01-50.Bxceas�deFe�lSubstitute c�, Am��c.�, e.� or. ��� . � Presented By Referred To WHEREAS, on August 23, 2000, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § b4.207, adopted Council File No. 00-598 which amended Saint Paul Pianning Commission Resolution No. 00-25 which had permitted construction of a pazking and retail development at 860 Grand Avenue; and _�..,�� 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in "Lincoln, Grand and Victoria Parking Compromise" at page 3, lines 35 and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic I project, the City wili permit customer pazking on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth during weekdaqs between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.' ; and WHBREAS, it has been recommended that certain amendments to Council File No. 00- 598 are necessary in order to facilitate the project in an expedirious fashion while protecting the interests of adjacent property and businesses owners; and WHERIEAS, based upon the recommendations of the pmject developers and adjacent property and businesses owners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council File No. 00-598, adopted August 23, 2000 and approved August 29, 2000, be amended at page 3, lines 35 and 36 by temporarily suspending the enforcernent of the language noted below in redlirie and substituting in its place new language, as recited below, which shall become a part of Council File No. 00-598 and referred to as the "Lincoln, Grand and Victoria Pazking Compromise": the Committee: Date �he;City willpermtt customerpark�ng on n l�von and:Chatsworth dunng weekdaj%s Lincoln. Grand and Victoria Parki� Compromise 1. 2. 3. On L'ancoln_ between Victoria and Avon the peimi�arldng will be lifted from 11:00 a.m. unti13:00 p.m. on weekdays Council File # C� �— 5 � The adiustment in permitparking times in point 1 will exist until the earlier of 7ulv 31. 2001. or the date when parking is allowed again in the 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 39 40 41 42 43 4�4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 restrictions durine the Adiustment Period and for two months thereafter_ in D�. c�� �....4:...d..� C.�W Q �� A _ ____t_A____ Y_—__ d_ • �•___. . • � — --- --� - ' . . C;±`p�ti±�.T_T�er i � - . � P�r�z Victoria. south of Grand. east side of street - no nazking from the corner to tfie second liQht gole from the comer of Victoria and Grand. b. Victoria. north Grand west side of the street - no vazkin¢ from the corner for the same distance as there is no parking south of Grand on the east side of Victoria. � - , n O � � il Y� � Yi s a✓� �'Y� , ; u,,�� U � � �� Commercial vehicles aze exempt from the no pazkin� areas set forth above These chan�es shall be in effect after the Adjustment Period. 5. Exeter Realtv. on behalf of itself its owners_ emnlovees and business associates. a�sees that at no time in the future will it reauest. and will activel�pvose (al any reauest of a third pariy to haveparkin¢ on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and (b) a return to the curren�azkingpemut times on the south side of Lincoln Avenue after the Adiustment Period 6. Exeter Realtv will cause no vehicles of construction workers workin on the Victoria and Grand nroject to roark on Lincoln Avenue. > "' � � AND, BE IT FLJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Council will request the Police DepartmenYs Parking Enforcement Section to increase its enforcement presence in the neighborhood. AND, BE IT FURTI-�R RESOLVED, that the conditions of the Lincoin, Grand and Victoria Parking Compmmise shali expire on July 31, 2001 or as soon as the pazking ramp component of the Vic I project is completed and open to use, whichever is later, at which time the parking condition noted above in rediine shall be reinstated and enforced as originaily provided in Council File No. 00-598; and AND BE IT FtJRTHER RESOLVED, that the remaining provisions of Council File No. 06-598 shall remain in full force and effect; and nermit narkine area and itt �articular on Lincoln between Victoria and Avon. and (bl work witfi the nei¢hbors and the Summit Hill Associarion to develon better siens or to make the current siQns more noticeable and understandable. i 2 3 4 t�l BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution amending Council File No. 00-598 to Neighbor's Opposed, East Mall Associates, Summit Hill Association and Exeter Holdings, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Requested by Department o£: By: Form Approved by City Attorney HY: ���l.Jl.�w�--- zI�lOI Adoption Certified by Covncil Secretary By: Appx By: Approved by Mayoz for Submisaion to Council By: Adopted by Couacil: Date � db. ��.(�pt c1-So �nnnn DEPMiNE!lTRJFFICEICOUNdL DATE INITIATED J U U L J c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAR7MEM DIRECTOFNITIAUDATE O C(iV COUNCIL �NRIAUOATE Chris Coleman 266-$620 A���' O C�n'ATfORNEY � CITYCLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING � BUDGEf DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES DIR. ORDER O MAYOR (OA ASSISTAlf� O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEQUESTED: Amending language regarding customer parking on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth during construction of the Vic I Project. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Fieject (F) pEtiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: — PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMI$$ION �� Has this personflirm ever worked untler a contrac[ for this departmeM? — CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ $TAFF — yES NO _ DIS�ICiCOURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expfafn eli yes answera on seperate sheet and ailaeh to green aheet INIT�ATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (NTO, Whet, When, Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSRCTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFOflFfiATION:(EXPLAIN) � � � • � � .+i � . �`�► � � _�� ..