01-491°?�� � ���GiN�� Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: coun�il Rue # 01– y�\ Green Sheet # 111748 Committee:Date: � 1 2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department received a$8,000 mini grant irom Minnesota Join Together, 3 a coalition of over 300 individuals and organiza6ons involved in reducing underage drinking; and 4 5 WfIEREAS, the City Council accepted this grant on December 27, 2000 (Council �le number 00-1208); and 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 za 2s 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2001 spending and financing plan for this grant; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $8,000 in eacess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and VVHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2001 budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 001-General Fund FINANCING PLAN: 04000 - ChieFs Office 3442 - Liquor Compliance Grant-Minn. Join Together SPENDING PLAN: 04000 - Chie1's OfSce 0141 - Overtime 0439 - PYinge Benefits � 0 116,704 1,449,903 5,000 123,704 1,450,903 33 34 35 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. 37 Itequested by Department of: Services: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Cot By: Approved by Mayor:Date: By: c? , _ MNJOinTogetbergranbudgeAcc2001 By: Form B 8,000 — S,�TO'fT" 7,000 1,000 — $;666 — by City to Council: �/� � � G6PARTMF�NT/OFPICE/COUNqL �ATE INITIATED rr±r;;ev�a�m,ent aisioi GREEN SHEET No. 111748 CONTACT PER ON & PHONE INITinUD INITUWDA7E ChiePFiTlney 292-3588 -'`+"�' 1 nePnrsrmee�oirsECr �( 5 crtrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) � D ��, Please process ASAP �arrnrrow,er ❑c�,vc�uc � � �rrtwm..uu5£RVICES 1� �FINN1G�PlSE0.YlACCTG L� � + �nwTOR�ORA5515TAM7_ �XIINANPoGHTS L�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution establishing a 2001 spending and fmancing plan for the Minnesota Join Together Grant received by the Saint Paul Police Department. RECOMMENDATION App�OVe (A) o� RejeGt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: �, HasMis personlfnm everwodced untlera contractforthis tlepaAmerrt? PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this personffrtn ever been a cityemployeel CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does th(s person/firtn possess a skili not normally possessed by arry curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes an5wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WNO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WNY) � Minnesota Join Togethex, a coalition of ovei 300 individuals and oxganizations involved in reducing undexage drinking, awarded an $8,000 gant to the Saint Paul Police Department. Tlus grant was accepted by the City Council on Decembez 27, 2000 (Council File Nuxnber 00-1208). (Attached is a copy of the grant awasd letter.) A 2001 financing and spending plan needs to be set up for this grant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO Budget authority to use Minnesota Join Together grant funds. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use Minnesota Join Together grant funds. �AY e� 1 2�Q�i CtTI' ATTORNEY TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ $,000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) < YES NO FUNDING SOURCE M1t1ll0SOt3 JOiIl TOgCtI102 gt3nY ACTIVIN NUMBER 04000 ,�,(�$q�.,��{y �".Py,�t�� FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) " M�Y � � 2�3�1 MNJoinTogethecGtantbudgeGgs2001 _ � f� Underage Drinking 2529 Verndale Avenue Anoka, MN 55303-1593 763-427-5310 MN 800-247-]303 FAX �63-427-7841 www.miph.org/mjt September 22, 2000 Eugene Polyak St. Paul Police Departme�t 100 East 11'" Street St. Paul, MN 55101 a�-yq� We are happy to be able av.•ard you �8,000 to fund your college undera�e drinking projec[. Since the funds for your project originate from the US Depar[ment of Justice there are certain conditions and restricaon on the use of these funds. Minnesota 7oin Together also has a few expectations of iu gnn[ees. We hope these are mana�eable. R'e look forwazd co working with you on your project. EXPECTATIONS OF MIATNESOTA TOIN TOGETHER GRAA'TEES PURPOSE. The grant shal] be used exclusively for the purposes specified in the grantee's n;ini-grznt proposal Tl�e tisneline for this prnject is (lctober :. 