268645 WHITE — CITV CLERK b PINK — FINANGE GITY. OF SAINT PALTL Council �ti��',(�� � CANARY — DEPARTMENT 7 BLSjE — MAVOR File NO. � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council on November 21, 1974 (C.F. No. 264630) approved the Saint Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program Concept and Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council on Ma.rch 12, 1975 (C.F. No. 265169) approved a Rehabilitation Plan for the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Rehabilitation Program Concept and Guidelines, as approved, stated in section 3, page 14, that th�re should be established an "advisory committee composed of community group representatives, private citizens and public officials to act in a monitoring and evaluation capacity after implementa- tion of this program"; and WHEREAS, the City Council established the Housing Rehab- ilitation Program Advisory C�ittee� eff�ctive July 5, by C.F. No. 265667, to assist the Mayor and Gouncil in implementing the Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program by their advice and recommendatio�s; and W�iEREAS, the Citp of �aint Faul has been a�rarded a grant for Community l�evelopment Year II for the purpQSe of carrping out the Community Development Program approved by the City Council and submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, the City Council on July 22, 1976, (C.F. No. 267588) approved a "Policy for Planning, Implementing, Evalua.ting and Completing a Neighborhood Identified Treatment Area Program"; and COU[�1CILMEN _ Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by it Attocne Adopted by Council: Date i ; Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � By � Approved by 14ayor. Date Appco e by Mayor for Subm' sio to Council By BY ; " . . ������ Page 2. WHEREAS, both the Community Development Program and the Policy referred to in the last paragraph recognize that an Identified Treatment Area (ITA) includes Eoncentrated Rehabilitation Projects as that term is defined and used in the Concept and Guidelines and that an ITA is a specified portion of a neighborhood area within the City which has been identified by the appropriate district council or neighbor- hood group and approved by the City Council for rehabilitation and substantial improvement purposes; and WHEREAS, there is a need for ITA' s to be represented on the Housing Rehabilita�ion Program Advisory Cor�nittee; and WHEREAS, the City Council on May 15, 1975 (C.F. No. 265466) did approve a contract between the City of Saint Paul and the Housing and RedeveTopment Authority �hich provides for the , administration of the Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, 1. The committee will continue to be known as the City of Saint Paul Housing Rehabilitation Program Advisory Committee; 2. The Conunittee will on a quarterly basis monitor and evaluate the program, provide feedback to neighborhood groups and ma.ke recommendations regarding the administration of the program; 3. The Committee will review administrative policies established by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the contract of the Rehabilitation Program; 4. The Committee will ma.ke recommendatians concerning the designation of any additional Identified Treatment Areas; 5. The Committee will monitor and ma.ke recommendations for changes 'when appropriate in the distribution of Rehabilitation Program funds among Identified Treatment Areas and the city-wide program; 6. The Committee will hold regularly-scheduled meetings with time and place to be announced, and these meetings will be open to the public and at least half of these meetings will be held during the evening hours ; ; . , . ����4�:� Page 3. 7. This resolution is to be deemed a resolution of con- tinuation and this Committee shall cease to exist unless expressly continued by resolution of the City Council every two years from the date of Council adoption of this resolution; 8. All appointments to this Committee will be for a two year term and this resolution and amendments herein shall not affect any appointments ma.de previous to the date of Council adoption of this resolution; 9. The Committee will transmit an annual report to the Ma.yor and City Council. This report shall include an outline of major activities of the Committee during the previous year, as well as a brief outline of activities proposed for the coming year; 10. Any Committee member who fails to attend either: (1) three consecutive meetings, or (2) one-half of the announced Committee meetings within a period of 12 months, shall auto- ma.tically cease to be a member of the Committee; 11. Members of the Committee shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor; 12. The Rehabilitation Plan for the City of Saint Paul (C.F. No. 265169) shall be amended on page 10 to reflect the following: "B. Membershi . Members of the Advisory Committee shall be appointe y t e Ma.yor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Because a housing rehabilitation program can be successful only with extensive community support, the members shall be appointed to represent organizations and interests in the City which have been or will be involved in the City rehabilitation program. 'I'h.e organizations and interests listed for representation may recotrnnend persons to the Ma.yor for appointment. Representation shall be as follows: --One representative from each district having an ITA (the district council for the ITA is to make recommendations to the Mayor�if there is no district �council, then all ITA sponsoring neighborhood groups ma.y make recommendations) . WHI7E - CITV CLERK COURCll ^'���%����?���� PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLOE• - MAVOR � Flle NO• � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4. -- One representative of the Mayor' s office -� Two representatives of the City Council -- One representative of the City Planning Commission -- One resident of any of the areas previously identified �-- as Neighborhood Development Program Areas -- One representative of Legal Assistance of Ramsey County, Inc. -- One representative of Ramsey Action Programs -- One representative of the. League of Women Voters of St. Paul -- One representative of the Community Housing Corporation -- One representative of the banking profession -- One representative of the building or home repair business -- One representative of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly AFL-CIO � -- 'I�ao members appointed from the city at large, not residing within Neighborhood Development Program areas or ITAs -- One representative of the� Ramsey County Delegation to the State Legislature The Advisory Committee should have adequate representation of low and moderate income people and minority groups. The Co�nittee ma.y, upon approval of a majority of its members, request expansion o€ the Comm.ittee to obtain additional i,n.put." and; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That to the extent any conflict exists between the provisions of previous Council Resolution C.F. 265667, and this resolution, then the terms and conditions of this reso- lution shall supersede those contained in Resolution C.F. 265667 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: —�le� Mozza [n Favor —�farr�. Levine Q __ Against BY Rcedler - Sylvester � FEB � 4 �� Form Approved by�City �1 torney r'� Adop by Council: Date ( .•' . ertified Pass y Co cil Secretary BY ( � i � y � Approv y ay r: Date �`' � � ��� Appro d by Mayor�for S' ' sion to Council By BY PlleusyFO MAR 5 1977 0•�������\f��l. ���. ; .„�,`J GrrY oI' S��I�T P�IIL o �o:maa� O 1�'1�'I(;17 <�I' 1'F�l: �I.1 Y O I: •�cseaeaeme ��eze�o e� _._ --� ��wY f/ij � y ��3E�T'S�RESIaENT Februar Y`V� GEORGE LATIMEA ST�� MAYOR Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the Saint Paul City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council Members: Herewith I am submitting a council resolution relating to the Saint Paul Housing Rehabilitation Program Advisory Committee, originally established by Council File 265667. This resolution carries the unanimous recommendation of the existing committee. It makes three basic changes in the structure of the Committee: 1. There is a change in the focus of inembership. The original committee contained representatives from six named community groups. This resolution would include in their place, up to ten representa- tives from districts having within their boundaries Intensive Treatment Areas (ITA) . 2. The District Councils, within which are located ITA' s,would recommend three names to the Mayor from among which he would nominate one to the City Council for membership on the Comriittee. 3 . Lastly, the membership term would be for two years and would not be staggered as is the case presently. The membership on the Committee from other constituencies such as representation from� Legal Assistance of Ramsey County, League of Women Voters, Community Housing Corporation, etc. , would remain unchanged. I ask your timely action on this resolution. Sincerely, GEOR LATIMER Mayor GL/lm enclosure -,,, 0