270361 WHI7E - CITV �CLERK COI1tlC11 ���,�(P��'�
--�rE�LU E ='M A V O R ..� File N O.
' � ,; •
� rd�n�nce ordinance N 0. ts�✓��J
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Building
Contractors Ordinance of the Saint Paul Legislative
Section 1 ,
Section 27. 01 �1) of the Sa�.nt Paul Legislative Code is hereby
amended to read as follows :
Definitions . As used herein, the term:
(1) "Suilding contracting business" means the construction
of a new home , building or work done by a building „
contractor in compliance with a guarantee or completion
of a new building pro,j-ect , or the repair , replacement ,
remodeling, painting or redecorating, alteration, con- .
version, modernization, improvement or addition to any
land or building, or that portion thereof which is used
or designed to be used as a ��}�a��-�es}dexEe-e�-�.we}}��g
�� p�aEe- residence buildin containin not mare than four
`��.., (4) dweIling units an s all inclu e ut not e imite
to the installation, construction, replacement or improve- '
`- ment of driveways (concrete or blacktop) , swimming pools ,
porches , garages , fallout shelters , central heating or
air conditioning systems , central vacuum cleaning systems ,
storm windows , awnings or fire or burglar alarms and other
improvements to structures or upon land which is adjacent to
a dwelling house. "Building contracting business" shall not
include (a) the sale of goods or materials by a seller who
neither arranges to perform nor performs directly or indirectly
any work or labor in connection with the installation of or
application of the goods or materials , or (b) buildings
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza in Favor
Levine Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney �1
Adopted by Council: Date -
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �, �
� �
Approved by Mayor: Date App v d by Mayor for Sub issi n to Cvuncil -
�.....B.LUE -7AAVOR ? ° M
4� ■
O/ W Z/L�/`CG Ordinance N O. �`Q:���
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
owned by ox controlled by the state or any municipal �
subdivision thereo�, or (c) work which is done by
private parties not regularly engaged �n the building
construction business w�thout compensation.
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
_—�`� COMMU T
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt O
Levine Against BY
Adopted=6y Council• Date r,AN 3 � t978 Form Approved by City Attorney
C�rfified P by Co n ' retary BY
� � i• `
Appro�ed by Mayor. I�ate;� ' �EB 1 197g Appr v by Mayor for Su iss on to Council
_ ; � �
� BY � �,�� BY �
. � f_ "; i, l ./%�
� ���E._!��1�,. . . .t. .. .
.. . ` - . `�\ '����\ �
.�/ �
_ - �-- CITY OF SAINTZ' ~�
� � � � �_ -�_�.
��J p� 1v ective December 18 , 1974 �
Councll I o, r ca N (6) A du
lb Pat[ u SEC'T[UN S upon appllcatlon
M o anc� D�ov e 11- Bulld1n� Coatractor'i Llcense; Kc- preacrlbed by the L
cendn/ ot Idln o r r eatrb- palremenls. and Ihc peymept of lhc
1LhInR ropulr nte provldfng (1� ��rry nV����atlon fut a licenae lhcrefor by thL chap ter.
penaltle� � �hall be accomVanied by n bund, aP- dupllcate Ilcense shall huve the
TM Cou 11 ot the Clt Salnt Paul Drovsd e� to form b� the city uttorney, "duD��cate" atamped acroas the ta
executed by a bond n� or surcty cuu�- thereof nnd ahall bear lhe�Ame number �
Duey Gr n: peny authurizcd tu du bus�ni�:.s in �he �� ihe one lt t'eplacr.y,
State ol Mlnnanuta, ln the amuunt of �ssuedA forp ea heR drdltlonal�eDlace of
Twenty-Fjve Iiundred (EY,50U.OU1, ���n- buslneas maintatned by a ]lcenaee wlth-
d![ioned upon the aaaurance thac dur- !n the Clty of Sa1nt Paul upon appltca-
9ECTION 1 �ng the terms ot �uch liccnse the tion therefor on a torm prescrlbad by
DeBrNUons �s ue0t���� '�� ' llcensee wlll contlnue tu canply wlth the I.Icense Commlttee snd the Dey'
(1) � '"��,�� N Ii y� , ���e Drovlaluns o( tAU chapler and a�1 ment ot the tee prperibed therefor
����; lawa ot the clty �nd to usaure U�at by ihb cha ter. Each wch
buLdlRS�er` k done by a bu!ldinR upon delault 1n the perturmancc u[ P ��P�le"
contractnr In compllance wfth e guar- gny contract, the advance payments mentary llcense �hall have the wOrd
antee ol completlon ot a new bulldlnQ mnde thereon,]iaY the rensonablc v:�We "eupplementary" stamped acroa� the
pro}ect, or the repair, replacement, re- ot rervlces actually rendered to thc face thereof and sha11 bear the sam�
mudelln�, palntlnQ or redecoratlny, da�e ot su,ch deiault, or the reasonublr number �� the orlQinal. Any Leertse