20(ip - Nlarch l, 200Q� I L'SE OF FUNDS. No part of the grant shall be used to carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence ]egislation (within the meaning of Sec[ion 4945(d)Q) of the Interna] Revenue Code), or to attempt to influence the outcome of any specific public election. REPORIS. Fina] narzative and financial reports shall be furnished to Minnesota Join Together or, or before March 16, 2001. We aze enclosing a nazrativ� form for you to use when you fi]e these reports. The financial reports shall show actual expenditures as of the date of the report against the approved line items in your application budget. COMPLIANCE CHECK GRANTS. Compliance check data shal] be reported on the enclosed compliance check database forms and sent to MJT with the other reports when Ihey are due. MEDIA. Al] grantees are expected to generate media coverase around [heir activities and to send copies of any coverage to Minnesota Join Toge[her as soon as possible. Please acknowlecge ihe Mir,nesota Joia Togeti;er Coalition and Minnesoa Departmen[ of P�blic Safety as the source of your funds in any media stories about your activities with this grant. We are available to assist you with your media efforts. coie�n'f�cson�2� nqODIFIED LINE ITEMS /linUSED PL�nDS. Any modifications of youc proposed e��c� eos�,a cr:a�. bud�et must be approved by MJT before actual expendimres take place. Any unused funds co��;e s�r,,a-cy i;�e cnarr from ehis project must be retumed to M7T. Contact Project Director, Jeff Nachbar, if you mer�e B��r�� anticipa:e the need for an}' budgei r.�odi;uatio �s. Laace 5oeLer P,sc�(!a LorG Fa� _ ,,�� " � SIGNATURE �-r�=� -�'✓_ DATE �� Gery Hein j� ��'�'- "�'��� Please return one cop}� of this form to Rachel Komyate at: MIPH, 28?9 Verndale Ave., son.��e ��5z:� Anoka, MN Si303, or fax to 651-662-2313, attn: MIPH Czf `y P;ackieu�i¢ Jzime �lzrtin¢ sc� r;eL on Lir,Ga Olala Jznet SiL'e�5mith Z� �.e�c „ _ DzD =w" m .c A Coalitioh fo Reduce °?�� � ���GiN�� Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: coun�il Rue # 01– y�\ Green Sheet # 111748 Committee:Date: � 1 2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department received a$8,000 mini grant irom Minnesota Join Together, 3 a coalition of over 300 individuals and organiza6ons involved in reducing underage drinking; and 4 5 WfIEREAS, the City Council accepted this grant on December 27, 2000 (Council �le number 00-1208); and 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 za 2s 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2001 spending and financing plan for this grant; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $8,000 in eacess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and VVHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2001 budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 001-General Fund FINANCING PLAN: 04000 - ChieFs Office 3442 - Liquor Compliance Grant-Minn. Join Together SPENDING PLAN: 04000 - Chie1's OfSce 0141 - Overtime 0439 - PYinge Benefits � 0 116,704 1,449,903 5,000 123,704 1,450,903 33 34 35 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. 37 Itequested by Department of: Services: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Cot By: Approved by Mayor:Date: By: c? , _ MNJOinTogetbergranbudgeAcc2001 By: Form B 8,000 — S,�TO'fT" 7,000 1,000 — $;666 — by City to Council: �/� � � G6PARTMF�NT/OFPICE/COUNqL �ATE INITIATED rr±r;;ev�a�m,ent aisioi GREEN SHEET No. 111748 CONTACT PER ON & PHONE INITinUD INITUWDA7E ChiePFiTlney 292-3588 -'`+"�' 1 nePnrsrmee�oirsECr �( 5 crtrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) � D ��, Please process ASAP �arrnrrow,er ❑c�,vc�uc � � �rrtwm..uu5£RVICES 1� �FINN1G�PlSE0.YlACCTG L� � + �nwTOR�ORA5515TAM7_ �XIINANPoGHTS L�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution establishing a 2001 spending and fmancing plan for the Minnesota Join Together Grant received by the Saint Paul Police Department. RECOMMENDATION App�OVe (A) o� RejeGt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: �, HasMis personlfnm everwodced untlera contractforthis tlepaAmerrt? PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this personffrtn ever been a cityemployeel CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does th(s person/firtn possess a skili not normally possessed by arry curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes an5wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WNO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WNY) � Minnesota Join Togethex, a coalition of ovei 300 individuals and oxganizations involved in reducing undexage drinking, awarded an $8,000 gant to the Saint Paul Police Department. Tlus grant was accepted by the City Council on Decembez 27, 2000 (Council File Nuxnber 00-1208). (Attached is a copy of the grant awasd letter.) A 2001 financing and spending plan needs to be set up for this grant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO Budget authority to use Minnesota Join Together grant funds. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use Minnesota Join Together grant funds. �AY e� 1 2�Q�i CtTI' ATTORNEY TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ $,000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) < YES NO FUNDING SOURCE M1t1ll0SOt3 JOiIl TOgCtI102 gt3nY ACTIVIN NUMBER 04000 ,�,(�$q�.,��{y �".Py,�t�� FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) " M�Y � � 2�3�1 MNJoinTogethecGtantbudgeGgs2001 _ � f� Underage Drinking 2529 Verndale Avenue Anoka, MN 55303-1593 763-427-5310 MN 800-247-]303 FAX �63-427-7841 www.miph.org/mjt September 22, 2000 Eugene Polyak St. Paul Police Departme�t 100 East 11'" Street St. Paul, MN 55101 a�-yq� We are happy to be able av.•ard you �8,000 to fund your college undera�e drinking projec[. Since the funds for your project originate from the US Depar[ment of Justice there are certain conditions and restricaon on the use of these funds. Minnesota 7oin Together also has a few expectations of iu gnn[ees. We hope these are mana�eable. R'e look forwazd co working with you on your project. EXPECTATIONS OF MIATNESOTA TOIN TOGETHER GRAA'TEES PURPOSE. The grant shal] be used exclusively for the purposes specified in the grantee's n;ini-grznt proposal Tl�e tisneline for this prnject is (lctober :. 20(ip - Nlarch l, 200Q� I L'SE OF FUNDS. No part of the grant shall be used to carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence ]egislation (within the meaning of Sec[ion 4945(d)Q) of the Interna] Revenue Code), or to attempt to influence the outcome of any specific public election. REPORIS. Fina] narzative and financial reports shall be furnished to Minnesota Join Together or, or before March 16, 2001. We aze enclosing a nazrativ� form for you to use when you fi]e these reports. The financial reports shall show actual expenditures as of the date of the report against the approved line items in your application budget. COMPLIANCE CHECK GRANTS. Compliance check data shal] be reported on the enclosed compliance check database forms and sent to MJT with the other reports when Ihey are due. MEDIA. Al] grantees are expected to generate media coverase around [heir activities and to send copies of any coverage to Minnesota Join Toge[her as soon as possible. Please acknowlecge ihe Mir,nesota Joia Togeti;er Coalition and Minnesoa Departmen[ of P�blic Safety as the source of your funds in any media stories about your activities with this grant. We are available to assist you with your media efforts. coie�n'f�cson�2� nqODIFIED LINE ITEMS /linUSED PL�nDS. Any modifications of youc proposed e��c� eos�,a cr:a�. bud�et must be approved by MJT before actual expendimres take place. Any unused funds co��;e s�r,,a-cy i;�e cnarr from ehis project must be retumed to M7T. Contact Project Director, Jeff Nachbar, if you mer�e B��r�� anticipa:e the need for an}' budgei r.�odi;uatio �s. Laace 5oeLer P,sc�(!a LorG Fa� _ ,,�� " � SIGNATURE �-r�=� -�'✓_ DATE �� Gery Hein j� ��'�'- "�'��� Please return one cop}� of this form to Rachel Komyate at: MIPH, 28?9 Verndale Ave., son.��e ��5z:� Anoka, MN Si303, or fax to 651-662-2313, attn: MIPH Czf `y P;ackieu�i¢ Jzime �lzrtin¢ sc� r;eL on Lir,Ga Olala Jznet SiL'e�5mith Z� �.e�c „ _ DzD =w" m .c A Coalitioh fo Reduce °?�� � ���GiN�� Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: coun�il Rue # 01– y�\ Green Sheet # 111748 Committee:Date: � 1 2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department received a$8,000 mini grant irom Minnesota Join Together, 3 a coalition of over 300 individuals and organiza6ons involved in reducing underage drinking; and 4 5 WfIEREAS, the City Council accepted this grant on December 27, 2000 (Council �le number 00-1208); and 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 za 2s 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a 2001 spending and financing plan for this grant; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $8,000 in eacess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and VVHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2001 budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 001-General Fund FINANCING PLAN: 04000 - ChieFs Office 3442 - Liquor Compliance Grant-Minn. Join Together SPENDING PLAN: 04000 - Chie1's OfSce 0141 - Overtime 0439 - PYinge Benefits � 0 116,704 1,449,903 5,000 123,704 1,450,903 33 34 35 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. 