie s. Prepares and presents reports to the Mayor and City Council on all program activities. Oversees the preparation of the annual Coxnmunity Development Block Grant Program application for submis sion to the United State s Department of Housing and Urban Development. Reviews and evaluates the administrative and Iegal relationships established in order to manage the Community Development Block Grant Program. Coordinates the development of contracts between the City and other agencies for the performance of program activities. Evaluates the results of program activities with respect to its goa}. and good management practices. Executes contracts and aIl departmental appropriations which involve the Community Development Block Grant Program. Coordinates the implementation and operation of the City's citizen partici- pation process. KNOWLEDGES, 5KILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge in the area of grant application; grant administra- tion, grant evaluation or related area. Marked ability to analyze information and to direct grant-in-aid planning and procedures. (Continued) - 2 - . 268686 � � � � ADMINISTRATOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � � (Continued) � i y Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and � private representatives. ' ; Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals + ; and groups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS in a related field College graduation„and five years' e�cperience in a responsible super- visory administrative position which would provide knowledge in grant-in-aid coordination or related areas. _ 3 _ � 2fi86�� Title of class: ADMINISTRA.TOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Division of Economic Development within the Department of Planning and Economic Development; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and direction of the department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general adminis- trative and technical supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all personnel within the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Promote s opportunitie s for the e stablishment of new i.ndustrial and coxnmercial facilities or the expansion of such existing facilities within the City. Provides technical assistance to new or existing industries or commercial establishments in the areas of finance, land acquisition, site location, public services, or other types of assistance needed for economic development purposes. Provides assistance in the marketing of industrial revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul for new or existing industries or commercial establishments engaged in economic development projects. Reviews and comments on all bonding proposals sent by the Port Authority to the Council for approval. Conducts public and informational programs to promote the City for residential, business and industrial expansion and development. Assists in a liaison cagacity bet;,veen the private sector and municipal government agencies to expedite and facilitate private development projects. Monitors all phases of the development of new Port Authority projects to ensure that City plans and policies are followed. Assists in the initiation and cornpletion of development district and tax increment financing district activities. Enters into contractual agreements with the Port Authority for the pro- vision of staff services to the City to assist in City development projects. Renders reports to the City Council and other appropriate bodies concern- ing the status of economic development activities in the City. KNOWLEDGES, 5KILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge in the area of finance, real estate, land acquisition, disposition, and marketing, or related areas. Considerable knowledge in the area of residential, industrial and commercial property development. Marked ability to analyze information and to direct economic development planning operations. (Continued) _ 4 _ � . �686�6 ADMINISTRATOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (C ontinued) Iviarked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and private repre sentative s. Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. . Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS in a related field College graduation�and five years' experience in a responsible supervisary administrative position which would provide knowledge in economic development or related areas. - 5 - ' ��C���� � �Title of class: ' � ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING _ I)ESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Division of Planning within the Department of Planning and Economic Develop- ment; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and direction of the department head. � 5upervision Exercised; Exercises within a division general adminis- trative and technical supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all personnel within the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions i.n this class. Prepares a comprehensive plan of development for the City, and modifica- tions thereof, for presentation to the City Council through the Planning • Commission, for their consideration, arnendment or adoption as authorized by �aw. ` Coordinates the planning activities of all other departments and agencies of the City to insure conformity with the comprehensive plan to assist in its development. Reviews anc� coordi:�a±es *hc compr�n�nsive plan with tne planning activities of adjac�nt units of government and other affected public and private ~ agencie s. Transmits to the City Council, through the Planning Commission, all recommendations, studies, plans, sections or amendments to such comprehensive plan as submitted by all departments and agencies of the City and other affected public and private agencies, along with an analysis and recommendations. Prepares and