�1 1, ,1� Council File # ��� S C Green Sheet # g o a9 7y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on August 23, 2000, the Council of the City of Sa' t Paul, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.207, adopted Council File No. 00- 8 which amended Saint Paul Planning Commission Resolution No. 00-25 wlaich had pe ' ed construction of a pazking and retail development at 860 Grand Avenue; and WHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in C cil File No. 00-598 at page 3, lines 35 and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic project, the City will permit customer parldng on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between on and Chatsworth during weekdays beriveen 11:00 am. and 6:00 pm.' ; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Marshall as recommended against the amendment noted above. The Fire Marshall has expressed conce s that specifically allowing the parking noted above might interfere with fire department ambulance services on Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth; and WHEREAS, based upon the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council 29, 2000, be amended at page 3, from the Fire Marshall, the Council of the No. 00-598, adopted August 23, 2000 and approved August � 35 and 36 by deleting the following language: AND BE IT TF3ER RESOLVED, that the remaining provisions of Council File No. 00-598 shall rema in full force and effect; and �" z 3 4 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution amending Council File No. 00-598 to Neighbor's Opposed, East Mall Associates, Sniiunit Hill Association and Exeter Holdings, the Zoning Admiuistrator and the Plam�ing Commission. Adopted by Council: D te �.� Zo�� . Adoption Certified Coun ' Secretary BY �. � Approved by Ma or: Date, __ BY � �. . —_ —�-� Requested by Department of: By: Foxm Appro ed by City Attorney B �� �l�w�vw-- /�/7- o ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: o�-sD � F 0l-50 Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmetnber Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmemher Fat Hatris Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lanhy City Hall St Paul, Minnesota 55�102 February 6, 2001 12e: Proposed Agieement On Lancoln Avenue Pazking (Objecrion�to Part of Compromise: Increasing Permit Parking Hours-Lincoin between Avon and Grotto Dear Council President and Fellow Councilmembers: We understand that a compromise related to temporarily modifying permit parking on Lincoln Avenue was discussed and today this compromise is being presented to the City Council for formal re,view and discussion and we assume voting. The purpose of that compromise is to increase the number of Lours that Grand Avenue visitars can leaa[ly park on our Neighborhood streets during the construction of a parking facility. This letter shall serve as notice that we object to one part of the discussion namety that "Signage on Lincoln between Grotto and Avon be changed. At present, parking without a permit is restricted from 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM. Now, the discussion is to change that time to read from 2:00 PM to 1:00PM. `I`his will not only decrease the oppommity to park without a permit but wili drastically affect the taxpayers on this block who have home o�ces and who have clients that use the street during regular business hours. Please remove this part of the compromise from further discussion. Leave permit parking as it is on Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Grotto. Your constituents thank you. See attachmen� �� :�°.,: °��: .. �.- `, , February 6, 2UU1 Council President Dan Bostrom Counciimember derry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Pat I�arris Counci]member 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lantry City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Proposed Agreement On Lincoln Avenue Parking (Objecfion to Part of ComQromise: Increasing Permit Parking Hours-Lincoin between Avon and Grotto WE, RESIDENTS OF THE ABOVE AVENUE BETWEEN AVON ANA GROTTO, STRONGLY OBJECT TO TI3E CONSiDERATION OF CI3ANGiNG THE PERMIT PARKING HOURS ON THIS PART O� LINCOLN AVENUE. — J� � c ��� -� G � j �. « ior� 14'� L{N ca c-N � U�N�6 � � ��� �. �� `1 b $ Lnc,� t.r�, fl . �� q L�,�-� �� /.� � . � � `-� � �L �1 .� o L �''.,,� � � i ` � ; �����,,,�.,�: �� , ��.�� � b � �.�t�. /� O!-5a . « . oi-5o CITY ��" .S�T P.��. 390 Gry Hall Tefephone: (612J 166-8510 Norm Colem¢n, M¢yor I S Wesn Ke([agg Boulevard Facsimi[e: (6l2) 266-8513 Saint Paul, M+nnesom 5510? TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers FROM: Susan E. Kamberly ��� Deputy Mayor DATE: January 24, 2001 RE: Temporary Parking on Lincoln On January 17, 2001, The City Council passed Council File #Oi-50 deleting a prior council authorization for the provision of temporary parkin� on the north side of Lincoln Street between Avon and Chatsworth Street. C.F. #01-50 was adopted based on safety concems raised by the St. Paul Fire Marshall. This temporary parking arrangement was intended to relieve the parking hardship that the area of Victoria and Grand will experience during the construction of the new retail project at the south west corner of Grand Avenue and Victoria Street. I am pleased to inform the City Counci] that the fire and safety issues concerning this parking have been addressed to the satisfaction of the fire department and have attached a memo from Chief Fuller to that effect. Since the Council File #01-50 prevents our public works staff and fire department staff from resolving this issue, I would respectful]y request that the City Council reconsider and withdraw Council File #01-50. The lack of parking has had an immediate and severe impact on the commercial establishments at C:rand and Victoria. Therefore, City Council action on this issue today will allow our public works staff to provide the parking as soon as possible. SEK:drm Attachment • n ' ol• 5a Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Susan Kimberly Mayor's O�ce � FROM: Tim Fuller Fire Chief DATE: January 24, 2001 RE: Lincoin Avenue Parking During the City Council meeting