270315 � �����s�.� ZI City of St.Paul COUNC ILE NO. �- PRELIMINARY ORDER � BY File No. 1 11 In the Matter of openin�, widening and extending Mississippi Street by condemning and ta.king easements for highway, and bridge , purposes which are more particularly described as follars; , i; ' A st 1g77 undar Administrative Order D-3756 approved � 3' i - The Councll of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.000.00 . 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2�th day of , January, 19'j8 , at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the � time arid place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. .fAN 3 1978 COUNCILMEN � Aclo�ted by the Council: Date Yeas � Nays - � f�utle�l � ' l Certified Pa ed,b�Council Secretary � �i ozzl � � �-iunt In Favor " � . ,� AN 4 �978 �?oedlefi _- � fAgainst SyfvesteC ,- � - Mayor ?edesCO _._ _ . - _ __pUBLISHED ,�AN 1 4 197$ A permanent easemertt for highway and bridge purposes on� over and M ^ aeross part of the Souiheast quarter of the Southeast qw rter of Sec- t.Ion 30� Townshtc 29 North� Range 22 NesL lytng within the following destribed llne: Commencing at the Southeast corner of sald Section 30; thence tlest alono the South line of said Sectlon 30 havinn an assumed bearino of South 89 degrees 34 minutes 37 seconds West� a dlstance of �52,98 feet to the Intersection with the�ast rioht-of-way line of Mlssissippi St. and to the polnt of beoinninq; thence North 00 degrees 55 minutes 04 seconds - West� a dTstance of 194.08 feet more or less as measured aton� the �as,E right-of-way line of Misstsst�pt St. to the South line of Block 22� Edmund Rice's Trout Brook Addition to the City of St. Paut; thence South 7G degrees 21 minutes 4.0 seconds f ast alono said South lTne of Biock 22, a distance of 15.50 feet; thence South 00 degrees 55 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 109.L5 feet; thence South 27 degrees OS minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 90,53 feet more or less to the South line of said SectSon 30; thence South 89 dearees 34 mtnutes 37 seconds West atong the South line of said Section 30 a distance of 55.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel contains 4,500 sq. ft. A permanent easement for street and highway purposes on, over and across Lot 11, Block 21, Edmund Rice's Trout Brook AdditiDn to the City of St. Paul ]ying within the following described line: Beginning at the 5outhwest corner of said Lot 11, thence East along the : South tine of said lot 11 a distance.of 5.00 feet, thence Northwesteray � ` tv a po+nt on the WesE j�ne os sai� tot tl being 75"feet North of the � Southwest corner of said Lot li; thence South to the point of beginning. � ParceS contains 65.5 sq. ft. . A permanent easement for street and htghway purposes on. over and • across Lots 14� t5. i6� t7* 1$, and 19, Block 9� DeBow, Smith� Risque and �illiams� Addition Lo 5t. Paul, in Ramsey County, Minnesota Terri- tory and parE of vacated Mtnnehaha Ava. iying withiq the foTladT�g de�cribed ilnes: Lytng South of the North line of Section 31, fiownship 29 North, Range 22 uest. tying East of the easterty right-of-way line of the State of HtnResota as described tn Documertt No. 1594361. ' Lying West of the foTtowing described line: tommencing ai the Nartt�� east corner of Lhe Northeast quarter of 5ection 31, Townstiip 29 North, Range 22 West; thence South 89 degrees 3�+ m�nutes 37 seconds West (as- sumed bearing) a distance of 897.98 feet as measured along the North line of said section to the point of baginntng of the Tine to be de- scrlbed; thence South 27 degrees 08 minutes 19 seconds East� a dtstance of 33.S9 feet; thence South 00 degrees 36 minutes 40 seconds East, a distartce of lOQ.00 feet; thence South OS degrees 06 minutes 49 seconds East a distance 151.36 feet more or tass to the easteriy right-of-way , t3�c of ltississip�t St, as acq�ired by the State of HinneSOta as de• scribed in Aocvmertt No. 1594361 and there tnrminating Parzel eontatns 3,035 s�. ft. A permanent easement far street and highway purposes on, over and across lots D and H� Soo Line Plat tio. b, Lots 13 and 14� B1ocSc 22, Edmund Rtce�s Trout Brook Addition to the City of 5t: Paui, and vac8ted Rcker St, tying rrithin the foliowing described lines: Lying East of the Eas2 line of Mississfppi St. as originalty dedica4ed, Lying West of a line described as follows: LommentJng at tfie Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Sectton 30, Township 2Q North, Range 22•West; thence South 8g deorees 34 minutes 37 seconds West (assumed bearing), a distance of 952.g8 feet as measured alona the South ttne of satd .5ection 3b; thence North 00 degrees 55 minutes 04 seconds West. a distance of 2�1.62 feet'as measured alono the East line of Nisstssippi St. as opened by an order by the Com.�on Councit of the City of St. Paul, approved August °, 1883; thence !lorth 00 degrees 32 mFnutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 30T.99 feet as measured along the East line of Mississippl St, as originatiy dedicated; thence North 89 degrees 27 minutes 20 seconds East, a dtstance of 5 feet as measured along the South line of Lot 11. Block 21, Edmund Rice's Trout Brook Addition to the Ctty of 5t. Paul to the point of 6eolnning of [he line to be de- scrtbed; thence South 4 degrees 25 minutes 53 seconds East� a dlstance of 233.76 feet; thence South 27 deqrees 27 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of E6,34 feet; thence South QO deorees 32 minutes 40 seconds East� a distance of 3�.00 feet more or less to ihe South line of Block 22, Edmund Rice's Trout Brook Addttlon to the tity of St. Paul and there terminating. Parcel contatns 6,334 sq. ft. ' „ _t.____-- --- _- . __ - � --_ � , , Alao � a temporsry consExvetion easexnt, 20 foot in ridth�yfng icmediete�y ed�aeent to the abwe describe3 psrmneat easemeata, All aa ahwn oa the Depe�rL�e� oi public Norks Easerxnt Drewin� tiled in Prever 2388 /979 , 4, 7Pnmber E3S0. Snid temponry encemea� to expl,re on Dcce�er jl, ��. or upon cor.pletian of City Pro�ect B-1471� rbicLtver occurr :ire�.