270269 � WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ��� � PINK - FINANCE .{.y G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT I�I� (. File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Developmen - o ' olution �-� , Presented By � " Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution No. 266179, approved on October 9, 1975, approved guidelines and steps for the establishment of the citizen participation process to aid the City in the development of programs for the City and its neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the District 1 Community Council has applied for recognition as the District Council for District 1 ; and WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the District 1 Comnunity Council has complied with the Gity Council 's guidelines and steps and recommends that the City Council recognize their organization and appropriate $4,770.00 to assist the organization in implementing its work program; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on Wednesday, December 14, 1977, for the purpose of considering the request of the organization, the Mayor's recomnendation, and to hear from all interested persons; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and recognize the District 1 Community Council as the District Council for District 1 and does hereby approve and appropriate the following funds and budget for the organization for the period January 1 , 1978 through June 30, 1978, and the Mayor's Office is authorized and directed to administer the budget on behalf of the organization in accordance with such procedures as may be established by the Mayor's Office: Communication and Office Supplies (printing, publicity, stationery, postage) . . . $2,450.00 Salary for Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,020.00 Office Rental and Utilities . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 4,770.00 COUNCIL1�EN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: Bucier Commun i ty Devel opm Hozza In Favor Hunt / � Levine _�__ Against BY �i ��' � Roedler '�'1'r`��ier Tedesc Q�(; � ? �s7] Form Approve by it At±orne Adopte � Council Date — rtified Pa; by Coun �1 Secret�fry BY By D?.�� _ Ap o by ;Vlayor: D � ��V 2 � �977 App d by Mayor for Su is ion to Council By BY pUBLlSH�D D E C � � '�?T. �� :;� ��� ���� � : .�.�s. ,.��`8t'T� ,. 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B�tt1� �� �t�} � ��ir��. �f � ;� - _ apP�rt�P���t�;� � �4,7'�8 a��.:.�'b�et �ar>.�� �►rga��i���i�rn `F�an Jan��� 1�. ���8 ` - � �: �, .. .. � r' � �t �t�t����, 1�3�$ ;� . t ' � r . . . .. ^��/ . . � � � ;�� k F� ' • , Y, � � u �. 4 s� — �'.� . � � . . . .. \ � S ' :;.�;���` ,�� �i{�Y�� ��� ����� ���3����� � �� � �. ��' R1��f7 �� � � � 6 ., '., ' . ,. . . _ . . �i�� �rn+���:`� �t��e1i�� and sta�s a�s as��i3s�i ��C ��r��+C:�<1 � tt'�i�t N+�. ����1�9 � �- � � t � � } � ,� � ���� . ' - . :, � � • �� . ,� - . � � � .. - .. � 4 -�� 1 , . .. �. . � . �.k � �,.�/. . , . � . � � . . :;4 b, �4� "•�� ,.. . . � ' . �. � . . � �' ; , � . .. ' .. . ;.. . , . � V � -.�� ���V �.r��! �V3ilF4{��� �TiiSzl.i��F3R� • . ' � . ..�� 1 ..�'.�_ �! ;a� � . �• . . . , . . .. . •� , � . ' . ' � 'h . � - . . . . � . � . . � .� � ' .. . . . � .. � . .. � �a � � � ,. .. � � � � . . `� 3 ', '...;. . . . � .. � . _ . ,. . . , . .� ��¢ i . .. , . � . . .. • . . . s • � ,d . . � ' . . � . . ._�.�. � - ,e ... , � .. �c�� - � � .� � �.� . . .,x ;. � . . . � �.;. � .2 ;� _ � . , � ./ � . � � � � �'�.: � �t� , , , „ > - .. , � € �. � x � 1 ,,.._... C.. � ��� �� November 30, 1977 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Rose: Please be notified that I have called a special meeting of the City Council for Wednesday, December 1�+, 1977, at 7:30 P.M, at the Harding High School Aud.itorium, 15�+0 E. 6th St. , to consider recognition of an official group to represent Citizen P ipation District No. 1 (Battle Creek), � -�� Co cil President �. We, the undersigned Counci en, do hereby waive written notice requirements for a special me ing of the City Council on We day, December 1�+, 1977, at 7:30 P, at the H ding Hi h S ol ' orium, 15�+0 E St, or reasons sta abo . � , '} a � , � -�- -� � � � � ' ��.� ���� _�, _ ` � (; t •r�- c�i� �.> > �•c 1 '.� i • r, � ���ieisiiis <)1'1'1(11: <)1' '1'111'. �1.\l'()lt ���� s :S LI G17'l' 11.\I.1. �,'P'' ti.�l\7' i'.11'I., ?ll�\l:tiO'1'.� :•.—�I(j'= �n�_� _s�:t—.t:s_:t . (�r•.i>xc:i: l.:rrt�tr.'x ?1nvu�a MEMORANDUM To: Council President Robert Sylvester , Members of the City Council From: Mayor George LatimerC�� Date: December 6, 1977 Re: Recognition of the District 1 Community Council (Battle Creek Neighborhood) Attached is the report and recorm�endation of the Comnunity Development Section regarding recognition of residents in the Battle Creek neighborhood as the District 1 Community Council . This report should prove useful in the Council hearing on Wednesday, December 14. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. William Patton directly. GL/kk � � Attachments cc: Rose Mix � Gary Stout �r 55. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Mayor George Latimer � �` From: Mr. William Q. Patton, Administrator of Community Development ���-�` � Date: December 6, 1977 Re: Recognition.of the District 1 Comnunity Council as the General District Council for District 1 Background � Since August of 1977, a District 1 steering committee has met on a regular basis for purposes of formulating by-laws, work program and budget for the Hayden Heights corrmunity. - The culmination of this effort resulted in a public community meeting held November 15, 1977, where by-laws as amended were ratified. Membership is open to residents, organiiations, and comnercial intereSts of the District 1 community. . Work Program The District ] Council , as indicated on the attached Work Progra!n, will pursue short-term planning activities (i.e. , Unified Capital Resources Allocation Plan) and long-term planning activities (i.e. , General District Planning). Other planning and prograrr�ning efforts include.increasing citizen participation efforts and establishing task forces.to deal with issues such as transportation, public safety, the environment, land use, education, recreation and issues as identified by the District 1 neighborhood. B -y Laws By-laws were ratified as amended at the November 15 comnunity meeting held at Battle Creek Junior High School . Notification was provided for in the local dailies, church bulletins and a leaflet was prepared and distributed to every resident in the District 1 area. Budget ' ' The attached budget request is for $4,770.00 fieginning January 1 , 1977 through June 30, 1978. This budget will assist Dis'trict 1 in carrying out citizen participation activities. ��O -z- Recomnendati on The Office of Comnunity Develo.pment is satisfied that the District 1 � Council , as proposed in the attached documents, meets the intent and ' purposes of Council File No. 266179, establishing a process for citizen participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul . � Therefore, we recomnend that the District 1 Cor�nunity Council , as proposed, . be recognized as the General District Council for District l . WQP/klk . Attachments cc: Gary Stout � DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY COUNCIL NARRATIVE STATEMENT In August of 1977, a steering comnittee began meeting to discuss the possibility of generating a broad-based district-wide organization in the District 1 community. While District 1 had several community organizations representing small geographical areas, there was no organization representing the enti re corr�nuni ty. On August 30, a steering committee meeting was held at Sunray Library and sub-committees to develop by-laws, a budget, comnunications and a work program were established. These sub-comnittees and the steering corrmittee continued to meet regularly through November of 1977. A public meeting was held at Battle Creek Junior High School on November 15 to present the by-laws to interested citizens for ratification. The by-laws were adopted that night as amended for presentation to the City Council at a . public hearing to be held