270363 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1CS1 `l�J� � �
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date — .
Out of Committee By Date
WHER.EAS� the City Council by Resolution, Council File No. 269086, '
approved May 19, 1977, did hereby ratif`y the assessment of benefits for ;
removal of diseased trees for the Year 1975; and ,
tidHERFAS, the City Forestry Department has reported t�t the assessment I
levied aga,inst Lot 12, Block l, Michels Subdivision of Block 1�+, of Stinson's �
Division of Section Thirty Six, Town 2g, Range 23, in the amount of $120.00
was in error and should be cancelled; now� therefore be it ;
RESOLVID, tha.t the assessment for remova.l of diseased trees in 1q75 ;
l.evied aga,inst Lot 12, Block l, Michels Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's �
Division of Section Thirty Si.x, Tc�w'n 29, Range 23, i.n the amaunt of $120.00 is �
hereby cancelled and rescinded; and, be it f�.irther :
RESOLVID, that except as rescinded above, all provisions of Council File �
No. 269086, approved May 19, 1977, shall ret�.in operative as adopted.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: .
Butler � nce and ementServices
��� [n Favor
Hunt �
Levine _ __ Against BY' '-'�'—="ireetor
JAN 1 2 �9�8 Form Approved by City Attorney
pted by Council: Date —
Certified Pa; ed o etary �� � 7
App ved by � or: e Zf! JAN 1 2 1978 Appr d by Mayor for S i sion to Council
Pi1BU5NED !�{� � �, ►9�$ '
. - ��I���h��
' 488-7291
FORESTRY SECTlON 1224 No. Lexington Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota 55103
December 1 , 1977
T0: Joseph Naider
Department of Finance
FROM: Thomas A. Karl
City Arborist i11
SUBJECT: Assessment of Private Pro�erty - Gorrection
The assessment to John Jeanetta, 4689 Geneva Av. No. , No. St.
Paul is in error.
Legal : Lot 12
Block 1
Michels Sub. of Block 14
Stinson Div. N. '�!. Sec. o
36 - 29 - 23 .
Address : 544 Sherburne Avenue
The work was accomplished by the property o�,rner and should ,
�ot have been billed by the Forestry Department:
If you have any. further questions please call me @ 487-1435.
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�r; Donala Selchow, et al •
� NW 48.75 feet oP Lots 2. 2 aad � 11�. Andersoa 1
ItdSOLUTI03�i BA.TIRZIIVti }''' o! easterlg. 30 feet ot 7YOt 3.
. ' < • , ASSSSSMi1�iT . .;�; Block 18.Lyraan DaytwL s Ad� I•a;7,Block 2 Rfvrrside Addi ' --
� . ditl0t� . .... 498.7A tion .... 2Q3.Ob
,. V.&A.Zazkel. .. .... :• T.Galie�,Sr.... .... ......�..
Councll File No.289086-8y I,eonard W, �� � feet of Lot 10 and all I.ot 5; Block 13, Sdns�on, �`
yeyine- of Lots 11 and 12.Blxk 24.Iy Browa•and HamseF's Additfon 1T490
man Dayton's Add3tion...:.... b58.29�Arnold Jacob�o:i _
In the. matter of,the assessm,e�G of Dori�C.F�ilton Lot T,Block 13.Stirsson,$�o�aRf, .
bene&ts. cost and expensea for removal Lots 20 and 21. Bloc&-3y, Ly- and Ramsey's Addittoa ........ 32625
of diseased trees for ths year 19TS. man Dayt,ah's Addition ........ 330.28 Tohn and MarY Erast
Amount of.assessatent from $1Z0.00 to 7osegh and Pamela Wiadscls�ttl Lot 4, Black 3, Stfasai and • �
$600:00. . . , Lot 13, Block 33 A. Gotr3aa'S �,a=ue s Subdivisioa oi the '
A publlc hearing�havin� been had Land 1�I'Some's Inc'.., ..•.. •. 175.24 west ��oY Biock 18 0! Stinson,
upon the..assessment for the above �1 0! Lot 12 and wert �� o! Brown and Ramse�'s Addition 217.60��
improvement, and said assesameat LoL 13, Biock 74, Adam Got- ��Constructioa Go.