on January 17, 2001, a resoludon was passed defining options regarding parking relative to the temporary elimination of the parking area on the southwest corner of Grand and Victoria. An option changed by this resolution was to ailow parking on the north side of Lincoln between Avon and Chatsworth. Perhaps there was some confusion about the fire departmenYs position since it was suggested we are opposed to the parking option on the north side of Lincoln. I will clarify our position. The Department of Fire and Safety Services reached an agreement with Public Works to allow for parking on Lincoln with these conditions: Parking would not be ailowed within 30 feet of the corners; two pull-out spaces would be provided in mid-block on the south and north sides of Lincoln; the original ban would resume on completion of the parking ramp on Victoria and Grand. Our department feels this temporary arrangement would not cause delays for fire apparatus. However, we will periodically monitor responses in that area. Council File,� � \ — S (� RESOLUTIO\' OFfSAcI\T PAUT�,1�,� Presented By Reiened To Committez: Date 2 ��'HEREAS, on Au�ust 23, 2000, the Council of thz City of Szint Paul, actin� pursuant to 3 Saint Paul Le�islati�e Code � 64.207, adopted Co�mcil File No. 00-�9S �chich amended Saint 4 Paul Plannin� Conmtission Resolution No. 00-2� «�hich had permitted constniction of a parkin� 5 and rztail de��elopment at S60 Grand Avenue; and 7 ZVHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in Council File 1\'0. 00-59� at page 3, 8 lines 3> and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic I project, the City wifl per[nit customer 9 parkin� on thz north side of Lincoln Avemiz bet�� ezn A��on and Chatsworth durin� weekdays 10 bet�ceen 11:00 a.n1. and 6:00 p.m."; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 �; �a 2� 26 ?7 zs 24 30 ��'HEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Marshall hzs recommended a�ainst the amendment noted abo�•e. The Fire Marshalt has expressed concems that spzcifically allo�vin� the parkin� noted above mi�ht interfere �vith fire dzpartment and ambulance services on Lincoln Avenue beriveen Avon and Chats�vorth; and �,VHEREAS, based upon the recommendation from the Fire Marshall, the Council of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council File 1�To. 00-598, adopizd Au�ust 23, 2000 and approved August 29, 2000, bz amended at page 3, lines 3� and 36 b}' deleting the folloti�'ino lan�uage: _ i . ,. t . .,, ., _ , . ,.. : . �.�.�.. . ,,... �,, , ,., :; . , ..., .,,..., . , � .. _�� r ,_ , � ., ,...,.,.... .,.. . ..... .... .. .... ...:: ........ ......� ..-. . . , . , ...- - A\T� BE IT FliRTHER RESOL�'ED, that the remaining pro� isions of Council Filz No. 00-�95 sha11 remain in full force and effect: and Green Sheet € 3 g o a � TA D!-so , , city council f PERS�V 3 PHON£ Chris Coleman 266-8620 GREEN SHEET INITIAL/DATE — ASSIGN ' CITYATiOP.NEY VU513ER FOB � HUDGcT CtAcCTCP FOUTING OFOEP �MAYOa(OflA5515T TOTAL; OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CTION P._OUESTcD: An:ending languagz regarding custo�er parkin� on th= r.or.th side of Lincoln Avenue t and Chatsworth during construction oi tha Vir_ I Pr.oject. RcGObi„°::0%dtG^�5 Apc��%° (a, cr pa,ec: (R� _� P;A>.^.n.`.G C04�.t!IS5Ch _ CIVIL SEaVIG'c _ Ct3 GO`.1611-__ _ _� ST.1r� _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOriTS YlY.ICN COUNCtt G34EGTN°_? PERSONAL SEAVECE CON i RACTS 6flS5T ANSW ER THE FOLIOYtlNG �UESiI :+.i t H25 Ini> pzrson:firm ev=: wa'<>c unEer a cor,trzct For t.^.is dzpartmant? YcS NO 2. Has this p^rson;hrm ever Nan x city empicyez� YES NO 3 Does tN; pzrsonRvm pess=55 z skill not normaily possz;sed by any curren; ce� e YcS NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet end ettech to green sheet Wna;. W�en,Where.N/hy�� DISAD`/ANUG'c5 G A?PROVED NOT TOTA! ASfOUNTOFTRANSACTiON 5 FUNDGiG SOURCE F I��.._ __ .=�-. ... 3 _- • COSTiP.=VENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACTIV� i Y NU513EF � G1TY G�UNCII • � ^_ J_ Q GTY CIERK a FI�. 6 MGL SEA'f:G � ❑ .Bxceas�deFe�lSubstitute c�, Am��c.�, e.� or. ��� . � Presented By Referred To WHEREAS, on August 23, 2000, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § b4.207, adopted Council File No. 00-598 which amended Saint Paul Pianning Commission Resolution No. 00-25 which had permitted construction of a pazking and retail development at 860 Grand Avenue; and _�..,�� 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in "Lincoln, Grand and Victoria Parking Compromise" at page 3, lines 35 and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic I project, the City wili permit customer pazking on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth during weekdaqs between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.' ; and WHBREAS, it has been recommended that certain amendments to Council File No. 00- 598 are necessary in order to facilitate the project in an expedirious fashion while protecting the interests of adjacent property and businesses owners; and WHERIEAS, based upon the recommendations of the pmject developers and adjacent property and businesses owners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council File No. 00-598, adopted August 23, 2000 and approved August 29, 2000, be amended at page 3, lines 35 and 36 by temporarily suspending the enforcernent of the language noted below in redlirie and substituting in its place new language, as recited below, which shall become a part of Council File No. 00-598 and referred to as the "Lincoln, Grand and Victoria Pazking Compromise": the Committee: Date �he;City willpermtt customerpark�ng on n l�von and:Chatsworth dunng weekdaj%s Lincoln. Grand and Victoria Parki� Compromise 1. 2. 3. On L'ancoln_ between Victoria and Avon the peimi�arldng will be lifted from 11:00 a.m. unti13:00 p.m. on weekdays Council File # C� �— 5 � The adiustment in permitparking times in point 1 will exist until the earlier of 7ulv 31. 