270374 WMITE - CITV CLERK � ��� - PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council }��y/ �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File� NO. - ` � ' . BLUE - MAVOR - �- . �, . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, Dayton Avenue and Marshall Avenue between Victoria Street and . Summit Avenue previously serv�ed as a rt+ajor one-way paired street system ca�rying t�affic into doMmtown St. Paui. With the completion of the ad,jacent ' Interstate Highway 94 traffic volumes on this one-way pair of residentially oriented stre�ts has decreased substantially. WHEREAS, It has b�en dete�mir�ed desirable to eliminate tMe one-aay traffic desig�ation on Dayton Avenue and Marshall Avenue between Victoria Street and Surmnit Avenue and designate Selby Avenue as the collector street. � RESOLVED, That the Department of Public Works is directed to design and construct channelization at the•northeast corner of Selby Avenue a�d Victoria Street, install a temporary traffic control signal at th� intersectlon of Summit Avenu� and Seiby Avenue� �ertwve the existing traffic control signals at Marshall Avenue and 9ale Street as well as 0ayton Avenue and Dale Street, and revise the existing traffic control signal at Marshatl Avenue and John Ireland Boulevard. FURTNER RESOLVf 0, That th� Departa�ent of Public Morks shall negotiate wtth the Minnesota Departm�nt of Transportation for the renaval oF Trunk 1 Highway Designations on Bayton Avenue and Marshall Avenue betweea Victoria i Street and Surtanit Avenue and subsequently designate thes� as two-tay streets. r FURTHER RESOLVEO, That this work is to be constructed by City Forces at a� eatiaiated cost of $36,400.00 and charge this coat Lo the Permanent In�provem�nt Revolving Fund, Code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed from the Public Improvement Aid Fund. ' I COUNCILMEN Yeas Na �s Requested by Department of: ; � y � ' Butler Public Works - Traffic Engineerin� (RHR) ` _,��. [n Favor � Hunt /�f -� / _ , Levine _�__ A gai n s t BY.� ��ti'•'��GW`�' Roedler S ylvester 'LAI�e� Adopted ouncil: Date JAIV � 2 1978 Form Approved b Cit Attorney Ce �fied Pa: by Council ar}� BY � A roved by ; yor: e � ? �AN i 2 197$ App ov d by Mayor for S b i ion to Council Y B B Y AUBtfSNED 1 A�d Z � ��� � r , � ` OM O1: �.21�.975 . .. Rev. : 9/8,�75 - , F.X "'VA2IOPd OF P,��iIr�TS'�?.r�TIVE dP.CERS. ; R�:SU!I�GlIUNS� z�'�D OEtDINA��ICES , ; �'���`�4 : Date: Decembe r ��. 1977 t , ; T0: MAYOP. GEORGF.� LATTMER gg; oonaid D. i�ufte, Publ ic Vorks Traffic E�gine�ering ; � : gE; Wiyton Avdr�e - Ma�shall Avenue Stre�t Changes • ; � ; ; , ACTION 1�QUESTE�: : Approval o� attached Resolut�on. 3; PURFOSE Al�'U R.ATI�TALE FOR THIS ACTIQN: , Thts Rascr�utic� author��es and provides the funding foc the de-euiphssis � of Dayton�lvenue and Marshail Avenue. The fundi� is Pa�nanent Improvea�ent Ik�►olving Fund. "Cod� 60000 snd t�i: � fimd to 6� �eimbursed f�aon Publ ic In�rovement Aid Fund. T-1106 The righ��of-.way is to be accanpl ished by Adininistrativ�e Order. :�►TTl�t'Fi�E?V`i'S: � . . ;{ . Rasoluti� . . ,r . � iE � RHR:��T:c�d ` :� ,< , . ; ; , ;