270299 � .. �,r�t e�'a k+"jt WHITE - CITV CLERK . �/ `�'a',� �1'� J N�I. l' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF� SAINT PAUL Council � . GANARV -'DEPARTMENT 1 BLsJE' - MAVOR, � . Flle �0. - ouncil Resolution /� Presented By : -��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul wtll incur certain costs in regard to Sewer Maintenance in 1978;and WHEREAS, the Department of Pubtic Works estimates these costs as follows: Estimated Sewer Maintenance Costs Metropolitan Waste Control Co►rnnission Charge $ 7,660,770.68 Debt Payment Credit Deducted from MWCC Charge $ 101 ,041 .00 Public Works Sewer Adm#nistrative and Maintenance $ 1 ,553,395•00 Water Department Billing Costs $ 180,000.00 TOTAL �9, 9�5,207.00 RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231.02� of the Salnt Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Sewer Service Charges (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December l , 1g70) and upon the recommendation of the City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sewer Service Charges to be levied and collected during the year 1978.• The rate shatl apply to all sewer service bilis rendered by the City from and after Janua ry 1 , 1978. The rate shalt be: 1 • $.555 per 100 cu. ft. for the first 100,000 cu. ft. $.53 per 100 cu. ft. for the next 200,000 cu. ft. $.50 per 100 cu. ft. for the next 200,000 cu. ft. $.465 per 100 cu. ft. for the next 500,000 cu. ft. $.435 per 100 cu. ft. for � �r 1 ,000,000 cu. ft. 2. The minimum charges for properties served by sewers during the year 1978 shall be based upon water meter sizes and in the amounts as follows: Page 1 of 2 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Publ ic Works Q� Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler an e . u or c or S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by ;Vlavor. Date _ Ap o d by Mayor for S ' s' n to Council By B WHITE - CITV CLERK $�w"�i PINK - FINANCE GITY � OF SAINT PAUL Council � (�r.�f.�� CANARV -'bEPARTMENT � � BLI�,E - MAYOR File NO. - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Water Meter Size Charge 3/4" and Smaller $ 3•60 Per Quarter 1" $ 6.30 Per Quarter � 1�" $ 2.80 Per Month 1�" $ 4.40 Per Month 2" $ 10.00 Per Month 3" $ 21 .00 Per hbnth 4" $ 52.00 Per Month 5" $ 75•00 Per Month 6" $ 100.00 Per Month 8" $ 172.00 Per Month 10" $ 246.00 Per Month 12" $ 340.00 Per Month All Over 12" Meter $ 500.00 Per Month AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That for these properties served by a water meter of one-inch or less, the Sewer Service Rate Charge for the first quarterly state- ment rendered by the City for 1978 shall be the rate to be charged the same property for the remaining quarters of the year 1978. FINALLY RESOLVED, That the receipts derived f rom the above rates be used for estimated Sewar Service Costs. Page 2 of 2 COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Publ�C Works � Butler � In Favor ��ee� . Hunt �+�w �__ Against By c Roedler Daniel J, nford rector Sylvester Tedesco DEC 2�9 �g77 Form Approved by City dttorney Adopied by Cou�cil: Date Certified Pas,�ed, C inc,il,Secret�ry BY , � „�-�--. � � 2 � Ap o e by Mavor: e 2,9 1977 Appro d by Mayor for Su m' ¢n to Council By B " Pt1BLIS�EQ ��C 3 i, 197� � ���G��?��� 1978 SEWER SERVICE RATE PROPOSAL for SA1NT � PAUL M1NN . � DECEMBER 1977 . . . ' . • jf�1F .� � • , � . � i� . . , �, ,.�,k ���.�= o.s�+* CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° �� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � ' a� n �s s� � *" � Daniel J. Dunford,Director 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor 612-298-4241 November 29, 1977 Honorable Georga Latimer Mayor of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall � Court liouse BU I LDI N6 Dear Mayor Latimer: The purpose of this letter is to present for your approval , a recommended Sewer Service Fund Budget and a recommended Sewer Service Rate Schedule to cover the anticipated expenditures. Following is the expenditures comparison of the 1977 and 197II Sewer Service Fund Budgets: 1977 197� Metropolitan 4Jaste Control Commission Charge $6,887,032•95 $7,660,770.6$ Debt Payment Credit $ 92,924.00 $ 101 ,041 .00 Sewer Administrative and $1 ,3f35,400.00 $1 ,553,395•00 Maintenance Budget Collection Costs $ 170,000.00 $ 180,000.00 58,535,35b•95 59,495,207.00 it will be necessary to increase the Sewer Service Charges for 1978 an average of 26� over the 1977 Sewer Service Charges. There are two main reasons for this increase: decreased metered water consumption and a substantial increase in wastewater treatment charges