01-505ORfGINAL Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � �S�L OF SAINT P� il File # p � _ Sheet #� � • Committee:Date: WHEREAS, The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand Old Day, 2001 has submitted a request to waive the 60 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit required by Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Grand Old Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday of June on Grand Avenue between Fairview and Dale and brings over 100,000 people on the festival to enjoy all that Grand Avenue and Saint Paul have to offer; and WHEREAS, It would not be practicle for the Grand Avenue Business Associafion to obtain the neighborhood consent for Grand Old Day 2001; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 60% consent requirment for a block party/special event permit for Grand Old Day 2001 to be held on Sunday, June 3, 2001. Ha`ris Reiter �y Council: Date: \ Certified by Council By� l\� a . Approved by Mayor Date: By: � L� �/ l ApproC��� r S to Council: By. yj �_ Requested by Department of: C£PRRTMENi/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Poli,ce os�o�/2oot GREEN SHEET No. 10241 N A P RSON&PHONE INRIAUD INIT7AWA7E O��SO Wi111amFlnney 292-35$8 1 oevnarxExrarsECro 4 mcouHG� MUST B� ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) (/��/� ASAP ❑2 cmwn0�txeY�� F ❑tm'C��Lc �NpNQ/L$FAVICESOI2_ ❑FlNANCIFLSERVIACRG ��wYOR(OR/5515lAM)_ ❑HIIM/NF�GHIS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Signatures requested on the attached CouncIl Resolurion to allow waiver of perition for Crrand Old Day Block Party Permit. RECOMMENDATION ApproVe (AJ M R2j0G� (R� PERS�NPL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUS7 PNSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTI�NS: 1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cunerrt city em0loyee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a targeted vendo(� YES NO Erplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`� Block Party pemuts require 60 percent of affected property owners to sign a petition allowing for street closnre. In cases where it would be a hardship to collect 60 percent of the required signatures, the city council has the authoriry to waive tkris requuement. Grand Old Day celebrarion scheduled for Sunday, June 3, 2001 is over 1 mile in length and would therefore be considered a hazdstrip. ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Grand Old Day would be issued a permit for their community fes5val without obtaining the 60% requirement. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. REC�IVED DISADVAN7AGESIFNOTAPPROVED �AY � LUt91 Grand Old Day could not meet all requuements of Block Party Pemut. cj� !�/4��0 ��� i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES � NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIN NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) OS/15/01 09:28 FA% 292 J584 n�Sh! FWC NO. : STP POLICE CSU ���� / � ��`�/T�! r May 15, 20p1 Mr. Wf1Aam f�ney Cbief af Podke CttY aP St. Paut 1D0 East il�' S�EEt St. Pdul, MN S$IOI dear Chief Rnrtey: �� May. 15 2081 09:24FlM P2 O\—SOS � � ��� iaciicbn Of ReaLI�Y CooL Stuf� I am writlng on behalf of this y�ars Grand O�d Day p(anning commr2tee to request a waiver of the required sgnatur� for the bbck parry permit we submitted to your office. As you know, Grand Oid Day this year w;1t be ]une 3. The blodc permit applkat➢on requires wrltten consent aF 60g'o of the properiy Owners or tenarrts adjao�t tn the porEion of the p�blic street, sidewalk ar atley that is used for the community festivat. Grand Old Day is celebrated a(ong two mHes of �rand Avenue, beginning at Oa�e Street and ending at Falrvtew. To satisfy the signature requirement wou�d be an insurmountable task for any person...ar volunteer committ�e. The additianal chalienge of absaitee landlords and thousands of tenan� makes it even more daunting. Therefore, we are requestfng that again this year, you wahre tlie sgnature requirement for the hlock party per�nit. Grand Old Day ls a well-planned and aceq.�ted ever�t in cooperation with many citY otFic�es, induding the police deparhnent, city licensing, the Mayo�s office, the flr2 depatiment and the oty tauncil, qs a matber of fatt, we have had min(mal compiaints from our neighbors or securlty personnd over the last severai years. Tt Is our intention to duplicate these suc�sses and mn[inue a St Pa,�1 fe,^tival we ran atl be proud of! If you have any questions, pla3se feel free uo corrtact rt�e at the Assoctation ofifice. �� :, ; �/i► .. �- ' �. _. . �ir'ar�d Avenu� I�t��ines� �ssoczation IQ43 Grand AvenUe. Yt315 1$vrrt Paul, Minnesota 551t75 felephorte: (651) 699•0029 1 Pax: (651) 699_7�75 1 E-ma�L- �nCn4�lCuendAve.com 1 Website: w�ww.GrandAvacom MRY-15-2001 1a�43 292 3564 97i