270379 ' �-1�"� • h-�' City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. � ���- '� l� FINAL ORDER IN BY % � . ��,�,___. CONDEMNATION � PROCEEDINGS File No. 1�QY5 In the Matter of OpCqirtg� vide�ing and exterxling East Seventh =tre�t by corrlea�ning and takirg the lollaring: A permsne� bridge and highway easement on, over, and across that pe�rt of Lot 8, B1ock 21, Kittsons Additioa, lying withia the folloFring described lines: Beginaing at the soutkiwester]y corner of sa.id Lot 8; thence � aorth:rester�y alona the sautl3rester]y lot line far a dista.nce oP 5 feet to a point; thence northeas�er]y along a line para11e1 to the sautheasterly lot line of said I,ot 8 for a distzn�e of 50 feet to a point; thence sautheasterly along � the northeaster�y �ot lirie of said I,ot 8 for a distance oY ( - 5 feet to the southeasterl;,r corner of said I,ot 8; thence sauth- ' wester]y along southeast lot ].ine of said Lat 8 to the point of beginning. A permanent bridge and highway easement on, over, and across that part of Lot 1, Block 36, Brunson's Addition, ]�ying nort�:esterly of a line 19 :eet southeasterly of and paraLel to the aorthwesterly lot line of said lot. A peraanent bridge and highway easenent on, over, and across all that part of I,ot 2, Block 14,_Brunson's Ad�tica lying nortYnresterZy af a line 19 ' feet southeasterly of and parallel to the north-.✓esterly lot l.fne of said lot. under Administrative 1 Also a teaporary construction ease�ent to the extent shown on Department oY Public Works Draws_ng, No. 2380, Draxer No. 1t, dated Septe�ber 23, 197�, under Preliminary Ord said tes�orrsry construct�on easesnent to terminate upon completioa of the � construction or on lQarch 1, 1980, w-hichever occurs first. . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Councii�having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paui hereby orders said improvement to be made � � FURTHER RESOLVID, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a report to the City Council for the purpose of the Council's makin� an awa.rd of damages for the interest acquired and determination of assessments, if ar�y, against the benefited property. C�_-� .l��€ � 7 �g78 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary �AU � S 197a ; . / r ' b In Favor B ' � • � Against ' � . . Mayor ��� ,�llBLfSH�� ', ,. ,, ^- � �ti�: 4Cj ;�^1 � . f , ����� City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER IN / �� By z;`- �, ..+-..s,...�.- �.. CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS File No. 1�,'� In the Matter of (?p��,� �B� ifi( Q� � $� ;;� �r � _ ��ar� +� Mi�r� 1iM ����rt�t _� _ ,� __ . • D�sM�rie�E b�ridge and highWay essemeat oa, over, and across tlaat part a� bot 8, Block 21, Kittsons Addition, ].ying withia the folloWiag described lines: Beginning at the southweste-r]�y c�rner o£ said Lot 8; thence north:vester]y alang the souttn�resterl;f Iot line �or a di,sta.nce of 5 fee� to a point; thence northeas�er]y alon� a line paraLel to the southeasterly lot li.ne of said Lot 8 for a ' disi�.n:.e of 50 feet to a point; thence sautheasterly along the northeaster]y lot lirie of said I,ot 8 for a distance of � � 5 feet to the sou�heasterl;,� corner of said Lot 8; thence south- westerly along southAast lot liae of said Lot 8 to the point of beginning. A permanent bridge and highway easemeat on, over, and across that part of Lot 1, Block 36, Brunson's Addition, ]ying northwesterly of a line Z9 feet southeasterly of �.ad paral.lel to the northv�esterly lot line of said lot. A percianent brid�e and highway easeeient on, over, and across all that Fart oP Lot 2, Block 11;, E:unson's Ad�'_tica lyina northwester�y of a lir.e 19 Peet southeasterly of and para11e1 to the north-aesterly lot :.ine of said lot. under Administrat Also a tenporary construction easeu;ent to the extent shown on Department oP Public Works Drawing, No. 2380, Drawer No. 4, da,ted Septe�ber 23, 1977, under Preliminary said tesgora.ry construction easement to terminate upon completion �f the fi construction or on P�arch l, 1980, whichever occurs first. