268644 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L 1 � BLUE - MAVOR � Fll@ NO. c�l Resolution Presented By � Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Planning Department has been requested by the City Council to study and develop an ordinance regulating the location of adult entertainment uses and to develop appro- priate data in support of such an ordinance; and WHEREAS, Such a study requires a change in the City Planning Department work program for 1977; and WHEREAS, A change in the City Planning Department work program for 1977 requires Mayoral approval; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul requests that Mayor George Latimer approve a change in the 1977 work program of the City Planning Department in order to provide for the develop- ment of an adult entertainment use-zoning ordinance and that the Mayor direct the City Planning Coordinator to adjust the work pro- gram as may be necessary to accomplish this end. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �$tr!}cr� Hozza In Favor � Levine _�__ A gai n s t BY Rcedler Sylvester �� ' ��$ 2 Q� i9n Form Approved by City Attorney Adopied Council: Date Cer � ied Passe ouncil S etary � BY �A.. �` ��`i�•i— Approv y Wlayor: Date 1 �.-� "� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAR 5 1977 • _ i ... . • . MIHITE - CITV GI.ERK- y . . 5 ' - . , .:" . ,. ...' ('������ , PINK - FINANCE � ' .. 7 � COl1OCl1 � i BLUERV - MAVPOqTMENT GjTY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � �" -� Council Resolution � . , � f � � � , i 1 Presented By � '�' ' ` � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By " � Date �S�1S. � CitY�Plaaniag DaFar`tmeat lias beau raqueaLed by t3:e City t�onnci3. ta �t�.c�y aod 8�velop ran or+dliaaae� r�gulatiag . t2�t ].+oca�tZan of a�n7.t eatrrtaiam�at s�se� a�d t�a cLev�sLoP a,ppara- . priats data i�► �upport og anch aa ordin�acs= and =�.�...-.�_ � _ �. Sn�h a stau�j� ra4uire� a chan+�s ia tt3�► City Planafag :�' . Dspartm�ait trorl� p�sa�► #�r 19??� aa�d � �BI�S, 7! chan�ge� i:i-t!� Cit�y Pianaf�g �pa�ct��ent �k �rrogr�oe for 1�77 s'�equirss !t�►y�vacal app�x�v�vat� ao�c. tha�efn�a, ba it B�SC�LVED. �'hat thn C�l of tha Ci�y of Saint Paul r�sta that May�o� G�os�ge Latim�r app�co� a chaaqe fsi tha 19'!? wo�k prograw of tha City Plaaaing Daparts�nt in o�cdsr to pacavide foar the devslop- �at of aa adu2t eaite�rtai.nme�nt nse-:r�fng o�iauacs an�d t3�at the � - �tayor dfs�et the City� �2aaning t�oo�inatar tt� adjnst tt�e v�ostk p�a- � • g�r� as may be necearsAry to acxoa�plfsh this +�ad. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Ho� � In Favor �r[r - Levine �� Against BY , r,.�- Rcedler • f Sylvester �� � Form Approv�d by City Attorney . Adopted by Council: Date GGp � d '�4n Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY j, ' ` , .� �r . r�• . ,-!�%�•- B}� . Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B�' By .