270378 ! � �������� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. � F I N A L O R D E R -' , , .r���. � �f--�--4, � By �_.�..�-,.—..-r` � � � File No. �r�i� , � i In the Matter of �"��S �� �� �_• fl�0�1 Rittiqlt �t. t0 $�� �°I�� �� � f O! lnlsf Awl. bj N011�i�t1� 1t l�1� bsldj! �0�11!! t1l� �Yl1�ljtoY i f C '�elr��ca �aa. tsadk�. a�nstrsatie� brid� �'�r�a aad +�ai�i th� Qs11�. � , � � i ' under Administrative Order ���� approved '�1� �+ �'��� . '" Nav > >sn f,. , :;.t .,� . under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate ! all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. i L Y I JAN 1 7 1978 ; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date � Yeas Nays 9 ! Cerf assed oun " Secretary , 1� � �� i Butle� � Nozza � In Favor y Hunt �l 4 � Levine v Against � F�oedler Mayor Sylvester �Q �UBLISHED ,AN �8 1g7$ _ � � r�t�j}!�� � ' - cirv oF sT.PAU� . COUNCiL FILE N0. ' 4 � FINAL ORDER , , %--- BY , , . �r File No. ��915 In the Matter of �Proviag S. 7th St. frnm �ittaon St. to 225 feet east of Payne Ave. by constructing a ae� bridge over the Burlington Northem Ine. tracks. eonstructing bridge approeche� and chenging � the grade. . under Administrative Order D•3705 approved �ly 5, 1977 �,. . �-,,'�,� � NQV 1 1�7T , under Preliminary Order approved j The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice i thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- '` ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described'improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. . �. t JAN 1 7 1978 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays ' g ,�q� Cert' assed oun,' Secretary / � � �t - � In Favor y . � • � Against � Mayor � P_�8�.ls,��� ,;;►i 28 ��73 ...__.:� � ������'�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WCU►RKS QANIEL J. DUNFORD July 7� 1977 DIRECTOR Mr. Bernard J. Caxlson, Director � Department of Finance and Management Servi.ces , Room 113 City Hall and Court House Attention: Paul Desch i Re: REPLr10EMENT OF EAST SEVENTH STREET BRID(� N0. g0385 , over B.N. Inc. (G.N. & N.P. ) between Kittson Street & 225' E. of Payne Avenue City Pro�. 8-10�+3 & B-1o43R Dear Sir: Attached are copies of our recommendation to the NIayor, Administrative Order D-37o5 concerning the referenced bridge, and an index map. Mr. Donavan has drawings showing properties which will be affected by acquisition or easeme�s. Please set up a public heaxing for this project. Yours very truly, i �CZ.,wct.f' I �� Daniel J. 17unford, . Director of Public Works DJD�REG�mp Enc. cc: J. W. Donovan D. Gerdes R. E. Grieder �- � � . '� 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510Z �O t ���'�`� Jiil, � • � � � . LJ�f.naU ' � `� ..._.�._ 3 ..,..... _...__... Rt s..• ec � . . -�---�M-�-�.,� ��� �b 2,`."7� (�J ��l"UlS;Oil S T t �' .'Lait.`�Jlr. � -�.L � _._ ._ �' .-.._..�._«.�� �, • µU�fi.C10f '"'T"""'"j.. ..e_�.,.