270303 WHITE - CITV CLERK � � �:��F`' PINK - FINANCE TT COURC11 ��'.•���.''i, �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY . OF SA I NT PA 11 L � BLUE. - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul enter into en agreement with Minnesota Transfer Raitway Company and the Commissioner of Transportation, State of Minnesota, for the installation and maintenance of railroad crossing signals at the intersection of Kasota Avenue with the tracks of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company tn St. Paul, and appointing the Commissioner of Transportation agent for the City to supervise said pro- Ject and administer available Federal Funds in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 161 .36 (1976). The City's share of the cost shall be 10 percent of the total cost, and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of St. Paul , and be it further RESOLVED, That the City's estimated cost are $2,996.70 to be charged to PIR Fund 60000 to be reimbursed from }�j$"M.S.A. Funds. City ProJect T-�103. ��'�7 �j$�� ��. /��--/,��-�`I APPROV D AS TO FUNDING � � T � �� (mkb) ector, nan nagement ervi ces COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler / Publ it Works ---�a- _�_ In Favor Hunt • �� �___ Against BY Roedler Deniel J. ford, Dir ctor (TJE/g�yy) Sylvester � �y(�L._ Tedesco . '�� C 2 g 1977 '�� QE Form Approved by ity At orney Adopted .by Council: Date Ceet"ified Pa_ by Cou _il Secretary BY .. g� ����' Appro by 17ayor. DEC � O �977 Approv by Mayor for Su i si�to Council By BY QUBUSHED ,;� ��� . � • . �2 � , , � , .. � 2�y��3��� AGREEMENT N0. 58864 OATED: � S.P. 62-00114 � • �Minn. Proj. RRP OOOS(4) � � Railroad Crossing Signal� " Kasota Avenue . St. Paul, Minnesota MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY COMPANY . RAMSEY CDUNTY Agency Funds TMIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between CITY OF ST. PAUL, hereinafter called the "City", MIN�VESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY COMPANY, hereinafter called the "Company", and .the COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPQRTATION, STATE OF MINNESOTA, hereinafter called the "State"� WITNESSETH: ' WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration, when acting in cooperation With the Transportation 0epartment of the 5tate of Minnssota, is authorized by Act of Cangress to make Federal Aid available for the purpose of eliminating hazards at railroad grade crossinos within the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the State, pursuant to MinnesQta &tatute, S�ction 161.3b(1976) , is authorized to cooperate ��ith the United States Government as its agent in � supervising improvements of public highways within the State of Minr,esota not included in the trunk highway system, and to act 3n disbursing ar+d accounting Por Federal funds in conn�ction therewith; and . WNEREAS, Ka�ota Avenue, �s now established, crosses the track of the Company at grade West of Highrway 28U in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the location of said crossing 7nd railway track being ghown on the print hereto ' atteched, marked Exhibit "8", and herein referred to and made a part of th�s agre�mecit; and -1- lu'!Z� . , � . . � , �,. Agreement No. 5&864 . WHEREAS, the City and the Company d�sire ti�at this grade crossing be � protected by railroad crossing signals, cantilever type, and the Gompany is willing to install, maint�in and aperate such signals upon the te�rms and co�- � ditions hereinafter stated. � NOW, THEN, IT IS AGREEa: l. The State of Fiinrre�ata, D�part�nent of �rans�ortation, "Standard :��auses far Railway hiighway �gre2ments", dated Septe�nber 2�, 197?, is at�ached hereto as Exhibit '�A", and hereinaFter referred to as "Standard Clauses", Except as he�einafter Pxpressly modified, ail of the terms and caiditions set forth in the "Standard Clauses" are hereby incorpnrated by refeTence and made e �art of this agreement with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein. ' Stan�ard Clauses Ncs. �, 2, 3, �+, 5, 1� and 12 are deleted from this sgreement. � . 