268665 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � COl1I1CII ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT. PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. C uncil Reso ' Presented By � Referred To Committ : Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the amount of direct bonded indebtedness of the City of Saint Paul and the amount of overlapping bonded indebted- ness created by the County, School Board and other agencies of the State is a matter of continuing concern for the �ouncil of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, by Council File No. 267988 the Council recognized and addressed this problem by setting forth a program including a bonding and debt study to be carried out in conjunction with all governmental entities who have bonding authority over the citizens of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, by Couneil Resolution the Council appropriated funding in an amount not to exceed $20,000 to implement the proposed work program of a city bond consultant; and WHEREAS, it ha.s come� to the attention of the Council tha.t the Department of Public W@rks is presently incta.rring costs in anticipation of a sale in 1977 of water pollutiori �.batement bonds which ha:s not yet been authorized by the Council; and WHEREAS, �he Council has not yet made a determination on the financial feasibility of se�ling these bonds o� the potential impact of such a sale on the tax levy, bond rating or the ma.rketability of other bonds and will not be able to make such a determination until the bond study is concluded, now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, tha.t the position of the Council be a matter of record and that copies of the resolution be provided to the Department of Public Works through the Ma.yor in order tha.t improper planning or expenditures be prevented. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler - ��, � [n Favor Hunt Levine A gai n s t BY ��� Sylvester --�er�esco_. �� � Adopted by Council: Date 19� Form Appr ed by City Attorney ' Certified ss Council S ary � B� Ap o by iNayor: Dat * MAR 2� �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY PUSLISH�D MAR 5 1977 �; ���;.:. CzT� or.+ �.�L��;�r ��..v� �� �:,. ;�r��..�.4.'� �';, 0�,�'ICE Oi' '1'F1��; CITY COUti CIL ��' �,,`, :� . . �=��`:'�� '� . , � �. .,._, . j:� , ,.,�r ��. ::�)jy�F i:=:� � - .�• - y�` . V;rVt�~/ � . � . `__ �_ _�,� Do t e : February 28, 1977 a_ C 0 f�v� �:-'i �°�I E c � � �' C� `f`'-. �" ? O : �Qinf Paui C�i'� Councii .. . _ .. � F�Q�� ' C 0��'t�1��e� �t� FIfJANCE, MANAGEME�JT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, makes !he foilor�ing reporf on C.F. C] Ordinunce . . . Q Reso[ution . _ - - - � �t�ter � �I�.E :. •_ At its--meeting on February 14, 1977 the Committee approved a motion that a resolution � be prepared providing that Water Pollution Abatement Bonds not be issued until the �' campletion of a bond study. . CITY f.ALT. SE1lENTFI FLOO;? SAItiT Pr�UL, 1ti1l�tti'ES�J"Gl SSt02