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council`f�aving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made FURTHER RESOLVID, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a report to the City Council for the purpose of the Council's making an award of damages for the interest acquired and determination of assessments, if any, against the benefited praperty. G�U� ' ' / �pN � 7 �978 COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Butte� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �pry � 5 1978 Hezza / Hunt b In Favor B ` Levine Roedler' � Against Sylvesteti Mayor "T��" �UBUSHED �,�,i,� 2� ;��"� Whit• - City Cl�rk V 1 l 1 V 1' ►Jt1 1 1�1 1 1 ci v L ` ��� '{;'Fy A /� 'I �►fttT�'="�inane�Dept. �''�� ���%;/� Vl� d'� C�^��Y— ��'t' OFP'IOF. OF TFIE MAYOR !` , � � � � 1 '� �t � . NO: �..�=? �'`-- r °� � - ` ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � - � `� '�.� � Date: T �� ` � � . � ' :� . "''.-`,:; '� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ,, � - • • �' ' � � Concerning t►he acquisition of' ease�ents on EA3T S�vENl'H 8T'REET fYc� Kittson St• , to Payne Avenue; the construct�on oP a ne�r bridge aver the tracks of the Burlington � Northern Inc. and ths construction of brid� approachea (City Pra�ects B-].0438 sad B- 1U43Tt). The repaxt of the Depsrtment oY Pub].s.c Works i� appxvved, arxi the D�partment I of Finance aad �ement Services is instructed to schedule a public �aring be�vre tl�$ City Covacil. ... . ,... .. . � , . ' . ., �� . ' . " . .. . J,..j... . . '., .. .... . . . i ' � - ' . ' . . . - . � .. � . � -_ . . . !_. � . . ' . . . . . .. . � � . � . .. � . , .. . - ._ . . . I , � , . . . . . . . . ... " .. �. . . , � , . , .. .. ' . . -� � . . i • � � . . - . . .� 'r'� • ' _ . � ��. ; . . , . . . .. , . . . .. _ . ..e ... . . � , _ .. . , � . � ` � _.. . . . . Ot1g. ta Orlp :Ge: - ' ' . ' ' - DJO 11�G� . . . � .. � .. . �. � RlW WAYb �� " ...� „ . . . . .. . . - . . � - . . .. . . � . ' . GKS JFK � RGP DEE • JFS ClT . .. . � M AJO �� TJE VHP• i � . , .. �'�. . , � E DEN , , � � ,. • ' . . .. ._. . ' . _. . , � ' (� . /3 • r P.S.D. N.H.p. , .. .'t • .. .. i '� . , . ,.�. .... , _ ;�. . APPROVED AS TO FORM . . , , . , . .' r;t� �. ,. � `�`. �. f ' � � ,. ' .. / , /. ' ' -,/ / .Assistant�ty'Attorney � '" Department Hea� � � ,� � �� - . , . � . .D3Y�c oP PubLtc tiorks , - r , „_,,, � , - �, ('.�;,��, �� Date " � Administrative Assistant to Mayot , , , I �, �,._ ,_.:... ��' , r ' r�-����-}�„ :�' . � y . , �,� CITY C1F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMiENT O� PUBLfC WORK� DANIEL J. DUNFORD J� 7� ],9'j'j DtRECTOR Mr. Bernard J• Carlson, Director � Department of Finance and Management Services � . Room 1.13 ' City Hall and Court House , � Attention; Paul Desch '. Re: REPLACEMENT OF EAST 5EVENTH STREET BRID(� N0. 90385 over B.N. Inc. (G.N. & N.P.) between Kittson Street & 225` E. of Payue Avenue City Proj. B-10�+3 & B-1043R ; Dear Sir: Attached are copies of our recom�endation to the Mayor, Administrative Order D-37o5 concerning the referenced bridge, a.nd a.n index map. Mr. Donovan has dxawings showing properties which will be affected by acqui,sition or easeme�:s. Please se� up a public hearing Por this project. Yours very truly, C�b `i GZAK.�Gt ' � Daniel J• Dunford, Director of Public Warks DJD�REG�mp ' Enc. cc: J. W. Donovan D. Gerdes R. E. Grieder � 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� , i !..!