rlteration, conversion, modernlzation, cuats ot corAD��Uon ot the contruct ln letued !br� particular plaee o!buitnep
lmprovement or addltlon to any land or the event oi nunco�np�etton 4kteccul, 11 llmlted Lo the �Decftic locatlon as I A
bulldinY, or that portton thereot whtch wi11 be rePunded to the purchaser,own- descrlbed tn the appllcatlon. �i
,1a wrd or deslgned tu be ua�d ar a er, or Icwee wlth whom such cunlract , a,� (7) Prtor to lseunnce or renewal of j�"'J
�rlvate reddrnce or dwelttn lac�and wu� made. Holh ths humeuwnrr ❑n� A 1f�' ihe llcense the "�.�
�� the clty ahatl hww r cau�e u! ucllun h�l! be requlred to revlew th� �c,/+
�all Include Dul not bc llrolted o the �j� L
ln�tallntlon, conetructlon, repincement aQalcut the bond !or reLmbuNemcnt • D catlon und report Lo the LLcenae
� or lmpruvement ot drlveway■ (concrete Sor anY dama�u� suRered u r rrs It u1 ! ammltte• It+ r�commend�tlon lf any. ��
or blacktupl, �wlmminQ pools, porches, noncomVltaaca wlth the lnwr o� thc (8) The SU11d1n� Departmen� Of !he n
ara�ea, trllout�hellere, central heaU�Q clty. clty ahall not Lsu� a bulldlnj aermlt 7
or alr condtilunlnt �yatema, cenu�l (2) A bulldln contrutor �hull, prior I to anyone reQulred to b���c�nsed undrrl i,�,�+"
v�cuum clea�ilnY aYStc�ns, storm wln- to �elna allowe� to en�a/e In bwfnexy, thli ch�pter who Is tlOt �t fha tlm� of V'"
dows, xwnln�;s or flre or burRlar alarms furnkh to the City of aint Paul a coyy aPplfcaUon tor th� Da�lt pioperly
nd olher ltnprovementa to structurer or of u ileblllty Inaurance pullcy or u lk�naed.
� i��un Irnd wl�leh Is adJuccnt to a dwell- certUlcate ut Inaurrnce, n:un�n¢ thc
\�lnx howc. "Ilulicling contncUn� bwl- clty ■� a co-In�urcd under thc terma nf �
near" ahnil nut lncludc (al tha ��le o( lhe pc�llcy. 1'hc ItublU�y lnnuruncc yoll-
y� Rp�d� or matertrJi by n aeller who ey �hall provlde bodlly InJury Inuur- Bg�ON 6
!�\�✓ nelthcr arrynNes to perform nor per- Ance, lncludln� deuth,tn nn amuunt uot I
�� torm� dlrectly or Inetlrectly any work lcs� then 'ItivenlY-Y'�ve Thoueand Dol- r���•
/ or labor ln connectlon wlth Lhe installa- lan (tZS,a1U.00) fur all dnmagce artaing (1) The !ee for a ]icenrs to eonduct
�� tlun ot or appllcaUon of the goode or out ot bodllY 1nJury to, or dealh ot, unc a bufldtnQ contractlnQ business ahal] be
taterlaly, or (b) bWldln�a owned by or person end, 9ubject to tha samc Ilmlt Twenty Flve Dollars (f2S.00) and for
onirolied by thr rtate or uny munici�>al [ur eo^.h person ln an omo�nt of nut cach renewal thereof thc tet �hall be
rubdtvislon lhercof, or (c) work wh.ch lesa than Fltty '�'hou�and Uullnn 1;50,- Tw�enty Flve Dollars (�25.00).
Is dunc by prlvale perUra not rcgularly 000.001 on xccount of any one uccidcnt, (Y) The tee for feeulc't� each �upDle-
' mgnQcd ln the bullding constructlon and further V«�Derly damuqe Inwrunce mentary or dupl�ate llcense tor one
�uslncss wlU�uut comprnaetlon. ln an amount noi. iee� than I'Ive '1'hou-� IoiC, destroyed or mutllatcd �hall be
IZ� °liulldlng conu�aMur" meen� nny tand Dollan (f5,000.00) tor nll dam:�gra Flvc Dollnrs (E5.00).
petson,other then y bonu ftde empluyee lo or destructton ot roperty ln .�ny I (1) The fep herelnabove �et IorLh
of the awner, who owns or operntce a one accident, and eub�ect to that Itmlt ahall be those Sor licensts luued for
bulldlnq conlnclln� buainrs� or who per acctdenl,and workmen's comD<<�s�+- the ilcenae perlod of one year.
unArrtNkcn or olTe�rs tu unAerlakc or Uon lniur�nce..The appllcnnt �hall n!so (1► 1'he Dlvlslon ot Llcen�e and Per-
agreea lo pertorm any new construc- Sutnbh ta the clty the employer soclnl mlt Adminlstratlon of the Depariment
Uon or improvernent, whether or not securlty account nucnber, the unem- ot Flnance and Mana�ement Servtces
such per�un la Ilccnerd or sub)ect to ployment lneuranee account numbcr, ■hall refund the fee pa d by any appll-
tl�c Ilcrnsing reQUfrements of this chxp- the riate withholdlns l�x aceount nu.m- cant In the event the app1teaUon for
trr nnd whclher or nol xuch persun Is Cer and lhe (ederal wlthholding tax e Iteenae 1� denled, or the app]Icant
a prtmr runtractor ur aubcontructur accuunt numbrr. for the llcenae has predeeeased 1t�lseu-
wtlh rc,pect to the owner. Th�a shnll (3) Any applic�nt !or a llcen�e lo en- ance, ot har been inducted Into the
not auP�S' tu any pff9011 who Gtrtorms ga8e !n a bulldln� contracting buslncae mllitary urvtcc prlor to !ta lssuance.