2, As the Company is not ad�quately staffed or equipped to perform the signal installat�on with its Awn forces, it is autharized to contract such work to Safetran Systems Inc. The Comoany's contractor, Safetran Systems Ir�c., therefDre, shall furnish ell material ar�d labor to i�stall a complete railroad crossing sign�l �ystem . on Kasota Avenue as indi�atezi on attached ExhibiL "8". Said plans sFecifications and the �crk to be done shall be subj�ct t� the approval aF t�e O�partme�t of TransRartation oi the State �f Minnesota. t�ork of installing this signal systec� sha11 be prosecut�d sn as to b� completed within 12 months after the date the Gornpany is authorize� tc begin Work. . � ,.2� . • � ���� Agreement No. 58864 � If the Company shall determine it impossi�le to complete the work �ithin the period herein specified, it shall make a written requ�st to the State for an extension of time for completion, setting forth therein the • reason for such extension. 3. The actual costs of the pro�ect herein contemplated, incl��ding engineering costs, are to be financed with 90� Federal Funds and 1�� City of 5t. Paul Funds. 7he State and City will reimburse the Company as provided herein for anly such items of work and expense as are proper and eligible far payment with Federal Funds. The State's 90� portion (reimbursable with Federal Funds) will be paid to the Company in accordance with Articl.e 9 of the Standard Clauses, Exhibit "A". The City's 10% p�rtion �ill be paid to the Com�any when the pr��pct has been completed and the Final 8i11 has been approved by the State. � It is understood that the fallowing estimate is for informational purposes - only. The estimated cost of the work to be done hereunder is as follows and in further accordance with detailed estimate attached hereto and marked Exhibit "C" Engineering, Plans, Material and Wiring � $20,527.00 • Labor (Including Additives) 9,440.00 ' fOTAL ESTIMATED COST $29,967.00 Portion of costs allocated to - City af St. Paul (10� of actual � � cost) $ 2,996.70 Reimbursable with Federal Fund9 � �26,970.3q �3� �..i� . • � . i, . Agreement No. 58864 � 4. In the event it ,i� determined that a change from the foregoing statement of w�rk to be performed by the Compar.y or its contractor is required, it shall be autharized only by a written change or extra a�ork order issued by the State prior to the performance of the Work involved in the change. . 5. The said graae crossing signal system shall be maintainpd and c�pera�ed by the Company upon cam�lEtion of its installation, but tt�is said obligation tn maintain said �ignal syst�m shsll continue in accordance �rith the law of tP�e State �s i� ahall be from time to �cime in the future. 6. The signal system shall nnt be removeci unless there 5a3 t�eer. a determination that said signals are no longer required a� this Iocaticno In the event that either railway �r highway improvements will nec�ssitate e rearrangement of tne signals at said crossing, the party �hose imprr�vement cause� said changes w�ll bear the entire �ost of the same u�ithout obligatian to th� other. _�_ • � :%i�!� ' _ ' , • r . � • , . • ! � . . Agreement PJo. �886G IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the �arties hereto hav� caused this agreement to � be duly executed. ' � 'Approved� as, to Form • CI7Y OF ST. PAUL . • 8y• . � Assistant City Attorney Mayor 4.. , -.. _ � � .By: � , Director, `-Finance and Mana�ement Services I� Presence of: . MINNESOTA TRAfdSFER RAILWAY COh1PANY By: Attest: � Sec:etary Recommended for Approval: � Ctiief, Railroad �perations In Presence of: . Assistant Commissioner, Public Transportatian � _ Dated: , 19 Approv�:d as to Form and Ex�cution: APPROVED: � ' DEPRRTMENT OF ADMINISTRATICN . � �y. ssa.s an �arn�y e�7Gra � � ut;hor zed igna ur.e .