268677 W H I 7 E - C I T V C L ER K COUIIC 11 �������� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAiT L 1 CAN�iRV - DEPAR NT � �' �LUE - MAVO � Fl1E NO. � � o i Resolution � Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date wHEREAS, the 911 emergency telephone system has been under study in the State of Minnesota for several years; and WHEREAS, planning of a 911 emergency telephone system for the entire seven county metropolitan area has recentl� been accomplished; and WHEREAS, a Metropolitan Inter-County Ad Hoc Committee on 911 financing has prepared a proposal for the financing of 911 telephone systems on a State-wide basis; and WHEREAS, legislation mandating the adoption of 911 on a State-wide basis has been introduced into the last two sessions of the Minnesota Legislature; and WI�REAS, bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate � in the 1977 Session which would mandate the adoption of 911 systems on a state-wide basis; and wHEREAS, it is anticipated that capital costs for the equipment necessary to implement the 911 system will be financed with federal and/or state grants; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council endorses a recommenda- tion by the Metropolitan Inter-County Ad Hoc Committee on 911 financing which encourages the Minnesota State Legislature to look to the telephone company gross earnings tax as a source of revenue for the recurring costs of a basic 911 system; and, be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ��� • PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L 1 ' CANq1RV - DEPARTMENT ��BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO• � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTI�R RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Legislative representatives of St. Paul and Ramsey County in the Minnesota State Legislature, to the 911 Coordinator of the Metropolitan Council, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Counca.l. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: -�$�elie�r � Hozza [n Favor Hunt J Levine Against BY Roedler �� Tedesco N1AR $ �9� Form Ap o d by City Attort�ey , Adopted b ouncil: Date Certi � .d P by C nc' cre�ry B Y Appr by flflavor: Da � 4 �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBL{SHED M�R � 9 �977 w -.• ,. ��U��� ' RESOLUTION WHEREAS , The 911 emergency telephone system has been under study in the State of Minnesota for several years ; and WHEREAS, Planning of a 911 emergency telephone system for the entire seven county metropolitan area has recently been accomplished; and • . WHEREAS , A Metropolitan Inter-County Ad Hoc Committee on 911 financing has prepared a proposal for the financing of 911 telephone systems on a State-wide basis ; and WHEREAS , Legislation mandating the adoption of 911 on a State-wide basis has been introduced into the last two sessions of the Minnesota Legislature; and . _, ,. ,---�,..-,.,_ _.�.....-- _ .__ . b��- ,r. , � '�r�hereas, Bills have been introdticed inAthe House and the Senate in _ tha 1977. �ession ,�r'r_?ch wo�ild mandate `the adoption of 911 ;systems � on a state-wide basie� � • _ : :t .,. .._ � • . . ......____._____ _. ______ __�,�.;:._w ,_.�.. -------� - -- WHEREAS , It is anfiicipated that capital costs for the equip- ment necessary to implement the 911 system will be financed with federal and/or state grants ; . ` r;oTs; �%���a�'a�° be �t ?°solved, that the St. Paul �ity Council �enclorse,��y' �- � recomsnendation b� the' r"etropol�tan Inter=Countf Ad Hoc. Committee on inancin which encoura�es the N:innesota State Le�?slatu^e to look � the �11 f g • �. - • �telephone company �ross earnings tax as � source ,of revenue for the : . � �recurrin�. costs of a basic 911 system, a�d . , . Be , it further resolved, that copies of this resolution be forwarded _ � f . .� . to the Le�islati�re �epresenta'tives of �� St . Paul �nd �amsey �ount y in the I�linne�ota �tate Le�isl�ture, to the 911 Coordinatar of the�- � i�iet .ropolitan Council, the �amsey �nunt;� :?oard of Commissioners and � the R�.msey �%ount�T Eriminal Justice Coordinating vouncil. . . - � _ . ' . . . ,Y ' . . . � . .. .� . � . . � � � . . . .... . _ � -� � - r �I ,��-�. - - . r_ 4�' 4�8 �7I1 °1