having been turther considered-by th. �'s Subdfvlsion of Bixk 74. Lot 43. Stinso�Ys Subdivi�doa t
Councll, and having been consid�red � L3'� Da3'ton�s Additioa•• Z08.9! ' oi Block 3, Stinson Bro�vn and �
finallY satisfactarF. tharefore. be it EveLYa Nosbish RamseY's Additioa.......:.... 224.75`
Resolved. That the said asses�sa�at ` �t 1.Block�8.Haydea Hei�hLt 188.50 Houain�t and Redevelopriimt i
be aad the sams is haseb7 fa a11.r�- . W.Etoison - AuthorIty I •
spects ratifled. •- :Lot ZO B1oCk 1 Haydea HeiBhls Lot sB�Block Z8. Suhdvision•o! . ,
Resolved. P�rthe1. That !ha aaid Plat 9 ......: .. 186.75 Blocks 28 and E9. Stinson, �
- . ...
assessment be and it ia heeeb� d�E�s+� Warrea Johosoa Brown and Raaisey's Additioa Z3S.Y9i
miaed to be.p+�yable in S eQual fn�Wl -,Lot 30. Block I Eiighlaad Ad- Ed and Ritat Leloup • ; '
meats. . dition ..:..... 235.90 Lo�7 Block 28. Subdfviston ot. � ? •
---- ' YDonald BaLeman.et�at� . Blocks 28 & 29, ia StSasoa. t
ASSS88MSNT ROLi. ' Except east 123 ieet and es- Brown and RamseY's'Additlon 36S.S0
cept west BO ferk part ead ad . �
Jack T. Odom - � -� Jayne S t. Bu dson R o a d Gar- D.B.J a c c h o w ---
dena>Lot 5,Block 1.. �.. ...... 141.54 Eaat 40 feet of Lots 9,10 and il ..
South 40 feeL ad'I.ot l; Sbcic • AxaMo� Swift : and east 40 fest�patrt north o! _
1,Auditor's 3ubdiviaica No.7..7p33.d0 Lot 10 Block S. Lindley Goodrich Avrnue-of Lot I2. . _ �
,Judith Pirki " , geights .:... ......: .....t. ZSS.lx Block 10 Terrace'Park Ad81 ' '
,Contract:R!E.� � � 'FIarold Heller• ' tion . ................. ......: 4SS.S8 . .
Lots 14 aad 18.�Slock�4. DoW�- ` Cantract.L.A.Rasestt.Jr. . . Adminisl�ator ot'vetaraa's
la4 Addittat ...... ......... 30tA4 Lot S aad aouth ;5 of Lot 2, AfFairs �
W.T. DeI,,p�� Block 2. Mouad Park Addition 183.25 Lot 19. Block 3, Watson and
! Lot 1Z Slock 14. Eastville ' Violet WinB . Rice's 3ubdivisioa - C" ai . ;
Heights-:...._ ...... , .r. 188.50 : Lota 14 and lb:Biock 7 Rogei''s : loclt 2. Stinson, Broaa.aad ' `
R ns�om•aad Judith A. ., Rearrangemeat o� Block.9 of. s Additloa .. ,. 136.00 r
.; :•MC2.eans Re�ervatloas .. ... 175.24 Loie DfMartftio ��/ V, -
i.ot 12..B1oCk 11 Fafrvies� Ad :.> Armand ead T.I..Medina - I:ot 9;Block 2,Wfas]ow's Addi . {
. •L o t 1 3. B 3ac k 3 J. N R og e T's __ t ion . ...... 49T.�S
ditioa ....... ........ ..... . 32S.3S r. 4th,Addltion .. 2�.60 Housin8 ffid RedeveiQpment i '
R. Odeen � ', ,- B�icha�aad Shirley Lentich Authority
Plorth l0 iee�t o!Lot�S affi aIi ' _��.'Except east 28 te�fi.Lot 7 Biock West �'a of Lot 23, Blxk B, .:
of•Lot 1. Hlock 1, Overbsoor -�, Z6.Subtabsn Hills:.. ..:..... 599.88 Winsloars AddiLion ..r........ 337.76 �
Addition .... ..... ...:.....121.32 A. Hathawa7 , Ml�rtle Bordeawc .. �
Margaset E.Miller "� � Lot 8. Biock 90. Wa1Lh�.and West 3�of Lot 9.Block 7,Wix�-
Lots 8 aad-7, Bloek 3, Phii�'4 3chaittger's Subdivisioa: of. low's Additiau ...............:.. 26825 �
Addition .........:............. 188.72 Biock 90.:ot LYmaa Da�toa's: B.C.Lien _
David L. and Stepsai:Butl�s , Addition .........:.. ...... 229.I6 Lot 29 Blaek S Dawson's Ad-
I,ot 19.Blxk 8,Edrltund Bloe's .Peter T.and Margaset M.. , � dition .......:.................. fA7.QFl
ist AdditloII ...'......:........ 298'..fd'�Lo�s�4 and 5,I,..Warner's Sub- . P.LoL 34 Block 5. Da�vaon's Ad• '
Michael F.Krey
Lot 22.Block 9.Edmtutd Ric!'s divisib� of,Block;78. Lymaa dition ....J.... 135.00
Dayton's Additioa ... .. ....... �
lst Add1� ........ ...........188.72 ......... 134.80 Dan1e1 MeGibboa . .