`� . w�� . :f:.�rZ . . , . . , � STATE �r t•1Ii�!lUESOTA DEPAft7�•9�PJT OF TRA�lSPOR�ATiON STANDARD CLAUSE5 FOR � RAILWAY-HIGHWAY AGREEt1ENTS SEPTEMBER 22, i977 �1. The 5tate will rPVieu plans and specif?catio�s f�r the c�n- struc*ion of the grade separation structure and a�prove the separation of grades of the tracks nf the Gompany and ❑f th� tr�!n=: highway, as sl;own in the plans ar,d specifications referred to in this agreement. � � 2. �he State agrees to let a contract �ursuan� to law for th? con- struc�:ian of the highway project referr�d to in this agr=zment, iri accordance With said plans and s��cifications referr�d to in thfs agreemen�. � 3. The Sta�e agrees that all �ork provided to be done by the Sta�e on the right of way of the Cor��any shall be perfermed and completed iri accordanca With said plans and s�ecifiications in a manner sazisfactary to the Chief Engine�r of the Company, ar his authorized r�presPntati��e. T�;e Stat� �aree� that zny can+r�ct let ay it, far the pPrformanca oF any construc- tion u��k centemai3ted �y tt�is agren^:�n±, �i].1 require +he contrac�or to comaly with ail of �the provisic�ns rela�ing to wor{c or raiTroad rignt of way contained in "hiinnesota, Dep�rt�nent of High��ays, St. Paul, 5tand�rd S�ecifi- cations for Highway Constructian" , �ated January 1, 19'72, as amended by "Sup�lernental Specifications", dated April 1, 1976, to furnish to thz Ccm�any � a Railroad Protectiv� Liaba.lity .Insurance Policy and to carry regular Con- tractor's Public l.iability and Pro�erty Damage Insurance, both as specified in the �'er1e:a1-Hid Flighway �ra�ram i;anual, Valume b, Chapter �, Secti�n 2, SuSsection 2, and h�ving li�its of ?ia�ility, aG specified in the specifica- tions an� special provisions aeferred ta in this a,^,reement. Said Raiiroad Protect�ve Liability Policy and evi�ence of said Contractor 's Pub.lic Li�bility � and �roperty D�mag� Insurance, execut�d by an insur2r qualified �n :�rite �uch pol,icies ir the State of h1innesota, shall be delivereU tc tt�e Co�:�pany prior to the entry upon or use of th� Company's �roperty by tha Contractara � k. The State res�rves the right to make such char,ges in ti�e plans � or character oF the w�rk, as tne work u�der thQ contra�t progres��s, :�s shall, in the �om�nissioner of Transport�tion's judoment, be r�asonaoly nec�ssary to � cause the agreed highw�y project to be in all �hincs constau��ed and co:�pleted in a satisfactory m:�nner, and to that end, znd as su�plemental to a�y contract let for the construction of said }�roject, to enter i.nto any su�ple�ental agreement with the contractnr for the performance af any extra work or work occas3o��d by any nece�sar��, advantag�ous or desirable cnange in the plans. Any such changes ir plar� or tt�e character af �:ork, �nuolvin!� the �cmnany's facilities o� property, w�Il be subj�rt to the approval of the Company. EYHICiI7 np'� _ Page 1 . _ , _ _. • � !���r��J �' S. 7he State agrees tn pay tne entire cQSt of the work to be Ei'er- form�d unCer the cantract to �e let by the StatE, ineluding the State�s supervision of the contract work, provided, however: a.) that nathing herein contained shall prevent the State from pursuing and enforcing any of its common law and statutory rights, which it may have against any tortfeasor, including any contrac�or and the Company; � b.) that when the Company has liability or obligation to the United States or the 5tate for any �ortion of the railway- highway project, the Com�any shall pay its share of the railway-highway project in the nanner ar�d to the extent .set forth elsewhere in this agreement. 