2001. or the date when parking is allowed again in the 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 39 40 41 42 43 4�4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 restrictions durine the Adiustment Period and for two months thereafter_ in D�. c�� �....4:...d..� C.�W Q �� A _ ____t_A____ Y_—__ d_ • �•___. . • � — --- --� - ' . . C;±`p�ti±�.T_T�er i � - . � P�r�z Victoria. south of Grand. east side of street - no nazking from the corner to tfie second liQht gole from the comer of Victoria and Grand. b. Victoria. north Grand west side of the street - no vazkin¢ from the corner for the same distance as there is no parking south of Grand on the east side of Victoria. � - , n O � � il Y� � Yi s a✓� �'Y� , ; u,,�� U � � �� Commercial vehicles aze exempt from the no pazkin� areas set forth above These chan�es shall be in effect after the Adjustment Period. 5. Exeter Realtv. on behalf of itself its owners_ emnlovees and business associates. a�sees that at no time in the future will it reauest. and will activel�pvose (al any reauest of a third pariy to haveparkin¢ on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and (b) a return to the curren�azkingpemut times on the south side of Lincoln Avenue after the Adiustment Period 6. Exeter Realtv will cause no vehicles of construction workers workin on the Victoria and Grand nroject to roark on Lincoln Avenue. > "' � � AND, BE IT FLJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Council will request the Police DepartmenYs Parking Enforcement Section to increase its enforcement presence in the neighborhood. AND, BE IT FURTI-�R RESOLVED, that the conditions of the Lincoin, Grand and Victoria Parking Compmmise shali expire on July 31, 2001 or as soon as the pazking ramp component of the Vic I project is completed and open to use, whichever is later, at which time the parking condition noted above in rediine shall be reinstated and enforced as originaily provided in Council File No. 00-598; and AND BE IT FtJRTHER RESOLVED, that the remaining provisions of Council File No. 06-598 shall remain in full force and effect; and nermit narkine area and itt �articular on Lincoln between Victoria and Avon. and (bl work witfi the nei¢hbors and the Summit Hill Associarion to develon better siens or to make the current siQns more noticeable and understandable. i 2 3 4 t�l BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution amending Council File No. 00-598 to Neighbor's Opposed, East Mall Associates, Summit Hill Association and Exeter Holdings, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Requested by Department o£: By: Form Approved by City Attorney HY: ���l.Jl.�w�--- zI�lOI Adoption Certified by Covncil Secretary By: Appx By: Approved by Mayoz for Submisaion to Council By: Adopted by Couacil: Date � db. ��.(�pt c1-So �nnnn DEPMiNE!lTRJFFICEICOUNdL DATE INITIATED J U U L J c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAR7MEM DIRECTOFNITIAUDATE O C(iV COUNCIL �NRIAUOATE Chris Coleman 266-$620 A���' O C�n'ATfORNEY � CITYCLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING � BUDGEf DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES DIR. ORDER O MAYOR (OA ASSISTAlf� O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEQUESTED: Amending language regarding customer parking on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth during construction of the Vic I Project. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Fieject (F) pEtiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: — PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMI$$ION �� Has this personflirm ever worked untler a contrac[ for this departmeM? — CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ $TAFF — yES NO _ DIS�ICiCOURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expfafn eli yes answera on seperate sheet and ailaeh to green aheet INIT�ATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (NTO, Whet, When, Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSRCTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFOflFfiATION:(EXPLAIN) � � � • � � .+i � . �`�► � � _�� ..�1 1, ,1� Council File # ��� S C Green Sheet # g o a9 7y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on August 23, 2000, the Council of the City of Sa' t Paul, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.207, adopted Council File No. 00- 8 which amended Saint Paul Planning Commission Resolution No. 00-25 wlaich had pe ' ed construction of a pazking and retail development at 860 Grand Avenue; and WHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in C cil File No. 00-598 at page 3, lines 35 and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic project, the City will permit customer parldng on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between on and Chatsworth during weekdays beriveen 11:00 am. and 6:00 pm.' ; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Marshall as recommended against the amendment noted above. The Fire Marshall has expressed conce s that specifically allowing the parking noted above might interfere with fire department ambulance services on Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth; and WHEREAS, based upon the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council 29, 2000, be amended at page 3, from the Fire Marshall, the Council of the No. 00-598, adopted August 23, 2000 and approved August � 35 and 36 by deleting the following language: AND BE IT TF3ER RESOLVED, that the remaining provisions of Council File No. 00-598 shall rema in full force and effect; and �" z 3 4 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution amending Council File No. 00-598 to Neighbor's Opposed, East Mall Associates, Sniiunit Hill Association and Exeter Holdings, the Zoning Admiuistrator and the Plam�ing Commission. Adopted by Council: D te �.