work withuut cumpensatlon. under lhe provls ons uf thla orAlnance Such refunds should be pal4 after ap-
13l "I3u11dlnK cuntrncC' means nn orel shall flrst Rte wtth the Dtvlalon of provnl by thQ Llcenae Commtttee.
or wrl�cen nRr��ement betwecn n c��n- Llcenee and Permtt Adminlstralton o( (S) All fees collected sha❑ be de-
lractor :+nd an ownrr fur the per(urm- thc Deprrlment ot Fln�nce and Mun- podtrd ln thc «eneral revenue fund o1
snc�� o( a buUding contrect, and fn- aQement Service� a wrltten eppllc:i- the Clty ot Salnt Paul.
chui��, nll Inbur, servlccs, and matrrluls tlon tor ruch Ilcense on a form to be (B) No fee ehall be reQulred under
tn br turnlahrd and prr(urmed thrre- provideA by the Dlvlslon and such j thla chapter for any Ilcense np plle�nt
uudcr. othes ln�ormaUon as L reQutred, currentl.y Ilcensed or certlAed under
(�1 "I3ullAlnti contractor'e catabllah- (il_The a}�P3�� Vr'�� � �tl+uance, other atale or local law when aot7n/
menl" me�iu uny ah�y�, eetebllEhmcnl, � oL 11ceAU by th� nCocnt��lttee. excluxlvely wlthln the �cope of the
plucr Of V�����SP.E wherr a bulldln� con- � � ahs�1 ceYlater !te name w th lhe Ofi�ce craft or profeuslon for whlch the ll-
trertor's l,usfni•.s ia cnrrled on. /�( of Conaumer AHaln �nd �uch u�h�r cen�e or certlAcaUon has been b�ued.
(SI "I.Ic�neoe" meuni � person 11- �� Intorm�Uon �a L deemed necenary by
censed tu enga�e In tl�r bulldlnR con- tha dlreelor. .
tractlug busin��sa under the provls;uns
or ini. chrv��r, SEGTLON S
Idl "lYwner" mcxna wny homeowncr,
tenant,or any othcr person who ordere, g��p,N q Powers and Dutle� ot t6e Llcense
contracls for, or purchases lhe servfrta L.tce�ues: DUplar; RaaewW; Dupll- Commlttee.
of a buildlnK contruct<�r, or lh person ���� To carry out the provblone ol thb
entlUo�1 to the performnnce of t�c work chapter, the Lleense Commlttee ahall
of u bulWln�( cuntracl��r purauanl Lo a il) All Ileeneee �hn11 he !or a �cr1u�1 ,havo the tolluwln� powen and dutle�:
bulldlnR cuntract. oI one yerr trom the date o( lasunnce (1) To examine the qualtNcatlom �tnd
(71 'Person" means an Indlvtdusl, and ahall erzpire on lhe laet day o( the fltneas o[ appllcanb tor licenae under
tweltth monfh foUowln tasuence. thls chaptcr.
Flrm, D+��'����'nhlp, assoclnllon, cor,por�-� �
(9) No llcense rhall be aastKnabli• or
(, � Ylon, or othnr Rroup nctlnR •� a unit, (2) To keep recordi o �1 Censd
j. powever orRanlzed. I traneterable exccpt as hereSnefter D���- lssued, suspended or revoked.
�y � �tho-h4reetor-ef vlded. A Ilcense to conduct • bullding
` the.OAiw o€CerrumYS-ABe�rs. contreMing bu�lnees issued lo an In-
y (9) "Llcen�e commltt�e" meana the dtvfdual may ba�ss1gned or [rans(erred
]Icenae commlttee for the Salnt Paul for the remelnder of the ltcenae perlod
Clty Courull, to e pertncrshlp or cor,{�oratlun lt auch SFfCT7�1 T
Indlvldual fs a member ol auch pertner- Refnul, Su�pensloa or �.svocatlon uf
shlp or a �tockholder ot such corpora- Llcsn�e.
tlon own[nQ nut ler� thar� twenty-Hve A Ilcm�e to conduot, operrte, enyeQe
9!)C'I'ION 2 � (z3) Per crnt of tha outstnndln� etock In bnd tranaact a bulidln� contracting
at ths tlme ot such uslgnrnrnt or trnns- budnets se a bulldfn contractor may
l.kenr� ReQUlred. ter, A llcense lwued to a Dartnershlp be refused, swpende� or revoked, or
(1) No person aliall own m�tntAln.I may be saelgned or trane[erred for renNwal refused, by the Ltcenae Com-
aonduct,operate,engaQ�ln t�e bulldlnQ i the rematnder of the 1lcense perlod to mltt�e for any one or more of the Sol-
oontracllnq bwlnea or tranaect a' any one member ot �uch pxrinership, lowlnq cauaea:
buildlna contrsct after the provlelons provlded he oblalns the consent ot all (11 Fraud, mbrepreaentatlon or brlb-
o! thla ordln�nce become eHecttve or of the other memhera of such partner- ery 1n eecuring a llcenae.
