270268 WHI7E - CiTV CLERK COUflCll
BLU� - 1.Y4yOR
Co cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council is advised that many low-income persons
are unable to pay current and outstanding bills for their home
heating, and that federal assistance ma.de available was not suffic-
ient to meet the demand within the City of Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey Action Programs has advised that it has dis-
bursed all available federal funds to low-income persons in need
of f inancial assistance necessary to provide for home heating, and
that additional federal assistance has been proposed but will not
be available to this area until some time in the future; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul finds and
determines that the provision of home heating is an essential of
life in the climate prevalent in this area, and that the provision
of city-municipal funds to assist low-income persons in maintaining
their life-necessity home heating until other public or private
financial assistance can be made available is and does consti-
tute a public purpose for which public funds may be expended; and
WHEREAS, �he American Red Cross has agreed to administer the
distribution of emergency funds to needy persons according to
guidelines developed by the American Red Cross, and has requested
that the City Council appropriate funds for this purpose; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having
found that a public 3ieed and purpose exists to provide emergency
financial assistan e t_q enio-r ti r�. �$ d}'� ed ersons and
low-income persons�whd`/� �id����g�T'e'fb�o�l3.�rPpublic assistance
for the purpose of paying ba�e minimum charges to Northern States
Power Company for home heating purposes when the utility shut-off
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler �
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt �
Levine __ Against BY —
Form Approv by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
CertiEied Passed b}' Council Secretary BY `
Approved by Mayor: Date _ Appro d by Ma r for Submi to Council
By BY��
CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �"�--������
BLUE� - Mf�jOR
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 2.
is threatened, and for minor emergency furnace repairs during the
winter season, does hereby appropriate the sum of $100,000 to the
American Red Cross to be used for the purposes aforesaid subject
to the right of the City to audit the records maintained by the
American Red Cross for the expenditure of these funds and other
funds received by it for these purposes; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Ma.yor and
pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, the following
transfer of funds within the 1977 Budget is hereby approved and
From General Government Accounts -
General Contingent Reserve-
Transfer of Budget Fund 09060-536-000 $100,000
To General Government Accounts -
Civic Organization Contributions
City contribution to outside agency
09100-545-000 $100,000
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, tl�at the Maynr meke erery ei'f'ort to re�aver
theee f�nd� thraugh State ar Federal f'tuiding during thie year ednd next yee�r.
Ap ved as t nding: pproved:
irec or- i ance Department� udget 'rector
��(N I r i5�7� Ca
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na}•s !
Butler �
Hozza �� [n Favor
Levine _ � __ Against BY —
Tedesc DE� 2 2 �g77
Form Approved y City Attorney
Adopted � Council• Date —
Cer ied P� ,ed by Coun Secretari By
� ��� 2 � �9�� Approv Mayo or Sub ss ncil
Ap r ed by Mayor: a
9�gUSHED DEC 3 � �g77
GITY or SAI�v i P1�Z�7. �� ��=h' �. ";
"�:.eaam c�i��i��ic�: or Ttir.� .i.�i-��ir
December 15 , 1977
T0: Councilwoman Butler and Finance and Personnel Committee
FROM: Mayor George Latimer�-�J
Attached is a resolution which would provide emergency relief to
low-income persons during the current heating season. This was
requested by a coalition of private and public agencies in St. Paul
who are attempting to assist poor and marginal income people in meeting
the rising cost of energy needs . The availability of fuel is not
an issue this winter. Money is the issue.
During the past heating season, over $800 ,000 was needed to
supplement these people in meeting energy costs . This figure does
not include the amount expended by the Welfare Department.
In January 1978 the cost of natural gas will increase a minimum of
18% with a potential hike of 2b% due to the excess demand charge.
For those people on marginal incomes , this increment , coupled with
cold winter, could create a serious problem. People on the "plus"
side of marginal will fall to the minus side. They will cut back
on the quantity and quality of their needs in order to maintain power
with minimum payments.
