268637 i � ' WHITE - CITY CIERK � � PINK - FINANCE G I T O A I NT PAIT L COUIICII ���•.. CANARV - DEPARTMEN File �O. BLUE - MAYOR - c r � ���0/` f Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves: "A bill for an act providing for a procedure to declare property transfers in the city of Saint Paul on a form approved by the city." and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Sena.te and House delegations. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �� � Hozza [n Favor �� ` Levine d __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester �edeeo Adopte Council: ate ��B 2'4 19� Form Approved ity Att ey rtified Pass y Counc' , cretary � BY gy, Appro b iNayor: Date '�- � , }97� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PUBLISHED MAR 5 �Q77 2������ Cit�r of St. Pau1 Bill N_o. � � � � � ������� � A bill for an act providino for a procedure to declare property transfers in the city of Saint Paul on a form approved by the city. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. There is hereby established within the corporate limits of the- city of Saint Paul a residential real property transfe:r recording system applicable to all. real property located within . the c�.ty and improved for residential purposes, whether it is actually occupied or vacant. Sec. 2. Commencing January 1, 1978, and continuing . thereafter, all deeds or contracts for deeds pertaining to the . conveyance of a fee interest to residential real property located within the city of Saint Paul shall be reported by the buyer or grantee to the city on a form approved by the city counci�l��wzthin".fifteen. (1�� days after the execution of such deeds or contracts for deeds, unless the deed or contract for deed was already filed of record in the office of county recorder. 'The city : shall maintain a file of all such records and shall make them available for public inspection during normal business hours . Sec. 3. All deeda or contracts for deed� relating to residentiai real property located within the city of Saint Paul shall contain the followin� statement: "This deed (contract for deed) should be filed in the Ramsey county recorde-r ' s of.fice, or if not so recorded within Fifteen (15) days of si�,ning, the buyer is required to file a notice 1 2/15/77 City Biil No. _ ��'��,�� with the city of Saint Paul ." Sec. 4. �ENALTY FOR NON-CO�IPLIANCE_7 Failure to comply with the reporting requirements of this act is a petty misdemeanor punishable by a fine of nat more than $100. - 2