Aold htrn+clf out �x befn�( uble to do ro shlp. The appllcwtion tor eueh trnnxf�•r (2) The maklnq ol any falie itate-
ofter such date unleas he is Ilcensed or asstQnment muat be accompenfed by ment es to a materfal matter tn any
therefor pursuant to thin chapter, proof aattatactory to the License Com- app I1caUon for a Ilcenae,
(]1 A Ilcense lssueA pursuant to thfs I mttlee lhat the requlrement� herchi (31 The buelnese tranuctloru o1 the
�ecUon may not be cunatrued tu nu- provtded have been complled with. Nn contractor huve been marked by a'
ltrorize the Ilcennee to perform any� erslKnmMt or transfer ahall become Dractice o( fa�lure lo perform ltfl con-i
narticulnr lyne of wurk or klnd OI hUtll-� CRNCUVtl uralex�• nnd iintli dhc endorx�� irar.ts.
- . ``._
• l�� ���
' Effective D�cember 18 , 1974 � �.�
Councfi Flle No. 264173—Ordlnance No. (5) A du�
18^]�--Fly Patrtck J. Ruedler— for one Ioet,
3LrC'I'ION 3 upon app11ca41on
M ordlnance OrOVtdln` tor the I1- BuUAIn� Contracl,ur'� Llcense; Nc- prrserlbed by the �
cen�lnx ot Culldlns euntructora; ratub- Qniremetita. and Ihc Daymrpt of the Ps
11shIr�N requlrements end Drovidtug ��) �;yery appllrati�n fur n liccnnc thcrcfor by thL chap ter.
penaltloe rhail be accomP+�n«d by n bund, ap- �lupllcate ]icensc shstl hnve the
roved es to iorm by the dl,v atlurn�ry, duplicuie" stamped acrose the !a
Ths Cowscil of thc City ot Salnt Paul exccuted by a bondlnQ ur eurety «���- thercot und eh�U bcar fhe enme numbes
Doea Urdaln: pany authorfzed to du business in the ,es the one It replacee.
State of Mlnnaeota, tn the arnount of (8) A supplementary Ucenae may be
'PwenLy-F1ve liundred (S2.SOU.UU), <<�n- lsaued Por each additt�ral placb ot
dt[ioned upon the asBUrance thec dur- bualness meintalncd by a Ilceru�ee w1W-
9E.'CTION 1 tn8 the 4erms ot cuch l�crnse Ihe In the City of 3atnt Paui'upon epp11ea-
Delfntelons As ��{t��: llcenyre wlll contlnue tu cmnP�Y u'�ih llon therofor on e torm prescrlbed by
a�'��$'�'� tlic pravialonr ut lhls chaptor :in� .��! the Llcenoe Commtt2ee and the pay-
(�� � Inwa ot the clty and to useure that ment of the fee prescrlbed therefor
mbuyJd�_.:ii�'' k done Ly e bufldi g upon dafauit In :ha prrfurrnsncu u! by thle chapter. Each euch �uDple-
controctnr !n comP�tance wlth a guar- any contract, the advAnce payments mentary 1lcenae shall havc the wOrd
antee ot compleUon of a new bufldtns mudr therr.on,lcan Lhe reasanabtc valuc 'supplementary" stamped acroas the
pru)ect, or the iepelr, reyiacement, re- ot xervlres ectually randcred to thc face thereof and �hall beAr the rnm�I
mudeling, palntfnQ or redecorating, date ot su.ch detnul[, or the reasonable number ae the orlgtnal. Any llce�a�
alteratlun, converslon, modernlaauon, costs oE corv�pietfon ot the contract ln lsaued Yor�D8rticuiar place o!b��slnew
Improveaient or eddltlon to any land ur the event oi noncumjr;etlon theri:ul, le limlted to the sDecitic locatian ae I !