J.Strub C. E. McConnell� Lot 13. Block 200. Irvine's,�id-
Lot 20.Bloek 1Q Edatund lilce's • .Iats Zi aad 22,Biock 2.Wilder ditton to W. St Paul .......... 22SAQ�
ist Additfan '..............135A'1 and Dodge's 3ubdivlsion of A. T. SteinhofY
E. Damewood :. Blocks 48 Lydan Daqton's I�d- Lot 3. Block H OHvier's Ada1-� �
Lot 8> IRomau�'s ?Rearra�e� dition .............. ........ 2Q3.00 tion to W. 3t.�'aul 135.08.
ment PSortls ;�i oY Blook 2, E. F. Peterson, . Jose Garcia �
Nelson's Additton.............. 24�.38 Lot 30 Block 23, A Vance Lot -10. Bloak 8 Prespert .
Charles and bfar�ps Zima2ertnsn B��s 3ubdivlsion of Stin- Plateau ........_.........:...... 262.'34� .
Lot ?, Block 14, StinsOn's Ad- son,•Browa aad Ramseq's Ad- Thomas Mudek
ditian ....... .................. 2SS.OZ ditfon ........ ....... 188.50 Lot 10, Block 38, Robertsoa's '
Thomas L.Peridns . �Margaret Wey ..... Addition to W.9t.Paul ........ 382.50
Vacatcd Alley accruiiYg end tol- " Contract• Mary Niudler Robert O.Plesha �
lo�vin�: Lots 8 and 7 Bloek 2, �i 5 Block 32, A. Vance Lot 11.. Block 158, Robertson's
Strubs Additioa:... ..... 333.50 , Brav�'I►'8 Subdivision of Stin- Additionto W.St.Paul .....,. 210.'23'
- Terence J.Doyle and Leo$.���� son, Brown and Ramaey's Ad- H. &V al Rothschild,Inc.
Gadobis • • . � dition .......................... 152.25 Contract: Clyde E.Nelson ',_
Lot 17, Bloek !, Warren and i Glenn J. Mulvihill,et al Lot 8,Wazd's Rearrangemc�i pg
Winslow's A.ddition ............ 256.12 I.ot 3. Block 31, Thomas Daly's . Biock 42, o# Browa and Jack-
Land Commissioner's OflYCe , ( SubdivSsion of Block 18 and soa's Additlon to W.St.Paul .. 300,pp '.
Contract:Dqnald and S�dra 31 in Stinson, Brown & Ram- L. Tourville
Pearson ,i sey's Addition ....:.............256.12 (except west 43 feet) Lots :Q
l�Torth 23;' feet oi Lot 4 aad Man'cl aad Marjorie Hathaway and 10,Biock 62,West 3t.Paul 337,$0 � �
south 15 �eet of Lot b, Block L'ot 5, Biock 2, Dawson and Donald J. Murphy ,
10. Warren'aad Winslow'a Ad- �tr►'s Subdivision o! Block Lot 10,$lock 104,West St.Paul 43SA0 ` �
dition ............... .......... 175.2 il of Stinaon,Brorovn and Ram- Jerrold FIartke, et al
7anes Logedia , sey's Additlon .......:........ 181Z5� Subject to easeme�; (except ,.:
Lot 1B,Biack 8,Charles Wdde'a A. L DeRusha west 83 feet) Lots 4' and S. '
.Rearrangement oi Block 8, c� Lot 23. Biock i Dawson's Sec- • ' Block 125. West St. Paul ..... 135.00
i Nelson'sAddition ... .......... 222.42 ond Addition .:..::......;..,.159.50 J.W.Bremer
