270285 WHITE - CITV CLERK � 1 7 PINK - FINANCE G I T SA I NT PA U L COIlI1C11 ����� . CANARV - DEPARTMENT ,t BL� -s-nA61YOR File 1\O. uncil Resolution _ Presented By Refer To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the matter of hazardous buildings being that 2 1/2 story residential structure in the City of Saint Paul known and described ns ?51 Laurel Avenue and situated on those premises legally described as Lot I8j Block 12r Nininger & Donnelly's Addition to Iiolcombe;s Addition to Saint Paul, accard- ing to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registe� of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota WHBRSAB; pursuant to resolution� C. F. No. 269759, app�aved 8eptember 15, 1977, a pubZic hearing was scheduled for 1.0s00 a.m. on September 22, 1977, before the C7ouncil of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing pertaining to the condition of the structure located at 751 Laurel Av+�ue. Saint Paul.; and WHEREAS, upon facts presented r►t said hearing consisting of photo- graphs, inspect� reports and the recaamnendation of the D#vtsion of Housing and Building C3ode Enf.w�cement it is found and determined by the City C;�ouncil that a�ccording to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds, the I.ast record owner of the above� described property is Margie L. �Peters,. 751 Laurel Ave., St. Paul 55104; that the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul has a lien in the amount of $199.29 against the property at 751 Laurel Ave, � and that it is further determined that the above described buildings constitutes hazardous buildings within the definition of Minnesota Statutes " Section 463.15 for the following reasonsi a. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard ta the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical dama�geE dilapida- COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco . Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary � BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY - � �'���� b, The owner has made no attempt to satisfactarily repair the damage; d, The continued vacant and boarded up candition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood; now, therefore, be it RBSOLVBD, That in accordance with M innesota �4tatutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26 and based upon the foregoing findings of the City Council, the �ouneil of the �ity of Saint Paul does hereby ,mak� the fol.Iowing Orders ORDER 1. The owner of the above bu�.lding shall make the saxne safe and not detrimental to the public peace, h�alth, safety and welfare by having the saic7 building r�zed and the materials therefrflmn removed from the pr�►nises within thirty (30) days frc�m the date of the service of this prders 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this prder or an answer served upon tha City of �aint Paul and filed in the Office of the �l.erk of Di�trict Court of Ramsey Caunty, Minnesota, within twenty (20) d�ys from the date of the aervice of this �rder, a Mation for gummary �nferrcement of this Order to raze and remove the said buildings will be made to the Ramsey Cbunty District Court; 3. In the event that the buildings are to be r�.zed by the City of Saint Paul. pursuant to judgment of the �istrict C,cc3urt, a].1 personal property or fixtures which may unreasonably interfere with the r�zing and removal of this building sha1.1 be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of �udgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul sha11 rsmat�e and dispase of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law1 2. WHITE - CITV CLERK ��I';R(�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �j��r(� - CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY �OF SA I NT PAUL 8��� ,� M�t�oR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the above described renl estate and collected as other taxest and be it FURTFIER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution and incorpornted Order herein be served upon the last record owner of the above described property in the manner provided by law. s 3. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza � In Favor Hunt � . Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tede .y Adopte y Council• Date — �� 2 7 191, Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ied Ya• by C Se�retary BY v Appr v by Mayor: ate � _ DEC 2 5 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .�UBLISNED !,�is ( ��` � s �`�b��,�i C�,l � �s��ti:�� F+�G�ZT ��`+' CITY OF SAINT PAUL y A OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY O � � a� a +� '�.v�.�.�� A ,.�. Harriet Lansing, City Attorney 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor 612 298-5121 December 19, 1977 Mr. Albert B. Olson Council Recording Secretary City Clerk's Office Res 751 Laurel Ave. Our file S71-I689 Dear Mr. Olson: Attached hereto is resolution/order pertaining to the above hazardous building. Upon passage of the same by the City Council, please forward three certified copies to me. Yours truly, � � BERYL A. NORD Assistant City Attorney BAN:rl Enc. `4id`'"+�':$J � K w , � g C�: °�: ,�' S o,`� s L �- / �JT,.: _ . �� �� "�"� �o,t=a.