The traditional resource agencies are very limited and incapable of
meeting the situation. There are no other funds available to assist
these people excluding a limited amount for eligible clients through
the Welfare Department.
Obviously The City of St . Paul cannot do this every year. A bill
which would alleviate the problem to some extent is being introduced
in the next session of the Minnesota Legislature. This bill , entitled
the Minnesota Rate Break Plan is aimed at meeting the needs of people
faced with rising utility rates . Congress has again passed a fuel
emergency bill that is awaiting approval by the President. Ramsey
County is likely to receive $750 , 000 to be distributed through Ramsey
Action Program. Unfortunately, this money will probably not be
available until April.
The American Red Cross has agreed to administer these funds with the
cooperation of the other social service agencies in St. Paul. This
decision was made for a number of reasons . They have a 24 hour telephone
service. They have a large volunteer staff to handle the calls so
that no money would go to administrative costs . Last year they
handled fuel emergencies with extraordinary thoroughness and follow-
through, even arranging budgeting counseling for the clients they
served. It is expected they will continue to do so.
The contract between the city and the American Red Cross would include
an agreement that any unused money will be returned to the city.
The contract should also establish criteria for eligibility of low-
income persons . Income levels should be set at approximately 25%
above the poverty guidelines . This money should not be used to pick
up the deficit from last year' s RAP program, but should be used only
for immediate emergencies , such as a minor furnace repair, the minimum
payment NSP will accept to keep the power on or one oil fill. Hopefully
other money will be avai�able from the state and federal governments
later in the winter.
A draft copy of the Red Cross intake form is attached.
cc: City Council Members
Albert Olson
� fiNER�Y INTAKf: id01tKSIIt:T:T
Date Time .
Family Name 1-iusband {Vife
Numner o C ildren Seniar Citizens
ddress Celerione Num er
Tyi�e Cner�;y Problem:
fuel oil gas �ronane
distribution electricity distriUution
te]enhone number account number telenhone number
account number shut off date �
. m i Vi d'1 �u rn�tre �e���S
rami2y Income Source:
Cmplo��ed Social Security
{Velfare: AFDC GA .
Emergency Assistance Date ,
Tot al. Income t4onth
Have you Usen assisted i�i meetin; energy needs rast 12 montlis? Yes No
By lVhom?
Approved Disapproved
Sign,�ture Ndorl;er
Foll aw 1Jn D�te
Appointrnent for Pud�;et Counseling
� , ,
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Permission Release:
I am authorizing t� release anprorriate inforr.►ation included
]�ner�y Co.
within my account so I may receive assistance �ritli ener�y needs.
Name Si��ature
f • , '
'��� � � ' CITY' OF SAINT P�.UL
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f ��� • OFFICF� OF THE.CITY COUI�TCIL ��YY���-ti%�
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Da t e : December 19, 1977
TO : Saint Poul City Council
F R O M � C o m m i f�e e 0 n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ,
ROSALIE BUTLER , chai�man, mctk�s i`he following
� _ re port o n - C.F. L] Ordinance
�] Resoiutio�
[� Other �
At its meeting on December 19, the Committee heard and recommended aPproval
of the following resolutions: " _ � ._
Transfer of $5,000 from Contingent Reserve-General to Auditorium � �
Theatre Study.to pr•.ovide funds for the redesign of the propos:ed
Civic Center Theatre
Transfer of $37,200 from Employee Insurance to Retiree Insurance
to cover insurance costs for retired employees which were-greater .
than anticipated -
Transfer of $100,000 from Contingent Reserve-General .to Civic .
Organization Contributions so that the American Red Cross can �
administer and distribute emergency home heating funds to needy
persons -
Transfer of $45,000 from Contingent Reserve-General to City
Planning to fund a study of alternatives to the Downtown People
Mover � � .
' -
. Transfer of $6,500 from Contingent Reserve-General to Judgmen.t &
� ' Compromise to compensate John Lewandowski , an employee of the
Department of Public Works who was injured while engaged in the
� performance of his duties to the full amount of insurance due -
- him under no fault liability �
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