268643 WH17E - CFITV CLERK ������ PII1K - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council v v CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - M;iOR �� ��-� o ncil olution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 •OS of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1970) pertait�irig to regulations for the adjusting of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works and approvat of the Board of Water Commissloners, the. Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their totat water consumption from the City of St. Paul 's Sanitary Sewer Sysfiem, the below listed firms have justifiable reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied: (in accordance with Resolution, Council File No. 268340, approved January 6, 1977, and be it - f1�RTNER RESOLVED,. That a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges;" based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Service Fund" and shall be in the foilowing amounts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Olympia Brew.ing Co. DEC 1976 $ 50,090.88 _ 722 Payne Ave. 55165 Jacob Schm.id# Brewing Co. NOV-DEC 1976 $ 3,970.07 882 W. Seventh St. 55102 Koppers Co. , Inc. DEC 1976 $ 2,547•58 1000 Hamline Ave. 55104 ' Hoerner Waldorf Corp. �EC 1976 S 1 .938.82 2550 Wabash Ave. 55114 Gillette Co. OCT-DEC 1976 $ 1 ,310•58 Fifth � Broadway 55101 Cemstone Concrete Co. 1976 , $ 1 �13�•15 1520 E. Minnehaha Ave. 55106 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen b ' rks Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY — Sylvester � Tedesco _ Dan i el J. D ord President Hunt ' Form Approved Cit Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By 4 Approved by Mayor: D��e App ved by Mayor for ' �ipn to Council " By BY � WM�TE - CITV CLERK COUIICll '�' " ���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - M�R File - NO. - �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -Page Two- NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT St. Paul Dispatch f. Pioneer Press NOV-DEC 1976 S 431 •32 63 E. Fourth St. 55101 American National Bank JAN 1977 $ 90.09 American National Bank Buildi�g Room 2320 55101 � Speas Co. JAN 1977 $ 87.82 582 N. Prior Ave. 55104 Land 0'Lakes, Inc. DEC 1976 $ 64.40 415 Grove St. 55101 Gross-Given Manufacturing Co. JAN 1977 $ 57•79 76 Plato Blvd. 55107 First National Bank of St. Pa�l JAN 1977 $ ��•85 w'1752 �'i rs t'�Nat'1 . Bank B 1 dg. 55101 Mr. Michael J. Swenson 197b $ 34•33 230 Oak Grove Minneapolis 55403 Mr. John C. Dickinson 1976 $ 25•36 1018 Churchill St. Mr. John H. Scherer 1976 $ 5.95 1964 E. Min�ehaha Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: .-�� P ub 1 i c Wo rks Hozza [n Favor -� . Levine � Against BY ` Roedler Dani J. Dunford Sa+vers Sylveste • � FEB 2 4 �977 Form Approved by ity ttor y Adop by Council: Date rtified Pas y Coun retary/ BY Appro by iNayor: Date �9� Approved by May r f Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAR 5 1977 l. y . � � iYi� ... � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — � � ' � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS c�► . � ` ` RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '�t����� PRESENTED BY �; 'T� �! 17TT COMMISSIONER - DATE RESOLVED - RESOLY�D, Tl�st the BaarB o! Water Cc�missianer� hereby ap,p�ar��t the reao�eadatian ot 8ia2�ard L, Wheel�r, Ar�istant D3roator snd City Sn83aeer, D�partae►nt of Publia Work�r, in hir lstter ot J�uuary 27, 19'�'j to �he BoarB t2ut �7.1 or par�ial re�ads of pe�1.d Ser�ac Sareia� C�irg�► bir grant�d aar listad in �khe la�ter; u�ib rerftiindt to 'b� �le l�cm t�he "Se� Sesti►ice �'�md". . Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Hwat San�ds Jsuu�r►ry 27 19 �7 �� Iaraui8eat I+r►ise 0 �In favor 4 Opposed _ SECY. ����� �M Q�.: I 2 f�.9?5 ` �EU. : g/�j7� ` �X�'LP.i3�'1'?:ON 0�' A�!!'�I��?STI',�`sT�t7� n:?�E��, � � ^ � ��:SU±.,t,'I'�ONS, aI�D ORUTN��C;E� "K����¢� � k s Ua�.e: January 27. 1977 ' �p; MP,YOR GEORGE LAT]:MER FR: DANIEL J. DUNFORD� OIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS R.�: Refunds of SEWER SERViCE CHARGES ' v _ x'��T`�!GIv �QUEST�II: ' Refuad Sewer Se�vice Charges from �Sewer Service Fund PU.�POSE �N� �2A.T�ONAL� �'OR TIiIS ACTION: � Investigation has detmrmined that certain v�olumes of wator which were � assessed a sewer service charge did not, in fact, e�ter the sanitary s�er sysYem and that payment of the charges o� these volumes should be refunded. , '_ � ����i���1,iVrl�s: � W..,.r_..__.....__..._._.. J— i. Council Resolution 2. Board of Water Commissioners' Resolution Recommending Refunds