buildinq, or th�t portion thereot whlch �vlll be ret�etded tu t2ae �rurchaser,own- � dexribed in the aDDlication. �)
fa wrd or dexlgned to be wrd a� a ar, or 1NS1NN wltfi whom such contruci ry.�. f71 Pr1or to iasuance or renew�l ot j�
wur mada, kiuLly lhs hwneownrr un�! J' tha 1lcenes the �
prlvute rr�ldrncr or dwellln� p4ce, end �� het� be raqulred to revlew th• ��
ahall tncludn but nut be ]Imlled Lo the tr�r etty aho11 hyve • cauae uf uctlun � D eatlon and report to the Lketue
In��allution, cunrtrucUun, replacoment aqotnYt the bond 4ur rolmbureement ! ommltL�e 1b reeommendation If •ny. r
or lmpruvement of drlvrway� Iconcrete fur any doma{{n� auRared �r • rrru�t u(
cr blacxtopl, ewltnming poola, pnrches, nancomNllaaca wlth th� IawM o! th� (8) T#�e IiulldSng DtparUntn{ ot th� n
�ura�es, tallaut sheltere, centr�l heatln�{ dty. clty �hall not !uu• a bulldin� yermlt P
or r!r condlUuntn� uy�tertu, cantral 1�1 A bulldlne contrector shuli, pr ior I to anyone rec=ulred to be 1le�nsad und�r I/,�"
vacuum cleanlnY syatema, etorrti win- to being alRowcd tcs enga/e !n bwfr�cas, thle ch�pter who I� pot st the tima o! V""
dow�,awniag� or flre or UurQlnr alarms furnish to tha City of 5alnt f'aul e copy appllcation tor tha perrnit proparly
u�d othcr i�siprovamenta lu�truatures or oI u lirhlllt� Insurance P����'Y ��r z1 Ilcenaed.
upon land wl�lch Is aAjaccnt to a dwell- certUlcate ui insurance, nam�ng thc
!nR houae. 'Bullclln� contracUnp bual- ctty as ■ co-lnsured under 4he lerma o(
neaa" �hnll not Licludc lal tha �rta of the Dalcy, Tho Ilmbtllty lnsurancr yo�i-,
poixis or meteriel� Uy � saller who cy eh�ll proviSa budlly 1nJury insur- �g�pN 5
nrithcr nrrxntte� to perform nor per- anca, IncludlnQ dcalM, fn nn amuunt noi�
lonns dlccctfy or Irrillroctly any wurk ]ess thui "TWenIY-�Ive 1'liuu�and Uol-� Pcet.
or Isbur in connectfon wtth lhe inntalla- lnrr (�25,000•OQ1 [ur all dumuKrr� i+rltif�i8 (1) Thn Yee tor a Ilr.enae to MnducS
tfun ot or �pplicetlon of ihe goodn ur out of b�dfly fn�usry to,or dealh o[, onc a bu7'�d1ng contractln� busine�e�hall be
maUtt'leLti or 1�! liutldlnYti owned by or per�un and, oub�e:t to the samc I�mll Tweaty F1va Dollan (f25.00) and for
rontrol:c�by the etate or nny munlcf�>nl Si�r e.�ch pr.r,��n In wn �muunt of �:ut� aach renewal thereot the fee ahali bo
euGdlvfafon thcreot, or (c) wurk which lew ihan P't[ty 'f`houssnd Uultnra lE�o,-I Tvirenty Y'!ve Dollara (tE5.00).
1� dunc by prlvs.e pertlre not rcKu�ar1Y 11f�1u0) on accawtii �t any �nc nccidi•nt„ (2) The fee 2or 1�»ulrf�t tach suppl8-
en�aYcd In the bullding conalruciton end furthcr prs�pr.rty damugc lnyurunce� ment�ry or dupllc�te llr.ense lor On�
Uun�ncas wlt2iuut compenawtion. !n an amount not leex than t'rve '1'huti-� losY, deatroyed or mutUated shatl be
IY� "E3:�tldlng conlracCur" merne any sand Dollors (�5.000.00) for nll dam:+�trsi Flve Dollnra (35.00),
per�;on,uther than + bona fldc empluyce :o ur Aertructfan ot roperly fn :�n>�I (31 The fnes her�in�bove �et fo['Lh
ot the o�wner, who awns or operates a ane accident, snd sub�ect to that Ilmil ahatl be thoee Snr ILconset tssund !or
i�ullGlin cuntrucllnp bilHlllCflM or who prr�^cldent,und wo�kmrn's cnmpcnx.�- tha lleenae perled ot one yesr.
underta�eu or nitcre tu unAerlalcc Ur tlort 9nrtirnnce..'Tha mpplYCnnt shaU nL•.o ({} �e Dlvlalon ot l,lcenAe anc9 Per-
agrees to pertorm any new construe- furnLh to thc clty the employer eoclal mlt AdminlstreUan o! the Department
tio❑ or �I17p�OVttT1�Ol, whether or not aecurlty aecount number, the unc�n- uf Plnance and Management 8ervlcee
such pernun la licrn3ed or aubject to ployrrient insuranre nccount nurnbcr, �hall rcturod the fee pald by any aDP��'
the iicensinR requtremcnts of thfs chaP- !he ttate withhalcling eax nec��w�l num- cant 1n the event the epp 11cot1an fos'
trr nn�t wheihrr nr �iut such person it ber and 1he t�der�l wlthholdin� tax 'e licenet b denled, or tl�e apDllcant
u priro�• conu�nctor ur aul�conu�uctor account numbex. [or the itcenie ha� predeceared !b lstu-
wlfh respect ta che owner. Thls dhntl (3) tlny nDp�fnant tc�r rs llcenee lo rn- ance, or hae been lnducted dnto the
not �pply tu any person who per(orms ge.6� In a bulldin contractinQ busLie�e mfiitary asrvlce prlor to !ta tssuance.