� Zo�� . Adoption Certified Coun ' Secretary BY �. � Approved by Ma or: Date, __ BY � �. . —_ —�-� Requested by Department of: By: Foxm Appro ed by City Attorney B �� �l�w�vw-- /�/7- o ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: o�-sD � F 0l-50 Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmetnber Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmemher Fat Hatris Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lanhy City Hall St Paul, Minnesota 55�102 February 6, 2001 12e: Proposed Agieement On Lancoln Avenue Pazking (Objecrion�to Part of Compromise: Increasing Permit Parking Hours-Lincoin between Avon and Grotto Dear Council President and Fellow Councilmembers: We understand that a compromise related to temporarily modifying permit parking on Lincoln Avenue was discussed and today this compromise is being presented to the City Council for formal re,view and discussion and we assume voting. The purpose of that compromise is to increase the number of Lours that Grand Avenue visitars can leaa[ly park on our Neighborhood streets during the construction of a parking facility. This letter shall serve as notice that we object to one part of the discussion namety that "Signage on Lincoln between Grotto and Avon be changed. At present, parking without a permit is restricted from 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM. Now, the discussion is to change that time to read from 2:00 PM to 1:00PM. `I`his will not only decrease the oppommity to park without a permit but wili drastically affect the taxpayers on this block who have home o�ces and who have clients that use the street during regular business hours. Please remove this part of the compromise from further discussion. Leave permit parking as it is on Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Grotto. Your constituents thank you. See attachmen� �� :�°.,: °��: .. �.- `, , February 6, 2UU1 Council President Dan Bostrom Counciimember derry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Pat I�arris Counci]member 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lantry City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Proposed Agreement On Lincoln Avenue Parking (Objecfion to Part of ComQromise: Increasing Permit Parking Hours-Lincoin between Avon and Grotto WE, RESIDENTS OF THE ABOVE AVENUE BETWEEN AVON ANA GROTTO, STRONGLY OBJECT TO TI3E CONSiDERATION OF CI3ANGiNG THE PERMIT PARKING HOURS ON THIS PART O� LINCOLN AVENUE. — J� � c ��� -� G � j �. « ior� 14'� L{N ca c-N � U�N�6 � � ��� �. �� `1 b $ Lnc,� t.r�, fl . �� q L�,�-� �� /.� � . � � `-� � �L �1 .� o L �''.,,� � � i ` � ; �����,,,�.,�: �� , ��.�� � b � �.�t�. /� O!-5a . « . oi-5o CITY ��" .S�T P.��. 390 Gry Hall Tefephone: (612J 166-8510 Norm Colem¢n, M¢yor I S Wesn Ke([agg Boulevard Facsimi[e: (6l2) 266-8513 Saint Paul, M+nnesom 5510? TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers FROM: Susan E. Kamberly ��� Deputy Mayor DATE: January 24, 2001 RE: Temporary Parking on Lincoln On January 17, 2001, The City Council passed Council File #Oi-50 deleting a prior council authorization for the provision of temporary parkin� on the north side of Lincoln Street between Avon and Chatsworth Street. C.F. #01-50 was adopted based on safety concems raised by the St. Paul Fire Marshall. This temporary parking arrangement was intended to relieve the parking hardship that the area of Victoria and Grand will experience during the construction of the new retail project at the south west corner of Grand Avenue and Victoria Street. I am pleased to inform the City Counci] that the fire and safety issues concerning this parking have been addressed to the satisfaction of the fire department and have attached a memo from Chief Fuller to that effect. Since the Council File #01-50 prevents our public works staff and fire department staff from resolving this issue, I would respectful]y request that the City Council reconsider and withdraw Council File #01-50. The lack of parking has had an immediate and severe impact on the commercial establishments at C:rand and Victoria. Therefore, City Council action on this issue today will allow our public works staff to provide the parking as soon as possible. SEK:drm Attachment • n ' ol• 5a Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Susan Kimberly Mayor's O�ce � FROM: Tim Fuller Fire Chief DATE: January 24, 2001 RE: Lincoin Avenue Parking During the City Council meeting on January 17, 2001, a resoludon was passed defining options regarding parking relative to the temporary elimination of the parking area on the southwest corner of Grand and Victoria. An option changed by this resolution was to ailow parking on the north side of Lincoln between Avon and Chatsworth. Perhaps there was some confusion about the fire departmenYs position since it was suggested we are opposed to the parking option on the north side of Lincoln. I will clarify our position. The Department of Fire and Safety Services reached an agreement with Public Works to allow for parking on Lincoln with these conditions: Parking would not be ailowed within 30 feet of the corners; two pull-out spaces would be provided in mid-block on the south and north sides of Lincoln; the original ban would resume on completion of the parking ramp on Victoria and Grand. Our department feels this temporary arrangement would not cause delays for fire apparatus. However, we will periodically monitor responses in that area. Council File,� � \ — S (� RESOLUTIO\' OFfSAcI\T PAUT�,1�,� Presented By Reiened To Committez: Date 2 ��'HEREAS, on Au�ust 23, 2000, the Council of thz City of Szint Paul, actin� pursuant to 3 Saint Paul Le�islati�e Code � 64.207, adopted Co�mcil File No. 00-�9S �chich amended Saint 4 Paul Plannin� Conmtission Resolution No. 00-2� «�hich had permitted constniction of a parkin� 5 and rztail de��elopment at S60 Grand Avenue; and 7 ZVHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in Council File 1\'0. 00-59� at page 3, 8 lines 3> and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic I project, the City wifl per[nit customer 9 parkin� on thz north side of Lincoln Avemiz bet�� ezn A��on and Chatsworth durin� weekdays 10 bet�ceen 11:00 a.n1. and 6:00 p.m."; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 �; �a 2� 26 ?7 zs 24 30 ��'HEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Marshall hzs recommended a�ainst the amendment noted abo�•e. The Fire Marshalt has expressed concems that spzcifically allo�vin� the parkin� noted above mi�ht interfere �vith fire dzpartment and ambulance services on Lincoln Avenue beriveen Avon and Chats�vorth; and �,VHEREAS, based upon the recommendation from the Fire Marshall, the Council of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council File 1�To. 00-598, adopizd Au�ust 23, 2000 and approved August 29, 2000, bz amended at page 3, lines 3� and 36 b}' deleting the folloti�'ino lan�uage: _ i . ,. t . .,, ., _ , . ,.. : . �.