6. The provisions contained in �ederal-Aid Highway Pr�gram f�lanual, Volumz 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, 5ubsection 1, an�d U�l�.�me 1, Cha�ter 4, Section 3, shall ap�ly ta the railway-high�day pzoject, regardless of the method cf fi�ancing the project. 7. If the C�mpany enters into a contract or agree�nent with a con- _ tractor, to perfor� all or any portion of the Company's work se� forth in this agreement, the Corn�any for itself, its assigns and successors in interest, agrees tha� it will not discriminate in its choice of co�tractors and will include all of the �ondiscrimination �rovisions set forth in APPENDI:< "A" , at�ached h�reto and made a part hereof, in any such c�ntract or agreernsnt, 0. The Cor�pa�iy agrees �hat ��s re�resentati��e i� charge of the work set forth i� this agree:ne�t shall furnish the State's Engineer in charge of the project: a.) "Fflrm 2233, Minnesota Departm�nt of Transportation, Payrell Monthly Report", signed in duplicate, shawing the number of inen on payroll, classificatian, total hours worked and starting, stopping, resumption �nd comp�etion dates for each month, nat later than the week fol2owing the month in which the work was performed. b.) Upon request, full detailed inf�rmation as ta progress of work and amount of labor and material used as of the �ime of request. � In addition to the foregoing records �nd acts, the Comnany will, from time to �ime , make such otf��r reports, k�ep such other recor�s and perfnrm , such othcr work in such manner and time as nay be necessary tc enable t�e State to collec+ and obtain available Federal Aid. 9. To the extent set farth in this agreemcnt, the State will re- imburse the Comoany for actual expense incu:red perf�rming th� work set forth in this agreement. Payments will be mac:e in accorclance with the following; EXHI�IT „A'r -- P�ge 2 9-2�-77 . .. •• �'. ����P��� ' a.) At leasi; °0';� o�' parta.al bills marked "�'ragressiv� E]ill i�o. 1, No. 2, �tc." , nr "First, seconci, etc.", signed by an off:.cer of the Gompany , rendesed in se;�tu�let. P�F�ial bills shall be bas�d on actual cost� that can be su�s�tantiated by che�king the Cor��ar,y's records b�t da nat need ta b� in detail: or, b.) At leasz 75;� of partial bills narketi anc� signed, as required above, based on the Company Engineer's estir�ate of the per- cen�age ❑f compl��tion af the various cost reim�ursable items, as shoun on the �:etailed estimate, whicti is 3ttached to and made a �art of this agreement, subject to the State Engineer's concurrence and approval of said compl�tian percentage. In no event wi�l a c�m+�ination of partial billing based on actual . - cost� ar�d Engineer's estirnates, he rei�ni�errsable. c.) At least 90,•� �f final bill marked "Final", signed by an officer of the Company , rendered in septuplet, i� acco�da�ce with Fe�eral- Aid Highway Pro�rarn P�a:�ual Uolume 1, Chapter 4, Section 3. Said fin�l bill shall be a complete, detailec� and itemized stat�nent of al? i+ems of w�rl; �erformed b,� the C�cn�any, as sho�n in �he ' appro�riate exhi�it ❑r �xhibits attachzd to this agreemen�. d.} Final pa�nent W?11 he made after audit af the final i�ill. The Com�any shdll kee� account of its �nrtc in such a w�y that said accounts may be readily audited. In the event that any amount previously paid to the C�mpany is in excess af the actual cost determined by audit� the Compa�y, u�o� no�ice af the Sta�e, shall pay to the S,tut2 zhe difference. � 10. In the ev�nt tha� the S±ate does n�t enter into a contract for /c`onstr»eti�n of �he ar�j�c�� cont�mplated by this agre�ment on or before a day twelve (12) r�onths after the date this agreernent is fully executed, then eittier party may, at �ry ti�� ther�after, serve notice of ca�cellation upon the ott�er Party�, by re�isterer� mail, and this a�ree�ent shall a��2diateiy 5e can���?ed and terminated; oro�✓iced, h�!