work withuut compensaUon. under Lhe prpvls�ona of thls ordlnance i5uch refunds should be pald alter sp-
(31 "Huilding contract" means an oral shall firsi flle wlth the C1lvlslon of I provai.by the Llcenee Commtttee.
or wri�t+�n u2r�•ement Getween s con- IJcense end Permft AdmintstratSOrr ot (S) AU fee� collected shull be de-
tractor an�i ���t ownrr for 41ie perfurm- ihe I)cvartment ot 1"'lnsnce nnd btnn- potlled In the �cneral revenue Lund ot
ar.c�� of a bulldlnR contract, and in- agement Servlces a �vritten eppHca- I lhe Glty of 3atnt Paul.
cludrs �ll labor, serviccs, and materiels tlun for ruch ]lcense on a iorm to Ue (!t1 No fee ahatl Ge recyulred under
to be furr.iahed nnd pertormed therc- provfded by the Dlvlsfon and such ;this chapter tor any ltcense ap plicant
under. oth�r lntormatlon as to requlred. 'currently Itcensed or certiAed under
(�� "Ruildln� contractur'� ratabtlah- (�j Thn app}ys»nir prloa to iasuanee ather s[ate or loeal !aw when �ottn`
mo�il" mrui+a t�nv �In���, rM1AIlIIMhI�IY`lll, af � llcan�e bY �a d..taut�u�{�it1�tlL�fr� exrfuxlvely wlthln tha eco�c o! the
placc or prcuuisr.a where a bultding con- � ��, aha( reQl�ter 1tr natff� wlth U�c O �c�� crcft ur i�rotexalon for wh rh the 11-
trac•�c>r'x buafnesa is carrled on. /�t of Con�umez Aftatn Rnd such nfher cenbe or certiflcation hat been fanued.
(SI "I.ic<•nscc" mcana a person I1- V lntarnxaUon pe la.dosmed accceamry hy
censed �o enRaEe ln the bulldlna con- !h� dlreCtot �
tractlnx buslr�e•sm t�nder tha provtsium
of thl+ chrpter, 9ECT'LON a
Itll °�hvner° mcana �ny homenwner, Powerr and Dutles of Lire Y.leta�e
tenant, ar any other peraon wha orders, 3FX.'I'i(?1V C Commltiee.
contrrcla tOF, Q[ pUTChII9f9 the servfcea �Qp,s�• p�P��y� g�ttewaU; Dupll-
of a buildinp cuntractcr, or th person c�� ' To carry out the provleian� af thb
entfUed to the pertarmnnce pf t��e work chaptcr, the Lfcenae Commfttee shall
ot n buildlirK rui7trnctur pununnl lo o (1) All llcensw eholt G+e !nr r p�•rlo�l h�va the toilowlne powers •nd dutle�:
bulld�ng runtract. ot nne yarr trurn the d�4r n! luu�uire (1) To examine the quritflratioru and
17) 'Peraon" �nean� an lndivfduel, end sha11 explre on the last d�y a! Uie Ntneas of appllcante !or ticenae under
flrm, puruicryhlp, aasocietlon, corporA-! twalttfl month t��llowln� leiuence, thls chapter.
p�� t1on, or olher group nclU�g as a uaili,i (9) No licenee �hatl be eerlKr�ebic ur (2� To keep recorAt ol all 3lcense�
(+ y�. however organlzeA. tranetereble �xcept ns hereinsfter D��- tasued, suaDended or revc�kr.d.
,�y (gL„S]l,s�e,atas=.a�wnns-.ths-hMerMr-er[, vtded, A iferrue to r.onduet x bullding
.r contreMtn� bueine�� teanued to an In-
ttu-Dtt�°� °f L�+��m°r ��'°►�'�' dlvielu�E may be sasttned or transferrcd
y (BI Llcense commlttee" meana thel for the remefn�er t�f thc ilcense perfod
Ikenac commlttee for the Satnt Paul! po a part�ershtp ar coryoratton t� such ��'�� 7
Cl:y Councll. I indlvldual fi a member o[auch prrtner- � Retnsai, Bnrpensfon or 1Reeoeattoa ot
ehip or e �tockholdez oC Quch c:orpora- Llcense.
tlon ownlnQ not laxf lhan twenty-tive A llcense to cunduot, operrte, snga�e
SFXJf[ON 2 (�1 per cetat �t tPre outstandinQ siock !n�nd tran�act a bullding contractiing
at tha t9me ot such etslgnment or trena- buelnets aa a hulldiny contractor may
1,Mrero�s Reqnlra4. fer, A llcenas laued t.o a DHrinershlp be reluecd, wipended or revoked, or
(1) No pemoa shRll own maintnSn, may be assl�ned or transferred for renewa'1 rrfused, by Lhe Llcense Coni-
eonduct,oprrata,rny�ng� in t�e bupding I the remslnder af th� ticense peNod to mlttce Yor eny one or more ot the tol-
cont�xctlnA bwtnes� or trnnenct A uny one memb�r of eurh P��rtncrnhlji, dowlnq csawce:
buildtng cun4raM alter the provlslunA( provlcfed he abtzifns tha canae�Ft of all l I) Fraud, mlarepreaentatl�on or brtb-
of thla ordlnance become eBecttve or of the uthe: members of such partner- ery ln securing a llcense.
