270274 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ��� ��� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � BLUE - MAVOR � u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund 09060-536-000 $6,500 To: General Government Accounts Judgment and Compromise Judgments 09065-512-000 $6,500 Approved as to Funding: Approved: �� �� � Dir. , Dept. f Finance & Mange. Serv. 'B dget Direc r ��� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay�s � Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine � __ Against BY — Roedler Te�dje co ��+� � ? 1��7 Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date — C ified P� ss � Council ecret�Ey BY- By Ap by Mayor. Dat � '���' ¢ ` Approved b for Subm' Cou il gy, By _�t�s�!s?�Go [?�C ? � 1977 :,;;e -. c�tvcterk �Y � CjITY OF ►SAII�TT P�ITL� : �������� � �:u — Finanet Oept. ,, nary— Oept UFFIGF. OF THE MAYOB " � ,� �" No.��ao� ` ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �y.��,��� �-�3 �7 - . � Date: F�� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, �� ��dowski, an emploqee of the Department � of Public Works, �rss in jured 3.n an accident on November 4, 1975, ;n; while engaged .fa:::the•:performance of hi.s duties=:�hil� =idiag upon ,. ;_, �, a Ci� vehf��e p"gnd :�: a ...,,.._ 3,, , ,� ��=�r � "7j Y{: � `��`�"�'�."'�'�� �=� �,a�x�}.�.y���,x �- 4 :, _ : ` ,.. .... ���' � _ .;�Ja�at:��rrandows�ci has been paid' $I35 per veek��n ' ��, �`� �orke�rs`'compensation .benefit�;�.�3:th. aa adjustment factor, _ .�� Lk�;,� � <:Cf tqR��trsusnt to 'th�::iTorker(.s'. �ompen.$ation Act;, and " .`"`` ' �5�'",y ;;�' '.�;1 ' �y�"s�±':f't >,�,�" .�S'Y'."-��'+'nir V',�� F � � ��P' ` �aede�:,Minm. S�t$t�,`�C,b�agte,r: b58;. no �fault";iiability � ``� �:g�rovtde�foi�a�:maxi� of $20f� pei a�eerc. �.a Taag� Ioss;_, noW, , � x � �t_�r A�.j�_� }..�` � �ICj.CL�drPii��:i7C52��L�".7-� .:. � ��y j���.^r� �� _t r:tG v�i. c .?k >,* we ,�,.+�} � �S�'� � - .�v - � � _ � �; . � ' ��"� .•,r '��- �� 't`�'�� #.fi��,.,.� � " r`-rv.,. . � __� .: +, .; fi �`� k:� .� ' tbat.Jolva �,e*iandowski be id= ttLe difference ` � � . _��. _tYBD�RED�,�=� pa . _� . betire�ea: them�orl�ers`` mpensation rate, which inc2udes the � adjvstmeat=:factor, =andc�tbe na fault liab�.ity rate; said . difference. .to be� cbazged against Judgment and Gompromise Fund 090b5.. k ��� =� :� 5 �� �r> - � � ". �`�d ��`� � ..'�a ,�Sd�r°..�7v �, � � � _ . . .. � A k � x �a yt��y"" f ' � . > "rl.. �� ^' '� �� I 1: ix���R' . } lt �.y � �,� � N � � . . .. • - . �..v�.,* � �� �s n.i'�' �k . :.. �. � . . . t � .r �.,�^�;F� : d � � - . . rt . �, . .'.y „M. t �...*n. �„ (.� ..�- $r�'-`� -•' . .. . .. . _� :�,. _ .. . .. . . .� . . ' ^•,� t ._ . V� .._ . .� . : . . �z. a<a `�'j�r .� � . .. . � .. �,:. , ; ,� ���ry • ;.: ,iirk .: . * ,. ..�. �. � '` p _-z, .' _ � _.'. .;,�. _ . , � ':. • • .. '. . ' . . �r . ♦' g � �:: 1 ..-:.. . � �', � . , .:.l . . .. ` ' ' '� . . � . � . . . i` . . . .. � . .. � . . . .. .': . '... ��.. .. . . . . . .. ._.., f. . . . � .-_ ..,n . .. .. ..' , . +._ . . .'. l �..:'`.. . . .— .: ... . . . . . . �� . . � _ • ..�:<V . . . " .._ . , . _ .. . .. .. � - ` . . � . 