__ � _._ �J f w__=- C�eri�ai � � � ;� -- StA�B+�A1tY OF ENGINF�HIN{� AECOl�iI�A3ATT4NS � . , June 2k, 1977 ! %6��.�;P°;� ADVISABILITY AIQD vESIRABILI'1'Y' � . f � PROJECT - �� Impz�ove EA9T SS'VBNTH STR�SET betweem Rittson 8treet aad appxoximat�ly 225 feet east ot Payae. Airenwe, by CO1�.STRUCTII`� 1�I BRIA('� to replace exist� Bri�ge No. 90385, �hich carr3es Eaat Seventh 8treet over tracks oi the Burl3.ngtoa Northera Inc., City Pro�ects B 10438 and 8 lOk3R. Soe attached map. , i INrrIATII'lG ACTION ' � This pro�ect was initiated at ths reqla�est of the Department ot' Pnblie ' Worka. - EXISTING COI�IDITIONS The e�d.sting bridge �res construated in 192q to m�eet the then exiating � tre�ifc conditiona. The bridge is nrnr carrying approximately 24,000 � vehicles per day„ and Nith a rosdWSy width oS on].y �+�C �eet, ie not ; sutfieieat to pznvi.d� �► proper turn lane for Payne Avernu and stil.]. maintain tMO through lanes. The structursl conditian ratiag is "m3nimum ac�,equacy to tolerate preserit traffic-�i�ediate rehabilitation necesssry to keep open . Nwmerous holes hare occwcred tl�cougb the deck . at the gurtter lines during the last 3 y+eare aad deterioration of the pier caps at the bearings ia s�w+ere. TILe side�slka require eo�atiaua3. patchin8• PROP09h'D TMPR�VEMENTS �, The existing bridge xill be rem�red and a neW bri3ge be constructed. . The n� bridge `rill hav� ona 12 foot ].ane an�d one 13 Poot le.ne in each direction with one additional 12 foot laae for turning mov+ementa orYto Pay�e Av�enwe. A six foot side�aZ.k ti►i.11 be on each side ot the briage. - " ` The stracture xill. be alight]y longer than the existing one, to prrnrid� e a].o�pe at t�xe east abutment. Praviaions aill be made to ellw �or + - road'rays under tb,e �+eat end oY the bridge in the event the.t a connectioa � betWeen Warner Aoad and I• 8. 3S is coastaructed. Che�naeli.zation east ' ot Payne Avarn�a Will be constructed for turn mavemen�s. �..� � � �'d�'�-',� . . i�-- ry _f s�°�" �'` . � , (�`� . ,� � � . . z� ; i • AI.TEFtIqATES . k_ . � - The alternates to repleu�ing the bridge are eithep carrying out txtensive ` repa3rs at e great e�cpense aad reaulting in a structur8 Which is not proper for present d+�y trafPlc or at�emptiag to maintata the exis�ing - structwce until it ie no langer possible to al].o� traYf�.a to use it. P()SITIV� SElaEFITS ' The existing approach roadways are 56 feet wide, sud yrith the 62 foot width on the bridg�, tY� bottlenuealc naw existing wi.7.1. be e].i.mivated. Thia j+ill provid�e �or s �awother passage of tre�'tie and sh,outd reduce� the mai�y accide�te now resulting �t the Ps�yne-Sev�enth. interaection. The ae� briclge �i.11 greatly impx�ave the appearmnca ta.