II. Kamp Ff W.Latterre '- Lot 8 and north S leet o# Lo!
Lot 20, Block 34. Char2es Part of Lot S, 1yin�southwest- 8.Block 131.West St.Paul .... 196.Op
� Weide's Subdivisloa of Block er2y oi following: �eginning at Catherine Lavaa -
3�, of Arlfn�ton Hills Addittoa S26.L'f .Point and measured on south- Lot 3. Block 5, Woodbury and
�V.EnriSt►t • "eriq Hna ot widened �7th St.. " Case's Addition ....... . .. 127.30
: Subject to Londia Lane� the 55, 4eet southwesterly from � liousing and Recievelopme.nt-� �
: wesC 60 feet•at the �outh 17S �'e�e�'1Y �e of Homer St. - Authority
feet of the east !4 af the Pi� !$ thence southeasterly to a point • SoutYy,;�oi Lot Z0,Selb�Block,
oi the N'El� ia Seetion il. ' on and measured oa westerly being AuditoYs Subdivisfoa Np, `
• Townsiup 28. Range 2d ........ 188.50 line o4 Homer St. 60 feet south 5 :........ ............... 128.Od -
Frank and�dargatet Ehnes easter�y from southerlq line of � WIIliam M. Cassius -
Contract: H.F. Spreigel � widened W.7th St.,Fort Street (except alley) Sub3ect to party
Lot 22, Biock 2, A'uditoz's 3ub� �utlots .........�............... 232.00 Wa1i aSreement, the east 16.5
� division No. 3T ................. 377.00 S. Chase ,feet of west 27 fee# of Lot I0,
FYed FIoelzei,Jr. ' � Lot 11, Hackett's Subdivlsion Block 4, G.V. Bacoa's Subd}vi-
Lot 3,Block 3.Axnes Outlote .. 195.48 of Block 4, Lexingto� P'ark sion .............:.............. 156.02
R. E. SouthvRard Plat 5 ........ ......... 282.76 I.illian Omodt
ExcePt north 20 feet: Lot B. 1+'loyd Johnson Lot 8. Block 1 Bryant's Park ` . :
. Block 8.Asnes OuLlob .......... 235.90 Lot 20. Slock 5 Kipp's Glen " Addition ..... ...............:. 168,50 - -
R.T.'Boyer Terrace Addition .... ......... 283.08 Ivory Steele '
Lot 3, Block 2. Aarora Addi-. Mar9 1'esek _ Except ailey Lot 8, Block 2, +
tion ............... ..... 337.00 �� 18. 18 and 20,. Block 6. , KernsAdditi� ....... ..,,-.. 141.S�i
Arnold Jacobsan and Cleretiee Norwood Addition ............. 261.00 Edward H. Wardell
I.indeke ° Huusirtg 8c Redevelopment Except south 22 feet Lot 4, �
ContraM:Ethel Carlson Authorftq B2oek Y, I{ern's Additfon ...... 534.6p
Lot 24. Block 1, T. W. Bass's ' Lot 1 and east ;$ of Lot 2, FIousu'�g and Redevelopalent
Subdtvision of Lota iS, 14 and Block 30, Norwood Additlon .. 2q7.2S Authortty ,
that part of Lot 13 lying south Walter Pesina, et al � North 35.5 feet af west 9.5 �
of the CSt. PN. Ec O.Railway, Lot 6, Ramseq's Subdivision of . ; feet oE Lot 17 and aorth 35.5 �
oi Gollins Outlots`.............. 188.78 i Biock 21, Stinsoa Srown and ` I feet.oE Lot 16,Btock 20, Mack- -
Gerald Schroeqter : Ramseq's Additlon ..........�. 384.25, ubin aad MarshalYs Addition.. 161.76 ,
Coatract: Richard C.Btvmmer ponald Haydeh Robert•P.and Cynthia F.Gorhaai , .