�.�.. . ,,... �,, , ,., :; . , ..., .,,..., . , � .. _�� r ,_ , � ., ,...,.,.... .,.. . ..... .... .. .... ...:: ........ ......� ..-. . . , . , ...- - A\T� BE IT FliRTHER RESOL�'ED, that the remaining pro� isions of Council Filz No. 00-�95 sha11 remain in full force and effect: and Green Sheet € 3 g o a � TA D!-so , , city council f PERS�V 3 PHON£ Chris Coleman 266-8620 GREEN SHEET INITIAL/DATE — ASSIGN ' CITYATiOP.NEY VU513ER FOB � HUDGcT CtAcCTCP FOUTING OFOEP �MAYOa(OflA5515T TOTAL; OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CTION P._OUESTcD: An:ending languagz regarding custo�er parkin� on th= r.or.th side of Lincoln Avenue t and Chatsworth during construction oi tha Vir_ I Pr.oject. RcGObi„°::0%dtG^�5 Apc��%° (a, cr pa,ec: (R� _� P;A>.^.n.`.G C04�.t!IS5Ch _ CIVIL SEaVIG'c _ Ct3 GO`.1611-__ _ _� ST.1r� _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOriTS YlY.ICN COUNCtt G34EGTN°_? PERSONAL SEAVECE CON i RACTS 6flS5T ANSW ER THE FOLIOYtlNG �UESiI :+.i t H25 Ini> pzrson:firm ev=: wa'<>c unEer a cor,trzct For t.^.is dzpartmant? YcS NO 2. Has this p^rson;hrm ever Nan x city empicyez� YES NO 3 Does tN; pzrsonRvm pess=55 z skill not normaily possz;sed by any curren; ce� e YcS NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet end ettech to green sheet Wna;. W�en,Where.N/hy�� DISAD`/ANUG'c5 G A?PROVED NOT TOTA! ASfOUNTOFTRANSACTiON 5 FUNDGiG SOURCE F I��.._ __ .=�-. ... 3 _- • COSTiP.=VENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACTIV� i Y NU513EF � G1TY G�UNCII • � ^_ J_ Q GTY CIERK a FI�. 6 MGL SEA'f:G � ❑ .Bxceas�deFe�lSubstitute c�, Am��c.�, e.� or. ��� . � Presented By Referred To WHEREAS, on August 23, 2000, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § b4.207, adopted Council File No. 00-598 which amended Saint Paul Pianning Commission Resolution No. 00-25 which had permitted construction of a pazking and retail development at 860 Grand Avenue; and _�..,�� 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in "Lincoln, Grand and Victoria Parking Compromise" at page 3, lines 35 and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic I project, the City wili permit customer pazking on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth during weekdaqs between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.' ; and WHBREAS, it has been recommended that certain amendments to Council File No. 00- 598 are necessary in order to facilitate the project in an expedirious fashion while protecting the interests of adjacent property and businesses owners; and WHERIEAS, based upon the recommendations of the pmject developers and adjacent property and businesses owners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council File No. 00-598, adopted August 23, 2000 and approved August 29, 2000, be amended at page 3, lines 35 and 36 by temporarily suspending the enforcernent of the language noted below in redlirie and substituting in its place new language, as recited below, which shall become a part of Council File No. 00-598 and referred to as the "Lincoln, Grand and Victoria Pazking Compromise": the Committee: Date �he;City willpermtt customerpark�ng on n l�von and:Chatsworth dunng weekdaj%s Lincoln. Grand and Victoria Parki� Compromise 1. 2. 3. On L'ancoln_ between Victoria and Avon the peimi�arldng will be lifted from 11:00 a.m. unti13:00 p.m. on weekdays Council File # C� �— 5 � The adiustment in permitparking times in point 1 will exist until the earlier of 7ulv 31. 2001. or the date when parking is allowed again in the 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 39 40 41 42 43 4�4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 restrictions durine the Adiustment Period and for two months thereafter_ in D�. c�� �....4:...d..� C.�W Q �� A _ ____t_A____ Y_—__ d_ • �•___. . • � — --- --� - ' . . C;±`p�ti±�.T_T�er i � - . � P�r�z Victoria. south of Grand. east side of street - no nazking from the corner to tfie second liQht gole from the comer of Victoria and Grand. b. Victoria. north Grand west side of the street - no vazkin¢ from the corner for the same distance as there is no parking south of Grand on the east side of Victoria. � - , n O � � il Y� � Yi s a✓� �'Y� , ; u,,�� U � � �� Commercial vehicles aze exempt from the no pazkin� areas set forth above These chan�es shall be in effect after the Adjustment Period. 5. Exeter Realtv. on behalf of itself its owners_ emnlovees and business associates. a�sees that at no time in the future will it reauest. and will activel�pvose (al any reauest of a third pariy to haveparkin¢ on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and (b) a return to the curren�azkingpemut times on the south side of Lincoln Avenue after the Adiustment Period 6. Exeter Realtv will cause no vehicles of construction workers workin on the Victoria and Grand nroject to roark on Lincoln Avenue. > "' � � AND, BE IT FLJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Council will request the Police DepartmenYs Parking Enforcement Section to increase its enforcement presence in the neighborhood. AND, BE IT FURTI-�R RESOLVED, that the conditions of the Lincoin, Grand and Victoria Parking Compmmise shali expire on July 31, 2001 or as soon as the pazking ramp component of the Vic I project is completed and open to use, whichever is later, at which time the parking condition noted above in rediine shall be reinstated and enforced as originaily provided in Council File No. 00-598; and AND BE IT FtJRTHER RESOLVED, that the remaining provisions of Council File No. 06-598 shall remain in full force and effect; and nermit narkine area and itt �articular on Lincoln between Victoria and Avon. and (bl work witfi the nei¢hbors and the Summit Hill Associarion to develon better siens or to make the current siQns more noticeable and understandable. i 2 3 4 t�l BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution amending Council File No. 00-598 to Neighbor's Opposed, East Mall Associates, Summit Hill Association and Exeter Holdings, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Requested by Department o£: By: Form Approved by City Attorney HY: ���l.Jl.