�am that of the presant bridge xhich hae many petches, poor sid��a]1�s ankd �aiJinga . that hs►ve been damaged aad repaired time and a�gain: . . ADVERSE EF'FECTS . . iraffic on Seveirth Street bet�een the eaat 33ne ot Kittaon 3treet a�ad � the west line of P�yae Av�enu�e �ill be stopped during constructfoaf exceg� for loaal eatrance �us� east o� Kittsoa Street. Thie vrill disrupt busiaessea to so�e extent, especislly to those lxat,ed between Lafayette and Bittson. Bua stops and parking wil.l probably be chaaged to sam�e extent east of Paynt Avenue to pravicls fot' tha turn mavements a,nd thru lanes. Vehiclre accasa to the etreet 3�t�reen Kittson and the west end of th� bridge will be acquired t� prav�ide► f�,* �roper aight diataace. . - 3PECIAL CON3Il�ERATI(�1S � Construction easement� wilZ be required along xith a permanent easemeYrt �; , i'or a portioa of the �rest abutm�nt. No homea o�° businesaes ara locatect � on the property to be acquired aa easeYmerrts. The need to provide legal '' clearance aver the tre.cics requires that the grade be r�i.sed approxim�ate]y ' 2 feet. The raise �ill aPPert the grede Yra�a the weat end oP the bridge � to a point approximately 100 fert �►est of Payne Avernu. Trunk High�ray 212 ' Will be remuted to Kellogg Houle�v�ard via Mounda Boulevard aad Sibley aad Jackson during construction� and Iafayette Road aad Si�th Btreet xil1. be i open to serve as a2teraate routes. Ae Sev�enth Street is a Truak Highsrsy� � the Mix�nesota Departame�rt o� Traneportation are handling the pro�eat, except �or acquisition o! tha needed Mght-of-�r�y or easeme:rts aud atsy ; public imolvement rhich th�s City agreed to taka care ot. i . - ' T� SC�DUL� ' - T'Yse pre�eat sch�edule calla for an a�►erd of a construction co�ract in December, 1977, �►ith construction to be atarted af'ter the fixs� of 1978 or early 8pring. Construction to be casnplete!! in 19'�8. .. 2 _ ; r�.' '' ��a , ' r� � f</4j�.��a - s- . '4`..s"� r ' ..r + -e.3 •T"'�� _ : . , . +, '�. C06T ESTIl+�ATE . � . . , _ , - ..�, } _ ; �--, • � < � /I��.°. ° %�% , Right-of-tiay $ 34r00Q '` j Construction & M.H.D. Engr. 2�00�,400 City-Engr. 8e AcLmirrl.strstioa 5,0� $2,035,� ESTIMATED FINANCING - ' Fedsral Ai� Urban $1f400,00Qr - Minn�e�ota Department o�.Transporta�i.ou 600,OQQ Municipal State Aid . 3as� Public Improv�ment Aict ' 5,� $2,�35�� sO�CS �' ATJ�ITICfi1AL Il�C�MATION - • For additioael info�ation, c�ta,�t Roy Griedar, Bridge Engineer�, 298-�+252. SI�fMARY A� RECa�MDATION , " This pro�ect propoaea replaccme� of t2�e existing br3.dge which �311 pravide a safe structus�e, meet pre�seat traFfia requiremezrts and grestly i�prwe the appearaace of the a�ea, aad will be carried o�zt at verq little expease to th�e City of Saint Paul� Tl�e Departme�at of Rtblic Worka feeLs that this ia a necessaxy and worthahile ; pro�ect, snd t}x eagin��ering reco�nendation is for appravat oP this order. Hespec�ful],y aubmitted, . � _ � � � ; , . � Daaiel J. Dunford� : - - Director of Public Works I�JD/RE G��P 6-24-1977 _ g _ ., � � . �. .� �,.