�ever, that tha i.om�a�y sl�a1.�. be reimtaursec� in full by the State for all rei�^�ursaUle costs incurrec! aft�r this a�reem�nt is fully execut�d anC priar to said cancellation. x 11. The reinb�arsable naintena�ce costs shal�. not extend to the repair of any damagp to the bridge structur�_ resuiting fron the Qp�ratians of the �Cam�any for.which the Gorn��n�f h�s any common iaw or s�atutory liability. The reim�ursa5le rnair*enance costs shell bQ limited to tlze actual cast of la�or and naterials used �rd to rental va�.ue �f equipm�n� used. The actual cost of lab�r and naterials and the rental value of equipmer�� referreci to shall be ascertained in acco�darce iaith the �rovisir�ns of' th� Eec�eral-Aid Nighway Pro- �gran hlanua3., Volum� 1, Chas�ter 4, Section 3. Excepi �s h�reinafter �rovided fn �he case of �n�rc�e�cy re�airs, reim5urse,nent shal� be maue �nly if the � Company has s�britted i�� �raposed repairs to ths Sta�e, including any esLir�at� ' of cost of such repairs, �nd a;�proval has been receiv�:� from the S�ate in writing in actv�nce of starting uork �y the Company. IF the Company is unahle to obtain th� State's a��:roval of the prorosed re�airs, it may requsst and require th� State t� let a c�rjtr�ct for the necessary wQrk. In the even� nf an emergency reGuiring immeuiate re�airs to said bri��e structure in order to EXNx3IT "A" - Pa�e 3 5�22��'77 . ' , " F • maintain railroad traffic, th� Company shall b� only required to notify the State as soon as reasonably possi�le �hat the emergeney has arisen and that the Cumpany is proceeding with the work. The uompany herehy acknowledg�s that it may be necessary to file a legislative claim for reim5ursem2nt of any costs incurred before State Funds are encunbered in an amount sufficient to cover the costs of the work. In all events, reirnbursable maintenance casts shall be limited to necessary repairs. If any maintenance work is such that it cannot be performed by the Company with its own equip�ent and regularly employed farces, the �omp�ny may contract the �ork. Ho�,ever, the Company shall not award the contract ar start work until the c�ntract has been approved by the Comrnissioner of Transportatinn and �he necessary State funds ha�e 5ee� encumbered. 12. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, tha� the Commissioner of Transportation , of the State of Minnesota is acting �.n his o�ficial capacity only a�d that he shall not be personally responsible or liable to the Company or to ar,y person or persons whomsoever for any claims, damages, ac�io�s, or causes of action of any kind or chara�ter arising out of or by reason of the execution of this agrepment or the performance or completion of the praj�ct provided for herein. 13. Befo:e this agreement shall become bindin� and affe�t�.v�, it shall have rec�ived the approv�� of such State officers as the �aw may pravide in eddition to the Commissioner of Transportaticn. . 14. The laws flf the State of rlinnesota shall govern all questions as to the execution, nature, obligation, constructien, validity and perfcrmance of this agreernent. 15. If it appears to the Company at any time subsec�uent to the date of this agreement and �rior to final ccmpletion of such we�rk, that the ac�:ual cost of such work will exceed the estirr,ated cost, the C�mpany shall imnediately sa notify the State in writi7g, thereof, and, after ttte additior�al func;s are encumbered, �u�h notice will havz the affect of amending this agreement so as to include t;he supplemental cost of such work. CXNIBITY �:An _ Pac�e i; 9-22�77 � Mn/DOT 25252{J 2/7G) � APPENDiX A . Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title Vt of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. , During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assigrrees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"), agress as follows: ' (1) Compliance with Rsgulations: Th2 Coniractor wiff compty v�iith Regulations of the Department of 'Pransportatien relativ� to nondiscrimina#ion in federally-assis#�d progcams of the Department of Com- �nerce {Tit!� 49. Cflde of �ederal Rnc�al�tion, Part 21, hereinafter refierred to asthe Regulations),wrhich are herein incorporated 'oy reference and made a par# of tM'rs contract. � (2� i�londiscrim'snation: The contrartor. with regard to �he wcrk performed by it after award and prior to tompletion of the contract w+ork. v�rill not discriminate on the ground of race,color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, incfuding procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The eontractor will not participate ei#her directly or iAt3irectly in the discrimination pro- hibited by Sectian 21.5 of the R�culations, including employment�ractices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix "A", ''8" and "C". (3) Solicit�tia�s for Subcontracts, !ncl��ding ProcurErnents of INlaterials a�d Equipment: In all solicitations either by competi;ive bidding or negotiation maoe by the contractor�or work to be performed under a subcontract, ;ncluding procurernents ofi materials or equipment, each poten#iat subcontractor or sub- plier shall be not�fi2d by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations r�lative i� none�iscrimi�ation on the grouno af race, color or nation or+gin. {4) 6nfArmati�� a�d Re���#s; T!"e cor�trac�ar �r�iH �rov��� �!� informa#ion and report:; required by tl;e Re�lations, or orders and instrGFC:ians issised pursuant #hereto, and wit! permit access to its books, �ecards, accounts, other �ources o# in'ormation, and its facilities as rnay be determined by the Depart- rnen4 af Transportatian or the Fe�era! Highway Administration to be �ertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulatior�s, orders and instructions. �lVhere any informatiQn reGuired of a contractor is in ` the exclusive possession of anothpr who fails or r�fuses to furnish this ir�format;on, the contractor shall sa certifiy to the Department of T;anspor#a#ion, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate. • an�shall set forth what effmrts it has made to obiain the information. (5j 5anctians for Nnncompliance: tn the event of the contractor's noncampliance with the nondiscrimi- ' nation provisions of this contrac#, the Depar#ment of Transportafi�n shati impose sucr� contract sanctions as it or th� Federal Hi�hway Administration may determine to be appropriate. inc4uding but not limited to, (a) witholdin� of paymPnis to the contractar under the contract unt�t the contractor complies, and/er (b) canc.ellation, termination or su�pension of the contract, in whole or in part. (f,) Incarporation of Pr4vis�ans: The contractor wifl include the provisions of paragraph (1) through (6) in every subconiract, including proc�remenis of materials and �easES af equipment, unless exempt by , the Regulations, order, �r instructions issued pursuant thereto. The cantractor will take such �ction with respect to any sub�on#ract or Qrocurement as th� Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administraiion may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, ho�nr�ver, that, in the event a eontractor becomes involved in, or is threaten- ed with, Gtigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of sueh direction, the c�ntractor may r�quest the State to ent�r into suth litigatieq to protect :he interesfs of the Sta►e, and in addition, the con;ractor may rec,uest the UnitQd States to �nter into suth litigation to protect the interests of the United States. . � ' _ � , „ D , . � � � . . ._ O � . ' • � O . � NoRT N _r—_ , < � � � . • z . � . , � z . _ � . -�-� � . . , � � . � � . _ � . � � �� , . o . � m � . � � o�� � ____ � � R���. o . � DrRr RoqD � V ' ' �''- i�p ' • e* - - . _-..