1PPROVED AS TO FORM FINANCE DEPT: AS TO FUNDIN�: Assistant City Attorney - /D/�/'^ Department Hesd �/��!�( .. :s'-�. , :)�.ite � ,� Administrative rlssistant to btayor ,�` , : _ � 41: 22�7.975 , � ,, `. F�v. : 9/'8,�'7 6 ` EXPLAItitATIOi�i 6F ADMINI�TRATIVE: ORD�R�a, RES�LttTIE�iS, 1RNI� ORDINAI�CES : . ` d����4�� Ddte: De�nber 9, 1977 Tp: MAYQR GEORGE LATIMER : ;:. FR: Rona18 G. Kiin . R�: Budget 'Transfer . t ��CTI�N RE4UE�TEI7: Your approdal of this;resolution for subm�:ssion to the City Co�tncil. ` , _ FtIRPQSE AND RATIQNALE FOR THTS ACTIOAI: �ohn I,ewandawski, :an employee of the De�,s�rt,�tent, of PubZie Warks r was. ia1 jured in �an �ccident t+�vemb�r. 4, 1975, while engaged in the per€orm�t f his du��.�s v�h�.1e ' riding .�an a City vefiicle. Lev�randowsJti has b�en paid 135 er �k, `the maximu�m � allowed ��er the Worker's_C�rnp�nsation Ac�. Lewandows � is ent�:tlec# to a $20�:per. ; .. week.maxfaa�m unc3er no fault 7,iabili.ty, Minnesota 8tatut�� Cl�ap�er 65�3. It :h�i$ .beet� ' - ordered tha�. Lewandowski ree�ive is differeace. The a�nount he is �titl�d:to; ` accruing since November 4, 1975, is $6;�00. This amount n�us� be ga�.d frag�a the . , � J�dqment and Coaipromise activi�X. How�ver, �his activa.ty ha� no fuu�s; th�.r�fore, ,` _ .a budget trariaf�r is nec,essary. ` , '_ . .ATTACHME1�iTS: , �. Gouncil Resalution* _ . ;,. . . , ;. ' Copy of City Attorney's Administrative Order. �` �" : ,. �. , ' i;; i ;i , , , : � . r '"� �. , � ' CITY OF SAINT P�iUL f �� ' � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CO'O'1�''CZL ,�, c,�����.� H �,i�`.. . ' a - „, ,.,.��:1 ..,;�. � __. �.� ,• Da t e : December 19, 1977 �-_ . . C � IIIIMITTEE REPOR7' TO : Saint Paul Ciiy Councii F R O M � C o m m i tfi e e 0 t1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL , � ROSALIE BUTLER , choirman, m�kes fihe fotlowing . report on-- C.F. �] ardinance �] F�esolu t ion C] Ot h er . TiTLE : � At its meeting on December 19, the Committee heard and recommended approval of "the following resolutions: . - � _ .� � ._ � T�ransfer of $5,000 from Contingent Reserve-General to Auditorium � - Theatre Study.to pr•.ovide funds for the redesign of the proposed Civic Center Theatre . Transfer of $37,200 from Employee Insurance to Retiree Insurance . to cover insurance costs for retired employees �vhich were-greater . than anticipated . . Transfer of $100,000 from Contingent Reserve-General to Civic . Organization Contributions so that the American Red Cross can . � administer and distribute emergency home heating funds to needy . persons - Transfer of $45,000 from Contingent Reserve-General to City Planning to fund a study of alternatives to the Downtown People Mover � . ' Transfer of $6,500 fr.om Contingent Reserve-General to Judgmen.t & � � � Compromise to compensate John Lewandowski , an employee of the - Department of Public Works who was injured while engaged in the � performance of his duties to the full amount of insurance due - � him under no fault liability - , -. _ - �. _ CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, biINNFSOTA 55102 .�.��a„�w :