�� ;.�. _ ^ Yn - . �- EAS�' ��1����'�! STi��.��' �� � S T. P A U L, `� � • - ��ID�� REPLA��������' �: � � . J - � � � t � ,� ,} ��� ����� �A� ' - r• .i.., � m . . _ . �'�� �'� . . � �� c. - . � . L�►, �4r"'!g9f'�lA ' S . f- . • ��� �i._._ - �;r.:.r:�:l.;:,, ��'� �'t - -— - �!'.�q'�[ 1� K�iii+�.: .: . ,. ... ..^-T—-- a j � �y�e� � i �� r7 � � . � -- —�usw'---- _ ,� -+. ......._. ' �K: . . , �- `: „� �� �, �• —' � �' ' �°Ci � �, , I ' ————� � � f, �� � �I ►r�1 ! �' r. ,�, � � � II ^� !` I^ � � ! .; . r � - �, � _ �N'° � � I �r�� � _ YtNN x M .. j��.�.Y1NN�M�M4 . � r_r-...� .�J � r-'^_�. (-� • � '1�- � �1 > � 1� ,� � . �1��''� 1 ;�. �t � I °� f�� 1/ ';� �� . �' , '�ANOA{jl= c -.-.. � „.• �J�J �, �, � S " `, ,° I) _ , .��1�--.; � ` �\ ; iy �' —��1� fNf � I �`� ^'�. �. �i� ��� :�,�.. � �i ,•> p + `-t-�, ,~ � '� .e� r . T,°' / �' et: ��'� /) t. � '.\ ' � �� 2-'�I� � a �'' / \ `�,3 •' � r �� �MAURY T O ��/`/� ;�, j\;+ i\..� •;, � , i� _ .Y. .._ .h - , / / �yp�, •v ' \,, �`,�. / � � a '� / ,s��/ �� � .•� --� , ��. � �,�, ,.; ;� i �:—r._.�, �a st _ � - � � `�.�, • S ��, � �c��,� , � . o �. �� `` � "� �--�rn i =_� r • i� li�� o� i � i��., o`� / \� � � �J6 � � 1 � �� . ' M� ('�� �', �O• 'V ^ ���� --c---�� � �� • � „�' �/. � ,+.-�-� � ay..,`� ;�. .,T',�• �`' �� ���:. r-- r � `�� ^,+�j�!� � ! '(��� ��'' �� I I ' il ( � � ;�� . . f�s' :�� 1 �9\ �. . �I sL'TTn . i � \9� � �� ��.: 1 /� •R�[iMTM \ ��� ���!� / '�56� «I ��� J _.�1.; �'A`� �oCOwX�D` � �\ � ! 1 � N, ' � i ' •� ° oSr''` ,_►---� � — `�� � J �.�' /'� i �. � r � ����, �+ ,, E�'� O Jz �`:' \ /� ` "r�` e• �c• � �� ���` o ,► � ��,,"' �.f' �O�' 9 � /\`. G , r `. • � . > , � \ ��4 ' ��� � j �\� /.i �.� / ' i ` i i� /r � � � � � � '��'• � � �� � � a � � � �.C� ^ J i� � t . � ��� �'' , � ��. � _. �\ � . �s � ��� Do�'�-- � . h ,�.r; \�p � �, EIST 7TN ST. BR. M0. 90385 ����`"�i= j �/ �--�. � _ . . - ---------�- I ! �. G � /�.. . � \ � �� �. � � � D � �� , � � : . ; �. . '; �1 - , - te O . '� • . i { i� . j ��� �� . t , / \� //P� � � .. —7`_ _ �� ` � } o " � d G5/<• � '�%�� �r\1 ` ` \ 1 \ / ���� t/ \ (i�% i�,� . �� ��� �,� .� - � 5 �8 �.L. i , .� i •, t V 9 � O � � � � ; � ��c'� i• O i . � l - �r O ' � i � ��� �= •� ♦ _ r � R•R� •'. `� _ /`�, �i4 � � � '`' � � \\ . ±, �MOtrp . . /�/t P y`, � `• ! M • ' /'c "'�� 1 S $ : � 5 ! `� JO . �. ' . � , . . I + �, ',S �.,. ��a �. � p G����� `'ti0s�7 � C� . �� /� . � . ./ � v�.� � � . . .�'^\V. c-------�. �_ � t�. .> >� ��' \ '1{ -__�� - .1• ..J. .L� :�w . . .. . . . � 3 er, . . . . . .. . .. . � � � �� �'���" ' _' C . , � ; ,� • - - � � � ��� - ' " , ; i ��� , y{ - .� � , ;, , � ; � � , . �., .; - � ' i . , ,. , Y . y , , , - _ , � . _ ; � - ' . � � . 'f�'- .-. . . . � . . � . . : . � . _ � . . . � � , . � . . . � . . I . . . .. ,. � . . . `6 . . '. . . . . ' - - . ` � .. _ � . ._ , :�i . . . �. . .� - .. � ... . . ' � / � � . , . � � . . ' : .