�_ . "----�'_ - '1� • N . � . �` . . n • ' :R ����'�� 0 ad�� �! . . . b J . � . � � - � o z Z � :--t � r � . � � . � � U �� � .s�, t' C .� - ,� o � � � . f,, -= � ��� �� y . ,.„� � �� C'. �"1 E. :'1 i �'��' J -.{ .`!' � ` ' .�.7 � � ,� !�` � � � • i't.P{�� ' tt ��� . � � (� i �I�i:e.� � � . �., � � . . _ �. . . , .. . . 2����`���� � . fc���:.�I� � '�.�C,,'�_- �'�� . �` 'r` Tt-IE ii-1iN�ESUTA TRHt'.ISFE�Z F�.11_�VAY CUMPANY j''"' Z ' :� - � G� � �.� . � '. � 207) UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESCTA 55104 �'�1 L�'a t��.'� J. L J�NSEN Chlcf Engineer H.T.JOHNSON Supervisor Maintenance October 20, 1977 Mr. Gordon Y�. Boldt ChieP� Railro3d Operations lYIinnesota Department of Tra.nsportation Transportation Building � St. Paul, b�innes�ta 55155 8e: 730 � Kasota Avenue . St. .Paul - D-4795 Dear Mr. Boldt: Pursu�nt to your letter of �uly 13, 1977� in connection with above- referenced grade erossing 1.:cprove�ent, enclosed h�cv�.th is copy of Estimate prepared by Transp�rtat�on Engineerin; Ser�vices Campany in the total amount of w28,342.00. Transportation Er.�ineering Services Company also indicate an additi.onal cnarge oP 5225•00 for 1-way side light if required ��n cantilever in Southwest Qu�drant far. dirt road located in Northvrest Quadrant. In addition to ths �ounts indicated by Transportation En�;ineering Services Ccmpany� ari ar�ount of �1,400.00 should be inclu3ed to cover the 220-volt pfl�ver �ervice which would be extended to the bungalovr by another contractor. This Estimate does not include ar�y s�ounts for t�pgradin� o� ihe existin� crossing. Yours tru�jr, lY'rj'✓ �`1 - ��"�� � � UJohn Z. Jer.sen ChieP Engin�er S, P� � - DO // � cc: J, A. I,ehn � y e � rn e � 1` /Ir0 • .S b'$ � 7` � � � � � s � �.�;Fi�i:�; `°�,, ShG�T / of 3 g . � � � �: . � ' r"'7�-w°� . . .� . • ✓ { ��, fj /�� T�9,1'd��"Cb��t�':.�TiE:1Pd EL�.'•�tE�7Gl=itiiP�C,x �,ERVtG'L'� CG�Vl1Pf�C3Y <.,. � � ~, �,� . / �.�,E �•. A SUb.idiofV O( $afetran Systcros Corpc�ration , 1 , � �,:,����`� 7721 NATIONAL TURNPIKE — L.OUISVILLE, KENTUCKY A0214 502�3G1•�J2G7 502 )361-1G91 . . � QUOTATlON FORM . ' TO: Minnesota Transfer Railway Co. EST.NO. 0977-598 Mr. J.L. Jensen ' ' . Chief Engineer . DATE 9-1-77 2071 University Ave. . �St. Paul, t�T 55104 � SHEET 1 . OF 1 � = � � _ - . . • FOR t��ATERIAL AND;OR SEnV10ES REQUESTED . _ Grade Ciussir,g Warninc; De�i.:es - :asot� Ava. ;W. of �3ighway 8�) in St. Paul, Minnesota. Minn. Proj. No. RRPOOOS(3j ' , . t fSee attached materiai list and letter) ' . � . , . , . - . . ; THlS QUOTAT/ON/S SUEJECT TO THE"TFRMS AND CONDlTIONS OF SALE",EXPRESSED OlU THE REVERSE SIDE. � � . . . . . - • • " . � UMIT T�Tp.I. lTEM QTY. DESCRIPTIOfV . � ? P?.IEE . PRl�� . . (1) 1 lot Engineering, plans, material and � � � - bu.-�galow wiring $18,902.00 (2) 1 lot Field installation and testing $ 9,440.00 (3) 1 lot 1-way sidelights if required on cantilever in • S.W. Quadrar.t for Dirt Road located in I3.W. • Quadran� $ 225.00 . NO�'E i , Our price is predicated on 220V Power Service to the bungalow being provided by others. � s j� b �- �o"I! � • . . �} ��r�feme�t No. S88G� � 0 . �7� � 1. 7otal price of this inquiry � As noted above , t+•-.�-r ;c ,� ..��-„�;i � '�i S/lce.�- a o� .3 2. F.O.B. point •+f othe� than rnfg. plan; Job site with purcliase of installai:i.on 3. 11nt�ci��ated De�ivery Si ring 1°78 +�. Ouot3tion ;nacic� ,�- Trznsporta��,ia:}� F.nc;incering ServiCes Com4�any,a subsidiary uf Safetran Systems Corpuratian, 1�1 IVat,ii,�i•� lurn��'�<c, Louisvillc, Kr.ntucl,y 4021�i. � , f �� � _.� � SfGNE:O• ��,% /1/'�. f _ t'`�- _ __._..__��___ 71TLE .Vi.co }:��:esi4cnt���n��is1 t•iaraa.ger • . ._ .�,,�. _�'_w fi.