in December. Notification for the public meeting was . implemented by a door-to-door flyer distribution throughout the district, by announcements in church bulletins and by a press release in the St. Paul daily newspapers. The intent of the District 1 Community Council is to provide a citizens' format for develppment of long-range and short-range plans, to attempt to effectively resolve issues as they arise in the neighborhood and to develop a systematic comnunication system. The December 14 public hearing with the City Council will be publicized � through a door-to-door flyer, church bulletins and the daily papers. : ARTICLE I -. NAME ' The name of this organization shall be District I Community Council. ARTICLE II - BOUNDARIES The boundaries of District I include Minnehaha on the north; the City limits on the east and south.; Barclay, Harding High School and Barclay again as it continues to Warner Road, including the Mississippi River, on the west. � ARTICLE III - PURPOSE � The purpose of this organization shall be: Section 1 . To develop imnediate and long-range plans which shall provide for the physical , economic and social needs of the district. Section 2. To establish a consistent means of communication so that citizens may be made aware of proposals affecting the district by public agencies and officials, and may, in turn, participate in the planning prior to any action. Section 3. To have a well-informed district realistically pursuing its �best interests, thereby improving the quality of life in the City and increasing the confidence in the future of the district and of the City. To this end, the organization will use various media to inform the district of �issues which may � affect its interest. � � Section 4. To set realistic goals for district projects and programs which may require funds from outside sources, whether public or private, and to work to unite all elements of the district in seeking to obtain such funds. • Section 5. 7o .provide• a forum for open discussion so that residents and business people of the district can work together toward the common goal of a ; -2- , � safe, healthful and attractive district within a safe, healthful and attractive c;ty. , , ARTICLE IV - MEMBERSHIP � Section 1. Membership shall be open to all residents who live within the boundaries established for District 1 , who are sixteen (16) years of age or older, regardless of race, religion, sex or national origin. Section 2. Membership shall be open to business owners, or their authorized � representatives, whose businesses lie within the boundaries �of District 1 . Section 3. The District 1 Comnunity Council shall encourage active participation by all citizens and business owners who qualify for membership. Section 4. Membership shall be open to personnel on the staff of civic organizations located within the boundaries of District 1 . Section 5. Members shall have the right to appear on the agenda at regular board meetings to present pertinent items of interest in District 1 (e.g. , recomnended projects for consideration, recomnendations for change to by-laws, etc. ) , . . ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND BOARD� OF DIRECTORS � Section 1 . The officers of District l � shall be: a president; a vice- president; a secretary; a treasurer. The term of office shall be two years. Section 2. Mid-term vacancy of the president position will be filled by the vice-president. Other mid-term vacancies shall be filled by the Board of � Directors. � � Section 3. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote ;: of the District 1 Board of Directors. Absence from three (3) consecutive board meetings sha�l constitute grounds for rer�val from office of any officer or. -3- � . board member. � Section 4. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers plus 11 persons elected at large. The term of office shall be two �years. The Board of Directors shall have power: (a) to fill vacancies in its own membership; � � (b) to elect officers and fill vacancies in any office, except chairperson, occasioned by death, resignation, removal or any other cause; (c) to exercise all of the powers of this organization; (d) to appoint comnittees as necessary. . Section 5. At the first annual meeting, the president, vice-president and five board members shall be elected tQ 2-year terms, the secretary, . treasurer and remaining board members shall be elected to one-year terms. Thereafter, all officers and board members shall be elected to two-year terms. Elections shall be at the annual meeting. � . No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS Section 1 . Annual Meeting. District 1 organization shall hold its annual meeting in January. The date, time and place of the meeting shall be set by the Board of Directors. The interim report of the nominees by the Search Comnittee and the date, time and place of the meeting will be well publicized throughout the district 14 days in advance. Election of officers shall be the first order of business. � Nominations shall be open from the floor. Officers elected shall assume office at the conclusion of the meeting. Annual reports by the president, secretary, treasurer, and chair- ;: -4- persons of such comnittees as the Board of Directors �may request, shall be provided. Issues of concern to the district, proposals for projects or programs that might be under consideration, shall be presented and discussed. . All participants shaTl sign in at the meeting, and at all Town Meetings, with the appropriate r�sidential or business address of each. Section 2. Town. Meeting - The annual meeting of District 1 shall constitute one Town Meeting of the organization. A second Town Meeting shall be held in May at a time and place set by the Board of Directors. At the Town Meetings, the members shall be informed of problems affecting the comnunity, reports on possible action shall be made, and general discussion shall be open to members. All members shall be entitled to vote. Notice of Town Meetings shall be the same as that for the annual meeting. Section 3. Board of Director's Meetings - The Board of Directors shall hold regular monthly meetings, as determined by the Board at the first meeting. Board m�nbers shall be notified by the secretary at least one week in advance as to time, place and agenda. , . . Section 4. Special Meetings - Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the president or by a majority of the Board of Directors on matters of urgency, provided that contact .is made at least three days in.advance . specifying the time, place, and reason for meeting. . . Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall exist if 7 m�nbers are present. � � Section 6. All meetings covered by these by-laws shall be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order. � � Section 7. All meetings covered by these by-laws shall be open to the public. Eligible participants from the residential and the comnercial sectors -5- i of. the district are encouraged to attend. ' � The regular meeting date shall be determined at the first meeting. � Meetings may be changed one month in advance. . . ' . ; � � ARTICLE VII - COMP4ITTEES ' Section 1 . The Board of Directors shall establish cortmittees and task forces as deemed necessary for its purposes. ' Section 2. The chairman of each. committee shall be appointed by the i president with the approval of the Board o#' Directors. Any person, a member � of the District 1 Community Council , may serve as a member of any co�nittee. Section 3. Each committee shall consist of one member of the Board of � Directors. No more than two (2) members of the Board of Directors �shall be members of any committee. No officer of the Board of Directors may be chair- person of a standing or permanent committee. Section 4. Committees shall have power only to issue reports to the � � Board of Directors and the membership. They shall not take any action without � prior approval of the Board of Directors. Comnittees shall provide written ' reports of their progress upon�request of the president and upon discharge of the comnittee. . Section 5. All committee meetings shall