�w�--- zI�lOI Adoption Certified by Covncil Secretary By: Appx By: Approved by Mayoz for Submisaion to Council By: Adopted by Couacil: Date � db. ��.(�pt c1-So �nnnn DEPMiNE!lTRJFFICEICOUNdL DATE INITIATED J U U L J c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAR7MEM DIRECTOFNITIAUDATE O C(iV COUNCIL �NRIAUOATE Chris Coleman 266-$620 A���' O C�n'ATfORNEY � CITYCLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING � BUDGEf DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES DIR. ORDER O MAYOR (OA ASSISTAlf� O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEQUESTED: Amending language regarding customer parking on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth during construction of the Vic I Project. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Fieject (F) pEtiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: — PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMI$$ION �� Has this personflirm ever worked untler a contrac[ for this departmeM? — CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ $TAFF — yES NO _ DIS�ICiCOURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expfafn eli yes answera on seperate sheet and ailaeh to green aheet INIT�ATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (NTO, Whet, When, Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSRCTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFOflFfiATION:(EXPLAIN) � � � • � � .+i � . �`�► � � _�� ..�1 1, ,1� Council File # ��� S C Green Sheet # g o a9 7y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on August 23, 2000, the Council of the City of Sa' t Paul, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.207, adopted Council File No. 00- 8 which amended Saint Paul Planning Commission Resolution No. 00-25 wlaich had pe ' ed construction of a pazking and retail development at 860 Grand Avenue; and WHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in C cil File No. 00-598 at page 3, lines 35 and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic project, the City will permit customer parldng on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between on and Chatsworth during weekdays beriveen 11:00 am. and 6:00 pm.' ; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Marshall as recommended against the amendment noted above. The Fire Marshall has expressed conce s that specifically allowing the parking noted above might interfere with fire department ambulance services on Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Chatsworth; and WHEREAS, based upon the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council 29, 2000, be amended at page 3, from the Fire Marshall, the Council of the No. 00-598, adopted August 23, 2000 and approved August � 35 and 36 by deleting the following language: AND BE IT TF3ER RESOLVED, that the remaining provisions of Council File No. 00-598 shall rema in full force and effect; and �" z 3 4 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution amending Council File No. 00-598 to Neighbor's Opposed, East Mall Associates, Sniiunit Hill Association and Exeter Holdings, the Zoning Admiuistrator and the Plam�ing Commission. Adopted by Council: D te �.� Zo�� . Adoption Certified Coun ' Secretary BY �. � Approved by Ma or: Date, __ BY � �. . —_ —�-� Requested by Department of: By: Foxm Appro ed by City Attorney B �� �l�w�vw-- /�/7- o ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: o�-sD � F 0l-50 Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmetnber Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmemher Fat Hatris Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lanhy City Hall St Paul, Minnesota 55�102 February 6, 2001 12e: Proposed Agieement On Lancoln Avenue Pazking (Objecrion�to Part of Compromise: Increasing Permit Parking Hours-Lincoin between Avon and Grotto Dear Council President and Fellow Councilmembers: We understand that a compromise related to temporarily modifying permit parking on Lincoln Avenue was discussed and today this compromise is being presented to the City Council for formal re,view and discussion and we assume voting. The purpose of that compromise is to increase the number of Lours that Grand Avenue visitars can leaa[ly park on our Neighborhood streets during the construction of a parking facility. This letter shall serve as notice that we object to one part of the discussion namety that "Signage on Lincoln between Grotto and Avon be changed. At present, parking without a permit is restricted from 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM. Now, the discussion is to change that time to read from 2:00 PM to 1:00PM. `I`his will not only decrease the oppommity to park without a permit but wili drastically affect the taxpayers on this block who have home o�ces and who have clients that use the street during regular business hours. Please remove this part of the compromise from further discussion. Leave permit parking as it is on Lincoln Avenue between Avon and Grotto. Your constituents thank you. See attachmen� �� :�°.,: °��: .. �.- `, , February 6, 2UU1 Council President Dan Bostrom Counciimember derry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Pat I�arris Counci]member 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lantry City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Proposed Agreement On Lincoln Avenue Parking (Objecfion to Part of ComQromise: Increasing Permit Parking Hours-Lincoin between Avon and Grotto WE, RESIDENTS OF THE ABOVE AVENUE BETWEEN AVON ANA GROTTO, STRONGLY OBJECT TO TI3E CONSiDERATION OF CI3ANGiNG THE PERMIT PARKING HOURS ON THIS PART O� LINCOLN AVENUE. — J� � c ��� -� G � j �. « ior� 14'� L{N ca c-N � U�N�6 � � ��� �. �� `1 b $ Lnc,� t.r�, fl . �� q L�,�-� �� /.