�. f3iz�� r-r.e t�.�`. 1'�rrvfn;n • a.,n�,. v��r �—J:�O - . . � , - nnTE: y-i-�� . . ` ' - ' MINNF'aO`PA T1��iYSF�R P,AILj•I�1Y COh:PANY / ' . Material List • ' � ��r.����� � � t�' _s � Grade Crossing • Kasota Ave. Warning Devices . • � . St. Paul, 2�linn. . � - „ Minn. Pro j. :Vo. . - : R12P-OOOS(3) 2 ea Model "ARC" Cantilevers equipped with 20 foot arms, 17 foot road clearance, 2-way FL�-10 liqhts on main and jury masts, lOV � .�.SHI bulbs, "Railroad Crossing" sign, ladder and one can�ilever with DC bell. 4 ea Galvanized steel bungaloc,� foundations � ' 5 �a Trac?: Connecting Kits ' -�� 2 ea � Battery ChoY.es . � 4 �a Wide Rand� Shunts _ � � 4 ea Burial Tubes for. Shunts . • 5 lb Duxseal � ~.., ' • � 4 ea P�dlocks and 1 ea. tezmiaal. wrench . • l ea 6' x 6' Steel wired bungalow aitYi circuit breakers, ;�eater, fan and access�ri� 2 ea Cable Risers . ' 1 ea Power OfF Indicator - �• . 1 ea Battery 'I'ray � � . � � 3 ea Relays--assorted Safetran biodel "F." '. � 1 ea Taper B�,ttery Regulator HTT8670A _ . " I ea Signal �.ighting Trazsformer. . • : . • 5 ea Adjustab�.e Resistors . - - 1 lot Cable Terminataon . - � � - 1 lot Te st Ter.mi.na 1 s . - " - . - ]. ea Prima Grourzd ' = � 1 lot Misce�laneons scraps, �crews, etc. 4 ea Clearview Liah�ning Arrester � (Pc�wer Frotect�on� • 1 ea Power Lin� Protector . ' . (Power Protection} - 1 lot Insulated Nuts � , (Power Protection) 1 ea Surge Protector (SP20=2A) (Power Protecticn) 1 ea Surge Protector {Splg-2A) � • (Control Protectior�) � ea Surqe Protec*or (SP25-2) - . (Cantrol Protec,tion) 1 ea Surge Protector (SF27-2) � � (Control Protectionl - 5 ea . � �3eavy Duty-Lightning-Arresters jCc�ntrol Pro�ection) 3 ea • Heavy Duty-Eq�.i3lizer-Rrrester (Confirol Prctect.ion) 1 ea Moti.on Senso.r Model 6r�350-6�45-4000FiZ - 6 cells 220 A.H. Lead Acid Storage Battery . � 250 fi: 2 COSICI. No. 9 linderground Track Cable 100 it 1 cond. No. G Underground Track C3ble 30U ft 5 cond. No. 9 Underground Signal Cable • 1 lot Fle,Y Wire ' - 2 ea Concrete Cantilever Four.dations 1 lot Tags and Ternu nals 1 lot Track Eonds (Cad:�:ld) � � • • . 2 ea Grotuid rods, caps and ground wire . � � � 1 lot Conduit for caL,ie protectio.n beneath the road 1 lot Enc;ineering and I'l�zn Prc-y�ration - 1 lt�� Fact-ory l.ah�r (case wiring and testing) � 1 ��t Pield installatio�2 and L-r_st.a.ng � i � 5, p � a- oo��� t+L'1TI:P.IA1,S TO rE FI)P�t•IISIIED r;t7D Z\STIT�LL.D :3Y ���!�i!Fi�S: `�- o r e � �n P� t f�0. �SS�D/ A. 220 �Volt P�srer 8ervice Co Bfi;�g�zlow � ' •� �, � �j � 7 �� ' ���`�i�;�i rr�t� ,S�i c e�' 3 ;i�.3 ` . , OM O1: 22/3.975 ' � , • . = . Itev. : �/8/76 . � � EXPI�ANATIQN OF ADMINISTRATIVE dRDERS, RESOLUTIONS� AND ORDINANCES � ��'��� . ` �., �" "Q p:,� �' Date s November 22, 1977 �� �" '�' ` ' '� � . . 0��. 1 5 -:�'�7 M�111COR'� . " Tp; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Public Works, Office E�gineering gE; Raiiroad crossing signals. on Kssota Ave. at inters�etion with Minnesota � � . transfer Railway tracks, Just west of T.H. 280. � � ,; . ; t . , . � k � ACTION REQI?ESTED: . \a i Agra+�nent would authorize the tnstaliatton of th� slgnats under tF�� • � authority of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company. The toCt�l cost of the pro�ect estimated at�29,967.00 to be financad 90R Federal Funds ($26�970.30) and 10� Ctty Funda ($2,9g6.70, fr`om M.S.A.j. The _ ,State to act as City's agent in obtaining .Federal�ds. , PURPO�E F,ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: In accordsnce with an Agroement between the City afid Mim�esota Department • of Transportstion, Ag�ncy contra�ct for 1977, the State shalt act ss the City's ag�nt in accepting Federal Funds for improvenients of City streets. Each pro,ject to be authoriied by resolution of�the CounciJ. ATTACHMEtdTS: Copy of Agreement. - ;� � TJE/RAH/adcb