,Lots 7. Block 1 Bur}ington ` Lot 16 and north iz of Lot 17, I Lot 17, Block 3. Summit Park
Heights Divi�ioe N`o.l ......... 152.28 Ramseg's SubdivLsion of Block f Addititon ...................... 510.2R
I \ ��'I\ � ��� . 21. Stinson, Brown and Ram- C. d. Peurson -
` sey's Addition ................. 166.75 North 150�feet ot Lots 1 aad 2,
James and BernLce Watts _ � Block 4;Terrace Pazk Additton 18198
. . - . ����P��� ;
George YounB: . . _�� I
Except 8venue T.ot 1S and areat -.. `
. 40 feet oi Lot 14.Slack 8.Ter- Edwin 3.-and Bernice V.Johnson
` race Park Additioa .......... 229.1B �t 22, Btock 83. SL AnthorlY
CitY of St.Paul •: , , , Park ........................... 256.OQ
North 2 feet of Lo! 31 and a11 ` F1oYd and Bazbara Psteovski
oi Lot 32, Block 3. Denslpwrs Lot 4. Bixk 4. SyndicSte No. "
Additlon ................:..... 172.50 'S Additioa ..................;.. 208.50
Kenneth and Aelea Spiela�aa ' Victor and Inez Vik •
West 30 feet of Lot g aivd East West 10 feet�oi north 110 tert
10 feet of Lot lU, BloCk 2, Ek- , of Lot 15 (excegt sout�►4 feet) -�
fett. Berahdmer and Azaold's ; Lot 14. Block.S. Wood Iawn
Additio n........................ 208.94 Park Addition ................. 1T2.SD .
Housing and Redevelop�tnt. .. John F. Gislason
Authority - : Contract:A.R.Siindber6,Tr.
'.Lot 30.Block 17,�dukubin and South 29 leet oi Lot 8 and alt ;,
� Addi o :. 188.73� of Lots 9 thtu 1Z. Block 8. .
Baker's Additlogne r.............. S90.U0
Wllliam Car1 KruRuseablvn4 '
Contract:I;vfnB •
Lot 5 and west 3� of LoL 4, _ � ,
$lock&Davern's Burren Addf-
Barbara tion :.......:.... .:............ 222.42
Exceyt. west � feet. Lot 48, John aad Bazbara Sciarra
Block 6. 3mith's 3�bdivlsion Northeasterlq 3�S vacated a11e1► •
of Blocks 2.6.7 and 8 0# Stln-. ad/ofnin8 and soatheast 22 Seet
son's Divisiart ot the NW;s o# af LoY 22. AlsO ail�f vacated
Secfion 36.Tawnsbi�26 Ran1�e; a11eY adioinla8 aad the iollow-
i .23 ................ ..:.......... 225.00 �it: Except southeast. S fert
�I�arie Bowenmaies 7�ot 13 aad except northead 11S . `
,. Lot 4I. Smith's Subdivisioa ot feet a�d exePt southeast 8 feet
Slock 22, Stineoa's Dlvisioa .. 345A0 .; Lot 18 aad�accept norttteaat 110 �
Richard WheaWn • feet Lot 2U and sII of Lots 11,
Lot 19. Joha A. Weida'a Sub- ,� ,: ' 12 and 21. Block 29, De�oyer
division •oi Lot 45. Cottage Pazk ............. .:......:...37094
Homes ........... .......�247.50 Terrance Giazaer.et al •
Harrq L. Piotke �. � Lot 4.Block 58,DeanoYer Park.28�.18
Lot 1. Block 2, Westeia-Area ��s Biaman
Addition ......... .. . .. ]55.48 Lot 6. Block 6, Fairvie�u South 273.50
8ousing and Redevelopmeat�.� Barry J.Fox _
. Authority Except east 13 teet thereof
Lot 21. Block 2. Wilson's Re- Lot 21. Block S, Kixag's MsPle-
arrangement of a part of Mar- wood ....:................ ...41114
shaII's Subdivlslon of Block 27. �A. R.Ben�amin
': Mackubirt�and Marshall's Ad- Lot 2.Block 1,Ryan Place ... 222.42
dition l........................:. 2Q3:00 Mazk Krause . •
James and Helen Feely Lot 4..Block 4. SL Catherine
Contract:Thomas and ProaQer. Park ' ....... _....._. 2?6.34
DeI.isle •- William LeCourse,et al� ,
North ;�'of Lot 14, Block. 4, Lot 27 Block 2,Youagman aad
I.ewia Addition .,. .. ... .... 288.50 Lamm s Additiaa ..........:... 159.50 :
�E. J. SiDith ' + r Shepard Park ,
� Lot 25.Eilock 4.Lewis Addlt�ion 23Z.Ob �t 1. Biock 3. YouaBman and .