be open to the public. Whenever � � possible, committee meetings shall be announced to the community in advance of the meetings. Section 6. There shall be established a Finance Comnittee whose existence shall be permanent in nature. The duties of this committee shall include an annual audit of the District 1 Cortenunity Council finances,• and the comnittee . shall insure the treasurer complies with all established regulations in the ; handling of District 1 funds. -6- Section 1. At least sixty (60) days in advance of the annual meeting � designated for election of officers, the Board of Directors shall appoint a '' Search Comnittee consisting, of not less than five (5) persons, who shall be �� responsible for presenting a list of candidates for all of those positions on the Board of Directors which will expire as of tk�e date of the annual meeting. To the maximum extent feasible, the names of the Search Comnittee and the names of the nominees for office shall be publiciied as far in advance of the annual meeting as possible. The Search. Committee shall present a proposed list of nominees for office at the regular December Board meeting. Any member of the Comnunity Council may submit names of candidates� to the Search Comnittee. � Section 8. There shall be established a Long-Range Planning Corr�nittee whose duties shall include preparation of the district plan and keeping the plan current as the issues and interests of the District 1 Comnunity Council change. � ARTICLE VIII - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES � Section 1. The duties of the officers of District 1 shall include the following: � A. President 1 . Preside at all meetings of District 1 . � 2. Have general responsibility for conducting the affairs of District 1 . � 3. Have general responsibility for the implementation �of all resolutions passed by the membership. 4. Sha]1 designate committees and appoint chairpersons, with ' the approval of the members of the�Board of Directors. � 5. Shall have the privilege of attending all comnittee meetings. ; -7- B. Vice President � � ' 1. Shall perform the duties of the president in the . president's absence, inability or refusal to act and such other duties as the president shall so direct. 2. Shall assist the president in conducting the business of � District 1 as requested. � , C. Secretary j 1 . Shall take and keep accurate records of all proceedings j of ineetings.of District 1. j . • � 2. Shall keep a file of reports submitted by all comnittees + and subcomnittees. � 3. Shall be responsible for proper records of all organization correspondence, ]etters and other comnunications with various persons, businesses and other entities. D. Treasurer � 1 . Shall receive and secure monies obtained for conducting the organization's business. , - . 2. Shall disburse monies as needed at the direction of the j Board of Directors. ��, 3. Shall� keep accurate records of the 'fiscal matters of District 1. 4. Shall prepare an annual statement which will be submitted to the organization along with the report of the Finance Comnittee. . 5. Shall present a full Treasurer's report at each Board meeting. Section 2. Staff Functions: � . . � � � A. The organization may use staff .furnished to District 1 by the City and its agencies. 6. The staff working for District 1 shall be accountable to the Board in establishing a work program and the performance thereof. C. District 1 shall utilize any other volunteer staff when available and necessary. , � D. Providing funds are available, expenses incurred by volunteers in the performance of District 1 assignments may be reimbursed upon prior approval of the Board: ; E. In the event that funds are available and the Board finds it necessary to employ any other staff or consultants, it may, with � . -8- the approval of District 1 membership, at a regular - meeting, establish procedures for hiring, performance and termination. � ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES These articles, or any that may hereafter be adopted, may be changed or amended by introduction of the amendment(s) at 'a regular Board of Director's meeting and voting on such amendment(s) at the subsequent general members�ip � meeting. Notification of all impending changes in these articles shall be given at least 14 days in advance of the next general membership meeting. A two-thirds (2/3's) majority vote of the members present shall be necessary for passaqe. . , DISTRICT 1 - Recog,nition Process 2 flyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 2 di s�tri buti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 2 hall rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Postage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Mi scel l aneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 900 Operating Budget for District Council (1/1/78 through 6/30/78) Equipment (typewriter, stand, file cabinet, desk, chair) . . . . $1 ,000 Office Suppl ies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Office Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Communications: Phone Service ($150 phone mate; $25/6 mos. ) . . . . . . . . . 300 Printing & Delivery of Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 � Postage . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Salaries: Clerical (40 hrs./mo. @$3.00 x 6 mos. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 Community Organizer (10 hrs./wk. @ $5.00 x 26 wks. ). . . . . . 1 ,300 Conti nui ng Educati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 $$�,170 NOTE: One-half of an annual budget based on $7,50Q/annual is $3,750. This budget is well within the range considering that equipment and the phone mate are one time expenditures. District 1 Commi,nity Council +':ork Frogr�m . Objective: District I GenerGl Fl�n ' I. r'orm c plannin� committee to conduct the planning process. � bY �/?$ . �:. Collect dat� B. Discus� the problems C. St�te the go�ls � D. Lr�ft a prelimin�ry pl�n E. Refine the plan II. Ob4�in L'istrict approv�l �nd submit the plan to the city. by �/7� 1TI. Work with city planning groups to deve�lop the components of the genera2 pl�n. A. Conduct all requirec community Gctions B. Conduct all stu�ies necessary . C. I��Zake all funding propos�ls Continuous IV. Use and update the Fiistrict I General Plan: Implementation by continuous Task r'orces. . �. L2nd L se �i. � Environment . C. Transportation U. Public Safety E. Educction F'. Iiecreation G. District I Inform�tion � Continu�us . � � , ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be District I Corr�nunity Council . ARTICLE II - BOUNDARIES The boundaries of District I include Minnehaha on the north; the City limits on the east and south; Barclay, Harding High School , and Barclay again as it continues to Warner Road, including the Mississippi Rivzr, on the west. ARTICLE III - PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be: Section 1 . To develop irrnnediate and long-range plans which shall provide for the physical , economic and social needs of the district. Section 2. To establish a consistent means of communication so that citizens may be made aware of proposals affecting the district by public agencies and officials, and may, in turn, participate in the planning prior to any action. Section 3. To have a well-informed district realistically pursuing its best interests, thereby improving the quality of life in the City and increasing the confidence in the future of the district and of the City. To this end, the organization will use various media to inform the district of issues which may affect its interest. Section 4. To set realistic goals for district projects� and programs which may require funds from outside sources, whether public or private, and to work to unite all elements of the district in seeking to obtain such funds. Section 5. To provide a forum for open discussion so that residents and business people of the district can work together toward the common goal of a r -2_ . safe, healthful and attractive district within a safe, healthful and attractive City. � ARTICLE IV - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 . Membership shall be