` � CITY OF SAINT PAUL "� �'a " DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ° . '�� ��... h° • .,. DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT 445 City Hali,St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latime� Mayor 612-298-4212 September 20, 1977 Mr. President and Members of the City Council Re: 751 Laurel Avenue File No. 2829 Honorable Councilr The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby submit- ting its report on the condition of the structure at the location re- �erred to above. The owner of record is Margie L. Peters, 751 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104. The legal description of the property is: Lot l8, Block l2 , Nininger & Donnelly's Addition. The building is a 2� story residential structure of wood frame construc- tion. The subject property has been boarded up by the o�nmer since July 15, 1977. This building due to age, lack of proper maintenance, �tar�dalism and ex- tensi:ve ,��re damage i.s deemed beyond feasible rehabilitation and should be condemned and removed as soon as possible. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and baarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division that this matter be referred to the City Attorney' s office for razi and removal through District Court proceedings. Yo s ruly, nn A. Eric on upervisor of Code Enforcement CC: Messrs. George Latimer, Mayor Linda Fisher, Cit� Attorney's Office W. Shimek, Fire i�ia�s�ia1 L. Levine, Council�� F. �ta�fenson, �iousing Code GAr:3RR:vo ��O REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 92392 Assessment District: S t. Pau 1 Oc tober 31� 19 �� I�gal Descript;on: Robertson & Van �tten's Addition PpOPERTY IOENTIFICATION Water � � District Plat Parcel Shed ► Property Coded As: 08 65000 032 04 No Address of Property: 229 Edmund Ave. See Division 51402 ,;ppiicant: Robert T. Simon for: Now 033-04 & 034-04 H.R.A. Mailing Address: Applicant's Market Value: Land $ Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: 1975 Exempt Property Application School U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED District A YEAR C land Bldg/O her Totat Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Velue � U 1430 11660 13090 H 25 3000 40 436 625 U 75 � 1430 10010 11440 H 25 2860 � EXEMPT NO.OP PERCENT � � � . EXCEPTION Z CODES RESD UWNED LIMITED MARKET CODE � U UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST " n W S r A rEi ACRE LAND ONLY ASSM PRO G E E G E G T 7 p R E ' Y Y \ Assessor's Recommendation: ' School U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES L!MITED MARKET VAIUES ASSESSED . A YEAF District C Land Bldg/Olher Total Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Vafue 1430 11660 13090 EX 40 5236 onl 1430 10010 � Keportof Investik*atiun: . AppLicant acquired property on 10/6/75 and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/75 and 1/2/76. � � • " � � / --�� - � � �% , � , �- � , � i,"' ' �'� ' %��`^%l�G���---- :�. RKP APPr• RKP Steno JW � r / :�% _ � _ `� Authorized Signature # � Y � •��' O ::,°�� �� °��.;� „� o 0 0 B ;, p ro � � � o� °-N � mpRN � � � r �� �p � m �, a�,� � o m (D w �ic' � j 9 . O -�i N �OG O ��,,,m � �� � C �• � O O ¢ � > �°��� m �OX �C �' � � D � O . C �w � � .-.U � G (D � � H � O � � 9 � ^ y �O G� �D " � E pt 1� • 'L N N i o nQ, m E m N o ��'� n A, � r � z p N e i�7 N� o'� o m � � � � b � p w � y a �, �� m m �.► � 'o r!J � 3 � a ^ 3 � y E 1 � �• � � �,/ z a ^1� � �.y � fD �r"� 7 � � n "`� � � �o A�O .�a. � N N �fD i � � �� ^ . . � � aW 10 �w � y �' 3NN � H � O � �� � �o � : '�' M � (�. 1 5 � � � � o � p 0 � O � �1 E,�. y o o c ~� ��'B � � 9 � �•;y I C �,i n� ^' °,m a o a%. � fy `� C N �' ! °o °ov�, o •oo � . r.� 1�, m .. 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T��h� dwed�f Ab�ba�w�e�Cwnt�Bev1��Covwt� A�itM�f R��w�Cw�ts, �nJ te t��Cossirl�s�r�f T�a�tM��f t►�3ut�d Ml��wb ` STATE OF MINNE301`A� County of Rsmse� B8. Aasessment Diatrict :.�aint gaul Rat�ert T. ::iraoci — beina dnly aworn deposes and says that he;,��t�„a;� ; , 'i1 nt �...�,- ,.��., � ��,� ,��,-.. ,�� ��.�.,* a...., ,.; ., .� . and thst �_ .�-1 S � ,,r� r ; 1 r t e�r,1-' ` - . --- � L' c � y acgu�red Cz�i�� k�^ ��he followin�* degcribed resl �n�_rty loc�t d in tl�e cit� of Saint C�r���� �S-Oa -03�. a�> Tnt 3� 131e�k b� R�herficnn and jtnn Ftten�s saaici�n te SA�t pa1t�1,�, At'ec�t�rl{pg rn tht± p„lnt thara�nf nn �j,l� a�n�{ nf rarnrri in tha __ pffic,��f hR Rn��iate�r nf np..a��,�,�in eud �oT s.aid �ountT. fnr ,-AdQ�laFmenC titi �1YS�_C.�'JFL'171�L2�►t��S-(::tni nl (:cxavin�t� npvst.n�+n�nf Pr�F.rtsm niscr�st 7� tliat ttie Autltority ac�ili ra�titl� to s�+Ld orone��,y on October 14, 1973 bti� a '.�arrr�nty Deed� wtiicti Ik�!ed �dag filpd nn O�tober 14, 1975, ae llocucaon� tio. �41$892; tha b w rt �) _ obt+ 14� 1975 gnA ehe n _rc��s±nt� thc� Auttiority h�a hald sAid t�ro�ert� i n tlir3.��+i,1 i c ligf s EX-��1C tLAm nl j 1-r�xES Snc1 A4ae±�?sm[nntA��tii'SLFt[lt tb t�1L� DY'QY�S�II6 of 2dinnosota Statutes, Section 462.575, 5u'bdivisi.on (1). �hcrcfore avplicant praya that All resL A!�t�r�.x.aY�*q flnri tns4 qv _nta asa�ss _i� l�vi�d 8Ad 1CCrt3^d�,,ain�t h�1C �for^�=+i�1`.17f7E'�'rT;]Z1T f�le i n t}te y�ar ly �e fully abeted. ,. . N • HUUSirIG AhD REALVELOPTt:�1T AiIT}iORITY • n � ✓ t ��� -/ � - �� A ' ADDlicant Rob�rt T. Sfnaan, Chief of Real Estate Subscribed and aworn to before me thia 31st _day of—�i� A. D. 19RZ 4%�+ti.�4;fi� .. .+ . . i.�., . .., � . . ,� -- � l.- ��. r�� �/ ��� _ ... ; . �. 7 , :� � - `�-=��-�;=�. .s�.-;�-C�.r ar� ,�� . � ' / ;; �., ,r .^ � .�'� .