�g�"'�*� . _ . . . . � .. �� � � ..�.�.... r.v•�•.i � E.=�.-'_.�_�.._ �_ !'.`�t�� ... `�a3T- • _ . � : �!�.<�U ./� . ... . '`..' —,--.-�---._#—�.�f.�j^2_�-7? -,;� G�tii:sorl �S_�' � tt I '%^ .�:r:it. ��;f. � y......___....._ , x," f • •U�ii;GtOf --....�...r+.. ..._- , -- � "'' �J _ ,.,. C{eri�al � P ( � StAyfl�lAA7C OB' ENGIlVEESINQ RECON�ff31�ATZONS � . . Juae 24, 197? , ADVI3ABII�ITY AND DE3IRABILITY � pBQJECT . � Imprvye EpgT SEVEI�TH 8�1'I�ET between Kittson Street and approxim�tely 225 feet eaat af Payn�. Av�enue, by COI�TRUCTIl�G I�I BRIDGE ta repl.ace existl�; Bridge �o. 90385, xhich carries East Seventh Street ovar trscks ot the Burlingtva Nort2�era Inc., City Pro�ccts B 10438 and B 1043R. S�e attsch�td mep. i . . z INITIAT�4G ACTION � } Th3s paco�srt was iaitiated at the requast o� th� Departa�ent o� Pub].�.c ' Work.e. EXI3TING CONDITION3 The existing brl.dga �+as conatz�eted in 1929 to meet the then �x3ating traffic conditiona. The bridge is aaw ca�rs�ying approxima�ely 20,000 veh3cles per day„ and with a road�ay kidtb of only �+ feet, is not � sufficieirt to provida a praper turn laue for Payne Av�m�e and at311 maintain tMO thrc�ugh laaes• The $tructural coadition ratiag is "miai�um e�cLec�u�s�cy t.a to].erate present traffic--immo�ediate reha�ilitation necesaary to keep open". Nu�eraua holee have occurred thrc��ug� the deck . at the gutter lines during the last 3 Yaars ancl deterioratipn oF the pier eaps at the bearings is severe. The sidexalks require eantiuual. Patchin8• PROP03ED IlrIPRWEMENTS The eaisting bridge �ill. be remcrved and a new bridge be constructed. . The ne�r bridge �iLl. hav+e ana 12 Yoot la.ne and o�e 13 foot lane in . each diz�ection witb one additional 12 foot laae for turning movem�enta onto Payne Avenue. A aix foot side�alk srill be on each side ot the bridge. - " ` The atr�cture Mill be alight]�y longer thea the existing one, to pravid�e a sLope at the east abutmeirt• Pro�viaiona �ri.11 be made to e1.].rnr for ' - roadxays und�r the �+eet end oY the bridge in the event that a connectioa betxeen Warner Road and I• 8. 35 is constructed. C?sana�elization east , o� Payne Av�e�ue rill 'be constructed for turn marrtment$. � . � . f ���:�:� . , , . _ :��` ,�. � 'x r�s:. � �" �� , , ,�,������ ,� � � � . ���s � The alternetea ta replacing tha bridge arB either carrying out extenaive repairs at a great expanae and resulting in a� stacvcture Whtch i$ not proper for present d,sy trafPic or attempting to maintaia tl�e exi�ing � st,ruetwca uatil it is no longer posaibla to allc�+ tra�fic to use it. , POSITN� BEI�FITS � The existing approach roadways are 56 feet wide, and tiri,th the 62 foot width on the bridge� the bottleneak no�e exiating `rlll be e3,imiaated. . Thia will provid� �or a smootY�r passage af traYii� aad shauX.d reduce the mai�y accideate ao� resu7.ting a� th+e Psya�e-S�reat2a ixttersaction. The ne� br3dge xfl,l greatly imprcrve t�e appea�rauce fra� that of the . presant bridga xhi.ch has mat�y patclxes, poor s3deMe�llss and r�,ilin8s that have been d�aged and repaired tim� and aga3a. � - _ ADVERSE E'�'FEGTB . Trafiic on Sev�nth Street between the east line ai Kittsoa Strett aad the west line of Payn� Av+enwa �iLt ba stoppea during conatru�tiori} except for local eatraace �ust east of Kittson Street. Thie will disrupt busia�eases to ac�oe exte�, e$pec3�a11Y to thoae located betw�cen I,afayette and Bitteon. Bus stops and parlsing wi�.l probably be changed to so�ue extent esist of Payne Avcnue to provide Tot' the tura mavemente and thru la.nes. Yehicle access to the atreet �t�reen Rittaoa an�d the west end o� the bridga Nil.l be acqui.red t� provi.dr ��r �rnper eight di�tance. _ - 3PECIAL CONSIDEFtATIC►N� � Conatrurtion e�sea�eats �r121 be requi.red along with a perm�en� eas�merat � ior a portion of thr west abutment. No ha�ae� or 'bu�inesses ar�+ located � on the property ta be acquired e�a� easem�rrts. The need to provide 1ega1 j clearance over the tracka reqvires that the grade ba re�ised approximate],y 2 feet. The raise xill at'f'ec�t t�e grade trom the west end oP th� bridge to a point apprc�ximately 100 �eet west o� P�yne Avenu,e. Trundc H�.ghxay 212 vill be rerouted to Rellogg Houlevard via Mournls Baule�ve,rd and 3lbley aad Jackson during constrnction� and I�ey�ette Road and 31ath Street xill be open to serv�e as alterndte rautea. Ae 3rv�entb 3treat is a Truak Highva�y, the Miffiesota Department oY Traneportatioa are }�ndlj.ng the pro�eet, �accept �or acquisition ot the aeedad right-of-aay or essemeats aud ar�y publie imrolv+e�oent rhich the City agreed to taka cara of• - " TIl�4E SCI�DtTI� � ' - The prese�t sc2udule calls for an akard oY a conatruction contrsct in December, 1977, �+ith construetioa to be etarted after the first of 1978 or ear�y Spring• Conatr�ction to be ccanpleted in 1978. Y � r �t� � . , . t � '.!�� � � . . . � :' �J is/� F~ n��,a: . . l�;.j . �.� - ,., �"'� - 'i-`Sr,3' � . . , e r • -�, _ r� _! � � � ,.r+ . . ..' - . � . �. s . . . . . � . � �� � ,. ,,� _�'.: . ., . , _ . . . . _ , . �a� . . � � . _.. . � . . . .. , . . �?'��� COST EST_ . . - . . , . Y gight-o�'-xay � 3��� ' Construction 8. M.H.D. Engr. 2,000,000 City Engr• & Ac3miuistration 5�� $2,035,� ESTIl++WTED FINANCIlYG � Fed,�ral Aid Uxban $ls���� ' � Minneso�s Depnrtment o�.Ts�ansportation 600,o0Q I � Municipal State Aid 3��� Public Tmprvv'emeat Aid � $�s�35s� s�iCS C� ADDITIC�tAL IPII�CRMATIO�i' • . Far adclitiona7. information, coatact Roy Grieder, Bridge Engi.neer, 298-4252• S[II�4LAAY Al�.l RECOI�A�lEI'a1ATI0N . . -- - Thi,g pro�ect ps�posee replacrmeart of tY�e existing bridge which will provi.de a sage structurE, meet present traffic requiren�ente and greatly improve the appeareuce of the area, aad will be carried out at v�ery little expen�te to th�e City of saint Paul. �e Departmeut ef Publi,c Norka Peels that this ia a neces$ary and worthwhile p��e�, �i tbe engineering recoffinendatioa is for appraval oP this ord�er. ; Heapectf'�lly aubmitted, . . � ' Daaiel J• Dwr�ford, ' Director ot' Publ.f.a Ytorka ' ; - - 6�+-1977 ; , , � _ 3 _ ' I �,h�,'..>. - ',;� :, . /� . `�n'�"' . �_ - — - ;;`�� . � . � �` E�.�'�T ��v���� �� �: t"+� S���...i..� �.. � ST. PatlL . -, � • � ��lD�� RE�°L���jd���T� �: _ ' J ' � • '�C � � � ,� �'� � .,p . � . rr ��� �r/ �S��� ��� � l _ . -- � �' ' � � . • -cc-'rt-�, .�`` - :i (r!n�R�:�.s`�' � �,T,",._ ..r ,�Y . � • hs �ts� �� �7 . � �a�� ' __ �V�iM__� •1 �_..=�.__'" r .1...�_v: . � � ry :.. � .�.1 � t^ _ - . � . � �.'�,,� wl J � �• -1 ~ � � �_—, � ' 'Q� �� - . I � ��� ir , 1, �� I I� �'! a' ' l��.�, f -�.. ►:I � II I � . " `� r �J I '' � � Iwl �� (, . .�`� � J � J � y1NN� M A �. i� YIMNjM�M� � -f'_ . f ' � . .-j'.: � fi""': � �—�,r�� � � ' ! � n' • ��~�' �, „ . � � , I � i� �;� �ti �--�5 . --,. •,'�:. --.. ' :; ++� . . � ' � ,,, ��AMOAIy.,= � e� ( J �L'I �..........._�w �L � � �_.�o c✓?' �� h !I I�.,.'�� �I' =—�oq c�vs � % � �Y. 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Z,3 i . � � „* �N*.� - .; }^ y�^� �.q+�.,�,' •`� �> � .: i�'3Afr��: I � 1MY�`s^np?`t�+ �:-� �f}^Y�?�u� r - + w� � � N�� ��P„ s� ,„ ,��d 4fX�� S�n o.�+' �� 'e'"."-+2 9i�. ,, .'; :•.�J� �: �4C �«* ,.�56. ���� e v�a,!4y � b ;,' .� `� � � .j.i�: �� �% i^'�.. .� •���N„t�� Y Y`t `-N N '. 4 � .. �,,�.�. ���.•..�tt. � � ar,:�.. ..j�g n „a Y e�` r� '•'� �`° "�,�_,.�,?�i�`e�b��`. .1• 3:_• � �, r,--. Fi`• �+1 r SR , 'g� :• T'y• b� „` �! >�� ��� ' �' a g ��.s1� F�.. Yt.� }��s: g� s�. �es.�y.�. _ a .,� ;�� 'a�ry <,. a, •,i-i�s:,.ee„T