open to all residents who live within the � boundaries established for District 1 , who are sixteen (16) years of age or older, regardless of race, religion, sex or national origin. Section 2. Membership shall be open to business owners, or their authorized representatives, whose businesses lie within the boundaries of District 1 . Section 3. The District 1 Community Council shall encourage active participation by all citizens and business owners who qualify for membership. Section 4. Membership shall be open to personnel on the staff of civic organizations located within the boundaries of District l . Section 5. Members shall have the right to appear on the agenda at regular board meetings to present pertinent items of interest in District 1 (e.g. , recornnended projects for consideration, recommendations for change to by-laws, etc. ) ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1 . The officers of District 1 shall be: a president; a vice- president; a secretary; a treasurer. The term of office shall be two years. Section 2. Mid-term vacancy of the president position will be filled by the vice-president. Other mid-term vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Section 3. Any" officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the District 1 Board of Oirectors. Absence from three (3) consecutive board meetings shall constitute grounds for removal from office of any officer or � r ` -3- board member. Section 4. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers plus 11 persons elected at large. The term of office shall be two years. The Board of Directors shall have power: (a) to fill vacancies in its own membership; (b) to elect officers and fill vaeancies in any office, except chairperson, occasioned by death, resignation, removal or any other cause; (c) to exercise all of the powers of this organization; (d) to appoint corrrnittees as necessary. Section 5. At the first annual meeting, the president, vice-president and five board members shall be elected to 2-year terms, the secretary, treasurer and remaining board members shall be elected to one-year terms. Thereafter, all officers and board members shall be elected to two-year terms. Elections shall be at the annual meeting. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS Section 1 . Annual Meeting. District 1 organization shall hold its annual , meeting in January. The date, time and place of the meeting sMall be set by the Board of Directors. The interim report of the nominees by the Search Conunittee and the date, time and place of the meeting will be well publicized throughout the district 14 days in advance. Election of officers shall be the first order of business. Nominations shall be open from the floor. Offieers elected shall assume office at the conclusion of the meeting. Annual reports by the president, secretary, treasurer, and chair- -4- • . persons of such committees as the Board of Directors may request, shall be provided. Issues of concern to the district, proposals for projects or programs that might be under consideration, shall be presented and discussed. All participants shall sign in at the meeting, and at a11 Town Meetings, with the appropriate residential or business address of each. Section 2. Town Meeting - The annual meeting of District 1 shall constitute one Town Meeting of the organization. A second Town Meeting shall be held in May at a time and place set by the Board of Directors. At the Town Meetings, the members shall be informed of problems affecting the comnunity, reports on possible action shall be made, and general discussion shall be open to members. All members shall be entitled to vote. Notice of Town Meetings shall be the same as that for the annual meeting. Section 3. Board of Director' s Meetings - The Board of Directors shall hold regular monthly meetings, as determined by the Board at the first meeting. Board members shall be notified by the secretary at least one week in advance as to time, place and agenda. Section 4. Special Meetings - Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the president or by a majority of the Board of Directors on matters of urgency, provided that contact is made at least three days in advance specifying the time, place, and reason for meeting. Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall exist if 7 members are present. Section 6. All meetings covered by these by-laws shall be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order. Section 7. All meetings covered by these by-laws shall be open to the public. Eligible participants from the residential and the corrmercial sectors t • -5- of the district are encouraged to attend. The regular meeting date shall be determined at the first meeting. Meetings may be changed one month in advance. ARTICLE VII - COMPAITTEES Section 1 . The Board of Directors shall establish committees and task forces as deemed necessary for its purposes. Section 2. The chairman of each committee shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Board of Directors. Any person, a member of the District 1 Community Council , may serve as a member of any committee. Section 3. Each corr�nittee shall consist of one member of the Board of Directors. No more than two (2) members of the Board of Directors shall be members of any corr�nittee. No officer of the Board of Directors may be chair- person of a standing or permanent committee. Section 4. Committees shall have power only to issue reports to the Board of Directors and the membership. They shall not take any action without prior approval of the Board of Directors. Corr�nittees shall provide written reports of their progress upon request of the president and upon discharge of the corr�nittee. Section 5. All committee meetings shall be open to the public. Whenever possible, committee meetings shall be announced to the community in advance of the meetings. Section 6. There shall be established a Finance Corr�nittee whose existence shall be permanent in nature. The duties of this co�anittee shall include an annual audit of the District 1 Community Council finances, and the committee shall insure the treasurer complies with all established regulations in the handling of District 1 funds. -6- ' > Section 7. At least sixty (60) days in advance of the annual meeting designated for election of officers, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Search Cor�nittee consisting of not less than five (5) persons, who shall be responsible for presenting a list of candidates for all of those positions on the Board of Directors which will expire as of the date of the annual meeting. To the maximum extent feasible, the names of the Search Committee and the names of the nominees for office shall be publicized as far in advance of the annual meeting as possible. The Search Committee shall present a proposed list of nominees for office at the regular December Board meeting. Any member of the Community Council may submit names of candidates to the Search Committee. Section 8. There shall be established a Long-Range Planning Committee whose duties shall include preparation of the district plan and keeping the plan current as the issues and interests of the District 1 Community Council change. ARTICLE VIII - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1 . The duties of the officers of District 1 shall include the following: A. President 1 . Preside at all meetings of District 1 . 2. Have general responsibility for conducting the affairs of District 1 . 3. Have general responsibility for the implementation of all resolutions passed by the membership. 4. Shall designate committees and appoint chairpersons, with the approval of the members of the Board of Directors. 5. Shall have the privilege of attending all committee meetings. • • -7- B. Vice President 1 . Shall perform the duties of the president in the president's absence, inability or refusal to act and such other duties as the president shall so direct. 2. Shall assist the president in conducting the business of District 1 as requested. C. Secretary 1 . Shall take and keep accurate records of all proceedings of ineetings of District 1 . 