uold hlmsclf out es betn� able to do eo ahlp, T'hc rvppltcatlon Sar such lransirr l2) The making of pny frlsa itate-
•ft.er such date unleaa he ls IlcNnsed or esal�nrnent muet be aecomnec�led by ment as to a materlal matter fn any
there4or pursunnt to tht.v chenter, proof aaUatactory ta the Llcrnse Corn- �pltcat:on for a Ilcennna,
(7) A Ilce��se treucA pursuant to thla I I m�ttee tl��t lhe rcrautreroents herei�x {31 The buslnrsi transsctfona of ihe
acction may not be construed to au-� �provided k�ave been comUlled wl!h No contraclor hAVC been myrkeS by a'
thorfae the licensee to perform nr,y, byslgnme.nt ar transfrr ehall become ,�ractice ot faUure to perform 1ta can-i
..a��i,.,�i��� i�.�r nt u�urk ur klnd c�f busf- cfTectivo t�nic�n and �rntU�Che r.radorsc: lracta.
.„,.. � ... .� . . . s ,��n gy+Y
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in an instance where the owner has demonstrated a good faith effort ro comply
with the plan that he or she has filed pursuant to this ordinance.
4. No registration shall be assignable. If the names or addresses of any of the per- ��'�;.;
sons required as a part of the registration statement change, a new registrat�oo ,��'=
statement shall be properly madc within ten (10) days fr�m th:, date of said ,��,
change in the same manner and form as herein prescribed. If any registration is �:
not made within the time set forth in this chapter, the reyuired fee shall be in- `
' ' creased each �nonth an additiona) Five Dollars ($5.00) for the period of time x` _
that the registration is delinyuent. ��r�;
! 26.03--Fees for Registration. "
The fee for each quarter of the year or fraction thereof for which such vacant ar � ��
unoccupied building is registered shall be Forty-five Doltars($45.00)per quarter. , :�
i ,�`.
26.04—Inspection of Premises. ��y
Upon registration of any building pursuant to this chapter,or when any such vacant ��, ''r,-
; building comes to his attention,the Building Official shall cause inspectians to bt; '_
made of the premises to determine the conditiod of such building and premises and �
whether chere exists any fire, safety or health hazards upon the premises. *v°
26.�5— ;;
Failure of the owner to comply with the foregoing provisions shall constitute a ';
;, violation of this ordinance and shall �ermit the Saint Pau!City Council to exercise ,�3 �<
� � those rights to said Council by Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Section 463.151, �
"a Section 463.152 and Sectio� 463.161.
f`.� ?
' This ordinance does not in any manner abrogate the other provisions of the Health,
Building and Housing Codes o�the City uf Saint Paul pertnining to the abatement �,;.
of public nuisances or hazardous buildings; nor dces it abrogate the provisicns of � �;�
Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Section 463.151 through ti1innesota Statutes � ,�`
Annotated, Section 463.261. +'�
:_� � , ,�:
_..--- ;
- 26.07— ;.�:, '
The owner of any building that is required to be regiscered by this orciinancc may, .
;� upon the tihowing of financial hardship, have the payment of registration fees � '�
°= t waived or deferred upon recommendation by the Board of Appeals and Review. "",.
' ` (Addcd orcl. 15733, Nov. 6, 1974). }�1
� �;�
27.01—Ue�nitions. �
' As used herein, the term: � ''
; (1) "Bailding contracting business" means the construction of a new home, ';F
huilding or wc�rk done by a building contractor in compliance with a guarantee
uf'completion c�f a new building project,or the repair,replarement,remcxlel- y
ing,painting or redecorating,alteration,conversion,modernization,improve- ,� ; �;,
ment or addition to any land or building, or that portion thereof which is used �:
� �.� �,
v �., .
. �. '�
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��;3 or c�esigned to be used as a private residence or dwelling plare, an�i shall in- �
clude but not be limit�d to the installation, construction, replacement ar irn- , '„'a
provement of driveways (roncrete or blacktop), swimming poois, porches, " r
garages, fallc�ut shelters, ccntral heating or air conditioning systems, centeal �'�
vacuum cleaning systems, siorn� windows, awnings or fire or burglar atarms
�►nd other improvernents to structures ar upon land which is adjacent to a dwell- '� �
ing house. "B�ildin�; contracting business" shaSl not include (a) ttre sale of y
ge7ods ar materials by a seller who neither arranges ta perform nor performs �
directly or indirectly any work or labor in connectyon with the instaliation oE'or `
upplication of the goc�s or materials, or(b) buildings owned by or c�ntro(led
bv the state or any muriicipal subdivision thereof,or(c)work which is done by �
F�civate parties not rcgularly engaged in th� building construction business
without compensation. �, .