P.01 ORfGINAL Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � �S�L OF SAINT P� il File # p � _ Sheet #� � • Committee:Date: WHEREAS, The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand Old Day, 2001 has submitted a request to waive the 60 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit required by Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Grand Old Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday of June on Grand Avenue between Fairview and Dale and brings over 100,000 people on the festival to enjoy all that Grand Avenue and Saint Paul have to offer; and WHEREAS, It would not be practicle for the Grand Avenue Business Associafion to obtain the neighborhood consent for Grand Old Day 2001; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 60% consent requirment for a block party/special event permit for Grand Old Day 2001 to be held on Sunday, June 3, 2001. Ha`ris Reiter �y Council: Date: \ Certified by Council By� l\� a . Approved by Mayor Date: By: � L� �/ l ApproC��� r S to Council: By. yj �_ Requested by Department of: C£PRRTMENi/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Poli,ce os�o�/2oot GREEN SHEET No. 10241 N A P RSON&PHONE INRIAUD INIT7AWA7E O��SO Wi111amFlnney 292-35$8 1 oevnarxExrarsECro 4 mcouHG� MUST B� ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) (/��/� ASAP ❑2 cmwn0�txeY�� F ❑tm'C��Lc �NpNQ/L$FAVICESOI2_ ❑FlNANCIFLSERVIACRG ��wYOR(OR/5515lAM)_ ❑HIIM/NF�GHIS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Signatures requested on the attached CouncIl Resolurion to allow waiver of perition for Crrand Old Day Block Party Permit. RECOMMENDATION ApproVe (AJ M R2j0G� (R� PERS�NPL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUS7 PNSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTI�NS: 1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cunerrt city em0loyee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a targeted vendo(� YES NO Erplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`� Block Party pemuts require 60 percent of affected property owners to sign a petition allowing for street closnre. In cases where it would be a hardship to collect 60 percent of the required signatures, the city council has the authoriry to waive tkris requuement. Grand Old Day celebrarion scheduled for Sunday, June 3, 2001 is over 1 mile in length and would therefore be considered a hazdstrip. ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Grand Old Day would be issued a permit for their community fes5val without obtaining the 60% requirement. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. REC�IVED DISADVAN7AGESIFNOTAPPROVED �AY � LUt91 Grand Old Day could not meet all requuements of Block Party Pemut. cj� !�/4��0 ��� i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES � NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIN NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) OS/15/01 09:28 FA% 292 J584 n�Sh! FWC NO. : STP POLICE CSU ���� / � ��`�/T�! r May 15, 20p1 Mr. Wf1Aam f�ney Cbief af Podke CttY aP St. Paut 1D0 East il�' S�EEt St. Pdul, MN S$IOI dear Chief Rnrtey: �� May. 15 2081 09:24FlM P2 O\—SOS � � ��� iaciicbn Of ReaLI�Y CooL Stuf� I am writlng on behalf of this y�ars Grand O�d Day p(anning commr2tee to request a waiver of the required sgnatur� for the bbck parry permit we submitted to your office. As you know, Grand Oid Day this year w;1t be ]une 3. The blodc permit applkat➢on requires wrltten consent aF 60g'o of the properiy Owners or tenarrts adjao�t tn the porEion of the p�blic street, sidewalk ar atley that is used for the community festivat. Grand Old Day is celebrated a(ong two mHes of �rand Avenue, beginning at Oa�e Street and ending at Falrvtew. To satisfy the signature requirement wou�d be an insurmountable task for any person...ar volunteer committ�e. The additianal chalienge of absaitee landlords and thousands of tenan� makes it even more daunting. Therefore, we are requestfng that again this year, you wahre tlie sgnature requirement for the hlock party per�nit. Grand Old Day ls a well-planned and aceq.�ted ever�t in cooperation with many citY otFic�es, induding the police deparhnent, city licensing, the Mayo�s office, the flr2 depatiment and the oty tauncil, qs a matber of fatt, we have had min(mal compiaints from our neighbors or securlty personnd over the last severai years. Tt Is our intention to duplicate these suc�sses and mn[inue a St Pa,�1 fe,^tival we ran atl be proud of! If you have any questions, pla3se feel free uo corrtact rt�e at the Assoctation ofifice. �� :, ; �/i► .. �- ' �. _. . �ir'ar�d Avenu� I�t��ines� �ssoczation IQ43 Grand AvenUe. Yt315 1$vrrt Paul, Minnesota 551t75 felephorte: (651) 699•0029 1 Pax: (651) 699_7�75 1 E-ma�L- �nCn4�lCuendAve.com 1 Website: w�ww.GrandAvacom MRY-15-2001 1a�43 292 3564 97i