2. Shall keep a file of reports submitted by all cor�nittees and subcomnittees. 3. Shall be responsible for proper records of all organization correspondence, letters and other comnunications with various persons, businesses and other entities. D. Treasurer 1 . Shall receive and secure monies obtained for conducting the organization's business. 2. Shall disburse monies as needed at the direction of the Board of Directors. 3. Shall keep accurate records of the fiscal matters of District 1 . 4. Shall prepare an annual statement which will be submitted to the organization along with the report of the Finance Committee. 5. Shall present a full Treasurer's report at each Board meeting. Section 2. Staff Functions: A. The organization may use staff furnished to District 1 by the City and its agencies. B. The staff working for District 1 shall be accountable to the Board in establishing a work program and the performance thereof. C. District 1 shall utilize any other volunteer staff when available and necessary. D. Providing funds are available, expenses incurred by volunteers in the performance of District 1 assignments may be reimbursed upon prior approval of the Board. E. In the event that funds are available and the Board finds it necessary to employ any other staff or consultants, it may, with -8- • • the approval of District 1 membership, at a regular meeting, establish procedures for hiring, performance and termination. ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES These articles, or any that may hereafter be adopted, may be changed or amended by introduction of the amendment(s) at 'a regular Board of Director' s meeting and voting on such amendment(s} at the subsequent general membership meeting. Notification of all impending changes in these articles shall be given at least 14 days in advance of the next general membership meeting. A two-thirds (2/3's) majority vote of the members present shall be necessary for passage. • t�� ,�r � c F� i �� 1 '1'1' O1�' �.1I \'1' � �.11 ' 1. . � � - . . ...::: c>>��-�c.�: <>>� �r�� i: ��.�v�►�r M�� .si ��. a :3 L7 (i�'1'1' I L11.1. •� .�. . ti.11\"1' 1'.�1'1., Vl\\1:�+0'1'.� .i.—�1OL' . ((sl_) 2s)tt--I.:i_:3 (il:t>H(:li 1.:1T1�f1:12 � >t.���c>i: . RECEIVED ��� � 1�77 MEMORANDUM � Rt�bY Huht To: Council President Robert Sylvester Members of the City Council From: Mayor George LatimerC�� Date: December 6, 1977 Re: R�ition of the District 1 Comnunity Council (8�ttle Creek Neighborhood) � Attached is the report and recomnendation of the Corrmunity Development Section regarding recognition of residents in the Battle Creek neighborhood as the District 1 Comnunity Counci-l . T �. .�epo�� should prove usef�l fn tht Councfl hearing on � ���ay, December 14. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. William Patton directly. GL/kk � . . Attachments cc: Rose Mix � Gary Stout -�,j�ss. -V � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Mayor George Latimer � ` J � From: Mr. William Q. Patton, Administrator of Community Development ��• ��` Date: December 6, 1977 Re: Recognition of the District 1 Comnunity Council as the General District Council for District 1 Background � � Since August of 1977, a District 1 steering committee has met on a regular basis for purposes of formulating by-laws, work program and budget for ' the Hayden Heights community. � The culmination of this effort resulted in a public corrmunity meeting held November 15, 1977, where by-laws as amended were ratified. Membership is open to residents, organizations, and corrmercial interests of the Distri�t 1 comnunity. Work Program - . The District �. Council , as indicated on the attached Work Program, will pursue short-term planning activities (i.e. , Unified Capital Resources Allocation Plan) and long-term planning activities (i.e. , General District Planning). Other planning and programning efforts include increasing citizen participation efforts and establishing task forces to deal with � issues such as transportation, public safety, the environment, land use, � education, recreation and issues as identified by the District 1 neighborhood. B -y Laws By-laws were ratified as amended at the November 15 comnunity meeting held at Battle Creek Junior High School . Notification was provided for in the local dailies, church bulletins and a leaflet was prepared and distributed to every resident in the District 1 area. Budget . . The attached budget request is for $4,770.00 tieginning January 1 , 1977 through June 30, 1978. This budget will assist Dis�rict 1 in carrying out citizen participation activities. �� � � ' -2- Recomnendation The Office of Cor�nunity Development is satisfied that the District 1 � Council , as proposed in the attached documents, meets the intent and , purposes of Council File No. 266179, establishing a process for citizen participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul . Therefore, we recommend that the District 1 Community Council , as proposed, be recognized as the General District Council for District 1 . WQP/klk Attachments cc: Gary Stout DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY COUNGIL NARRATIVE STATEMENT In August of 1977, a steering comnittee began meeting to discuss the . possibility of generating a broad-based district-wide organization in the District 1 comnunity: While District 1 had several comnunity organizations representin� small geographical areas, there was no organization representing the enti re cor�nuni ty. On August 30, a steering committee meeting was held at Sunray Library and sub-comnittees to develop by-laws, a budget, comnunications and a work program were established. These sub-comnittees and the steering comnittee continued to meet regularly through November of 1977. A public meeting was held at Battle Creek Junior High School on November 15 to present the by-laws to interested citizens for ratification. The by-laws were adopted that night as amended for presentation to the City Council at a public hearing to be held in December. Notification for the public meeting was implemented by a door-to-door flyer distribution throughout the district, by announcements in church bulletins and by a press release in the St. paul daily newspapers. The intent of the District 1 Comnunity Council is to provide a cTtizens' � � format for development of long-range and short-range plans, to attempt to effectively resolve issues as they arise in the neighborhood and to develop a systematic comnunication system. � The December 14 public hearing with the City Council will be publicized through a door-to-door flyer, church bulletins and the daily papers. ; 3 ARTICLE I -. NAME ` , The name of this organization shall be District I Community Council. ARTICLE II - BOUNDARIES The boundaries of .District I include Minnehaha on the north; the City limits on the. east and south; Barclay, Harding High School and Barclay again as it continues to Warner Road, including the Mississippi River, on the west. � ARTICLE III - PURPOSE � The purpose of this organization shall be: � Section 1. To develop imnediate and long-range plans which shall provide for the physical , economic and social needs of the district. Section 2. To establish a consistent means of communication so that citizens may be made aware of proposals a�ffecting the district by public agencies and officials, and may, in turn, participate in the planning prior to any action. Section 3. To have a well-informed district realistically pursuing its best interests, thereby improving the quality of life in the City and increasing the confidence in the future of the district and of the City. To this end, the organization will use various media to inform the district of issues which �may � � affect its interest. � ' Section 4. To set realistic goals for district projects and programs which may require funds from outside sources, whether public or private, and to work to unite all elements of the district in seeking to obtain such funds. . Section�5. To ,provide a forum for open discussion so that residents and business people of the district can work together toward the comnon goal of a ;: -2- . � safe, healthful and attractive district within a safe, healthful and attractive City. . � . ARTICLE IV - MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership shall be open to all residents who live within the boundaries established for District 1 , who are sixteen (16) years of age or older, regardless of race, religion, sex or national origin. Section 2. Membership shall be open to business owners, or their authorized representatives, whose businesses lie within the boundaries �of District 1 . Section 3. The District 1 Community Council shall encourage active participation by all citizens and business owners who qualify for membership. Section 4. Membership shall be open to personnel on the staff of civic organizations located within the boundaries of District 1. Section 5. Members shall have the right to appear on the agenda at regular board meetings to present pertinent items of interest in District 1 (e.g. , recommended projects for consideration, recorrmendations for change to by-laws, : etc. ) . . ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND BOARA OF DIRECTORS , Section 1. The officers of District 1 shall be: a president; a vice- president; a secretary; a treasurer. The term of office shall be two years. Section 2. Mid-term vacancy of the president position will be filled by the vice-president. Other mid-term vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors. � � Section 3. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote ; of the District 1 Board of Directors. Absence from three (3) consecutive board � meetings shall constitute grounds for removal from office of any officer or. -3- , . board member. � � Section 4. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers plus 11 persons elected at large. The term of office�shall be two years. The Board of Directors shall have power: (a) to fill vacancies in its own membership; � (b) to elect officers and fill vacancies in any office, except chairperson, occasioned by death, resignation, removal or any other cause; (c) to exercise all of the powers of this organization; (d) to appoint comnittees as necessary. Section 5. At the first annual meeting, the president, vice-president and five board members shall .be elected to 2-year terms, the secretary, , treasurer and remaining board members shall be elected to one-year terms. Thereafter, all officers and board members shall be elected to two-year terms. Elections shall be at the annual meeting. � _ No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS Section 1 . Annual Meeting. District 1 organization shall hold its annual meeting in January. The date, time and place of the meeting shall be set by the Board of Directors. The interim report of the nominees by the Search Comnittee and the date, time and place of the meeting will be well publicized throughout the district 14 days in advance. Election of officers shall be the first order of business. � Nominations shall be open from the floor. Officers elected shall •assume office at the conclusion of the meeting. Annual reports by the presideRt, secretary, treasurer, and chair- ; � -4- persons of such comnittees as the Board of Directors �may request, shall be ; . , provided. � Issues of concern to the district, proposels for projects or programs that might be under consideration, shall be presented and discussed. . All participants sha11 sign in at the meeting, and at all Town Meetings, with the �ppropriate residential or business address of each. Section 2. Town Meeting - The annual meeting of District 1 shall constitute one Town Meeting of the organization. A second Town Meeting shall be held in May at a time and place set by the Board of Directors. At the Town Meetings, the members shall be informed of problems affecting the comnunity, reports on possible action shall be made, and general discussion shall be open to members. All members shall be entitled to vote. Notice of Town Meetings shall be the same as that for the annual meeting. � Section 3. Board of Director's Meetings - The Board of Directors shall � hold regular. monthly meetin�s, as determined by the Board at the first meeting. Board members shall be notified by the secretary at least one week in advance as to time, place and agenda. , , Section 4. Special Meetings - Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the president or by a majority of the Board of Directors on matters of urgency, provided that contact .is made at least three days in.adv�nce specifying the time, place, and reason for meeting. , . Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall exist if 7 members are present. � ' Section 6. All meetings covered by these by-laws shall be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order. � � Section 7. All meetings covered by these by-laws shall be open to the public. Eligible participants from the resi�ential and the comnercial sectors -5- � of the district are encouraged to attend. ' ' i The regular meeting date shall be determined at the first meeting. , � Meetings may be changed one month in advance. . . ; . i � ARTICLE VII - COMMITTEES � � Section 1. The Board of Directors shall establish comnittees and task forces as deemed necessary for its purposes. ' ' Section 2. The chairman of each committee shall be appointed by the • � , � president with the approval of the Board o#' Directors. Any person, a member of the District 1 Corrmunity Council , may serve as a member of any comnittee. Section 3. Each committee shall consist of one member of the Board of � Directors. No more than two (2) members of the Board of Directors shall be : members of any committee. No officer of the Board of Directors may be chair- � i person of a standing or permanent committee. 1 Section 4. Committees shall have power only to issue reports to the � Board of Directors and the membership. They shall not take any action withaut ; prior approval of the Board of Directors. Committees shall provide written � reports of their progress upon�request of the president and upon discharge of the corrmi ttee. - . Section 5. All committee meetings shall be open to the public. Whenever � possible,� comnittee meetings shall be announced to the comnunity in advance of the meetings. Section 6. There shall be established a Finance Corrmittee whose existence shall be permanent in nature. The duties of this committee shall include an annual audit of the District 1 Co�nunity Council finances,. and the corrmittee . � shall insure the treasurer complies with all established regulations in the � handling of District 1 funds. -6- Section 7. At least sixty (60) days in advance of the annual meeting designated for election of officers, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Search Comnittee consisting of not less than five (5) persons, who shall be � � responsible for presenti�g a list of candidates for all of those positions on � I the Board of Directors which will expire as of the date of the annual meeting. ' To the maximum extent feasible, the names of the Search Comnittee and the names of the nominees for office shall be publicized as far in advance of the annual meeting as possible. The Search. Committee shall present a proposed list of nominees for office at the regular December Board meeting. �Any member of the Comnunity Council may submit names of candidates to the Search Committee. Section 8. There shall be established a Long-Range Planning Coirrnittee , whose duties shall include preparation of the district plan and keeping the plan current as the issues and interests of the District 1 Community Council change. � ARTICLE VIII - OFFICERS AND THEI� DUTIES Section 1. The duties of the officers of District �1 shall include the following: A. President . 1 . Preside at all meetings of District 1 . � 2. Have general responsibility for conducting the affairs of � District 1 . � 3. Have general responsibility for the implementation of all resolutions passed by the membership. 4. Shall designate committees and appoint chairpersons, with � the approval of the members of the�Board of Directors. 5. Shall have the privilege of attending all cortmittee meetings. � , -7- � y B. � Vice President ' � 1 . Shall perform the duties of the president in the . president's absence, inability or refusal to act and , � such other duties as the president shall so direct. 