(2) "8uilding contractor" �rreans any per�;on, other than a bona tide empfoyee �
of the owner, who .�wns �r operates a building contrarting business or who
und�.rtai:es or ofi'c:rs to undenake or agrees to perforcn uny r�ew construction or
improvement,whether ar n�st such pecs��n is lic�nsed or subject to the licensing ,>;. .:
requirements of this chapter an��whether or not s�ich�erson is a prime contrac- � � ;':;
tur or subconuactiir with respect to thc��wner. 1�his shall not ap�ily�a an� per- . .
sUn who performs work without compensation. ' '
(3) "Btailding contract" m�:ans an�ral or writt�n a�;r�.ement betwecn a contrac- �
tor and an owner for the pert'�rmance;of a building contract, and includes all
labor, services, and rnaterials to be furnished and performed chereunder. `
(4) "B�ilde'n� cor�tractor's rstablishment" means any shop, establishment,
,� place c�r przmises where a building conteacior's business is carried on.
�f (.S) "Lic�nsee" means a person licensed ro en�a�;e in th� building contracting
business under the provisions of this chapter, �
(6} "Owner" means any ho�Yieowner, tenarzt, or any other person wh� orders, �
cornracts for, or purchases the services o2'a buiiding contractor,or the person "
entitled to the perforniurace of the work of a building conuactor pursu;�nt to a �
buildin�; contract. �
(7) "Person" means :�n indivi�lual, C�rm, partnership, association, rorporation, ;
or other �roup acting as a unit, however organized.
(8) "License committee" means the license committee for the Saint Paul Ciry ';
Council. �ta; � �
(Amended ord. 15�Q9, Nov. l3, 1975). > �
�" ,
27.02—License Recpuired.. �
{1) No person shatl cjwn,maintain,conduct,operate,engagc in the buifding con- $ �
tractin� business or transact a buildins cantract after the provisions af this � ��r
ordin�nce become eft'ective or hold himself out as t�e ing able to da so after � � ?
such date unless he is ]icensed therefor pursuarat ro this chapter. ;? .4 ,
(2) A license issued pu�uant to this sectian n�ay nos t�e construed ta authorize the
licensee to perTorm any particular type of work or kind af business which is {; ,`r' `
reser��ed to yualiticd licensees u��der sepsrate provisions of state or local law;
nor sfi�all any license or a��thority other than as iti issued or permitted pursuant `� �
tu this scction auth«ci�e a persori to cngage in the buildirg cc�ntracting busi- , ,'�
ness. t
(3) N�thing in this chapter shall b�construed to limit or restric�t the: power of the � ?�
�� City of Saint Pau! to re�ulate the quality, perforrraance, or character c�f the ;' ��
51 �
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445 City Hall,St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,'�
George Latimer
Mayor J 612-298-4212 �
RE �. � ! '�IED �
Nov�nbe�x 29, 1977 ��V � O 1�� ,
�� �� 5
TO: Pet�er Hames �
FR; Glenn �icJc �
REs Ordi.riance No, l 14 �
As I disr3ussed with you last week, it is our opinion that the intent E
of the building contractor ordinance (Urdinance No, 15714� was to �
pravide � prot:ection to the Y�awn�er and the smail property c�mer
in the matter of renavations ancl construction.projects on theis hane- �
steads. I�vwev+er, in light b� the recent City Attorney's opinion, the s
ordinanoe applies to all w�rk done on any residence building in the
CitY► up to and including the Radisson Hote1. .; �
� In ans�.r to y�ur request for a suggested revision to the ordi.nance, �
to put it back in the proper perspective, we sugqest the follawing.
Section l should be changed to read as follaws: '
Definitians. As used herein, the term:
(1) "Build.ing contracting b�siness" means the constructaq�,;�of .au new
hare, building or w�rk done by�a bui.ltling cantractor in c�np]:iance
with a guarantee or cam�letion''of' a new bui.lding project, or the repair,
replacement, remodeling, parinting or redecorating, alteration, conversion, E
moderniza�ion, impravement or add.i�itm to any land or building, or that �
portion tY�xeof which is to be uSed as a residence building contain�ng
not mare than four (4) dwelling units, . . . �
The balan�e �of the o�dinance will remain the same: �
G.A.E. . t
cc/`I'am Kelley �
: �
'0 �
, � , «
:� , . OM Qi. I2/1975
.; �
' �' Rev. > �/8�/76 �?
.�.�.�_�..��..�.......��.. . ����.;��
*�ate: Dec�nb�x 23, 1977
: FR: D�partm�nt of Comrnxnity Services -� �ivisian o� Ho�sir�g and Building Code t
RE: Ordinance Amex�nent to the.Saint Paul Bu.ilding Contractc�s �rdinance
�ir������ �^� . . . .. � . . .. . � . .
Ordina�.tice a�val -
- ��.�. �...���.�..�. �...����......r.�...�
(7rdinance char�ge to clarify intent of Contractrors Licensing Ordinar�ce as _�:,
requested by �ietrer Fiamnes.
� _
Ordin�x�ce :
, ,
. � ' �
— � �d � �— �9
�st / /
3rd �—•��[ Adopted � —
Yeas N8ys
HUNT `;�I�;��� .
V �