P.01 ORfGINAL Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � �S�L OF SAINT P� il File # p � _ Sheet #� � • Committee:Date: WHEREAS, The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand Old Day, 2001 has submitted a request to waive the 60 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit required by Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Grand Old Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday of June on Grand Avenue between Fairview and Dale and brings over 100,000 people on the festival to enjoy all that Grand Avenue and Saint Paul have to offer; and WHEREAS, It would not be practicle for the Grand Avenue Business Associafion to obtain the neighborhood consent for Grand Old Day 2001; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 60% consent requirment for a block party/special event permit for Grand Old Day 2001 to be held on Sunday, June 3, 2001. Ha`ris Reiter �y Council: Date: \ Certified by Council By� l\� a . Approved by Mayor Date: By: � L� �/ l ApproC��� r S to Council: By. yj �_ Requested by Department of: C£PRRTMENi/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Poli,ce os�o�/2oot GREEN SHEET No. 10241 N A P RSON&PHONE INRIAUD INIT7AWA7E O��SO Wi111amFlnney 292-35$8 1 oevnarxExrarsECro 4 mcouHG� MUST B� ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) (/��/� ASAP ❑2 cmwn0�txeY�� F ❑tm'C��Lc �NpNQ/L$FAVICESOI2_ ❑FlNANCIFLSERVIACRG ��wYOR(OR/5515lAM)_ ❑HIIM/NF�GHIS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Signatures requested on the attached CouncIl Resolurion to allow waiver of perition for Crrand Old Day Block Party Permit. RECOMMENDATION ApproVe (AJ M R2j0G� (R� PERS�NPL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUS7 PNSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTI�NS: 1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cunerrt city em0loyee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a targeted vendo(� YES NO Erplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`� Block Party pemuts require 60 percent of affected property owners to sign a petition allowing for street closnre. In cases where it would be a hardship to collect 60 percent of the required signatures, the city council has the authoriry to waive tkris requuement. Grand Old Day celebrarion scheduled for Sunday, June 3, 2001 is over 1 mile in length and would therefore be considered a hazdstrip. ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Grand Old Day would be issued a permit for their community fes5val without obtaining the 60% requirement. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. REC�IVED DISADVAN7AGESIFNOTAPPROVED �AY � LUt91 Grand Old Day could not meet all requuements of Block Party Pemut. cj� !�/4��0 ��� i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES � NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIN NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) OS/15/01 09:28 FA% 292 J584 n�Sh! FWC NO. : STP POLICE CSU ���� / � ��`�/T�! r May 15, 20p1 Mr. Wf1Aam f�ney Cbief af Podke CttY aP St. Paut 1D0 East il�' S�EEt St. Pdul, MN S$IOI dear Chief Rnrtey: �� May. 15 2081 09:24FlM P2 O\—SOS � � ��� iaciicbn Of ReaLI�Y CooL Stuf� I am writlng on behalf of this y�ars Grand O�d Day p(anning commr2tee to request a waiver of the required sgnatur� for the bbck parry permit we submitted to your office. As you know, Grand Oid Day this year w;1t be ]une 3. The blodc permit applkat➢on requires wrltten consent aF 60g'o of the properiy Owners or tenarrts adjao�t tn the porEion of the p�blic street, sidewalk ar atley that is used for the community festivat. Grand Old Day is celebrated a(ong two mHes of �rand Avenue, beginning at Oa�e Street and ending at Falrvtew. To satisfy the signature requirement wou�d be an insurmountable task for any person...ar volunteer committ�e. The additianal chalienge of absaitee landlords and thousands of tenan� makes it even more daunting. Therefore, we are requestfng that again this year, you wahre tlie sgnature requirement for the hlock party per�nit. Grand Old Day ls a well-planned and aceq.�ted ever�t in cooperation with many citY otFic�es, induding the police deparhnent, city licensing, the Mayo�s office, the flr2 depatiment and the oty tauncil, qs a matber of fatt, we have had min(mal compiaints from our neighbors or securlty personnd over the last severai years. Tt Is our intention to duplicate these suc�sses and mn[inue a St Pa,�1 fe,^tival we ran atl be proud of! If you have any questions, pla3se feel free uo corrtact rt�e at the Assoctation ofifice. �� :, ; �/i► .. �- ' �. _. . �ir'ar�d Avenu� I�t��ines� �ssoczation IQ43 Grand AvenUe. Yt315 1$vrrt Paul, Minnesota 551t75 felephorte: (651) 699•0029 1 Pax: (651) 699_7�75 1 E-ma�L- �nCn4�lCuendAve.com 1 Website: w�ww.GrandAvacom MRY-15-2001 1a�43 292 3564 97i P.01