2. Shall assist the president in conducting the business of District 1 as requested. C. Secretary • � 1 . Shall take and keep accurate records of all proceedings ' of ineetings.of District 1 . ' . � 2. Shall keep a file of reports su�nitted by all committees � and subcommittees. � 3. Shall be responsible for proper records of all organization correspondence, letters and other comnunications with various persons, businesses and other entities. D. Treasurer � � 1 . Shall receive and secure monies obtained for conducting the� organization's business. 2. Shall disburse monies as needed at the direction of the Board of Directors. � ; ' 3. Shall� keep accurate records of the 'fiscal matters of ' District l. I . 4. Shall prepare an annual statement which will be submitted to i the organization along with the report of the Finance ; Comnittee. . ' 5. Shall present a full Treasurer's report at each Board meeting. Section 2. Staff Functions: � . . • � A. The organization may use staff furnished to District 1 by the � ' City and its agencies. 6. The staff working for District 1 shall be accountable to the i ' Board in establishing a work program and the performance thereof. C. District 1 shall utilize any other volunteer staff when available and necessary. . D. Providing �'unds are available, expenses incurred by volunteers in the performance of District 1 assignments may be reimbursed upon prior approval of the Board: ; E. In the event that funds are available and the Board finds it necessary to employ any other staff or consultants, it may, with � -8- the approval of District 1 membership; at a regular � meeting, establish procedures for hiring, performance and termination. � ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES These articles, or any that may hereafter be adopted, may be changed or amended by introduction of the amendment(s) at 'a regular Board of Director's meeting and voting on such amendment(s) at the subsequent gerieral membership � meeting. Notification of all impending changes in these articles shall be given at least 14 days in advance of the next general membership meeting. A two-thirds (2/3's) majority vote of the members present shall be necessary for passage. ; DISTRICT 1 - Recognition Process 2 flyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 , � 2 d i stri buti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 � 2 hall rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Postage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 � Mi scel l aneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 900 Operating Budget for District Council (1/1/78 throuqh. 6/30/78) Equipment (typewriter, stand, file cabinet, desk, chair) . . . . $1 ,000 Office Suppl ies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Office Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Communications: � Phone Service ($150 phone mate; $25/6 mos. ) . . . . . . . . . 300 Printing & Oelivery of Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Postage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Adverti si ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Salaries: � Clerical (40 hrs./mo. @$3.00 x 6 mos. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 � Community Organizer (10 hrs./wk. @ $5.00 x 26 wks. ). . . . . . 1 ,300 Continuing Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . 100 $�,�7� - NOTE: flne-half of an annual budget based on $7,500/annual is $3,750. This budget is well within the range considering that equipment and the phone mate are one time expenditures. ,. � Di�trict 1 Comm4�nity Council ':':ork Frogr�m Objective: District I Gener�l �'l�n I. r'orm G pl�nnin� committee to conduct the planr.ing process. by ��/7s �:. �ollect dat� B. Discus� the problems C. State the go�ls D. DrGft a preliminary pl��n E. Refine the plan lI . Obt��in L'istrict approv�-1 �nd submit the plan to the city. � by ti/7� lII. Vu'ork with city planning groups to develop the components of the general pl�n. A. Conduct all requireu community actions B. Conduct all studies necessGry . C. I.Zake all funding proposrls Continuous IV. Use and update the District I General Plan: Imple*�ent�tion by continuous Task �orces. �.. L2nd li se • B. .Environment � C. Trznsportation � U, Public Safety E. Educ�tion � �'. hecreation G. District I Information � Continu�us .' ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be District I Community Council . ARTICLE II - BOUNDARIES The boundaries of District I in�lude Minnehaha on the north; the City limits on the east and south; Barclay, Harding High School and Barclay again as it continues to Warner Road, including the Mississippi River, on the west. ARTICLE III - PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be: Section 1 . To develop immediate and long-range plans which shall provide for the physical , economic and social ne�ds of the district. Section 2. To establish a consistent means of communication so that citizens may be made aware of proposals affecting the district by public agencies and officials, and may, in turn, participate in the planning prior to any action. Section 3. To have a well-informed district realistically pursuing its best interests, thereby improving the quality of life in the City and increasing the confidence in the future of the district and of the City. To this end, the organization will use various media to inform the district of issues which may affect its interest. Section 4. To set realistic goals for district projects� and programs which may require funds from outside sources, whether public or private, and to work to unite all elements of the district in seeking to obtain such funds. Section 5. To provide a forum for open discussion so that residents and business peo�le of the district can work together toward the common goal of a .,, -2- � safe, healthful and attractive district within a safe, healthful and attractive City. ARTICLE IV - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 . Membership shall be open to all residents who live within the boundaries established for District 1 , who are sixteen (16) years of age or older, regardless of race, religion, sex or national origin. Section 2. Membership shall be open to business owners, or their authorized � representatives, whose businesses lie within the boundaries of District 1 . Section 3. The District 1 Community Council shall encourage active participation by all citizens and business owners who qualify for membership. Section 4. Membership shall be open to personnel on the staff of civic organizations located within the boundaries of District 1 . Section 5. Members shall have the right to appear on the agenda at regular board meetings to present pertinent items of interest in District 1 (e.g. , recommended projects for consideration, recommendations for change to by-laws, etc. ) ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1 . The officers of District 1 shall be: a president; a vice- president; a secretary; a treasurer. The term of office shall be two years. Section 2. Mid-term vacancy of the president position will be filled by the vice-president. Other mid-term vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Section 3. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the District 1 Board of Directors. Absence from three (3) consecutive board meetings sha11 constitute grounds for removal from office of any officer or . -3- board member. Section 4. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers plus 11 persons elected at large. The term of office shall be two years. The Board of Directors shall have power: (a) to fill vacancies in its own membership; (b) to elect officers and fill vacancies in any office, except chairperson, occasioned by death, resignation, removal or any other cause; (c) to exercise all of the powers of this organization; (d) to appoint corr�nittees as necessary. Section 5. At the first annual meeting, the president, vice-president and five board members shall be elected to 2-year terms, the secretary, treasurer and remaining board members shall be elected to one-year terms. Thereafter, all officers and board members shall be elected to two-year terms. Elections shall be at the annual meeting. No officer shal] serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS Section 1 . Annual Meeting. District 1 organization shall hold its annuai meeting in January. The date, time and place of the meeting shall be set by the Board of Directors. The interim report of the nominees by the Search Committee and the date, time and place of the meeting will be well publicized throughout the district 14 days in advance. Election of officers shall be the first order of business. Nominations shall be open from the floor. Officers elected shall assume office at the conclusion of the meeting. Annual reports by the president, secretary, treasurer, and chair- -4- � persons of such comnittees as the Board of Directors may request, shall be provided. Issues of concern to the district, proposals for projects or programs that might be under consideration, shall be presented and discussed. All participants shall sign in at the meeting, and at all Town Meetings, with the appropriate residential or business address of each. Section 2. Town Meeting - The annual meeting of District 1 shall constitute one Town Meeting of the organization. A second Town Meeting shall be held in May at a time and place set by the Board of Directors. At the Town Meetings, the members shall be informed of problems affecting the community, reports on possible action shall be made, and general discussion shall be open to members. All members shall be entitled to vote. Notice of Town Meetings shall be the same as that for the annual meeting. Section 3. Board of Director's Meetings - The Board of Directors shall hoid regular monthly meetings, as determined by the Board at the first meeting. Board members shall be notified by the secretary at least one week in advance as to time, place and agenda. Section 4. Special Meetings - Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the president or by a majority of the Board of Oirectors on matters of urgency, provided that contact is made at least three days in advance specifying the time, place, and reason for meeting. Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall exist if 7 members are present. Section 6. All meetings covered by these by-laws sha11 be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order. Section 7. All meetings covered by these by-laws shall be open to the public. Eligible participants from the residential and the comnercial sectors -5- of the district are encouraged to attend. The regular meeting date shall be determined at the first meeting. Meetings may be changed one month in advance. ARTICLE VII - COMP�ITTEES Section 1 . The Board of Directors shall establish corranittees and task forces as deemed necessary for its purposes. Section 2. The chairman of each committee shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Board of Directors. Any person, a member of the District 1 Cor�nunity Council , may serve as a member of any committee. Section 3. Each committee shall consist of one member of the Board of Directors. No more than two (2) members of the Board of Directors shall be members of any committee. No officer of the Board of Directors may be chair- person of a standing or permanent committee. Section 4. Committees shall have power only to issue reports to the Board of Directors and the membership. They shall not take any action without prior approval of the Board of Directors. Committees shall provide written reports of their progress upon request of the president and upon discharge of the co�nittee. Section 5. All co�nittee meetings shall be open to the public. Whenever possible, committee meetings shall be announced to the community in advance of the meetings. Section 6. There shall be established a Finance Corr�nittee whose existence shall be permanent in nature. The duties of this committee shall include an annual audit of the District � Community Council finances, and the committee shall insure the treasurer complies with all established regulations in the handling of District 1 funds. -6- Section 7. At least sixty (60) days in advance of the annual meeting designated for election of officers, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Search Committee consisting of not less than five (5) persons, who shall be responsible for presenting a list of candidates for all of those positions on the Board of Directors which will expire as of the date of the annual meeting. To the maximum extent feasible, the names of the Search Cor�nittee and the names of the nominees for office shall be publicized as far in advance of the annual meeting as possible. The Search Committee shall present a proposed list of nominees for office at the regular December Board meeting. Any member of the Community Council may submit names of candidates to the Search Cor�nittee. Section 8. There shall be established a Long-Range Planning Committee whose duties shall include preparation of the district plan and keeping the plan current as the issues and interests of the District 1 Community Council change. ARTICLE VIII - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1 . The duties of the officers of District 1 shall include the following: A. President 1 . Preside at all meetings of District 1 . 2. Have general responsibility for conducting' the affairs of District 1 . 3. Have general responsibility for the implementation of all resolutions passed by the membership. 4. Shall designate committees and appoint chairpersons, with the approval of the members of the Board of Directors. 5. Shall have the privilege of attending all committee meetings. . -7- B. Vice President 1 . Shall perform the duties of the president in the . president's absence, inability or refusal to act and such other duties as the president shall so direct. 2. Shall assist the president in conducting the business of District 1 as requested. C. Secretary 1 . Shall take and keep accurate records of all proceedings of ineetings of District 1 . 2. Shall keep a file of reports submitted by all committees and subcomnittees. 3. Shall be responsible for proper records of all organization correspondence, letters and other corranunications with various persons, businesses and other entities. D. Treasurer 1 . Shall receive and secure monies obtained for conducting the organization's business. 2. Shall disburse monies as needed at the direction of the Board of Directors. 3. Shall keep accurate records of the fiscal matters of District 1 . 4. Shall prepare an annual statement which will be submitted to the organization along with the report of the Finance Committee. 5. Shall present a full Treasurer's report at each Board meeting. Section 2. Staff Functions: A. The organization may use staff furnished to District 1 by the City and its agencies. B. The staff working for District 1 shall be accountable to the Board in estabiishing a work program and the performance thereof. C. District 1 shall utilize any other volunteer staff when available and necessary. D. Providing funds are available, expenses incurred by volunteers in the performance of District 1 assignments may be reimbursed upon prior approval of the Board. E. In the event that funds are available and the Board finds it necessary to employ any other staff or consultants, it may, with t � -a- � the approval of District 1 membership, at a regular meeting, establish procedures for hiring, performance and termination. ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES These articles, or any that may hereafter be adopted, may be changed or amended by introduction of the amendment(s) at 'a regular Board of Director's meeting and voting on such amendment(s) at the subsequent general membership meeting. Notification of all impending changes in these articles shall be given at least 14 days in advance of the next general membership meeting. A two-thirds (2/3's) majority vote of the members present shall be necessary for passage. ' I� X �i I -- -_._ _ ... . ._ .___ . 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