270365 WHITE - GITV CLERK ����k S�� PINK - FINANCE U COl1I1C11 � � �d � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds and determines that the provision ' of shelter is an essential of life in the climate prevalent in this area and that the provision of City funds to low-income citizens of Saint Paul who are without housing for the purpose of providing temporary housing is and does constitute a public purpose for which public funds may be expended, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having found that the provision of emergency financial assistance to senior citizens, handicapped and low-income people, who are citizens of the City of Saint Paul, to provide temporary housing, is a public need and purpose, does hereby appropriate $5,000, to be paid as needed, to the Public Housing Agency, for the purpose of funding an emergency housing program, and, be it further I � RESOLVED, That upon reconanendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred, in the 1978 budget, the following: From: General Government Accounts � � General Contingent Reserve, Transfer of Budget Funds 09060-536-000 $5�000 To: Information and Complaint Office, Miscellaneous Service I'� 00103-299-000 $5,000 � � k Approved as to fundin : Approved: � , � Dir. , Dept. o 'nan & Manage. Serv. B dget Direc r � _ � _6_� COUNCILMEN Yeas NaS.s Requested by Department of: Butler ,� �z.�- In Favor Hunt L / Levine _ (�' _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester � JAN � 2 1978 Form Approved b Cit ttorne � Adopt �y Council: Date I rtified P� _,ed by Co ec etary BY B r' Approved-by IVl o Dat ,� � 2 ���a Appro d by Mayor for S i i�q to Council ' By BY PUBLISHED !4PJ 2 �. i97� '�� � ����o��� ,_ i ' CITY OF S..EI.INT PAUL o ��;L k . OI'F'IClu OI` THE MAYOFt �+aca r�,�� "';. � -.',.4 R�� �n" HOU�ZNGF II�E'ORISATZON N- ,i� 21 VS'. I'pIIRTH STRF.ET SAINT PAUL� �INNE�JOTA 55102 G}EORC+� I.r1TIMER C612) 298-5591 �AYOR �IO.LI.tf.l.VD V111j . T0: Marshall Anderson and Mary Ann 5udeith, PHA FROM: .Alice Murphy, Information & Complaint Office Janice Rettman, Housin.g Information Office DATE: November 29, 19?7 RE: Emergency Housing 1977-1978 Although Janice Rettman of the Housing Information Office has been in atten.dance when � the Public Aousing 9.gency covened as the "Leasing & Occupancy Gommittee" and discussed � the Emergency Housi.ng proposal, we still would li.ke to request the following additions and/or changes to your November 16, 1977 document (numberi.ng correlated with saa.d document): f 1. We request that since winters are unusua].ly severe in Minnesota, a11 people " withi.n the city lima.ts and without housing should be considered for the program. �� 2. The �80.OQ Public Housin A enc e ! g g y xpense fee should also cover on a flat ; fee ba.sis potential damages. It is also requested that if a family goes into public housing for less than a 30 day period. that the $60.00 rent be equa.11y pro-rated. ; �+. Transients, mi.grants, those evicted by private landZords for non-payment of rent, etc. should be aclmitted to the emergen.cy housing program on a conti.ngency basis (see original Information and Gomplaint Office and i Housing Information Office proposal). i � 6. The Housing Information Office would like to request that the Public Housing ' Agency investigation of those clients additiona.l.ly applying for regula,r publ.ic housing be completed within a two week time span. The Housing Infor- ' ma�ion Office wouZd further like to request a daily update on their status so the Housing Information Office ca.n help the client find alternative housi.ng. , 7. We would �li.ke to request that the statement �'past due rents by clients must be paid" be changed to i.nclude "arrangements to pay" prior to other admittance into perma.n.ent public housing. ��/�' cc: Marshall $nderson, PHA Thoma.s ftyan, RCW Ja.mes Essling, RCW James Edmonds, RCW Thomas Kelly, Community Services Richard Schroeder, Budget - �O . oM oz: ix/zs7s . . Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES - Date: January 5, 1978 - TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Ronald Kline �. Emergency Housing Program Funding . � ACTION REQUESTED: Your approval of this resolution for admittance to Council. � � � � - ���.,,� . � __ � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Alice Murphy of the Information and Complaint Office has requested $5,000 to £und the Emergency Housing Program. The money will be used to make boarded up buildings available for temporary housing. No other public service funds are available for this purpase. t . ATTt1CH.'�'IENTS: � a. Council Resolution b. Murphy letter regarding Emergency Housing. . `���- ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL �` � .� ' o �'"� �a �� OFFICE OF THE.CITY COII�7CIL .:�.�•'� �-�::±e r�.., _ . . . � i .1t!l1ilL'•� . •lig�i(!•� • - . � ..4�1� � . .. _ Da t e : January 10, 1978 COMMITTEE REPORT TO : Soint Paul City Counci( FROM � Commiftee Otl FI�JANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSOfJNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , choirman, makes the foiiowing . report on C.F. [� Ordinance �] Resolution �] Other � TITLE : . At its meeting on January 9, the Committee recorrnnended approval of - the following resolutions: . Transfer of $5,000 from Contingent Reserve-General to ' Information -and Complaint Office, Miscellaneous Service, to fund the Emergency Housing Program. The money will be used to make boarded up �buildings available for temporary ; housing. � f ; Transfer of $25,530 from 1975 and 1976 CIB monies to the Public Works Maintenance Services Building CTfY FIALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 . � l J . .. . _ . � � { � r� ' • ;,� - Q�1 O1. 22/1975 . � Rev.: 9/8/ifi i:� XPLANA�ION OF ADMINISTRATZVE QR�ERS,' _ ,' RESOLTJTIt?NS, A�N'D ORDINANCES r��j c � � !*1+�L?� t:� . A � � : L�ate: January 5� I978 . �. •�S . ` _ �� �p; MAYOR GEd�G I�TIMER `3� �`R:. Ronald Kli� , � . ; i, _ : `�tE: F,m,ergency �using Progratn;Funding . : "� F�� ,: , - :�. _ �� _ ' ':�� �; � `� , 1�►�TION REQUES���: _ � -,� Your app�ovai of t�.s resolut�on for adau.ttanee to Counci3.. � , •.3 - . � . . � .,.��. ; . . . . ., . c�. � . ... .. � �. . . � �.- . . . � . ` , . .. �. : _ . . . . . '. ;t . . .. .. . . � . � .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .:_,Fr . . �.� - . - . . • . . � .� � .� � . .. . - F , . . . . '� �. � . . . . _ . . . - . . . . . � � . . . . � , . ... . � `:� _ � �. .. . . . �.� ' ..- . . �� . . . . . . . 1 � . . �.. �... I� � - � f . .x.. . . � . .. � . . � :: yy. . � . . ��� . - . � . . - ;f�� � � . � .. . , . ' . . . . . � � . � ' . , �'`y�� . , �� . . . � . � � . . . � . . .. . .. __ �.1Q . . . . .. . � , . . . . � . .. ' . . . � . j..;. � . � . . . . � . . . .. . . . . . _ . . " PiJ�tPQSE �ND' RAT idALE �OR THTS �,CTIQN: . ` , ; ' Alice Aluxphy of th� ';Information and Complaint Office has rsqu�sted $S,QOD ta fund �he. Emergency Housing � ogram. The money will be used to make boarded up buil,dinqs av�iYable for temp 'ary housing. No other publ�c se�ice funds are auailable - for this purpose. ' _ • � ; _ -, � �� i 4 , - � ; ; � � , ;.., : : , ` . AT�'ACHMENTS: ', : � , ;. ; a. �ouncil Reso.lu' 'an , :.`. b. i�rphy letter `; arding E�anergency .Housing,= ' � �� � . f i�^