270261 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ������ PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, John E. Swenson, 1871 Norfolk Ave. , was assessed $34. 10 for a delinquent refuse charge at 2322 W. 7th St. , and WHEREAS, this owner did not request nor receive city refuse collect-bon services; be it RESOLVED, That John E. Swenson be refunded $34. 10 from the Solid Waste Collection Fund. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � b • Hozza � �n Favor -� u � Levine _ Against BY ..ii�� Sylvester Tedesco j,j,��; � � ��77 Form Approved by C y A torney Adopted b uncil: Date Ce � ied Pas y Council Seccetary � BY By 4�-°�--- App ov by Mayor: t ~ ���,�; %�,� i�l 1 Appr y Mayor for Sub sion o uncil By BY PuBLISHEC DEC � 1 197? � ' 4M 01: I2/29?5 � . _ Rev. : . 9/8/76 . EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDIIvANCES , � ���::!�. � '� . � � � '� :e r, x Date: Nov�er 28, 1977 �1�.� �� - ,;!' . - M.�YOR'S OFf1�E TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER • FR: DeparEment of Pubiic Works, Accounting � RE: Refund of Assesament for Del inquent Refuse Charge ��f� • v�� 1 � 1977 `� Rutiy Hurrt ' _.���... ACTTON REQUESTED: Approve the refund of s delinquent refuse ch�rge assessed on prq5�ty tax stateme�t of an a+nar who did not request nor receive collectipn sarvices. PURPO'SE AND RATIONALE F�R THIS ACTION: � Property at 2322 W. 7th St. was assessed $34.10 as s d�linquent refuse charge. Service was requested by s �renter. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RA:ddr