proposes to the City Council, through the Planning Cammission, reasonable, efficient and practical means of putting comprehensive planning into effect. Collects and distributes to the Council and other departments and agencies of the City all necessary research materials on population and population trends, economic trends, and the social conditions of the various sections of the City as they relate to municipal planning and development, in con- sultation with the Division of Administrative Services and the Research staff of the City Council. Establishes liaison with comrnunity groups and provides planning recommenda- tions for consideration within the overall plan of municipal development. Prepares, as requested, reports of the activities, plans and programs under- taken by the Division of Planning. Provides staff services for the Planning Commission. ' KNOWLEDGES, 5KILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge in the area of city planning, urban development, urban geography or related areas. Marked ability to analyz e information and to direct urban development planning ope rations. (Continued) - 6 268686 ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING (Continued) Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and private representatives. Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals axid groups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. . Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS in a related field College graduation�and five years' experience in a responsible super- visory adxninistrative po sition which would provide knowledge in city planning or related areas. � - 7 - � , �s8s�s , � Title of class: ADMINISTRATOR OF RENEWAL - DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Division of Renewal within the Department of Planning and Economic Develop- ment; and to perform related work as assigned. 5u ervision Received; Works under the guidance and direction of the department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general adminis- trative and technical supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over al.l personnel within the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the acquisition, clearance, marketing, and disposition of properties in accordance with the 5tate and Federal law, City plans and policies. Assists in the provision of the financial, technical, and adrninistrative services necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation and development of � residential, industrial and commercial facilities throughout the Gity. Directs the development, project design, engineering, and implementation af the Community Development and Urban Renewal pz�ograms assigned to the division. Provides relocation services and assistance as authorized and required by law, when the City or any other public agency acquires real property in Saint Paul for public purposes. Directs all assigned staff services necessary to carry out the duties and functions of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority Baa rd. Coordinates all development activities of theUivision of Renewal with other public agencies and City departments. Submits periodic reports to the City Council and other appropriate bodies concerning the status of renewal and redevelopment activities in the City. KNOWLEDGES, 5HILLS AND ABTLITIES Considerable knowledge in the area of finance, real estate, land acquisition, or related areas. Marked ability to analyze informa±ion and to direct renewal planning operations. Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and private repre sentative s. Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS in a related field College graduation�and five years' experience in a reponsible supervisory administrative position which would provide knowledge in renewal pro- cedures and operations or related areas. - 8 _ WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF � SAINT PAUL Council ��� � CAYARY -DEPARTMENT Bl_UE �-AIAYOR File NO. ° � � �� Ordindnce Ordinance N�. �l�P��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. - 9 - COU[�1CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PERSONNEL Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against Bv c o Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Cqufrcif� Date �R 2'4 19�� F rm Approved by City tor , `^��� Certi ' d PassecLby Council Secr�ary BY ��� �_____ /f�� / � M� 2�9 �9 Approv by Mayor for Su is orr�o Council Appr e Mayor: Dat By BY PUBLISHED APR 2 1977 �';;:�.i; CzT� or �����;•r \��.vr� 1�� � '� '!�`� 268686 �!� 1'" OF7a�ICL 4S�"1'F1f�; CITY COGi1CI.Y_. �.it,�::��_..:.1>>.. � . ;�► k:.�����: . ��� �.�: _:...;.� - .. � �:�. �_ . ` � \ Da t e : Februar 7 1977 .�r_� � =:� Y � C � t`J� �r! i 4� � � C. � � t— �.! � � � O : Seinf Paul C�i'� Councii _ F�O�� = C O.�il ti f!�t C'2 Q f� FINANCE, MAtJAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , chairmam, rnakes ihe €otlou��ing__ reporf on C.F. [X�X Ordinance [� Resotution - - _ . �] Other � l 1 LE : An ordinance amending Ord. PJo. 7607, fixing daties and responsibilities and minimum qualifications for various classes of positions in the Classified � Service of the City. ' . , At the request of Mayor Latimer, the Committee again considered the above ordinance, which was re-written to read that the _. division heads in the Department of Planning and Economic Development shall be: ADP1I�dISTRATOR OF COMMUPJITY DEVELOPMENT _ ADP1INISTRATOR OF ECOfJOMIC DEVELOPMEP�T ADMIfJISTRATOR OF PLANPJING ADMINISTRATOR OF REf�EWAL The Committee then referred the ordinance, as re-submitted, to the City Council with a recommendation for approval . . � CJTY F:ALi. SE1/ENTFI FLOO� SAt�iT Pr\UL, 1�1Iti;:�SOT:� SSI02 � � ? lst �f 2nd ���� 3rd ���� � Adopted �!� - Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA � 2s8�� . - � E ' LEVINE U ROED � � LER � TEDESCO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) � /