W. N: Rastnusaen I.amm's Adciition ............ 158.50 .
Lot 4, Block 2 Virgilia Divi- Shepazd Park
ston'..... ...................... 24528 Lots 3 and 4, SIock 3. Young-
Chicago, Rock hland and PaciBc man and Lamm's Additioa .;.. 311.75
Commeaci�sg at IVE coraer oi Shepard Park E
NW'.a of NW�$' thence west 2B ' � �t il,Slock 3.Youngman and
feet to we3t line of Prior Avo- Lamm's Addition .:.....:....:... 529.25
--- nue front po int oE begfnning: D. A. Russell -
thence'west on said north 11ne �t 18,. Biock 13 Butterfleld
- �60 feet• thence south garaliel , Syndicate Add,tion ............. 278.34
to west�line oE said Avenue 80 James R.Paleavicz � �
Lot ?. Chute Brothers ivfsioa
feet more-or-leas to intersect a No.16 Additfon ......:�.. . 195.00
Hne 9 teet northeasterlq irom Luther E. Johnson ���
and para11e1 with centerline o! Lot il,Bloek 2,Donnelly's Ad-
Minnesota Transfer Ry. Co. dition '
Traek #280: thence southeasY- ...............`........... 500.85
erly on said paratlel line to in- Merie FIarrts
tersect a line 9 feet northeast� Lot 1,Block 1,Slater's Additton 232.00
•:er from and '-File No. 17852 � '
centerline of 4'ract�thwi�. t _ . .
• southeasteriy thereon So west = Adopted by the Cbuncil May 19,19?7,
` line oP said Avenue; thence Approved Map 23,1977. •
north on said west line 443.8 - : (Maq 28. 197T) • (�
feet to beginning in Section 33. �
Township 29,Range 23 ......... 252.50 • , , _
Northwestern District o4
Christian and Missionary Alliaace " .�
•South ;Z of •Aubbard Avenue,
vacated aceruiag and iollow- '
fng: west 124 feet of Lot 2 and � �
3, Block 16, College Place East
' Divisioa '..... . . .... 13R.00 j .
Paul and Donna Klinkenberg . �
Except south 13 feet ior street, �
Lot 23. Block 17, Midway �
Heiqhts ..:........ ..... 187.50 �
Joseph Wheeler ....��..
North 3� of Lot 13 and south
°: .10 feet oi Lot 12, Block 34, �
. St.AnthuR4 Park ...:.......... 585.00 i
Joseph Wheeler
• _IJorth ;� of Lot 13 and south
10 feet oi Lot 12, Block 34, St. '
Anthony Pazk ................. 495.00,
', , �
. OM Ol: 13(1975
Rev. : 9/8/76
'��RES�LU'�`ION�S�,�AND�ORDINANC�S (��J�'y/■,/'�■(�j� (���(
.. . . . .. . . . irri r �rlr�����r . i"P' f J�.r�'..7 •
. � �'. . . . . . . �
Date: December 15, `1977 •
. �.
FR: J. William Doncrvaa�, Valuation & Assessment Engineer (Ext, 531?) epe�rtment o�
� Fir�ance & I�.aagemeat Services
RE: Resolution regard�g assessmeat for removal of diseased trees (1975) for property
described as foll" s: I,c>t �2, B�.a�k 1, Michels Subdivision of Bloek 14, of Stinson's
Division of Sec�ti,� Thirty Siac, Tc�►a 29� Range 23.
Property located �t 544 Sherburne Av�enue.
Approval o� Resol�tion will a,llaw proper City Departmerits to cancel an a�aessment
which �as levied �ky 19, 19�'j as part oP Caaucil Resolution, Crnmcil File 269486. ,
• � �
. ,
. ? �'�
,__....�_� .
Forestry Section o� Department of Co�uni.ty Services reported to Finance Department ,
- - � ,by letter dated Dsebember l,, 1977 that the assessment was in error because the work
was done 'by the p�b�erty awner and not by the City as origi�lly reported by the
� Departmeat of Co�ni.ty Services.
l. Reso�.�tion �: .
2. Letter o� C ` ty Services , -
3• Copy of As�e� ,nt Roll C.F. 2690$6
. /