� � . � � `-� � �L �1 .� o L �''.,,� � � i ` � ; �����,,,�.,�: �� , ��.�� � b � �.�t�. /� O!-5a . « . oi-5o CITY ��" .S�T P.��. 390 Gry Hall Tefephone: (612J 166-8510 Norm Colem¢n, M¢yor I S Wesn Ke([agg Boulevard Facsimi[e: (6l2) 266-8513 Saint Paul, M+nnesom 5510? TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers FROM: Susan E. Kamberly ��� Deputy Mayor DATE: January 24, 2001 RE: Temporary Parking on Lincoln On January 17, 2001, The City Council passed Council File #Oi-50 deleting a prior council authorization for the provision of temporary parkin� on the north side of Lincoln Street between Avon and Chatsworth Street. C.F. #01-50 was adopted based on safety concems raised by the St. Paul Fire Marshall. This temporary parking arrangement was intended to relieve the parking hardship that the area of Victoria and Grand will experience during the construction of the new retail project at the south west corner of Grand Avenue and Victoria Street. I am pleased to inform the City Counci] that the fire and safety issues concerning this parking have been addressed to the satisfaction of the fire department and have attached a memo from Chief Fuller to that effect. Since the Council File #01-50 prevents our public works staff and fire department staff from resolving this issue, I would respectful]y request that the City Council reconsider and withdraw Council File #01-50. The lack of parking has had an immediate and severe impact on the commercial establishments at C:rand and Victoria. Therefore, City Council action on this issue today will allow our public works staff to provide the parking as soon as possible. SEK:drm Attachment • n ' ol• 5a Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Susan Kimberly Mayor's O�ce � FROM: Tim Fuller Fire Chief DATE: January 24, 2001 RE: Lincoin Avenue Parking During the City Council meeting on January 17, 2001, a resoludon was passed defining options regarding parking relative to the temporary elimination of the parking area on the southwest corner of Grand and Victoria. An option changed by this resolution was to ailow parking on the north side of Lincoln between Avon and Chatsworth. Perhaps there was some confusion about the fire departmenYs position since it was suggested we are opposed to the parking option on the north side of Lincoln. I will clarify our position. The Department of Fire and Safety Services reached an agreement with Public Works to allow for parking on Lincoln with these conditions: Parking would not be ailowed within 30 feet of the corners; two pull-out spaces would be provided in mid-block on the south and north sides of Lincoln; the original ban would resume on completion of the parking ramp on Victoria and Grand. Our department feels this temporary arrangement would not cause delays for fire apparatus. However, we will periodically monitor responses in that area. Council File,� � \ — S (� RESOLUTIO\' OFfSAcI\T PAUT�,1�,� Presented By Reiened To Committez: Date 2 ��'HEREAS, on Au�ust 23, 2000, the Council of thz City of Szint Paul, actin� pursuant to 3 Saint Paul Le�islati�e Code � 64.207, adopted Co�mcil File No. 00-�9S �chich amended Saint 4 Paul Plannin� Conmtission Resolution No. 00-2� «�hich had permitted constniction of a parkin� 5 and rztail de��elopment at S60 Grand Avenue; and 7 ZVHEREAS, one of the amendments contained in Council File 1\'0. 00-59� at page 3, 8 lines 3> and 36 provided "During construction of the Vic I project, the City wifl per[nit customer 9 parkin� on thz north side of Lincoln Avemiz bet�� ezn A��on and Chatsworth durin� weekdays 10 bet�ceen 11:00 a.n1. and 6:00 p.m."; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 �; �a 2� 26 ?7 zs 24 30 ��'HEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Marshall hzs recommended a�ainst the amendment noted abo�•e. The Fire Marshalt has expressed concems that spzcifically allo�vin� the parkin� noted above mi�ht interfere �vith fire dzpartment and ambulance services on Lincoln Avenue beriveen Avon and Chats�vorth; and �,VHEREAS, based upon the recommendation from the Fire Marshall, the Council of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that Council File 1�To. 00-598, adopizd Au�ust 23, 2000 and approved August 29, 2000, bz amended at page 3, lines 3� and 36 b}' deleting the folloti�'ino lan�uage: _ i . ,. t . .,, ., _ , . ,.. : . �.�.�.. . ,,... �,, , ,., :; . , ..., .,,..., . , � .. _�� r ,_ , � ., ,...,.,.... .,.. . ..... .... .. .... ...:: ........ ......� ..-. . . , . , ...- - A\T� BE IT FliRTHER RESOL�'ED, that the remaining pro� isions of Council Filz No. 00-�95 sha11 remain in full force and effect: and Green Sheet € 3 g o a � TA D!-so , , city council f PERS�V 3 PHON£ Chris Coleman 266-8620 GREEN SHEET INITIAL/DATE — ASSIGN ' CITYATiOP.NEY VU513ER FOB � HUDGcT CtAcCTCP FOUTING OFOEP �MAYOa(OflA5515T TOTAL; OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CTION P._OUESTcD: An:ending languagz regarding custo�er parkin� on th= r.or.th side of Lincoln Avenue t and Chatsworth during construction oi tha Vir_ I Pr.oject. RcGObi„°::0%dtG^�5 Apc��%° (a, cr pa,ec: (R� _� P;A>.^.n.`.G C04�.t!IS5Ch _ CIVIL SEaVIG'c _ Ct3 GO`.1611-__ _ _� ST.1r� _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOriTS YlY.ICN COUNCtt G34EGTN°_? PERSONAL SEAVECE CON i RACTS 6flS5T ANSW ER THE FOLIOYtlNG �UESiI :+.i t H25 Ini> pzrson:firm ev=: wa'<>c unEer a cor,trzct For t.^.is dzpartmant? YcS NO 2. Has this p^rson;hrm ever Nan x city empicyez� YES NO 3 Does tN; pzrsonRvm pess=55 z skill not normaily possz;sed by any curren; ce� e YcS NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet end ettech to green sheet Wna;. W�en,Where.N/hy�� DISAD`/ANUG'c5 G A?PROVED NOT TOTA! ASfOUNTOFTRANSACTiON 5 FUNDGiG SOURCE F I��.._ __ .=�-. ... 3 _- • COSTiP.=VENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACTIV� i Y NU513EF � G1TY G�UNCII • � ^_ J_ Q GTY CIERK a FI�. 6 MGL SEA'f:G � ❑