�i� � . . . . .. . . , i . / .. .. . .. :t . . ' '�; ��ZQO'Vi@"AI�iQ:! ��� 1�T7 i -� , � , , , � . - , . - . • s_ ', r f . ; � � . � _ Ct�a�i2wo�aa�R�tby �i�t, Chais�aa � 'Ft�b11c t7ork��'�o�itte� Raoart T�2, � Sall ; . , ' St. Patil. M��ota � ' �A�ar C�daci3�o�lo�a� Ruut: � , � ,r , � � The Cauncil t�#erred to the R�lic ��o�tcs �anmitte�' for Q�na�de�a�to� a�d racomm+eudat�a�lip Ct�e follavi,n� '�i�l ccr�ccdersc . ' . 1. Fin�'.�Ordeic it� the u�titer a� 3�provin� �ast Sexenth StrQet , . _ froae �it�fson St�eet to�'225 'f�t i�it o�' Payaa Av�en�se bq ' , cons�ducting a �eW br�d��, under�P.�. 27�f322." , 2. �insl°:�Drder in t�ha`t�etttar o� openi�g,�widenit��., e}�d e�etetrding .. ' � �, ' _ Ea�at �av�nth uts�set bry,ta�Dd�ta�ing��:nci�:�akin; �rariaus praperty , < � �or h�ldgs and hightrsy► �as�s��s,_u�t�er P.4. 2700��. i . oer3� trut3:� youra,- , - , • , . 4 ' ;t / � City Clesk _ ' ' � , > �.. � � ABf)r dcr , � , , - � . Ca: Publ3es Wa�s Dspt. , . � , ,_ ', . - - Valnstioa �agiaesr , ' . , ' ;_ ,� ., �'in�ncs D�iit. : , , , , _ r , `, � . , . \ , . { + . . � - .'7 . , , , . . � '� ' . . . . ' . ' . .�. / '/ , � • � . , � -� - �.�., CITY OF SAINT PAUL {3�- - � , �-,�;; P; � ', �a OFFICF OF TAE CITY COUNCIL ' ���.eo�� .��.Q.s�e.s s�azr�o re RUBY HUNT Dec�nber 2, 1977 Councilwoman T0: City Council Members Rose Mix, City Clerk FROM: Ruby Hunt, Chairman Public Works Committee �� � The Public Works Corr�nittee, at their meeting on Thursday, December 1 , 1977, recorr�nended to the City Council that there be a total closure of the East Seventh Street Bridge and that it be scheduled for the 1979 construction season. This was concurred in by the affected businesses. rs `,�R,f � ;�' `;�� r CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 O . , � , , • ��.i�� , , `- 1 � � ; � ; . ,� - . , � . � ; � ' Dsau�abar 13. 197$ � � ; � i Mr.' J. Wil3,�� Domovan . Valuat�ba aesr . , Roo�m 286,. C� �tli ' ; �t. Paa�. �eeo�a � Deez 5��: - _ ' . . . a:; . Th� Citp Co�cS.l, laid �ovsi to Janulsry 1�, 1978 the lo3laring #i.nal asdats: � r 1. li�i Ord�r 3a th� a�ttsr of i�proving S. S�wath 3trest . . � , lra� �Cittsoa St. Co 2,�� �'egt east o!� �P+tyae Av�ernue by:•;�S��runti.ag . � s'snlu`bridge o�et tt� Hurl#s��c�t� l+TOrthtta, Znc. tra�'�ce� �nstre��ti.ag bz1�BQ a�Pxoa�hes ared eha�tging' Ci�e grad� (P.O. 2�'t?���), - , 2. lia�. erctar i� �ondeaa�etiron pi'c�caad��gs ie► �ha a�ett�eir o! ��n�• viclad3�g, asd exts�dtng E. S�v�nth S�c��t �y ta�l.�g cbsr�n�a ��srty � in �.tteon's Additiqu and Bs�asoi�'� l�C3diSfoa i"t� brid�e a�d Hi�Intay � , � , essl*eute (�.0. 27043�). . . ' . 9�r trul� �oars, �� � _ Cit� Ci�rk . . . . . , . . - . . . � . . . . .. �� . ��:�@1" ' � ' , . r t , . ac: Tinsnc�s D�pt.� Public WQ�s Dapt. � , . : � , ' � � . � _ � , . ; ` � . \ , , . „ , . , • � � : : _ . . ' . . . . . �:4' . . , . . � ' . . . . . ' _ . . . . � .. � . . . . � . � . . . . -1 . � , ... ,.