by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. ��"`J - -2- , To: Mayor Latimer Date: P�ovember 29, 1977 In 1977, the City-metered and weil water consumption, the basis of our charges for sewer service, decreased approximately 8 percent. The rapidly rising costs for treatment of wastewater has resulted in water conservation by in- dustrial and cormnercial properties. This decrease in consumption resulted in an unexpected $640,000 loss in sewer service revenue in 1977. Since 1971 , the Metropolitan 4laste Control Commission's Annual Budget increases have averaged about 10.5 percent. The Cort�nission's 1978 Budget increase is 17.3 percent. In 1g71 , the cost for the collection and treatment of wastewater by the Commission was $192.72 per million gallons, in 1978 the cost will be $427.05 per million gallons. The substantial rise in costs brings another subject of concern to the City and its residents; the large amount of stormwater entering the City's Combined Sewer Sys tem. It has been estimated that in an average year, about 5.9 billion gallons of stormwater enters our system. At the 1978 cost of $427.05 per million gailons, the cost of treating this stormwater next year will be $2,519,600 or 27 percent of the totai collection and treat�nt costs assessed to the City by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. Hopefully, your appointment of a special Task Force consisting of inembers from the Department of Public Works, business and private sectors to investigate this matter will result in reducing this problem. Since establishing a Sewer Service Charge based on volume in 1971 , the City has consistentiy maintained a step rate. Consistent with this policy, the folla,ving is my recorrxriendatton for 1978 rates. I have included a comparison of the 1977 rate and the proposed 1978 rate. 1977 197$ Increase First 1A0,000 Cubic Feet $0.455* $�.555* 22$ Next 200,000 Cubic Feet $0.43 $0.53 23� Next 200,000 Cubic Feet $0.40 $0.50 25q Next 500,000 Cubic Feet $0.365 $0.465 27� All Over 1 ,000,000 Cubic Feet $0.335 $0.435 30� The increase for a home owner with average water use will be $2.50 per quarter (billing period) . . -3- To: Mayor Latimer Date: November 29, 1977 It is my opinion that this proposed �ate structure will conform to the rules and regulations of the Environr�ntai Protection Agency (EPA) and the Metropolitan Waste Controt Corr�nission policies regarding Sewer Service Rate Structures. STncerely, �G��wK.�" � Daniel J. Dun ord Director of Public Works REB:RP:mf � , . , . ; . . ' h1ETP,OPOLITAN WASTE COiVTROL COP4h1ISSI0N STA7Eh1ENT OF 1978 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES 180 ST. PAUL GALLONAGE � OF TOTAL AMOUNT CURRENT USE CHARGES � � TREA7MENT WORKS COSTS 21,800 .239521 7,651,920,78 � SEWER SERVICE AREA N0. O1 21,800 .315672 1,b57,758.79 . TOTAL CHARGES 9,309,679.57 OTNER CREDITS OR CHARGES , � CURRENT VALUE CREDIT 1,082,843.00CR DEBT PAYh1ENT CREDIT . 101,041.00CR • 1976 FIP�AL COST ALLOCATION 465,024.89CR TOTAL CREDITS OR CHARGES 1,648,908.89CR TOTAL APdNUAL ESTIMATED NET PAYhIEPdT DUE 7,660,770.68 Monthly Instal7ment $ 638,397.56 Due on the first day of each month. Installments not . received by the lOth day of each month in 4vhich due ' � . shall be regarded as delinquent and sha11 bear interest from the first day of such month at the rate of 6`6 per annum. . . , � aM Oi: . I2�1975 - �tev. : 3/8/75 . � • . � EXQLANATION Or ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE�'tS, �?r�(�c�[�(� � rcESOT:UTIQNS, AND OR�IN.A,.�IC�S F.+ I V►4�7J , Date: November 29, 1977 T4: MAYOR G�ORGE L�,TIMER FR: Daniel J. Dunford, Di rector of Publ ic Works � '�� � w � '� * � RE: 1978 Sewer Service Charges . . D�� ' �.J� MAY � OFf�C'E ACTI�N REQUESTED: Transmit Council Resolutions regarding 1978 sewer service charges and required public hearing to City Council for action. RECEIVED . ��� � � �s�7 � . '� � H�M . PURPaSE AND RATI�NALE FOR THIS ACTION: � Sewer service charges are established yearly by Council action in accocdance with Section 231.02 of the St, Paul Legislative Code (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662� .approved December •� , 1g70) AT�'AC:���N�'S: ' l . Councit Resolution - 1978 Sewer Service Charges 2. Council Resolution - PubJic Hearing 3• Department of Public Works Report � . . 2'7(�2y� � t� -��; , �: �. �,��� A� ,� ���; na . $�i�n au aru�,�� �. esota, tt,e�pu}��e . �e to.eonsiAer 3eia+er Serv- &� t to 3erF1oA 231 ' °�ttle` t -xul'LegialRtiv+b`�; � iate�+es�ed par� may �tA be he betwce tftie�Ci$. , ,x. , DeCBmber ?.�1;1. ,'; :� �����„'��:: ��� E�embQC+2i, �,.'�,. y >��. � - �"�'�_ . . ��f, .