37 Itequested by Department of: Services: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Cot By: Approved by Mayor:Date: By: c? , _ MNJOinTogetbergranbudgeAcc2001 By: Form B 8,000 — S,�TO'fT" 7,000 1,000 — $;666 — by City to Council: �/� � � G6PARTMF�NT/OFPICE/COUNqL �ATE INITIATED rr±r;;ev�a�m,ent aisioi GREEN SHEET No. 111748 CONTACT PER ON & PHONE INITinUD INITUWDA7E ChiePFiTlney 292-3588 -'`+"�' 1 nePnrsrmee�oirsECr �( 5 crtrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) � D ��, Please process ASAP �arrnrrow,er ❑c�,vc�uc � � �rrtwm..uu5£RVICES 1� �FINN1G�PlSE0.YlACCTG L� � + �nwTOR�ORA5515TAM7_ �XIINANPoGHTS L�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution establishing a 2001 spending and fmancing plan for the Minnesota Join Together Grant received by the Saint Paul Police Department. RECOMMENDATION App�OVe (A) o� RejeGt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: �, HasMis personlfnm everwodced untlera contractforthis tlepaAmerrt? PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this personffrtn ever been a cityemployeel CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does th(s person/firtn possess a skili not normally possessed by arry curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes an5wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WNO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WNY) � Minnesota Join Togethex, a coalition of ovei 300 individuals and oxganizations involved in reducing undexage drinking, awarded an $8,000 gant to the Saint Paul Police Department. Tlus grant was accepted by the City Council on Decembez 27, 2000 (Council File Nuxnber 00-1208). (Attached is a copy of the grant awasd letter.) A 2001 financing and spending plan needs to be set up for this grant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO Budget authority to use Minnesota Join Together grant funds. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use Minnesota Join Together grant funds. �AY e� 1 2�Q�i CtTI' ATTORNEY TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ $,000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) < YES NO FUNDING SOURCE M1t1ll0SOt3 JOiIl TOgCtI102 gt3nY ACTIVIN NUMBER 04000 ,�,(�$q�.,��{y �".Py,�t�� FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) " M�Y � � 2�3�1 MNJoinTogethecGtantbudgeGgs2001 _ � f� Underage Drinking 2529 Verndale Avenue Anoka, MN 55303-1593 763-427-5310 MN 800-247-]303 FAX �63-427-7841 www.miph.org/mjt September 22, 2000 Eugene Polyak St. Paul Police Departme�t 100 East 11'" Street St. Paul, MN 55101 a�-yq� We are happy to be able av.•ard you �8,000 to fund your college undera�e drinking projec[. Since the funds for your project originate from the US Depar[ment of Justice there are certain conditions and restricaon on the use of these funds. Minnesota 7oin Together also has a few expectations of iu gnn[ees. We hope these are mana�eable. R'e look forwazd co working with you on your project. EXPECTATIONS OF MIATNESOTA TOIN TOGETHER GRAA'TEES PURPOSE. The grant shal] be used exclusively for the purposes specified in the grantee's n;ini-grznt proposal Tl�e tisneline for this prnject is (lctober :. 20(ip - Nlarch l, 200Q� I L'SE OF FUNDS. No part of the grant shall be used to carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence ]egislation (within the meaning of Sec[ion 4945(d)Q) of the Interna] Revenue Code), or to attempt to influence the outcome of any specific public election. REPORIS. Fina] narzative and financial reports shall be furnished to Minnesota Join Together or, or before March 16, 2001. We aze enclosing a nazrativ� form for you to use when you fi]e these reports. The financial reports shall show actual expenditures as of the date of the report against the approved line items in your application budget. COMPLIANCE CHECK GRANTS. Compliance check data shal] be reported on the enclosed compliance check database forms and sent to MJT with the other reports when Ihey are due. MEDIA. Al] grantees are expected to generate media coverase around [heir activities and to send copies of any coverage to Minnesota Join Toge[her as soon as possible. Please acknowlecge ihe Mir,nesota Joia Togeti;er Coalition and Minnesoa Departmen[ of P�blic Safety as the source of your funds in any media stories about your activities with this grant. We are available to assist you with your media efforts. coie�n'f�cson�2� nqODIFIED LINE ITEMS /linUSED PL�nDS. Any modifications of youc proposed e��c� eos�,a cr:a�. bud�et must be approved by MJT before actual expendimres take place. Any unused funds co��;e s�r,,a-cy i;�e cnarr from ehis project must be retumed to M7T. Contact Project Director, Jeff Nachbar, if you mer�e B��r�� anticipa:e the need for an}' budgei r.�odi;uatio �s. Laace 5oeLer P,sc�(!a LorG Fa� _ ,,�� " � SIGNATURE �-r�=� -�'✓_ DATE �� Gery Hein j� ��'�'- "�'��� Please return one cop}� of this form to Rachel Komyate at: MIPH, 28?9 Verndale Ave., son.��e ��5z:� Anoka, MN Si303, or fax to 651-662-2313, attn: MIPH Czf `y P;ackieu�i¢ Jzime �lzrtin¢ sc� r;eL on Lir,Ga Olala Jznet SiL'e�5mith Z� �.e�c „ _ DzD =w" m .c A Coalitioh fo Reduce